Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1923, p. 1

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Vol. 44 No. 2 Flesherton, Ontario, June 6, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors VANDELEUR Ab. Buchanan of Owen Sound was home for the bolidsy. Rev Bushel! of Prioeville occupied tho pulpit in the church Sunday afternoon. Mr Bell, a representative of the D-J- minion Alliance, will take charge of the service next Sunday. Mr nil] Mri John Thompson and daughter of Toronto vis ted wi h J I Graham aud farui'y. The Vaniieleur Farmer*' Club he'd a special meeting on Monday evening, M iy 28, when the following delegates were elected to go to trie UFO convention at Durham on May 30th : J 1. Graham, E N Brodie, J J McGee, and W A Weber. Quite a number of others attended the convention and report a good time. The annual meeting of the W I was held at the home of Mrs Ulto Baker OD Wednesday of last week. The financial report was read, which showed a good standing fur the year. ConsideraL'e discussion took place in regard to he'p- ]._ with a rest room in Markdalu. All the old officers were re-elected : Pres , Mrs S Gilbert : Vice Pre>, Mrs W Rat- cl-ii'j ; Sec-Treas, Mrs b Davis ; Di-trict Director, Mra J I Graham; and delegates to W I cjoventioo, to be held at Raven - 1:1 on Friday, June 15, are Mra Hutch - ins. 'ii, Mis li Baiter and Mrs J J J. I. Graham and family attended tho funeral i the late Mrs Smuel U m. > on Friday, June lit. Deceased *as un aunt of Mrs Graham and lived to (he good old ige of 84 Her husband pre- deceased her 25 yeais g<> The luritl took place at Orange Valley Presbyter- ian cejietery, Dr Gray officiating at the house .u. J .-la-, e, The Vaudelcur baeeba I team p.-i.vd their first league game on S>turdy afternoon with the Fleshertun Cry. on team iu Flesherton. The game ' ' nice friendly if! .ir and resul eJ in favor of the latter. Ihe loc<l beys have lud DO practice whatever and are decidedly pleased with the thowiug. Mountain of Durham pitched for Fleshertcn and Albert Buchanan for Vanjeleur. Quite a number from here attend- the fui.eral of Mrs Samuel Walker of Fleshcr'.oo, formerly of-Eujhri-iu. who passed away on ISundity, -7 ^ May, at the i,c of 82 \ i- in-. Defeated was burn in Sootltud in 1841, and run- tn this country wi'h her parents, the late Mr and Mi- Audiew Gr khani, who weri< two of the only pioneers of thin community. She was the oldost of a i'.m ;. of ix, and ii the tirttt to he called by ik-aih. Sixty-two years ano she wa* married to Mr "Samuel Walker, aud WHS .iiaaud over 00 years when Mr Walker pais-d away. The deceased was a sister of Messi Rotert and J I GiuliHin and 51 is J Weuer of ibis pUce. The yuipvhy of the community is extended to the friends i:i their beivavemrnt. ROCK MILLS Wadding beiltare loudly ringing. Mr and Mr* Wilkinson uf Duncn visit id over the holiday wi'h their daughter, Mrs Ern Russell. Fred McMullen, wife ar d children, visited recently with Lewia Pedlar and wife. E. Phillips and wife, Mrs John Phil- lips and Mrs T Gawey, of Toronto. vitited last week with R Clark aud family. Robert Phillips, wife and sou, Albert, of Toronto, were visitors over the holi- d.iy with her parent*, Riohard Hoy and wife. Wes Smith wa* home from Oweo Sound for (ha holiday. John McDonald ia busily engaaed making timber for Alex English's barn. Rutherford and wife of Proton pent a day t T Belts'. Hydro Will Appeal *^It wag iotimated yetterday that the Hyi'fo electric Power CommUsiou would appeal from the deciaioo of Mt. Justice R)*sthit the Hydro Coromlssioi; Act d Ha oot give Iho Commission ri||htt of way upon tb* highways for thn pole lines. His Lordship disiniuad a ase at Owen Sound wherin the Hydro tleatric Power Comminaion asked 82,300 dmgi from the tounty of Grey for injuries done the oommiition's plea owlug to roid'VoTk undertaken by the county. fhe iudment effects rnoiit of the rural Hydro lines. The high voltage lines ace, for the most part, upon private right < f way. CEYLON Mrs RGBS