Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1923, p. 8

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'June 27, 1923 THE VI ESHERTON ADVANCE one 89 Announcement ^8 beg to announce to the public that \vo have lened a new Millinery and Ladies' Wear. The best les on earth arrive every day in Millinery, Gowns, Tosses, Blouses and all Ladies', Misses and Girls' i eur. We specialise in better lines ot the newest [yles and designs ot the world's invention. When >u want to appear the best here is the store where ju can get the styles at any tiir.e. It doesn't matter ere you live you always save 25 per cent, in all irchases from us, ' and get the best quality. Gnar. itee to return money if not satisfactory. We have jit down the price so low that the poor, as well as 16' rich, can buy. 1 solicit your patronage on the unds* to give the best and newest designs in the writ]. Yours respectfully, JOS. SURACE DUNDALK, ONT. Box 275 All phone and mail orders receive the beat care and we reply to all letters. LONDON LADY FINDS RELIEF Mrs. Crabb Finds in Dreco, the Fam- ous herbal remedy, corrective pro- perties that overcome suffer- ings of years." PICTURE SHOW Thursday, June 28th, at 8.30 p.m. "When Danger Smiles" Educational Comedy Emission 20 & 30 cts. - C. E. Walden, Manager rl YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Every owner of property owes it to himself and family to carry ;i reasonable amouut of Fire Insurance as none of us are' especially guarded against disaster. Cull in and let us know what insurance you re- quire and we will advise what is best in your case. FIRE, LIGHTNING, TORNADO, WIND, AUTO- MOBILE, BURGLARY & GUARANTEE BONDS "Service that Counts" The Flesherton Insurance Agency W. A. ARMSTRONG, proprietor The story of Mrs. A. Crabb, of 22 i Rnyhani Street, London, Out., is an ob- jject lesson to every man and woman !who is troubled with digestion ailments. ! It shows the extent of the suffering | bad digestion causes if allowed to pur- ' sue its way, uncheqticd. Check your i digestive complaints now, with Dreeo i and avoid the misery that Mrs. Crahb 'describes. Here is her statement: I "Since August 17th, 1922, I have (been in terrible pain, through my left 'side and also around through my hack. The Pains were so accute that night ' after night I would walk the floor, un- able to sleep. I was unable to do my I housework, as it was in misery from I morning to night. Gastric trouble j caused my stomach to bloat, and my I sufferings from indigestion were awful. "I began taking Dreco on Jan. 15th land to-day I feel like a new woman. '.the pains have entirely gone and I a:n ! now able to do my housework and i cooking. My appetite is good and I | have no gastric troubles, while before 1 taking Dreco, everything would turn |in my stomach. I "1 had tried every kind of pills and ' remedies and had almost given up hope when I heard of Dreco. I am so happy over the benefits Dreco has giv- en me, that I tell everyone about it. It was a godsend and I am continuing fo use it." Dreco is a natural remedy, prepared from herbs, roots, harks and leaves known for ages for their medicinal properties. Dreco contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs and is a safe and certain spring tonic and regu- lator. Urcco is being specially introduced in Flesherton by C. N. Richardson, and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. Died In Church , Brnughtun, a f man litini< near Dundalk died middenly iu the Methodist church there on Sunday lait