Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1923, p. 2

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Pure Green Tea is guaranteed the finest when it bears the name N SAlADfi II R H4 Famous for its Flavor Just try a am pie. QREENMANTLE = BY JOHN BUCHAN. _ = hot or run through I can't imagine, except that the lieutenant loudly pro- claimed that he was a crazy Boer. Anyhow the upshot was that Peter was marched off to goal, and I was left in a pretty pickle. "I dont believe a word of it," I said firmly. I had most of my clothes on now and felt more courageous. "It is all a plot to get him into disgrace and draft him oft* to the front" Stumm did not storm as I expected, but smiled. ; . Woman's Sphere IN BUGLESS COMFORT. Every one who has the good fortune to own a verandah should have it screened for use in warm weather; no' U use' : to 31 U8"excepta8 a"man'witn"a| not only for the personal comfort and rifle. Cannon-fodder, nothing else. I enjoyment it gives, but as an aid In Do you imagine, you fool, that this! safeguarding the family health, for great Empire in the thick of a world- j flies and mosquitoes are a menace to war is going to trouble its head to lay ijf e . j n BO me cases, the work can be fj (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER V. (Cont'd.) hand on As I sat beside the stove I was thought my shoulder I think he was bullied by Stumm and snares for an ignorant taakliaar?" "I wash my hands of him," I said. "If what you say of his folly is true I have no part in it. But he was my companion and I wish him well. What do you propose to do with him?" i "We will keep him under our eye," he said, with a wicked twist of the mouth. "I have a notion that there is more at the back of this than ap- pears. We will investigate the ante- cedents of Herr Pienaar. And you, too, my friend. On you also we have our eye." I did the best thing I could hnve done, for what with anxiety and dis- gust I lost my temper. "Look here, sir," I cried, "I've had about enough of this. I came to Ger- many abominating the English and ., casting back to think if I had got wanted to tell me that he was my burnj to gtrike blow for you But * he had no other language than a pat on the back. you gjven me muchause to the slightest clue to my real job. There seemed to be nothing so far. ; man a P" on tnc L ? ac j-. ., ... love you. Fo"r the last two days I've Stumm had talked of a von Einem _, T u he u ?_ old .ier^was_m hjs opposition had nothing from you but 8uspicion OLUMIUI I1UU UilriCU Ul B * Vii J^iMV.ii* , , , . ., , - . . IIJ'.U HUimitU i I UUI VUU UUl- auO|J*v,iwn woman who was interested in his de- with his elbows on the mantelpiece ftn( , lnsult . b The on f y decen t man I've parunent. perhaps the same woman an hls formidable great jaw stuck m ^ . g Herr Gaudian> It . s because I a the Hilda he had mentioned the ou . . , believe that there are many in Ger- day before to the Under-Secretary. ' Listen me > . ne .. sa ' d - He . rr many like him that I'm prepared to TI,. ~~ ..,.!. ., *v,c.t svio UTOB tiaudin and 1 are inclined to make * . tv , tv< - u,, :^- ,, __j j n t \, a There was not much in that. She was go on with this business and do the A I1C1 tT V* UJ 11UL IllUlll 111 HUtt. U1M. " *^> . ,, 11, K u ' MI VT1W1 probably some minister's or ambassa- use . f . y u - You "ay b . e a charlatan begt j can But b God j wou i dn . t dor's wife who had a finger in high J wh ^^V, w L". b .. e "i W?! 1 ,! raise glides" If I could ha^e^ught & f a mess and have yourself to thank % Eord Stumm had whispered to Gau- '"J^Jf *. roguejou will minute . dian which made him start and look We little finger for your sake, at me very steadily for a That sounds like honesty " he said at last in a civil voice. "You Ulan wiiicii man'- nun auti u BIIU nnpM -i, , ,, : , .. . , n*' .*>ttiu ut MM in nvii witc. j.uu askance at me! But I had only heard wl11 3C * to thtt ^. "you are a fool, h d bctter down and t your gurgle of something like "Uhn- v . ou w ' yourself suffer for it But coffee which wasn't any German . " /. u a e a &ood man, you will have j wag sflfe for the moment but ln that I knew. I a .i, alr 1 nance ' and lf J succeed we low iritfi _ what on earth woul( , train, and what was he up to at this .. vc IQW ipita> what Qn earth woul( , half-doze " not forget it. To-morrow I go happen to poor old Peter? i wou t d me and do nothing even if I wanted, and, be- sides, my first duty was to rny mis- 8Jon 1 ^ made this very clear to word The heat put me into a - and I began dreamily to wonder what nome and y u *P come other people were doing. Where had &* y u or ? r "- Blenkiron been posting to in that ,. made shift to stand at