Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1923, p. 4

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October 17, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE when iff cooked by live steam in an SM.P Savoy Cooker is better for you and tastes better, too! The inner boiler is pierced with little holes around the top, through which the steam penetrates. The live steam does the cooking. No need for stirring. No scorch- Ing. No trouble to clean, as there is no burnt or dried meal to scrape off. The Savoy Cooker is one of the most useful utensils made. Ask for SMP&^WARE Try UMM dbhe* In thti flnn pot; ot- raeal porridge, tetraid rioe. iteun- ed oyttrs, corn, c *u 1 1 (lower, vil. chicken rifout, miuhroomi, icrun- bl.-l ecBt, >nd holt of oUien. Thrt* OnUhet: Pearl War*, two crate of pnrty iirry enund Iniide and out. Diamond Ware. thre coiti. light blue and white outalde. white lining. Crrtta] Ware, three coati. pure white Inside and out with Royal Blue edging. "SHECT METAL PRODUCTS Co."^ MBWTKtAL OMONTOM TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVBt CA14AMV IBS TUB Flesh erton Advance . H. THUKSTON, Editor A CASE FOR CHAGRIN Th Prince of Wales left our shores for home on Saturday last. We are not informed as to what provender he look with him to snow what his fann could raise, but it probably included a bait of turnips, a few potatoes and a good fat prairie chicken for his ma. How this young man has fooled us with his "blooming" incognito. Here hf has been with us for a couple of moons and only when at Quebec on his return journey did he withdraw his incognito and let us know Hiat we hud been harborin" the future King of England, or maybe King of Canada! How chagrined we all feel at not rccofrnizing the future ruler, so that we might have done him proper honor! Osprey Fall Fair Prize Winners HORSES Draft Team, John Miller & Son; Brood Marc A McLean; Colt 3 yrg. Matthews & Sons, W Brewster; Colt 2 yrs. J Ferris, J Miller & Son; Colt 1 yea.- A McLan, W Brewster; Soec- iol of Collingwood Hardware J Mil- ler & Ron. Afc-irultural Team in harness J D Lc;?gatt, Matthews & Sons; Brood Marc A Currie; Colt 3 yrs. old C ISristow, A Morrison; Spring Colt A McLean, A Currie. General Purpose Team in harness R Cjaij?. Roadsters Team Matthews & Son \V Muirhead; Brood Mare D Ring, E 1 'aw ton; Colt 2 yrs. Matthews & son, L Betts; Colt 1 yr. R Craig; Spring Colt D Ring, R Craig; Single Driver ' I McDonald, Matthews & Son!! yr. old Matthews & Son. Carriage Team L Cameron, J Fawceti; Sintfle Driver G McDonald R Craig; Special by Dr. McFaul for Best Driving Outfit Geo McDonald; COLINGWOOD SNUBBED For Sale in Flesherton by F.HAV.Hickling, F.W.Duncan, 1). McKillop. Low Ford Closed Car Prices Bring Heavy Buying The unusual opportunity to secure a new Ford Sedan for $685 or a new Ford Coupe for $595 has created such a heavy demand that the few cars remaining of the small original allotment will likely be sold within a few days some Ford dealers are practically sold out now. We will not be able to get more of these cars, as factory production has ceased on these models. Orders are being booked and deliveries made strictly in turn. Consider the value offered the time saved the comfort and the convenience of having a closed car for cold weather. Let us enter your order at once if you wish to get a Ford closed car at present prices. Old Pi-lc.. Reduction New Prices 2-door Sedan $78$,00 910O.OO S68S.OO Coop* 695.00 100.00 $95.00 All Pnr r. O. B. Cord, o.i. New Four-door Sedans and entirely redesigned Coupes will be brought out at a substantial advance in price. H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, - Ont. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED FORD, ONTARIO A/EW /.Y.;/i PROVINCE OF Twenty-five year 5% Gold Bonds Due 15th October, I94S Denominations: $500 and $1000 Th* most attractive band* on tha market The DL minion Loan was all sold in a few days. We expect these to go quickly. Prioa: 98 and interest yielding 5.14-% W* will allow 100 and accrued iat reit for Victory Hood* due 1923 ia eiohcn|e for new bond! of this inue. If you hr ar other tarty mctu.'inf bonds, oil I or nJ in particular*. Vu my biv* i profitable opportunity for exohinfo. Enter ordirs prompty. W wit 1 . took a/ier alt dttaili for you. G. A. McTAVISH Flesherton, Ont. "A reception was given to the Ho:i. Lloyd George at the Government House-, Toronto, on Wednesday, and the lake towns of Collingwood, Mea- fonl, I'enetang, Midland were prac- tically the only towns in the Province not invited to send representatives. Siiu-e the present occupant of Govern- ment House took office, Collingwood at lonst, has been ignored on the occa- sion, of any public function. Why?" Mfsciiger. We figure it that probably pa.-t t-x- perit'iico with Colilngwood delegations had ^omening to do with it. People who do not. know how to use, finger bowls, napkins or forks cannot ex- pect to move in highest "sassiety." By M. for Best Saddle Horse W. Muirhead; By Prentice & Sproule Standard bred l-yr.-old Colt-R Craig; By Cullingwood Hardware Best Agri- Winninjfstadt Cabbage W Davidson, L A Fisher; Red Cabbage W A Hawken, L A Fisher; Cabbage A.O. V. A J Cenron, W Conn; Cauli- flowers W A Hawken, L A Fisher; Tomatoes C Bristow, A J Conron; Pumpkin A J Conron; Citrons A J Conron, A McLean; Cucumbers W A Hawken, L A Fisher; Musk Melon A J Conron, \V A Hawken; Winter Radish L, A Fisher; White Celery W A Hawken; Red Celery L A Fisher. DAIRY AND OTHER PRODUCE 30 Ibs. Butter in crock L A Fisher, L Atkinson; 10 Ib. Crock, R Tmnkins, Mrs Heatheotte; Dairy Prints W A Hnvvken E Hawton; Lard Mrs Moff- att, Gco McDonald; Maple Syrup- Mrs Wrifrht, H Heathcotc; Maple nott; Fancy Quilting Mrs Guy, Viva Spencer; Crochet Quilt Mrs Adams, Mrs Crossly; Quilt A.O.K.-Mrs Fisher Mrs Hawken; Cotton Comforter- Mrs Fisher, Mrs Adams; Fancy Bed Spread Mrs Moffatt, Mrs Crossley; Woollen Socks Mrs Fisher; Braided Rug L Atkiison; Woollen Socks- Fine, Mrs Adams, Mrs Arnott; Men- ding Woollen Hose Mrs Fisher, Mrs Davidson; Mending Cloth Garments- Mrs Daridson, Mrs Moffatt; House Dress Mrs Moffatt, Mrs Davidson; Work Apron Viva Spencer, Mrs W C Edwards; Child's Dress or Coat Made From old Garment Mrs Thomson, Mrs Moffatt; 'Hemming Table Linen L Atkinson, Mrs Moff- alt; Soap Mrs Betts, H K Jackson; Shoulder Shawl Mrs Guy, Mrs Moff- att; Sweater Coat-Mrs Fisher, Mrs Sujrar L A Fisher; Specials By j Moffatt; Blouse Mrs Guy; Camisole Cauthcrs & Currie, G Miller; By R S Viva