Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1923, p. 2

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The Real Flavour of the genuine "GREEN" Tea is in every packet o! - "SALMA" GREEN TEA Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder of Young Hyson. Sample Free Salada, Toronto. GREENIVUNTLE apparently did nothing. It just bided n its time and took note*. "You can imagine that this was the very kind of crowd for my purpose. I knew of old its little ways, for with all its orthodoxy it dabbled a good deal in magic, and owed half its power to its atmosphere of the uncanny. The j Companions could dance the heart out of the ordinary Turk. You saw a bit of one of our dances this afternoon, Dick pretty good, wasn't it? They could go anywhere, and no questions asked. They knew what the ordinary man was thinking, for they were the best intelligence department in the Ottoman Empire far better than Enver's Khafiyeh. And they were popular, too, for they had never bow- Woman's Sphere THE ROAD TO SIAJMBERLAND. What is the road to Slumberland? And when does the The road lies straight find a few minutes when I am wait- ing for something to boil, for instance I sit down comfortably and pick up baby K o^, a book Thig jg inftnlte i y bett,,,. t)lon through (airing a chance on going into another j mother's arms when the sun is rcorn ; becoming absorbed in something sinking low, \ else and forgetting what's on the lie goes by the drowsy "land of nod gtove r . r , to the music of "lullaby" One thing T have banished; ed the knee to the Nemseh the Ger- When all wee lambs are safe in the f orever f rom m y kitchen ; that is my \ 1 fold under the evening sky. 1 work basket. When I am head over BY JOHN BUCHAN. mans who are squeezing out the life- blood of the Osmanli for their own ends. It would have been as much as the life of the Committee or its Ger- man masters was worth to lay a hand on us, for we clung together like : soft little nightgown, clean white; a face washt-d sweet and " ~ o f want to b e reminded at every ,. -, *v,. 6 v~ B ~, fair ! .'turn that there is a pile of m:ndii.g leecher and we were not in the habit A mother brushing the tangles out of wa j t j ng f or me. Ruth E. Botsford. of sticking at trifles. the silken, golden hair; "Well, you may imagine it wasn't Two little tired, satiny feet, from the difficult for me to move where I shoes and stockings free; wanted. My dress and the password Two j iu j e pa ) ms together clasped mother's patient knee; (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) , . ' ' CHAPTER XII. (Cont'd.) |cated from Rome pouch among ...= star Blenkiron hove himself from the skins. And so began that conversa- ofa .ind waddled to a cupboard. tion whi< " You boys must be hungry," he said. ' thoughts "My duodenum has lut-ii giving ""' *" f mei "If I presume to begin," said Blenk- f ranked me anywhere. I travelled from Smyr -a by the new railway to Pan- derma on the Marmora, and got there just before Christmas. That was after Anzac and Sulva had been evacuated, but I could hear the guns going hard at Cape Helles. From Panderma I teu to cross to Thrace in a coast- ing steamer. And there an uncommon funny thing happened I got tor- pedoed. "It must have been about the last at and pncket an(] a fine carpo sick hells to the Dottom . There weren't; .. brought r -- - burg pies, a cheese, a cold chicken, a j a music-hall comedian loaf und three bottles of champagne. ' child. J many passengers, so it was easyj . "Fizz." said Sandy rapturously.' "If you were looking for something en h to t ashore in the s hip'si A8 "And a dry Heidsieck. too! We're in in the root of the hedge, you wouldn t boatg Tho submarine sat . on the sur . luck, Dick, old man." want to scour the road in a high-spew] face watching US| M we wailed and I never ate a more welcome meal.i automobile. And still less would you howled in lhe true Oriental way, and for we had starved in that dirty hotel, want to pet a bird s-eye view in an 4 gaw the uin quito close in the But I had still the old feeling of the aeroplane. That parable about fits my conninK _ tower . Who (lo you th i n k it Some baby words that are drowsily lisped to the tender Shepherd's ear, And a kiss that only a mother can place on the brow of her baby dear; A little round head which nestles at last close to the mother's breast ; And then the lullaby, soft and low, singing the song of rest. c ) OBe an d closer the blue-veined Hds are hiding the baby eyes, the A STYLISH COSTUME SUIT. hunted, und before about the door. , i A\_ 11 1 I began I asked case. I have been in the clouds ana . I've been scorching on the pikes