'August 8, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wilkinson Chard At Dundalk on Wednesday, July 26, 1923, at 4 o'clock Susan E. Chard youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Chard of Springhill, Artemesiu, was united in marriage to Mr. J. A. T. Wilkinson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson of Duncan, by the Hev. W. G. BlackwelL The bride was beautifully gowned in a dress of navy satin de chine with radiant lace to match. After the cer- emony the happy couple returned to the bride's home, where the most intimate relatives had met to wel- come them. After greetings were jriven, all sat down to a dainty wed- ding dinner, presided over by Mrs. R. W. Chard and Mrs. C. H. Parker. The young couple were the recip- ients of many beautiful presents. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautifu^ necklace, set with pearls and amethyst. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkin- son left the following day to visit friends at Heathcote and other points. The best wishes of The Advance, along with a host of friends, follow the young people in their journey through life. Couldn't Even Turn Over In Bed Pitiful Plight of London Woman Completely Crippled for Months Dreco Puts Her on IJigh Boad to Recovery. A >eup containing 1 a small quantity of gasoline burst into flame in the hands of Loraimc Turner of Luther, set fire to her clothing, and the young woman was seriously burned before the fire was extinguished. "Protection" The Flesherton Insurance Agency At this time of the year numerous fies are sure to expected and the best way to secure yourself against this menace is to have your property in- sured Remember, a few dollars now for insur- ance may mean much to you in time of disaster. A CARD OR PHONE CALL WILL HAVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. W. A. ARMSTRONG, Prop. S. E. DeCL'DMORE, Agent Seasonable Supplies PITCH FORKS HAY FORK ROPE TRIP ROPE HOES PARIS GREEN WATERING CANS Axle Grease and Machine Oil Cup Greese and Motor Oil A. E. HAW General Store Cat.li Cream Station CEYLON Store closes every Tucs. and I'ri. eve. Picture the misery of Mrs. Minnie E. Hetherington of 322 Eleanor St., ! smitten by the demon rheumatism just two weeks .before th happy yule- tide season and spending it on a bed of pain, BO badly eripled that she couldn,t even turn over, much less walk. Here is her own story of her sufferings until her fortunate discov- ery of Dreco. "Just before Christinas I caught a terrible cold that settled in my kid- neys. My hands, feet and limbs became very sore and began to swell with rheumatism until suffering ag- onies of pain, I took to my bed. The pain and stiffness was so severe that I couldn't even turn over. I was very nervous and couldn't sleep and had no appetite. Constipation also added to my sufferings and medicines gave me no relief. My daughter, however, heard of the wonderful relief other people were getting from Dreco and brought u bottle home to me. That was only a week and a half ago. Now I am able to walk, a thing I haven't done for two. months. I ani feeling like a new woman; my bowels are regular, I sleep soundly and have a good appetite. The pains in my limbs have almost gone, as has the swelling. 1 unhesitatingly rocom mend Dreco to anyone suffering as I did." Dreco, the great blood purifier and regulator, jroes to the very root of in- ternal disorders and by making such important organs as kidneys, stom- ach, liver and bowels function prop- erly, brings health and freedom from pain to the whol body. A woman in town put her dishpan with the ordinary contents, on her electric stove and turned on the heat, the dishwr.shinff being the last job prior to going away for a couple of days holidays. Train-time w.TS nearer than she expected and she loft at cnce i to get rca-ly, forgetting to turn off I the stove. Upon her return, two days later, the heat was still on, but ! the water had boiled away, the bot- tom was burned out of the dishpan, | the dishcloth was a crisp r.nd the ; dishes were all blackened up. Most fortunately, the beautiful cottage did not take firg. Fergus News-Record. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order thl our customers in the ix com- munities mar materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandiie at the fairest poniblf prices. A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY MANY SPECIALS DURING AUGUST 20 p,c. Off Dress Voiles The balance of our Fancy Dress Voiles will he placed on sale this week at a discount of 20 p.c. off regular prices. These arc mostly durk colors and can be worn late into the Fall Season. A sjilondid opportunity for buying 1 new up-to-date material ul much le8 than regular price*. Dark Muslins Clearing at 19cayd. It is a long time since you were offered yard-wide DreHH Material at such a Hmall price. There are three colorings in this lot. The pattern.-, are in floral design. The quantity is not large, about <>(> yards in the Lot, which doubt ls will be <y.rickly picked up at such a low price. Regular 3'Jc. per yd. Special Augu.it Clearance, per yd. Iffc. Trimmed Millinery at Half Price We have only a very limited number of Trimmed hut* left. Any of thc-c you can buy at half price. Not many customer* can take advantage of thin remarkable nfTVring a* we have lens than a dozen left. Be on hand early if you wih to embrace thin opportunity of securing one of this euson' trim- med haU at U!-h a big saving. Junt Half Trite. 25 p. c- Off Men's Straw Hats A uwmk-r of weeks still remain for wearing a Dre Straw Hat. You can buy any Drew Straw Hal we have left in alock during thifi \vcok at a discount of 25 p.c. off ri>xular prices. DO YOUR SHOPPING HERE You Will Not Be Diiappointed l> ,. iiijf the remaining weeks of summer we will have many Special Clearing I.incn not noted in our "Ada." We will aim to havo many HurprinB for you. W wt our customer* to bo our friciuln. We aim to cli.i.-r, to terve you faithfully und courteously. Get Our Prices On The Best Quality of Binder Twine Manufactured In Canada For Canadians SAVE ON GROCERIES VERY SPECIAL 7 Cakes Castile Soap for 25c. 4 Bars Comfort Soap for Me. .1 Large Bars Kitchen Soap for 2">c. Kcd Salmon, large tin 29c. 1 .,:.':; or f 'hase&Sanborn Pkg. Tea reg. 75 for....f.5c 'i Ibt*. Dried Peaches 2.">c. 2 Ibr* Excellent Quality Black Tea for $1.10 Gallon Tins Canned Apples.... 29c. Gal. Tin Blueheriros, reg. $1.25 for ....Sic. Lime Juiiv, reg. 50c. for 29c. Brooms, regular 65c. for 4!lc. Brooms, regular 75c. for 58c. Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, 2 tins for... 25c. Prunes, 2 lb. for ... 23c. Toumto Sauce, reg. 10c., 4 tins for 25c. Aylmer Tomato Vegetable Soup 8 for 25c. 3 Packages Jolly Powder for 25r. Shelled Walnuts per pound 50c. Pork and Beans, regular 20c., 2 for 2V. Purity Rolled Oatx, per tube ^ 20e. 4 Ib. Tin Jam, rog. $1.10 for ?5. \Va\i- linking Powder, rog 85c. for 2!>c. "CKHTO," 1 hut Popular Preparation, that makK Perfect Jamn and Jellim Without Rolling away th* Flavor Alwaya in Block. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Sports GAMES TO BE PLAYED WITH OWEN SOUND Protested Owen Sound game Of Last Week Last Game Of Tie To Be Played Over Again What was supposed to have been a sudden-death game at Chesley on Monday, turned out to only be an ex- hibition game, according to the word received here from the Secretary of the N.WJ5.A. Owen Sound engineer- ed the play-off game without officially notifying Flesherton and without authority of the N.W. League, hence the decision. The game in Owen Sound last Thursday will have to be replayed, as Umpire Wilson called the game on account of darkness, be- fore the last man was out in the sixth. Wilson tried to make Flesher- ton play ball when he realized his mistake, but by that time several players had left the field, relying on his first decision. Wilson called the game in favor of Owen Sound when Fleshc-rton failed to take the field. If it had been dark enough before, it was surely darker then, when the attempt was made to bring Flesher- ton back, Owen Sound leading by five runs. It puts a very bad light to Mr. Wilson's efficiency as an nm- pire. Before the game was called Flesherton had made a valiant at- tempt to delay the game so it would be called on account of durknoss and were very successful, much to the chagrin of the home team. The next game between Owen Sound and Flesherton in this series will bring Mr. Lennox, a pitcher from Alliston, to the fold of the Fleherton nine and our chances of victory will be increased bv this crack twirler. Big crowds from both Flesherton and Owen Sound went to Chesley to the game and cheer the boys. Fully 