Spencer, Mrs Duffield; Night Brown, E Betts; By Mclntosh Shoo | Robe Mrs McKinnon, W C Edwards; Store J Thompson; By C C Bejafg, J j Slippers W C Edwards, Mrs Adams; Thompson; By Bank of Toronto, (Lingerie Set Mrs Spofford, Mrs Mc- Fcvershani, Mrs Wright, G Miller; By |K ; :mon; Vanity Bag Mrs Guy. W C Edwards; Combination Suit Mrs Guy, W C Edwards; Handkrchiefs V Spencer, C Bristow; Hand Towels L Home-made Bread Mrs F Hewson | Atkinson, L Atkinson, Mrs Moffatt; Mrs Heathcote; Brown Bread Mrs j Guest Towels Mrs Phillips, Mrs D McKay G !Vf iller. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE Fisher, Mrs McKinnon, Fruit Cake Pillow Cases Mrs Betts, EDITORIAL NOTES cultural Team in BmmeM-J D Le K - f r u Co ki gatt; By O'Brien & Hawson Best ?'' Tt ? r 1 BfillMM . 4 . Mrs Fisher, Mrs Heathcote; Nut j j[ rs McKinnon; Pillow Slips Emb. Bread L Atkinson; Oat Meal Cook- i jr rs Guy, Mrs Crossley; Bedroom ies M-s Moffatt, Mrs English; Gin- j Curtains Mrs Phillips, Mrs Crossley Mrs WcKinnon Mr, Some American predicts that it will noon be possible to circle the world in two days with an aeroplane. But who would want to do it'.' One would see nothing, and mi^ht as well circle around the hen ynrd at home in a wheelbarrow, as far as an educative trip is concerned. * * * * Wo notice that Miss McPhail has ben .!><_ iking in Winnipeg on behalf of Al.:-rman A. A. Heaps, Labor Candidate in the North Winnipeg bye-ulection. This ger.'leman was one of the leaders during the big Winnipeg strike in I'.'l:*. and is not exactly "of sacred memory" to a lot Of IT..;. I, i. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL This council met at the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the Gth day of Oct., 1!>2.'1. The members wore all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communications from Fred W. Routley, director of the Red Cross, re contribution to Japan; Mr. Sheriff Wilson with list of Cunty Constables in the township; John Williamson, report Div. 1; East Grey Ag'l Soc., asking grant; S. Gilbert and G. \V. Littlejohns filed collectors' bonds; Dr. Bibliy, account for attendance on Harold Bowers $15.1)0; McTavish & Son $4.10, taking Bowers to station; Owen Sound hospital nursing, X-ray and services re Bowers $105.00; Wright, Telford & Birnie, drafting by-law re S. S. 11, $5. These ac- counts were ordered to be paid and gravel accounts of gravel used by overseers on roads amounting to 25.30 were paid. Hogarth Mercer That Mr. Will- iamson report showing expenditure of 47.50 be adopted and he be puifk. 1?8 for two days' overseeing the work. Curried. Carruthers Hogarth That Henry Williams be paid $5 for sheep injured by dogs, which has since died, he having; heel 1 paid 'i as damages.- C'arried. Hogarth Williamson That the Clerk communicate with the C.I'.R. authorities as to rebuilding culvert at Ceylon. Carried. Mercer Williamson That the Treasurer receive from Mr. Hogarth $8, being proceeds of tile sold by ihm. Carried. Carruthers Williamson That Mr. Hogarth's report .showing expended in his division $59 and he he paid $5.!H) commission on the same and also$8 for two days' oevrseeing work. Carried. Hogarth Carruthors That the llueve be paid $0, committe re bridge 10th line and ?4 for on day at Mor- ton's