Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1923, p. 8

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August 22, 1923 THE RRSHKRTON ADVANCE I Am Now A Different Man SO SAYS RETIRED ARMY OFFICER, WHO REGAINS HEALTH AFTER TEN YEARS SUFFERING CLAIMS DRECO WONDERFrL HEALER. Vandeleur 7, Dundalk 5 WITH THIS WIN THE 3 TEAMS ARK TIKD FOR FIRST PLACE IN C. G. LEAGUE really wonderful for a man of 60 years of age to receive in so short a time. My health in jjeneral is greatly improved and I feel much stronger." Dreco is a natural remedy prepared ....._,.. from roots, herbs, bark and leaves, tALV A 1 r x n|M j tones an j regulates all the organs , , of digestion, upbuilding the general i Dundalk met their Waterloo at I health. It contains no mercury, pot- j Markdale on Thursday last when the ash or habit-forming drugs. LOUR j Vandeleur pill punchers bunched hits ' standing, obstinate digestive com- in the fifth inning and won the game i laints yield readily to this reliable 7 to 5. It was a rejuvenated team corrective. "For the past ten years I have suf- 1 Dreco is being specially introduced that Yandeleur though it was put in the field, al- the same bunch of * v* -in i r. i WWII _ . i - m i im * v nvil ~ . I ' I \ \ 1 1 in i M i II i., " |H lailj llll.I t ni in i i ,-- - 1*. It I fered from neuritis and a general run- > in Flesherton by V. N. Richardson players, and they seemed to put mo. down condition of the system," states I and IK sold by a good druggist every- ! punch into their attack than nereto- K .. 1.1, . i. . o_ i !. . ' f,,r,. hi vnnr. "Buck Ditche 1 nis Mr. Philip Lewis, former Salvation Army Major of the Junior Sunday '. School, Maidstone, Kent, England, and i now a well known resident of Toronto residing at 493 Keele street. "After my arrival in Canada 12 yearn ago, I was taken ill with pneu- monia, which resulted in a nervous, weakened condition of the system. Finally neuritis set in and the follow- ing four years I was ill most of the time, gradually becoming worse, until where. FALL FAIRS, 1923 fore this year. "Buck" pitche 1 his best game of the year and althougn he was in hot water a number of I times his team mates generally i brought him out and saved him froi.i defeat. Dundalk has finished their Sept. 18 and !'.' , Chatsworth Oct. 11 and 12 Chesley Sept. 27 and 28 i Clarksburg Sept .18 and 19 i Collingwood Sept. 11 to 14 ! Dundalk Sept. 25 and 26 i it was almost impossible for me to Durham Sept. 12 and 12 I drag one foot in front of the other. [ Elm vale Sept. 24 to 26 Thim necessitates the use of a cane Feversham Oct. 2 and 3 ( when trying to walk. j Flesherton Sept. 27 and 28 "I tried many medicines and spent ' {J all . v f r Sept. 25 and 36 hundreds of dollars without getting ' garnston Sept. 1J and 14 results. Since June 1922 I had been i J??, lste ^ n ^ ..Sept. 26 unable xystem of which will be played here this Thursday afternoon. As the League stands now the three teams are tied for first position. Centre Grey League Standing Of League to do any work. My entire : Kilsyth -- ............Oct. 4 and 5 I Flesherton. being so very weak. I had i fc nd n (Western Fair) bept.8 to 15 "--- --- Dundalk 2 2 Flesherton 1 1 . 1 1 just about given up all hope of recov- 1 ar * da , le ct - y and \ ering, when I happened to read how ' . /l ~ p ,,T to , much Dreco was doing for others, BO JJ? 1 * f orcst Se &- IJ and 20 , I decided to try it. : Midland. Sept. 27 and 28 j "After taking Dreco one week, the results wero so surprising that I de- cided to continue the complete treat- ment, which I have done, and I am now a different man. "Dreco is a godsend and I gladly recomend it to anyone. I am 100 per cent, better in every way and have started working again. Vandeleur.. .500 .500 .500 Vandeleur 7, Dundalk 5 I have no more terrible pains and aches through my limbs and back and the use of a cane is no longer neces- " sary. This improvement I feel is ..... Orangeyille Sept. 13 and 14 Owen Sound Sept. 12 to 14 Priceville Oct. 4 and 5 Shelburne Sept. 18 and 19 Tara Oct. 2 and 3 Toronto (Can. Nat.). .Aug. 25toSept. 