Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1923, p. 8

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July 4, 1923 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE r f the Man's work, today, is mea- sured by what he can do in a given time, with of modern equipment. car sets to-day's are afoot you are badly handicapped. Overcome this disadvantage. The motor pace. If you See us regarding Ford term* rot MOTOR FORD. COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED ONTARIO 4223 Could Not Eat Cooked Food Acute Digestive Troubles Ended by ', Dreco- London Woman's Ca { Typical of the Benefits Offered by This Splendid Remedy. Mrs. Jmes Weir of 373 Grey Street. .London, Ont., tells a story that will Sports H. DOWN & SONS, Fierfierton, YOUR INSURANCE Every owner of property owes it to himself and family to carry a reasonable amount of Fire Insurance as none of us are especially - guarded against disaster. Call in and let us know what insurance you re- quire and we will advise what is best in your case. FIRE, LIGHTNING, TORNADO, WIND, AUTO- MOBILE, BURGLARY & GUARANTEE BONDS "Serw'ce that Counts" The Flesherton Insurance Agency W. A. ARMSTRONG, Proprietor strike home with thousands of men and women, for there arc many who suffer from one or the other of the symptoms she describes. They are due to a weuli- iened condition of the organs brought about by persistent indigestion [ana constipation. Remedy these two ail- ments and the whole body responds. ' Mrs, Weir will tell you how Dreco ac- complishod this desirable result m her 1 case, " For the past year," states Mrs. |VVcii>, " I have suffered agonies caused by gastritis. The food 1 ate lay in my ; stomach. It would not digest- Gas ; would bloat me and press against my heurt causing palpitation and shortness of breath and it seemed at times that 1 i would smother. For months 1 was un- able to eat potatoes or meat cooked ir any way. Pains would shoot through i my back and across my kidneys, couldn't sleep and di/zy spells woul attaol: me. My entire system seemed tired out. 1 had no energy and was j hardly able to do my work some days. / " Now, after four bottles of Dreco, 1 am like a new person. To cat is a pleasure and I take whatever I wish with no bad after effects. I have no pains or dizzy spells. 1 can rest jtst fine aad get up in the mornings feeling refreshed. My neighbors even remark how well I am looking and gladly do 'I tell them that Dreco has brought me thce wondrous result*. Dreco fets my praise at every available opportun- ! "ty." Dreco is prepared from herbs, roots, bark and leaves of established medicinal value and contains no mercury, potaeh or habit forming drugs. It is ; scien- tific combination of Nature's own remedies fo all disorders of the stom- ache, kidneys, liver and bowels aud restores t hem to healthy action in an entirely natural way. Ureco is being specially introduced in Flesherton by C. N. Richardson, and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. Celebrate .Inly 1- in Fleitlmroi). The County of Grey and city of Oen Sound upeiit ?r_"2,r.5t) 85 lt year for county rfalc, iii'luMe <>f government grants. Centre Grey League Teams Won Lot DuncUlk 2 1 Flashertoii 2 2 Vumleleur 1 2 " Vaiid t*leur H, Dumlnlk 8 p.c. or.7 noo Dundalk Defeated Small Advertisements Chopping done.cn Saturday only. Graham Droa. Eugenia. Buckwheat For Sula, Siler Hull vari- ety- Brn McKenzie, R R 1, Ceylon. For 8le Cookstove, good taker 0. 1! Weltou, Flesher:oti. the The Old saying "A game is never won until the last man" is out" was demonstrated on Thursday afternoon of last week when Vandeleur trimmed Dundalk by driving in six runs in the last inning and winning the game 9-8. It was not the best demonstration of baseball but excitement ran high in spots and Vandeleur showed their old spirit of stick-to-itivcncss. Dundalk played a good steady game, hit well and were practically sure of victory until the 9th when something went wrong and they weakened, allowing Varulelcur to run away with the game. Russell Graham relieved " Lefty " Buchanan in the 6th inning, and wos relieved by Dillon in the 9th. Douglas came into the box in last inning for Dundalk but was unable to pull the game out of fire. Score by innings : Dundalk 01002202 18 Vandeleur 01 1 10006-8 Dundalk Armstrong. Claridge, Black- well, Douglas, Kitson, McAlister, Mont gomcry, Lockhart, Carson. Vandeleur Freeman, Warling, R, Graham, Dillon, A. Buchanan, H. Graham, W. Lee, Roy Freeman, S. Buchanan. Umpires Turney and Thurston. I U winning the ball game on Thursday it practically puts t-lcshcrton into th* running again and gives Vandeleur an equal chance to docidc the winners of the lirst section. If Vandeleur wins their game in Dundalk the three te.\ms will be tied and a play off necessary. 300 bushels of Golden hull buck wl-t for sale. E Sargent. Ceylon For Kile Hnaiian Guitar complete. Apply at this office- For Sale First c'ns timothy hay. A C.'iikcy. Ceyloq - Ph. ne 26 r 22 2 inn. Young | >!-. for sale, five weeks' old Harmon Radley. F'eshertnn. Limn Kor Sale A kiln of fresh line i>n hand. Wm. Blakoy, Porthw. Cameot For Sle Carload e the derail. r. Proton Sation. 8. Butchelor, Proton Station. For Sale New binder M.H. 7ft. cur, will sell reasonable, for quick sale Apply at this office. 1 mo. Good Studebnkpr car for alr, very reasonable price and in A 1 shape Apply to P. Munehaw, Eugenia. Wanted Feed oati wanted a' onoe. W. J. Stewatt & Sons, Flesher- ton. House and lot for Sal* Howe and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Asl.down retideoce at >yk>n, an eight roomed dwelling, good oelUr, Btablc, etc. ; about an acie of Mil), would make good ruine for a rutirrd gentleman "Tor term* id fur- : her particular* apply lo W. .). Flesheiton. Farms For Sale On the Toronto Line Provincial High- way. Three farms, two of 100 acres and one of 50 acres all cfearod. First iss build iogn, up tn date in every particular. Will sell any ons of these. 1 J.iod Inn k bouie on one of the farme. The ttubling fur animals IH perfect. One farm has tn acres hardwood bu>h and i'liiT hundred has three acres of timber and hs buildings for everythiag needed, ir eluding poultry bouse and pig pens. No broken land aod clear of weeds Any person intercstad should intotigite -JAS. SriNHON, Imy Frotoo Station P. 0. House and Lot for Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms ; acres of lard. Resident* if the John Breen. Apply to -JOHN WRIGHT, 13 Joe tf Flesherton late r SIX HILL STORES W buy together in order that oar cuatomerB in the aix com- munities ma jr materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO.. Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone inatinct- ively asaoclatea with high quality mercbandiae at the faireit potaibln prieea. July To Be A Month of many Money-Saving Specials During the month of July wo will offer many Special Inducements in the way of clear- ing out oddments of Summer (fuorls at much less than regular prices. Our (irocery and Hardware Departments will also have many Specials so that yon will be repaid for doing your Shopping at this Progressive Store. Children's Hose, 2 pairs for 25c. Ladies' Silk Hose, 69c. a pair KOO Pairs Children's HOKC in Black and Color*. A clearance of odd linen, many of which arc good value at twice the price asked. Most of these come the smaller izcs. 4,4), S, flandH. The Clearing ('rice is a very Special One. You will use good judgement if you lay in a supply for future use, an well . reijiiirementH. Special 2 paira for 25c A Table of Various Cotton Fabrics at Half Price Throughout July we Will have u half-price table, which will contain oddrncnta and short lengths of >ar- iouH lines of Cotton Fabrics. These will afford our customers in excellent opportunity for saving on goods that can be used to good advantage for Children'^ School or Play Dresses, Underwear, Blouses, Linings and many other usus. A General Clearance of mat>y lines of Cotton Fabrics at Half Price. Druro Gingham With Ratine Stripe 98c. a yard Thu is s high gride iinglish Cloth made by (lie Ururo Mfg Co., and it absolutely fast and dependable, full 40 incites wide. To be candk!, the price we were forced to ask for this Cloth, after adding a fair margin of profit, was higher than mot p*ople cured to pay, and it hit been moving out very nlowly. No line of Roodi will be permitted o remain onourhclvs very long ; therefore we have deided to throw awsy our profit and a goodly amount of the riginal coat aa well, and accordingly have cut the price very deeply. Hegolar |l.M. Clearance Price 9Sc. Fancy Stripe