Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1923, p. 5

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Jane 6, 1923 THE FLESHEfiTON ADVANCE Profit on Hogs AS a Bank closely associated with Canada's productive industries, we encourage pro- gressive enterprise in farmers. If you seek to increase your profits through greater hog pro- duction, consult the financing of your project with our local Manager. THE an STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. C. T. BATTY, Manager. fLESHERTON BRANCH, Branches aj*o at Williamsford and Holland Centre. ANADIAN P/VClF C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesberton Station Inlna jllowa : Going Scatb 8 05 a. m. 4.30 p.m. The mails are Mrs. (j. Keller and little son, Toronto, visited relatives here last week. I Messrs. Perc^. Jue <ind Harry LeGard Sr. of Toronto spent ths holiday in town Mise Kiog visited over the holiday <tt , her borne in Newmaiket. Order your counter check books from Going North The Advance offite FlneBt ^Hty. 11.52 a.m. 9.30p. m. ' The Cemetery Board has completed 06 ea at Flesherton ag ; building a wire fencj enlosing the prop- follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and erty recently purchased. ,.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3. So'clock. For morning train south' ma.l close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. j spending a format with his Toronto Is sister, Mrs Edward Best. Mrs. W. Douglas of Wnyne, Albert*, n on an ex'euded visit with her mother, Mrs. VanDueen. Dr. VV. Glen I^yis of Toronto has Miss Hazel Oke is spending a week ID inserted hi* professional card in The Local Chaff Toronto. H. Down ind Sons brought three cars from Toronto l*st week. Have y.,u anything to sell * Or tuy ? Advertise it iu The Advance. Miss Dell Thurston of Toronto spent Advance columns. The grand rains of lh-> pait few days have covered the faca of nature and { humanity with smiles. Rev. Cowan sf Toronto preached f>:r a ; call in the Presbyterian church Sunday. Next Sabbath Rev. Hammond of Toronto tho holiday in town. Dr. U. Henderson will preach. and family of Rev. J. II. Oke's condition has not Toronto were holiday visitor* with Mr. ( shown much improvement, although he and Mrs. Joseph Blackburn. 1 is able to be up at times. Mrs. Oke is The sidewalk through the swamp at j ">Pio nicely, he iouth end of town i in dangerous hape and should be repaired at once. ! , An auction sale of household goods, etc., will tic held at Priceville on Thurs- day afternoon of next week, June 14,the Mr. Wm. Southgate cf Goderich was , ^^ Q{ ^ ^ Ma , colm MclDtyre . miter at Gen. Mitchell's last week gee bl ,, 8 D McPhail, auctioneer. and spent a day fishm* Two build|Dgs were 8ttock by liahl , Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards and nil)g ID D ulu l,||j Tuesday afternoon. A family of Toronto spent the holiday with | chunky on Hill's store was hit and Mrs. J's mother, Mrs. T. Wilson. j wall of tha eld Morgan block slightly Mis* Beatrice Thlstletbwaite of To- , datraged. .routo and Ruby Ca.w.11 of Egreinont , pent the week end it their homes here. ; KCV. H. HatOIl Stewart McTavish received a wove to j the Bunk ol Montie*!, Owan Sound, last; --wecf and spent the week end at his home here. List For Flesherton The first draft of the stationing com- mittee for the Owen Sound district of Mrs O J Crossley of Toronto spent j the Methwidist church was published on the wee* end wi'-h her mother here, Mrs : Wednesday and gaws the naure of Rev. \V. Boyd, *ho with hei family lelt for . Toronto on Monday for a visit. Mr. aud Mr*. E Iwyn Jamieson and ir. auu i>ir-. i '* in Roys' VVo two children, Mr. Fred Kuoy aud Wise; ^.^ .^ ^ A. Robiusou of Owen Sound were visit- ors with the foi-uiec 's mother here. Mr. and Mis. W. Henry and family of WiEuuani t.nd Miss Laura Uenry of Mesford were visitors at their home east of the village over the hulidiy. Mr. John Thistlethwaite who has be.u ssi-tii"j hi brother, .'etf. cf To- ronto, spent the week end with bis family here and was accompanied home by Kei a ,:, Uojd. Tbe District anuual meeting of the ^ Board of Agrieulture and Women s j Institutes will be held at Ravenna on j Friday, JuuclSlh, at 1 p.m. A good ; program will fce provided, welcome. Mrs. George Mitchell last week at- tended the anuual branch meeting tha Wormn'a^ Missionary Society Toronto as a delegate fom H. Kaon of Ch'sworth for a move to Flesherton. Kev. Eaton has been ID Fieoherton several times, is prominent ork and would be ^welcome wn. The list included : Owen Sound (First) John Locke. Owon Sound (\Vostside) R. Nicholson, Murkdaie F. X. Bowes, B.A., U.D. Floihertou Howard H. Eaten. Dundlk Robert A. Spencer. Chmsworth Chas. J. B.tiley. Holland Centre H. J. Hunt, B Sc. Kim^erley Johu S. Veals, B A. NY alters r".ill> Edward M. Burgess. Pr ; ceville Albert Bushe!!. At Niagara Camp The !..,;>:> onmp at Nmgara U not s largo this year as formerly, as ouly 115 Everybody ' officers, N CO s and men from the i Grey Regiment will make the trip. Lieut. A. E Ht'lamy, W. Turuey^ C. Humberstone, H. Bowere and V. Ford, frm:i Fle*hertou and vicinity left on TutsJay cioruint: tot Toronto, from the cf in local Regiment with M > -\ H. E Pembroke n second-in-coinnmud. The time at c imp will bo taken up mostly by courses the various branches of military School Report Auxiliary of the Methodist church. Mrs. j where they took the boat to Murray represented the Mission Band. | Co). O. D. Fleming is in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. W. loRtam, Mr. and Mrs. N. U. Durrant and two little daughters, Dorothy and Helen, of Mil- . wMu . . ,:|lii:-ti,'U" 1 '. 1 i OKV.UQ? Ufc I . I . i t ' j hell, Mr. and Mrs. A. S Tb.rston and ^ includ , Dg Lewis Gun, Signalling Miss Batty and Master Billie Thuratou, of Meaford, visited on Sunday with ye EdMor and family, Messrs, Preston Beattie and Clarence Dudgeon, former residents of Fltsherton > IndSraduaUsof cut- high i.hool. -e j FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL ucoessful in tbe recent dentistry ex- i th M Sled, M Patton, C Baits, M animation in Toronto, aud are now en- Fintilay, E McCalluru, K MoKee, M titled to practice ;their tew profession. lukster, J jSuhn. Tne former is opening up an office at the corner of Danforth avenue and Main street, Toronto. Rer. A. Bushnllof Pricoville gave tw.i fin* sermons in the MetUodist chutoh on .Suudty. Next Sunday, which is Con- Sr 3rd J Cargoe, M Stuart, K Belts, J Stuart, U Heard, C McFadden, E McKee, \V Fiudlay. Jr3rd L Ferris, G MoFsdden, H Thompson, E Fenwick, D Wood, I Thompson, LCiriington, U Welton. Sr 2od A Heard, G Sled, E Feuwick, B 1'attou, A KiudUy, B Cairns, A Ool- l Lewis, G Fen H fereuae Sunday, the services will be takan in the morning by Mr. J. C. BelJ. field Secretary of tha Dominion Alliance, g(kn A Lever, B Phillips, and the evening semce by the Youog S(UBrt% Q Caasidy. People's Stoaleiy. Mr. Bell will' also take the Vindeleur appoint mont in the afternoon. The ro-uH of tho eprtug ex*minaki<>os in Vtoriory Science of the I'uireriity of Toivnto just publiahed include the name of W. B. Whyte as reaeiving him- orable mention in the class of 24, which U an average of seventy pet cent, iu all ubjocta. W, B- is an Attemcou ley ud son of Alex, and MM. Whyte of the ter, K Wwling, O Boyd, n O.D.R , now residing at Me*dowvaU>, | A rl Croft, U MoKiIlp, E Tilbot, Oo. D Mchlcchuio, Jr'2ud M Dibby, L Bitty, M G McMaster, F Welton. l-l J McFaddeo, A Irwiti, K NfcMuUen, B Patton, K Fihi.r, McKillop, G Patwrson. B claja Beryl Mckechnie, Daicy MoFkdden, MBturt,.D McMullen, C Thistlethwiii'-e, E Kerton. . C-A Warliog, E Pafcton, V Geo. M. Leeson Is Again Candidate A unanimous nomination was tendered George M. Leeson, ex-M. L. A; for South Grey, by an enthusiastic L'.F.O. convention on Wednesday, of last week. No other name was mentioned. De- spite a splendid working day, in a late season, farmers from all parts of the riiling crowded the hall to overflowing and many ladies also attended. President VV. A. Amos, of the L'.F.O gave a stirring address, in which Wel- lington Hay, Liberal leader came in for Strong criticism. He had tried to Hurt with and woo the L'.F.O., never raised his voice against them in divisions of ihe House, but being turned Jown now was bitterly attaeking the Government. Hay had carried on a whispering cam- paign when he beat the speaker in 1919, and later admitted to him that he had received the wet vote. Hon. Howard Ferguson also was at- tacked on his timber deal and other shortcomings. Both old party leaders nad been wobbly oa the temperance issue and they wouldn't be so mealy- mouthed now if ladies hadn't the vote. The candidate gave an able address on his stewardship as late member and made a strong defense of the Govern- ment's expenditures and policies. Other speakers were Harry Shaw, of Artemesia, and Thomas H. Binnie. Joseph Goodfellow, president of South Grey L'.F.O., was in the chair. The 4th at Flesherton The baseball b< ys put on \ uoi d day of sports Moudny and a i(Ood crowd waa presen' in the afternoon. The pruces.- aiun in ihe forenoon was rather a diaap* pointnien'', there nut being sufficient interest taken in it. Tile afternoon included a base', ail match between Oeii Sj-.und and Flcshi erton which wis won by the homo tBm with a score if 14 to 5. A local liaise nee was an intervHtin^ event between Luther Luves and U. Clark'a horses, the latter wini.u.,-. A bua!cetb,ll gama waa pUyed by twv local ladies' teams. Fe- v rsh'iin ai.d I'ricevjlle were to h.ve played football but the latter defaulted and Fevershaiii ctrrud i :I tha money. There were also foot rtcjs, patting the shot, and other events. Spice will not permit of an extended report. The concert ac iii.lit wits well a'tendud cd the program was a i;ood one. ttoceipta for the day, including concert, auiouubed to a little over f:!00. Home From the South Dr. This UeiuUis >u of Toronto visi- ted fr.en-.ts here fur a couple o d ys last week. The Dr. and tui.i'y spent the pas; winter at LOJ An^ele-', California, and he his an interesting story to tell of the wonderful nuw cil field th:l hs been recently tapped ucar thntcity. Ha sya t!>i> pushers there are pioducsd at a depth of from three to four thnusacd feet, a; d he beiieves tint had the Fleh~ orto,n field been properly developed it would h*ve delivered tha gfodi. Hun- dreds of pecple who lived in shacks around Los Amjelo-* have been made liuli cvur eight. Ho I !ii---!f ': n an interest in a bi producer. N\i, ho is not selling stock, but he dime direct fcoin the Hceue of actual operations and states that the excitement in Los Angeles and surrounding chantry is ;it whito hea', while the production i ; nm.tzing. Times Have Changed From the Orangcville Sun In several of our exchanges we notice that candidates foe the Legislature are asing a great deal of space to place their views befora the electors. Only a few years ago the editors of these veiy same papers did all the boosting in the editorial columns. Today the editorial oolumr.s contain other matter. This shows the great change that has laden place in the newspaper business all over the country in a few short years. Until recently the newspaper game wa* not really a commercial enterprise, but ever increasing cost of production has chan- ged all that and ushered us, into a new ra, and political boosting has passed forever from the editorial into the ad- vertising Lolumns. Added 26 Name* To List The court of the revising olfiuer for the revision of tbe Ontario Votera' Lists of tbe village of Fl? chertou, electc ral dist- rict of South Grey, was held in tho town hall onS-itiudiy Uit before Magistrate Greaeor of Owen Sound. Some 20 names were added to the list. The sitting for thu revision of tho Artemesia litit will be held in the >owu hall this Thuwdny afitrcoon. Ontario Railway Board Meets In Flehrton On June 14th The Onuriii R<ilny l><\trd will meet in the Town H i;l, Flusherton, on Thurs dy. June 14th, fur the purpose of nd- iin; with riv'srd to the ttiK-phon Fireworks Display On Hydro Line A bright display of hydro fireworks occurred on Sunday morning about 3 a in at the dwitcn un the hydro lice n Toronto street, when an inbulator de- veloped a leak and allowed tha'current to escape down the ground wire. The: wire became red hot *nd began to burn i li pole from tho ground up, meanwhile , lha sparks and tiro coming from the wire lit op the whole street fur mds *round. Mr Andrew Gilchrifct waa tokened by the noise, and grabbing a gail of water threw it onto tlie blaze at h.; ba*e of the pole, and when doing so , lUlfcred a severe shock, the electricity having tiavelled back along the stream of watei. Thn display only lasted a few (uinutea when the insulator exploded with a noise that auuld be heard all over town. Hardly any damage wu done except to burn a hole in the pole, and the broken insulator. Hydro linemen and K Down of town had the line repaired again by ' o'clock In the moin- Ladies' Dresses JUST ARRIVED Some of the very newest ladies' dresses, wonderful in style and value. Ladies' Gingham drasses in- small brown and pink checks, organdy trimmed, newest style tor only $2.75. Ladies' Chambray and Gingham dresses in pink