Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1923, p. 6

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Economy H466 GREEN TEA U In the larger number of cups it give* per pound. Delicious I Try it. GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. The Shield, CM, ;rve me laughter for a buckler, r.i ' to the blows of Mfp I yield; When my head is bowed to press of foeraen, Lord, give me laughter for a shield. Grant me will to fight, If cot to con' quer, Strength to keep my spirit from eclipse, And let me hold at midnight and at noonday The shield of laughter on unshakln* lipa. There I; none so strong can overcome Woman's Sphere (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XVII. (Cont'd.) I versation. I didn't want to talk, how- "Pardon me, sir," I said, "but we ever. I was trying to piece together have no time to spare and we'd like 'a plan, and making very little of it, to be in Erzerum before the dark. I \ for I had nothing to go upon. We would beg of you to get through any; must find Hilda von Einem and Sandy, formalities as soon as possible. This and between us we must wreck the mun," and I pointed to the sentry,! Greenmantle business. That done, it "has our passports." ] didn't matter so much what happened "Compos* yourself," he said impu-j to us. As I reasoned it out, the Turks dently; "you're not tfo.ng on just yet, must be in a bad way, and, unless 'and when you dj it won't be in a they got a fillip from Greenmantle,, Magic lives In weakliest defences- stolen car." He took the passports would crumple up before the Rus- Even in little twisted smile, and fingered them casually. Then sians. In the rout I hoped we might something he saw there made him get a chance to change our sides. But cock his eyebrows. it was no good looking so far for- "Where did you steal these?" ht ward; the first thing was to get to asked, but with less assurance in his Sandy. tone. I Now I was still in the mood of I spoke very gently. "You seem reckless bravado which I had got from it, Black rage, red scorn, or serpent guile; THIS IS THE DAY. "Let me see," meditated the little neighbor, finger on her notebook, eyes on the calendar. "First Thursday in the month. Yes, this is the day to look over tho cellar." Seeing my astonishment, she con- tinued laughingly: "You think it Is WOODBOX_ON _W_HEELS SAVES < hinders us will have to answer to shot out the German lieutenant long j General von Liman. We will be oblig- before we got to Eraerum, and found THE FARMWIFE. On* WAV tn tnnlfo it pnsipr for ed if vou wi " conduct "s at once to the some way of getting mixed up in the O > make it easier for G ^ ruck of the population. Hussin could Mother s to put casters on the coal , <You can , fc gec (;enera , Poufi ^ n he have helped me to that. I was get-, _ _. r wdbox, so that she can roll >t 8aid; .. this jg my busi less i have a ting so confident since our interview queer to have a particular day for, right up to the stove, and not have w j re f rotn siwas that four men stole with Poseelt that I thought I could looking over the cellar, don't you? to do all that lifting and lugging. a car belonging to one of Ei Well, let me tell you, it is not. "After I had kept house long Enver Dam- bluff the whole outfit. It is a perfectly practical idea, and ad's staff. * It"describes you all. and But my main business that after- good many farmwives who have says that two of you are notorious noon was pure nonsense. It was try- In the dusk and through the murk of conflict, Fighting on against the driving spears. More flags will rally round to laughter Than ever owned the sovereignty of tears. Though I have no armor that If trusty. And nothing but a wooden sword to wield, I shall go down fighting and not craven If Thou, Lord, give laughter for a shield. Edna Valentine Trapwell. After Every Meal A universal i that benefits very- body. Aids difestiei, cleanses the teeth, soothes the throat WRKLEYS a good thing to remember fa Purity Package FLAVOR LASTS ... . . ...... | enough for the newness to wear off li tried out the idea entirely agree. They>Pies wanted by the Imperial Govern- ing to find my little hill. At every: became erfectl discouraed about say it is both a time and strength. mU. What .have you ,to say to that?" turn of the road I expected to see the| "Only that it is rubbish. My good cagtrol before us. Vou must knowi Painting the Lily. The color of cut flowers may be ever keeping everything m order. ! d saver j have ^ ^ * " Our that ever since l could ^j , have altered to almost any desired hue In carefully sweep my house all jver and| The voodbox ought to be built large erra ^ d . g n<jt ^ be cried n the house . been crazy