attention an sa > ule - him at Lisbon and he had agreed, but reflec . , moment? He had been hobnobbing; kauoian spoke in a pleasant voice, a] , the same it was . with ambassadors and swells I won- as ll ? e wanted to atone for btumm s tjon H(?re was that ancient wor thv dered if he had found out anything, 'mpenousness We are men who j eft to tne tender mercies of the pe o- What was Peter doing? I fervently ' ove ?, ur Fatherland, Herr Brandt, , , e he most detested on earth . M y hoped he was behaving himself, for I . he f V 1 4 y? u re not . { fc ? at Father- 1 Qn , comfort was that they cou i dn ' t doubted if Peter had really tumbled ' nd - b . ut at least y u h . ate lts enemies do y much witn him If they sent to the dt-licacy of our job. Where T "t re , w , e a fv ^' -. ? him to the front, which was the worst was Sandy, too? As like as not buck- ea S h . ot ^ e {; llke alhes : Our vlctor y *! they could do, he would escape, for I eting In the hold of some Greek coast- ordained by God, and we are none of , , d have backed him to get through " made to show immediate financial re- turns. In one instance, enclosing a porch removed the need for three screen doors and one wfndow screen; one screen door for entering the ver- andah being all that was required. Anything that increases the comfort of a home, increases its value. Where the porch is a rear one, the housewife can clean or sort fruits and vegetables out-of-doors, in comfort and freedom from flies or mosquitoes. It can be used for ironing or other hot tasks, while the entire household will find it a delightful refuge on warm days and evenings, where they can spend their time in bugless com- fort It can be lighted at night with- out fear of attracting swarms of in- sects. Bronze or copper wire cloth is tlw best to use, as the better weather- resisting nualities of these materials make them the cheapest in the end. TO CONTROL THE WILY MOTH By a thorough airing and brushing, the moths may be removed for they seem averse to sunlight and fresh air, but it is more difficult to rid the gar- ment of the larvae. The larvae may exist at forty degrees F. but are not active. It is best if clothing can be stored at this temperature for sev- eral days and then brought out in ordi- nary room temperature for a few hours and later restored to the colder temperature. The larvae cannot stand change of temperature. Sulphur fumigation of the garment er in the Aegean. Then I thought of us O more than His instruments. ^ my battalion somewhere on the line tumm translated in a sentence, fof me either between Hulluch and La Bassee, ham- ? nd hls v . lee wa 9** solemn. He ived of jt did mering at the Boche, while I was five h , eld ,. U P "!? r 'K ht . and so dld his company had meant to me. I was hundred miles or so inside the Boche t " d ""'Jj[ k *,i * n ui ^ iJi"^,*". ^ 1 absolutely alone now, and I didn't like I seemed to have about as much j any mortal lines. It wasn't much fun Only when I was de- realize how much chance of joining Blenkiron and J frontier I or a P arson blessing his congregation. It was a comic reflection, so comic . Th ? n J realized something of the that it woke me up. After trying hi*?* ^JT"*"^ ^ pl ;T iuced , Sandy as of "flying" to the moon, vain to find a way of stoking that Rood and bad, cads and gentlemen, (To be continued.) stove, for it was a cold night, I got I'" 1 s . h . p Oould 1 P ut a blt of the fanatic up and walked about the room. There mto thcm alL were portraits of two decent old fel- lows, probably Oaudian's parents. CHAPTER VI. There were enlarged photographs, too, of engineering works, and a good picture of Bismarck, stove there was a mounted on rollers. THE INDISCRET And close to the: IONS OF THE SAME. case of maps' * wns standing stark naked noxt morning in that icy bedroom, trying ignored. Sunlight. Th value of sunlight as a giver and preserver of health* has long been known, but the exigencies of city life frequently cause It to be forgotten or Many Greek and Roman h!s- I pulled out one at random. It wns'^ bathe in about a quart of water, torlans and medical writers toll of the i geological map of Germany, and when Stumm entered. He strode up beneficial action of the sun's rays, and rith some trouble I found out where; 10 me a i 1{1 stared me in the face. I Wl , know that nun parlors were corn- a I WUF. I was an enormous distance was nalf (l hea<l shorter than him to mon fn the houses of the rich In an from my sronl, and moreover I was begin with and a man does not feel |eut u Moreover, there are num- clean off the road to the East. To K o *" s stoutest when he hus no clothes, I nrnverblal expressions that there I must first go to Bavaria and so ho hud the pull on me every way. " pro then into Austria. I noticed the hu y e reason to believe that y> Danube flowing eastwards and rem- are a llHr - ne Jfowletl. embered that that wan one way to ' P ullt><1 the bed-cover round me you expressions that re- veiil the popular belief in the efficacy of sunlight In preventing or curing dis- ease. Such IB the tmying, "Whore sun- i > , 1 Constantinople. I for ' was shivering with cold, and; light enters not there the physician Then I tried another map. This the German idea of a towel is a | goes." one covered a bij? area, all Europe pocket-handkerchief. 