Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1923, p. 1

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Vol.44 No. 22 Flesherton, Ontario, October 24, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Work Is Progressing At The New Pipe Line Eugenia Correspondence The work on the new pipe line is going ahead in fine shape. The weather has been very favorable, giving the men a good chance at the work. Mr "Cooper, timekeeper, has gonet to his home in Toronto and another has taken his place. Mr. Geo. Campbell, operator on the trac- tor, has also left for his home in Tor- onto, and Mr. Geo. Hargrave is now running the tractor. Mr. Bob Dean, who has been overseas for 9 years, a former egineer on the works here, has arrived to assist Mr. Huether, resi- dent engineer. Miss Halbert attended Teachers' Convention held in Toronto the past week and visited her parents in Alliston en route for Eugenia again. Miss Halbert reports a splendid con- vention Mr. and Mrs. Sims and babe of Alliston visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Latimer over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morgan and family spent a day in Owen Sound and visited Dr. and Mrs. Douglas on Thursady last Miss Patty remain- ed to visit her little cousin for a few days, returning Sunday. Ken Large and friend, Byron Tin- dall, of Weston, also M : - Jean Wright of Mimico, visited with the former's parents over the week end. Mrs. Munshaw has returned home from visiting her sister, Mrs. McGee, of Vandeleur. Born On Monday, Oct. 15th, 1923, to Jlr. and Mrs. Nelson Tempest, a son. Congratulations. r .. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Madill of the Sault are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Alex. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Madill are old residents here and their many friends are Dleased to see them again, looking hale and hearty. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hillock of Max- well were the guests of the latter's father and sister here over the week end. Mrs Thos. Fenwick of the 8th line has been visiting with Mrs. Tempest the past week. Miss Marguerite Pedlar, who has been visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Marshall, of Maford has return- ed home here. Th High Palls Hunt Club held a business meeting at the Munshaw House here *n Tuesday erenin" 1 of last week to complete arrangements for the coming hunt. Charlie Williams returned home some days ago after having spent the past two months harvesting at Neep- awa, Man. Mr. Wellington Graham, who has been taking chiropractic treatmnet ffrom Dr. McKee, is much improved and able to drive out once more. We are pleased to see Mr. J. Walker also much improved in health after treatment The Ladies' Aid held tficir regular meeting on Thursday of the past week and held a meeting on Monday of this week to decide on final ar- rangements for fowl supper for Thanksgiving. Mr. Donald McDonald was very un- fortunate in having his fine new barn burned to the ground this Monday. The barn contained all this season's crop. It is supposed that the fire started in the sweet cldver stack, the clover becoming heated, causing spontaneous combustion, resulting in the loss of the barn and contents, which were only partly covered with insurance. Miss Dell Wilson spent the week end with her mother here. Wesley Cooey and friend motored to Meaford on Saturday evening last. Miss Donelda Stuart of Flesherton High School was a visitor at Mrs. Me- Mullen's this week end. W. E Morgan spent a day fishing in tne Georgian Bay the past week and landed a "beauty " The young student who preached here Sunday morning was very much appreached by all who heard him, and we hope to be able to hear him again in the near future. Be -sure and reserve Thanksgiving night for the fowl supper, which is under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Union church here, and is always looked forward to by so many. A good time is expected this year, as usual. KIMBERLEY Mrs. D. Harrow, Misses Annie and Aggie Harrow and Miss Little of Owen Sound visited with Mrs. H. R. Hammond recently. We are pleased to see Miss Helen Hurd, a Returned missionary from Japan, visiting her old home. She is the guest of" Miss Lucy Walton. On Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock she will address the Helen Hurd auxiliary in the Methodist church. Visitors are very welcome. Rev. Mr Currie of Kingston gave an excellent sermon in the church on Sunday evening. Jlr. Albert Ellis held a successful raising of a straw shed on Saturday. Don't forget the annual fowl supper in the Community Hall on Oct. 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Proctor of Eugenia spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Proctor. | Mr. Stanly Lawrence of H.E P.C. construction work, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Jas. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huggard and on, Billy, with Miss Villa McCallum, visited with Andrew Fawcett on Sunday. Mr. Davd Graham of Vandeleur lias jeen blasting stones for Andrew Fawcett and Gerald Wallace. Anniversary services will be held in the church next Sunday afternoon and evenngr. The Rev. H. H. Eaton of Flcshertgn will take both services. Car Crashed Into Buggy West Of Priceville j Priceville Correspondence New Postmaster At Proton Station Proton Station Correspondence What might have been a very j Fol . e j even years p os tmaster Cor- serious accident occurred on the hill be{t anrt wife have given f ait hful and CEYLON -Mr. Dargavel of Wiarton is visit- ng his sister, Mrs. G. Collinson, and Daughter, Jean. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warling of Vande- leur visited Mr. S. Hemphill and 'amily last week. Mr T. Chislett visited his son at Listowel last week. Mrs. Anna McMillan visited her Bister in Owen Sound the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Kembar of Creemore visited Mr. and Mrs. D. D. McLachan the first of the week. We are sorry to report Mrs. Corri gan ill with pneumonia, but hope for a speedy recovery Nurse E. Edwards of Markdale is in attendance. R. Cook attended the funeral of Mr. J. Greenwood at Zion on Thursday last. Mrs. G. Collinson, Miss Jean and Mr. Dargavel motored to Aberdeen on Monday and visited friends. Mrs. A. Sinclair visited at Orange- ville on Saturday. Mr J. Seeley and Mrs. A. Seeley of Durham visited the latter's brother Mr. T. Chislett, Monda". Mr. and Mrs. A. Haw and two children, Delia White and Cora Rich- ardson motored to Salem and attend- ed service there Sunday Mr. A. Wilton of McMaster Uni- versity , Toronto, supplied the nilpit Sunday and gave a very pleasing discourse. Mrs. S. Hill, Mrs Jer. Henry and son of Markdale and Mrs. McKenzie of Toronto visited Mrs. H. Piper on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ashdown motor- ed to Shelburne the first of the week and vsited friends. Mrs. Williams and little son have returned after spending a week with her sister in Proton. Mrs Pedlar and Mrs. Thos. Irwin have returned from visteing with Toronto friends. SHOOTING MATCH A shooting: match for geese only will be hld at W. T. Pedlar's, on Thursday, October 25 Shotgun and rifle. Supply your own amunition, shot No. 4. just west of the village on Wednesday night of last week. Mr. Roy McDer- mid was driving into town in his buggy when a car traveling west, going ur> the hill, crashed right into the horse and buggy. The horse had a leg; badly broken and was also hurt efficient service to the patrons of the Proton Station post office, but we are soi-ry to say they have grown weary in well doing and have resolved to retire from the position. For several weeks tenders for the post office have been in the hands of the Department internally and the buggy badl" brok- and official notice was received re- en as was also the car. Fortunately I ccntly that Mr. Neil McCannell was Roy saw it come and jumped out of the buggy or the result might have the successful tenderer. Mr. McCan- nell neads no introduction to the nub- been much worse. It was. a miracle lie, as he had charge of the oit'ice for that no one was hurt. Mrs. John McArthur of Calgary, Alta., formerly of Priceville, who is at present visiting her son. Dr. J. A. McArthur of Markdale, called on friends here on Wednesday last. Mr. Baxter of Collingwood is visit- ing his uncle, Mr Peter Muir and attended church here on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. Mepham of Hamil- ton visited the formr's aunt, Mrs. J. MeMeekin, and their family the first of the week. Mrs. R. H. McConkey is visiting friends in the.city this week. Rev. Mr Harrower of Toronto occupied the Prsbyterian pulpit on Sunday and delivered two very fine sermons. Mrs. John Burnett returned home on Tuesday of last week from Owen Sound hospital, where she underwent a successful operation two weeks ago. Messrs. Farquhar McKinnon and Alex. B. McDonald attended Wood- bridge Fair last week. Miss L. McFarlane spent the week emj at her home near Own Sound. A large number of friends of Mr. and Mrs J. Nichol Jr. met at their home on Friday ni^ht and presented them with a miscellaneous shower, after which a few pleasant hours were spent. Mrs. Duncan Muir of Fort William came down to visit and nurse her daughter, Mrs. Archie McLean, who is improving slowly in health Nurse Aldcorn came home Friday. on ROCK MILLS The Rock Mills hunting club are preparing to go on their annual hunt- ing trip to the northern wilds. Ern Russell and wife and Walter at Duncan. Mrs Russell remained at Dunsan until Sunday for a visit. W. T. Pedlar is holding a shooting match on Thursday of this week, October 25th. Mrs. Levi