Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1923, p. 5

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October 17, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Dominion of Canada New Government Loan Holders of 1923 Victory Bonds may exchange through any of our Branches their holdings matur- ing November 1st next for NEW DOMINION GOVERNMENT 5% bonds due 1928 or 1943 yielding 523% and 5.14ft .^ Cash applications for new loan received, or, if desired, maturing bonds -will be collected and credited to customer's account No charge whatever for this service. \J< A CLEVER CHINAMAN THE - STANDARD BANK or 525 FLESHERTON BRANCH, C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches aUo at Willi .'ord and Holland Centre. Local Chaff Mr. Djang graduated \ n arts in a student, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist ohurch Sunday morning and eveniag and gave two verv inter- esting addresses to large congrega- tions, dealing more particularly in the j morning with the church work in i China. He is quite optimistic over 'thi conditions in his cuntry and be- ! lieves it will not be long until China I becomes a Christian country. ! Mr. Djang graduated in arts in a I Chinese university, and is now in the ! senior year at University College, (Toronto, taking studies' !!> Political I Science and Sociology. Next year his , ; purpose is to enter Knox College to ! study Theology, preparatory to re- | turning to China. Before leaving China Mr. Djang was one of the lead- ; ing spirits in the students' move- I ment in China, in the Province of Shantung, speaking in the day time and doing editorial work in the even- i ing. Mr. Djang is in residence at i Knox College and assists in the Li- brary. H is a member of the Mr. T. C. Blakely with his family at Harriston. Mr. Roy Patton spnt the week end with his brother, Frank, at Walkerton Mrs. Geo. McKee of Toronto visitfid i Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. W. T McKee and Miss Elsie were visit- ing 1 in Durham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bellamy are I visiting at the hitter's home at , Chinese Independent 'church, which 'is spent Sunday Honeywood. j an effort to overcome the multiplicity Mrs. T. Hamilton and son, John, ; of denominations. also Mrs. Albert Banks and family , > of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Dr E. C. Murray and friend, Mr. a few days last week with her aunt > Jas Orr> of Toronto were at the former's cottage at Wasaga Beach last Friday. Young People's League To Hold Parliament Here Mrs. J. Lever, and other relatives. The work of painting and decorat- ing the interior of the Presbyterian church is still in progress. Mr. and Mrs. H. Down and Mrs. J. Wilson visited friends in Owen Sound on Friday last. The Advance had a call from Mr. Jos. Armstrong of Thornbury on Sat- urday last. Dr. Arnott of Hamilton has been visiting his niece, Mrs. W. Inkster, of town for a few days. Congratulations to Mr. John Lyons of Proton Stataion, who was 89 years f age on Friday last. Mrs. Gemmel of Decota visited her cousin, W. J. Caswell, for a few days last week. f Bonds See W. A. Armstrong or S. E. deCudmore regarding your Victory Bonds maturing Nor. 1st. Mr. Ross Douglass, who is attend- iag Pharmacy in Toronto, spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. A. S. VanDusen. Mr. W. V. Snider and sister, Miss EiK-cn, of Waterloo were the guests of Mrs. W. J. Caswell over the week end. Victory Bonds We will change yo'.ir bonds now maturing for Dom- inion or Provincial Govt. Bonds at once. W. A. Armstrong, Flshrton. Mr. Reg. Boyd motored up from ' Toronto on Saturday to spend the week end at his home here and was accompanied by Mr. Jos. Oliver. Mrs (Dr.) Murra" and little daugh- ter, Betty, are spending a month with the former's sister, Mrs. Raymer, at Beachville. Rev. G. Graham of Newcastle preached in the Presbyterian church The Young People's League of the Owen Sound District will hold their There have been some enquiries as, annual convention in Flesherton to when the partridge season ooens, [ Methodist church Tuesday, October The game laws of Ontario distinctly , 23r(i - The convention is to take the place the open season from the 5th ' form of a Parliament and sessions day of November