bridge, and Mr. Mercer be paid ?2 for committee re 10th Kno bridge. Carried. Mercer Williamson That By-law 14 of 1023, to levy rates for 1920 be now read n third time nnd signed by the Reeve and Clerk and entered in By-lnw Book. Carried. Council adjourned. / Spring Colt A McLean; By Robt. Whiteoak Kwt Single Driver (Pacer) Jas. Davidson; By Geo. E. Gendron Best Driver of a Single Horse, boy under M Geo McDonald; By Dr Bell- man Best Double Driving Outfit Matthews & Son; By 1 Topp Best Single Driver M McDonald. CATfLE Shorthorn Aged Bull L Betts; Cow E Betts 1 and 2; 1 year Heifer E Betts, Herd E Betts. Hereford* Bull any age E Betts; Bull Calf Hammill Bros., P Neff ; Cow-P Xeff; 1 yr. Heifer P Neff, Hnnuriill Bros; 2 yr. Heifer P NefF, Hammill Bros; Heifer Calf Hammill Bros; Best Herd P Neff, Hammill Bros. Grades 2 yr. Heifer C Bristow 1 and 2; 1 yr. Heifer C Bristow; Steer 2 yrs. C Bristow; Steer lyr E Betts C Bristow; Fat Steer or Heifer E Betts 1 and 2; Cow, Beef Type C Bristow; Cow Dairy Type E Betts, C Thompson; 1 yr. Heifer E Betts, iiammill Bros.; By Latimer & Johns- ton E Betts. SHEEP Cotswold AH prizes to J Stinson. Leicester All prizes to J H Nicholls; I. i ncol us All prkes to J H Nicholls; Oxford Down Ram Lamb \V J Meads, A Harrison; Aged Ewe A Harrison, W J Meads; Shearling Ewe W J Meads 1 and 2; Ewe Lamb W J Meads 1 and 2; Best Pen W J Meads. SWINE Yorkshire Aged Hog W G Ross; Aged Sow J AKernahan 1 and 2; 1 yr. old Sow G W Ross; Sow G W Ross, J A Kcrnahan;Herd G W Ross; Yorkshire All prizes to E. Betts; POULTRY Brahmas J Barber 1 and 2; Ply- mout'i Rock- Cock, Barber 1 and 2; Hen, liarber 1 and 2; Rhode Island Red Cock, Barber; Hen. Barber; Brov.n Leghorn Barber; iJuff Leg- horn Barber; Plymouth Rjck Cock, ' J Davidson, C Alxander; H.-n, J Dav- idso i 1 and 2; Wyandotte Silver, ' Cock ,C Alexander, Barbtr; Hen, J Bar'ier; White Barber, B'irber; Buff ! -Barber, Barber; Anconai Cock, J j Barber; Hen, Barber; Hamburg J Barber; Game Barber; TouUnise Gei> ;e Male, Js Long, (i W,Ross;; Fei.ialc, Barber, Barber; I'.-kin Ducks 1'ruke. J Davidson, Bn ber; Duck i Barber, Barber; Rouen Drake.G I W Ross, Barber; Duck, liarber, Mr. i Henderson; Rabbits Male, R Long, J ,' Moore; Female .1 Moore, It Long; ' Special S J Bailey, J Long; All other, specials to Barber & Son. GUAIN Spring Wheat J McKinnon; White Oats C Bristow, J Thompson; Bar- ry C Bristow, A McLean; Black Bar-: ley J McKinon, Mrs. Moffatt; Peas Large, G Miller, Small, Mrs MofTatt A McLean; Buckwheat J McKinnon; Timothy Seed C Bristow; Alsike ' C Bristow! Shaf Ensilage Corn G ' Miller; Sheaf Wheat L Atkinson; Sheaf Oats G W Ross, W Hall, A McLean; Sheaf Barley A McLean, L! Atkinson. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes Hebron Type, G Miller, ' W A Hawken; Lonk White C Bris- tow, A McLean; Green Mountain .J Moore ; Globe Mangels J McKin- , non; Swede Turnips C Bristow; ' Sugar Mangels C Bristow, J McKin- ' non ; Blood Beets long.L A Fisher, ; W Davidson; Carrots garden, Wj Davidson, L A Fisher; long Carrots ' W Conn, C Alexander; Blood Beets ] A.O.V J T Davidson, W A Hawk- 1 en; Field Carrots C Briatow; Pars-! nips W Conn, L A Fisher; Onions' from Seed, L A Fisher; Potato On- i ions A J Convon; Onions W C Bil- warda; White