Flesherton Advance, 5 Dec 1923, p. 1

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Vol.44 No. 27 Flesherton, Ontario, December 5, 1923 W. H. Thuraton & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS The U. F. W. 0. social evening was held at the home of Mrs. I. Smith on Wednesday evening and was a real success. A. debate was given, "Re- solved that the city is a better place to live in than the counry." Mrs. C. Meldrum and Mrs. Dick Clark took the affirmative and Mrs_ C. Newell and Mrs.' I. Smith, the negative. The judges were Mrs. John Hargrave, Fred Pedlar and Arthur Chard, who gave their decision in favor of the negative side. The remainder of the program consisted of a shadowgraph play; a duet; songs and music. At the close a dainty lunch was served by the members. Three new mem- bers were added to the role. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Levi Belts on Wednesday, January 9th, 1924. John Hargrave, wife and son visit- ed last week with the former's brother, W. Hargrave, and family at Wareham. Mrs. W T. Pedlar spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. John Wcikens, at Kimberley. Roht. Laugrhlin and son, Alex., spent the past week with the former's mother near Feversham. Walter Russell, wife and family visited recently at Thos. Black's at Portlaw. Joyce Porteous was assisting his brother Art. of Osprey the pastweek_ Mrs. R. Lee and Mrs. C. Bowers of Owen Sound visited recently with their sister, Mrs < Dick Clark. Little Doris Pedlar has been on the sick list, but we are glad to know she is much improved. Some of the young people from around here attended the party at El. Riley's at the Club House Friday nijrht and report a good time. Odessa Wickens of Kimberley spent a couple of weeks with her cousins, Jim and Ita Pedlar. FEVERSHAM On Thursday morning the sad news came from Weyburn, Saak., that Wm. Hawton had passed away with ty- phoid fever. He was an old Osprey boy and highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves behind one boether, George, of Weyburn and three sisters, Mary of Collingwood, Annie and Victoria in the West- Married On Monday, Nov. 26th at Flesherto^ by the Rev. H H. Eaton, Miss Ethel Sayers of Feversham to J. H. Lanktree of the 4th line, Osprey. We offer congratulations. On Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Laugh- lin vre surprised with a shower from the friendso of the bride. Eveery- body enjoyed a good time. Don't forge the church concert at Feversham on Friday, Dec. 21st. Harry Burk arrived home from Kindersley, Sask. Your corrspondcnt listened in on trans-Atlantic tes<t on Saturday night from ten to ten-thirty p.m. It came in clear and prood An old time resident of Osprey and a pioneer passed away on Saturday, November 25th, a the home of his daughter, Mrs Holden of Stayner, John Freethy, at the age of ninety- nine years and six months. Inter- ment took place at Mt. Zion, Rob Roy, on Wednesday, the 28th. His pastor, Rev. Phillips, of Stayner preached, assisted by Rev. Pickering of Sing- haniptondnd Rev Mills of Feversham. The scarlet fever is bingr well clean- ed up under the care of Dr Guy. t Mrs. R, Henderson visited in Owen Sound over the week end. Have Formed Branch Of Fox Association At a meeting of the Ontario Fox Breeders, held in the Carls- Rite hotel, Toronto, last week, it was decided to form an Ontario branch of the Can- adian Silver Fox Association. At the present time there are approxim- ately 225 breeders in the province of Ontario, of which number ninety are alreadjy members of the Canadian Silver Fox association. Membership in the new association is restricted to breeders who are members of the Canadian Silver Fox Association. The officei's of the new association are as folloys : E. C. H. Tisdale, Beaverton, president; W_ H. C. Ruth- ven, Alliston, vice-president; C. K. Walton, Oakvillle, sec.-treas. The board of directors are Geo. W. Gillies, Arnprior, H. L. Clipsham, Sparrow Lake; Sim Coll, Ridgetown; -J. E. Patte, Peterboro; J M. McGillivray, Priceville, PRICEVILLE Quiet a number of Priceville Pres- byterians attended the ordination and induction of Rev. Mr. Harrower in Plesherton on Thursday last. Mr. C. G. Armour of Knox College preached two very fine sermons in the Presbyterian church here Sunday. Mr. Armour will have no difficulty in getting a call when he graduates next May. The annual Sunday School enter- tainment will be given in the Presby- terian church here on December 14th. A splendid program is being prepared Supper in the basement from 6 to 8 o'clock. Program in the auditorium afterwards. Admission 35c. Keep the date open. Come and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. DonaldFerguson and three children visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Farquer Mc- Kinnon. . Miss B. Jelly spent Sunday at her home in Shelburne. Miss H. Young, teacher at Inistioge school, was the guest of her friend, Miss Edna Nichol, over the week end Mr. Finley McPhail of Toronto visited his daughter, Miss Delhia and other' friendg here last week. Mr. B. McKinnon of Toronto spent a day in town