Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1923, p. 6

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When Exposed to Air tea loses it* freshness and flavor. a OBI For that reason is never sold in bulK. QREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XVII. (Cont'd.) | It wag lucky for us that the Amer- '"" 1 h d cut uch a **** in the The lieutenant did the guiding. We 1 '"" 1 , h d . c had to present our passports, and I j * *,? rla . ' anticipated no more difficulty than in' ' re l landing from the boat at Boulogne. But I wanted to get it over, for my Woman's Sphere the east. At last we reached our goal and bundled into the back seat of the car, marched through a fine old carved w hil e two men sat before us with their archway into a courtyard, and thence r ifl es between their knees, one got up into a draughty hall. "You must see the Sektionachef, . said our guide. condition of the walls is easily pos- sible. I looked round to see if we were all there, and noticed that Hussin had disappeared. It did not matter, for Even when walls have been papered he was not on the passports, for some length of time it pays to go We followed as we were directed over the glazed surface with a good through an open door. There was a varnish. It is surprising how much man standing with his back towards fresher the room will look and how, "s jooknig at a wajl map, Bj very big much longer the paper will last. A HOME PAPER SUPPLY. A neighbor farm woman has hit man with a neck that bulged over his collar. I would have known that neck am- ong a million. At the sight of it I made a half -turn to bolt back. It waa penmg." upon a ' STIMULATE DIGESTION WITH BRAN. One of the first steps in analyzing our daily diet is to check up on the amount of roughage we are eating. To keep digestive tract in the prime of condition, Nature demands that we eat a goodly supply of bulky foods, especially those containing a residue. These foods assist in stimulating the excretion of all digestive juices along the canal through which it passes and re thus conducive of a normal elim- ination of bodily waste. When the family begins to get grouchy and they get up in the morn ir.g with the pink faded from their cheeks, try feeding them some of these good things made of bran, and watch thft results. Bran Muffins % cup sugar, short- ening size of egg, 1 egg, 1 cup sour (or sweet) milk, 1 cup bran, 1% cups ^ ^ o M m flour, 1 level teaspoon soda (or 2 tea- edge of the overhead doors was re- We meet after m days spoons baking powdc. if sweet milk Is moved and a cut made with a rip-saw l j t waa no goo( j ] y ] ng or gay i ng any . days had not been generous we had some leeway to make up. Stumm had never looked near us since we were chovcd into the car. We had been brought to some kind of house and bundled into a place like a wine cellar. It was pitch dark, and after feeling round the walls, first on my feet and then on Peter's back, I decided that there were no windows. It must have been lit and ventilated by some lattice in the ceiling. There was not a stick of furniture in the place: nothing but a damp earth floor and bare stone sides. The door was a relic of the Iron Age, and I could hear the paces of a sentry outside it. When things get to the pass that nothing you can do can better them, the only thing is to live for the mo- ment. All three of us sought in sleep a refuge from our empty stomachs. The floor was the poorest kind of bed, but we rolled up our coats for pillows and mode the best of it. Soon I knew by Peter's regular breathing thai, was asleep, and I presently followed him .... I waa awakened by a pressure be- behind on the baggage rack, and one! low my left ear. I thought it was sat beside Stumm's chauffeur. Packed Peter, for it is the old hunter's trick ! _.- j ,_*. xi_. L,--I. of wa j c i ng a man go t j, a t ne makes . , . . , , , . ' re l ? " hurr y he 8ald bnd " ' We sh . ha T e lo "K hours together. I'm going to take you all it>8 trifle at his elbow. The three of us were like sardines we moved into the bleak streets, above which the stars twinkl- ed in ribbons of sky. Hussin had disappeared from the face of the earth, and quite right too. He was a good fellow, but he had no call to mix himself up in our troubles. CHAPTER XVIII. SPARROWS ON THE HOUSETOPS. "I've often regretted," said Blenk- iron, "that miracles have left off hap- WRKLETS Take it bone to the kids Have a packet in your pocket for an ever-ready treat A delicious confec- tion and an aid to the teeth, appetite, no noise. But another voice spoke. It told me that there was no time to lose and to rise and follow, and the voice was the voice of Hussin. Peter was awake, and we stirred Blenkirpn out of heavy slumber. We were bidden take off our boots and hang them by their laces round our necks as country boys do when they want