Beans W Conn, Geo McDonuld; Butter Beans L Atkin.sim W Conn; Table Corn G Miller, W A Hawkon; Ensilage Corn G Miller; Miller; Apple Pie Mrs R White- Drsser Runner V Spencer; Wash Stand Runnel 1 Mrs Crossley, Mrs McKinnon; Dresser Runner and Pin Moffatt; riain Cookies Mrs Moffatt, oak, Mrs Adams; Pumpkin Pie Mrs j Cushion Mrs Crossley; Tea Cloth Moffatt, Mrs Adams; Sponge Cake | Emb. Mrs Crossley, Mrs Adams; Mrs D H Guy, Mrs Moffatt; Lemon . T ea cloth Drawn Threadwork Mrs Pie Francie -Alexander, Mrs Me- J Fj s h e r, L Atkinson; Pair Tray Cloths Kinnon; Buns Mrs Fisher, Mrs Emb. Mrs McKinonn, W A Hawken; Centre Piece C Bristow, V Spencer; Mrs E Betts; Layer Cake Light, Mrs ; c entre pj ece Emb. Mrs Fisher, Mfc Hawkon .Mrs Betts; Dark Layer Cake | Whiteoak; Center Piece Crochet Mrs McLean. Mrs Fisher; Fruit . Mrs Spofford, Francie Alexander; Tea Cake Mrs Fisher, Mrs Spofford; 'Apron Mrs Arnott, Mrs McKinnon; Peaches Canned G Miller, Mrs Haw- j Table Matts Mrs Guy, Mrs McKin- ken; Plums L Atkinson, G Miller; 'non; Table Doilies Mrs Fisher, Mrs Pears- -Mrs W Wright, G Miller; McKinnon; Buffet Scarf M* Adams, Raspbrrics and Rhubarb G Miller, L Viva Spencer; Serviette Initialed Atkinson; Citrons and Grapes L At- Mrs Guy, Francie Alexander; Library kinson, O Miller; Home-made Candy i Table Runner Emb. V Spacer, Mrs Mrs A E Duffield, Mrs Moffatt; JGuy; Fancy Cap C Bristow, Mrs Mince Meat Mrs J T Davidson, Mrs j Adams; Emb. Cross Stitch Mrs Fisher; 3 Varieties canned Vegetables I Crossley, Mrs Arnott; Emb. Daisy Mrs T Davidson, Mrs G Whiteoak; ) Loop or French Knot Francie Atex- 'anned Chicken L Atkinson, Mrs ' ander, Mrs Phillips; Sofa Cushion Hawken; Mixed Pickles Mrs Cross- I Washable Mrs Fisher, Mrs Hawken; ey, Mrs McKinnon; 3 Varieties Tarts j Sofa Cushion A.O.K. Mrs Adams, Mrs Hawken, Mrs McKinnon; Snec- j Mrs Phillips; Special by F H Nettle- al by Bell & Son Mrs McKinnon; [ton F Alexander. By O.F.M.Co. Mrs McKinnon, Mrs lewson. FLORAL EXHIBIT Begonias T Thornhury; Geranium Mrs Whiteoak; Tropical Plant Mrs Whiteok; Asters Mrs Hawken. Mrs Betts; Dahlias J Thompson, Mrs CHILDREN'S WORK Coll. Leaves and Wood of Canadian Trees R Long; Penmanship I Hin- dle; Drawing B Hindle; Light Bis- cuits Margaret Hawton, Bessie Hindle; School Lunch Ruby Hend- \V right; Gladolii-J Thompson; Sweet erson; Plain Cookies and Tarts-Hazel p eas _C Bristow, Mrs Crossley; Ann- Hawton, Ina Hindle; Embroidery uals H K Jackson; Coll. Dahlias H Ina Hindle; Crochet Cap Ina Hindle, K Jackson, Mrs Wrght. I Mrs Arnott; Hand-made Apron Mrs LADIES' WORK Davidson, Bessie Hindle; Button Cotton Quilt Mrs Adams, Mrs Ar-Hols Mrs Davidson. S Seasonable Hardware I Paints, varnishes etc. & ^Ammunition and rifles, ranges and heaters,^ ^shovels, forks. ' I Stable Fittings @Barn door track, hangers, hinges, bolts, latch-$ |*es, lanterns, pails. |- | ENAMEL AND TINWARE f ** IgP *|Mitts and gloves, blankets, callar pads, saws. axes, handles. 'f f FLESHERTON HARDWARE IFrank W. Duncan- PHONE 34-11 f Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes V.VW.W Nails. Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy AWA-.W PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP FLESHERTON, . . ONTARIO f ,

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