1 own I was in from the Rhine and as far east as a pretty blue funk. Pernia. I guessed that it was meant to show the Bagdad railway and the tha * swl " e v ?5*Si v T through routes from Germany to j With jny best effort a * ^'-Imes.s I Mesopotamia. There were markings ; abkc<1 what we nud done. on it; and, as I looked closer, I Hnr "Y" ">. ^ a "c you said you In the crowded cities tho necessity of housing many people In contracted ---- ui--o >u j ,,,. ... --------- A liar! he repeated. You and: quarters haB shut out the sunlight. t"oKh modern sanitary science is now f f ne.ss quarters, however, the evil Is con- , , that there were dates scribbled in blue kn ' w " German. Apparently your, stantly growing, and In many offices it pencil, as if to denote the stages of friend knows enough to talk treason " blasphemy." This gave me hack some heart. "I told you I know a dozen words. a journey. The dates began in Eur- ope, and continued right on into Asia Minor and then south to Syria. For a moment my heart jumped, for I thought I hud fallen by accident - - - on the clue I wanted. But I never ,tion." Fervently I blessed my got that map examined. I heard foot- , for that casual remark. Is Impossible (o work at all without artificial light. Infaivts especially need sunlight; the pity Is that they are generally wheeled But I told you Peter could talk a bit. > nb , , , b carr1llges wlth on , y the I told you that yesterday at the ta-: fn ,,., nvn ,, to ,, , 53, ., , ; ,, , luck 1 face exposed, so that when the sun does touch them It shines directly Into ih7corridor, and veVygenUy 1 He evidently remembered, for his their eye., and does them harm rather I let the map roll up and turned tone became a trifle more civil. "'an good. Tholr little bodies should way. When the door opened I was] "Vou are a precious pair. If one be systematically exposed to tho sun bonding over the stove trying to get of you in a scoundrel, why not the every day tliot It shines. The baby u liuht for my pipe. [other?" I should be taken to an open window It was Gaudian, to bid me join him I "I ta kc no responsibility for Peter," j sunlight coming through a closed wln- und Stumm In his study. |I said. I f pit like a cad in saying it, dow , O9cg much of lts efficacy, since our way there he put a kindly Lifebuoy may be safe- ly used on the tender- et skin. It Is wonderfully cleansing (or little hands, faces and lx>d- Ivs. MUi A-ir. tra (... ** " years as a great hunter and a brave man. the English. But more I cannot tellj you. You have to judge him for yourKlf. What has he done?" I was told, for Stumm had got it If at all through glass, and then the I know he fought well against 1 Ie B" all(1 arraa ' otle at a llm . tn che8t English. But more I cannot tell! antl the abdomen and finally the back should be bared and exposed to the direct rays of the sun for three or four minutes each. Except at first In very that morning on the telephone. While co i,i WC a!her the exposure can be made telling it he was kind enough to allow w iti,out danger and to the great bene- p. to put on my trousers. It was just the sort of thing I miifht have foreseen. Peter, left alone, had become first bored and then reckless. He had persuaded the lieutenant to take him out to supper at a big Berlin restaurant There, inapired by the lights and music- novel things for a backveld hunter and no doubt bored stitr by his com- pany, he had proceeded to gut drunk. That had happened in my experience ni of the 1 A Cool-Headed Little Girl. The coolest act I ever saw, says Mr llexx Stunrt, a railway engineer, in the Amerlcun Magazine, was some months ago on the run between New York and Albany. We were a little late and were traveling fast when 1 saw two little girls on the (rack straight ahead WINS 52-MILE PRAM RACE. Five mothers pushed their perambu- lators, complete with babies, from Big Ben, London, to Brighton, a distance of fifty-two miles, recently, in re- sponse to a challenge by one of the mothers. Mrs. Groom, of Eastbourne, the winner, seen in the picture, finish- ed in 12 