Leslie f Toronto spent the week end with her parent?, A, McMul- 1 n and wife. John Uiok, wife aid daughter, Myitle, uf Meafoid, and Mrs T Cook of Mark- dale, were visitors at R Cook's. Robert Cook und daughter, Millie, spent Munl'iy with friends at Walker t"n Miss E Co -k, tfiuher near Swinton P;irk, sptnt the week end with her friend, ML- Maud Ucruphill Sam I'li-lef, wife and little daughter of Toronto are hulidajing with his fiiher find brother hero. T. Chislett, Mr* Anna McMi'lun aud little son, John, .And S. ChUleit and wife, motortd to Durham Sun 'uy and attended the funeialof Mr Arthur Seely Mrs Charles Melia of Toronto spent i he past week visiting her father, Mr. John Chislett, and other frienda. Mr Kd Sargent of Owen Sound is visiting his son, James, here. Suow den McLeod has gone to take a position in Toronto. Mr Coocy of Toronto visited his niece, Mrs .1 lui Ke meily, lieie ou Friday. Mi - Liura White spent last week with het friend, Mrs D.-nald Stewart. Born To Mr and Mrs Leslie Mai- shnll (nee Mary .VcMulItu) May 30th, a daughter Manure' Bleano* Con- grit uUtiuua j Toronto Line North Mrs J A Lever returned fr- in Owm Sound hospital leteutly, gieatiy m>- dnved in health. . Ida Lever of Toronto spui.t a few days under t he parental roof. Fr*nk Vancise, L) G Vtncisp, wii'u and three children, of Batteau, visited over the week end at T S'edV. ^'^w Mr Murii'kii mid Li ian Lever of MoorutJeld speut ,1 day with the latiet s pin i - here. Fri'd Uiown nm! Wilfred Lever have rented the D-tvis firm f..r ayor. Tho nuson* have commenced tin.- stuue .v.'ik i n li UiohardNi'u's !i u-o. Clnrles Stewart, E Wickens .-tod T ud were deleijates in tin) I' t" () cn.- ii heH in Duihiui lani week. EUGENIA Policed To Death '' \Vcarc in dungcr and being policed to death as well as tuxcJ to death in this country. The North West Mount- ed Police rigimlly designed for the pole purpose uf enforcing law and order in the then unorganized territory be- yond the Great Lakes, have lately had thci-- Held of operations extended to Eastern Canada as well. Meantime several Provinces, including those of the West, have organized Provincial police forces of their own. Thus \vc have, at least in considerable sections of Canada, three different peace forces Federal, Provincial and Municipal each one of which is responsible to a different authority. Aside- from the needless cost involved in such a multi- plication of law enforcing machinery, there is also a certainty of a conflict in jurisdiction arising at times. We have, in fact, already witnessed something of such conflict at Peterboro where un- pleasant incidents between Provincial and Municipal police have occurred. In the Western Provinces incidents of like nature have arisen as between Dominion and Provincial forces," says the Farm- ers Sun and we can quite agree with our contemporary that we are being noticed to death. There is absolutely no excuse for maintaining the horde of provincial police in the country districts The Canadian farmers arc a law abiding class and the municipalities are quite capable of taking care of their owr; people. Many petty cases are brought into court through the meddlesomeness of the police that would be better for all concerned to be lcf alone. Colling- wood Enterprise. Osprey Stores Close The fo'lowmg stores will be c'osed on Tuesday aud Thuisjny evenings a t7 o'c'uck p.m during June, July, August and September .' Hammel Singhnoipton T. Hill S.Dghainp on Eli Robinsou Feversh.ini Mrs K Hecdoison Feversham S. M. Osborne Maxwoll 0. M. lleron Maxwoll The Memorial Commit! ee have placed the order for the new fence for the nn'in .MI! plot iu il.e park and hope to hive it in course of erction iu a short time. The scenery in and around our little village is at its beat at the present time. The trees have tnken on their new coat of _i u The orchards are full of bl'iom and the grass a carpet of green everywhere, adding much in the pictur- esque country round about, and many are the visitors every day from different