Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1923, p. 8

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May 16, 1923 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE .< Wonderful Results From Two Weeks* Treatment Mr. Bumll Suffered Unt.W Agony Prom Sciatic*, Rheumatism and Lumtwgo Dreco, th Only Rem*dy That Helped Him Rapidly Regain* inf Normal Activity. Tortured cruelly by sciatica, rheu- matism and lumbago, Mr. F. Burrell, of 609 Ottawa Avenue, London, like many another workingman, was forced to hide his sufferings and carry on with his daily toil. He had a family to support. Little did anyone, except his wife, realize the effort it waa costing him as he left hia home each morning with'only grim, determination between him and :i breakdown. A_year and four months he carried on, without a change, though medicine after medicine was tried Then Mrs. Burrell heard of Dreco. Let her tell you of the wonderful results it achieved in two short weeks. " My husband sulTcred lor the past year and four months with sciatica, lum- bago and rheumatism. He haJ tcnible pains across the back, just over the kidneys, so that at times hccoulJ hardly get around. He was constantly taking laxatives, his appetite was miserable and very seldom did he get restful night. Nothing helped him until two sgo I hetrd of Ureeo .d per- udf J him to try it. Now he is like new man. The pains in hie back and imbt are almost gone, his bowela are .ike dock work, and he sleeps like a tired ' Tbe tnow bll " ard of Wednesday eve- child, No other remedy hu ever on **>* wa8 enou S h to destroy the to the bottom of his troubles lik* Draco. ceofany entertainment, but not It has worked wonders nd gladly Jo we! sowlth ^ Nickawa concert m the praise it " Methodist churth, when a splendid j audience was present. Hadthe weather Men and women of all ages and con- ,(, goo d t h e church would not have ditiona oan onoe again know the joy of hejd ajl thoge who wanted to hear this a springy, pain-free, healthy body by talented young woman. Without cxag- allowing Dreco the natural herb and Lotion, Flesherton has never heard root remedy, to tone and regulate th anybody that could quite equal her in whole system. Its gentle action gives 'expression. Her subjects were such as immediate relief to the most obstinate have been heard by most of us before, cases of stomahe. liver, kidney and intestinal disorder. but in her hands they put on new meaning, a new spirit that made one Dreco is being specially introduced Bonder that they never before recog- in Flesherton by C. N. Richardson,, niied the beauties of the pieces she gave. .nd i. .old by . good druggi.t e.ery- Mailing List Corrected a general nature, with extracts from Drummond, including" Little Batcese," and others, also a patriotic piece, " Can- adian Buys. ' Our mihng list has been corrected' nd includes all necessary changes re> ceivod up until Saturday noon last. We would like if everybody would Uko a glance at their label nod if Ilia due is wroiig let us know ; if it in correct and In arrears let UH again know and ut the game time send along enough money to ; u in advance. If the label it wfong it if* easier to correct at once than if let run for some time. Er~ For Spring House Cleaning Everyone likes a clean house at this time of the year and a small expense in Paint or Varnish makes a great improve- ment. We have a full line of Sherwin- Williams Paints and Varnishes, also Chi-Namel and Paint Brushes. Enamelware, Tinware, Scrub Brush, Galvanized Tubs, etc. Give us a call. We will satisfy you. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton . - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 In the second half of her program Miss Nickawa appeared in a native costume made of doeskin, beaded, fring- ed and worked in silk. In this dress she looked the ideal Indian princess, and made a charming picture, And then she gave us "The wooing of Hiawatha,' 1 Longfellow's clasBic.and her depiction of the Indian lover and Minnehaha, the arrow maker's daughter, was a marvel- lously fine piece of jwork, as also was the selections from Pauline Johnston, of which she gave three, including "The Song my paddle sings." The program was interspersed with some really exellent numbcis by local 'talent. . There was not a person present who [do not hope to again