THE FIfcSHERTON ADVANCE , Sets -day's pace Man's work, today, is mea- sured by what he can do in a given time, with the aid of modern equipment. The motor car sets to-day's pace. If you are afoot you are badly handicapped. Overcome this disadvantage. See u* regarding ford terms FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED FORD. - ONTARIO 4:!23 H. DOWN & SOi\S, Fleaherton, On*. YOU3R INSURANCE MEEDS Kvi-ry owner of property owes it to him-df and family to cany a reasonable amount of Fire Insurance as none of us are especially L'lunii'd ,-i^.iinst di.- ister. Call in and let us know \\luit in-urai.'.-e you re- quire and wo will advise wliat is l>(.'.st \<* .yi/nr ca.-c. FIRE, LlUflTfJlNG, TORNADO, WIND, AUTO- MOB1LK, BURGLARY & GUARANTEE BONDS "Service that Counts" The Flesherton Insurance Agency W. A. ARMSTRONG, Proprietor No Longer Bedridden ' London woman recover* from pro- tracted and painful rheumatic at- tackgiven all th credit to Dreco, the famous health builder. The plight of Mrs. Minnie E. Hethcr- ington of 022 Eleanor Street, London. Out is beat described in her own brief words 'M couldn't even turn over in 1 bed, mueh less walk." So severe was ((a 1> un >.- suffered that two weeks be/ore Christmas she took to her bed and there remained, helpless", until the splendid healing properties of Dreco ; came to her aid. Many people, men aud women, are martyrs to this painful ailment-rheumatism -usually caused by Improper functioning of the kidneys and other digestive organs und it is to help just such people as these, that Mrs. llcthcrington rnukes her state- ,'nient. Says Mrs Hcthcrington: "Just be" fore Christmas 1 caught a terrible cold jlhat settled in my kidneys. My rfands, ; feet and limbs became very sore, and to swell with rheumatism until, agonies of pain, 1 lock to my bed. The pain and stiffness so 'severe that i couldn't even turn over. I was very nervous and couldn t s-lcep i and had no appetite. Constipation also 'added to my sufferings and all the medi cines I tried gave no relief. " My,' daughter, however, heard o, ; the wonderful help other people were ! getting from Dreco and brought a bottle home for me. That was only a week and a half ago, Now, 1 am able to walk-, a thing I havn't done for two months. I am feeling like a new women. My bowls are regular, I sleep Bound'v and have a good appetite. The pains in my limbs have almost gone as ; has the swelling. I unhesitatingly rec- ommended Druco to anyone suffering the way I did " Dreco has been the source of relief for thousands of similar sufferers, It is I prepared from Nature's own herbs, roots, bark and leaves and acts in a natural way. Ily its toning uncl regu- lating properties it speedily disperses the noxious gisses a . .1 poisonous acids that cause biliousness, rheumatism and other distrcssm;: ailments, building the whole sjKteni up to a line, healthy vigor. No one need suffer the awful pains of rheumatism when Dreco will give them such remarkable relief. Ureco is pleasant to take and con- tpins no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. Dreco is being specially introduced in Fle&ht.Ttoii by C. N. Richardson, and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. Sports f SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order thai our ciutomerc in the six com- munities may materially ben- efit Individually. F. T. HILL & CO.. Ltd. ftlarkdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively asocii>teB with