parts. Mr and Mrs Leonard L ttimer att -nd- ed the wedding of their niece, Miss aijorid I..i- .,.) ;-. of Toronto, on Wed- nesday of last week. The bride, h . ban been a frequent visitor at Eugenia, was a general favjriie. aad we join in best i-h is to the happy yuuog couple. Mr Lowthem, wif aud babe. Miss Lottie V\ i.h.u:> and hi. ml, also Mr Joseph Cooey, of Toronto, were guests of Jacob Willidms and family over the holiday Mr and Mrs Btrt Graham and little son, Toronto ; Mrs Stuart and children, Mra Hnmiuoud, of i\ ... . were guests of Mis McMullen over the week end. Mrs Piootor and son, Harold, visited at Leonard L aimer's ihe pis'. week. Miss Jean Wright spent the holiday wlth.her parents at Vaodeleur. A W tt'iwe an.l wife of Duudilk, Gwendoline Kianks uf Toronto, Messrs. March and Smith of Niagin Falls, were gues-td of Mrs L-irge the p-i.it week El Grab tin, wife and f.in.ly, of Ciaiksburi;, usi'ed I', it-no s in Eugenia over the holiday. EJar Graham of Tor>r.t> spent, the holiday with h:.s fttbei hero. Mrs Krink Fouldn of Winnipeg was a guMc *t Lo marc! L miner's during tie past week. Wesley Cjoey and Basil Cimitheri motoieJ up from this ci'y un Saturday Ust. M.iy Ctrruthfi* and Mine:ia Williams leturned With them Monday. Iv 11 Lit in r v -r .1 friends iu the city for a (j* days recent y H b'jesttr and wife visited frii-i.ds iu Menford Ust week . I'Vid Lirje viiiled Fred Mylos at Kimber ey over ihe week end. KIMBERLEY Th..' village wns awakeiud about 1 30 ThuiJ.y ni"[ IIH-L; i.y one of tho biwyebt lin'-t it has ever known. K.i ' broke out in the ki'rhon cf ihe Trveller'M Home and hid gained great headway befere me 1'linates wrre amused. The hots-'s were K"t cut of Ihes aSle with ditticulty but vi'ry litilu of the househol.1 eonda were saved. Mr and Mrs Irvun !i . i no in lurancj on the contents, whilti tho b'nldiug was owned by Dr Thurston. T!K< church and ahed were both -<n Ore but were ntinu:*heJ before serious dtinige was done. ' Colonel Caruiichae), M P F, >. ... -. a political inocliotr on Suturday night in i he Couiruuuity II ill Daltou Ferguson is shinglii'ir his house in t li" village. Mr Scott of the Bank of Montreal has b '. n moved to Flaebertuu and Mr Bill bis taken his place. . Mr and Mrs Victor Ellis, \\~inoia Biiil Kenneth Stuart of Collinuwixd s;'i'iit over the holiday w'lh W T a-id MrsRlio. The K -.MH'S birthday celebratii n hece wai a decided succes8, total receipts bout 91(50, $70.65 being taken at the concert. Special mention should ba mada of the concert which was put on by Dundalk. The ploy, Joehiah's Bother." was good, and the parts vert well taken. The games of base ball 1 y ; ilc.it lie.i'1-.; and Kimberlry, junior League ' Haaie, score 16 6 in iienthcote's favor. Bisket ball, Rocklyo i: -I Kimbarley, resulted in a win for the homo team. The most excit'ng game of tho day wai p'ayeJ l>y Kimborley msrnej and single mn in a girue of football, making al- j most a tie, the single men petting one 1 ROJ. PRICEVILLE |Too Lite For Lait Wcek' : Fine warm weather set in over the week end. It will take i f- w li'iys the be^innim; of this week tn finish delayed deeding operations on a number of farms. Aichie McArthur has been for over a week in Toronto busy bricklaying. Thf Piiceville Dramatic Club wtnt over to Dromore onu evenii'g last weik to assist at a concert. Dr O E Carr was in Toronto far H Any .ir t|o last week. D.ni'd McArtliur, after n prolonged il!nets, pass d away at the residence .of his sister, Mrs A Livingstone, o Mon- day, of last week, aged SI yer. Rev C S Junes, the family pastor, oomlucttd the funeral at the residence and at grave in the village ceme'eiy. Two brothois, Archie, of Duudae, and Charles of To- r i;' >, were present at the funeral on Wednesday, May 2'!. Mrs 11 ii Hirrion. who hud hfr itiklo fractured, wns taken home from Dm ham Hosp'Ul the end of lafct week. Malco'nl M I .ivr,-, V.S , au old rest dent cf '. ' vu, passed away ou Thursday erening of lust wiek. Hi- w.is laid up with pneumonia last winter and never recovered from the t l[Vcts if it. H* wa.t 0*-. ed for durum his ilnets by his daughter?, ho Lave been living in mi', si le towns. luterioxnt took place in the cemetery west of the vil aije. Uev C S Joues, Piu.byterian pastor, conducted ill funeral services on Saturday, May i'li K iy Mel. .in, Min of D G ML Loini . mei cli-iiit, was taken to O*eu S mui hospital on Monday evening uf tbU week to b.