Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1923, p. 1

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./ Vol. 44 No. 5 Flesherton, Ontario, June 27, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors j PRICEVILLE Weather with 88 degrees in the shade is very pleasant to hustle around in. Mra Duncan Muir of Ceylon arranged with J W Fleck of Shelburne, for a neat monument to be placed in the plot where ber late husband -.., laid, tbe work was completed on Monday of last week in the public cemetery here. W G Watson was putting up some wire fencing on some of his property here last week. All the purchased plots, and some of the lanes in the new cemetery have a fine appoirance after the lawn mower has been at work this season. McXiaohUn Bros, auction tale last week was successful in disposing of farm stock, and implements, also some h u-e furniture at fair prices. Mrs A. McArthur, town lir.e st, was visiting in the city for a few days last week. Miss Rita Everist came up from the city and his been visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs Fleming cf Ton nlo are guests of her daughter, Mra Fred Karstedt. The Women's Institute are offering a number of oasb prizes for articles made by boys aud girls of different ages, taid Mticle*) to be exhibited at Pricerille fair October 4 and 5. Mat C'onfcsy, civil engineer, was h. me over the w*fl end at his motbet'*. D McLichUn has been "buzzing" wood for several day, in the vicinity. Mrs Angus Kennedy has not enjoying the best of health lately. Mrs J !:n McK . has been ijuitu during the last two weeks. CEYLON Altert McConnell and wife of Grand Valley were visitors with Mrs A Rut eJge the pas'; week. Roy Rutledge and bride of Lethbndga are visiting the former's mother, Mrs A Rutledge. . Ella Whittaker left Saiurday for Toronto. Mr H .it ... of Elinwood spent the week end with his sister, Mrs McWilliam Archie Sinclair and dsugh er. Mar- gtrer, spent the week end with friende in Oen Sound. R Cook itTi.l dauah'er Millie spent the week end at Ebordale. J McMillan and wife and Miss K*ue, and Allie Mu r, motored to Oweo Soand on Sunday and attended Masonic -vrvice there. K r i : McMillan of Toronto is visiting her parents here. J C McLauchlan and Rmeraon Adains motored up from Agincourt and spent the week end at their respective home* Mi.- Allie Muir aad little son spent the week end with her parent* in Dur- ham. Mrs Bulton and son Levi visited with friends at Bolton the first of tbe week. Mrs Evans and little daughter, wh? have been visiting her brother. Mr A Muir, baa returned to her home, Toronto. Mr Cooey cf Toronto visited bis aiattr, Mrs J Kennedy, over the week end. It has been lennei that Mr* Hoyden Victoria Corners Miss Susannah Ludlow is home for (he holidays. Mies Mable Murkley spent at her home, sick with blooi been IGibton's mother, Mrs K*-iek, died (hia , Monday evening. She ha.s spent the past threu wtc'<a with ber dtughter. | While not well, death was q'lite unex- pected . Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs Gibson. Tbe deceased lady was 72 yearn of age. The funeral took place Tueedny to Mount Plens<nt cemetery, Toronto. tbe week poisoning On Saturday evening, Uie members of luistioge, met at the church for ;i social time io honor of our dubalors and for Everything In Season The following it copied doni Steele's Western Almanac, (mbiisliad in Burl'ilo the purpose of hangup the shield on the in lhe 183 , The j()ke , tge , f { oW waist rt Inlat-iitiKu sthurnh * KIMBERLEY MrR Stuart and children ace home after a two weeks' vacation in Bark's Falls. Miss My Murphy of Toronto is visit- ing her sister here. Mimes Wild* aod Almeda entertained the basketball girls and tome of their friends on Thursday at tea. The girls presented Miss Murphy mad Miss Dill- worth with ivory ounicure scissors. Mi-- Hi i Wallace ia at present under the Dr's care with tons litis. The Kocklyn baseball team flayed Kimberley boys on Thursday resulting in a 'core for tile former. Jasper Stuart finished haying on Sat- urday much to the amusement of hi! neighbours. Mr McEachern and boy friend o Stayn.T spent a few days at J A Stuart'* Mr and Mrs Price, Mr Goodfellow and lady friend, 8peut Sunday with Mi K i-r.i E lie. Election report for this district re- sulted in victory for Carmichael 88 to Ego's 61 making majority of 27. List