about hiKh mountains . My a remarkably short time by placing then discover that the silver should enough to hold five or six buckets of top8> but five rninutes with Gcneral father took me to Basutoland when I them In colored water. have been polished. I'd stock my lard-' coaL or a whole day s supply of wood. Posselt will make things clear. You 1 was a boy, and I reckon I havej For Instance, if a dr er with all Hnds of goodies aad find It can be filled by the husband or by ( will be exceedingly sorry for it if you scrambled over almost every bit of| red i n j{ J B dropped into that the storeroom should havo been j the children before they go to work delay us another minute." j upland south of the Zambesi, from the a vage w here white 1111 put in order. I'd spend a \wk ov.-r or to school. He was impressed in spite of him- ' Hottentots Holland to the Zoutpans-i. , h .^ turn red put in order. I'd spen the much-needed sewing or canning and the whole house moralized. seemed de- "I began to see that no woman who colored water. Instance. If a drop or two of the water in lilies are stand- Ing, they will turn red. But, although Of course, it ought to be tight and self, and after pulling his moustache berg, and from the ugly yellow kopjes .. ... co i ore( i blue Qr ; well-made, and high enough so that, turned on his heel and left us. Pres- of Damaraland to the noble cliffs of , '^"J^ ^ I^X, noveltv ' with a tight, clean cover, it can }* h b ck a " d id very Mont aux Sources. - -' !rnle. may b ..... noveltv. used as a does all her work can hope to keep! neatly covered with oilcloth, every department in perfect condition. So I worked out a sort of system. it dean covpr it run hp entl y ne ca mc back and said very Mont aux Sources. One of the things purple, may little table If th s ton l! ffuffly that the Governor would see' I had looked forward to in coming to the artUtlc mind Is ittle table if this top is Wg fol , owed him a , ft corrj _ home was the chance of climbing the 'a particularly attractive along ] dor into a big room looking out on the ' Alps. But now I was among peaks Even when Is probably not ; one. , , , II j UVl IJ1MI .1 Vlg 1 Will KMfr.INf/, UUt, UII MM' J^.ffffr, ..Ml II. '.T * ww uo c t 1 I 1 / I I ^ J.. l.r*.i ... .. gTOWU 111 OOll, 5UU1Q inere should be a small door near rlver> w h er e an oldish fellow sat in ant that I fancied were bigger than the flowers can have their colors changed the bottom from which coal and wood ur m-chair by a stove, writting letters Alps, and I could hardly keep my eyes or modified by the addition of ome- "Once each month I go over the can be taken without raising the top. with a fountain pen. |on the road. I was pretty certain j thing or other to the plant's diet A I attic, cellar, storerooms and such Put stop-catch inside the box just -This was Posselt, who had been : that my control was : mong them, forj goo( i example of this Is the popular parts of the house as do not receive! above this door, so the coal or wood , Governor of Erzerum till he fell sick ' tl. at dream had taken an almighty hydrangea, the color of which can be! regular daily and weekly attention, j will let down evenly. A stop such as and Ahmed Fevzi took his place. He hold onm^ mjnd. ^Funnily enoujfh.J | cnanged fronl pink to t This keeps them condition and much time because ** TT *.*, j u vv^ii *-*v. .---j - - ; li ! i iAli l * UUBUKCU 11 UUi V inn. n in very presentable la used on phonograph lids js most > d peevish mouth and big blue, was ceasing to think it a place of evil | h , L really does not take 1 convenient to support the top lid while P ouches b t' ow hls 7 es " . He was uP-| mcn ' { J one soon forgets the atmos-i n K fllt.'n i posed to be a good engineer and to'phcre of nightmare. But i was con- ^ ause they never get opened to be filled. haye made Erzerum impreKnab i e but 'vinced that it was a thing I was des-l |g^. n**HA*> I . 1 . 1 d . t A.! 1 i __!*_ ^W * /] pink to blue by adding actually out of order. "I have a stated time to clean and polish the silver, clean and oil the sewing machine, clean the cupboards and do seasonable sewing. In this way all these tasks that do not come the look in his face gave me the im- tined to see, and to see pretty soon. SIX HOUSEHOLD SHORT CUTS. ; pression that his reputation at the Darkness fell when we were some; . it _ ! moment was a bit unstable. .miles short of the city, and the last: Put a thimble over the end of the The staff . cfficer spoke to him in an 'part was difficult driving. On both; , J _ * it_ __li__ __ __ curtain rod. This makes it slip easily undertone. 'sides of the road transport and engin- through the curtain casing. If this "Yes, yes, I know," he said testily, eer's stores were parke"d, and some ofi i . . . Ul* .