8 (iames This Week Flexherton at Vandeleur Thursday SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR HIGH SCHOOL Lady Principal Was Success- ful In Her Year Of Work In Flesherton The man who modestly disappears after saving a life is of different cal- FLESHERTON WINS THEIR PROTEST ibre to the coward who runs down a victim and then speeds away without offering help. Seasonable Supplies PITCH FORKS HAY FORK ROPE TRIP ROPE HOES PARIS GREEN WATERING CANS Axle Grease and Machine Oil Cup Greese and Motor Oil A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON Cash Cream Station Store closes every 'lues, and r'ri. eve. Owen Sound May Appeal Flesherton's protest against the game played in Owen Sound and also the one played in Chesley was decided by the Executive of the North Well- ington League at Neustadt on Tues- day night in favor of Flesherton and a sudden death game was ordered to be played for the leadership of the group. Date and place have not been decided on yet. The Sun-Times, that little daily of Owen Sound, has inserted several art- icles which have not added any fair- minded support from outside their own town. They rave against the small town tactics of Flesherton in daring to protest a game in which Owen Sound had played. The articles have not displayed any high sports- manship qualities but the county toun as witnessed in the Sun-Times of Tuesday issue which said: "If the Ex- ecutive" of the North Wtllington does not throw it out it will lose practi- cally all iu supporters in Owen Sound." Poor wee baby city! \Vc won't play any more if you don't play the way we want you to! The Sun-Times should bo ashamed to publish the rot it has and it doesn't speak well for the editorship of a rity daily to indulge in the smallest of "small town" tactics, which has I characterized their articles. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that ear customers in the ix com- munities may materially ben- efit individually. T. HILL & CO.. Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandiie at the faireit pottiblr priest. A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING APROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY THE STORE WHOSE POLICY IS " Value-Giving Service " w e are determined to follow this policy through every business transaction, to give our customers the utmost in value This "Value-Giving-Service" will apply to every Department, General Dry Goods,.. Ready - to - Wear, ..Staples, ..Clothing, Gents'. Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware and Millinery BECOMING HATS THAT MEET FASHION'S APPROVAL Individuality of dmicv is made pnssihlr by llu- wide variety uf styles in this early Fall I lal Slimvinj*. Kadi Mat displays some distinctive touch that marks history our Millinery 1 Apartment season of such a widely varied assort- jrreatest that we have ever offered. A it "of tin- Mode." X'cvcr before in tin have we had on display this early in tin nil-lit of iu-\v fall hats. The- values are tin friend indeed is a hat that brings out one's l>est points. Our Xew Kail Hats are developed on ''flattering" lines, and trimmings arc knowingly placed. You may choose any color you fancy from a wide assortment of Kelts, Velours and Vel- vets- Extra special values $3.95 and $4.95. WINTER COATS ARRIVE The desire to get full value and a long season's service from a \Vinter Coat prompts many women to make their selection now. Many are fur collared. Most of them are full lined and all hear the \ T ew Touches that makes our gar- ment so distinctive. Xo newer, more attractive, moderately priced ganne-nts ob- tainable anywhere than those we are showing. See them. $18.75 to $37.50, DO YOU INTEND GOING WEST If so, you will probably require a Valise, Suit Case or Trunk. Sec our assort- ment! Our big buying power places us in a position to purchase at closest pos- ible prices. ( >ur values at $2.25 and upwards- When a lady principal was secured a year ago for the Flesherton High School there were a number of doubt- ing Thomases as to the efficiency of a lady at the head of the school, and a number of scholars went to other schools in order to have a chance to pass, as they thought. However the success attained by Miss McDowell and her staff, Miss Holmes and Miss King, has been wonderful and they are to be congratulated on their work. The most notable of those passing was Miss Perle Latimer of Eugenia who tried twelve subjects, passed on eleven of them and out of the eleven secured first class honors on ten pap- ers. This is a record which will be hard to beat in Grey County. Jack White wrote his matriculation and out of four subjects secured three first class honors and one second class. Kdgar Sprott of Badgcros wrote on twelve subjects, passed on eleven, had five first class honors, two second class honors, three third and one pass. Class 1 includes those who obtain- ed over 75 per cent, in a subject, Cla 2 between 66 and 74, Class 3 between 60 and 65 and C indicates pass stand- ing. The following is the list of the successful pupils of the Flesherton High School : Those who wrote on one paper: MAMIE NUHN Br. Hist. 2. ROBINA MUIR-Br. Hist. 3. NELLIE ARXOTT Chem. 3. Those who wrote