while delivering a report on Sunday school work. Mr. Broughton was MI yenra of age and was, we uoderaUnd, Superintendent of the Sunday ticht.ol, SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that ear customers in the aix com- munities mar materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandU* at the f aireit poiaibl* prices. Our Greater Values Are Recognized In Every Purchase Made In This Store The Most Beautiful Hats Clearing At $3.98 This i= an exceptional opportunity for bccuting one of the very latest ideas of fashion's fancy in Women's Trimmed Hats. Each one is right up-to-the-minute. Pine straws, heir cIcKtM/transpaivnt silk, eutin .nM fab- rics in thcjtinest of qualitin, the loveliest colorings, as well as the moat novel adornment of flowers. foliape and rmtallic laces. See thcnc huts caily unit get the one thut in meat becoming for you. Regular up to 97 .50. Clearance price $3.98 Ladies' Exquisite Silk Scarfs V, i_) A-..- just placed in htock an assortment oft.adica' exquisitely oe autiful Sftk Scarfs These are very popu* Ur at the present moment and are not only used under a cool, but H|.VO an a summer wrap about the shouldcrH. Our ithowing incladea nil the newest coloringg, u nioet handsome iwortnicnt indeed. Every ttoarf is an ex- clusive one, Ji we hare no two exactly alke in both weave and oolonnR. Nothing newer or more beautiful obtainablef Moderately priced $2.U5, ,,.MI, r i.v-, |:i.;iV I4.ZS, u.sn and 14.95. High Quality Merchandise Arriving Almott Daily We arc hiving almoat daily arrivals of beautiful new up-tn-tlu- uilnirtr fabric* for ikirta, drenBefl and blouacs See the new Wundrr Silk for drcaae*. the new Fancy Silks for aepartte skirts ami many materials suitable fer blouses. Moderately priced. Stamped Linens At A Lower Price Than You Have Been Paying We place in atocatbia week anMSortment of stamped Linens in abmd cover*, doilie*, runncrn, pillow cases And other article*. These will be sold at inucli lower pncea than you hive been pnvmg. See them , you will be delifhted. A Remarkable Clearance Of Ladies' Slippers & Oxfords at $1.98 i>'i pairs Lauica' Oxfords and Slipper* in calf, dongola and patent leathers to be cleared at a big, sacrifice. In u l;ii K' stock like ours there is tun- to be an accumula- tion of odd lines. This i an uccumulation of a few sizes of many linen that sold at $a.5 to iS.60 For u quick clearance we have made the price very low. Special clearing price *. $1.98 A Clearance of This Season's Most Popular Sellers In Slippers and Oxfords $2.98 A number of our most popular linen of this season's Slippers and Oxford* arc clercd out with the exception of u lew pairs in several tinea- These we have ametn- bled m one lot and will clear them out at the above price. This is a remarkable chance of buying a pair of the latest creations in this season's footwcap at a low price, (tegulur |:<.V5 to $4.95, clearing at 12.98 SAVE ON GROCERIES Specials . J Iba. Kim v Uulk Dates 25c :i Ibs. Ulue Koae Kicc IBc 2 Ibs. nice r ivsh Prunes . ' 23c Macaroni, 2 Ibs. for |Sc U I .