1-100 people were on the ground*. Goldsmith had eight strike-outs and the two O\ven Sound pi ichors to- gether had only five. At Dundaik Thursday This Thursday Flesherton, the loading team in the Centre Grey League, will visit Dundalk to make their second game a winner. Dun- dalk has lost their star ulayer, Geo. Armstrong, through being removed by the bank, and this, without a doubt, will considerably weaken the team. However, they say there will be a big fight put up to keep Flesh- erton down and a fast game is ex- pected. Everybody attend the game and give the team the support needed when away from home. VANDKLKl K (i.VME POSTPON'ICD Vaiidi-lcur kindly postponed , the game which was to have been plnyci! in Markdalo on Monday, that the Flesherton senior North Wellington team could go to Chesley to play the game there. Just now it is not known when the game will be played. FOOTBALL WITH INDIANS Fevcrxham football team played the ('hiistian Island Indian football team at Collingwood on Monday. Thegame was a tie, 1-1, with ten min- utes overtime. Fcvershani says the Indians arc good sports, and hope to get them to Fcvershum for a return game in the near future. Small Advertisements Chopping done on Saturdays only. Graham Bros., Eugenia. For Sale A quantity of lath. John Oliver, Pricevile P.O. For Sale Cookstove, good baker. G. B. Welton, Flesherton. Cement For Sale Carload at the elevator, Proton Station. S. Batch- elor, Proton Station. For Sale Steel tired buggy near- FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Provincial Highway. Three farms, two of 1W acres and one of 50 acres all cleaved. First class buildings, up to date m every particular. Will sell any one ! of these. Good brick house on one of I the farms. The stabling for anni- acres hardwood bush and nundred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everything needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear ly new, reasonable. Archy Conkey, | of weeds. Any person interetsed R.R. 1, Ceylon. Rooms To Rent Rooms to rent to high school students. Apply to Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. For Sale Ford touring car, sacri- fice for cash. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Phone 2r31. For Sale A small quantity of should investigate. JAS. STINSON. liny Proton Station P.O. FARM FOR SALE Lot 166and 167, 1st range W.T. & S.R., 100 acres, 2 miles south of Fle- sherton on the Provincial Highway ; 85 acres under cultivation, balance- pasture and swamp land. For par- hemlock lumber.-J. K. Jamieson, f- , , w . , P T* Pl , won - ticulars apply to Mrs. M. Thistleth- Eugenia. waite, Flesherton. For Sale 118 gallon new galvan- | ~~ ized stock tank for sale. Apply at this office for particulars. Lost Wristwatch on Sunday, July Finder please leave at this 22, 1923. office. Barn For Sale To be removed For particulars apply to the Stan- dard Bank, Flesherton. For Sale Good dining room table with dining room chairs, also large sideboard!. Will be sold cheap. W. H. Thurston, Flesherton. Watch Lost Gentleman's wrist watch lost in the vicinity of Eugenia on Monday last. Finder please leave at this office or notify us. For Sale McLaughlin buggy in good repair, newly painted ; also good 1300 Ib. horse, willsell cheap. Com- municate v.-ith C. C. Pedlar, Flesh- erton. Cement Mixer For Sale "Bulldog" mixer with 2*i h.p. gosoline engine, ar.d wagon, steel forms for silos. All will be sold cheap for cash. Thos. Bcntham, Flesherton. Phone 41r22. House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; IVfe acres of land. Residence of the late John Breen. Aqqly to JOHN WRIGHT, Boar For Service Purebred Registered Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard Famous 77530 on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emesia. Terms$1.50. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those in pig. Feb.15 T. J. STINSOK. Boar For Service Purebred Tamworth Boar for sew- ice on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Arteme- sia. Terms $1.50. Sows not retur- ned will be charged same asthose In P'g- Feb.16 T. J. STIXSON, Pron, Bull For Sewice beds, niattrcses and a quantity of other good household furniture. Ap- ply to Mrs. Frank VanDusen, Flesh- erton, Ont. Must be sold before August 15th. Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terns For grades $2, thoroughbreds $5. H. C. RADLEY & SON. _ Une v Fleshe/ton. BUSINESS CARDS S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms ! r) r . g. p. Murray, L.D.S., dental moderate. All arrangements can be ' surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto made at this office or by addres- and Roya i College of Dental Surgeons sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage ' of Ontario. Gas administered for solicited. j tect h extraction. Office at residence Toronto Stret, Flesherton. House and Lots For Sale Dr. W. G. Davis, L.D..S.. graduate of House and Lot For Sale The prop- , the University of Toronto and Royal crty known as the Ashdown residence : . _. ' . *,;/> at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, College of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario good cclar, stable, etc. ; about an asre Office at the cor. of Queen St., E. and of land, would make a good home for Woodbine Ave., Toronto. a retired gentleman. For terms and I particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Imytf Glad. 1388 TENDERS WANTED Dr. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M.B.. grad- uate from the Faculty of Mediciw, University of Toronto. Office Rich- ardson Block. Flesherton. Phone 38. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft Sealed Tenders will be received by A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- the undersigned up to and including strong Block, Fleshertori. every FH- 1 - *-' the full moon- A. t nr day on or before the full moon. . Sinclair, W.M.. A. E. Bellamy, Sec. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solictt- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Pundalk and Durham. Friday, August 10th, 1923, the construction of the con- crete abutments of a steel bridge to be constructed on the Townline Dev- iation between Arternosia and Euph- rasia Townships, Lota 3 and 4, Con. . r >, Eiiphrasia. Tenders must be accompanied by a 1 Wright, Telford & Birnie. Barrister*, marled cheque for five per cent. (6 Solicitors, ^^.^^u'nd Sundwd p.c.) of the amount of the tender | Ba ^ e Block.' Flesherton, (Saturdays) cheque being made payable to the ' w H Wright, K.C., W. P. Telford Jr. Treasurer of the County of Grey. j J. F. P. Birnie. Plans and specifications may be Owen Sound Won But Game Will Be Re-played Flesherton ball team has proven itself to be a squad that will take some stepping for their opponent* to trim, was demonstrated in Owen Sound last Wednesday. "Lefty" Goldsmith tool; the mound for Fler<h- erton and only lasted one third of n inning, when Owen Sound tallied 3 runs. II. Mountain then relieved him mid pitched a masterly game, strik- ing out the next two batters. In the third inning Kloshrrton came to life with vengeance and equalled Owrn Sound's score. In the th the boys j added two more, Owen Hound dupli- ' i/ating. Fleshpvton took the lead again in the 6th with Owen Sourul one down. When O\ve:i Sound cume to bat darkness was setting in and after they hud scored two runs and were in the lead, Flesherton caught the right idea and tried to save the game by 8tulling, which they did to BO good un advantage, that Umpire Wil- :ion called the game on account of darkness. With that decision the boy.; loft the field mid the crowd came on, and police assistance wa necessary. An account of the umpire's decision is found on another column. When the smoke cleared in the flth Flcsherton hud presented Owen Sound with six runs to keep the game going* and had given the fans of the Scenic City the most brazen attempt at stalling a gmo, that wu.s ever seen in Owc-n Sound. Centre Grey League Plrsherton 1 1000 Dundalk 1 I .500 Vandeleur \ .000 seen at the office of the Engineer at Owen Sound or at th office of W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. G. A. Rothwell. R. C. Mcknight, Chairman County County Engineer Road & Bridge Com. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., satisfaction y*- anteed. Arrangements for daws may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, reversnam, or by addressing me at Feverhm. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes =3 I Nails, Glass and Other Material* Now is the time to buy AWVVAV PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D.McKILLOP FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO