December 12, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Treat your family to a j ?^ Marconi Radio Set this winter i t < What Radio means to you ! ; A new joy in your life. New forces at your command. Distance annihilated. Something for cvoycre. , Immediate reports of all sporting and political events; whether forecafts and time tignals ; marine, financial ' and market reports; election returns ; speeches and lectures by celebrities grand opera and church services ; ', classic and comic songs by the world's leading artists ; dance music by fomous orchestras : fashion talks for the ladies; bedtime stories for the children; all this, and infinitely more, crce this liltfe wi?8id irdioig installed in your home. . And so simple. A twist of the wrist and you are in Chicago listening to a singer with a voice like a nightin- , gale. Another slight adjustment and Schenectady is entertaining you with grand opera. And so the hours ' roll on. We would be glad to arrange a demonstration in the privacy of your own home where the story of Marconi] adio is best told -it will not obligate you in any way. TWO BURGLARYS AT DUNDALK AT GOLDMAN'S EARLY SATUR- DAY MORNING AND AT TIN- IANOVS MONDAY MORNING that of the Goldman house two nights before a ladder and an upstair wind- ow. The whole stock of mink, 89 coon and 7 fox pelts, part of which were in the stable at the rear, were stolen. Access to the stable was gained by breaking a heavy lock. There is apparently no clue left by the robbers. Woonsch left on Mon- Double burglary within two days is day for Owen Sound to get a detective a rare occurrence inthis great raw fur and has not yet returned. Tinianov's shipping point. Dundalk was all agog on Saturday morning when it was loss is estimated at $3000 Dundalk Herald. Horse Amputates A Human Ear McTavish's Garage, Flesherton reported that Sam Goldman's house was broken into and furs stolen to the value of $300. A ladder belonging to Wesley Lonsway, a near neighbor, was borrowed for the purpose of get- ' ting in an upstair window at Gold- 1 ma'ns. Furs, consisting mostly of red j Fred B j igg( a youn g fellow who fox in a parcel belonging to Max ; works f or Thomas Billany on the Woonsch of Toronto, a fur buyer who 12th conces sion of Tecumseh, had an was sleepng in the house, were taken ; ear bitten O ff b y a horse last Satur- and exit made by a back door. Mrs. i day morning . He had returned to a Goldman was awakened by a noise in neigh b or> j onn Kerby, a wagon, and the house and Sam being awayj wag on his way home w h en he re- from home she raised an alarm and me ~ n bered Mr. Billany had said knocked on the door of the room sonlet hj n g about the neckyoke and where Woonsch was sleeping. He he went to remove t h e neckyoke which woke up but was in a stupor and fell he intended to carry back while he On rising for the Phone 9 w 9 Jftt @^^@@^'^@@@@@@^'^@^^0@^@@@^0^@@^@^^^@^@@^@@^ asleep ^again. On rising for the left the team tied to the fence. One day he'discovered that his furs were of the horses snap ped at the side missing. He got into communication of Bliss> face He knew it had touch- with the authorities at Owen Sound ed him> but the sensa tion was like Constable Jones mot- having a sing i e hair pulled violently morning and with rnd suddenly . H e had no idea his ear THE Flesherton Advance W. H. THURSTON, - Editor K. K. K:. TAKE NOTICE Another weather prophet has ap- peared on the scene one who, it seems, is bound to make himself heard 'dote by foretelling dire calamities o befal this continent during the summer of 1924. Jle says the coming summer will be one of famine equal to that which overwhelmed Russia a few years ago, with no rainfall and great heat. Everything is to dry up. This prophet is a gloomy cuss, h he not? Why don't he keep his his mouth shut ? Why does he want to scare us stiff in this manner? What is his object, anyway? Does he think he is a modern Joseph to save us Canadians in the same manner that Egypt was saved? He might at least have given us the seven years of plenty, as Joseph did, in order that We might have our granaries full. Now we cannot grow any extra grain or dry up any potatoes or pumpkins to eke out our terrible ex- perience. * A man who would consign us to the horrors of a famine such as he predicts, without recourse to any life-saving expedient, deserves the execration of humanity. It ought to be a case for the K. K. K. to in- vestigate. too many people and ought to be put out of business. Another man says if things, that kill are to be put out of business, what about Ford cats? Henry has the summing up of this debate. A doctor who went through the war says tobacco is an absolute anti- against many contagious dis- eases un^gp deady to the microbe. A lady of our acquaintance replies to this to the effect that her hus- band must be a big microbe. The husband has the last say in this discussion. PAYING FOR ROADS ABOUT TOBACCO Henry Ford says tobacco is killing EDITORIAL NOTES See inside page* for more LOCAL NEWS A woman's face is her fortune. Is t any wonder that drug stores flourish more abundantly than ever. , . i B, H. WALDEN All and What about skating for Christ- inas? Will we skate or go fishing? * * * * Partake of the chances for your Chritmas buying that arc offered by the stores in Flesherton. * * + # From the report of the robbery at DundaHc recently it looks to us though it were Jew beating Jew, * * * * Wouldn't it be better for a town to have good streets inside their cor- poration instead of mud? We think that it would be a better advertis- ment for the place than all the news- paper pubcility that could be given. The wet, open weather this fall is working havoc witli the good roiuls sysem ill this county. The automo- bile traffic, which continues, is respon- sible for most of this, cutting into the surface very badly. The surface will require n lot of attention next spring. Town Hall, Thurs. Dec. 13 Jackie Coogan,the Rid himself In Peck's Bad Boy MACK S1NNET COMEDY, "KITCHEN LADY" Ward's " Baddest Boy " Is coming to town. Admission Adults 30c, Children 15c. war tax included. every child may see " Jackie." F. H. Stephenson Manager. Show 8 p.m. The present agitation to remove the burden of county-provincial highways from the counties to the province is evidence of the foolish policy pursued by Hon. F. C. Biggs in promoting his highway improvement development. The spending of money to secure the benefit of a grant is an altogether - i/-,r. ICI -, I - k wrong policy, and in itself should be LILLNbED AUCTIONEER condemned and fought at every turn KOR THE COUNTY OF GREY If an expenditure is not justified in FI FTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE itself, the fact that an outsider hands out a dole to encourage one to spend it, does not make the expendiure any the most justifiable. But that is what Biggs did; and it is what is still being done in many circles. Tbe counties were only too glad to have the roads; they were anxious to have the Provincial grants; now they want the Department to take over the entire cost of these roads; and so, Oliver Twist plays a return engagement, but instead of de- manding more, wants to give the stomach away and havo it permanent- ly located in the porridpe pot. If the road expenditures are burd- ensome; if they mean high taxes, anil attending ills, then by all means let us sales promptly attended to satisfacion guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Phone 66 MARKDALE ; Or arrange at The Advance office. Constable Rice made an examination of the Goldman premises under a search warrant without result. The fur buyer was intimating that Mrs. Goldman knew something of the furs. This Mrs. Goldman flatly denies. The second chapter of this burglary story had a change of scene. Woonch didn't stay at Goldman's any more but ! went over to stay at I. Tinianov's, the other Jewish fur dealer in town. He bought the letter's stock of mink numbering 18i) pelts for which he | tendered a cheque on a Toronto bank for $2,000, signed by Isaac Fisher and M. Woonsch. The deal was to be completed Monday when the cheque would be verified by the bank. In the meantime Tiniavno's house was . broken into in a similar manner to had been touched till it began Iff sting , n few minutes later and putting his hand to his head discovered the .ear I gone and blood flowing from the wound. Dr. Cunningham went down and dressed what was left of the young fellow's ear. The. whole of the top of the left ear was gone, only the soft part at the base remaining. No trace of the severed ear could be found. Alliston Herald. Friends from a distance attending the funeral were: a sister, Mrs. R. Stanfield and daughter, Mrs. Saun- ders, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Marshall, Mr. Wm. Lyons and Mrs. Morrow, all of Toronto, Mrs. J. W. Henderson and Mrs. Scott of Hanover. . For Christmas or YOU WILL FIND THESE IN HARDWARE Useful and lasting Gifts will be more appreciated keep tlu".i right with us, whore they will wear calluses, corns and bunions into our municipal consciousness, and we will be less