but That's all right," said Sandy. "My what 1 was wanting was in the ditch fellows gate. yo keep ck-a , to-morrow morning with a new sheet, oruls and transparencies Blenkiron's the thank for that. 3? Tommy Elliot, who lives on the other side of the hill from me at home. "I gave Tommy the surprise of his For this is the way. through mother's arms, all little babies go To thc beautiful city jf Slumberlund when the sun is sinking low. Mary Dow Brine. REMOVING STAINS. Grease just has a natural affinity for good clothes. At least I so con- | eluded recently when I stepped from! the car and discovered I had an im- man youve got to He was pretty cer- oruls and transparencies. i> nui d t of his h j and he shouted at! , f T rtnv*n t nirkprf nn n lot of noos and - L AU j *i "K- I1! >" ' !I Ifreuai. uii uuc 1 n! * ven lov "..,'. me in Entrlish to know who the devil u _. . _:n. us T* ,,, ^ . tain you'd Ret here, but he was also certain that you'd arrive in a hurry (jot some very interesting sidelights < hi|(h politics. But the thing after wasn't to be found on my my * stockingg . ]f you don't A Lifebuoy be Cool, freh, retted skin with health ad comfort-" Feeling cleaner than you ever felt before Becuseof the bif , cre*my lather of Lifebuoy. Have Summer Heai A Warm house and d cool cellar day and night thewin- ler through: And a saving in your coal Dills ol t f o ;n . v u so: AKELSEY WARM AIR GENERATE with a good many inquiries behind for those that knew it weren't going to! WQr( j of you. So he arranged that you should tell. In that kind of society they don't] w j, a t fb: you _ _ -- ., leak away and start fresh." "Your name is Richard Hanau," our boat could have understood a 'Maister Tammy," I cried, yp 4305-4291. Youthful and very popu- or a stain it's a calamity. If you do (ar is thig smart 8uit) with jts one . know what to do it is only a nuisance. piece dregg and tne accompan yj n g box I find the following list almost indis- coat Ag in ustrated> the b i ouse por . am never quite sure tion ot I should use when a an( j t j, e spot appears upon a cherished gar- of c anton crepe- This will be a good style for linen or ratine. The in your cellar will ensurethis. The Keley isthe most efficient and economical system of home rto)tin ever devised and will heat the smallest cottage or the largest mansion properly and heal thfuliy. MAY WE SEND YOU PARTICULARS? \ CANADA FOUNDRIES & FORCINGS LIMITED JAMES SMART PLANT BROCKVILLE ONT. heim's eye. You arrived this after- noon from Constanr.a, and 1 met you at the packet The clothes for the part are in your bedroom next door. But I guess all that can wait, for I'm not here on a joy-ride, Major, so I reckon we'll leave out the dime-novel adventures. I'm just dying to hear them, but they'll keep. I want to know how our mutual inquiries have pros- pered." HP gave Pet<r and me cigars, and we sat ourselves in nrm chairs in front of the blaze. Sandy squatted cross-legged on the hearthrug' and lit foul old briar pipe, which h extri- m f A universal custom AltCr that benefits every- Evcrv ** i.vci7 Aid8 dige8tioDf cleanses the teeth, soothes the throat. ; off shouted to me in the same language i launder in the usual way ! or grease . Th(j Jacket Pattern( 4291> ia eut in being floated in these parts, but the to <pit a gtoot hert Ue a stey brae 'ion delicate fabrics a paste of fullers g sizeg . 6( g _ 10( 12) 14j lg 18 Rnd promoters are keeping it to them- t hopc to IIeavcn he had the s^ge earth or white chalk is a good solvent 2Q yegrs The dress, 4305, is cut in 4. selves. They aren t taking in more, not to ,^,1 father, or the old man Apply paste and allow it to absorb the gj 14 16 lg d 20 T than they can help on the ground | wil , have h j[ a fit ' He never much | g . I> If ^ 8pot doee not disap- ' ^ e th* d, and laYk t ", ^lusJ pear at first, applications. grease. I r the spot doe not cusap- : mu ko the , *-.!,! approved of my wandering, and] pear at first, try another or several trate( j j n stopped to light a fresh : thou ht { wafl f , anchored in the I u DD licutions ci({ar. He was leaner than when he , battalion. ns. and jacket large view will require . for a 16-year size 4% yards of 40- Icft London and there were pouches j "",".