5 3B .* Vol.44 No. 19 Flesherton, Ontario, October 3, 1923 ^^ W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors VANDELEUR 8 a Mr. Card Graham and Miss J. Graham, also Mrs. Ellis of Orange- ville spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ready and family of St. Marys, also Mrs.. Davidson of Chesley, spent a day with Mrs. Davis Sr. and family. . Miss Annie Rishardson of Orillia is spending a few days wih her friend, Mrs. Will Johnson. - Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston visited recently with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bumstead and little son, also Mrs. Bumstead and daugh- ters, Florence and Mabel, of Meaford spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis recently. The Ladies Aid had their Sept. meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Buchanan on Monday of this week (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Gordon McGee of Toronto visit- ed his mother, Mrs. R. Genoe, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchinson called on friends at Orange Valley one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Amps Smith and little son of Meaford visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert recently. Mrs. S. Douglas of Markdale is visiting with friends in this neigh- borhood. / Mr. nad Mrs. Will Burell, also Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark of Sligo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Genoe recently. . Rev. Mr. Burgess of Walters Falls occupied the pulpit in the church here on Sunday afternoon, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. F. N. Bowes, who was conducting anniversary services at Ebenczer church, Goring. Mr. Percy Hemphill and two sisters visited one day with Mrs. J. Warling. A wedding of interest to this com- munity took place in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. llth, when Miss Edna C. Love, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Holley of this place was united in marriage to Mr. Harold Lever, of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Lever are selling in their home in Markdale and their numerous friends wish them much happiness in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. L. Teeter spent a day recentl> at Clarksburg. Owing to the rain on Thursady afternoon the game between Dundalk and Vandeleur at the garden party was withdrawn, but the supper and oncert were given. A good program was givon consisting of excellent music given by the Markdale orches- tra, also choruses, readings and solos. were enjoyed by all present. PORTLAW (Intended for Last Week) Roy McMullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard McMullen, was taken to Col- lingwood hospital last Saturday and operated upon for appendicitis. We are glad to hear the little fellow is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Thos. Black had the misfortune to have his wrist badly injured while cranking; his car. Mrs. Wm. Taylor has returned from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Toronto. The Honor Bright Threshing Co. is busy with their outfit and the grain is said to be turning out well. Rev. Mr. Currie, late of Kingston, who is a product of Grey County having been raised near Durham, de- lighted his hearers at Mount Zion on Sunday with a splendid sermon. D. L. Davidson of Toronto visited at the home of T. R. McKenzie. IN MEMORIAM In memory of Ida M. Wyatt, who departed this life on March 6 1920. A blossom was plucked in its beauty, Just when it was beginning to bloom. A young life was plucked in 'its ' beauty. Just when it was beginnig to shine. A smile on her face, as she went on Her way. Oh! how I miss that smile. The smile that was so often there. It went Straight to my heart, and brought a ray Of sunshine, when everything else seemed to go wrong Her time on earth was short. In the home, she leaves a vacant place A place that never can be filled. God called her to a better land to dwell forever more. Aunt Annie. CEYLON A very quiet but pretty autumn wedding took place on Wednesday, Sept. 26th, when Myrtle, the second eldest daughter of Mr. S. Hemphill, was united in marriage to Mr. Chas. Irish of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irish of Wareham. The ceremony was prformed in the presence of the im- mediate family and the groom's par- ents, by Rev Mr. Eaton of Flesherton The bride, who was given away by her father wore a dainty dress or grey Canton crepe and carried a shower bouquet of American Beauty roses.the wedding march being played by her sister, Maude. The