election the Maj irity was only 2 in favour. Pheasants Hatched At Eugenia Reserve Eugenia Correspondence wall of Inistioge church. o.i Sunday Mr Wakefield preached h g farewell sermon. We are aocry .i< log* Mr Walufield but are plaiued to a^ain be put on a regular working circuit. It wa children's Day on Sunday at laistiogo. The children rendered some splendid music which is a erndit to thi- trainer*, a* practices are nut easily had in the country where the children are so far apart. enough tagrow whiskers : " It is worthy of rfin irk that wtien cold wea'ber approaches and other veg- etables begin to fade, whiskers sprout up nd flourish with the utmost vigor. Many a fcs which, in summer, appears barren as the desert* of Arabia, in winter it in in. nt luxuriant crop. Everything in its proper season cowtl ps in spring, cu- cumbers in sumirer, cuntelopes in aut- and whiskers m winter." Reports on Canada's Crops At frequent intervals throughout the season the Bank of Montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in Canada. These re- ports, telegraphed to headquarters from the Managers of the Bank's 600 Branches, cover every Prov- ince and form a reliable index of crop conditions. ee. The reports are furnished, /fL_. Upon request at any Branch of the Bank your name will be placed on our mailing list. .Total Anett in Bxcen of #650,000,000.00 8th Line, Artemesia Held Over Lut Week Fred Young, who has been working ID Owen Sound, ia with Luther Duckett at preaeot. Jo< Leppard and gone, Jos and Thus of Kiverdale. moiored down in ,'os Jr'i oew McLntghlm car and visited with tbe former'* brother. Jaa Luppard. and wife. Mian Manila Fejwick ia under the doctm'u care. We hope the will socn be well i_: * i Mr Shnw of Ueatbc>ie renevrd c- <IuinUnci.-8 in thia locality recently. Tbe children are looking forward to holidays which are swiftly npprsochiug. We wish Mi.~ ( Latimer auccegg with her claaaeti in their examinations. Mr Saigeon of Cillingwood visit, il at Mr MacDoixtld'a. Profits And Lout* At the recent meeting of the Eugenia Hydro Association, Auditor McCallum said that of the 2J municipalities served by the Eugenia development, only six failed to show a profit in 19S2. Those bad losses agrejjating |ft,05l. The other 17 munioipalities showed net gains of 44.96, or a net profit for the system of 1^8,911, \\ith an additional 16,2H set aside for depreciation. Actual operat- ing profit was $63,126. The municipaJi- ties Showing losses were : Arthur 9*40; Holstein 28: Kincardine S3 225 : Priceville |409 ; Riplcy 9513; Teeswater 1880. Those showing profits were : Chatsworth, $455 : Chesley 4,- 1S4 ; Dundalk $2,314 ; Durham $6,464; Elmwood 518 ; FIcslterton ?96 ; Grand Valley |19a ; Hanover J7.497 : Lucknow $l,i65; Markdale 91,162; Mt. Forest $8.S8 ; Ncustadt $1,1H2 ; Orangevillc Owen Sound 87, 495. Rutledge Kipp The mariia^e of Eiith Mariiiii, eldeat daughter of Mr. aud. Mra. I W, Kipp, to Hoy A. Hulk-due, took plaee on Mooday a>fternouo, June 19 h, t Leth- bridge, Alta. Huv. W. K. MicN'iren of Wtley chorcli i>IKcialin|(. The bi>ide <*M attended by her ais'cr, MIM Doria Kipp, and the groom suuftartcH t>y bia brother, Mr. M. Ruildge. Tm undnUly afCer thu ceremony ths yonnu CAp4e left for the station where thi-y were met by mny of tbeir friends- who showered thm with eonfellii and rice. Mr. andfMra. Rutlrdge are at preaent rixiting his oiother ai Ceylon- and expert Io bo Bt for a month or'so. Roy in an! old Caylon boy and haa made .. incbets | withlheC. P K. ID the L'thbridga yard*. The Advance wisb the happy yonag eonple happintsa and prosperity in the years Io cume. Be at Salem Cemetery A toe of the plotholdors of the Salem csmetery to improve its'appSArtliee will be held on Soutday afterbor>u of thia week. All arc reqneated to attend. F. PedKr Sec., Jqa. Hawkins Chairnan. A robin built its nest in the Palmer" ton town clock nd stalled it There ha ^ been snntethiag over or thousand phe^Haut .__:- La'ched mi th Island thia season and still raer.i ti come out. I tnkes ill se birds some thini; liko i year and A half to come to their full feathers. There has been good nuny hundred eggs shipped io different parts as wall as the ej/gs. nsed fur hntching ou the Inland. Mrs Wlt<r Thompson and children of Hopeville visited with Mis Stanley Campbell ihv past week. S vV Sloin of Toronto is a gu^i at I he K ,.!, i, :!:-, this week. \Vilk.