Shirting 29c a yard Fancy Stripe Shirting, 8i inches wide. f I 'h Fancy Shirt*, regular prict wan per yard 150 Pairs Ladies' Silk Hose in assorted Colors, also Black and White. This i* u clearance of odd linen, whk-h sold in the regular way ut 9oc and *i 00 per pair. Special Clearance price Price, per pair 9c. Ladies' Pumps, Slippers and Oxfords This a clearance of odd lines of Ladies' Patent and Plain Leather Pumps, Slippers and Oxfords, in Borne cases at less tkan one-third the original price Not all sites in lot, hut perhaps your si/.e is here. Look them over. Here is a genuine bargain. Special Clearance Price, per pair ^ 98c - SAVE ON GROCERIES 2i Ibs. Fancy Bulk Dates for...... Me. 3 Ibs. Blue Rose Rice 2^- 1 Ibs. Nice Fresh Prunes We. 2 Ibs. Shell Macaroni a 'c- 3 Lnrge Tins Red Salmon HS ^- 2 Cans Corn 25c. I Gallon Tin Applea We. 4-lb. Tin Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 7ftc- i Ibs Bvaporuted Peoches MSc. 7 Bars Comfort Sotp fioe, Lime Juice, regular SOc for ?Sc. Gal. 1 ins Blaeberries, reg. |1 .(5 for .*.V. II Packages II o/. pkgs, Seedless Raisia* fl.OO 4 String Brooms 490. 5 String Hrooms 69e. Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25c. I '..!', 8 can s for , ...., ,t6. Choice Black Ta, in bulk llba, fortl.10 Blouici or 45c. per yard. inches for UnJcraliri* Clearance The Price 29c. BKng us your wool. You will thus rea- li/e highest possible prices. FJ.H ILL & Co., Limited, Markdale For s.i Heavy Farm wagou and box, liuy rake, set heavy team harness Kred Stuarr, Klesherton. Every day in every way Empire wall paper leads the way for quality, colours, and prices : Agent H. G. Oarriogtoo, Fleaherton. CUttle For Pasture I will take in cattle fur pasture by tbo month during the summer. Will *11 farm. S.Thomp son, Fleshetton R. K. 1. House and Lots For Sale In the village of Flesbertoo. Lots 10, 17, 18 and 10, containing 1 acre aod about j tqusre perch, with good 10 room brick bouse, orchard, Bttble and good spring water. Apply to.Mra. W. E. May 9 tf Richardson, Xletherton. Kimberley Girls Won Basketball Games The Fleshcrton ladies p'aycd basket- ball in Kimberley on Tuesday night of last week with the Valley ladies and came out second best by a big score, 19 -ft we think it was. Having had very little practice and none during the past three weeks the girls tackled a team which knew how to play and who practically had the game to themselves. I'leuhcrton's only goals coming through free throws. On Thursday night last tlu- return game was played here and the local girls showed immense im- provement, but, unfortunately the same score us the above was the re stilt. After each g:imc the home team sup- plied refreshments that made one fcl at home. Cattle taken to pasture for summer Communicate with Herb Corbett, ' Cloverbrao Farm " Proton Station, Ont. 8. U. UAWKINS, Licensed auctioneer Boar For Service Pure bred Uegiaterea Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard lTaDooa 7TV80- on lot 167. 8. W. T. AS. U. , Artemwna. Terms fl.60. Sows Dottetainedtrill b charged same aa those in pig. 10,4,2^ T. J. 8TINSOX. , BOAR for SERVICE for Hie county of Grey. Terms moderate. ' Purebred Tarn worth Boar for service All arrangements can he made at The on lot 167. S W T.aod 8 E., Artoraeeia,. Advance < flic! or by addressing me at Terms $1.50. Sows not returned will Eugenia Your patronage solicited. | b charged sums as those in pig. For Sale Four C'Tds good split maple wood, Singer sewing machine good ai new, fifteen yardi rig carpet Dearly new. and about '20 jm jrs of fruit. Mr*. T. Lewis, Fleohertoo. Cement Mixer For Sale '' Bulldog" mixer with 24 h.p. gasoline engine, and ou'nt including 2 steel wheelbarrows and wagon, ateel forms for silos. All will b sold cheup for cash. T. Bentham, Phone 41 r 22. Feb 15 -T.J.STINSON'Prop Sheep Strayed Strayed from my premlfes about June 10th, 1. 11,. far eve. black face, half long t*il ; onn white ewe. and one white lung i.ii , 1 owe :ml>. Any information will be thvikfni: v received. Roheit Smith, Eugenia. Bull For Service Pedigreed Jersey bull, "Premier of Loan Oak." 21,058. for service at lot 15V 1 N.E, Arterofsia. Terms For grades- 92, thoroughbreds $5. H. C. Radley & Son, 1 Joe Pleihtrlon. Sheep Astray Tournament At Dundalk K.i-ilu i mi liall I. MI playid ot Dun. I I,'K DU Dominion Day in a tournament aud cmo out eteu with r li Dundalk nine, tbu la^t nnm being n tie t 3, Hfiur p'n in. . . . j innings. KlenberloB p'ayed i i> ...... iul i I, -l.