^7,"^ , ,__ storv short Gms. For light fabrics hot water inc h material for jacket and skirt por- i below his eye,,. I fancy his journey j *fc Constantinoplf. S? pretty f nd T? is th , e ^. ^Ivent. Ordinary UonS) and 2H yards of 32 . inch silk or ; had not been as fur-lined as he made - - ' '~--J~-' - --* K^.I^ aaaMtiai rmnvo out. b tu LuiiMHimiiuuie, anu prtfii-y . , . r . , ... i_ u .,- " * found touch with Blenkiron The! laundering and boiling should remove contras ting material for blouse and . .. . ,,.you know. . . . And now for busi- J?rans stains from white goods. I'or gleeve port ionB. ve found out one thing, and that 8 j have becn fair , i ucky _ but colored fabrics use a solvent of soap TWO 8e p arate patterns mailed to ia, that the last dream Germany will m f j naven ' t got to the bot- and cooking soda made into a past*. I ad dress on receipt of 15c FOR &^^^^^M^\^^^^^&y^^ Rub this p" 8te n the Kpot and wSafiK*S"ff3t t ^^JS^SS^V^SlSflSASS Swa 6 ;^ 1 - ^^"""Vhe Wilson Publishing Co.. 73 Vest! Belgium und Alsace-Lorraine and Po- j n o f f '-- land, but by (lod! nho'll never give up| .<q it ftaT . ' All 1 - . till the road to Mesopotamia till you have sir Walu>r was ri ht as Blcnk . Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two Chocolate. Sprinkle with borax and Wee k 9 f or rec eipt of pattern. ._ ;__ 1J A. 1"L. -..'-,. * r soak in cold water. Then wash in 1 e iron had told us. There's a great stir-' a -" 1 nnd m , e - vT, "Sidrin in Islam, something moving o n ; warm water using soap - I Meal WRKLEYS u - ,- v, , it Sir Walter is a pretty bright-eyed the face of the watcrs Th makc I Coff citi7en, and he sees It right enough 'fj secret of it Those religious revivals face o . the worst happens, Kaiser will fling come jn j and one was due a , )Out | water throueh staine d part from a overboard a lot of ballast in Europe, An( , th ;t , b t fc , fc t jk the taj with y . _' and Tea. Spread stained sur- over bowl or tub. Pour boiling and .t will look like a big victory for . f tfc ; many's like a scorpion: her sting's in her tail, and that tail stretches way down into Asia. Wash in ccld W8ter - then ! with warm water and coap. Hto stain. If soak in solution of Ja- & good thing to remember Sealed in its Purity Package . His sayings! v.^-.j ..;. in vi.o Moslem world. . . , All the orthodox believers have them 8taln - I got that clear, und I also made , heart Thal , wh th nre en _j ve lle water and boiling water for a out that it wasnt going to be (end durj Binding poverty and pre- few minutes. Rinse thoroughly with T i<y ke ' r s^ e i)-t of e( 'n SSrt? oil'H terouii taxation, and that is why boiling water to which a little dilute Y\ , n t f tn k ^1 >C ' I> young men are rolling up to the ammonia water has been added. she can malTaeo it niTd MraiJtnv "rmies and dying without complalnti Blood. Cold water or a paste ESS^^ """' I tried to Hnd out, but they gave me' a ''"' f^ i j % nothing but ,-yewaih. I had to protend (To be eontlnued -) to lie satisfied, for the position of 'John MY PANTRY TABLE. We had an old washstand that was too dilapidated to use, so we threw it on the junk heap, keeping the marble slab as a top. The table sits at the pantry window near the flour barral and is used daily for rolling bread, pies, and so on. Mrs. C. B. G. Mlnard's Liniment for Dandruff. FLAVOR LASTS Jfeep your Shoos M>at WHITE Shoe Dressing CAKC OK LIQ.UID EDDYS MATCHES First in Safety First In Convenience first in Economy B. wasn't so strong as to allow him to tflkt liberties. If I asked one of tho highbrows, ha looked wise and spolco of the might of German arms an,1 j Gonnnn organization and Gorman 1 staff-work. I used to nod my head and get enthusiastic about those stunts, but it was all soft soap. She has a trick in hand that rmieh I know, but I'm darned if I can put a narno to it. I pray to God you boys have been cleverer." His tone was qui'fl melancholy, and I was mean enough to fee.1 rather glad. lie had been the professional with tho best chance. It would he a ifood joke, if the amateur succeedorl where tho expert failed. I looked at Sar.dy He nllod his' pipe again, and pushed back his skin cap from his brows. What with his long dishevelled hair, his high-boned face, and stained eyebrows he had the appearance of some mad mullnh. "I went straight to Smyrna," he said. "It wa.sn't difficult, for you see I had laid down a good many linns in former travels, i reached the town as a Greek money-lender from the Fayum, but I had friends there I could count on, and the same evening I was Turkish gypsy, a member of the most famous fraternity in Western Asia. I li:ici long been a member, and I'm blood-brothrr of the chief boss, so 1 stepped into the part ready made. But I found out that tho Company of the Rosy Hours was not what I had known it in 1910. Then it had been nil for the Young Turks and reform; now it hankered after the old regime and was the last hope of thc Orthodox. It had no use for Rnver and his friends, and it did not regard with pleasure the beaux yeux of the Teu- ton. It stood for Islam and the old Here Comes the Thief. Hero comes the thief Men nickname Time, Oh, hide you, leaf, And hido you, rhyme. Leaf, he would take you And leave you rust. Rhyme, he would flake you With spotted dual. Scurry to cover. Delicate maid , And serious lover. (in I. bind tho braid For the lusciously talr He has an eye For the luscious! yfalr Who passes by. O lover, hide- - Who comes to plunder Has the crafty stride Of unheard thunder. Quick lest he snatch, In his gravn need, And sift and match, Then eow like seed Your love's sweet grief On the backward air, With the rhyme and the leaf And the maiden's hair. Ilaz.