high quality merchandise nt the fair- it poitiblo prices. July To Be A Month of many Money-Saving Specials tin- mouth of July we will offer ninny SpociaJ Inducunuints in tlio way of cli-ar- out oddments of Summer Goods ;it inuch less than regular prices. OurUrocery and Hardware J^'purttnciits will also have many .Specials so that yon will be, repaid for doin^ your Shopping at this Progressive St.oir. Children's Kose, 2 pairs for 25c. Ladies' Silk Hose, 69c. a p:iir 500 Pairs ChiMrcu's H'osc in H'.uk mul CVilor.s. A clearance of oJJ lines, muny uf uliu h <n\ K"'"l vulue .it twice the prL't- :i'.l:eJ. Most of thrsi- come the hinalk-r uixi-s, -t. 4V, 5, SA and (i. The Clearing Pri^c i^ :i viry bixrcul Out. You will iibc ({oiul jiulfji mcnt it v>u lay in :i supply (or future uur, :IH v. cl! .. rrquirimrnt!>. Special ...................... 2 pniri for 25c. A Table of Various Cotton Fabrics at Half Price Throughout July we will !i..\r :i liaif-pi'KO l;il>li'. Khich Mill cont.iin oJJniints ancl short Irrj'.ll.s uf var- ious lines of Cotton I-'ubucs. TheKC will :illird cur cuuliiiiicrs :iu onci-llent Opportunity for v:ivii;j; on gords that can he used to tfood sidvanLi|> c for Children's School or Play Dresses, L iiJnut:ir, Hloiisis, Linings and many othrr iisc.s. A ( Clearance of many li:n s of Cotton I'abnts :tt Hulf Price. Druro Gingham With Ratine Stripe 98c. a yard This is a hiKh RraJe Hnjjlish Cloth made hy the Uniro Co , and is absolutely fast and dcpcndublt . full 40 indies wiuc. To b cundii!, the price we \\eic forcrd to nsU for this C'lotr', afber Kddiiii; a fair margin of profit, ..: hi(,hef lhan nunit people cured to pay, and it haa been moving out very slowly. No line of j;ooiis will he permitted to remain on cur shelves very long ; therefore we have decided to thruw iiv\:iy cur pit-tit nnd a goodly amount of the original cost aa well, and accordingly have cut the price very deeply. Urxular ||.(!J. Clearance Price ......................... 08c. Fancy Stripe Shirting 29c a yard f> Pieces Fancy Stripe Shirlmf, :^ indies \vidc. Here is a line of goods that can be used for Men's Fancy Shirts, Ladies' Blouses or L'mlcrsKirU The |/cular prce wa 45C. per yard. Clearance Pricr per yard ............................... 2- ISO Pairs Ladies' Sill< Hose in assorted Colors, als.> lilack and \\'liitc. Thi.i is a clearance of odd lines, which sold in the regular way :it 9."c and 01 00 per pair. Special Clearance price Price, per pair G9c. Ladies' Pumps, Slippers and Oxfords This a cleaiunctr of odd lines of Ladies' Patent and I'hnn Leather Pumps, Slippers :ir.d Oxfordu, in some cases at less I hail <Kic-third the original price Not ull RlSCS in lot, but perhaps your M/.O is he re. Look then] over. Here is u genuine bargain. Special Clearance Price, per pair 98e. SAVE ON GROCERIES 2i His. r.n.i \ Bulk Dates for 25c. 3 lb. Blue Rose Mice 25c. 2 Ibs. Nice Fresh Pruivcs 23c. 2 Ibs. Shell Macaroni 25c. 2 Large Tins Ued Salmon 5c. 2 Cans Corn 25c. I Gallon Tin Apples 29c. 4-lb. '1 in Uaspbvrry or Strawberry Jain 75c- '/ Ibs Kvapjruted Peaches 35c. 7 Bars Comfoi t Soap fine, Lime Juice, regular 50c for 25c. (ial. 