%. W0d b*B-* W U\7 H\J\f 1. \jm\) 1 , 1-1 * if ** *.. , 1 1 V * in the regular routine work never eet miikes ll t lur (? e ' slldc an e "ipty "Are these the men? They look a pret- it strayed nto the highway. I noticed! neirlectpd until thev crowd into othpr riflc cartridge in the end of the rod. ty lot of scoundrels. What's that you lota of small details machine-gun j To remove paint from cloth, apply say? They deny it. But they've got detachments, signalling parties, 1 duties and simply must be done. "Of course, there is nothing rock- bound about these plans I should never think of staying home from a picnic to go over the cellar. But gen- erally speaking a thing get.s done when 'this is the day 1 for it." chloroform will remove it WHEN CHILDREN WANT TO HELP. "Please, mother, can't 1 do that?| n j ee brown, I just know I could if you'd let me,! over t j, e top and I'd be so careful." How many mothers have listened to that plea not understanding one word, and I in the skies. The next time you blacken the stove, ^ok up thc parable. | And then, above the hum of th try lathering hands plentifully with] "Our passports, sir, give our ere- roadside, rose the voice of the great good soap and let it dry thoroughly. 1 dentials." I said. JRuns. The shells were bursting fourj Then> after your work is done the! He glanced through them, and his or five miles away, and the guns must' blacking all comes off with the soap. I face lengthened. ( have been as many more distant. But In order to have custard pic an even! "They're right enough. But what in that upland pocket of plain in the tho oven. As I was i sprinkle a little sugar "bout this story of stealing a ear?" , f rostv night they sounded most inti- just before ttin in l "It is quite true," I said, "but I mntely near. They kept up their J | would prefer to use a plcasanter word, solemn litany, with a minute's inter-l LI i -.1. u You will see from our papers that val between each no rafale which! troubled with rheumatism.! authority on the road iVdirected rumbles like a drum, but the steady i ard jobs was stooping to ^ g i ve us the ^^ transport Our persistence of artillery exactly ranged . HIS REST TOO. Daughter (at seashore): Why Mother, what on earth's the matter? r: Just got a letter from when busy and answered by saying, one of my hard ^ Wa8 etoop ^ g ' ,^4- ^ ^ t ""g^ "Shtan^of 'arUHery exac^ r^ge3 \ <? * ^ ** he - No, you would just make a mess gft thc dust out of the Corn e r8 of my own car broke down, and after a long on a target. I judged they must be; 3oylng hls catlon^ very much. kitchen, pantry, and back porch. I got lelay we got some wretched horses. It 'bombarding the outer forts, and once -> of it" Most children, when they arc little, are eager to help, anxious to learn to do things around home, but as they gel older and are not allowed to do any of these things they lose interest Of course it is a lot of bother to let Mary wash the dishes, and her work is not the best in the world. But I knew one mother who told me that she washed all her dishes over for a per- iod of time when she was teaching her little girl to do it rather than not let the little girl learn when she was willing. When we are busy we cannot be bothered trying to teach the children how to do things, but too many of u.i are inclined to use the term "busy" as an excuse. The reason so many girls grow up with so little knowledge of houeekeping and cooking is because their mothers would always rather do the work themselves than be bothered. When courses in domestic science were introduced into the schools a great! many people snid it was all nonsense, | as the girls could learn those things! at home from their mothers. It is) very true that they could but it hadj heen conclusively proven that they' didn't. High school girls were found; who had never xewed on a button or ( mended a garment. They could noti rook or serve .< pluin monl. nml a' around that by nailing little brass is vitally important that we should be there came a loud explosion and nj stair corners in all these corners, and in Erzerum without delay, so I took red glare as if a magazine had suf- it is a great help. They cnly cost a tne liberty of appropriating an empty fc-'red Paid in Cabbages. With the present fluctuating looking. A NEAT AND PLEASING FROCK. _. r . . . . change in Oermany many tradesmen few cents a dozen and are neat-' car w found outside an inn. I am It was a sound I had not heard for prof g , ona , men -refuse to take ! sorry for the discomfort of the own- five months, and it fairly crazed me.'" ers, but our business was too grave ' remembered how I had first heard nney. and are asking for accounts to wait." it on the ridge before Laventie. Then ! l be settled in kind. "But the telegram suys you are no- I had been half afraid, half solemn-' Even the doctors, most conserra- torious spies I" jlzed, but every nerve had been quick- tlve of professional men, have now I smiled. "Who sent the telegram?" i ened. Then it had been the new thing adopted this system. Here Is the "I see no reason why I shouldn't in my life that held me breathless tariff of a physician In one German 450/7 4504. Milk in Sponges. So Important has the spong' be- come In everyday life that It Is now grown from "seed" like ordinary land plants. The sponges are brought up by divers, some of whom work naked, while others war diving coetume. The sponges present a flesh-like ap- pearance, and are covered with a firm skin In which tiny holes appear and disappear apparently at the .nlmal's will. The Ina e of the sponge, not un- like raw meat. Is Intersected u> nu- merous canals and cavities. These are filled with a sticky, greyish-brown fluid known as "milk." This "Milk must be taken out at once, for it Is the only part of the animal that Is actually alive. Should It be left, the sponge begins to decay and lose Its elastic qualities. Real Irish. An Irishman was astonished to re- ceive the following letter from hit son In London: "Dear Father, I am in a deuce ol a hole. Kindly send me 10, and oblige, Your loving son, Pat. "P.S. After writing this letter 1 was so stricken with remorse that I ran after the postman and tried to get U back. I can only pray that It will not reach you." But who could be more astonished than the son when he received this reply: "Dear Son, Your prayers are ans- wered. The letter did njpt reach me Father." In the summer the descendants of a single fly will number 2,080,320. The force of gravity on the moon is one-sixth of what it is on the earth. 8< Universal Folding Bath Tub for Town & Country Home* A pure white enamelled metal tiath tub. with or without Insuntaneoui water heater. Civet all buttling (a- ulitlrj.'t. ityhnrji-i. No plumbinf required. When not in uie. (old* upoutof the way. Mountedoo cmMors. can be moved any- where. Moderate in price and bits a lifetime. Write for (older and trial offer, alio ln(nrmatrnn on Indoor Chemical Ctoaet*. UNIVERSAL METAL PRODUCTS CO. W.lk.rvtll., Ont, give you his name. It was Rasta Bey. You've picked an awkwi.nl fellow to make an enemy of." I did not smile but laughed, with anticipation ; now it was the old town* thing, the thing I had shared with| Kor a congu it a tlon during the day: so many good fellows, my proper I one lares loaf For work, and the only task for a man.' loaf ' at "Kasta!" I cried. "He's one of En- At the sound of the guns I felt that I, ver's satellites. That explains many was moving in natural air once more, j ra ^ , , Thirty loaves. things. I should like a word with I flt that I was coming home. . A "rnier who had broken his leg you alone, sir." | We were stopped at a long line of and called in this doctor was charged He nodded to the staff-officer, and ramparts, and a German sergeant 'two pounds of butter, twenty eggs, when he had gone I put on my most stared at us till he saw the lieutenant and a cabbage. For a case of rheu Bible face and looked as important as beside me, when he saluted and we|matlsm, however, .1 sack of potatoes a provincial mayor at a royul visit, passed on. Almost at once we dipped ' was considered sufficient remunera- "I can speak freely," I said, "for I '"to narrow twisting streets, choked I t lon. am speaking to a soldier of Germany. 'with soldiers, where it was a hardj The nature of the goods demanded There is no love lost between Enver business to steer. There were few , accordln* to th traila of th* and those I serve. I need not tell you lights-only now and then the flare ' ". T h ,:, * JL ' . v A f that. This Rasta thought he had found of R torch which showed the grey P nt tt -, "',* ' ' t , ,, ,' a chance of delaying us, so he invents stone house, with every window lat^; meat - whlle a draper pa>.i bis bill In this trash about spies. Those Comit- ticed and shuttered. I had put out^ 101 " But wnnt happens when the adjitt have spies on the brain my headlights and had only side, medico visits the Ice-man In the mid- Especially he hates Frau von Einem." lamps, so we had to pick our way die of winter we are not told! RAW FURS WANTED Highest Prices Paid for Skunk, Coon, Mink, Fox, Deer- Skins, Hides, Calfskins, &c. Ship to Canadian Hide & Leather Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont He jumped at the name. i gingerly through the labyrinth, t "You have orders from her?" he hoped we would strike Sandy's quar- asked, in a respectful tone. ,t*ra soon, for we were all pretty "Why, yes," I answered, "and those empty, and a frost had set in which The stylish side closing and orde wil1 not wait -" madp our thick coata 8eem as thin BS (To be continuad. ) Ifrrut many ,-ould not iron a middy. , the pretty basket pockts will please ."" f* u }' and walked to a table, Papor Mury or |.cy will probably waste the little girl for whom this dress may m " ]'m torn in "two between" th" ood butt.