parlor was very prettily decorated with cut flowers for the occasion. The groom's gift to the bride was a lovely fox stole and to the organist a parasol. The lappy couple left on the afternoon :rain for Toronto amid showers of confetti. The bride travelled in a suit of navy blue tricotine with black lat. The best wishes of the commun- ty are extended to the young couple on their voyage through life. Mr?. Jer. Henry, son and daughter, Goldwin and Eva, of Markdale, and Miss Zelma Johnston of Toronto were isitors at H. Piper's the past week Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie of Toron- to motored up and spent the first of the week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMullen. Their two children, who have been visiting their grandparents, accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald and family attended the Hanover fair last week and were accompanied home by Mrs. Archibald Sr., who has been visiting her daughter there. Mrs Seeley and son and daughter of Hatherton were visitors the first of the week at Mrs. Bolton's. Mr and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauriston, Mr. und Mrs. Elli- son and son, R. J.. Mrs. Geo. Torrey and Miss Pearl Baker of Waubdy were visitors at H. Piper's Friday. Misses Mary and Gcorgina McLach- lan left last week to accept a position at Orangeville. Miss Viola McDonald is visiting her grandparents at Proton The young people held a corn roast on Mr. D. D. McLaehlun's farm one evening last week and a good time is reported. Miss Syble Collinson, who has been holidaying at her home here, left the past week for her position at Regina. Miss Jean Collinson accompanied her as far as Toronto. Mr. and Mrr>. Jas .Radley of Toron- to visited Mrs. Bolton and son on Friday. Mrs. Wm Mathcwson and two children, who have been visiting her mother at Paris for several weeks, have returned home. Mr. J. McWilliam has purchased a fine piano for his wife. Mr. Thos. Gilshrist went to Toronto the first of the week. Mr. Clark McMillan of Hamilton visitted his parents here for a few days. Mrs Sinclair, who has been visiting her son, Mr. Archie Sinclair, and family returned to her home at Harr- iston on Monday. KIMBERLEY ROCK MILLS The many friends of Mr. Henry ; R obt. Phillips, wifo and son motor- Kurd are pleased to have him visit ed U P from Toronto Friday and visit- | them again. Mr. Kurd's- former e(1 w 'th R. Hoy and wife returning I home was here, but is now at Vernon, Sunday. | B.C. He was accompanied as far as John Robertson 'received the sad j Toronto by Miss Helen Kurd, who is news of the death of his nephew, Guy on her second furlough from Japan, Robertson of Toronto. Mr. Robertson as a missionary. attended the. funeral which took place Mr Robt. Thompson is visiting his on Monday in Toronto. We extend sister, Mrs. John Plewes. our sympathy to the screwing rela- IN MEMORIAM Hillock In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs G. Hillock, who did Sept. 29th, 1915. She has gone across the river To the place of evergreen. How wo long to see her dear face But the river flows between; And our aching hearts are calling To the shadows dark and grey, For the loved one who has left us Eight years ago to-day. Robt. McMaster COURT OF RF^SION TOWNSHIP OF Notice is herjjjpiy Court will be ' mat, Ontario Votewfetablw ; or the Judge the County C\, '^ in the Vill V .^-- ! ' Mr. R. Wickens has been called to see his sister, Mrs. A. McLean, of the U.S.A. Mrs. McLean expects to undergo a critical operation. Mrs. Bert Graham and little son of Toronto are visiting her sisters, Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. Hammond. tives. Mrs. W. T. Pedlar spent a few days wkh her daughter Mrs. John Wickens at Kimberly. Ed. Croft visited over Sunday with relatives at Feversham. Mrs. Monders of Toronto visited with relatives here recently. Lewis Pedlar, wife and family, and Miss Dll Abercromhie visited with her sister, Mrs. W. G. Lawson. Irene Bales of Toronto visited over Miss Nellie Burritt, Miss C. David- j -^u ^T j r ^ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. McCracken. soa, the Misses Hill and Mr. Hill were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Burritt n Sunday. VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. B. A. Carruthers had a very successful sale on Friday and has I n i 8t joge annivrsary services were moved to her home here. he i d on Su nday. A large crowd Mrs. Harold Ellis and Kenneth are attended. Rev. Mr. Eaton preached visiting friends here. at the morning service; Rev. Mr. We are sorry to report Mr. Alex s