-l Ilidl. Dogs Following Motors. The practice is again being indulged of tn of allowing pet dogs to run behind ctory motor cars. This Is a dangerous pro- Soak in cold water till stain ceedlng (or the dog. It becomes turns brown. Rub out of cold water, ' overheated and straiued In trying to applying soap, and wash in warm keep up, and is apt to suffer greatly, water. In using cornstarch, apply the It li a cruel and thoughtless proceed- paste, making several applications till Ing, and one that will not be permitted, the stain is absorbed. I A dog must, of course, have exercise, Mildew. For a solvent use lemon but It should be obtained In gome juice or a paste of one tablespoonful other way. of starch, the juice of one lemon, a> ~ * Httle soft soap and salt. To remove'. We< T yP wrlter - the stain, wet with lemon juice and The invention of the smallest prac- expose to the sun or apply the paste I 10 " 1 keyboard typewriter weighing and expose to the sun. ^ *H pounds. U claimed by a Con. Paint. Turpentine, benzine or alco- nectlcut man. hoi are good solvents for most cases. . . .... . * , T~T , ., _ , .. , . . A good attitude of mind is that of For delicate colors use chloroform. .. , t , . . ,-, ,. , , the man in a rowboat headed up For old paint stains equal parti of i ' , .. .. . , ii . ... . stream. He knows that he must row turpentine and ammonia is good. Wet . . , . . . u -it. i L\. i 11 even to hold hia own. the spot with one of the colven ts ; let Steel Roofing WRITE FOR PRICES W. E. DILLON CO., Limited Toronto Lowering Herself. stand for a few minutes. If stnin ia not removed, wet uftnin and spoiitf? or pat with a clean cloth. Iron KiiKt. For this stnin three sol- vents may be used: A 10 per cent. solution of hydrochloric arid, oxalic Dlrt t tfr ^!il BU .,*!S' rt . r l. t ^ ntUmtl acid or a paste of lemon juice, starch, salt and soap. In using one of tho acids, wet the stained portion with 18 - 191 George St. borax and water and spread over a bowl of boiling water; apply acid drop by drop till stnin lieirina to liriRliten. ; Dip nt once in alkalinp water to neu- tralize solution. If stain doesn't dis- 1 appear, add more acid arid rinso ncain in ammonia water. In using lemon juice paste, wot the spot and expose to the sun. This method is longer but it is effective with light rust, spots. SPARE K1TCHKN MOMENTS. My kitchen has a sunny pleasant and then he buries his sting In your neck. The pestlferou* MOSQUITO works 24 hours a day and your sleeping hours are his busiest. "Slaj It with Bapho." One or two nuff with a Sapbu Bulb Bpraw. anil In flra to twnttr mlnutts nrry mowjulto It dvad. Or burn a little In ?our bedroom. If rou prafvr. And Sapho alaya fllva. n ' ... anu and other t**ti a\a well. Cav It irirwnar. Sprar it ovfr rha diniiu table In toe kUrhra It', atiaolutfly harmta! on rood and NON POISONOUS lo bumaoi or anlmalL Sapho Powder 25 cent*. 60 cents and $1.26. Sapho Bulb Sprayer $1.00. It you haven't tried Sapho get a Sapho Puffer tor 15 cents. See special offer below. Ask for Sapho Liquid for moths. Spray it in your closeti and on furniture for completi protection. Kennedy Manufacturing Co. 686 Henri Jullen St - Montreal SAPHO POWDER ^ Wls I*UK No. 33 '23. window which until a few month* agOj was of no use to me except for il9j , original purpose to admit light. Bit "You say she's levering herself 'o now , have in( , ul i e d beside it a corn- ways, and might be described as a fO wtt h that man?" | for , Rb i e ro( . ktnK chair, and just .hove Conservative-Nationalist caucus. But "yes; ho doen't like high heels and ..... Wfll , a , ma i| , n(1 i f .;.,,. it was uncommon powerful in the pro- , hB '. .tonnad wearlna them " , this on the wa 1 a *ma I ,1 , vinccs. and Enver and Talaat daren't 8h6i * t0ppe< K I white. On this I ke<-p not only my meddle with it. The dangerous thing ' iccipc files and account Look hut one about it was that it said nothing and MlrmrxT* Liniment Heal. Cut*. or lwo books of fiction, and when I

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