August 8, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CANADIAN P/XCI FIG C. P. B. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : CKng South Going North 8.0& a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.80 p.m. 9.30 p.m. Th mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail aouth at 3.30. For morning train Htk at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local Chaff \. E. Magee of Toronto, a ISSUES DEBENTURES IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL FOR S. S. NO. 2 FOR LATE J.HEMPHILL - - ' -,..-.111 Artemesia Council Minute* ! Methodist Church Was Fill- ed In Respect To Victim of Drowming Accident The funeral of Mr. John Hemphill, whose life was ended so tragically by N. L McLeod Appointed General Manager of Standard Bank of Canada Council met at Flesherton on Sat., Aug. 4th, 1^53. There were present, Messrs T. R. McKenkie, Reeve; J. A". Hogarth, Dep. Reeve; T. L. Mercer, John Williamson and A. Carruthers, drowning last week, was hel'l on remains _ ... . , , .. drowning iai ween, was Councilors. Minutes of last meeting Thursday afternoon . The were read and s.gned ' p^herton Methodist An appheation by the Trustees for \ ^ e ^ ^ R H h. issue of Debenture, of S S. No 2| ^ g mogt propriate to the extent of floOO.OO for _15 years {rom ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ was presented, together with minutes ^ 14 . u The paa . of spedal meeting of the ratepayers Flesherton Fall Fair Sept. 27 & 28. Miss Marguerite Runstadler is the guest of Miss M. Hutton at Durham. Miss Lillian Dudgeon returned to lier home at Port Credit last week. Mr. Harvey Griffin of Toronto join- ed his wife here on Saturday for a few weeks' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thiatlethwaite of 'Toronto spent the week end at his old home here. Mrs. Wm. Inkster and daughter. .Miss Eva, are spending a coupl* weeks in Toronto. ' Miss Kathleen McKinley of Tor- onto is the guest of her friend, Mrs. Mark Wilson. Mr. Roy Patton of The Advance staff spent the week end in Owen Sound. Miss Marie Egan and Miss Mary Kelly of Toronto are the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. J. Runstadler. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Down spent the week end with relatives at Georgetown. Rev. Jno. Locke, Chairman of the District ,Owen Sound, visited Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Eaton here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and fam- ily of Owen Sound spent civic holiday in town. Mr. W. former resident of Flesherton, called on friends in town last week. Mr. Jeff Thistlethwaite and family of Toronto are spendisg a week at his parent n l home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carrington of Detroit are on a holiday at the form- er's parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley of Tor- onto are spending a couple weeks at their homes here. Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell and little dau- ghter. Joy, of Caledonia, who are visiting at Maxwell, called on Mrs. Hanley on Monday. Miss Lena Wright and Miss Hoyt of Detroit called on friends here 16st week and are holidaying at Kim- ber'.ey. Mrs. Neilson and son, Royce, and Mr. Roy Neilson of Toronto spent the week en dwith Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mrs. S. E. deCudmore and little .daughter, Helen, spent a few daysa last week with the former's sister, Mrs. H. M. Hyland, at Weston. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was administered in the Metho- dist church on Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev. II. H. Eaton. Miss Edna White of Toronto is on a month's holiday and is at present visiting with her uncle, Mr. B. White, and family on the west back line. Flesherton village voters' list is now in the hands of the Clerk, Mr. W. J. Bellamy. Examine and see that your name is on. If not, notify the Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and little Miss Ruby White spent the week end at Lions Head. Master Ivan Shaw returned with them after a three weeks' visit here. Bro. F. B. Elliott editor of The Alliston Herald is taking two weeks' vacation when the whole plant will be shut down, because, as he says, dog days are at hand. A motor party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller and children, Mrs. T. A. Blakely and Mr. Gordon Blakely of Toronto ame up Saturday and spent the holiday with relatives here. The Advance "had a short