Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1923, p. 8

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* It I ' October 24, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Picture Show 9 * Opera House Flesherton, Thurs., Oct. 25th 8.00 o'clock "The Christian" Hall Cain's Great Work CHRISTIE COMEDY & <& ADMISSION : 30 and 55 cts. including tax **C. K. WALDEX, - MANAGERS Two barns on the outskirts of Dur- ham were burned recently without any known cause, and incendiarism IB feared. The barns belonged to Thos. McGirr and John Lawrence. Edward Pinch of Ravenna got his leg caught in the revolving shaft of a gasoline engine and badly lacerated. It was thought at first the leg would have to be amputated, but this proved unnecssary. ., , NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of Sidney Smith, late of the Township of Artemesia In the County of Grey, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act and amendments thereto that all creditors and oth- ers having claims against the estate of the said Sidney Smith, who died on or about tho twenty-third day of October, A.D. 1922, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. TellOrd & Birnie of the City of Owen Sound in the County of Grey, Solicitors for the Executors of th last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the ::s*cts of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the" said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been re- ceived by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this Nineteenth day of Octo- ber, A.D., 1023. TELFORI) & BIRXIE Solicitors for the Executors. OWEN SOUND DIST. Young People's Organization Hold Novel Convention HON. THOS. CRAWFORD WAS SPEAKER Small Advertisements FARMS FOR SALE DOMINION OF CANADA VICTORY LOAN BONDS MATURING 1st NOVEMBER, 1923 HTHE BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance, is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without charge, at any of its Branches in Canada. For the convenience of owners of the bonds, the Bank of Montreal will accept the bonds at any time prior to November 1 st, and will make payment in each case on November 1st, either by issuing a cheque or* by placing the amount to the owner's credit in the books of the Bank, as the owner may desire. SIX HILL STORES We buy togt lir r in order that oar customers in the tix com- munities mjr materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale. Ontario Mats, Regular $1 50 Value, for 95 Cents This is a good weight mat, made from strong, cot- ton yarn, will wear for years. The colors an irond. The size is 27 inches by 54 inches. There were over ;t()0 in the lot. Of this quantity our Markdale store received !7. Tho quantity may seem large, but they will not lats long, for many of our customers will want more than one or two. The regular price was 11.50. Vry Special, each at 9. r .c. Bath or Bed Room Mat 1.25 This also is exceptional value, heavy in weight, Hoft in texture, quiet colorings, very suitable for Bath Room or Bed Room, in fact, could be used to advantage in tiny room in the house. Do not miss getting your share of these, as the saving is big. Regular price $2.00. Very Special, each $1.25 A Most Remarkable Offering in a Six by Nine Foot Ingrain Rug for $3:95. Thin is the most remarkable offering we have ever been in a position to give our customers, even less than pre-war prices. Thing of it a moment: A good weight beautiful patterned Ingrain Hug, sixeRx'J ft., selling at uch a low price. This rug would be good value at $0.60. The quantity of these is limited, HO you will require to act quickly if you aro to be a sharer in this remarkable offering. Regular $6.50. Selling at only $3.9S each Down-Proof Ticking at Much Less Than Regular Price This is a very heavy close weave English Ticking, guatfanteed to be absolutely down or feather proof. A ticking that will easily last a life time and give unparalelled satisfaction. You will have no regrets if you purchase some of this, and besides, the pat- terns are very attractive. Sold in high-class city stores up to fljHj per yard. Our special purchase enables us to sen it at 79 cents per yard High Quality Sateen, regular 75c- per yd., Selling at 59 Cents This i:i n beautiful soft quality yard! wide Sateen of the better sort, floral pattern;', most harmonious c-oloriiigs, .suitable for Comforters, Cushions, or Hangings. If purchased at the regular prices, we would have to get at least 75 cents per yard. Selling nt the very special price of, per yard 5!)c. New up-to-the-minute Millinery at Lower Prices Never before in the history of our Millinery Sell- ing have we disposed of so many Fall and Winter Hats this eurly in the season. The reason for this is very nliiin. Our prices arc absolutely lower than similar high-class Millinery is being sold at in any town or city in Canada. This is a big claim to make, hut nevertheless, it is true. You have only to compare prices to bu convinced. We have been' iv- ncwing our stock almost every week, and you are thus assured of getting the newest styles procur- able. See our Special showing at $.1.9! and $4.95 New Coats Arrive Our showing of New Coats is the most complete that we have ever assembled. An especially beauti- ful a.isortNU'tit has arrived this week, trimmed with the new Filch Collar, so popular at the moment. These are made from a bolivia-finished material, which is among the newest weaves now used. The stitching and finish is all that can ne desired. These are very attractive garments indeed. A generous assortment, in prices to suit everyone,. as there is a wide range of prices from $15.00 up to $38.50 Dresses, New & Attractive in Appearance We Imvp nt present the most attractive showing of Ladies' Dresses that we have ever had on display. The assortment of materials is varied and large in such materials as Silks, Crepes, Pairct, Twill, Tric- otine, etc. The values are excellent, the styles are most correct. Large range of prices from $7.50 up to $37.50 F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively auoclatei with high quality merchandise at the fnireit pottiblx pricei. 2 A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY % Two Weeks Of Special Attractions In 4& 1 The House Furnishing Department ^ & A big Maunfacturer of Rugs, Mats, Comforters, Etc., got into financial difficulties & as a consequence their entire Stock of Rugs, Mats, Comforters, English Sateens, ; Down- Proof Ticking, Etc., was sold at Auction. We were large purchasers at jgt prices very much below regular values. During the next two weeks we pass the 1$ result of our good buying on to our customers. Remeber this is all new, bright, seasonable Merchandise. Be a sharer in this Much Below Regular Price Sale With the Hon. Thos Crawford, ex- Speaker of the Legslature and at presnt Minister Without Portfolio in the Ontario Government, as Speaker of the House and Rev. John Locke of Owen Sound as Lieutenant-Governor, the first Parliament of the Young People's Society of the Owen Sound District met in the Methodist church here on Tuesday afternoon. This Parliament was taking the place of the auunal convention. Rev. H. H. Eaton of Flsherton was Premier and leader of the Government side' Rev. M. S. Elliott of Own Sound leader of the Opposition and R. R. Xicholson of Owen Sound, as leader of the Inde- pendant group The Ministers of the Government were composed of the Vice-Presidents of the different departments of the Young People's work, as Churistian Endeavour, Missions, Citizenship, Literature, Winter and Summer Schools, Finance and Records and Clerk. Each Minister gave his report on the year's work an'! each depart- ment had shown considerable advance over the previous year's work, the most noticeable being in Missionary givings, where an advance of $200 was niuiJp over the previous year's collections. Mr. Chas. A. Waite of Owen Sound was the leader of that department. The Parliament was held under strict parliamentary lines with one or two exceptions bing made to suit the occasion. Discussions on each report were entered into with great enthus- iasm by the members and Rev. M. S. Elliott proved to be an able leader of the oppositon. Considerable benefit was received from these discussions relative to the plannig of meetings and to further the work of the Societies, The Misisonary objective for the year was raised to $1,500 for the coming year and the general opinion was that the amount could be reached with a little more effort by the Vice-Prsidents It was de- cided to continue the League debates that were so sucessful last year and to invite other Districts to participate and send their winner for final de- bates. Resolutions were brought forward thanking the ladies for the bountiful meals given to the 175 members and other visitors, and also to the Hon. Thos. Crawford, who so ably presided as Speaker of the House. The list of officers for the coming year was