- operated on for appendicitis. Portlaw Robert llaney i f TuroU" is with ro'ativts iu this part Mrs Wiiuchunu uf Bo ton is visiting wi'h her diuiiihter, Mrs Lewis Shear - down. Miss Kirk, teacher i ir Fever-hum, with Miss Mary * ..inlie'.l Albert Poolo. uu ottiooi n one of the per ln'iki- sti'iuiii'i-s. \ sit>-il with his c>'ii>in, Tli'i.i;i* FletcluT. last week. John 11. i n 1 1.1 in ui wife i- 1 \Ji\rkiiale vinited at the Inane of iho former* boi-thur liea'e. / Adrian B'iikey muUunml n severe Inns i Friday tact when his frame barn was ilo.-tn'yid by lire about lil.-i.iii. When Mr Hlnkey noticed tin- tire, he w:i working in a bai-k tjelil :>: the lime and. nothing cuu'd b done to -;:i\e any of th. 1 content*, which ineic.do.i liftueii piKM, ti>e ai'vi-s, a new wagi :i, '(U-int-ty of gniin ;iud fowl. TlMQMM-ol the tire ii or. y conjecture There i cm- ini*urai.cc, but the loss is hinvy ene for the owner. Fled T Tay'or is recovurin,' fr^in :in an attack cf appendicitis. John Hock'ty and wife of Mmkaale were visitors late y with J \> Lyons and fmni'y. John Jamieson of Tojoiit" vi-iti-il with his uncle, W G Jnuiiesna Willie, the four yeai eld ^on <if Mr. and >li Jusei'h }'.',-. >* of Ctirick, swallowed a copper. Kll'oiis by a med- ical man t > romove it did not prove successful m.d the ld .i- ismovtd to Wa'kertiin hospital f r an v\ erstiun. BORN MEOOOTT In Artemesis, on Fri- day, May 25, to Mr. and Mts. L. Mefigotf, a son. The Percheron Stallion 41 JIM " Will be at the . Munahaw LI mse on Tuesday MIL.II. - TUH is a dapple giey huit.on.nd ed 2050 poundi last full. UK is the stallion you will find. Terms - To insure a in ire with foul flft. usual condition*. Enrolment No. 332. Ibe blxck I'erche^ rou, Mardi, will be at tha Muuhaw House, Eugenia, Wednesday i, .'>.--. and Munthaw House, Flesheilun, Thuisday noon. Teinis (15 to iuiuie it mare with foal, usual condition*. Enrolment No 471. CUPBEARER, 32 24i, the *'.t of K .il"Mi-> i , _.i ;"',. that si>ld fur fi.'JfO, and eight lhei that have ',v *. be- tween ilU and L'-'l;.. will mako the season at h-s own atahle Phon.< me a'ul I c-ui arrange to meet you % "hort distacc* from his eiable. Terms to insure a mare with foal, Slo. the usu-tl cond'tinnn. Enrolment Ko. 472 J. A CUUWSTON Pmp., Markd:.!e Lnug dislixuce phone Ne 63 MILADY'S JEWELLERY The vogue in Egyptian design has now shown itself in . . . . CORDALiERS in charming styles, bdly orna- mented with je.wels and stones with silken neck lace. These cannot fail to appeal to all lovers of dress jewelery which add to the charm of a new dress. Prices from $1.50 up W. A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct) j and "^f .nbalmen' Phone Hillcrest 26fc 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. -1 MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . .Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance SEED CORN Now is the time to buy your seed corn. We handle Rennie's, the best on the market. We have in rtock the four leading varieties : COMPTON'S EARLY WISCONSIN NO. 7 WHITE CAP IMPROVED LEAMING W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Grocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton. Ontario F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. DCXXXXXXXXXXX3OOO ** * ;K: i t ** *' ::: * - ::: ;; | Ml Spring and Summer Shoes We have them in some of the latest styles in Oxfords. One and two strap shoes in white, black w>d tan. Men's Heavy Boats that will give good wear. Arch Supports and Footeezers. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONT AR TO

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