and green shades at the low price of $2.75. Children's Wash Dresses in white, pink and blue suitable for Sunday School. Boys' Wash Suits made 6t" striped galatea. \Ve have some beautiful VOILES in black, brown, white and blue in different patterns. Printed and Canton Crepe in black, blue and paisley patterns. PRODUCE Eggs 25c., Butter 20 and 22c., WOOL 21 to 35 F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO I Artemesia Pioneer Passes Away In His 81st Year Another old pioneer of Artemesia pat- sed to tbe Great Br-ycnd oiv Monday in! the person of Mr. George Moore of ' Victoria Corners. The late Mr. Moore has resided for some yeara with hU son, Charlee, 41 Victoria Corners and was eijihty yeara of ana. Eia son, Robert, wife and little daughter of Newberry, '. airired home on Monday by a hurried , call. The funeral takes i:lace to Flesh- erton cemetery this Thursday afteraoou. | Service at the house at 1 30 o'clock p.m. I We expect 10 have full particulars for publication next week rigs 1'rotttable When Cared For. Swine are profitable when given abundant sunshine and exercise, fed on well-selected feeds, gently han- dled, given proper sanitation and housing, kept free from worms anil lice, and protected against cholera and other diseases. Quite a lot can happen a pig between birth and old a*>e, but it is an easy animal to keep in the straight and narrow path lead- Ing to successful and profitable de- velopment if you go the right way about It. Pigs frequently suffer more from the heat of the sun during the sum- mer than they do from the cold of the winter period. If possible, make full use of any available shade trees when making your plans t'or swine pastures, feed lota or colony house locations. L. Stevenson. Telephones Ur3i 25 r 3 Mr. Aruiotrocu Mr. dCudmora 13 r :> I 24 r 1 ' THE - - Flesherton Insurance Agency formerly R. J. Sproula W. A Armstrong, Prop. S. E. deCudmore, A(*nt GUARANTEE - ACCIDENT - SICKNESS LIABILITY - AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS - BURGLARY and FIRE INSURANCE. Your Insurance needs will have strioe attention Our facilities enable as to give you more than usual consideration. Only the soundest ot Insurance Companies are represented by this office. Is farm Ufa worth while? Not if it is ono Continual round of drudgery. 365 days in the year, without con- veniences or any playtime. Nor, for that matter, is life carried on that way anywhere ot much value. Con- veniences, a garden, flowers, play- time, and some time stveu to neigh- bors, make life more worth while. U farm operating equipment must bo left outdoors for any length of time. It Is a good Idea to protect it from contact with the ground. Run it up on gtones or boards. Tho most profitable use 19 rnaae 01 beet tops when they are siloed and fed with alfalfa hay or otaer forage I and possibly supplemented with grain | or concentrate feeds. The chief value of cowpea bay lies m its high percentage of digestible protein. This has been verkled, by numerous feeding tests. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes .V.V.V.V.' Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy v.v.v.w PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES. PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario Men's Spring Suits Honestly, we believe our Spring Suits are the best we have ever submitted to the approval of our customers. They are stylishly designed, beautifully tailored, and made up from all- wool cloths that will give entire satisfaction in appearance and ^wearing qualities. Navy Blue Serges in different weights and qualities are included and snappy styles for young men's wear are well represented. Men's Suits from 36 to 44, priced from $ 1 8 to $34. Boys' Bloomer Suits from 27 to 36, priced from $7.50 to $ 1 3.50 Come in and look them over. Millinery Special This week we place on sale an assortment of Trimmed Shapes for Ladies' and Misses' wear at specially reduced prices -$3.49 and $4.98 "Lang" Shirts New Spring pattero^, sixes 14 to 17 Priced from $1.75 to $4.75 "Arrow" Collars in the latest shapes. New Neckwear Novelty Neckwear for Men new shapes, new colorings, new fabrics, in* -eluding new washable patterns. Special 35c. to $1.50. Men's Felt Hats New shapes & new colors $3 & $3.75 Men's New Straw Hats Newest shapes & braids $1 to $2.75 F. H. W. H FLESHERTON ICKLING ONTARIO

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