Betts spent a day with Mrs. J. Robertson. Alex. Knglisii has been busy the past week putting in cement stabling ten years before Mr. Corbett's ap- pointment. We are confident that we express the sentiments of the village and community when we wis+i Mr. and Mrs. Corbett a long and happy evening of life and extend to Mr. and Mrs. McCannell a hearty welcome back to the post office. The gasoline threshing outfit, oper- ated by Messrs. Arnott nad Cornett, which has been in this neighborhood for the past two weeks, has departed, having left full graneries and plenty of fodder for winter months. Large congregations listened to im- pressive sermons by Rev W. G. Rlackwell, the rector of Trinity church here, at the Harvest Home ser- vices Sunday afternoon and evenirV- The choir from St. James church, Dundalk, supplied music for the afternoon, which was very much ap- prcated. The Proton choir sang at the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Hergott and family have been at Caledon attending the funeral of Mrs. Hergott's mother. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hergott and family in their sorrow. A number of men motored from Proton to Salem on Sunday afternoon noon to hear Father Maloney's dis- course. Fire At Shelburne When Mrs. J. Guchardi stepped out of the back door of the Guchardi place of business on 3i;;'n Street, about 7.30 Thursday night last, she was horrified to find the frame garage and store- house at the rear shop was in flames The fire alarm was immediately sounded and within a few minutes the fire brigade '-.ad a line of hose trained on the flames, which had made rapid headway. Strenuous work kept, the fire from spreading to ad- joining bmildings. Mr Guchardi got his automobile oni safely, but other contents of the building, including a Mrs. Russell remained i soda fountain and equipment, were destroyed, only the frame of the building being left standing. Mr. Guchardi's loss will be in the neigh- borhood of $1.000 or $1,200 In re- moving the automobile -of Mr. T. S. Harris from the Harris stable the rear of the car wr. well scorched, as it had to be backc 1 into the flames from the burning building in order ^o get it turned into the lane. It is not known how the firo originated. Much more damage might have resulted had the tire not taken place at an hour of the evening when assistance in fire fighting was immediately available. Economist. /Sam Seniple, wife. and family visit- ed over Sunday with Walter Russell and wife John Sherwood visited over Sunday at D. McDonald's. We are sorry to report Mrs. Sam Fisher very ill, but hope to see hr around soon. Anniversary services in the church here Sunday, Nov. 4th, and entertain- ment -the following Tuesday evening:. John McCormick of Caledon sold 400 bushels of alsike clover seed, for which he received $2,400. SHOOTING MATCH A great big shooting match will be held on the farm of Harman Radley, near town, Thanksgiving Day, when 15 geese, 100 chickens, 40 ducks and a bunch of turkeys will be shot for. Ammunition supplied. Shot gun and rifle. Shooting commences at 1 p.m J. A. Clarke Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey WILLOUGHBY FARM & REAL ESTATE Representative, Markdale Terms reasonable Try me for your next auction sale. 1 know farm conditions j thoroughly, and can guaran- | tec satisfaction Orders left at The Advance j office will receive prompt attention. Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts,* Overalls, Smock*, etc. Cleaning Repairing Presing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor FEVERSHAM, . ONTARIO Victrola Records All Red Seal Records are now double sided and are obtainable at a reduced price. Bates Burial Co. WSINESS AS csr.\r, Funeral Directors and Embalmer's Come in and hear favorite. We know will be pleased. your you Headquarters for Music in Flesherton. W.A. Armstrong & Son Phone Hillcrest 1 24 Avenue Road TORONTO, ONT. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to rene\* your subscription to ; The Advance HOUSE OFQ.UALITY A good supply of Fresh Groceries always on hand. Fruit oranges, lemons, bananas, chocola'es bars, Fancy boxes and bulk. We carry a full line of Tobacco, cig- arettes and pipes. FLOUR and FEED Bran, shorts, Low Grade oat chop and barley chop, Five Roses Flour always on hand. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario F. FINDER BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. School Boots We have them for Girls in both Lace Boots and Strap Shoes; for Boys, good serviceable Boots, both Black and Tan. MEN'S BOOTS FOR FALL WEAR In Men's Heavy Boots for Fall wear we have very good ones at $4 and better ones at $5.00. THOS. CLAYTON ' FLESHERTON, ONT AR 10 t"-:""::"::":Hr::" : t'*"""":iti tf it tftttttff.t$ttr tit ttf f tf T it t??? ?t?? t tK*

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