to the 20th day of , W 'U be held at 10.00 a.m., 2 p.m. and November in each year. I 7 - 15 P- m - Dinner and supper sup- Mr. H. Carrington left to-dy to ' P Iied b - v the local League. Hon. spend the winter with his three sons Thos - Crawford, M.P.P., Ex-Speaker CARAVAN OF CARS AND TRUCKS IS COMING THIS WAY VICTIM LAID TO REST Large Funeral On Thurs. For Late Albert Arnott at Detroit. Mrs. Carrington and son and daughter, Wes and Lillian, of the Ontario Legislature will act as Speaker. In the evening Rev. C. E. will visit with her danghter, Mrs. , Kenn i r - Collkigwood, Religious Secre- on Sunday last. His universal satisfaction. sermon gave .Judge Wright is this week presiding at the Murrell murder case at Lon- don. This is Judge Wright's first murder trial Anniversary services will be held in Maxwell Methodist church on Sun- day, Nov. 18th, and a fowl supper will be given the following Monday evening. Particulars later. Rev. J. A. Mathewson, a former pastor of Priceville Presbyterian church and now of Mono Mills, has been appointed moderator of the syn- od of Toronto and Kingston. The W. M. S. of the Methodist church will be held in the school room on Thursday afternoon at 3 N. Willis, at Ingersoll. Mrs Richard Gardiner who lived with her son, Isaiah Gardiner, at Rocklyn, died on Sunday morning last at the age of 65 years. Her hus- band predeceased her five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Best of the Junc- tion are related and attended the funeral on Tuesdly. Mr. and MPS. J. Lever, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. Adams, spent Sunday with the former's daughter, Mrs. G. W. Morgan, at Mooerfteld. tary of the Toronto Conference, will deliver an address. Another inter- esting part of the program will be the addresses by the Cabinet Ministers and the members elected from the j different Young People's groups. This is a rally for all y,oung people of the district. A strange caravan is touring the roads of Ontario, and headed for Flesherton at the rate of eight to ten miles an hour, travelling on schedule, rain or shine. Nothing stops it, and nothing is allewed to interfere with its schedule, yet it givs entertainment and instruction to thousands of people as it wends its wav. It is a modern caravsin of motor cars and motor tractors all of a type, of the same make, and with a definite purpose. It jg the "Ford Caravan" or the "For<J Travelling Exhibit." -*-.. During 1 the Canadian National Ex- hibition the caravan took the road and has been visitine important cen- tres as far east as Kingston, then turned back and will' be at Flesherton on Monday, October 22nd. A black tent will be erected on the farm of Mr. Wm. Stewart, in the sub- urbs, and moving pictures showing the construction of Ford machines and the many uses to which they may be put. An exhibit of the entire line of cars will be shown; a action will be de- voted to an entire line of farm mach- inery, operated by tractors, the actual machines themselves being brought a- lonj*; another section will show indus- trial equipment operated by tractors; and then, the movie tent will be in continual operation ( all afternoon and evening. Plans arc being made for a plough- ing demonstration on same farm by two well known plowmen of Ontario. The exhibit will give a wonderful demonstration of the various uses to vhich the Ford cars and tractors may be put, and the fact that it can under- go three months of steady hammering over country roads, going very day, without breaking in on the schedule, is a stricking demonstration in itself of Ford confidence in Ford products. A visit to town on Monday of next week, the 22nd, will be well worth while, to see these wonderful mach- ines. The funeral of the late Albert j Arnott, who was so tragically killed ; by an infuriated bull on Tuesday of I last week, took place to Mount Zion ' cemetery on Thursday of last week. j The cortege was probably the largest j ever seen in this district, there being 90 autos in the processioin, besides i a large number of horse drawn ve- hides. The line of vehicles extended a mile and a half. The funeral was ^eld under the auspices of Dundalk Masonic Lodge, of which deceased \rai a member, and the pallbearers were members of that lodge. Osprey Council attended