'I ins Blueberries, reg. $1.25 for 8Sc. II Packages II o/. pkgs, Seedless Rtidins $1.00 4 String Brooms 4<j c _ 5 String Hr.)oins 59,. Tomatoes, 2 can* for 2Sc. Peas. 2 cans for t 25c. Choice Black Tea, in hulk a|bn. for 11.10 Uiiiig us your wool. You will thus roa li/o highest possible piices, Centre Grey Leagpe Teams Won Lost p.c. DundBlk 3 1 .750 Flcshecton 2 '2 .000 Vandcluur 1 3 .250 Uundalk fi, Vandlrur4 Flesherton Blanked By Owen Sound Locals Were Considerably Weakened By Having Five Regulars Off The Line-Up Flesherton Senior North Wellington bjsciuil team were blanked in Owen Soantl in a schedule game by the team of the Scenic City when they went hy with a decidedly weakened team, five of the regular team being unable to RO. However, the boys put up a good light and Owen Sound were lucky to pull out on top as they did. Two errors in the first inning, a wild pitch by Dow to first and Goldsmith multing a Ily ball allowed two runs to get on the path and these scored on a hit. Bach pitcher hud nine strike-outs, Goldsmith fanning seven in a row, 1-lesherton was without their regular receiver und Dow substituted and did well, considering he had no practice 0,1 the job this year. If Owen Sound couldn't pull off a bigger score in the next two games than they did on Monday they have a mighty poor chance of winning the group, as only one ball was hit out of the infield and that one was caught by Muir behind short stop. Flesherton knocked out five lusty doucis into the outfield, three of them being caught. Nevertheless winning the gtoupwill not come easy to Flosherton, as Owen Sound will put up a real scrap in the- two ganicri to be played here, the first one this Thursday afternoon at the 12th of July celebration. Lineup of players were : - Flashcrton Howard, Goldsmith. Mountain Uow. C. Muir, McTavish. Airth. L. Mountain, Thurston, spare McGirr. Owen Sound--\Vc!and. Harris, Keel- ing, Walker. Milliard, Miller, Vasey, McGrcavy, Garbctt. Umpire -Art Wiison. Score by innings : Flcsherton o 000000-0 Owen 8ound-2 1 jc :i 1'hc game was called on account of darkness uKn Flcshcrto.i had their turn at hat in the 7th ir.ning v As usual in this scries a sprinkle of rain fell while play was in progress, but did not hinder (laying. The next bij; game is to be in 1'lcsher- ton on the I2th. Game Called in Fourth There is something wrong somewhere in the weather we have. When the Owen Sound bal" team came down on Thursday evening last to play the Hltsherton nine, the game hsul to be started in a drizzling rain. Only three and one half innings were played and thu. score then blood one :dl. This is <hc second time that the grinv: was postponed, but the J.itc to be pLyed hasn't been decided yet l-;icli team cored one in the first mciing, Hcsher- ton's score, coming when Howard hit tor two bases and Mountain duplicating the pei form ante, scoring Howard. The p!!e wasn't touched from tchn to the finish. "Lefty" Goldsmith pitched good ball :i'id was going strong tor,- *ide,r>ng the condition ot the ball. Hrir is what the Owen Souivl Sun- Tuni-s a:iye of the Hcsherton team. " When l-'le.-*hrrton was grouped will Owen Sound, a great many of the local fans did not think that l-'leiilierteB \\ouli* even provide good practices for the Owen Sound men. LJut Flcsherton, ir the Ih-i.t gdine played at Oven Sound, showed they were a ball team of nc mean proporiiono, and Owen Sounc players wiil have a real contract on their hands to put them F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Dundalk Wins First Section Dundaik won from VanJeleur in a real close game at PuntialK on Monday after- noon hy the score of 0- 4 in a nine inning fixture. This win for Duiulalk makes them Winners of the 1st section of the Centre Gry League by only losing one game out cf four Flcsher- ton