(-. Tins Red Salmon 65c Package Lanka Tea 65 2 Cans of Corn 2Sc Gallon tin of Apples Me 4 Ib tin of Kaapberry or Strawberry Jam 75c 2 Iba. Evaporated Peacnre sfe 7 Bara of Comfort Soap gO Lime Juice, regular 50c for ife Gal. tin of Blueberries, rag. St. IK for gg e 1 1 Packages, 1 1 os. pkga , Seedltaa Kaistas $1.00 4-strin| Rrooma 4^. eK f- niring Brooma , , Brian Us Your Wool : You will thus realize highest possible prices F.T, HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Drury Govt. Defeated The Province of Ootario has been an- other political landslide, the greatest it hao ever kno*n. The Drury governmerjl h IH been utterly routed and the Conser- vative* will again i>ter office with an overwhelming majority, something like 70 member* out of a possible 111. Caiitte Orey arid Nurth Qrey both relnri.o.1 U.F.O. candidates, but Squib Grey was redeemed for the Conserva- tive!) by Dr. Jamieaon with amcjority of about 500 over Mr, Leeeon. The Globe's summary is as followi, but is likely to be slightly changed : OjiiM-r values 77 Liberal*.., Itt: United Fanners 13 Libor f 3 Independent 1 One seat to hear from. Osprey Township K_>" Carmichael Feversham 123 107 Muxwell 91 88 UobRoy../.... r . 19 64 Warebam 50 28 HiitlaUi.il 47 22 Bidgeros .67 -> 86 SingbamptoD 69 22 Mclntyre 36 68 * ' Small Advertisements Chopping done. on Saturday only.- Grahnm Bros. Eugenia. Buckwheat For Sale, Silter Hull vari- etyBen McKer./.ic, RBI, Ceylon. For Bale Cookstove, good baker- B. Welton, Fleshertoo. G. For Silt LUWU mower, nearly new Apply to Rev. J, H. Oke, Fleshertoo. 300 bnshelTf f Golden hull buckwheat for sale. E. Sargent. Ceylon For Sale First c'a8 timothy Jijay. A Conkey, Ceylon Phc ue 25 r 22. 2 ins. l*ig's For Sale Young pigs. Apply to F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton . House and lot for Sale House and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known tut the Asbdowri' re*idence at Oyton, an eight roomed dwelling, 3006 celljr, stable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a aood bcine for a retired gentleman. * For terms nd fur- ther particulars apply to W. J. Ue'.la.-ny, Flefiherton. IMayft Farms For Sale 502 485 76 Mark dale 389 Artemesia Township ,1 niiieh n Leesou Eugenia 80 126 Ceylon 63 74 Portia* 08 72 Oian^e Valley 62 95 Piicville 69 113 Vandoleur 31 82 Flesberton(Arte)... 36 G4 Proton Station 41 59 435 685 Kleaherton 148 46 Uundalk 273 72 SOUTH GREY Majorities by man cipalities : Jamieson Leeaon Beutinck 181 Normanby 63 Dundalk 201 Durham....: 7/4 Kgiemout 4 Fmsberton 182 Hanover 502 Nvuitadt 125 Glenelg 100 Proton 35C Arteuesia 250 1898 1124 M*j >rity for Jamiesun 774 CENTRE GREY Majorities by municipalities : C'ttrmk'hael Dr. Kuo Meaford.... 127 Otprey 17 Thoiubury 37 Euphrisia . 120 QolUnd ' .... 152 MarkdaU .... 313 St. Vmumt 4fil .... CUIingwood.. :ifl7 Youifg pigs for sale, five weeks' old Harmon Had ley, FV-hertou. For Sale " Speedwell" bicycle in good ehape, will sell reasonable. Apply at The Advance <. nice and see wheel. For Sale New binder Sl.H. 7 ft. cut, will M'll reasonable, fur quick sale. Apply at this office. 1 mo. 828 MM ill j fur Caruiichael 52 7W, Mrs. Robt. Waller Mrs. Robt. Waller of town passed away to her long rest Wednesday last, June '40th, after an illness of about seven years duration, from cancer of the stem- ache. Her long and painful illneas wat> hum with great fortitude and uncom- plainingly, and death came to her aa a friend. Mrs. Waller was born in the township of Darlington, near Bowmanville, and came to Artcmcsia with hf r parent*, the late Thomas Osbomc and wife, when only one year of age, which makes her one of the few very old pioneers left, in fact we know of no one now living who preceedcd her to thisdistrict, where she arrived in iK5;i. Her parents set- tled on the east back line on the farm later purchased by Mr. Johnson Cullen. In later years they moved to Flesbertoa. Her father died here about thirty yeara ago. In 187Sth deceased lady