P encer - Rundalk. in the afternoon, Fawcett in ill health of late. H- has Rcv ' Mr " Bowes - Markdale. in the not been able to leave his bed since evenl!1 *- Three ver V instructive ser- his birthday on Sept. 18. mons were S' ven - ,, , ,. Mr. and Mrs. Sonimers and little Mrs. \Vm. Goodfe low of Duncan ,s , of Toronto are y . spending a week with her daughter Car , Atkinson - s . Mrs. Russell Ellis. Mr. Thompson Ferguson has re- ' turned from the West. A.F. & A-M. No. 333 Mrs M. R. Hamond is visiting in A| Church At Maxwell Toronto for a few days. Rev. Mr. W. Cullis of Heathcote to preach next Sunday at 2.30 in Prince Arthur Lodee No. 333, A.F. Kimberley church. Rev. Veals will & A - M " Flesherton, attended divine take Mr. Cullis' work there. service at Maxwell Methodist church The S. S. Rally Day service was n Sumlay evenin * last ' when Rev ' much enjoyed by all who were there. Bra A E " Duffit>ld preached a very The subject (Growth) this year being thoa htful and impressive sermon to of more than usual interest. a Crowded church. About eighty members, including visitors from juson is t e guest of her Markdale an(1 Collingwood Lodges, laughter, Mrs. Otto Baker, at Van- wre . attendam . e and nlk><1 the centre row of seats. Rev. Duftield took as his text James 4 : 17, "There- S. S. No. 3, ARTEMESIA fore to him that .noweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." After the service u buffet lunch was Jr. 4 G Beard, H. Akins, E. Black- given the visiting brethren which was burn, A. Brown, M. Ferris. mueh enjoyi , A hearty vote of Jr. 3 L. Blackburn, F. Best, A. thanks was tendered the donnora of Brown, H. Ferris, W. White, B. the lunch. Beard. Jr. 2 G. Allen, A. Akins, J. Beard. Nilcs p eterson . a Norwegian farmer Jr. 1 Clifford Allen. living near Baxter, committed suicide Pr. E. Johnson, E. Parker. I. by taking carbolic acid. He leaves Ferris, D. Waller. a Danish wife and two grown-up E. FERRIS, Tacher. sons-. Stock - taking Bargains F,ast week wa.s stock-taking week and \\v thank the people of Ceylon and community for makii.^ our year a success. However. \ve tind ourselves over-stocked in a few lines which we offer at jjreat reductions: White twill cotton for Middies IScts. Print, small patterns 5 yds. for 95 cts. Print, pale blue 5 yds. for 69c. Print- black with white stripe or dot 20c. yd. A. E. HAW General Store Cash Cream Station CEYLON Store closes every Tiles, and Fri. eve. that lant to the by his Hon- ey Court of Town Hall (-wrton on Mon- day the Eij v ; <-;'V% October, 1923, at Ten o'clo*, }:,. -> v forenoon, to hear and detorp' ' d ->i .iplaints of errors and omisf' ''* '';.i the Voters' List of nty of Artemesia for in the Villa( V . ' the mil/. 1923. J ';'- Dated! y i day of Sept., 1923. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk of Artemeeia. Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Repairing- - Prosing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor FEVERSHAM, - ONTARIO PROTON STATION Mr. Herman Becker was a welcome visitor in this village on Thursady and Friday last. Mr. James Hemphill has moved his family here from Dundalk. They will occupy part of Mrs. Wm. Park's house. Mr. Lloyd Wauchope of the Junc- tion has been ill with inrtamation of the lungs. Dr. Martin is in attend- ance. Miss Ada Acheson was home from Clarksburg over the week end. Miss Marjorie Acheson left on Saturday morning for Oakville. School Inspector Dr. Huff made an official visit to the public "school here on Monday. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AH.'Sr.\ I. Funeral Directors and Elinblmar** Phone Hillcrest 261 1 24 Avenue Road TORONTO, ONT. j* MOTOR EQUIPMENT' J. W. Bates, R. Maddockg, ' President. . . Manager. m Now is the time to renew your subscription to ; The Advance i f - HOUSE OF GLUALITV We extend an invitation to all to visit us while at the Fair, we will have a good supply of peaches and grapes on hand, this being the last of the season leave your order with* us now and be sure of your supply. A full line of fresh groceries al- ways on hand. Neilson's ice cream, chocolate bars and packages always on hand. I V /I W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionary Flesherton, - Ontario v F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. u:iU:::uiu:u:&&2iiii& *- School Boots . We have them for Girls in both Lace Boots and Strap Shoes; for Boys, good serviceable Boots, both Black and Tan. MEN'S BOOTS FOR FALL WEAR - In Men's Heavy Boots for Fall wear wt have ~ very good ones at $4 and better ones at $5.80. 1 | THOS. CLAYTON - V)NTAR tO FLESHERTON, i?