came next with two wins and two losses and Vandcleur had one win unil thrre losses. The first game of the second section will be in Fleihcrtem on July 19 when Dundnlk visit Flesherton, Captain Of Lacrosse Team Flcsheron hi* not been very prom- ncnt in the rtnlms of lucrosie but one of iti n ;t ITI- MTU. is receiving distinction n Vancouver, B. C. 1 hi* person is lardy Patton, wtio his been away from .'Irsherton aboub fourteen years and during that time became a lncros;e ilayer of no mean distinction, as he is now Captain of the Olympic A. C. ^fce^ntillecrossS'ttam at Vancou- I tcr. Hardy at one time played centre for the team, but is now holdmg wn r'ght defence, .md effectively tod. Bc- sidca playing lacrosse Hardy has made quit* a name for himself as a long distance runner and alio took prizee in boxing. Small Advertisements Satuid.iy only. Graham Bros. Kuftenia. Buckwheat k'r 8*lp, Silver Hull vari- e'.y Urn McKerzip, R R 1, Ceylon. For S!e Cooketove, good taker 0. U. Weltou, F!esher:on. 300 bushels < f i ..',! hull buckwheat for s<lo. E. Sargent, Ceylon Fi r .->i:'i II i -v >., ,i, Guitar complete. Apply at this ottico- Hay For -jil-i By i'i ucrj. Apply to Siiuuel TiUMiipson, FlHsherton. 3 Young pigs fur salo, five week*' old Harnioii Kadli-y. If tifilierton. Lime i''or S^le A kiln of fresh hme on hand. Win. BUkoy, Forth*. '...I-. i: Fur Stlo -Carload ac the elev.ttor, f ruton S atiun. S. Bachelor, Proton .Station. WBJJOII Tire Lost -U. tween Uey'on aud my retiiiiei ce, on Saturday ereuing last AU-x. Ei.uiit-li, Kock Mil s Good Sruiitin'h.T car fur -il. . very u'.MinnUe pticu and in A 1 shape Apply t" I*. Muiishaw, Eugenia. Lofct $32 Hi UliB ou Monday, Ju.y 1, FinJer kindly return to 8. Seuiple, Fk-sheriuu. Barn Ij'ur Sl To be rerauved. For particulars npfly to tf.a Staudurd iisok, Kleshertnu. \Vuutcd-KceU ojia wanted at W. J. Stewait i Sonc, Flenhor- Kv.ry d.iy in every wy Empire psper Itiids the wuy forftualily, co.'ouit, and [rices: Agon t 11. U. Curnogtoc Kleh6rton. C.tllB For l'as'ure-1 will lake ... cattle f. r jiasturo by the month during llietujimer. \Vill u)I farm. S.Thomp bun, Klbhrtuti R. Ii. I. r.-t lakcu to pastoru fi.r summer C. mmunicate wiih Herb Corbett, " Cloverbmo Farm" Proton Sutiun, Illlt. House and lot for Sale Hntueund Lot For Sale Tbe prop. rty known an the Aalidown reeidence at Vylou, an eight ronaMt dwt 1'ing, (food !!>.-, N! n!. , eto. ; about an ncre of <nd, would make a uood he mo fi>r a Dtirtd (leiit-icraan. For remis i d for- her DarticDlan apply to W. .1. ReUamy, FltRhcrtein. 1 Farms For Sale On the Toronto Linfi Provmciil High* xny. Thren fuins, two of 100 acres ad in- of DO acres all cleared. First class buildiugs, up to date in every particular. Will sell any on* of these. iod brtek bouie on one of the farms. The I'tbliog fur animals is perfect . One *arrn hs tea acres hardwood binli aud another hundred has three acres uf imber and h-.- buildings for everything needed, ii c'lidin.' poultry house and pig >eng No broken lied nnd of weeds Any person intt reatad should intaatigite -JAS. SriNSSON, Iray Proton Stalion P.'O. House and Lot for Sale Lirge frame bouse, 10 rooms ; i acres of li d. Refidence of the late John li. . . :i. Apply to -JOHN WUIGBT, 13 Jne tf Flesherton House and Lots For Sale In the vilie of Flesherton. Lots 16, 17, 18 aud 19, containing 1 acre and ahou' <t square perch, with goild 10 room brick hous, otchird, stable and good spring water. Apply to Mt. W. E. 5Iy 9 if R-chnrdson, fr'leiaerton. Boar For Service Pure biod Keginterea Yorkshire Boar for Horvica V-.,., > t. ! lfaii>8 TfBBO- on lot 167. 