-iiy (ioldsuiith pilcliing, r. n :52, Duntlalk won their g'uiu from a Toruntu tt'itn aad in ili'- play ull between Dundnlk and !''!' ^In i I'm tor tlie cliaiiipiiiiisliip one if the l.n-t game* aoen there for yeara wan (iiilinl i n Each team scon d una run in the tirst inning and wuut acurelMi until the '.lib, when they each u<>) an 'i 1 In i ruu. Two miire iuoings wcie pWyi'.l but ili tit) could nul bo liroktn, *o i In- munuy .- diridcd evenly. Camp to thp premises of the Lnt '.W. dm 13. Artemejiia. in the .)> of I in.,' Sth, IK*.'), four ewen MII| -\1. i:'- Owner can h?e fatnr by provine property and paylnn expen- ). Wm. Snip!o. Kiieni, P.O. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES DBIN.CB AKTBUR LODQE, No. 33S.AW.A A M, meets in the Mnaoniebtll, Arm i'rong'i Block Flttherton, evarv Friday on or hofore tbo (all moon, t J Rellamy W. V.; A. K. UelUtnj, Secretary. DENTISTRY ,\lb.C MURRAY U D. 8 , dental sargeon f In uniRriiiluittf of Toronto l'uiviirfy ua ioya Colleffn ot DcuteJ Burgeons of Oatrio, las adoileluiBtered for teeth eXtri<<*Jon t! , . ii r^iideoo*. Toronto Street. Fleaberton. CANADA'S PRIA1E MINISTERS By the term I'atlicrs of Confedera- tion, is meant the representatives of the Province who formed the Quebec Conference of Oct., l%4, which adopt- ed (hi 1 resolutions that were the basis of the British North American Act, commonly called the Act of Confeder- ation of 1867. The Prime Ministers of Canada since Confederation with their term of office have been: Sr John A. McDon- ald, July I, 18fi7, to Nov. 6, 1873, and njjain Ironi Oct. 17, 1878, to June fith. 18<)|. Alexander Mackenzie, Nov. 7, IS73, to Oct. Ifi, 1878; Sir John Ah- bott, June 16, 1801 to Dec. S, I8<>2; Sir John Thompson, Dec. 5, 1892, to Dec. 12, 18'.4; Sir MacKen/ie Rowell, Dec. 21, IS'.M to April 27, ISOfi; Sir Chas. Tupper, May 1, llWfi to July 8, 1806; Sir Wilfred l.anrier, July 11, I8)fi to Get. 6, 1011; Sir Robert Bar- den,* Oct. 10, 1911 to July 10, 1920; Hon. Arthur Melt-hen, July 10, 1020 to Dec. 29, 1921; Hon. Wm. L. MacKen- f.K King hince Dec. 20th, 1021. The Chief Justice of Canada presi- des over the Supreme Court of Cana- da, sitting in Ottawa. The Chief Justice is the Rt. Hon. Sir Louis Henry Davies K.C.M.Q. The Chief Justice of Nova Scotia is at the head of the Courts of that Province. He is the Hon. Robert E, Harris. Farm For Sale Lot KiO and 107, lt rur^* W T S R, 100 Mr**, 2 milea south r,f Flethertnn on 'In 1'p ,\ i i- V; ilijli-A .j ; >;i acres under cull i vat ion Im'itnce pasture ind swamp I '.nil. Fr ntlier [KrlicuUm l>p!v t Mr. M. Thistlethwite Juii2C 1m Kicahertnn ICE CREAM ORDERS AM give your orders to Sam Kuss, truck driver for ice cream and fruit for the 12th of July or any other time. We wifl deliver the ice cream at your door for the 12th of July at $1.40 per gallon and cones at $3.50 per thousand. We will lend you dishes free for the day. Drivers will he in Flesherton every Monday and Friday. Place your orders) earry. Dr. W. Q. DAVIS, L. D. S , graimte of the I'uirersity of Toronto nod Royal College i'f Dental SurgMnm of Ontario. OHioe t the corner of Quern 81. K. and WuodbiDe Ave., I'boncGlad. LEGAL CCAN. ft HENRY Hrr!eter. Bollcitore, ,-!. B. Lucas, K. C.; W. D. Henry, A. mi . Maik'ta'.e Lucu I'.lock. Phone . miiii v II.IH .,, UDQdalk aud Dnrbi. y HKIUT. A TKLKOKD.Barriitei, fiolici. ton, Ac. Office*. Ure? S Bruc* niook, Owon Hound. Standard Hank ,-t ,Tleahet- ton. (SatorJayi). W. H. Wrigbt. W. 1'". 1'elford Jr. BUSINESS CARDS \\7 M. KAtTTINO, Ic. ned AuctlCDBW toi ' tlui cooottei ot Urpy anil Bimoo*. Farm >d hto;k a1ea a gpeeiaJty. Tenni iiixlertte. Batiefaotloo gaaraqtf ed. ArrBge- mciits for date* mav be madf It file AdVanat- ittlce, or Central telerbouv at P , ir by addramioi! we ham. Out R A. TURNBULIi. from the Facqjty of Ma of Toronto. Ofrk-HichrdV>n ! or ton, 'LVIi'pl IPIIK 35. oate Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes JWtJWW Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy JVWJVmW PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, Ontario y \

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