in a body, also a number of County Councillors and ex-members of Owen Sound, and [ many from outside points. It was es- timated that there were a thousand people present. Mr. Arnott was Deputy Reeve of Osprey Township two years ago, and ' consequently a member of the County . Council. Township Deputations Wait On Dr. Jamieson A deputation consisting of citizens of the townships of Egremont and Proton waited on HOH. Dr. Jamieson on Monday to lay before him a w- quest that the Provincial Government designate the road from Conn to Priceville as a County-Provincial Highway and connect with the Coll- ingwood-Hanover County-Provincial Highway at that place. , The deputation claimed that this is ' O ne of the most used roads in the two townships for parties travelling north O r south, and that, as the Provincial Highway from Arthur to Kincardine Basses through Conn, the completion of the fourteen miles from Conn to Priceville would link the two town- ships up with two good highways, north and south, and be of great bejje- fit to the travelling public. While not promising anything, Dr. Jamieson gave the deputation his wor <i that h would lay the matter before the Minister of Highways and would do what he could for the Townships in the matter. SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for ducks and | geese will be held at Mr. Lou Teeter's 1 on October 24th, with both shotguns and rifles. Shells supplied for shot- guns. Yor.ge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known as the high grade School. Keen demand for our graduaes all the tim . Write for Catalogue. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Teachers' Convention Was Held In Toronto This Year The annual meeting of the East Miss Alma Lever accompanied them j Grey Teach l rs> Institute was held in home after spending a week withMier sister there. Instead of the annual fowl supper, the Ladies' Guild of Christ Church, Markdale, are putting on a concert in the armouries on Fri., Oct. 19th. The Dramatice Club of St. Paul's church, Toronto on Thursday and Friday, Oct 11 and 12. On Thursday afternoon a session was held in the theatre of the Normal School, presided over by Mr. R. G. Holland of Flesherton. An ad- dress was delivered by Mr. H. G. Lockett, B.A., of Hamilton Normal Shelburne, will put on a play, "Better Sch o1 and arrangements were made Than Gold." Admission: Adults, 50 l for visiting the schools of the South cents; children, 25 cents. York inspectorate on Friday. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Hon. Pres., Dr. Huff; Pres., Mr. A. Smail, Meaford; . . . , , 1st Vice Pres., Mr. C M. Morris, Dundalk high school baseball team 1 _ ' .. ' ,. , Feversham; 2nd Vice Pres., Miss B. came up on Monday and played a _ . ' ' T , Dinsmore, Thornbury; Sec.-Tres., Li- Dundalk Won Game friendly game of ball with the local high school team at the school dia- mond and were victorious in a five inning game. Lockhart of Dundalk hit a home run and J. McLeod hit over the left field fence for a hre- bagger. The boys on these teams will soon be chasing the older fellows off the diamond altogther. A Correction In the matter of the accident that brarian, Miss E. Graves, Meaford; Auditors, Miss M. Sheppard and Miss G. Brown, Meaford; Executive Com. Artemesia, Mrs. F. Seeley; Osprey, , Miss N. McKinley; Euphrasia, Mr. S. i A. Goff ; Collingwood, Miss A Acheson; Meaford, Miss G. Suther- |land; St. Vincent, Miss E. Scott; Flesherton, Mr. R. G. Holland; Thornbury, Mr. Urquhart; O. E. A. delegates, Miss E. Ferris and Miss Olive Brown. Mr. R. G. Holland and Miss E. befel two boys on the east back line j Reyno , ds ' were in attendance f rom recently we are asked to explam that I herton schooli an(j Migs Edni the car in question was not taken wihtout leave by Mathewson, that Reg. Hutton was merely invited to go along as a guest of the driver after the car was ready. We are pleased to make this explanation' as there was no d.esir to put a wrong face on the motive of either of these boys. j Ferris from Springhill. I Gowns For Choir On Sunday the choir of the Meth- odist chcrch appeared for the first jtime in gowns which were jointly o'clock. A quested. good attendance is re- A couple of weeks ago the Presby- teran congregaton here issued a call