-i iu my friends are glad tu eie hiui buck ag:i : .D . .Mrs Ldlimer nd daunhtiir, Kf.a, co iijut. i -j by Mi.--- .K.- 1:. Wrikh', Jack Liri^e iiid Ern Pructur, viil'ed Omen Sound tmi Meaford the past w i-k K'Krunce exainn thiK week ..ini fuur pupils are writing from here Margaret P . . Jack Park, Eunice and Karl G >rdon. V\'e wish thum success. We are pieased to set! Mrs Ada.u Smith able to be <tbout ai^iiu after beidi; on the s:ck list lhe past week. We!ey Cooey, Basil and Mae Curruth- era left thin week f r a trip to Mclei'r and the 3ult, Cjuite a cumber . i the Prusbyterian OJOgre^atiou attended the meeting held m Flesherton Monday evening to decide on . call for a minister. Mr- Jacob Williams is up fro.n the city to ?peod a few days. M.try McKee wa home frum the city to spend* few holidays, returning on Tueitday. '. en MI- have been the general subject of debate the p>i-t few weeks, getting nore interi^ting at> tbe day drew near. However, now that the great day ia a thin.' of the past [i "pie will be able to settle down oncu more to the general routine. Unusual infers: has been showu lieiu t his election. < minding one of dty , gune by, and althoi . the I" F O carried airay the maj irity huie, the old p i; tyiain appears ID be revived in thu hdartn of many, by the shewing of votes pulled by the Coneurvativea Mr* Tuiihy and children motored up from Meaford on Sunday and *pent the day tvith the formei's mother, Mrs Par- liament. Bart Gardiner of Epping **id Rcy Mc illnii of Markdale vinited at i he home of Mrs Wilson recently. Mrs Unaaniond of KirnberJ. y visited * -i friend, Mrs Large, tbe pai-t week. Frank Cairns and wif> of K!eherinn riaitvd nith H Cairn* the past -fk. Mra Ouiloy look her son, Will, , the J.wtn Sood hospital fcr trea'iiieut thia week . John \ViJii.iiiiM.ujii sun, Albcr'. visited -he latter's wife in Colliagwool hoxpitil Iho p*st *-et!k. Wu re pleased to her he i.t improving. Kd**rd Hillock and wife : Maxwell ill!,.! J K. .lamicson over thf week end Mr* I' 11 1: i:iiriit visited wi li Mrs [._>- >nx at Portlaw recently, Mabel Wtllianir, whu n n hn-u viititing ler frandrnother, Mrs Tun>. i . h8 gone >o thu city t be wi'.h her aunt, Mrs Will Carrutl.es, wlm h.n been seru>uly ill, mi. w<> are pleased to hear, < improving. Thutnts Howard nnd coo, EJ, mtor*d luwo from ' '*->ii s.iuiul and ppeiiC a day hi- wuek with John William- *ud wife. Mias K i!,' Jainicnun is -Ting at >reeiit from poisunirg in the ankle, v,m>ii by a stint from au Inaec' of me ort, and W^ich has befi: ve'y painful. Little Flurenee Tuohy of Mr.ii, rd is 'iwtiog her aunt, Mrs A Hoy. Rusaell Park and friend visited in iarkdftle the piMt week. Wading bells are ringing. Frsd PsdUr visited in Cullini(wod on<9 day li-t week. Hundreds of crs visited thp pMk OD 8undy laat in senroh for a cool pUce. Mrs TDOS McKoe spent a day with her brother, Robert, at Portlaw. DIED &KGIISH At HIM hone io Wik'ur, Idaho, on Thu. , June T, 1023, John English, after a three peeks' illness. ' HABBOTTLE In Osprey CD M-u., June 25, Robt. H nbottle. Funeral took v We to O*n Sound 3D Wednesday. WEDDING PRESENTS You will find hero just the article you w-mt for a gift and of such quality that iti will afford you that satisfaction nocessary to make it apprec- iated. Table Ware, Hollow Ware. Plated Silver, Cut Glass. Always a good stock to choose from. Let us help you solve your gilt problems. "GIFTS THAT LAST" W. A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* ", and . jtibalmer; Phone Hillcrest 261 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. * MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, "'" President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance I SEED CORN Now is the time to buy your seed corn. We handle Rennie's, the best on the market. We have in stock the four leading varieties : COMPTON'S EARLY WISCONSIN NO. 7 WHITE CAP IMPROVED LEAMING W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the bet to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. Spring and Summer Shoes We have them iu some of the latest styles in Oxfords. One and two strap shoes in, white, black and tan. Men's Heavy Boots that will give"good w ear. Arch Supports and Footeezers. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAHIO ^

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