May 9, 1 923 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE I SIX HILL STORES W* bily together in order that our customer, in the tiz com- munltie* may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest possible prices. With Every Department Plentifully Supplied With the Newest and Most Wanted Merchandise at F. T. Hill & Co.'s Prices, This Store Offer* a Superior Service to Spring Buyers THE RIGHT MAT FOR YOU Will Be Found In Our Display of Beautiful Millinery HATS the one dpess item of all others that can express individuality, so dear to the heart of femininity, and es- pecially at this time of the year when everything in ap- parel should he smart and new - of course we mean Hats. Gay flowers and rihhons, bright colors and soft, enhance the irregular brim ; which, by the way, plays so import- ant a part in Spring Millinery, Every hat, regardless of price, radiates with Spring and Summer effects, reveal- ing distmctiv cress and cxclusivcness. Curtains and Curtain Materials A OUplay Which Will Prove A Source of Delight and Inspiration to Thoie Planning Artistic Diaperiea. Several new pieces of window nets and draperies have bcn added to our already well-assorted stock. No rea- son why your windows should not he in style. Experts in the art of home decorations consider that the drapes arc a room's chief clement of personality. You can only make a correct selection by having a correct selection to choose from. Those shown here include both imported goods as well as domestic creations. Inspect the show- ing ; you will be pleased. Prices 25c, up to 9M.95 per yd. Reliable Hosiery For All The Family Women, who have the responsibility of supplying the hosiery needs uf the family, will find here a big assort- ment of dcpcnJublc Dualities, which make for economy, together svith a neat, trim appcar.-ince and hcauty of weave. All popular weights and weaves are available from Women's sheer silk hose to the sturdy, long wcarinc stocking for active boys and girls. Included also are Men's hose in popular weaves and weights. Rvery pair is trim-fitting anii correctly proportioned. GIRL'S SCHOOL HATS With the advent of warm \vcatherschool girls will want to lay aside their Winter and Spring tarns or other head- gear, and don something cooler as well as more of a pro- tection from the rays of the sun. We have made prov- ision for this by placing in stock this week a good as- segment of School Hats. This is a very attractive assortment and the prices arc most moderate. 81.00 to 82.50 each, ** Make Your Own Bertha Collars The hirgc Bertha Collars are very popular at the mom- ent. NVc liave just placed in stocU several pieces of lace suitable for making these. You can have a very reason- ably priced collar by buying the lace and making your own collar. 75c., 85c. and 95c. per yard. Summer Time Is Shirt Time For who _want to take his coat off and show the old winter worn shirt? Come in and see these crispy shirts for summer. A fine line to select from and very reason- ablj priced. Ranginp in price from $1 to $5. Floor Coverings House Cleaning time is here, which always brings ail adjustment of Floor Coverings, perhaps a parlor that requires a new rug, a bed room floor that requires a covering of some kind, a kitchen or dining room requires Oil Cloth or Linoleum. We have made ample provision for all these with a large stock of all kinds of Floor Coverings, Over 10(1 Hugs in 'lapcstry, Axminstcrs, Brussels, Wiltons and Velvets in various