to Rev. Mr. Thomas of Toronto, but were too late as the Rev. gentleman had alredy accepted another charge. Thanksgiving services are to be held at the Methodist church, Flesh- erton, Sunday, October 21st at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. The minister, Rev. H. H. Eaton, will preach at both services. Miss Mamie MaTavish returned Saturday after a six weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Coleridge, at Kingsville. Mr. and Mrs. Coleridge ; motored rer up, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns have returned from a visit with thek daughter, Mrs. Alex. McDonald, at Weston. Mr. McDonald has recently been appointed C. P. R. agent at Weston. Miss Mildred Sharp, who recently went to Toronto to take a position, was attacked \vrth diphtheria and has been in tlie isolation hospital there. We understand that the case is not .a very serious one. Old Resident Pastes Away Mr. Noble Lawrence died at the home of Mrs. Patton, his daughter, Oj?den, Alta., at the age of 79 years. Mr. Lawrence was born at Kimber- ley and later moved to Flesherton. Over 20 years ago he moved with his family to the West. He leaves a wife and family and seven children. His wife was Miss Margaret Rutledge of Flesherton. purchesed by the choir and the Ladies' Aid. The general verdict of the surpliced choir is that they were quite becoming, to the feminine beauty especially. These gowns were purchased under the pastorate of Rev. Oke.but could not be used soonr. eSo as to giv the choir more en- couragement to provide sweeter music the Board of the church is we understand, contemplating the install- ing of comfortable individual plush seats. No doubt these will be wel- Icome to the members. Dominion Government REFUNDING LOAN BONDS Those who were unfortunate in being unable to get any of these Bonds are advised that we are in position to supply a limited number yet. But we must know at once. Bonds now maturing accepted for payment. Ontario Government 5 p.c. Bonds We hold a limited number for sale immediately. PRICK $98.00. _ W. A. ARMSTRONG S. andNSURANCE E. deCudmore Representative Fletherto n WE FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on AUCTION SALES MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER An auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 5, con. 8, Osprey, on Wed., Oct. 17, the prop- erty of W. Poole. S. Hawkins, Auctioneer. A credit sale of farm stock will be be held on lot 10, con. 9, Osprey, on i Wednesday, Oct. 24th, the property \ of J. J. Haley. See bills. S. Haw- kins, Auctioneer. A credit sal eof farm stock will be ; held on lot 3, con. 2, Euphrasia, on Friday, Oct. 19, the property of Wm. Humberstone & Son. See- bills. W. i Kaittingr, auctioneer. JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON, Individual instruction permits you to enter any day at the OWEN SOUND and start your studies in Commercial Shorthand or Preparatory Courses- unexcelled in Canada Unexcelled in America. Catalogue Fro:. G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Principle since 1881. Have You Seen Our Towelling Brown all linen roller towelling 16 in. wide, per yd...!6c Irish Linen crash with red border 16 in., per yd 20c White Terry towelling, good weight 16in. per yd 30c All linen check glass towelling 18in. per yd 30c Plain linen huck, fine quality per yd- 60c A. E. HAW General Store Cash Cream Station CEYLON Store closes every Tues. and Fri. eve. What Every Man Wants In Underwear can. be supplied with perfect satis- faction from our present stock. We offer a com- plete line of Men's Combinations and 2- piece suits. STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR These garments will be found to fit perfectly and may be chosen of the correct weight to meet the needs of indoor and outdoor workers. Star-field's secret process takes the "shrink" out of the wool and the Elastic Inset Shoulders prevent pulling or binding. Prices will be found as satisfactory as the garments. Prices from $1.65 to 3.75 for single garments. Combinations from $3.25 to 5.50 each Stanneld's Underwear for Ladies also in Stock i Our Millinery Department is always at your service. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO

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