Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1926, p. 8

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HEDNBSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wise sayings are only good when »ct«il upon. Old saws out no wood- piles. The daylight is to brief these short days that a rooster has hardly time to cri/\v and flap his wings a few times ia the morning until it is time to K" t" roost. You have noticed, of course, that those who oppose kissing on sanitary grounds do not appear to have Wt- ter health than sensible })eop!e. Some people are so up-to-date that they will not read the Qid Testamept. A man isn't old until he begins to talk about several wint)erB he has We had our January thaw early 'known, this year. Last year we did not "Here lies the body," is all right, get our usual thaw in January and I but "Here lies the epitaph" would be there was n water famine. 'as t''ue in more ways than one. Telephone Rates at this Exchange THE following table shows the principal rates now in effect for this exchange, and the new rates for which we are asking the approval of the Board of Railway Commissioners: â€" Business Sen'ice Individual Line 2-Party Residence Service Individual Line 2-Party Present Proposed Monthly Monthly Rate Monthly Rate Increase $2.05 1.85 $2.50 2.00 .45 .15 $2.0^ 1.85 $2.05 1.85 .00 .00 It will be seen t^H in order to bring local teelphone rates Into charges for residence service. The tendency is thus to encourage the line with our proposed new schedule, no change is necessary in the development of residence service. Merchants and business men, while asked to pay a somewhat high- . ' , er rate for business telephones will benefit in the enlargement of| I the scope and value of their service by the development of residence telephones. We. believe our patrons will agree that to maintajin and extend a service vital to the welfare of the community far outweighs in im- portance the moderate increases a relatively small number of our citizens will be asked to pay. E. MUNSHAW, Manager The Bell Telephone Company of Canada John T. Miller is New Warden of Grey County Mr. John Miller of Euphrasia was elected to 4he Wardenship of the county of Grey after a lively sess- ion. There were six candidates in all. Mr .Charles Holm of Normanby was the next in running, but was beaten by five or six votes. Mr Miller is a man of much experience in municipal affairs and the county should prosper almost as well as it did under the able direction of T. R. McKenzie, the retiring warden.) Mr. W. J. Meads was elected to the Chairmanship of the House of Refuge, he too having five opponents for the office. Mr. Meads, in his jocular manner, when communicated with over the telephone last night, said, "I will know where to find a home anyway." We extend our con- gratulation's to Flesherton^ reeve in the honor which he received. Philli pson â€" Sm ith SIX HILL STORES W« buy together in order that ourcuetomere in the tix com- munittea imir materially ben- efit individually. lc!ISISJHS/5JSI5IM3MSfSISISI35I5MSI5I5ISISISlS15I5ISISISISI^^ F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. â„¢^»'"'S^^«^ Markdale, Ontario A Store everyone inatinet-L ively aaaociatea with highn quality merchandiae at thep faireit potiibin prices. Profusions of flowers and foliage adorned the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, 475 8th streiet east, on Wednesday, January 20th, 1926, When their elder daughter. Bertha Mlidred, became the bride of Mr. George Arthur Phillipson, of Tor- onto, formerly of the local staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and son of Mr. G. S. Phillipson of Pal- merston. The ceremony took place at 12.30 o'cMck p.m. Rev. P. T. Pilkey of Knox Church officiating in the presence of over forty relatives and intimate friends. The bride and groom stood be- fore a bank of ferns and palms, formed before the fireplace, the for- mer being given in marriage by her father and looking radiantly lovely in a gown of French blue georgette with ruffles and oldtyme lace. She] wore a bandeau of gold leaves in her hair, and carried a shower bou- quet of valley lilies, orchids and roses, her effective costume being completed with champagne shade kid shoes. The only attendant was