3. W. 1 AS. R.. AKemnrk. I'efmsW.oO. Sown rv>t wirnd irfll be charged same as those tn pig. 10,4.2-' T. J. STINSOK. BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Taaifforih Boir for service fun lot 107, S W T and S E , Arlemeata,. ITomis $1.60. Sown not r. -turned rll 'be charevd sumo a thoe in piu. -T.J.STlNSON'Prop 6. U. UAWKlNsi, fur ll.o diuiiiy of u'rty. Teni8mod*rie. All ansiiyeuieiils enn he made at The Advance tlica or ty adiirrssing oie M Yuur |vicrc.niM(.j solicited. F wi-od, Singer . new, ii u-> n yrjn r and nb.ut SO j-iu Lewis, Kle-hi-tHi Q j;ood fp machine Rin;d UN rarpet i;eu -!y new. of fruit. -Mrs. T. Ccu'Bi t .Miji-r For Sl in^xi-r t^ith 2* h p. ^atolioe fiiRine, uuJ I'U'fit ioclodlliR Jstn.l rheel!rrowuii.l Htiin, Ktnel f -rn s f,,r silna. All will b* Mid e)Mp fof (Mh. T. Ilanthiin, rlnhifioa pbooi 41 r22. Sheep Astray t<> liioprrmi*?* of the undcr- KII-C! Lot :w. (.' i.-i. Art<.inei. i<i ilu- e,k ( June 28i h. 19i':t. f,,, ir ,.-,,,, Mid.aitl.flit*. 0m*r can h^ve by provinir j-n.|vrf r and paying . Wm. Smiip'e. Kugeiiia, P.O. Farm For Sale l,<>> Ifirt nnd n;7, l, t !<. W T S R UOori-, 2 miles 8<u'h of FUhertm't ' Bull For Service Padireil Jersey Lull. "Premier of Loan Oak." 21,058. for service nt lot 181, 1N.E, Arteiursia. Terms For grades -H. C. Kadley A BOD, 1 Jfle Fleiherton. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES _BINVR AUTHi:il r.ODOE, No. xa A F A A M. met to iu the Uanonlc bull. Aon i roan " Ploct Fli'hprton, ornr 1'rlday on 3 l)Sfor tbo in'.l moon. '-<'. J. IleiUajv W W.; A. K. l<t>llaiii)r. RecreUry. .DENTISTRY ,,-.- C MURRAY!,. D. IS , .]nU! unrceoa <f hciiprifriuuidtp of Toronto L'ni icutty nJ oya Cohere ofPt*utal Snrjcpous of Ontario IM aduiiiiiniitorwt for teeth extraction (Tic* fttr.tiittLcr. Toronto Rti-i.-t. Vlherton. Dr. W. Or^TvisTir D. S . r-iuue of the Univernily iif Torumei mil Royat Collie "f Denial Surg.,ins of Ontario. O(ri;o t the c.irnc-r of Quoin St. E. and Woodbine A . , I'uonvGlnd. swamp |, to <l "" 2 " 1 " 1 .. I.H'H-C* pMui(> nd F, r oil.t.r puiicnln Mr,. .M.ThmtlrH, w *ito Klrsherlon LKGAL (.'CAS. A t>KNUY-l!aril<ti>rii. Solicitors ' etc.- 1. H. I.iicim, K. C. : W. D. lleury,' A. OlBrt-f*. AJs.l-'iiiV Luria Ulock, Phcxie ..i.i'. i ir UK ai DuucUlft aad l)n.h . ICE CREAM ORDERS All give your orders to Sam Russ, truck driver for ice (.-ream and fruit for the I2fh of July or any other time. We will deliver the ice cream at your door for the 12th of July at $1.40 pur K allon and coiifs at $;<.f>0 per thousand. We will lend you dishes free for the day. Drivers will he in Flesherton every Monday and Friday. Place your orders early. I )! U1G1IT. & TM.KOBU.narriFter, Solid. torn. Ac. Oi!V-. (iry r hirtio* Block, Owen rtooaiJ. KUn.Urd Hank ,'FlesbotI tt>u. (Saturdays). W.ll. Wright, W. KfaUord BUSINESS CARDS rySI. KAITT^'lt, leeuoed Auetlcneer fo ' tu eoantln of Uroy and blmoi. 'nruj . .1 Stoc n\ee a 6i>elaJSy, Terms ncxlrRt. natiufttcMco j,-Ur90tf ed. ArrauKa- nentB tor ilntca uiy be meiOSAt the Adveree i".<-, ( ,r Couti-Rl telfhcne offico Kaverel. n: ir by MoriMiM uio at Pevoi ham. Out. !, A. THRNIllJI.L. n.A.. M.S.. bouitho Faculty of Mi-.iit)lnj,t cf Toruato. Offitu Kic'harilion It} oak, uti .1.1. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes WAW.V Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario