Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1923, p. 4

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July 1, 1923 THE FLESHKBfOfl ADVANCE For Spring House Cleaning Everyone likes a clean house at this time of the year and a small expense in Paint or Varnish makes a great improve- ment. We have a full line of Sherwin- Williams Paints and Varnishes, also Chi-Namel and Paint Brushes. Enamelware, Tinware, Scrub Brush, Galvanized Tubs, etc. Give us a call. We will satisfy you. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone24rll THE Pi ji'Ui'in W. H.THUKSTON Viva nee IllTOB Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's ancL Boy' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirt*, Overalls, Smocks, etc. ('leaning Repairing Pressing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario THE U. F. O. DEFEAT The many theories advanced as to the cause of the U.F.O. Govern- ment's defeat make very interest- ing reading'. Their name is legion, and any one of them ought to he enough to defeat any government. These range all the way from the sweeping' to power of Conservatives " on the crest of a wet wave,' 1 to the attitude of J J. Morrison him- self, with many other reasons sand- wiched in between. Mr. Morrison says it was because " ideals were set aside and declarations of prin- ciples forgotten, not hy the heart ol the ir.ovement, but by those who wished to capitali/e every sugges- tion that might brinfc- support. For ourselves we believe that every reason given may have been a contributing factor in bringing about Mr. Orurv's defeat, but the outstanding cause was that ad- vanced by Mr. Morrison. The party leaders forgot their pre-elec- tion pledges, not one of which they attempted to carry out. " A man who will not try to keep a solemn pledge is discredited and no person will trust him. A governm ant can- not expect to be measured by any other standard. Suits That are Well-made The Klesherton Tailor Shop in, the plane to get suits thai are well made Kvery eclion of ?ie\v spring and summer suit ings to choose from ; let us show them to yon Trices that can't In- beaten. French Dry Cleaning If your suit or coat is soiled hand it, to us for dry cleaning. It will look as good as ever. Try it. T. C. BLAKELEY - Merchant Tailor EDITORIAL NOTES Col. Carmichael's official major- ity was U.I. Markdale people think Meaford electofs " kirfed " them. But the Mirror states thai '' Meaford rallied more strongly ! behind Dr. ligo than it did behind lion. I. R. I :. j-. tlie last time." 'So that bubble is exploded, o o o o A Toronto man was caught driv- ing too fast on the Owen Sound to Meaford highway and paid $25 and costs for the luxury. The vcrj same day he was caught speeding | on the Durham Road and will an ! swer for this on July 4th at Owen Sound. If he keeps up this ^:ii I Mr. l.ouis t'.idcsky will soon dis cover that his speed will speedily absorb his whole wad. Mis speed may be 50 hut bis money will go " like 60." Two bites from the same poor fish in cue day was good fishing for the cops. If the To. ronlo Star only gave a pri/c rod for the biggest sucker we could name Ac winner. The Duty of Fire Prevention / - - Chevrolet National ^^^ Economy Week JUNE 24th to 30th, 1923 $1000.^ IN CASH PRIZES TO CHEVROLET OWNERS Not by Factory Tests but by Owners' Results will Chevrolet Economy be judged. Chevrolet owners now have the opportunity of proving conclusiv- ely that their cars a/e the lowest in eost of operation of any cars built. There are no enhance fees, no "strings" to this competition. Your Chevrolet dealer has hlank forms and all particulars. See your dealer at once D. McTAVISH & SON CHEVROLET and McLAUGHLIN CARS FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Carelessness with cigarette butts, cigar ends, matches, pipe ashes, camp fires, fly smudges, railway locomotives, slash-burning operations human carelessness of some kind accounts for over 95%' of the forest fires in Ontario. It is impossible to say how many fires along railway lines are not due to engine sparks, but to the thoughtless smoker tossing away his cigarette or cigar butt. However, there is no doubt a fair num- ber of forest fires originate in this way, and such are preventable. Each in- dividual should realize his personal responsibility to be careful with fire in any form in northern Ontario. Save Ontario's Forests The Ontario fire ranger is at the mercy of all types of carelessness, and cannot prevent fires starting, as a rule. He can only attempt to limit the consequences. He is entitled to your help and co-oper- ation by being careful with\ fire. \ V Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ontario Promotion Exam. McMiWIen Wright MAKUlKD-In Toronto, TuecJay, Presentation Rev. atd Mrs Oko and oVmsjbter, Minn FI.MHKKTON riUM.lt; SCHOOL June 20, 111*!, l,y lh Uov. Gco \Vuiih, ' Helen - '"f Thursday of U<t week to T.I Jr .'Srd UCiiii. K i'eowiuk, A ' LUvenport Kuad, Methodist church, A Hoard (ll.ii') A Lever (R,) II Mildied fclimbeth Wright, youngent Hon. d*ughki-r t>( Mr. n.l Mr. John Wii>>hr, Fle'-harton, to .lames Wilson McMulUn, eldest son of Mr uud Mrs Mullen, Ceylon, Ont. Mo Pmion(l{,)B I'lnllipi .' and to Sr2nd L Bally. M Ken- wick, M Hibl.^. Sr Ut to Jr lind J McKudden (II.) A Irwin (H,) K MuMullen, 15 Fisher, H Be ., B IVt,,n, Sled. ,,, , ny ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rf IttoJr |.i -D McFid.len. U Me- F,d Brick, near CargUI, while ,lyn. K :! h,,, . M Suurf, D McMullen, C mi,in .stomp, had hi. riht Imnd ,'* H.Mtlo.-bwa.telEKo.toni.cnm) oompletely off two inch*, above the C tn H.-VVrdun MoMasUr, A War- wrist, besidoi sastaininB msny painful Hftf, Hnyd, K Wiwling, i; I'dtton, B bruises abcui tbo body W.lion. A (<- C H McKillop, H Cr. ft, K '1\N to', L VlcK. clinic, () Mi:Nlly. reside iu Toronto after ,t two years' nsidence in FleshcrtoD. Previou* to their leaving they were preseoted by the Methodiit Ladies' Aid with a beautiful it)t of one d z.-n cut glass sherbet dihes. to illness in the fun-lily the presen- tation was nude <|uietly. S S No. 7, Ar^'lne^i I'r toUt Ada Wl.yte, John son, Jessie (>'strnder. IHI to 2 id Ohristcnn (hon.) J-k McMillan H W 1 t | Mil : MI | ( |i| , ' | Use An Advt. To Buy or Sell Use The. Advance "Stuall Advt "department for a quick | sale of any commodity, gets results, AUCTION SALE An auction sale of household fm nitui thu property of G. C. Henry will be held io FLESHERTON SATURDAY, JULY 7, '23 when the following will be offsred : I iiuu L', mom suit?, fumed nak : Range Davenport; 3 Leather Rockere; Library Tb!e; Quebec Heater; Btdroom Suite in ivory; Iron Hed ; Child's Cot ; 3 Kitchen s I shown by the large number 10 Ji :t j John Wooiiar.i, Mry whoare continually using it to buy and sell. Try it to day. UcDunmld .'r Hrd to St 8rd-D ck R.rslow. Jr 4ih to 8r 4th Sudy Oliver, Murgret Turner, Hadio Vame, - Annie McMilltn Teacher. 8 8 So 14, Oaprey Jr 4 to 8r 4-Burtiu Pedlar, Mervin Kendall. 81 3 to Jr 4--floy Thompson, Lawrs once Cameron. Jr 3 to Sr 3 Cornelius Sullivan. Sr 2 to Jr S- Mary Fmdlay. Jr 2 to Sr 2 Violot Sullivan, N^rmt-.o ['at lei son. Jr 1 to Si- 1-Orace Wirton. Pi- A tn Pr H Clayborne Miompftn, Wilt( n. Fro A Hazel Mclntyr*. --Florence M. Lawis, Teahef. Chairs; Hif<b Chair; Sulkey ; Con<<oleum The K"g; Baby C*riage ; Quantity of Fruit ; Ceilors ; Hoiler; 2 Uus; Table nd num- erous other articles. TEKMSAA11 sums of 810 and under dab ; ovor that amount 4 moa. credit will be niven <-u approved joiut notes. D McPHAIL, Auctioneer. WE SELL on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER HEARD, IMPLEMENT AOENT. FLESHERTON.

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