a litle flower girl, Phyllis Ferguson, who was frocked in white voile, with lace and ribbon trimming, a ribbon bandeau in her hair, and carrying a basket of roses and valley lilies. Miss Violet Hilloughby, in a becoming gown of fuschia shade georgette and Grecian lace, blonde shade satin hat and an old time nosegay, presided at the piano and â- ".rendered ''In- termezzo" from "Cavajier Rusti- cana" Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus" and "To a Wild Rose." The wedding luncheon was served following the bestowing of congratu- lations and best wishes on the young couple. The bride's mother was wear- ing a handsome go'wn of black silk crepe with fissue of gold lace and a corsage bouquet of American beauty roses. The bride's sister, Miss Jean A Greater Canada JHE Bank of Toronto for more than seventy years (1855 to 1926) has v:»^,^B-^c-^ been building on the conviction of a consistent growth in the Dominion of Canada and aa increasing and abundant prosperity for her people. Today, as never before, this bank subscribes un' reservedly to the doctrine of sound optimism in the destiny of the country, affirming that today there are more impressive signs of the coming tide of prosperity than at any period since the war. The Bank of Toronto seeks tcp serve the people of Canada with the same spirit that actuated those pioneer bankers who founded this> institution even before Canada became a Dominion. Become associated \with the Bank of Toronto in your financial transactions as Canada's Greatest Half CentiuTr dawns. Consult any of our managers or their staffs and feel assured that all are actuated primarily with whom they deal. 5^'y 2636 V^i^^l^s^M^rm^itii^A'^SS, fimniiw^Sf:^^^^^^ ^ti^ Small Advertisements FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" First class driving horse, -also buggy, cart and cutter. â€" Robt. Fisher, Flesherton, I FOR SALE â€"1 A few bags of good winter apples for sale. Fred Jamie- son, Eugenia. WANTED â€" Young calf wanted this week. â€" W. J. Stewart & sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good driving horse, harness and robe for sale at once. â€" Chas. McEacHnie, Flesherton. SOW FOR SALE â€" Due March 1st. Yorkshire sow. â€" Wm. Smith, Fev- ersham, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Royal Household Flour at $4.35; granulated sugar at $6.85. â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Pair of ladies' skat- ing boots and skates, size 5%. â€" Mrs. D. Williams, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE ^ No. 92-77530. Also a young Yorfei shire pig, both bacon type for serriet on lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R., Terms â€" fl.OO. jj â€" T. J. STINSON. ; FARMS FOR SALE i Oil the Toronto Line Proyindal I Highway. Three farms, two of lf0 1 n«|res and one of 50 acres all dearai â-  LOT FOR SALE â€" One of thei^"^** '^'^ss buildings, up to date ft best residential lots in Flesherton *^*^ particular. Will wU any on* Smith, was prettily frocked in green ^f or sale. Apply at this office. j of these. Good brick house on on I'v crepe de chine and silver lace, and .% Great After Stock Taking Sale We finished stock taking this week and will have many odd lines to place on sale at big reductions. We are not in a position to enumerate the many lines at the moment but can assure you that by Friday morning we will have many genuine bar- gains on display for your inspection. Come ex- pecting big reductions on all odd lines. '^ You will An important announcement will be made next week that will be of great interest to this entire community. whiffletrees and baby cutter.- ple, Flesherto.n FOR SALE â€" 7 roomed house, cell- ar full size, water inside, fruit trees gasoline, kerosene engine, magneto ! t~„„.