sizes at un- believable prices. Oil Cloth RUJJS at 02.95, :< 95 and 1M.95. Excellent quality Linoleum, 4 yards wide, $3.80 per running yard ; Oil Cloths of good quality aril att- ractive patterns, SOc. per square yard. We can posit- ively save you mont-y on your Floor Coverings. We are selling that High G*-ade Flour, the kind that makes good bread, "FIVE CROWNS," at a net cash price of $3.60 per bag. F.T. HILL & Co.. Limited. Markdale FLESHERTQN THEATRE THURSDAY, MAY 10th A Goldwyn Picture "Hungry Hearts" Educational Comedy "Hokus Pokus" MONDAY, MAY 14th WM. FOX PRESENTS "PERJURY" Featuring William Farnum Educational Comedy C. E. WALDEN, - - Manager The popular prices : 15 and 30 cts. For Spring House Cleaning Everyone likes a clean house at this time of the year and a small expense in Paint or Varnish makes a great improve- ment. We have a full line of Sherwin- Williams Paints and Varnishes, also Chi-Namel and Paint Brushes. Enamelware, Tinware, Scrub Brush, Galvanized Tubs, etc. Give us a call. We will satisfy you. FRANK W. DUNCAN FUherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 Ill For Two Years Dreco Helped Her London, Ont,, Woman Talks About Her Suffering and What one Battle of This Famous Remedy Did For Her A Story That Every Woman Should Read. i " l-'or two years," says Mrs. Albert Hetlicriiigton, of 504 Pa^ Mall street London, Ont., " I have taken medicines for Kidney and liver troubles, 1 was subject to constipation for 14 jcars, con stantly taking a laxative for relief. My nerves were so had that 1 couldn't stand hearing even the slightest noise. I just hail a feeling that I wanted to get away from everyone. The p;iins in my muscles were very severe and I couldn't rest at nights. My appetite was not good, liad pains across my back, over by kid- neys, and I felt tired ,\nd worn out al the time. " It ia a fact that one bottle of Drcco has bent-fitted me more than any other remedy I have ever taken. I am indeed Klad to recommend it. It just seenig that Drcco has gone to the root ot m\ troubles and now I can do some house, work, a thing that has been utterly im- possible for months. My nerves arc beginning to be steady, my bowels more regular, I feel more like eating, and the pains in my muscles and back are mud better." You women who suffer, who have " nerves," who have pains in the back and are run down, will find the same re- lief in Drcco that Mrs. Hctherington found. At Least Dreco is worth a trial. Drcco is being specially introduced in Hesherton by C. N. Richardson, and is sold by a good druggist cverywlicrc. Draco ia being specially introduced in Fleaherton by C. N. Richardson, and it aold by a good druggist every- where. Fire At Durham Durham, May :i. Four barna and two nulr in 1 1m heart of the town were burnt duwsi between 3 and 4 o'clock this afternoon in a tiie that threatened Ht mm. to wipe out two ttreeti. Two barns and a garage belonging to Smith Brothers ind the others to Robert Mndsny, Jamrx Atkinmn and William ll,:i Five nearby residence* were afire, but only one, William IMiV, a newly built house, *>i badly damaged. The tiro orinmated in Smiih's garage from Borne unknown' cause. Sports The Centre Grey Bateball League executive met in the Munshaw Houie on Monday evening for the purpose ol drafting a schedule aud pasting players. It waa decided to adopt Ihe double schedule and it has been drafted and is given below. The list of players who were passed is as follows : Vandeleur R Kn niitii, Roy Freeman, R Graham, H Gr.thaui, C Graham, S Buchanan, A Buchanan, E VYurlin);, D Graham, E Dillon, J Patterson, H MeGee, T Berry, J Allan, J Hyslnp, N Summers, R Hutchmson, A Bowles, F Davis, H Biker, O Baker, G McGee, JN Genoe, C Hutchii.son, 1 Dorinoley. Markdale C Mercer, G Dundas, D MurdcuV, 11 Buard, O Armbtrong, ,) McAuley, B ll-ui.i'.'.un, P Ki lly, J Djlaney, B Sims, F Troui'hton, K Gumming, W Graham, W Heard, M Lutlej ,hn, C King, W Hill, Futhur McGoey, 8, H Luoap 1 1 Mercer, T Tuck, G Beaton, H Bowler H Whitliy, W Dowe, H Mclnnit, M Henry, J Nodirell, A JamiuBou, P Sims T Delaney, D Luc is Smith, U Bridge W Buraside, A Brown. Fletherton L Alcux, F Thornton, C Howard, A H Hisey, C McTavUh, A Sparks, J Uow, S McLuod, J McMullen, F Beits. AC Muir, J McLnod, R Gibson, H Mountain W Turney, E Mu r, H Pedlar, G Akins W Armstrong, D McLeod, S Pedlar, T McDontld, R Hutton. Dundalk C Fair^ll, J Blackwell. II BUckwell C Thompson. M Thompson, W Cliiidqe 11 Kitaon, J Claike, C Ridley, H Coutts G Armstrong, K Montgomery, W Coutts Dr McAlittiT, G Durward, 8 Doutflas, I Montgomery, L R'>bii eon, J Colgan. W DougUi, E Cirson, D Mercer, J Smith D Rineell, Dr Marshall, W Lickhart, D McDunell. BCIandge, D Kuid-II, PJ Morgan, M 'Phillips, W Rundle. I (Jopeman, F Mclirtyre, E Wolsley, ] Acheton, N Merklmger. Schedule of Games, 1 923 1ST SECTION Fleshvrton at Markdale May 2! VafldalvOf at PMhtrionTV?. . . June 2 F esherton at Dundalk June ' Yindeleur at Maikdale June' Markdnl at 6undalk luue 14 Fleshurton n( Yamleleur. Junu It Dundalk nt Flesherton June 9 Dundu'k lU Ymideliur. June 88 MarkJalf at Fleshi-rton June 28 Dun lulk at Markdi'e July 6 Vundeleur ' Duixl.-ilk July ! Maikibk'e t Y.tnrteltur July 13 2ND SECTION Fleshorton a' Vanileleur Jy>y i] Dundalk at F^-sherton Ju'y 19 YanJileur at Markdale July 19 Mm kil ilo at Flesbencn July l>f Vaiidfli'ur at Duudalk Ju'y 2f Dtitid-tlk at Markdile Au 2 FlesVrlon H| Duirlalk Auu ! M.ik<)lo Ht Yandeleur AU-J !> Flesherton at Markdnle Auu Dun'lilkiit Yamleleur Aug Yan-idlcur at Fiesheiton Au^ 21 MiikiUlunt DuJalk Aug 23 Girls' Basketball An orKUMttni inn -in ; was held at the borne uf Mrs. (Dr ) Murray nil Mun dny oveiiiiii; fur thu purpose of formir.g i biiiikutball leun .un., ,, ; the young women of the town. Abut twcn'y live young liiriien eiunitie their intention i joining and it U expected anumbir ol tiaras will l>o formed. Practice will be held encb Monday and Kriilay evenings m tin- high school grounds win re (he equipment i^ in ru><dinet<H. Oflicora were elected and are an fullows : Prs., Uita Hell uny ; vice Pros , Mi Ho Seo.-Treas. Mrs. F. ThurMon. Nitro Culture In loohing over the records pertaining to the number of bottles of Nitro Cult- ure which arc used for the inoculation of Alfalfa ajid Clover Bceds we find that 197 bott'.ei were ordered by 140 farmers. We bclcive that the use of this material pays handsomely. Our contention is borne by the number who have ordered thin material- Osprey U. F. O. The regular meeting of the Oiprey I' F Y P U, was held in the Methodist hall Maxwell, on Fridxy, April 7t4i, 1983, The matting oponed with ooe vrrte and ohniiiH of " The Mnpl.i Leaf " After reading of miouiei some other busineM wag arranged for and ihtn paper on Evtngeline, and a Uffy pull wsi enjoyed by all. An ice cream s< cial will be held on the ih of this month, the program to con- sist of * debut*, ' KeitUed, That wealth is a greater source of unlmppincK* than poverty. " Music, etc., and overy- .Jy welcome. , Small Advertisements Duok Eggs For Sale, 95c per setting Harry Genoe, Fleiherton. Heavy bay mare rising 3 for sale James Oliver, Priceville, ring Flesherton. Chopping done on Saturday unly.