presented to the House and this was adopted empowering the committee to make any changes that might later be necessary No doubt the discussions that took place on the subjects of church, Young People's work and of the problems of the country could only work one way, and that would be for renewed en- thusiasm in the work of the Societies. Tho following were the officers appointed for next year : Hon. Pros., Rev. John Locke, Owen Sound; Pres., Kt-v. H. H. Eaton Flesherton; 1st Vice Pres., Win. Garbult, Own Sound; 2nd Vice-Pres., Chas. A .Waite, Owen Sound; I!rd Vice Pres., Mr. Russell Patterson, Inistioge; v 4th Vice-Pres., .Mr. Howard Graham, Vamleleur; 5th Vice-Pres. was not appointed; 6th Vice-Pres Jr. League, Mrs. Spencer, Ihmdalk; Cor. Sec., Miss Olive Mc- Donald, Owen Sound; ilec. Sec., Miss Ira Merriam, Chatsworth; Treas., Miss Amy Hanbury, Dundnlk. There were three sessions of the Parliament one at 10.00 a.m., one at 2 p.m., and one at 7.15 -\m. Truck For Rent 1'/4 ton truck for rent. G. B Welton, Flesherton. Wanted A quantity of wheat and | On the Toronto Line Provincial oats. W J Stewart, Flesherton. | Highway. Three farms, two of 100 . ." 7~ acres and one of 50 acres ali cleared. For Sale Marlm rifle, 38-55, in _,. .... First class buildings, up to date in every partkular. Will sell any one of _ Sale first class condition. Down, Flc-herton. , , _ _ 38-66, Price $15.-H. Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday ! the farms, and Saturday. Graham Bros., Eugenia. The Horses For Sale One horse six yars old and another three years old. Joseph Ferris. Priceville. NOTICE Market price paid for r:ain and potatoes.-S. Batcheler, Proton Station. For Sale Bird's Mackinaws, tweeds and yarns at the Feversham tailor shop. H. Alexander. Pigs For Sale Seven weeks, and three months old, about 20 of them. H. Genoe, Flesherton. Lambs for Sale Four ram lambs or breeding purposes. R. Purvis, Eugenia, phone 43 r 2. For Sale One 3-year-old sow and one young sow. Luther Duckett, Eugenia. Notice No hunting or trespassing allowed on lots 6 and 7, con. 2, N.D.R., Artemesia. A. Conkey, Prop stabling for anni- mals is perfect. One farm has ten acres hardwood bush and another nundred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everything needed, including poultry house and' pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed- should investigate. JAS. STINSON, Imy Proton Station P.O, FARM FOR SALE Bull For Trade 3-year-old regist- ered Durham bull to trade, or would sell. C. Akins, R.R., Proton Station. For Sale Reacting washer and Beatty wringer, good as new. W. L. Wirght, Flesherton. Lot 166and 167, 1st range W.T. & S.R., 100 acres, 2 miles south of Fle- s-herton on the Provincial Highway ; 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and swamp land. For par- ticulars apply to Mrs. M. Thistleth- waite, Flesherton. House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; I'/fc acres of land. Residence of the late John Breen. Apply to JOHN WRIGHT. Boar For Service Found Watch fob found in Murk- dale on Friday last. Loser apply to Mrs. A. Stewart, Flesherton. Apples For Sale Spies, Baldwins, $1 per bag on trees. Mrs. John Plewes, Kimberley. Notice All parties indebted to me will please call and settle on or before Nov. 1st,, as I am quitting business, and oblige. S Osborne, Maxwell. For Sale-Four head 2 year old and five head yearling cattle and one brood sow for sale. Edward Hillock, Maxwell, Ont. For Sale Good general purpose mare, also new cutter. Will sell for cash or good paper. Jonathan Lati- mer, Eugenia. For Sale Ten spring pigs about 70 Ibs. each, $75 takes the lot of $16 per pair; also two brood sows 2 years old, price $25 each. H. Radley, Flesherton. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct"- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. Purebred Registered Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard Famous 77530 on lot 1G7, S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emcsia. Terms$1.50. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those in pig. Feb.15 T. J. STINSON. Boar For Service . ' Purebred Tamworth Boar for serv- ice on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Arteme- sia. Terms $1.50. Sows not retur- ned will be charged same asthose in pig. Feb.15 T. J. STINSON, Prop. Bull For Sewice For Sale 7 h.p. Empire gasoline engine, drag aaw, jack, buzz saw 30 in. and jack, belts, tracks and car, all in good repair. Price $225 for quick sale. For full particulars apply at this office. Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058", for sen-ice at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms For grades $2, thoroughbreds $5. H. C. RADLEY & SON. _ Flesherton. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence- Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Burglary At Shelburne The store of the Norton Fisher Co. was entered by burglars some time during Friday night and goods to the value of $500 or $f>00 stolen, includ- ing two men's overcoats, two ladies' muskrat coats, ladies' dresses, sweat- ers, etc. ' New iron gates had just been placed at the front doorway of the store on Friday and the robbers did not attempt to get in that way but got in from the west side of the build- ing from the rear, taking the door off the coal chute and thereby effecting entrance to the rear cellar. A crow- bar was used on the heavy door that led to the front collar until the iron clamp that held the bar in place broke, and after that the work of the thieves was easy as there was ready access from the front cellar to all parts of the store. Two overcoats were taken form n pile that bird been unpacked and lull on a counter Friday attvrnoon. Other articles were tak- en from downstairs an>! the ladies' coats and dresses from upstairs. The booty was carried through the cellar and out by way of the rear door of the cedar which is bolted from inside This door was left wide open by the visitors. A Provincial constable was on the scene Saturday but no arrests have ytt taken place. Economist, Notice to Gun Owners Have your old gun that needs a new stock fitted up as good as new. Repairs made on all makes of guns. My charges are moderate and the work is guaran- teed. I also have a number of double barrel shotgunc for sale from $8 up. Geo. A. Watson, Priceville. For Sale English army horse blankets, all new, very heavy jute cover, long wearing woven woollen lining, weight nearly 11 pounds. Complete with girth straps, leg tics and breast fasteners. Exceptional value at $4.50 each. A. E. Haw, Ceylon, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Lot 12, Con. 13, Osprey, 100 acres, bank barn 40 x 60, frame house with stone cellar, well in woodshed, small orchard; 40 acres under cultivation, rest pasture and bush. Apply for particulars to JAS. T. McKENZlE, IS Oct. Feversham. House and Lots For Sale House and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good celar, stable, etc. ; about an asre of land, would make a good home for a retired gentleman. For terms and particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Imytf Farm For Sale or Rent Lot 23, con. 14., Proton, about 100 acres, 95 acrw cleared, good house and barn, which is 54 x 65, also a good driving shed. Apply to JOHN FAWCETT Flesherton, Ont. Dr. W. G. Davis. L.B.S., graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office at the cor. of Queen St., E. and Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 138& Dr. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M.B.. grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine,. University of Toronto. Office Rich- arJson Block. Flesherton. Phone 35. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. & A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton. every Fri- day on or before the full moon. A Sinclair, W.M., A. E. Bellamy, Sec. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc., Offices Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telferd Jr., J. F. P. Birnie. Win. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simc'oe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar- anteed. Arrangements for dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feversham. Grain and Potatoes Wanted Highest market price paid for grain and potatoes. W. C. WHITE, Ceylon. CLOVER SEED WANTED We arc buyers of Sweet Clover seed, hulled or unhull- ed, Red Clover, Alsike and Alfalfa Send samples- A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. phone 2 r 31. Potatoes Wanted We are loading every day at both: tYylan and Priceville. Highest market prices paid. Phone 2r31. A. C. MU1R. Ceylon. Farm For Sale About 39 acres, bank barn, frame house, small orchard, 25 acres of cul- tivated land, balance wood and pas- ture; well fenced and watered. Farm just outside Flesherton corporation. -LAWSON WHITEIIEAD. Flesfeerton. Ont,

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