likely to indulge again in the folly of extravagance. Let us go on paying, paying, paying and we will appreciate the need to keep up the road? we have; we will think twice before we mortgage our homes to buy automobiles ; we will appreciate the value of money. There is no use welshing. We have our whistles; let us keep thorn in repair, and go Oil paying for them. Mcaforil Mirror, Electric and Hand Washing Machines Enamelware The Clean \Ynre Cereal Cookers Automobile Skates and Shoes Hockey Sticks Plates Chinaware A Lesson On Potatoes An Orillia dealer h;ul nn experien- ce recently which hns in it u lesson by which farmers of this district might profit. Asked for a quotation on a carload of New Brunswick potatoes, ht> sent n figure but at (Vu 1 same time oli'nt'd to supply Ontario potatoo; at 25 cents n bag less. As BOOH as his letter arrived, the merchant in the north telegraphed for a carload of the New Brunswick potatoes. This is not n condition that the- fann- ers of this Province can afford to allow to continue. Just as good potatoes can bp, and are, grown in East Simcoc as in any part, of New Brunswick. But the farmers down by the sea have learned the advantage of grading and keeping varieties sep- arate. For potatoes of uniform size and of one variety consumers are prepared to pay more than for lings made up of all sizes from marbles to . i i i one pounders, and of several varieties Children 9 tickets have been reduced, so with differing characteristics.. The uniform potatoes will cook much better. The Farmers' Clubs in this district could do^heir members a real service by discussing this subject, and coming to an understanding as to the best variety to be grown in each neighborhood and sticking to it. Packet. Cups and Saucers Berry Setts Ranges and Heaters Stove Boards . Roasters Potato Pots, etc. Aluminum Kettles Saucepans Steel Ankle Supports Pucks Cream and Sugar Setts Spoon Trays etc. SPECIAL ELECTRIC BULBS 3 for $1.00 Frank W. Duncan Flesherton "EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE' The Flesherton Insurance Agency All Glasses Of Insurance Written Reasonable Rates . Sound Protection Prompt Settlements We also handle Stocks and Bonds of first class security only and solicit your inquiries regarding investments W. A. ARMSTRONG S. E deCUDMORE Mr. Lincoln Johnston, a well known farmer on the 14th concession of the Township of Vespra met with a haaVy loss on Tuesday when his two fine barns and contents were totally de- stroyed by fire. The loss is estimated at $16,700, the buildings alone being valued at $12,000. The contents in- cluded 1000 bushels of wheat, 1000 bushels of oats, 35 tons of hay, 13 tons of oats, sheaf cut, 100 loads of straw, 3 head of thoroughbri d cattle besides all the farm implements. It is said there is no insurance. The origin of the flre is a mystery and is believed to be the work of an indendiary. The Provincial police were notified and are making investigations. Bulletin. What Can I Give HRR If you arc looking- for a Gift for "HER," no matter if it be Mother, Sister, Sweetheart, Aunt, Cousin or Friend We believe you will find just the gift you want right here. PRACTICAL GIFTS AT MODERATE PRICES INCLUDE CUT GLASS. SILVERWARE. CUTLERY. KODAKS. LEATHER GOODS, PURSES. VANITY CASES, CANDLE- STICKS. FOUNTAIN PENS. ETC.. ETC. WRIST WATCHES WE HAVE A VERY COMPLETE LINE FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM. DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS, HIGH GRADE MOVEMENTS THAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. A VERY POPULAR LINE IN 15 JEWEL MOVEMENTS, GOLD FILLED CASE AT $12.00 DIAMOND RINGS IN THE NEWEST DESIGNS AND GUARANTEED TO PLEASE. WE HAVE A SPECIAL UNE AT $15.00. MANY OTHERS TO PICK FROM. EXQUISITE GEM RINGS IN MANY BEAUTIFUL STYLES, SET WITH THE FINEST QUALITY STONES. ALWAYS VERY ACCEPTABLE. ALSO ONYX and CAMEO JEWELLERY IN VARIOUS DESIGNS. ELDERLY LADIES ALWAYS APPRECIATE A BROOCH. WE HAVE SOME VERY PLEAS- ING GOLD-FILLED AND GEM SET BROOCHES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. FRENCH IVORY and TORTOISE SHELL WARE ALWAYS A POPULAR AND CERTAINLY USE- I-I^GIFT. WE HAVE ALL THE VARIOUS PIECES THAT MAKE UP A SETT, ALL AT AT- TRACTIVE PRICES. A CLOCK FOR MILADY'S BOUDOIR, IN FRENCH IVORY, MAKES A MOST CHARMING PRESENT. ATTRACTIVE. PEARL NECKLACES OF EXCELLENT QUALITY. ALWAYS PROVE A SATISFACTORY GIFT FROM $3.50 UP. SHOP EARLY AND GET THE CHOICE W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON "HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BETTER KINDS OF GOODS"