hours and twenty minutes. at the same time appeal to their indi- vidual appetites, in such a manner that the right amount of nourishment is suitable for each individual. Sim- After EVERY Meal give your diges- tion a 1dek" with WRIGLEYS. Sound teeth, a good appetite and proper digestion mean MUCH to your healtn. WRIGLEY'S In a helper In all thl> work a pleasant. beneUelal pi ck- me-ap. D39 Puzzling the Postman. Postal officials in India ara fr i quently puzzled by the strange raeth- ' ods of addressing letters adopted by natives. The following must have given th postman a considerable amount of trouble, especially as it was written IB an almost unreadable hand: "To th one Inseparable from my heart, the fortunate Babu Slbntth Chose, having the same heart as mine. From post-office Hasnabad to the Til- lage of Ramnathpur, to reach the plicity, economy and wholesoraeness | house o f the fortunate Babu Pravanath should be the keynote upon which the housewife balances her menu, com- bining the requirements of the indi- vidual in such a manner that the same foods will suit the entire family.! Under the old scheme of living it was thought that the choicest cuts of meats, the daintiest dishes, should go to the head of the house; and the chil- dren should be served the less rich foods. To-day the mother knows that must be done with care, as the fumes j dad is better off with less meats, more vegetables and simple dessert, and will exterminate the moths but it must be done with care, as the fumes may become too strong and rot the fur. After the moths and larvae are re- moved, the coat may be packed in a moth-proof chest with moth balls or other moth preventatives, or sealed in a paper sack or box. that the growing lad and lassie may have juicy steaks and chops and rich desserts and will not suffer digestive disturbances. THREE EXCELLENT SHERBETS. The following are three recipes with the fruits which one usually has at hand In the spring: Currant Sherbet One pint of red A UNIQUE CONTEST. Five sturdy mothers pushing per- ambulators, each freighted with a pro-j currant juice, one pound of sugar, the testing baby, crossed Westminster- j u i ce O f three lemons, one pint of boil- Bridge as Big Ben chimed 5.15 o'clock mgr wa ter. Dissolve sugar in boiling one April morning in a race toj wa t er ; when cold add current juice Brighton. , B nd freeze. Makes three pints. The contest was the outjjrowth of a I Orange Sherbet One scant pint of controversy between the mothers of , eo ld water, one tablespoonful gelatine, the North and South of England as one C up sugar, six oranges or one pintj ' to which section had the hardiest and (O r orange juice, half cup of boiling speediest baby carriage chauffeurs, water. Soak gelatine for ten minutes The contestants were cheered by a j n a half cup of cold water; put sugar crowd around the Parliament build- j and remainder of cold water into pit- ings as they got away on their long cher, also the orange juice; if the Qbose, district Twenty-four Pergmsuuk Don't deliver this letter to any pnou other than the addressee, Mr. Post- man. Tils is my request to you." Crochet and Fancy Needle- Workers Wanted We sell your goods on consignment; out-of-town, lend stamp for reply. Lin- gerie and Specialty Shop, 120 Danlorth Avenue. Toronto. EDDYS MATCHES -always satisfy the housewife BVHtTWMnS IN CANADA ASK FOB THCM BY N AliS trek. Officials of the Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children entered oranges are very sour add more sugar. Dissolve the gelatine in the boiling water and add to the mixture. Strain a protest against the affair, declaring! into the can and freeze. the proceeding harmful to the chil-. Pineapple Sherbet Three lemons, drcn and asserting that if the little one can of pineapple, three cups sugar, ones suffered the mothers would be prosecuted. "My baby is in the best of health and temper, and I have a botle of tea at his feet to keep them warm," one of the entrants responded. Three of the babies were under a year old. It quickly became apparent that shoe leather and stamina wero not the two quarts of water, whites of three eggs. Whip the whites until stiff and add to the mixture after it is frozen; turn awhile to thoroughly mix it. Minard's Liniment for Cough* A Cold* suck! Radio Feats. Since London has bran "listening In" to American radio concerts other I only factors in the race. Mrs. Ada i instances of receiving from distant May Edwards, of Manchester, mother of a flve-months-old baby, wheeling a light folding "pram," took the lead at points are becoming known. Three stations In the Hawaiian iKlamls ran j hear music and speech broadcast from ! the start over the four heavier baby Troy, New York, a distance of fifty- carriages, but soon lost her advantage, five hundred miles. The station at when she had to halt because her off- Troy carried on a conversation with j spring loudly noised its demand fori Calgary, Alberta, for more than sixty nourishment. It was a quick lunch. [ minutes. Those two stations are u ! Mrs. Edwards shoved the infant back i little less than two thousand miles! into the "pram" after such a short) apart, but the difficulties of conversa- ' Ho wonder Smarik Mower* an o popular! They cut so easily and wtih such litile'paah". NutwfoJontf Worlunonaliip Cow \>f*k4 AT [VERY HARDWARE STORC _ SMARTS MOWERS JAMES SMART PLANT. BROCKVKltONB ing. with Peter about once in every three A freight was coming north, on the op years, and it always happened for tho Pslte track. One of the glrla saw tho name reason. Peter, bored and soli- danger and jumped clear. Tho other tnry in H town, went on the spree. He was caught. had a head like a rock, but he got to There le only six feet between the tho required condition by wild mix- mll8 of tne two truckgi nml Bhe was Ho was quite a gentleman in trapped , n thero &[fl tm . net , 6ldew , 80i Hi. 'ii put her hands straight down at her sides, shut her eyes and stood per- fectly still. I looked back after we hit the curve, and she was still stand- Ing thre as Miff as a poker, waiting for the trains to pass. Of course, It would have been better If she had dropped flat on tho ground, but she scarcely bad time to do that. It was a very cool-headed dood as It was. cups, and not in the least violent, hut he was apt to be very free with his tongue. And that wns what oc- curred at the Franciscans. Hi- had begun by pcror, it seemed. Ho (Drafting the Em- drank his health, but said he reminded him of a wart- hog, and thereby scarified the lieuten- ant's soul. Then an officer Rome tre- mendous swell at an adjoining table had objected to his talking so loud, nnd Peter had replied insolently In respectable German. After that things became mixed. There was some kind of a fight, during which Petor calumniated th German army and Now is now-here, but to-morrow's no-whr. interval that only one competitor pass- ed her. Mrs. Lily Groom, of East Bourne, reached Red Hill, twenty miles from Westminster, at 9.37 and Mrs. Ed- wards at 9.45. The others were trail- ing. The pace for the first four hours was so hot that several men accom- panying the marching mothers were fatigued on their arrival at Red Hill, but the merry matrons were still going strong. The winner received a silver "shov- ing" cup and about enough money to buy a new pair of shoes. SPRING DIET. "April tears bring May flowers," said old Granny Perkins, sitting by her log fire, "nnd 'tia time to tako sasperilla and sasfrass tonic. I do wish old Abe, tho yarb man, would stroll by, I want to buy me some yarbs."' The old-time housewife be- lieved in liberal doses of spring tonica, nnd plenty of hard work, to throw olT the 'usual spring languors, or fever, as it was called. The modern wideawake twentieth century woman is efficient in her houshold, and knowing that a liberal serving of green foods is very neces- sary in the late winter and early spring, has changed customs so that i it is no longer necessary to dose tho family with hitfer-tnstinp, nausratins; drugs, to thin down tho bloodstream. It is not always an onsy nnttrr to think up a seasonable moru ml th'3'i determine the rinht coni I ii>"ii.i:vi th't tlon over land are such that the feat I ts not at all common and probably will not be usual for some time to cnuie. Local Agents Wanted To sell and demonstrate the World's most efficient Snell Supersensltlve Concert Radiophone Receiver, to Farmers, Townsmen, etc. Apply to SPARKS RADIO COMPANY 34 Yonge St. Arcade Toronto INVINCIBLE IS Our Free Booklet of Engravings your* for the tsklni. It partKHiUri of bow yew The Flneit Instrument Th World Produoct AT - FACTORY - PRICE Cath or CrcUlt. 10 (Uy* fr-c trUl la your i n n home. I mpcrt ftl Phonograph Corp. Ocpt. K.. Owen Suuud. Out. r i ii.iM.nl 25 .-*! are Olives of Quality Shoe Polishes i niuisiiiici i <TI t-uc<\iviiiiDiitiiiiiirii([ii . , , , i * fit i all its female ancestry. How ho wasn't Minard's Liniment for Corns and WarU will appease the family hunger ami Packed in a man- ner which Insures their keeping in fresh condition. Remove capping from cork by dip- ping in hot water. Every single olive inspected for giz and quality before it goes into the "INVINCIBLE* bottle. Pteln and Btntfrf. AtallGroetrt Insist OH McLA REN'S INVINCIBLE MeLARKNB M MIT ED Hmittcn & Winnip IS3UK No. 19 '23.

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