-r and eggs in their lir.t at- be selected. The sleeve may be in Turks and my own countrymen If I feenpt* at rake baking, but if mother wrist or elbow length. Gingham with please one I offend the other, and the helpful and patient it will not be collar, vest pockets, belt and cuffs in result is u damnable confusion. You long until she is telling her neighbors contrasting material will be good for can go on to Erzerum, but I shall send with piiilo t.hul she never hat to bake this design. Brown linen with tan or ">" with you to see that you report a <-ke any more, as the girls do it whit* for trimming is also attractive. * headquarters there. I'm sorry, for her. | T)u . p attprn is clll in 4 Sizes: 4, gentlemen, but 1 m obliged to tnke no WI,,", u,,. ,-iothM arc brought in off 6 8 and 10 years A 6-year size re- dmn ^' es '" tlus "" i ' 1 > esa - Rita's got <i ,1. f .ui.. i_- ' *"" . " jcm m.c <c imevanee affaihat von. hut vnn <'n the rack frenhlv iron*<t hut iT, .A~ t " "'..'.'." j""i"o-T- 7 1" a grievance against you, but you can tutton, J . .h.v . , "f qu.res 3 yards of 27-mch material. pasily hidt . b hin(i ', adv ../ skirts J ore they can be put away,. Pattern mailed to any address or. , she pas se,l through this 'town two Jittle fingers ,-nn make shorter work receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by days ago." I and maybe mother can tell a 'the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Westl Ten minutes later we were coasting * cry while thc mending BOM on to-! Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow two| through the slush of the narrow **| her - ! weeks for receipt of pi.t torn. i streets with a stolid German lieuten- Lm Men member of the family feel ant sitting beside me. that he is carrying his share of the' ,OI.-^I.'KITO The afternoon was one of those rare ! burden of work which no fsmily can 1 RV** UOLUJI FKOM days when in the pauses of snow you] Meape that is not surrounded by skill- i SPREADING. have a spell of weather ss mild us i NOT WEATHER-WISE. d servants, and he gets a bigger con-! I heard of a wise mother who has J 1 ^' ' remc "brDd several like it| .. Htl 8Uld he Wa8 , aying ,, p mone> . ception of the unity and beauty of an old-fashioned salt box which she' s hi ire The road was a fine mil wiTli for * ralny d * y '" family life. Children who ire waited keeps in her kitchen. Whan any mem- ! engineered" and well kept too,' cot" i " And * ot fooled by the Hrst little n from childhood up find life pretty her of the family has a cold this per- sidering the amount of traffic! We; hard when thrown upon their own son's glass is kept in the salt box to 'wore little delayed, for it was suffl ' feAAAl I Hn A.. ^. . ......*. . - A\ _1. f 1 .1 _il__ t -!_* A I 1 Ji_ I 1 : ihnwer that came along." o in justice to the children prevent any other person using itMently broad to let us pass troops) , Market tolls in Covent GavJrn. I.on- H U only fair that we should teach until he is well. Then the glass nnd nd transport without slarV.ening, do " f fnllt and^egetable^markc:. hav them In th* home all the things we the box ure sterilized. ISSUE No. 4ft 'M. Mlnard's Liniment Htals Cuts. pace. Th fellow at my side WL-, <>* been raised since 18C8. good humored-enouKh, but his pres- ence naturally put the lid on our con- Mlnard's Liniment for Dandruff. Many Kinds of Fur. At a fur auction held in St. Louis, the list of the different kinds of furs numbered sixty-two. It ii remarkable that so many different furs are on tln> market. Among the offers were skins of ruoilkeys anil gazelles from Africa, ponies from the steppes of Russia, giant wolves from Siberia, polar bear from the Arctic, dog skin? from China, kid skins and goa: .Oun- from Greece, Turkey and Near East countries, kangaroo and fox from Australia, and strange but useful pelts of furbearers from nnny other dis- tant lands. If you press forward you will gei. pushes to keep you going. Those at the bai-k seldom get n helping hand, j ALWAYS ASK fOT EDDYS MATCHES soitf by over 14,000 Genera] Stores and 16,000 Grocers on SALE evKBYwmm IN CANADA

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