recently. Miss A. Graham of Durham visited ler aunt, Mrs. D. Graham, a few days .ast week. Mrs. Roy Gartley of Alliston visit- ed her aunt, Mrs McMeekin, re- cently. We are sorry to report the serious llness of Mr. Jask McKechnie's baby, who has pneumonia, also Miss Minnie Stothart and Miss Ruby Muir as ill. We hope to hear of all being soon restored to usual health. Word was received of the very ser- ous illness of Mrs. W. J. Blakestonc of Stratford, who has undergone two or three operations. Mr. and Mrs. Blakestone are well known here and all hope to hear of better news soon. On Sunday word came to Mrs. Martha Hazard of the death of her oldest son, John, who has been in ilninilt on for the past fifteen months. Death came very suddenly while sitt- ng at church service. Mrs Hazard went down to Toronto Monday to meet the body. Miss Mary, who is in Toronto, will accompany the mother, ,he funeral being on Tuesday to the McNeil cemetery. We exeend our sympathy to Mrs. Hazard and fam- ily. Mr. Albert Hazard came home from Owen Sound and Miss Harriet from Mount Forest for their brother's funeral. \ CEYLON Messrs Roy Piper and Thos Genoe each sold a horse to Mr. Miller of Parry Sound for a good figure^ Mr. McWhinney of Hanover was a caller in town the past week. While here he purchased the Ashdown rei- dence and will take possession in the early spring. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ashdown intend moving back to Owen Sound to their residence there. Mrs Knox, who has spent the sum- mer out West, returnee^ home on Friday. Her many friends are pleased to see hr. Mr. John Cook of Meaford and Mrs. Thos. Cook of Markdale visited at R Cook's on Thursday last Mr. Joe Snell visited Toronto friends lats week. Mr. James Ashdown of Notch Hill, B.C., arrived home on Monday to visit his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Ash- down, after an absence of nearly 20 years. Mrs. Ed. Sergeant, woh has been visiting her son here, rteurned on Monday to her home in Owen Sound. Word was receivd here Monday that John Hazard had passed away at Hamilton. The body was brought to Priceville Monday night for inter- ment Much sympathy is expressed for his -widowed mother, three broth- ers and three sisters, in their sorrow. Annivrsary services will be held in the church Sunday, Dec. 9th, when Mr. Vose will have charge of the service at 11 o'clock and 7 p.m. The choir is preparing special music for the occasion. Since the report last week that J. L, McMullen saw a deer on his farm, on o four maidens not more than two miles from Ceylon murmers that no dars come near her, "they are just all hounds." But never mind, cheer up, 1924 is leap year and there might be a wedding-belle. KIMBERLEY EUGENIA Mr. J. A. Stuart's sale on Saturday was in the capable hands of Mr. J. A. Myles About eighty sheep and some cattle were sold. A meeting of the Foresters was held in the Community Hall on Satur- day night. A numbr of ladies met at the home of Mrs. Thos. Abercrombie last Wednesday aften.oon and quilted a missionary quilt. A meeting of the Poultry Associa- tion was held on Saturday night in the library. The committee to can- vass for specials is as follows : In Flesherton and Eugnia, Mr. Wm. Haines; Markdale, Mr. A. E. Myles; Thornbury, Mr. R. M Laundry: Kim- berley and vicinity, N. E. Burritt. Mr. J. A. Stuart had ten teams on the last day of November plowing his fifty acre farm. It was certainly an unusual sight, but Jap. believes in beating the weather man. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews have resign- ed at the H E.P.. and intend spending a couple of months with Mr. and Mrs. Plewes. They moved down on Sat- urday. Mrs. W. E. Ellis is spending a couple weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Chard, at Flesherton. Mr Harold Prodtor and Miss Mar- jorie are in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Davis of Vandeleur spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. Plewcs The Women's Institute was held on Thursday . in the Community Hall. Mrs. J. T. Abercrombie gave a good paper on "Butter making. PROTON STATION Wonderful December weather. We are sorry to report Mr. John Lyons Sr. very ill. The post office was moved and in- stalled in Mr. Still's house on Satur- day night. Mr. Neil McCannell is the new postmaster The social events of the week were the "showers" given in honor of Miss Marie Sherson, bride-to-be. A misc- ellaneous shower was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. Shcarson when a goodly number, de- spite the showers falling from the clouds, were present and the popular lady was the recipient of many beaut- iful and practical gifts and the best wishes of the donors. On Wednesday afternoon the Presbyterian Woman's Missoinury So- ciety, of which Miss Sherson is secretary, met together at a tea at the home of Mrs. Roome. During the afternoon an address was read and Miss Sherson was presentd with a pyrex dish and frame. We take pleasure in extending to Rev. and Mrs. Harrower a hearty welcome to the work of the Union church here, and we hope both con- gregations wJJJ go in with one accord and co-operate to make the work a success. Quite a number attended the induc- tion of Mr. Harrower on Thursday of last week in Flesherton. Mr. Stanley Ellis was a visitor at Leonard Latimer's on Sunday last. Miss Halbert, our energetic teacher, together iwth Mrs. Ern Proctor, are busy training the children for their Christmas entertainment, which will take place on Friday, Dec. 21st. Mrs. McMullen and son, Russell, v-isited Kimberley friends recently. Gerald and Ken Large, accompanied by Douglas Roe, provided orchestra music for the dance at Kimberley recently. Mr. and Mrs. Riley of the club house entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening last in their usual capable manner, and all- enjoyed a pleasant evening. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Walker Sr. not so well again. Mr. Adam Smith has also been under the doctor's care. We hope soon to hear of both being much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hargrave of To- ronto have taken apartments in Jacob William's house We welcome them to our midst. The W. M. S. is holding their regu- lar monthly meeting this Thursday afternoon, when the ladies will be ad- dressed by Mrs (Rev.) Harrower on social service work, with which she has been in close touch during the past few years, and which, no doubt will be of great interest. Ladies of the community are all heartily invit- ed to attend. Lunch will be served at the close of the meeting. We believe the Flesherton ladies have also been invited to join the ladies here in the meeting. Miss Georgina Smith has returned to her home here after having spent some months in the city. Mr. and Mr.-. G B. Welton of Flesherton visito.l at the Munshaw House onSunday last. Mr. and Mrs. iVill Gibson of Catar- act are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon at present. VICTORIA CORNERS MAXWELL Mrs. McCallum Sr. is vsititig her | daugter-in-law, Mrs. McCallum, in Plesherton. Mrs. Walter Poole has qro.ne to visit her sister, Mrs. W. E. Irwin, in Wind- sor for a couple of weeks. Born On November 27, 1923, to Rev. and Mrs. A E. Duffield, a daughter, Eleanor. The people of Maxwell intend giv- ing Mr. and Mrs. Lanktree a miscell- aneous .shower this evening, Tuesday. Miss Mary McCunnel is visiting at Mr. Jas. Lockhu.t's. Mrs. Krieger, home from South America on furlough, gave a very interesting and instructive address to the W. M. S at Inistioge on Thursday and all those who were not present missed a treat. While here Mrs. ICrieger was the ucst of her friend, Mrs. Win. Martin. George Ludlow had the telephone installed this wee'.. We- are cerainly enjoying a fine open fall. Occasionaly snow flurries but nevertheless one family was plowing and pick ng potatoes (second crop?) on December 1st. Individual instruction permits you to enter any day at the LYONS In Artemesia township, OWEN SOUNB near Proton Station, on Tuesday, and start your studies in Commercial T-I , 4 , i shorthand or Preparatovv Courses December 4th 1923, John Lyons, afeed u^cdled in Canada Unexcelled in 89 years. The funeral will take America. place to Flesherton cemetery this Q D pLEM^G.^retary. Thursday afternoon, the6th. Principle since 1881. The Season's Greetings Santa and his reindeer have arrived with a sleigh load of toys. They will stay with us un'.il Christ- mas eve when he will move on to fill the stockings of all little boys and girls. In the meantime if you want any gifts for youf friends we can supply your requirements from his sleigh at lowest cost to you* A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON Cash Cream Station - Store closes every Tues. and Fri. eve. SHOP EARLY . Experience has shewn us that the night before Christmas shopper" meets wih many little disappoint- ments and finds the selection of Gifts very limited. So we urge our patrons to do their Xmas shopping early. Our selection of Gifts is now very extensive and reasonably priced. We shall be pleased to hold any article that you wish, until Xmas, on payment of a small deposit. Gifts For All W.A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer's Phone Hillcrest 26*. 1 24 Avenue Road TORONTO, ONT. j MOTOR EQUIPMENT ! J. W. Bates, R. Maddoeks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to , The Advance * I HOUSE OFO.UAHTY CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES We have .recently received a shipment of new FRUIT FOR CHRISTMAS, Baking raisins Currents, Figs, Dates in bulk and package, Prunes, Libby's Mincemeat, Nuts, Walnuts and Almonds. We have ordered a fine assortment of Christ- mas candy. Drop in and look tthem over before you buy your candy. W. J. STEWART K SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. * School Boots We have them for Girls in both Lace Boots and Strap Shoes; for Boys, good serviceable Boots, both Black and Tan. MEN'S BOOTS FOR FALL WEAR " In Men's Heavy Boots for Fall wear we have very good ones at $4 and better ones at $5.00. 1 THOS. CLAYTON g FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO I ? **

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