- Grahsin Bros. Eugenia. Sweet clover seed for sale Wm. Car- son, Flenherton. For Sale Duck eggs, 7nc. per setting. J. F. Collinaon, Ceylon. For Sale fine team, grey and orrel W. Moore, FleHherton. For Sale- Three burner oilstove- for sale chexpat this office. For Sile Common Red Clover Seed. W. "Walker, Eugenia Phone 43 r 3. For Sale Mammoth clover and barley need, also about 300 bushels feed oats- Fred Smith, R It 2, Klesherton. Cook stove and pipes for oale, can be seen at B Walton's, Fleeherton. Ap ply to W. Pedlar. Flesherton. Twenty tons No. 1 tinv.thy hay and 100 huRhvh 21 O. A. C. barley for sale. Apply to Guy Orr, Proton Station R.R Telephone Flesherton central. Every day in every way Empire wall paper leads the way for quality, colours, and prices : Agent H. G. Carrington, Flesherton. Cattle For Pus'ure I will take in cattle fur pasture by the month during the summer. Will sell farm. S. Thomp- son, Flesherton R. R. 1. Hatching EggEFicm B. Rocks, W WyandotteN, Anccrm, and W. Leghorn ll.fiO per 15 eegs sent poet prepaid H. E Kurbt.d', Pricevtlle. Pups For Slc BreH from a pedigreed Scotch C.illie female, who is from the best stock in Cauadn. Special price for this litter only $5 each. Potatoes Wanted We are payiDg highest mtrket prices for potatoes. A. C. Muir, Ceylon, Phone 2r31. House and lot for Sale Honietnd Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown retidence at Oy!, >n, an eight roomed dwelling, good oelUr, stable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a good home for s> retired gentleman. For terms and far- ther particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy,. Flenherton. IMayft Farms For Sale On '.he Toronto Line Provincial High- way. Three farms, two of 100 acres ' and one of 50 acres all cleared. First i-li.-- buildings, up to date in every particular. Will sell any one of these. Good brick house on one of the farms. The a!abling for animals is perfect. One farm has ten acres hardwood Lush and another hundred has three acres of timber and h&s buildings for eveiything needed, ii.ciudmg poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and c'ear of weeds Any person interested should investigate -JAS. SflNSON, Proton Statiou P. O. Boar For Service Pure bred Registered Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard famous 77630- on lot 167. S. W. T. & S. R., Ar'emeaia. Terms 11.50. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. 10,4,22 T. J. STINSON BOAR for SERVICE Purebrpd Tam worth Bo'*r for service on lot 167, S W T and S E., Artemesia,. Terms 81.00. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. Fob 15 T.J.STINSON' Prop Cgws For Sale Three ucoa young cows, one of them due at once ; will .-,11 enher for cish or time Mrs. Jos Croft, Maxwell P. O. NOTICE If anybody kuows where the Township Grader is or anybody hav iig i', notify J. A. Ho^rifa, Proton Station. Phony 32 r 4. For Sal.- Urmy Farm wagun and boi, buy rtke, sut Jiesvy team harness Fred Stuart, h leiherton. Boar for Service Purebred Roistered Yorkshire Boat I for ten-ice on lot 31, 1st con. outh O.D.- R, Ariemesia. TeraiN S1.50. Sows not returued will be chared same as those in pig. J. J. MEADS, Priceville. Government Standard Seeds No. 1 Untar.o varieaattd Alfalfa f 16 50 per bn , N .,. 1 Red Clover 816 per l.u., fine Tree Timothy $5 per bu , also all other seeds for *Ie. phone 2r81 - A. C MUIR, Ceyloo. \Vhite Wynt.di .fe e({n far- hatching, brrd toluy Htiain, cockoirl from M. Y. McLitid, 81. BU per Selling of 15 eggs A. E. DulruKI, Maxwell. Farm For Sale or Rent 170 acres, ^osd building*, well watered twuaood orchards, situated on west back line, Arteinesin. Price right. Apply to the undersigned VV. L WRIGHT Apr 4 if House and Lot for Sale Cattle takt-n tn pasture for summer ! The executors of the late Isaac Pink- C.mmunicitt. wi'li Herb Corbett. crton otTcr for sale two and one quarter "a..v,.rlinio Farm" Proton Stiliuii, ncrcs (2-1-4 ) of land in the village of ^ Priceville. Frame house, frame barn, driving house, hen house etc. One and H,,u,,,|.,r Rent.-Bri house, five one half acres of good orchard. Build- good oelUr, % od stab'e, i acre c.f , ngs i,-. good condition. -Apply to J F lind for garden in Eugenia- Mr*. A Pinkcrton or Isaac A. Pinkrrton or H _- T - K ^^j Lucas & Henry, solicitdrs, Markdale. H-iu t . and Lol For Site In the village of FJcsliei ton, tight room linuse ond lloorj. nice lirjje Int. G. E. Henry, Kleshtrtoti. :iwks. Farm For Sale s 150 acros being lot 134x135 Con. 1 :NET&S R., also i ot 135 Coo I Fnrin Kor U.-ut-lOO acre* good f or . S W T & S 14. On t| lese premiss are pasture, lot 1114 east l.acU line. Apply one m. dern solid brick h.. u >o 28x33, one to Fred Brown, Kleiherton, or to Mrs. j bank burn 50!i<>2 with stabling, ona 'barn \V, J. Levtr, t'oulson House, Owen Stlx 5l> on posts, implement tiled 24x40' Soll " d - 1 . 8b " ut IScres br,-ko and in K oud' ,tate "''""" S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auctioneer' for llm county of Grey. Teims mudrrtle. 8 j. All arrangements can tin made at The Advunco i Itico or Eugenia. Yoi apply to J. \V- Davis, MurkdJe R"R 4, Phono 30rI3, or write theowner, W. M.' No. 2 Muir Ave , Toionto. For Sale 200 bushels Leader uais 1h<s only five graineu out in .Canada. Grown In. in MM im McFnyden registered seed. (1 per buphol. Apply to Colin A. Mm- 1, in, R R 3, Priceville, Out Horses For Sale Span of young mares' for sale one ctindard bred, would make handsome drivers or suitable for general r ork. Would sell together or seperattOy T. R. HcKenzie, R.U. 3, Flesherton, Phone !2-2, Dundalk. BUSDSTESSCARDS SOCIETIES OHINCE AKTHUK LODGE. No Boar For Service Purebred Yorkshire Boar on lot 2, Con. 9, Osprey, bicon type selected by the Live Stock Branch of the Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Terms 11 50 18Aplm -EDC5AR BETT3 - " DENTISTRY Auto For Sale One Maxwell touring car for sale easonable.- Apply to James Bieuiner, i)"h B / C V RRAV U ' 8.J WfeoB SS-^SS^wgSl^S 8 toaiSafvfeL, - ^ t vi!tjj(i i'i L'-"III BDJl au atefitoWr2 for toui Wee atreddene*. Toronto LEGAL ^'^^^SHW^1B& A. Offioti. Markilal* 1,00*1 fUotA PhM* . Mrancli offleci at Dundlk a House and Lots For Sale In the village of KUsherton. Lots 16, 7, 18. and lit, containing 1 acre and bout ^ tquare perch, with good 10 room >rick lu.ns', oichald, xtuble snd good prim water. Apply to Mrs. W. E. y 9 tf Richardson, KIQHT * TBLFOHD.Barr ton. BUSINESS CARDS IV M. KAITT1NU, loeuied Auctioneer fm *' the count!*! of Ury and tilmoo.. farm ami Stock talu a (peolalty. TeruTt xoduate. Utlifaotloa (liarao^cd. ArraDgir ir by adOrMln me at Fvi hru, QoK H. A. TUHNIIUUJ. fiortUie Fnoujty of of Toronto. OtHc--JKl ' artou, TelrplMiii* 35. .. M.B.. <]ut '