hear Miss Nickawa some day-but it will probably be a long time before they Jo, because next year she expects to go to Australia end to re- main in the antipodes for three years. i Misa Nickawa is a wonderful artist and a great credit to the ludy-MJHs Hiley who adopted her when only two years old, and who lias ; .en her a splendid education and developed in her a degree of art such as few can attain. The young lady is a charming conver- sationalist, free and friendly, accom- plished in all of woman's ways, and a personage that it is pleasant to meet in a social way. She is accompanied on her tour by her "auntie," the lady who adopted her. The ladies will he interested to know that the native costume worn was largely m:ulc by Misses Nickawa and Uilcy themselves and i, vaku-il at$25U. I SIX HILL STORES W* buy together in order lhl our cuitomert in the six com- munitie* mjr materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO.. Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associate* with high quality tnerchandiie at the fairest potiiblrt price*. With Every Department Plentifully Supplied With the Newest and Most Wanted Merchandise at F. T. Hill & Co.'s Prices, This Store Offers a Superior Service to Spring Buyer.s RIGHT MAT FOR YOU Will Be Found In Our Display of Beautiful Millinery HATS the one dress itcmof all ikhcrs that can express individuality, so dear to the hcarpof femininity, ami es- pecially at this time of the year when everything in ap- parcl should be smart und new - of course we mean Hats. Gay flowers and ribbons, bright colors and (wft, enhance the irregular hrim ; which, by the way, plays so import- ant a part in Spring Millinery, l : vcty hat, ii'ardless of price, radiates with SprmKunJ Summer effects, reveal- ing distinctiveness and cxclusivencss. Curtains and Curtain Materials A Uioplny Which Will Prove A Source of Delight ami Inipiration to Thoie Planning Artiatic Draperies. Several new pieces of window nets and draperies have been added to our already well-assorted stock. No rea- son why your windows should not be in style. Experts in the art of home decorations consider that the drapes are a room's chief clement of personality. Vou can only make B correct selection by having a correct selection to choose from. Those shown here include both imported goods as well as domestic creation!). Inspect the show- ing ; you will be pleased. Prices 25c, up to J3.95 per yd. Reliable Hosiery For All The Family Women, who have the responsibility of supplying the hosiery needs of the family, will lind here a hig assort- ment of dependable qualities, which make for economy, together with a neat, trim appearance and beauty of weave. All popular weights and weaves are available from Women'* sheer silk hose to the sturdy, long wearing Stocking for active hoys and girls. Included also are Men's hose in popular weaves and weights. Every p.tir is trim-fitting and correctly proportioned. GIRL'S SCHOOL MATS With the advent of warm weather school jjirls will want to lay aside their Winter and Sprinjj tains or other head- gear, and don something cooler as well aa more of a pro- tection from the rays of the sun. \\V h-jvc made prov- ision for this hy placing in stock this week a Rood as- sortment of School Huts. This is a very attractive assortment and the prices are most moderate. $1.00 to 2. SO each. Make Your O wn Bertha Collars The large Bertha Collars arc very popular at the mom- ent. \Vc have just placed in stock several pieces of lace suitable for making these. You can have a very reason ably priced collar hy buying the lace uiul rfiakinri your own collar. 75c.,85c. and 95c. per yard. Summer Time Is Shirt Time I'or who want", to take his co;it off and show the oM winter worn shirt? Come in and see these crispy shirts for summer. A line line to select from and very reason- ably priced. 1; .-i) ii.;' in price 1 1 .'in $1 to $5. Floor Coverings House Cleaning tune is here, which always brings an adjustment of Floor Coverings, perhaps a parlor that requires a new rug, a bed room Moor that requires a covering of some Km, I, a kitchen or dining room requires Oil Cloth or Linoleum. \Vehavc made ample provision for all these with a large stock of all kinds of Floor Coverings, Over 100 Rugs in 'lapeitry, Axminstcrs, Brussels, Wiltons and Velvets in various sizes at un- believable prices, Oil Cloth Rugs at 92.95, |3 95 gnd 4.95. Excellent quality Linoleum, 4 yards wide, $.1.80 per running yard i Oil Cloths of good quality anil att- ractive patterns, SOc. per square yard. We can posit- ively save you money on your Floor Coverings. We are Belling that High Grade Flour, the kind that makes good bread, "FIVE CROWNS," at a net cash price of $3.60 per bag. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale "FEEllNG'^FflR LHYERS This Method Is About as Certain as the Trap Nest. K\perinientf) With tttpoiu Fedtag Coeu Excellent Flesh Produced Without Confinement Handling Baby Chicks. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Th writer carried on a series of experiments with poultry when con- nected with the Agricultural Experi- ment Station for Vancou-ver Island, Sidney, B.C., and presents the follow- ing notes as among those worthy of consideration: DETERMINATION OF EGO-LAYING A test was made of the feeling method, to determine its accuracy. Thirty hens that were under trapneat record were subjected to the feeling process for elyht days: January 17 to 24. The results of "feeling" were checked up aud tallied perfectly with the "trapnestlne," indicating that it U quite possible for any careful per- son to determine which hens are lay- ing by feeling the bird for th,e presence of the egg in the oviduct, in the early morning before she leaves the perch. The method also has aii advantage in that It elimin- ates the necessary confinement of the birds In a "trapnest" for a period which is frequently longer than Is actually required to produce an egg. Tbe great Uiadvantage of tbe feeling method Is that it ia Imprac- ticable for pedigree breeding. Inas- much that the eggs from individual birds ciiuuot be recorded. CAPONS. Thirty cockerels were operated on when twelve weeks old. These birds were a thrifty and well-grown lot, overaglng 2 \b pounds in weight. After caponUiiig, they were kept un- der tbe aarae conditions as the cock- erels. The feed cost for a pound In- crease lu weight was slightly less for the cockerels up to six months of age. At this time the cockerels and capons weighed the same. These birds were killed for Christmas trade when 264 days old, and weighed, plucked, 8 pounds 2 ounces. The percentage of offal waa low, being but 18 per cent, of tho total weight. The birds were not crate fed, hut were flnluhed on a liberal milk ration. The quality of the flesh was excellent, and tbe wholesale price received was 30 cents per pound. The adrantagcs of caponlzlng are that an ucellcut qual- ity of flesh can be produced without confining the birds in small feeding cratea and tbe tender flesh can be retained to n greater age and weight. The cockerels made Just as good gains, and when milk fed In crates for two weeks, produced the same high grade of flesh. Following it, the feed cost of an eight-pound two-ounce capon: Peed cost to rear t<> end of third month .. ,tt. l'\ ' a cost to i'.-.ir Ourlntc fourth month 16.2 feed cost lo rear during i!fih month 13.17 Feed cost to i during alxlh mouth 21.2 Fued cost to rear during sev- enth month 21.3 Feed Cuat to rear during vlchih month 23.4 Feed cost to rt'Rt during l>u- vunibvr, 2V dnys 14.4 Total ft- ed rubt SI. 31 K, 'flu-si' UirdB were sold for $2.43 oiicli wholesale, leaving $1.11^4 I'er bird. From tins we can deduct 20 iMiui, the prlci' [mid for the bird as ii d.-y-ohl chick, and ha/ve 91V* ceutu per bird for lubor and uueltbr. HANDLING BABY CHICKS. In another fxporlrueiit a thousand ono-day-old chicks were procured fruia two reliable local breeders. The lim Uay they remained ia tin- incu- bator, and ou tut- necoud day they were transferred to the brooder, but wore toot fed until forty-fight hours old. The following hints on general treatment are given: Do not chill or overheat the chlc- kciis, or disastrous results will fol- low. If they paut they are too hot, and if they huddle together they are uot warm enough. Do not overteed during the first week. Change the water daily and see that it ;:. perfectly clean. t!lv& plenty of green food. Feed sour skim uillk whenever possible. Do not forget to Bupply charcoal, grit, and shell. ,, Make till chuugo of food and feed- lug gradually. Clean and disinfect brooder often. Do not use damp, mouldy feed or traw. Never allow chicks to crowd