to go barefoot Then we tiptoed to the door, which was ajar. Outside was a passage with a flight of steps at one end which led to the novel scheme for always h;>v- '"" late, for the door had closed be-; He got no answer, for I was feeling 1 open air. On these steps lay a faint <nH nmx'.ita'i, i n > n d us, and there were two armed the walls for something in the nature shine of starlight, and by its help I saw a man huddled up at the foot of wrapping paper on hand. A roll sentries beside it. The man slewed round and looked of a window. "For I reckon," he went on, "that them. It was our sentry, neatly and used), pinch of salt. Cream shorten- Ing and sugar together. Mix and sift dry ingredients. This will make twelve large muffins. Steamed Bran Pudding 3 tab'.e- poons beef suet or any preferred fat , ^~ , . , , . 4 lie Ulan DJCWCU EVIUMI uii'i i'u\* 'i AVI * EWWUj lie WCTIll. Ull, iiitiv. unriu. L*. vv.i.i uui BVllbljr, IICALIJ bought at a grocery store which ha-1 into my eyeg j had a despairing hope it wants a good old-fashioned copper- j scientifically gagged and tied up. been reduced to about four inches in that I might bluff it out, for I was in bottomed miracle to get us out of this 1 The steps brought us to a little diameter, for very little cost. This different clothes and had shaved my fix. It's plumb against all my prin- J courtyard about which the walls or the was set up on one end of the tabl-j top beard. But you cannot spend ten min- , ciples. I've spent my life using the > houses rose like cliffs. We halted under the shelves in the pantry by'utes in a death-grapple without your .talents God gave me to keep things while Hussin listened intently. Ap- means of two short wood blocks which adversary getting to know you. | from getting to the point of rude viol- ' parently the coast was clear, and our bored for the broom-handle ^ e we t very pale, then recollected ence, and so far I've succeeded. But guide led us to one side, which was himself and twisted his features into now you come along, Major, and you clothed by a stout wooden trellis. Once the old grin. hustle a respectable middle-aged citi- ! it may have supported fig-trees, but zen into an aboriginal mix-up. It's ' now the plants were dead and only mighty indelicate. I reckon the next withered tendrils and rotten stumps move is up to you, for I'm no good at remained. the housebreaking stunt." It waa child's play for Peter and "No more am I," I answered; "but me to go up that trellis, but it was were shaft The finish strip along the lower j "So." he said, "the little Dutchman ! two feet from one end. The strip was thing. I shut my teeth and waited, replaced and after the edge of the' "And you, Herr Blenkiron? I never paper had been plated in this i:ut,l liked the look of you. You babbled I'm hanged if I'll chuck up the sponge, the deuce and all for Blenkiron. He ' ' The Oyster Season. Oyster: WeU, I ue we'll tewed now. get! Ladybird* are systematically bred in Italy and France to produce th larvae which destroy insect pesta of the vines. H cup molasses, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon j times alt, 1 cup bran, Vt cup milk, 1 cup flour, V4 teaspoon soda, 1 cup dates, toned and cut fine. Melt suet and mix with molasses, milk and egg well the left band end of the strip was, to? much, like all your damned Am- drawn together so that there was a| erlcan8 -" the paper at all . [ ,f ues f vou j;. Personal dislikes haven t got anything to do with the I matter," said Blenkiron, calmly. "If slight pressure on beaten, gether. . .. . t . , , . To pull the paper out for the next you>re the bosa here> nl 2^ to piece to be torn off, a notch was cut cas t yO ur eye over these passports, for just large enough for the thumb and we can't stand waiting for ever." finger. The paper tears smoothly along j This fairly angered him. "I'll teach _ _______ ___ Sift flour, salt and soda to- 1 the wood strip. Whether the paper is you manners," he cried, and took a ' Add one cup of bran and combine wet and dry ingredients. Stir into the batter one cup of dates, ston- fd and cut up fine, turn into buttered cups, having cups half full. Steam one hour. If steamed in one large mold, three hours' cooking is required. Serve with hard sauce or lemon sauce 1 . Bran Nut and Kaisin cup brown sugar, Vt cup milk, 1 rup flour, 1 cup bran, 'i cup water, 'i cup English walnut meats (cut in slices ), % cup molasses, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, V4 cup raisins. Mix in the order given, sifting flour, baking powder and salt Add raisins and nut meats dusted well with flour. Pour into buttered bread pan, having pan three-quarters full. Bake slowly two hours or longer. Nut meats may be omitted. Bran Doughnuti 1V4 cups bran, l',-j cups flour, 1 tablespoon butter or lard, 1 egg, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, '* cup sugar, "-. cup milk, 1 teaspoon salt. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg well beaten. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add to the first mixture. Koll on a floured board. Cut with a doughnut cutter. Fry in very hot deep fat. A LESSON IN TIDINESS. Even though my little girls had a closet all their own in which to hang their clothes, they quite often left them lying around on chairs, on the bed or even on the floor. This in spite of my frequent reminders that untidi- ness is a mo:-t distressing habit. I hit upon a plan that has solved the problem satisfactorily; in fact, I never have to pick their clothes up now. I bought several wooden hang- ' ers, a can of bluo and a can of pink enamel, a can of shellac and a small brush. I let the girls watch me make those plain hangers into wonderfully attractive things with the enamel. wanted for lunches for the men in the 8te P forward to reach for Blenkiron's field or whether a package is to be shoulder the game he had twice sent through the mails, paper is * '^JuJJ v, always on hand and, being located in ' n j 3 coa ^ poc the corner, takes up but little room.: he drawled in a new v6ice. "I've got The arrangement might be placed in you covered, and I'll make a hole in a less-used spot by building a device your bullet head if you lay a hand on to take the place of the wood strip : me." Sandy's somewhere outeide, and he's was in poor condition and puffed like got a hefty crowd at his heels." a grampus, and he seemed to have no I simply could not feel the despair . sort of head for heights. But he was which by every law of common sense! as game as a buffalo, and started in was due to the case. The guns had ! gallantly till his arms gave out and intoxicated me. I could still hear their deep voices, though yards of wood and stone separated us from the upper air. he fairly stuck. So Peter and I went up on each side of him, taking an arm apiece, as I had once seen done to a man with vertigo in the Kloof Chim- under the pantry shelves. D. R. V. H. With an effort Stumm recovered himself. He rang a bell and fell to smiling. An orderly appeared to whom he spoke in Turkish, and presently a file of soldiery entered the room. "I'm going to have you disarmed, gentlemen," he said. "We can conduct our conversation more pleasantly without pistols." It was idle to resist. We surrender- ed our arms, Peter almost in tears with vexation. Stumm swung his leps over a chair, rested his chin on the back, and looked at me. "Your game is up, you know," he said. "These fools of Turkish police said the Dutchmen were dead, but I had the happier inspiration. I be- lieved the good God had spared thorn for me. When I got Rasta's telegram I was certain, for your doings remind- ed me of a little trick you once played me on the Schwandorf road. But I didn't think to find this plump old partridge," and he smiled at Blenk- iron. "Two eminent American engin- eers and their servant bound for Mesopotamia on business of high Gov- ernment importance! It was a good lie; but if I had been in Constantin- ople it would have had a short life. Rasta and his friends are no concern of mine. You can trick them as you please-. But you have attempted to win the confidence of a certain lady, nml her interests are mine. Likewise you have offended me, and I do not forgive. By God," he cried, his voice growing shrill with passion, "by the time I have done with you your moth- ers in their graves will weep that they ever bore you!" It was Blenkiron who spoke. His voice was as level as the chairman's of a bogus company, and it fell on that turbid atmosphere like acid on grease. "I don't take no stock in hieh- . VYUIIlall. I IK- Ill-nil J - - , , , , U suitable for the If you're trying to scare me ........... ,...j ..^..~.. _.._ .. B -.^ u . vl . . ' I by that dime-novel talk I guess you've the hangers for party dresses I pasted i 8tout and " Iendcr flfrure - Gln *' lam ;'hlt the wrong man. You're like the A HOUSE DRESS "NEAT AND TRIM." 4488. The House Dress of to-day has a very important' place in tho . When they were dry I cut from old rdrobe of every woman The model magazines tiny heads and ftgurea. On ! her fairy figures and butterflies. On thej cre P? hangers for coats I pasted winter scenes. On the ones for play dresses I pasted appropriate figures. There was even a hanger for the nightie, of a sleeping baby pasted on. I gave all the hangers a coat of in front. The Pattern Is rut in f Sizes: 34 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 measure. A ,'iR-inch size requires ft*** w * vj iiiip^.iu * vvv v* < _ ^ _ ,1 ii shellac and to one girl I gave all tho; VHrd8 of -ineh material. pink hangers and to the other all the I PatUrn mailed to any addre** . or printed cotton, as well 8wepp that stuck in the chimney, a bit BS Iinen m *? be , US(Kl for '* Develop- too big for your job. I reckon you've ment - Th wldth "f the J 00 * !" ?? J t ? ton * 1 * romance that's just wast- v rds - The (>lo(iiT1 K |H at the loft side ' d '" **t Bllt lf to ply ny ugly pomes on me I'd like you to know that I'm iin American citizen, and pretty well considered in my own country nnd in yours, and you'll sweat blood for it later. That's a fair warning, Colonel Stumm." I don't know what Stumm'a plans _ _ _ __ blue ones. It's fun now for them to ; P* of 1B \ n q|lvpr or "tamps, by wer e, but that speech of Hlenkiron's hang their garmpr.U each on the! th ? . W '. ls T P uhll j; nin K. Co - 3 We9t P utto i " ln<Iusthe proper hanger. --M. II. M. VARNISH TILE WALLPAPER. Tile wallpaper, which is widely used for decorating bathrooms and klt- ehenx, will last twire an long if a protecting coat of clear varnish is Applied soon after the paper la hung. The glazed nurfaco of the tile paper ttcelf will not stand much washing, but when re-enforeed with a thin coat e/ good varnish, spots may be wiped off with B wet cloth without affecting the papr. Thus H continued sanitary* LEARN BARBER TRADE few week*. Positions guaranteed, i mployment. Write for Free < Mou BYBTHM o? COL- j:.,i Quocn 8t E., Toronto. Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. Mlnard'i Liniment for Dandruff. Make yourself a sheep and the wolves will eat you. IMUI No. 0_'2. A herd of caribou, estimated at throe million, hna been seen in the Arctic regions. Earthqunkeft occur so frequently in .Tnpan thut the avorago number of .shocks each year is about 1,300. "Diritik one tumblerful of water three times a day for every fifty pounds of your weight," Hays To- ronto's modiral officer of health. "It. is better to drink too much water than loo little." l ount of uncertainty. You see, he had Peter and me right enough, but he hadn't properly connected Rlenkiron with us, and was afraid either to hit out at all three, or- to let Blenkiron go. RAW FURS WANTED Highest Prices Paid for Skunk, Coon, Mink, Fox, Deer- Skins, Hides, Calfskins, &c. Ship to Canadian Hide & Leather Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. C. W. ROMANS of St. John, N.B., the secretary of the Association of Canadian Clubs, an organization which keeps the Cana- dian clubs all over the Dominion in touch with progress being made In the various provinces, and provides means of securing the services of famous speakers. What vexed us most was our hun- I ney on Table Mountain. I was mighty ger. Barring a few mouthf uls on the | thankful when I got him panting on road we had eaten nothing since the ! the_ top and Hussin had shinned up morning, and as our diet for the past beside us. We crawled along a broadish wall, with an inch or two of powdery snow on it, and then up a sloping buttress on to the_ flat roof of the house. It was a miserable business for Blenk- iron, who would certainly have fallen! if he could have seen what was below! him, and Peter and I had to stand to attention all the time. Then began a more difficult job. Hussin pointed out a ledge which took us past a stack of chimneys to another building slightly lower, this being the route he fancied. At that I sat down resolutely and put on my boots, and the others followed. Frost-bitten feet would be a poor asset in this kind of travelling. (To be continued.) WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. ^ *s Diamond Dye: Don't wonder whether you can dy or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes" oven If you have never dyed before. Druggists have all colors. Directions In each package. "In Swift Return. She Last night I was singing Old Madrid" and He Good heavens! What make alrplaue did you come back on? The rapidity with which the cham- eleon strikes with its tongue at a fly- ing insect is such that the tongue cannot be detected with the naked eye. A man of few words docs not have to take so many of them back. Minard's Liniment Heali Cut*. THE3 IMPERIAL ZOO The British Lion: "De careful, my dear. That may be a nice play- ballbut It looks to me uncommonly like a horrid bomb." From London Opinion. Christmas Gifts for the Kiddies Buy now. $1.00 brings Dressed Doll, Cut-out Toy, Clockwork Model, Art Crayons, Painting Book. Postage Paid. Address: Rainbow Novelties. 878, Broadview, Toronto. EDDYS MATCHES Remember to ask for Eddyb when you order matches on MLB svnmram m CANADA i all the way Santa Fe superioz service and scenery r'phis Fred Harvey meals 'your assur- ance of a pleasant journey there Pullmans via Grand Canyon National Parti open all (he year 231 M. HENDRV. Gtit Aflt. S&ata Fe Ry. ; 404 free Press ftMB.BttrQM.MKfc. t Please mail to me the following Santa F* Sookleb ! CWIfOMIA MCTUHE BOOK GW CWN OuTr.,3 | CAUWRNtA LIMITED Also detail! is to cost of trip i

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