married Mr. Hobt. Waller, who mourna her de- parture in common with two daughters and one ion Luiic (Mr. J. A. MoFad- dcn) who has cared for her mother here dyring her loflfl lllnoaa ; Annie (Mra. R. McPadden) of Mono Centre, and GM>,, who lives on the homestead, west back line. MIM. Waller was a woman of deep religious convictions, her father being a loeal preacher in the early days ot Methodism here, and she was closely identified with all the church organiza- tions, including the women's Missionary Society, until illrieea prevented. She waa a weman of many sterling qualities and her departure ia aincerely mourned. The fimeral took place Friday after* noon to Pleaherton cemetery, when Rev. Bowta of MntoHle condoctH the service ia the churrk. Tie r>allbfrer were John Wwlit,,ioe*h field, TKoaa* Claytoe. John Heard, Mark Btewurt and Joka Stewart, all ol whom had known her niaaa girlhowl, Qordea Banlon, whnia in the enUrgMl pietnra hiainess, waa giveo SO data IB j nl at Walksrton for iiiuing a eheqae rhen there wee* no fuocU. - Ua the Toronto Line Provincial Iligh* way. Thii'ti farms, two of 100 acres and ope of 50 ayres all cleared. First class i "buildings," up to Jale in every particular. Will sell any on* of these. Good brick bouae on one of the farms. The tabling for animals is perfect. One farm hat ten acres hardwood buab and another hundred has three acres of timber and has butfdingi for everything needed, including poultry honse and pig pens. No broken" land and rfear of weeds Any peison interested should investigate JA8. SflNSON, Imy Proton Station P..Q. Ps-ure tj Rent Lot 8 and 'J Con 2, S. A. R , Artemesit, plenty of water. Apply to Chi Ut ma MacKinnon. 1 mo. For Sa'e ' Mission " granity waihiog machine wUI self at half 'price. Rev. J. H. Oke, Fleshertno. ( J'linl S'.uileliFikfr car fur sale, very reasonable price aiid in A 1 shape Apply to P. Munsh*w, Eugenia. OiU Wauttd Feed nara wanUd at once. W. J. Steivait & Sons, Fleiher- too. For Sale Heavy Farm wagon and box, hay rake, set heavy team harness Fred Stuart, FIciherton. Every day in every way Empire wall paper lead* the way for quality, colours, and prices : Agent H. G. Carrington, Kleaherton. House and Lot for Sale rooms i r the Large frame house, 10 acres of land. Residence John Breen. Apply to JOHN WHIGBT, 13 Jnt tf Flesherlon 1* late House and Lots For Sale In the village of Flesherton. Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, containing 1 acre and abou.t J tquare perch, with good 1U room brick house, orclutd, auble and good spring wter. Apply to Mrt. W. K. May 9 tf Richardson, Fletherton. Boar For Service Pure bied Registered Yorkshire Boat for service Vineyatd Kamous 7703O- on lot 167. 8. \V. T. & S. R.. Artemeata. Terms 91.50. Soa^not vutaioed will b* [10,4.22 T. J. STUTSOlfr Cattle For Pasture I will take in cattle for pature by the month during BOAR for SERVICE the summer. Will sell farm.-S.Thomp- ; Purebred Tamworth B<wr for serrio* son, Flesherton R. R. 1. | on lot 167. S W T and S E., ArtenKwia.. rnsa> r\ o j i , - j Terms $1.50. Sows not returned will LOSl-On Sunday, June 17, between ^ ch4rRed , M tho , e , n . Rock Mills and Fleshertoo, sa:k coat ' p e b blaek, Robt. Fisher, Fiesherton Leave at Advance orh'ce or with me. 2 ioi. -T.J.STISSON'Prop I Boar for Service Cattle taken to pasture for summer I p urebred K ^^ y<)rkghlr . Ccmmumcaie with Herb Corbett, |f, ( , se rvice on lot 31, Kt con. >ooth O.D. 'J Cloverbrao Farm" Proton Station, jR, Arlemesia. Terms 91 . 