on two papers: ROBERT WHITTAKER Br. Hist.C., Physics 2. MAURE ACHESON Anc. Hist. C., Physics 2. JEAN LEWIS Eng. Comp. 1, Eng. Lit. 2. Those who wrote on three papers: JACK McLKOD Alg. 3, Chem. C. Those who wrote on four papers:... JACK WHITE Lat. Auth. 2, Lat Conip.l, Frenc-h Authors 1, Fr Comp. i. HAROLD MOUNTAIN Br. Hist. C. Anc. Hist. C., Fr. Au. 2, Fr Com p. C. Those who wrote on live papers: MABEL PARSLOW Anc. Hist. C. Phys. :i. Lat. Au. 2, Lat. Comp 2, Fr Comp. 2. GRACE VANDUSEN Eng. Comp. :{. Eng. Lit. 2. Tlin-j- who w rote on six papers: WILDA MARTIN En*. Lit. C. Phya. C, Chem. C, Lat. A. 3, Lat. Comp. C. REGINALD BOYD Phys. C, Lat. A. 2. Lat. Comp. :{, Fr. A. C. LOUISE CARGOE Eng. Comp 2 Eng. Lit. 2. GERTRUDE LKVER Lit. C, Br. His C, Alg. 2, Phys. C, Chem. :). Those who wrote on seven papers: MARION ML'IR Alg. 2. Geom. 2, Physics C, Chem. 2. Lat. A. C, Lat, Comp. C, Fr. Comp. C. GEORCJE AKINS Eng. Comp. 3 Kng. Lit. C. Those w-ho wrote on eight papers: MII.KRED WHITTAKER Alg. 2 (Ji-oni. C, Phys. C, Chem. C, Lat Au. :(, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Au. 2, Fr. Comp. C. ELFORI) WATTKRS Eng. Comp C, Br. Hist. C, Alg. 1, Gi-om. 2, Phys. C, Chem. C. RUTH YANDrSEN-Phys. :l, Chem. C, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Comp. C. VERNA ROBERTS Eng. Comp. C Kng. Lit. 1, Br. Hist. 2, Anc. Hist. C, Alg. 2, Geom. C. Phys. 1. Chem. 1. DONALDA NICHOI, Eng. Comp. C, Kng. Lit. C. Alg. 2, Geom. C, Pliys. C, Chem. C. HAXKL Mac-LKOD Eng. Comp. C, Lit. C, Lat. Comp. (', Fr. Comp. ANNIE DOW Bug. Comp. C Kng. Lit. .1 F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Small Advertisements Chopping done on Saturdays only. Graham Bros., Eugenia. For Sale A quantity of lath. fohn Oliver, Pricevile P.O. Found Box found containing hats. Apply Down's Garage. For Sale Steel tired buggy near- y new, reasonable. Archy Conkey, R.R. 1, Ceylon. Rooms "Bo Rent Rooms to rent to ligh school students. Apply to Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. For Sale A small quantity of lemlock lumber. J. K. Jamieson, Eugenia. Calves Lost Two calves lost last week. Information thankfully re- ceived. Adam Hyslop, Markdale P.O. For Sale A litter of young pigs ready to go, also seven head of two- year-old cattle. Ben R.No. 1, Ceylon. MacKenzie, R. FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Provincial Highway. Three farms, two of 100 acrea and one of 50 acres all cleared. First class buildings, up to date in every particular. Will sell any one of these. Good brick house on one of the farms. The stabling for anni- mals is perfect. One farm has ten acres hardwood bush and another nundred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everything needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed should investigate. Imy JAS. STINSON, Proton Station P.O. FARM FOR SALE Lot 166and 167, 1st range W.T. tc S.R., 100 acres, 2 miles south of Fle- sherton on the Provincial Highway r 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and swamp land. For par- ticulars apply to Mrs. M. Thistleth- waite, Flesherton. For Sale Young pigs to go at once are six weeks old. Fred Russell, R. R. No. 1, Flesherton. Phone Mark- dale: 30 r 33. For Sale Good dining room table with dining room chairs, also large sideboardl. Will be sold cheap. W. H. Thurston, Flesherton. LIME Fresh lime at old kiln, Aug. lot 26, Con. 17, near Bethel. House and Lot For Sale 21st, Prici -30 cents H. Dresser, R.R.No. 1, Proton. Phone Dundalk 42 r 6. Watch Lost Gentleman's wrist watch lost in the vicinity of Eugenia on Monday last. Finder please leave at this office or notify us. Large frame house, 10 rooms; 1% acres of land. Residence of the late- John Breen. Aqqly to JOHN WRIGHT, Boar For Service Purebred Registered Yorkshire- Boar for service Vineyard Famous 77530 on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emesia. Terms$1.50. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those- in pig. Feb. 15 T. J. STINSON, For Sale 11 young pigs for sale, 5 weeks old, also one horse rising four years, broken. Would exchange for cattle or sell outright. Harry Patton, Flesherton R.R. For Sale McLuughlin buggy in good repair, newly painted ; also good l.'JOO Ib. horse, willscll cheap. Com- municate with C. C. Pedlar, Flesh- erton. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms Boar For Service Purebred Tamworth Boar for serv- ice on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R.. Arteme- sia. Terms $1.50. Sows not retur- ned will be charged same asthose in pig. Feb.15 T. J. STINSON, Prop. Bull For Sevvice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms For grades $2. thoroughbreds $5. moderate. All arrangements can be | made at this office or by nddrcs- 1 e sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. H. C. RADLEY & SON, _ Fleshe.