„ „. • ' „. Vâ„¢^® ' been used a few hours, a real treat T"*** ^*'''' ^'"^^"*«"' bargain for quick sale. â€" D. Mc- Tavish and Son. m F.T.HILL&Co., Limited, Markdale â-  a bouquet of sweetheart roses. The' FOR S.A.LE Box I proom's sister, Mrs. T. G. Nesbitt, of j Palmerston, w^ore a becoming gown I of sandalwood silk crepe, trimmed with cut velvet and a bouquet of I rcscs and valley lilies. The ont of town guests included two aunts of the bride, Mrs. W. E. White, of Tor- onto in coral silk crepe and gold lace and Mrs. D. McTavish of Flesh- erton in rosewood crepe de chine I witfi white scarf. ! The assistants during the luncheon I hour were Miss Mamie McTavish of i Flesherton in rust satin crepe with I embroidered godets. Miss Bessie Stewart of Fleshertcin, in blr^k satin with net frills, and Miss Wilda Glazier, in honeydew crepe de chine and lace. The table was beautifully done with lace , cloth, rosebuds and pink candles, the wedding cake occupying the central place, adorned '^'!J: P'""^,,^""*- , , -^ow fbur years, heifer calf four The bri^e and groom left on the [months old. heifer calf two years.- C. P. R train for a honeymoon trip. p. j. Colilnson, Ceylon, Phone 21 1-4 to Detrqit and other points, the former wearing a rosebud silk crepe de chine gown trimmed with grey fissu and band of brilliants, a smart hat of metallic cloth and French flowers patent shoes, grey gloves and hosiery and a handsome seal coat, the gift of her father. The many handsome gifts received in eluded a purse of goid from the groom's father. Before her departure the bride threw her bouquet, which was caught by Miss Wilda Glazier, and lifter presented to an elderly lady, Mrs. Donnelly, at the express- ed wish of the bride. Mr and Mrs. Phillippson "will reside in Toronta Paisley apartments, Beach avenue. _• the farms. The stabling for «n&!. stove, set of """^^ *> perfect. One hnr has taa -S. Sem **'^®^ ''"^^oo'J bush and anotlte nundred has three acres of timHw and has bnildinngs for everythin* FOR SALEâ€" Hound pup 6 months ; "?®*^^<^- including poultry house tmi old. Reasonable price. â€" Ted Mc- P'^ P*"^- No broken land and c!a»5 Donald, Flesherton. i°* weeds, /[ay person interets«i Z ^_ I should investigate. FOR SALEâ€" Female Collie dog and' -'^- J- STINSON. malp Collie pup eight wcceks old at ^ Proton Station P.O. a cheap price. â€" F. J. Thurston. BUSINESS CARDS and small fruits, large garden,-Ap- lauSLf t,^; *J"""!' b^'^' ''«"'*^ Ply to Austin .hackleford, Fl^sher- j^^f-^^^^^^^W. FORSALE â€" 6 H.P, International Iff °"**"°'.^*» administered fo« teeth extraction. OflSce at residenc* Renew your subscription to your daily newspaper through the Advance LOST â€" Between Stewart's store and farm, a roll of butter. Finder please leave at the store. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- jpble terms. Salisfaction guaran- teed. Dates made at this office. Dr. A. Tnmbnll. BJl., M3., n«d. uate from the Faculty of Madicfli^ FOR SALE â€" Purebred Angus cattle ' "'V^®'*'^ «»' Toronto. Offipeâ€" RiA, •^on Block, Flesherton. Vboiii Iff, PrlBM Arthur Lodge. SS3. A.F. * A.Jtt., meets in the Masonic halj, Xm< strong Block, Flesherton, evetr »«. day on or before the full moon. T.W. Phillips, W.M; F. J. Thurston, Sec. C. C. Middiebro. Barrister solicitor, etc. of Durham. Will be in Plesher. ton every Friday from 4,30 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. FOR SALEâ€" Hay for sale at the barn on my farm, also oats at the warehouse in Tlesherton. â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 20 h.p. engine and grain thresher with belts, steM water tank and wagon, tank pump with new hose, chains, oils and greases, to be sold at once as I am giving up threshing. â€" Marshall Kerton, Flesh- erton, Ont. MISCELLAMfiOUB NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE On Provincial Highway, between Dundalk and Flesherton, lots 180, 181 and 182, Ist Con. W.T. & S.R.. 150 Ineas A Henry, Barristen. S«lleH> ^. etcv-L B. Lucas, K.a ; W. »t Henry, B.A. OiRcea. Markdal* Loafll Block, Phone 2. Branch ofleM A Dtmdalk and Durham. Telford A BImle. Barristerh dtors, etc.. Offices â€" Grey and Block, Owen Sound; SUndard Block, Flesherton. (Satnrdayv) P. Telford Jr., J. F. F. Birals. Wn. Kaittlng. Licensed AnetiMMav for the counties of Grey and StadN^ acres; cleared and well fenced; solid! Farm and stock sales a spceUilki brick house 2 fine barns, excellent Terms moderate., satisfaction gva»i Water supply at house and b8m.'anteed. ArranKementa for daMi Can be purchased at a fair price,} may be made at the Advance i small cash payment with very low CSentral telephone oflle«, interest for balance. Call or see or by addrsaatnc n* at S. E. deCurmore, phone 24â€"4 I

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