lu brooders or ffolony houses. Place clilcka on the range in colony houses, after the eighth week. Do not let the cockerels ami pulletl run together ou the range. -L. . Sec., >pt. of Agriculture. A farm needs a windbreak lu autu- mn aa much as In winter. Did yci ever notice the difference In the gar den and fruit plautatlon on two farms, one sheltered from the hot gouthwest wind and the other, ex- posed to It? The windbreak pays In dollars and cents. When a new house Is built among trees, none should be cut except thoa where the house actually stands. At- ter the home Is occupied, one can tell better which treed to retain for shade where It is most needed. When our great - grandmothers were cirls, tomatoes were called "love apples," and one or two plants were grown in the garden or flower beds on account of their bright red fruit*. No one thought of eating them, for they were considered pois- onous. When after a time It yrai found that they were not poteono-tti, people began to eat them and thej noon became one of the standard (artieu vegetables. Small Advertisements Duck Eggg For Bale, 96c per setting- Harry Qenoe, Fletherton. Heavy bay mare rising 9 for sale James Oliver, PriceTille,rinK Vleaherton. Potatoes Wanted We are paying highest market prices for potatoes. A, C. Muir, Ceylon, Phone 2r31. Chopping done on Saturday only. Graham Bros. Bu&enla. Sweet clover seed for dale Wm. Car. son, Flecherfon. Potatoes Wanted Highest anarket prlec pmld W. C. White, Ceylon. for Sale Dack wgs, 75c. per setting. J. F. Collinson. OVylon. For Sale fine team, grey and sorrel F. Moore, Flesherton. For Sale Three burner oilntove for sale cheap at this office. Cook stove and pipes for sale, can be lecn at B Welton's, Fleiherton. Ap- ply to W. Pedlar, Flesherton. Dog Found Sood Scotch Collie dog fonnd on Sunday. May ID Apply at The Advance office For Sale 5 settings Barred Rock e", laying strain all for 1 60 0. O'Strander H. R. 1 Proton Station. Kvery day in every way Empire wall paper leadt the way for quality, colours, and prices : Agent H. O. Carrington, Flesherton. Cattle For Pasture I will take in Utle for pasture by the month during the summer. Will tell farm. S.Thomp- son, Fleeherton R. R. 1. Hatching Esge Fr< an B. Rocks. W Wyandottec, Anc<oss, and W. Leghorn $1.60 per 15 eggs sent post prepaid H. E. Ksrsfcfdt, PricevilJe. Pups For Sale Bred from a pedigreed Scotch Collie female, who is from the best stock in Cacsda. Special price for this litter only f 6 each. For Sale Eggs for hatching from Guilds bred-to-lsy, strain of Birred Plymouth Rocks $1.50 for setting of 15 esRs. A E Haw. Ceylon. House and lot for Sale Honae and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Asbdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a good home for a> retired gentleman. For terms and far- ther particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Fleaherton. t May ft Farms For Sale On the Toronto Line Provincial High" ay. Three farms, two of 100 acres and one of 50 acres all cleared. First class buildings, up to date in every particular. Will sell any ona of these. Good brtck house on one of the farms. The stabling for animals is perfect. One farm has ten acres hardwood bush and another hundred has three acres of timber and has buildings for everything needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds Any person interested should investigate -JAS. SriNSON, Proton Station P. O. Boar For Service Pure bred Kegisterea Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard i>amous TfMO- on lut 167, S. W. T. & S. R. , Arreroesia. Terms fl.60. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. iO,4,2i2 T. J. STINSON. BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tamworth Bo*r for seryioe on lot 167, S W T and S E., Artemeflia,. Terms $1.60. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. FeblS T.J. STINSON' Prop Cows Fur Sale Three ijcoa young oows, one of them dun at once ; will sell either for csh or time. Mis. Jcs Croft, Maxwell P. O. NOTICE If. anybody knows where tho Township Grader is or anyboiy hav- ing i', notify J. A. Hoganh, Proton Station. Phone 32 r 4. For Sale H.'Hiy Farm wagon and bos, liny rake, set heavy team harness Kied Stuart, Heshecton,. White Wyar.ddte eggs for hatching, bred to hiy HI tain, cock en 1 from M. Y. McL'od, 1,60 pet selling of 15 eggs A E. DutbVId, Maxwell. Boar for Service Purebred Registered Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 31, lt con. touth O.D. R, Artemesia. Terms fl. 50. Sows not returned will bo charged same as those in pig. J. J. HEAPS, Pticeville. Government Standard Seed* No. 1 Ontario varieaatcd Alfalfa 115.50 per bn., No. 1 Red Clover S16 per bu., Pine Tree Timothy 85 per bu., slo all other seeds for si!,' phone --'rUl -A. C MUIR, Ceylon. Cittli- lukrii to pasture for summer C 'tumuniiMte with Herb Oorbett. " Clnvrrbran Farm " Proton Station, Oat. H. i: : fur Kent. Brico house, five r omc, goinl cellar, good stab'e, i acre of Und for gurdeu in Eugenia Mi- A Hoy, Calves .\\Vaiitid Two younu calves wanted t ouco Js. Stewart, Fleshes ton II , u . , ,i Lot, For S*le In the village .if K. CM i it. .11, eight room house lunlw .' il door", uice Kre lit. G. E. Henry, Kiethcfron. 3 wks. Farm Kor Kent 100 acres good for pasture, lot li!4 cast back Hue. Apply to Fied Brown, Flosherton, or to Mrs. W. J. Lever, Coulson House, Owen Sound. 1 mo. S. H. HAWKINS, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Grey. TCI ma moderate. All arrangements oun bu made at The Advunco i.lh'ce or by addressing mo at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. For s ilf 1 Cockshutt manure spread* er good as new, 1 I> Laval cream separator run less than a year. For further particulars apply to Ed. Hillock, Maxwell, or Raymond Wellar, Weston. Horses For Sale Span of young mare" for sale one tfcandard bred, would make handsome drivers or suitable for eeaernl work. Would sell together or separately T. R. McKenzie, R.K. 3, Flesherton, Phone 02-2, Dundalk. Farm For Sale or Rent 170 aires, good building?, well watered twouood orchards, situated on west back Iini>, AitemcMH. Price riyht . Apply to the undersigned W. L WRIGHT, Apr 4 if Klesheitato House and Lot for Sale J The executors of the late Isaac Pink- erton offer for sale two and one quarter acres (2- 1-4) of land in the village of , Pricevillc. Frame house, frame barn, driving house, hen house etc. One and one half acres of good orchard. Build- : ings in good condition. -Apply to J. F. : Pinkerton or Isaac A. Pinkerton or . Lucas & Henry, solicitors, Markdale. Farm For Sale 150 aores bein lots 134x135 Cn 1 NET AS U., also lot 135 Con. I S W T & S R. On ihesu premiss act- one mcdern olid brick houte 28x32, one bank barn 5<hG;i with stabliog, ont/barn 36x 69 on posts, implement shed 24x40$ I about 120 acres broke and io nod nuto | of cultivation, remainder swampy pasture with never failing spring. This farm ia ; situated on the provincial road and close o hiifh school and railroads, and will i be priced ri K ht for quick sale. Immedi- ate possession. For further particulars aiiply to J. W- Davis, Markdals R R 4, Phone 30rl3, or write thrnwoer, W. H.' ; Davis, No. 2 Muir Ave , Toioiito. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES DJBINUK AKTHUB LODflB, Boar For Service Purebred Yorkshire Boar on lot 2, Con. 9, 0pry, bacon type selected by the Live Stock Branch of the Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Teems 91 60 ISAplm * -EDGAR BETTS Auto For Sale One Maxwell touring car for sale reasonable.- Apply t'i James Bremner, Fevershnni. DENTISTRY . C MURRAY L. D. 8 . dental >urgon 4* bcnoi Brajluate of Toronto UoiJ!iiHr,8 fioy CoiresTol Deutal XuRMns olOnlirfo GUuiarnUluWedfor teeth a3J*A9a, ' ee trwldence. Toronto BtreeTFtecfaerton. House and Lots For Sale In the village of Flcsberton. Lots 16, : 17, 18, and 1ft, containing 1 acre and j about ^ fquare perch, with good 10 room ' btick lulu.-,,-, uichaul, stable and good ^ spring wutcr. Apply to Mrs. W. E. U Kichrdoi>, Plottartou. LEGAL 8^4 hBNBX Banisters. fio)iclto, A. OBiooa, Mark.l'ale Lu'c'ie BlOok. Phone . Branch offices at Dnndalk SBd Borhi'i. OP RIGHT, * TBLFOBD.BarriaUr, ' torn, *o. Offloeg, Orey & Bruos Uwon Bound. Standard Bank el- ton, (Saturdayi). W. H. Wright, W. Jr. BUSINESS CARDS \\'M. KAI I'Tixi), loomed AaotlCDeer foi ' * tbe oouatlei of Urej and Hlnioo*. i-'arui a.ad Htt. s a]e a spteiaJty. Tormi . mentB (or da jBlco. o Ce n byaddroeaUiii me at m |R. A. TUHNBULL. H.\.. M.B.. pr ** fionitbe Pacujty of MoflioJnq.Tjui* ot Toronto. OIUco Kichai Jiun Bl oofc, ertou, 'l'i')t'i>uuu J.\

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