October 3, 1923 in ,: .. .... . .. i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance ,W. H. THURSTON, . Editor GUARDIANS I>O NOT (il'AKI) Th merry burglar appear* to be flourishing in this country at the present tirr-j. If our police cannot pprehcid those (tenth-men the taxinp departments of our governments should get their fine-tooth machinery in workintr condition, <lij< them out of their hiding and make them puy an income tax. Jokinp aside, this matter is be- coming i*u .M-rinus that new methods Mrill have to be inuuKuratrd in order to cope with iff situation. The auto- mobile has made this species of crime comparatively safe for crim- inals to commit their dastardlv deeds. It looks us though a law would have to be passed prohibiting the manufac- ture of cars that can travel faster than twenty miles an hour with police cars of greater power; also that capital punishment will have to be ex- tended if this wave of crime is to be stemmed. If a few of these crimin- als were to be treated as spies and enemies are in war time ta trouble would very soon b<- minifim or alto- gether cured. The recent cases in Toronto and Hamilton would tr to prove that our police system as now constituted, is totally impottent. We are fed up with what the police force and detec- tives are about lo accompli:?') "with- in the next few hours," but we never see it accoinpli.-hed. This criminal wave is becoming too overwhelming for an honest people to stand much longer without causing un upheaval among the "guardians of the law," who do not guard, r even avenge the crime. we do not wonder at the question of economy being raised. But things have changed since "Tommy" came. FORGOT HIS DEBTS The editor of the Tilbury Times, who has been missing from home for eight weeks, has turned up at St. Louis,, Mo. He cannot remember anything since he left home. It is wonderful what antics these editors will cut up. O. M. L. IS AFTER THE R. R. CROSSINGS The Ontario Motor League cont- ends that there ur thousands of level railway crossings in Ontario wliich, ! owing to obstructing tree.; and bushes, high board fences or protrud- ; ing banks, are a source of peril to all , who have ' cross them, and espec- ially so in the case of motor travel. While the League recognizes that the expense of abolishing all the danger- , ous level crossings in the province is ' too heavy to be borne at the present time the present high mortality rate could be very considerably reducer by [ removing the obstructions to the view of .-ipproaching traffic. i Back fire from a gasoline engine ?aused a fifteen hundred dollar fire , in a lumber yard at Bolton station. ! A Fine Kettle Thj M a fine kettle, not only (or BOUP, but for boil- ing meat or cttew- ine. cooking vege- tables or preserv- ing. B <ure ouch utensil you buy carrie. the SM.P trade mark. There's nothing like piping hot, delicious soup to start the hearty meal. Here is a fine pot that will do a lot to help you make good soup the SMP Enameled Ware London Kettle. Even after tnc greasiest or stickiest cooking SM_P Enameled Ware cleans as easily as a china dish. Ask for Three fintahn: Pew) War*, two coat* of pearly grer enamel inside iind out. Diamond Ware, three coata, light blue and white "utaide. white lining. Costal Ware, three coata, pure whcte inide and out, with Royal Blue edging. "SHEET MCTAL PRODUCTS Co MONTREAL tOMONTOM TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER CAICARV For Sale in Flesherton by K.H.W.Hickling, F.W.Duncan, IX McKillop. A 00li REPRESENTATIVE The Brackin government is said to be dispensing with the services of ag- ricultural representatives throughout the province, as a mutter of economy. Surely the staff cannot contain the material found in our Tommy Cooper, or the question of economy would not be considered. Tommy is :i li"e- wire n hustler and has done a lot of KOO<| work in this county. His clTort., have been a vast improvement, upon anything that, went before. If tin- Manitob:; ' tall' cic:.:.- ins material such as some \vo have had hei'e in th', pa DOMINION OF CANADA LOAN 1923 BANK OF MONTREAL at all its Branches will accept subscriptions for the new Dominion Government Bonds, or effect the exchange of Victory Loan Bonds due 1st November, 1923, into bonds of the new issue. Full particulars will be gladly furnished at any branch o] the BANK OF MONTREAL The nation is divided into three classes home -lovers, auto-dwellers, and residents of motion picture thea- tres. A gents' furnishing store in Or- ' angeville was burglarized Monday j night. Tine thieves simply pried open the front door, loaded their car ind drove away without leaving any Dermanent address. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known as the high grade School. Keen demand for our graduaea all the time. Write for Catalogue. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. No! * s I We are NOT selling out I WE ARE HERE TO STAY and will up- hold our record of giving SERVICE and selling only GOODS THAT PASS THE MARK of high quality that we have set since this business was founded. OUR PRICES ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE QUALITY OF GOODS WE HANDLE S @ **? ** * FURTHER I >* Comparison has shown that while on *| some articles they appear high, they are ^ found in the end", really lower when com-g. pared to goods bought elsewhere. There is something very much wrong when goods appear to be sold cheaply. : ' \\ e are ever willing and ready to compare our goods with those which you may perchance get a little lower somewhere else. ^ *3> We have faith in our goods and in ^ our charges. Therefore we say this WATCH YOl'R BUYING and compare *& (Quality 3t\utltvv W. A. Armstrong & Son I @ FLESHERTON O pi Karstedt Bros, PRICEVILLE F. G. Karstedt FLESHERTON FOR CASH OR PRODUCE ONLY Commencing OCTOBER 1O, 1923, continuing for ten days, and ending OCTOBER 20. The stores in Flesherton and Pricevillc will feature the following Specials. This sale em- braces many lines not advertised, and Mrill be to your advantage to do your shopping in either of these stores. Every day new bargains will be placed on sale. MEN'S ODD PANTS \V>II imillr, Ill-It I. imps, sonic wilh Hid- all worth up to $3.00 for $2.29. MEN'S BIB OVERALLS $1.39 In Illack. Klup or Strip*. All nixes and well mnde while they lint per xarment $1.39. Granulated Sugar ( 1 Iwtf to ;i customer) Sockcyo Salmon 1 11). tins regular 5()c. value Keel Salmon 1 Ib. tins regular 35c. value.. Shredded Wheat Hiscuits per ha}- $10.85. 36c. 24c. 2 pkg. 25c. Folcy's Seeded Raisins IS oz. pkg ................................. 2 pkjjs. for 32c. California Seedless Raisins 15 ox. pkg ............................ 3 Ibs for 39c. Magic Baking Powder 1 Ih. tins ........................................ per can 32c. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS A II-H pairs of lurpest sizt< Klannellette Blankets slightly soiled but hardly noticeable, worth $3.75 Per pair $2.89. WOOLEN TWEED CLOTH Suitable for making Men'ti and Boys' Trousers or Knickers, winter weiKht. good value at per yd 75c. 10 cakes of P.&G., Gold, Comfort. Sunlight, and Charm, assorted, and 1 cakes Castile GREB SHOES $4.29 PER PR. Men'N Work Shoex in Mark Mrnnonite Krai*, or Brown Kin plain to* refculur SS.OO per pair. Yellow Label.....'... $<.2. Fresh pure Clover Honey in 10 Ib. pails $1.25 WOMEN'S KIP SHOES $3.75 Juit the shoe fur Fall wear, not too heavy, but wet-resisting and a goo* strong sole. Try a pair, 3 to 8 .....fSTrS. EVERYTHING IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. WE HANDLE THE "DOMINION" LINEOF RUBBERS THROUGHOUT, IN ' RUBBER BOOTS, LEATHER TOPS, SNAG-PROOF IN 4 AND 6 EYELETS, AND OVER RUBBERS FOR ALL MAKES AND SHAPES OF SHOES. UNBLEACHED COTTON 5 yds. $1.00 (Jood vn hw f ynrd-wide unbleached C<rtton at 23 c. |X ' yard for thin Hale !> ydx. fnrSl.OO. White Cups, only : per dox. $1-19. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers per dox. $2.29. Milk IMichcrs pint awl Ij-j pint 40c. and SOc. China, llerry Set, with six nappies $1.50. GOLDEN HALLOWII DATES Cilden Hallowi! Dates In Bulk, 3ibs. for : --