call on Monday from Mrs. Walter Williams of Toronto who, with her two d ; ,ugh- ters and son, Clifford, had been visit- ing friends at Eugenia over the holiday. A credit sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 78, con. 3, Artemesia, on Tuesday, Aug. 14th, the property of Thos. Fletcher. ;See large bills for particulars. Jas. A. Clark, auctioneer. A garden party under the auspices of Providence Methodist church, Os- prey will be held on the school grounds on Thursday evening, Aug. 9. Football between Maxwell and Sing- Bampton, and good program. See bills. Mr. David Smith of Otterburn. Man., called on friends here last week. Mr. Smith motored from Man- itoba in aFord car, coming by way of Minneapolis, Chicago, Sarnia to Owen Sound and Meaford, when- his sister, Mrs. McQuay, resides. He will re- main in Ontario for a few weeks and purposes returning by motor also. of the section. Couty Clerk, notice of County Rate, 1923, and from sev- eral school boards,, trustees' rattes, '23; Mr. Jackes, of Bird, Harris & >., waited upon Council in regard to archase of Debentures. tor said that the young man left behind him the respect of his fellow men, and we felt honored in honoring him. In the words of David, "He has gone from me and he will not come back again, but I can go to him." Mercer-Williamson-That the ap- j During the service Messrs Murray plication of Trustees of S.S. No. 2.jand Holland, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn and asking for the issue of debentures for Miss Agnes Henderson sang a very 15 years be received, and a by-law sweet quartette, "That will be heaven be now passed authorizing the issue, for me." The bier was covered with Carried. | flowers. Afterwards the remains By-laws Nos. 13, to authorize issue were interred in Flesherton cemetery, or Debentures for S.S. No. 2; No. 14 , It is a long time since the churh to levy rates for 1923, and 15, to I was so filled to do honor to the de- appoint Collectors, were introduced 'and read a first time, No. 13 was read second and third times and signed, Nos. 14 and 15 were laid over parted friend as it was on this occas- ion. The seating capacity was taxed to its utmost. The pallbearers were: Alfred and N.C. STEPHENS AND G.N. BROWN BECOME ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGERS for further information. Reports [ Robert Down, Earl Best, W. Gibson from the following were presented, ! j a s. McMullen and Chas. Chislett Mr. Mercer, Mr. Hogarth and Mr. Carruthers, of expenditure in thir several divisions. Williamson Mercer That Mr. John Hemphill was the elder son of ,Mr. S. Hemphill and was born in Ceylon Sept. 18, 1895, and lived all here. The young man was of . Hogarth's report be received showing ; a very kindly disposition and highly expenditure of $131.60 and he be paid ; respe cted by everyone, a member of f 20 for 5 days' overseeing, and f 6.20 j Fi es herton Methodist church and was fnmmiqsinn fn S62. Carried. I D A - ; . ! ;-...-. HP -A:tv vprv filith- on $62. Carried. j a i so usner here. He waft, very faith- Hogarth Williamson That Mr. ful in ms duty. He served in the Carruthers' report showing expendi- i Great War overseas in 1918, and was ture of $101.80 in his Division be re- , woun ded in F rance shortly before the ceived and he be paid $10.20 commis- | arm j s tice was signed. A short serv- sion, and $16 for 4 days' overseeing ; ice was ne id at the house before W. Francis President of The Stan- dard Bank of Canada, announces the appointment of N. L. McLeod to the position of General Manager of the Bank, succeeding C. H. Eaason, Chief Executive, "who had requested permia- . sion to retire. Announcement is also made that Norman C. Stephens and G. N. Brown have been appointed i Assistant General Managers. The new General Manager has been in the service of the Standard Bank for many years, during which time he has occupied several positions of im- portance, including that of Western Superintendant and latterly as an Ex- ecutive officer at the head office. Mr. Stephens has had a long career with the Bank, during which he serv- ed as Assistant Manager of Toronto office, Manager of Foreign Exchange Department and for the past few years as Acting Assistant General Manager. Mr. Brown has been in the employ of the Bank for fifteen years and for the past few years has served as Sup- > erintendant of Eastern Branches. Mr. Francis, in announcing the ap- pointments, states that it is gratify- ' ing to the Directors to be able to | find among the Bank's own officers I those who have been tried in its ser- ! vice, who know its history and who by their previous efficiency and record have proven themselves well equinoed to fill the responsible positions to which they have been appointed. conveyance to Flesherton Methodist church. The casket was more than covered with beautiful flowers a H. work with grader. Carried. Hogarth Caruthers That the re- port of Mr. Mercer, showing expendi- ture in his division of S7G.70, be re- wrea th from the family ; W. ceived and he be paid $7.70 commis- ; Hemphill and sisters of Flesherton sion on same. Carried. wreath ; Mary Seeley, Delia White. Hogarth Williamson That the : viola McDonald, Oben McLachlan, following amount for gravel used by, I Ceylon, wreath ; C. Irish, Mr. and and certified by overseers, be paid: C. ' j [rs _ j 03- Hemphill, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Will Watson 96.40, A. Currie $5.70, A. Me- I Hemphill, designer, and girls of dress DonaldS2, E. Loucks $6, F. Taylor d epar tment of John Northway & $4.20, A. Conkey $1.50. W. Patterson Son> a u O f Toronto, wreaths ; from $3.70, C. Moore $6, J. Oliver $6, F. f r ; enc j s in vicinity of Ceylon, wreath; Pedlar $9.10, B. Taylor $3.50, H. i Methodist church, Methodist choir. Fisher $12.80, A. McDonald $1.70, ' wreat h ; Earl Best, Robt. and Alfred W. Little $8.15, H. Fisher $5.20. [) own> us hers, spray ; Wesley Plantt. Carried. Mr. and Mrs. H. Watkins and Andrew Caruthers Mercer That the j Morrow of Toronto, wreath ; Mr. and Reeve be paid $4 for one day at j j,j rs p_ j. Collinson, Mrs. Geo. Collin- Eugenia and Ceylon re Bowers hatter i ,. on> Mr an j Mrs. F. D. Cairns and and Mr. Hogarth $2 for trip to Eu- , Mr an j Mrs. Geo. Cairns, a spray ; genia in same matter, and the Reeve j Mrs gj. Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. A. be re-imbursed $3.70. Dr. Bibby and Sinclair and family and Miss M. Fcr- Bowers' fare toOwen Sound, and half ; g uson) ea ch a spray. The remains were laid to rest be- side those of his mother, who pre- ceeded him three years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss ,his father, who was a daily companion to his ; son ; three sisters, M n ud, and Rita An interesting picnic was held at a t home, Myrtle in Toronto; and one Eugenia on Monday when the Stew- brother, Percy. The deepest sympa- of the whole community go out to them in their hour of sorrow. day on town line A.&.M., $2. Carried Council adjourned. STEWART RE-UNION art family and their friends, about 70 in number, joined in the park there in honor of visiting members, Mr. Will Stewart and daughters of Fort Will- Those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mrs. Graham of 1C v\tliVJi\* *>*' i.ii* LUII^IM Jam, who are down on a visit, also Mr. \\- e Hand; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hemphill Russell Nixon, wife and daughter of an d three children. Miss L. Johnston, Brampton. A most enjoyable after- i Mr. C. Irish of Toronto ; T. and G. noon was spent. A HOLIDAY ACCIDENT Mr. Scott, teller of the Bank of Hemphill and Miss A. Hemphill, of Kleinburg ; Mr. G. and Miss M. Brownlee, Woodbridge ; Mr. and Mrs. i Wm. Bowes, Thornhill ; Mr. n nd Mrs. and son, Duley, Mrs. Pratt, turnri by .. .... buggy with his brother. At time of DEMONSTRATED THE WATER SYSTEMS The Demonstration of practical methods of providing running water and installing modern conveniences for farme homes held in Flesherton on Friday, August 3rd, proved of special interest to large unmbers from the village and surrounding which is equipped by the Institutes Branch of the Department of Agri- culture was in charge of Mr. Edwin Newsome of Toronto and had a very complete display of the equipment and fixtures necessary for providing a home with a contiuous supply of hot and cold water under pressure for fitting a modern bathroom and for in- stalling a satisfactory and sanitary system of sewage disposal. Mr. New- some, who is an engineer with a wide practical experience, outlined the methods of installing the differ- ent systems and gave specific advice to those intending to install a modern system. This demonstration was of par- ticular value in showing that such conveniences are possible and can be installed without undue cost or ex- pensive labor. There are systems applicable to every condition of power for pumping and water supply. These were all fully explained and any further information desired may- be readily obtained upon application to the Ontario Agricultural College, Physics Department, Guclph. and daughter, Mrs. A. Mr. S. Todd, all of Dun- dalk ; Mr. D. and Miss K. McKenzie, Miss Campbell, Mr. Ed. Mullin, Mr. J. Paul, Misses Maggie and Mary Spears, Mr. Jas. Spears and daughter of Feversham ; Mr. J. and Miss S. McFarlane, Miss Dorothy Wright, Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, Mclntyre ; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Henderson, Max- well ; Mr. and Mrs. Will Timmins. Ebordale ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc- Nalley, Durham ; Mrs. F. Irish and Miss Gertrude, of Wareham. HOW IT HAPPENED John and Percy Hemphill, Oben McLachlan, Mary Seeley, Viola Mc- Donald and Dell White went to bathe and learn to swim. A short time after being in the \ater John thought his brother, Percy, and Mary Seeley were drowning and went to assist them and got beyond his dephth. He could not swim himself, and in fact none of the party could, very much. Being in the water about two hours the body was recovered in about 10 feet of water by willing hands. The body was then conveyed to his home. Mr. Herb Dyson of Hillsburg is on a holiday visiting friends in this part. Quite a number from here took ih the races at Owen Sound on Monday and report them fair. Mr. Win. Irwin. editor of the Dur- ham Chronicle, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Frank Irwin and Miss Vera Mountain, paid The Advance a visit one evening test week. OLD RESIDENT VISITS HERE The Ad v ance had -a short call from Col. A. G. Campbell of Toronto, who was on his way home from the West. 2o\. Campbell's father was a pioneer of this district, living a mile and a , quarter south of town. The Col. was identified with the early military hist- ory of Artemesia, and commanded the Jlst Regiment at one time, and also ailed the lakes on the old Frances Smith. City of Winnipeg and North- ern Belle. He has some interesting reminiscences but had not time to "spin" them, as he had to take train for Toronto the same day. ears Commercial r T r HE year 1923 marks the entry of JL the Standard Bank upon ita fiftieth year of service to the Dominion. Since ita inception the policy of this Bank has been to give the of banking service while constantly exeraoing the utmost vigilance for the safety of its patrons' interests. This policy has been adhered to through periods of prosperity and depression. As a consequence the Bank has enjoyed steady, sound and substantial growth, today having 161 branches throughout the whole Dom- inion. These are supplemented by affiliations with strong financial insti- tutions in foreign countries, enabling it to render comprehensive banking service for the promotion of Canadian enterprise both at home and abroad. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Banking for Fifty Years 5O,OOO esters Wanted "Fare Going "-$15 to WINNIPEG. H cut par oili ffMpit to 'Tare R8turning"-rV2fl fwm t Mr ah start* pM ti 68INQ DATES TERRITORY m MM .--M- . -, ('From Station! in Ootwi* Smaii'i Pallx to nU lactadiof Toronto on Lke Ontario Shore Liae AUGUST 1 8 | ad Ravdoclc-Pnarboro Liae. i From ill Station* dxitao i Renfrew Junction. ia AUGUST 32. I * Stttioiu on Toroato-Sadbury direct Dae. VFromU 3tHon Drmorl to Port MeNieoil ana BartotM. to Bn AUGUST 1 5 ffrom all atttiatm South ind Wat of Tomato to end -Trf Jnefn*MSUt>oa.oO*t a SMaa.W^kcMBD r aM*nT ..~/T 1 ** **r'+ !" Burw.0, tad at. ^=^^ AUGUST 24. iFrom ID Station Tormto cod North f UINCM COUNTIN CAMSx TM<| FmU pirticuUn Craa C*ndi*i Padfc Ticket Attmt*. W. rOLTOff. Direct P^ , T oror; to. Travel CANADIAN PACIFIC English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Ware Five new patterns have arrived this week and have been added to our assortment of English Semi-Porcelain dinner ware. The de- signs are particularly pleasing and the shapes are quite new. A number are open stock patterns so that any quantity of any article can be purchased at any time, making it an easy matter to obtain a hill set by degrees to suit your convenience. Dinner sets 97 pieces $33.50 $29.95 and $20.00 Blue Ribbon Tea sets Special $9.50 Grocery Special 12 bars Comfort and Pearl White Soap with large dish towl $100 Granulated sugar per 100 Ibs $1 1.25 Seedless Raisins in bulk pound 1 5c. Pink Salmon pound tins Special 1 9c' Scrub Brushes large size 3 for ...25c. Black or Japan Tea per pound 55c. F. H. W. HICKLING fLESHERTON - ONTARIO