Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1923, p. 1

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Vol. 43 No. 5 1 Flesherton, Ontario, May 16, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors KIMBERLEY t ' < Do you suppose we are to have a sum* merlns year ? It almost looks like it . with the middle of May and IB or 18 . laches of snow. Most formers here hare seeding almost , finished. ' Arnold L%wrence and Hidden LJutch- Inion have taken vsr the ice cream ' parlor for tbe summer. Jack Orr, who has been carrying the ' mail north, from Kimberley and Heath- ' coti-. wiih Tnouipion Ferguson, has gone to Orangeville for the summer. Mr. Irwin is now able to look after ' the mail himself. Mr J-.s Stuart is improving in health The Farmers' Club met for buineia Monday night. We were tfad to aee Mr R Cartuthers aioun4 amoog us this week. Misi fisher of Flasherion visited with ' Miss Justine Ellis for a few days ID tbe ' past week. Proton Station t Service in the Presbyterian church , was conducted by Rev Jones f Price* Tilie. Mothers' Day was observed. Rev Mclutoah of Stratford Presbytery ' will occupy the pulpil next Sunday. Wm Uaztin of Owen Sound was the gueit of hid friend, Misa Mary Wyville. Mrt Wileon of Toronto visited under the parental roof. Miss Lena Park, who his b- en con- tiued to her bed fur some time, has gone to O*en Sound hoapitil t a- treatment. Mr J^:ui-.c^u visited at Conaley's. Geo Shersnn had a nuco.ssful barn , raising onu day last week. Edith ConsUy *p -ut the week end t her home here. Mr McGee visited his friend, Mies ' Edith CoosUy. ROCK MILLS Conservatives And Temper- ance From The Meaford Mirror Some time ago Premier Drurv asser- ted that the election campaign would be fought on the 0. T. A. Since then attacks by Liberal and other organi- zations on the Conservative party have been along the line that it was anti- O. T A. and anti-temperance. These attacks were based o.i Leader Ferguson's caaual remark, made in British Columbia, that he would pro- duce at the phychological moment a temperance policy that would please everybody, or something to that effect. Thciv has been no lack of Assurance froTn Conservative newspapers, in which we would like to join, that* there must be no trifling with the O. T. A. The Conservative party gave to Ontario the O. T. A-, in response to a strong demand, from t^.e voters, after the Liberal party had attempted similar legislation, and had been re- jected at the polls. Premier Hearst, in response to a pe- tition of more than half the entire number of voters in the Province, en- acted the legislation Whatever the cause of his defeat, the recent history of the Conservative party has been one of steady progress in temperance reform. It' a small portion of the party in the last Legislature happens to have been rather wet in its predilections, and decidedly wet in its publio utterances, it should not be.'wnsidered^that the Conservative party is a " %vct " party. Assuredly, the O. T. A. is not an issue in this election, and Mr. Ferg- uson is playing a dignified part when he declines to b dragged into a discussion of the O. T. A. aa an election issue; he was minister of the aabinet enacting the O. T, A., and there is no discussion as to the advisability of relaxing its restrictions in any way. SPRING TERM OPENS April 3rd, at tbe OWEN SOUND Individual instructions in all busi- ness labjeets. Catalogue free. C. A. FLEMING. F.C A , Principal since O. D. FLEMING, Secretary Kev Mr Oeborne of Orangsville occu- pied the pulpit hare oa Sunday and de^ lived u fiue sermon. Delia Fisher of Wodehouee visited at her home herd on Sunday. Mr 7. Iiaac Smith is (pending a few days with her daughter, Mrs Frank Taylor, on the 8th line. Thomas Black, wife and fumi'y, of Portlaw, were visitors at Walter Mus- sel'* on Sunday. Miss Pit ia spending a few days with friends at tbe Ciub Mouse, Eugenia. Henry Osbcrne of Owen Sound visited last week with his sister, Mra Wa'ter Russell. Mrs Frank Chard 'sp*m the past week with her daughter, Mra Geo Johnston, who haa been ill, but we are pleased to know is improving. Cacil Monsghau, wife and two Chil- dren, spent a couple of dtys last week with her parents, Mr and Mri J Per- terms. Edith Robertson of Maxwell visited with her auut, Mrs Levi Betts. Albert Wilkinson and friend visited with tbe former's sisten, Mrs E Kusioll. Fred Plewes and wife of Fleabeiton visited with the former's sister, Mrs W TPedUr CEYLON VANDELEUR R Richardson and wife of Fle*berlon visited tbe Utter's pirents receu'ly Mrs Will Hutching, n and Miss Purvia spo: i day in Offer* S)und last week. D Giaham and w:fe, also Mis Fri.k visited wr.h fiieudaat Kimberley recently. M-.--.-j Ue<t Pritchard, F, <i ind Chas i; .laud attended a i-pecUl u, > iu of the C O F of thU district; in Owen Sound on Tuesday i-f last week Mr U. -lit in in of Fleshirlon occupiKd the t ulf.it in hd church hero en Sunday afternoon. Dr Murray sisud the choir and ^avo a treli rendi-red solo. Jack Miner On Conservation "lama forest conservationist first, last a id all the time, ' said Jack Miner, the noted wild life advocate, in a recent interview. "A man couldn't run fast enough to give me a home where the trees arc already grown. 1 want to grow my own. i have studied the woods at! my life and, while 1 have rfevcr read any books on forestry, 1 have done some tall thinking and studying in the woods themselves. In the last ten years I have planted lul'y ten thousand trees on my own place at Kings\ille>, and I want to say that 1 consider it one of the most important and satisfying jobs I have ever done. The last four thousand trscs 1 got I planted in clay soil where trees wouldn't grow. This had been proved because another fellow's father and Uncle Dave had tried it and found it couldn't be done ; but my old backwoods education refused to be discouraged, 1 planted these trees in 1914 and although when planted they were no higher than ordinary tomato plants- they are now, in eighth year, twelve to sixteen feet high and the naked clay lield, as it u 1131:1 1914, now attracts the public from far and wide that I have had to fence it in, something 1 never dreamed of doing." Another case of not knowing it waa loaded occurred at Clarksburg Mondny afternoon of last week nhen John Mit- choll, the twelve year old son of -U. H. Mitchell, was accid -nUlly shot by a ntU iatha bauds of bis chum, Oscar Brown. The bullet enter. .1 Mitchell's riijhc biea&t <ad passed thinugh, leaving the body on the it<{ht side of fche back. Mudical aid was immediately (summoned and Ihe little ohap is nrkioK favorable progrei, IN MEMOR1AM In hocoreJ memory of Lt. J. O. Allison, R. A. F., who slurp? at Alton Keioptr, Mesopotamia. Winds of the night, whisper tenderly, tenderly, Where he now Bleeps. Nightingale, happy be, Flit not too silently, Sing thou a sons fur uie, Where he oow slteps. Moon of the night, guard thou faithfully, faithfully, Where he uow sleeps. In that fir land if Fears, ID that sad place of Tears, Keep watch thiuuiih all Ihe years, . Where he now sley s. J J Patterson attended the funeral of his broihermlaw, Mr Fowler, at Proton on Thursday Iwt. Mrs Watson, Dr and Mrs E C Oliver, of Toronto, visited at Wilson McMull- en's !ait week. S Hemphiil aud family visited friends at Feversham the first of the week. Mrs Archie Sinclair spent Saturdor at Owen Sound. Mra H Piper visited her mother near Markdale the first of ihe week. Mi Brown of Flesherton moved his family and household etfectu into the dwelling above Mr Elan's eture this week. Robert Ferns, who has been employed on tbe C P K at Oen Sound, spent the week end with Ins family here. Mrs KIIOK has returned from visiting friends *t Swinton Park. Mr Osborni! of McMaster university occupied the pulpit on Sabbath after- noon and preached a most edifying ser- in- N to old and younii oa Mother's Day. Mra MuWilliama and Mils Allw .VI- Mulieii reudered a very uweet duet. We hope Mr Osborne will again favor the cuD|(regat on. Next Sunday being " Go to Sunday school " day, progtMii will he Kiven, when id is expected that all tbe parents, aud boys snd girls, will be present. Mrs W K Buckley of Toronto vieiccd htr'faii.er. J J McMulleu, last week. License Inspector Beckett and Co. Constable Jones of Owen Sound were in towtkon Saturday. James Ashduwn visi'ed with Duuda'k friends Saturday. Feversham Archie Mullen and wifa of Wey- buru, Sask, are vuitiog the former's niother. Mr Mullen is an old Foversfeam boy and his many friends welcome him. Mi H W Kerrahau left on Saturday lant for St Thomas, where he has ac- cepted a posiiioa with the Municipal World. The good wuhes of his many friends go with him. The village if Feversliam and vicinity are goii.g to be favored with another- visit fi-joi Eat inn MISS Moore of Coil- ing wood at the Salvation Army hill on Sunday, May 20th, both morning and railing. Don't miss hearing the Ensign. Mr John Conron, who has been under the ore uf Dr Guy, -.a improving very lowly, Luc we hope to hear of -i speedy recovery. Toronto Line North C. G. Nomination On May 23rd Nomination D iy for the . .-litre Grey U. F. O. pi-licionl ofgan'iMtion will be in Kocltljn on Wednesday ! next we. k, May 23rd. Ir is believed that Col. Carmicoae), Minster without portfolio in ittc reoent Untario Cabinet, will again contest the ridine in the interest of the Farmers. The CoK has had it good reooid in parliament and can be comp- limented on the stand he IMS tnken at the I'.irl iment Buildings in thu pai-t, esprciilly with Hydro affairs. A num- ber of u uu * are mentioned as likely candidates, tut Col. Cirmichael will be th-' choice no doubt. Mrs W J Lever .u.. 1 . daughter Huby of Oven Saund are visiting tbe former's J i ;_:'.--r, Mrs Fred Brown Mrs J A Lever U somewhat improved af :er hiving an operation on her t" .-f in O.V.-U Suncd huipital, but the doctors there think an operation on her throat necessary bvfote ihe will be able lo come limit). Mrs Charles Stewart tpent part of the past week with O*en Sound friends. Mr Belltrby finished drilling i well for Fied Brown lust week. K ibhrt Hiohardstn, wife .ind atu, Harutd. spent the week end w:ih Van- deleur friends. John Beeeroft of <)*en Ssoui.d was a visitor at E Wickeos' during the paej week. A Centipede Calf Cemetery Plots For Sale Those who C"ntompUte purch i-inc plots in the Fivshertun cemetery should do so at on.-e at the .."> nite, as Ihe piici i f.tl'i- plots will be raised on Ihr &i9t of June. Considerable work has to b - done n the property this year in buildup i new fecc>, cletrinit the prop* erty, etc , which will entail ; r.r- an expenditure. App^y to T. Clayton, Fleaherton. illif, May" . Mr. K. belt Anderson uf Mono townbhip, Dutferin County, has a calf possessing six lejs Tbe two extra !...< are attnched to the right huxi It g. lu other w VH Ibe calf Is perfectly normal, and itaex'ra members do cot hinder it when ' Diking. It is now fix weeks old and i , '' y <iuite heal'.hy. Failed To Get Their Man On Bigamy Charge Pastor Is Unwell Owing to cou itiued i !,i, -.. i>f the pastor evening service in iho Methodist church wso witlidrnwu c n Sunday. The moruiuK eervico was ttken by a local supply. Kev. Mr. Oke is in prior heal-h aud fears are i-ntertiiimd tliaf ha will not 'i^Hin be nble to t.iL In- .IK this conference yenr. Hciadue for super- auuat'uin ud will probably apply for it at the coming conference. There is universal regret that Mr. Oke will be unvblo to c.iiitinue hij wcrk here- in 1922 there wru cut, in Caundi.in forests, 4,024, 826 cords of pulpwood. This wood, if piled four feet high and our fvob wide, would rmch in a continu- ous line ovor 6,000 miles, or the distance. from Viucouver to Halifax and out over the Atlantic to Queeostown, Ireland. Pin i-ll: rial Pallce i tttcers .(ones and Beckett f Owen S.iund .IM! tirirdincr of C i l':i jwii.i-i eiidcarured to nrret>t K i- \v-.i tiordin t 1-, v r.-l:.-i n . n Munday evening on ;\ charge of bmisi y bu~ were unsucctMaful. Gordon lit out hurriedly t'or pi>rts unkuo*ii ai about 'en o'clock at ini;ht The! young IUHII rame frc-m Thornbury about a month g<- >nd i-peucd up a shod repairing shnp it Fove.ii.liim Previuu.sly he married it mis- !' ul' uiy> whoso ir -itivoa nu h. n;'. ii the n:e-t. btlieviiig (Jordon tu hiive bt n married prev ojsly in the Settles an.i hi.s wife etill living. It is not liuotru u i -t steps will be tnken now by the police. Court of Revision Township of Ospfey The Council of theTownship of Osproy will mset as a Court of Revijion on tbe J assessment of ^3 at t bo VM^^Half, ! Miawail,. oa W-- ^*ft t >; > ' Saturdav Mi/ HfiirK 1 fktt ' ofwuroay, May ^>th, 1923 at tfie hobr of 10 o'clock a m. j At which time and place all aupea's duly I lodged will he heard and determined The assessmsnt roll can be seen at the ; office of the uuderigoed by uy person ioteretted. -U. W. KJJRNAHA.W,' OL-rk .f Muria Hanson, 108 years of ae, the oldest i-eiiidcnt of Owen >unJ, wao taken to the M ue ul Kefm: in M uk- d ile hy Aid. Thcmas Wil'oughby and T. R B.yd. Her fathar, the 1'ito Thos. Hall, died some yeuis n;o, c-Niu ing to be over 1'JO year> of ge. She resided in a huuw owuud by the ci!y, and fm been a wnrd of the city for nnny yt-are. Notice To Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Robert Oliver. late of the Township of Artem- esia in the County of Grey, Farmer de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act and amenJit outs there to that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Robert Oliver, who died on or about the sixth day ot January, A. D. 1923, are required on or befor the 2nd day of JuneA.D. 1923, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Jos. Oliver, R. R. No. 3, Priceville, Ontario, .the Administra- tor of the eststeof the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, add- resses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, the stutemynt of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND further take notice thtt after such last mentioned date the said Ad- ministmt^r will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Adminis- trator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have bcn received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated the 23rd day of April, 1923. WRIGHT. TELFORD& BURNJE, Solicitors for the administrator. ATTRACTIVE and SERVICEABLE We have just opened a new stock of Cut Glass which should appeal to the admirers of this class of goods. Clear, evenly-cut pretrj floral de- signs in Sherbet and Water Sets Also many other beautiful prices at very low prices. Watch next week's "adv." for the season's novelty. Bates Burial Co. BUBINKS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* *8 and '*f Embalm** Phone Hillcrest 261 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. ] MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. . . Manager. W, A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance I SEED CORN Now is the time to buy your seed corn. We handle Rennie's, the best on the market. We have in stock the four leading varieties : COMPTON'S EARLY WISCONSIN NO. 7 WHITE CAP IMPROVED LEAMING I W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Croceriea and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario " F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in - the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. H ;::: '* 3 :: :: < i -S m :: : * * :; REPAIRING as usual THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAF IO

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