80. Sowa Out. D0 t returned those in \>ig. S. R. HAWKINS. Licensed auctioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at The Advance > (lice or by addressing me at Eugenia. Your piromge solicited. will ho charged same a J.J. MEADS, Priceville. Bull For Service Pedigreed Jeriey bull, "Premier of Loan Oak," 21,058. for service at lot 151, ,1 N.E., Arteoiesin* Terms For rade* Cement Mix^r For Sale "Bulldog" mixer with 2A h p. gaaoline engine, and ,'-' thoroughbreds ."> ou tit inclu-iing 2 xteel wheelbarrows and i H. C. Radley & goo, wai^on, Hteel furiTH for oilos. All will besoldchexp for c*sh. T. Bentham, Fleah,r,on Phone 41 r 22. 1 Flaherloo. Sheep Strayed BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES CKIM-K AHTHI;K LODGE, No. xn.A.r.* Strayrd frcm my prtniiFes about June 10th, one fat eve, black face, half long tail ; one while ewe, and one while iong J _. ^*'"* B Jii^2 !1 8 ^?; r '' ' B lta i tailed ewe lamb. Any inlormation will .' _! . be thmikfully received. Robert Smith, Eugenia. DENTISTRY House and Lot For Sale At Eugenia iuib C MURRAY U O. B . dntal ntuoa " hCDorffrtdnata of Torooto UoiTusKv ana Kov OolloA of Dental Surxaont of Ontario Qu aJaiuiiiiitenJ fcr tovili aXtraoilga tt-n' atr.-udvi.ca. Totooto " _- W. <3. DAVIS, L D. 8 , gradutt* Good house with c*lpr, and lot aad , of the l'nivrsity of Toronto and Uyal siabW ; pump house, good well, one acre College nf Dental Surgeons ot Ontario. 'ie corner of Queen 8l. K. aod< Ave., Phone Glad. 1388. Apply to .'..tin A. Jamiaaoo, MyMlm liV) Wallace Ave., Toionto. Farm For Sale I Lot 166 and 1<>7, lal rtnge W T S R. 00 aere, S miles acu'h nf Fleiherton the Provincial Highway ; 86 acres ndor cultivation balance pasture and Uwan.Boa'nd. WHUJP land. For other prtiedlais pply to Mrr. M.Thintlethvaite 1m LEGAL UCA8, A bKNRT Barrlttor*. .Solicitor!. MO.-I. B. Lu., K. C.; W. D. B*nry A. UJDeea, alukct&l* Lneu Bloek. Phra* . HtMah offlcd .t Oaudtlk audD WB10UT. A TELFOHD.Uaniitor, ftrunL .*.i OUlc Orcv ft * Standard Bank W.H. Wright. W. Klesherton ICE CREAM ORDERS AH give your orders to Sam Russ, truck driver for ice cream and fruit for the 12th of July or any other time. We will deliver the ice cream at your door for the 12th of July at SI 40 per gallon and cones at $3.50 per thousand. We will lentt you dishes free for the day. Drivers will he in Flesherton every Monilay nnd Friday. Place yot_orders Ottice THOS OELANEY BarriaUr, Solicitor, Artlvy Block, Markdalo, Oo*. W 1 BUSINESS CARDS _ KAITTtNO, loan* Cacus Star of! Cacua Stai" will make thestitson as follow* : ' THl'RSUAY-.it^a.m. lr*,e dalk by way ol (ra*t raid, to tn for ntx> ; thonse at 8 p m, (or Mark- daW lor Bight. FRIDAY >t t* a.m. levn Markdale f fleaherteii, and at I p.m by way W Gravel Wod, toucKinjr l*rotou Sttaca, to Diaialk, wkwo he will remain utM AUCTION SALE An auction sale of household fuiuitart lh property ol 0. C. Henry will b. held in FLK8HKRTON SATURDAY, JULY 7, '23 han the lollowiag will fc* offered t D>venport; ;t L-aihwr Rock pro; Tables Qoebee Heater; IVdnjow miu | ivory; lion Bd ; Child'* Got High Chair; 8u!k*y ; Catiage ; Qainitty ol Frort j. Boiler; Res; Taale aN M|. tits f(.Ht.iK Monday woraiui;. j erooa. olliar articl**. Tei us and Omdi: ii.ua 116 fur insur-i TERMS- All turn* of |1 u>d andet anee, due Jan. lit, 1M4. or. wken mart h ; over that amoent 4 iug. eceifi shows to be with foal. Usatl oondltloaa, will be given on approved joint nete*. CUAS. PALMER, Dandalk. I * 1) I D. AMtiM(p|

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