-fon. Furniture For Sale One dining extension table, fumed oak, storo condition. One dining extension table, solid oak, new condition. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.O.S., dentat surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence board' han<ls0me <liniinr room si<1 - 1 Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Those articles will lx sold at a bar- : gain. Apply at The Advance office I r . ...i, ,.,,., n t graduate of for particulars. House and Lots For Sale the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office at the cor. of Queen St., E. and Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 138fr House and Lot For Sale The prop- Dr. A. Tnrnbnlf. B.A.. M.R, (rrad- erty known as the A shdown residence uate from the Faculty of Medicine, at Ceylon, an eiurht roomed dwelling University of Toronto. Office Rich- pood cclar, stable, etc. ; about an asre ardson Block. Flesherton. Phone 35. of land, would make a prood home for l Kng. a retired gentleman, particulars apply to Flesherton. For terms and W. J. Bellamy. Imytf STRAYED Prince Arthur Lodge. 3.1.1. A.F. & A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton. every Fri- 'day on or before the full moon. A. Sinclair. W.M., A. E. Bellamy, Sec. From my premises, lot 1, Con. 8, ,, Euphiasia, one two-year old black SSS* Lucas & Henry. Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc.. I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Markdale Lucas- KL.SIK PERMS-EM. Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. C, Alg. 2, Geom. C. SOI'IIIA FINDLAY Lit. C, Alg 1 Physics C, Chem. C. IDA HINCKS Eng. Lit. C, Alg. 2. Those who wrote on nine papers: KSTIIRR Mat-LEAN Kng. Lit. 2, Anc. Hist. C, Alg. 1, Geom. :i, Phys. ;!, Chem. 2, Lat. An. 2, Latin Comp. 2. Those who tried on twelve papers: K1KJAR 8PROTT Eng. Lit. 3, Br. Mist, C. Anc. Hist. Ii, Alg. I!, (ieom. 1, Physics 1, Chan, '2, Lat. An. 2, Lnt. Comp. 1, Fr. Au. 1, Fr. Tump. 1 I'KULK LATIMKR Eng. Comp. 1, Kng. Lit. 1, Br. Hist. 3. Alg. 1, Gooin. 1, Phys. 1, Chem. 1, Lat. An. 1, Lat. Comp. I, Fr. An. 1, Fr. Comp. 1. Note Emma Oliver's certificate is bring held by the Department for fur- ther consideration Those scholars who failed on any subjects have the privilege of writing them off in September. Tho follow- ing are the dates pa-pern are to be written oft': Sept. 6 Frenvh Authors and Fr. Composition. Sept. 7 Geometry and Knglish Composition. Sept. 10 Algebra and English Literature. Sept. 13 Physics and Ancient Hist- ory. St-pt. 17- Latin Authors and Latin Composition. -.M ^.11 <,.-., n, \MIV- bvtu-jeai uiu LUULK , ni i TI_ .1 W L mooley heifer and one yearling steer, ! 5 ltK '^ lt 1 nol j c n 2 - B^nch offices at somoiimo in .lnlv Ki,n ~3l*. iDundalk anl Purham. sometime in July. Kindly notify .1. C. HUMBERSTONE, Duncan P.O., Ont. FALL TERM OPENS ATG. 27th LLIOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Arrange now to enter this famous school famous for strictly high grade work and for promptly helping stud- ents to secure employment. None better in Canada. Cat- alogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Wright, Tclford & Birnir. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Offices, Grey and' Bruce Block, Owen Sound. Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays) W. H. Wrijjht, K.C., W. P. Telford Jr. J. F. P. Birnie. \Vm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Sirncoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar- anteed. Arrangements for dates may lw made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office. Fevershanv or by addressing me at Feversham. J Human Nature Say a billion sitaiv, are in tho sky. And i;i a soul will doubt it; Sav the sun's a miHion high, Twcy'll all HRrew about it. But hang a sign that says, Wet Paint, And to your indignation, Everyone will sny, "It ain't " 'Till they've made investigation. Thirteen-year-old Annie Anscomhe, formerly an inmate of the Barntulo Home, Toronto, perished in RaniM which totally destroyed the farm tlwollinK of Orval Hnrwood, con. S, Raleigh Twp., which nvilted from an explosion which occurred when she attempt etl to bolster up the flames of the kitchen utgve with coal oil. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes .W.WAV Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy Av.w.w PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO

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