Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1926, p. 1

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»-- . «.^fc..J3.a4«,^^«. ®(jje /leslj^rtxrn ai^wut^* Vol 45 No. 42 Flesherton. Ontario April 14, 1926 W. H. Thuralon & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Mr. Johnston Woods of Toronto, iiaiei «t Mr. H. Piper's on Wednes- day kst. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey ,and son Jack of Lauriston visited at Mr. H. Piper's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook of Ebor- dale,' visited at R. Cook's on Wednes- day. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, on Wednesday, April 7th the irift of a son. Ur. Dick Clark of Gore Bay f/il ROCK MILLS KIMBERLEY The April meetins: of Unity U. F. W. O. was held last Wednesday, Apif 7th, at the home of Mrs. Fred Plantt 4th line Artemesia, the president presiding. There were a goodly number of Ladies present. The meeting opened as usual with singing of the Maple Leaf, and repeating the creed iii un- ison. The roll call was to be ans- wered by a Favourite Author to which a number responded. Corres- •i J V • M ur rui • . i pondence was read by the Secretary ited his mece Mrs. Wm. Gibson laat|f^ ,**#»#• a .,. including a letter from Miss Agnes week. Mr. Edward Sergant '-ifriends in Toronto last with visited week. Mr. Percy Hemphill spent a couple of days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper entertain ed their neighbors and friends on Friday evening. A pleasant time was spent. Mr. Jack White and Frank Stew-' Macphail, M. P. Ther§ was no Service at C. New- cll's Sunday night owing to Mrs. Newell being sick. A paper on nousedeaning was ; given by Mrs. L S.mith, wiiich was I rewl good. Two questions on Can- ' adian Federal government were ans- I wered by Misses Edith and Mabel art, who spent Easter at their homes g^tts. Our, secretary, Mrs. A Can- fcere, returned to their schools at ' ron, who was a delegate to the an- WiUiams and Toronto. [ „ya, convention held in Toronto in Mrs. Wm. Maycock of Hanover, WDecemb«r, gave her report at mis visited Mr. and Mrs. James McWhin- meeting and it was a splendid one. ney the past week. Mr .Wm. White loaded five car-! load of potatoes the past week for ; the New Rork market. Mir. Duncan McMillan, who spent Easter holidays at his home here returned to ris duties at Toronto. Mrs Percy Hunt and son Sanley, who have been visiting with Toronto friends returned home Saturday. Mr. Mathews of Shelbume was Miss Miabel Betts gave an instru- mental and community singing was the close of the prognramme. Refresh mentB were served py the hostess and a social time was spent. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Plantt for her hospitality. The peace Anthem was sang, and the meeting adjourn od, to meet again on Wednesday, May 5th, at the home of Mrs. John Campbell, Eugenia. Mir. Issac Smith attended the O. E. a caller in town on Monday. Mr. Findlay and Sabbath school -^- convention in Toronto last week class of boys of Chalmer's church, '^^ delegate from Rock Mills school. Flesherton, viisted their classmate, Mr .and Mrs Will Hargrave of Master Jackson Stewart wro had the Wareham, visited one day last week misfortune to have his leg broken with the former's brother here, Mr. recently, on Tuesday evening of last Hargrave and family. I Mr. and Mrs. E. Binnington of ^^^ Maxwell visited one day last week ! week with relatives here, Mr. and • Mrs Chas. Newell. Little rivulets are forming every Qur teacher Miss Whittaker is day the sun shines now. j^j^ ^^ ^^^^ the mumps and it is 'â-  unlikely that school will open for a week. Mr. Luther Duckett visited parents at 'Eugenia on Monday. I» is likely that the maple syrup couple of weeks. season this year will be short. Jim and Ita Pedlar spent a day LET FINDLAY FEATHER YOUR N£ST - - - We are sorry to report Mr. Brnee Hall ill, also Mr. Geo. Mundle. Fears are entertained for his recovery. A nnmbr of nei^bors of Mi) Stev" Brucklbank gathered* at the home of Mr. A. L. Mylea with donations to help in a small way to ma)«e up for his recent loss by fire. The first boggy and car wheeled into the village on Monday morning. The snow is almost all gone on the roads with still plenty along the fences. Mr. H. Ward had a successful wood bee on Friday. | The W. L had a pleasant little cro- kinole party on Thursday evening in the hall. Mr. G. Proctor spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. Russell McMullen visited his sister, Mrs. .1. A. Stuart. Mrs. J. A. Stuart spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Ruth and Miss Nathlie Stu art visited their aunt, Mrs. R. J. Stuart of Thornbury during the Eas ter holidays. Misses Teen and Kathleen Hutchin son visited friends in Hamilton the Easter week. Those home for Easter: Mr. Carl ' Carruthers, Misses Denelda Stuart, I Almeda Weber and Rhoda Saul from I Meaford, Dell Abercrombie, Allen j dale, Lilian Abercrombie, Sligo, Tena Hutchinson of Beavcrdale, Elvie I Bishop of Geofgetown and Edna ' Burritt of Vandeleur. I We were treated with a beautiful , Easter bouquet in the evening ser vice Sunda night which by some de lay in the mail did not arrive in time for Efster. Even if late we en joyed the flowers, the gift of Mrs. Ellison. .A.t th quartrly board meeting las week we were sorry to learn of the resignation of our pastor Mr. Elli- son. The doctor has ordered a rest, causpd by overwork and throat trouble the doctor has ordered a rest. The field is large and re quires many calls, and Mr. Elliso'i has always been faithful. We would like to see him stay ad perhaps re- arrangement might be made to less- en the work. We hope after a rest he will be able to return to us. PRICEYILLE VANDELEUR Misses Hazel and Helen Oke of Toronto, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Luiyiy Johnston and otber friends. er and husband. Other relati( ns who will mourn him are, three sisters, Mrs (Intended for Ust week) "^ Shortreed of Glenelg, Mrs. Akina , Mr. Alfred Hincks, who has been at ""<! Mrs. Mair of Buffalo, and two tending Toronto Normal, is spending brothers, Angus of Lethbridg.-. Alta., the holidays with his parents, Mr. ^""^ ^'^^ «>' G""'^ ^P''^' ^ich., be- and Mrs. D Hincks ^'^** ** '*'"*f« number of cousins. The I Mr. Jim McArthur of town, who ^°"*'^' ^"^^ ''*''' Tuesday, from his Mi.^ Jean Wright of Toronto^ has spent the winter with his sister "^^^idence to McNeil's Cemetery. Rev. i spent Easter with her parents, Mk". Mrs. Dobson, in Toronto, has returned ^- Sutherland, his pastor, conducted and Mrs. George Wnght. to his home. He wasj accompanied ^''^ services. Friends from a dis- Mr. George Pritchard attended the by Mrs. Dobson and three children t^nj^e wiio attended the burial :.re, Mrs ( a„nual convention of the Ontario who will holiday here for a couple of ^^"^ *"** daughter, Ethel, and Mrs. Igenia visited friends here recently, weeks. | ^*"' °^ Bufalo, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bur- .to last week. Mr.' Malcom McKinnon and sister ^^' ^"'^ ^'^^ McLachlan of Durham Mrs. Jack Jones from Regina, Sask. i ^ *''^"'* °^^ -sincere sympathy to came home on Saturday to be with ^^^ sorrowing wife and daughter, and *^^^^ ** **"â- â€¢ '*"** was the Buchan- MAXWELL SOMMONS This is the season of the year that good housekeepers generally try and do their house cleaning and usually hnd out where an odd piece of furniture is needed. The illustra- tion of a bed outfit shown above is only a sample of our good goods at right prices. Look this over â€" complete for $24.00 â€" and see how it compares with prices you see other places. If you want something better we have it. We have the latest graceline finished iron bed and we have the Way-Sag- less Springs guaranteed for 23 years, and the good Marshall guaranteed for 5 years. Per- haps your furniture has got scratched or needs brightening up. We can furnish you with Furniture Polish to fix it up. If you just leave it with us to feather your nest we will see you get a good comfortable one. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER & FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON Spring is unusually late this year. We long for the nice warm weather. Mr. and Mrs. George Burke and little son Billie, spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Benson's little girl, Ida, had the misfortune to have a severe attack of the "flu." There has been quite an epidemic of flu in this part. We extend our sympathy to Mrs" Wm. Magee in the death of her sia ter Miss Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pooolc, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thonson s.pent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawler. Miss Ruby Kerton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Poole over the week end. Mrs. Hugh Fenwick visited a few days recently with her brother Lou Kerton Some of our young people atten- ded the skating rink at Singhamp- ton on Saturday evening Nurse Moffatt is nursing some patients in Eugenia who have the flu. The Anglicans intend aroiVriyiyw Mrs. Bell nee Lizzie Hale) is. visiting with her brother Mr. Fred Hale here. PROTON ST.\TION their father, Mr. Hugh McKinnon, S Line, who had the misfortune of fracturing his thigh. Mrs. C. Jones, and grandaughter Miss Bessie, of Perth, are spending the Easter week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean. Miss Katie McTaggart of Toronto, spent Friday at her home here. Miss Violet McDougall, daughter of Mr. Thos. McDougall, S. Line, is .•: pending the Easter week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Leonard McArthur, son of Mr. L. McArthur has been under the doc- tor's care with pneumonia. We wish him a soeedy recovery. BORN â€" On Monday, March 29, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Meeehin, a dau- ghter. Congratulations Mr. Ed. Bogg is spending the Eas- ter week at his home in Shelbume. Mr. G. B. Hickman is relieving him of his duties at present. Messrs Colin D. and Colin J. Mc- Arthur, left for the west on Thurs- day. Mr. Arthur Burnett also left for the west on Friday. Mr. Blake of Hamilton, visited ov- er the week end with his son. Dr. W. A. Blake. Mrs. J. M. McDougall, son James and daughter Pearl, are spending the Easter week with relatives in Toron- to. The following young ladies from Toronto spent the holiday at their respective homes here: Misses 01i%'e McLean, Sadie and Mary McKinnon, Bellie and Esther McLean, Mae Mc- Dermid, Dorothy Carson, Esther Mc- Innis; also >fr. Alex McLean, from Toronto Noi:"al. Miss Donalda Nichol, teacher from near Shelbume is spending her holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol. Miss Anna McLean w,ho is teach- ing near Orangreville, is holidaying at her home on the South Line. Miss Beatrice Jelly is visiting her home near Shelbume during Easter week. Misses Islay. Gertrude and Willa McCuaig are home for the holidays from their schools. Mr. A. B. McDonald's sale last Thursday drew a trood crowd~-.(or a stormy day, and prices were gooS un- der the hammer of .Auctioneer Geo- rge Duncan. Mr. DeMar of Toronto university, took the Presbyt rian services on Sunday in McKinnon Hall, where there was a good turn out for both services, despite the heavy roads. It being Easter Sunday, a special Eas- j ter discourse w.';s given, and a choir of l.T voices rendered two special Easter .\ntheni? at both services. Mr. Hector McKinnon of Toronto, was in town on Monday. H. B. is a eou?in of the lato Donald McLachlan. but could not remain for the funeral as he leaves for Ottawa on Tuesday, where he takes up his duties of Sec- retary of the recently appointed Tar- riff Commission. This apointment coming as it does, unsolicited, is a distinct honor, and recognition of ab- ility. Seldom does a young man re ceive such an important appointment, and we congratulate our friend H. B. on the honor conferred upo^i him. We sincerely regret to have to re- port the death of Mr. Donald McLach- ,an of the village, on Friday morning other relatives. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Martin of Kitchener Mrs. Jos. I an for a few days. i j -Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker of Eu- genia visited friends rere recently. I Mr. and Mrs. Robt Richardson of Flesherton spent the first of the Mr. Milt Bannon spent a few days 'week with the latter's parents, Mr. last week attending the ]^"^ Mrs. George Pritchard. Mr. S. H. Buchanan, who has sold luiss Ottlie Lockhart spent last 1 1^'* farm to Mr. Richard Sewell is week with frineds at Clinton. j holding an auction sale of farm Miss Mae Duckett of Eugenia vis- â-  --tock and implements on Thursday- week end vrtth Margaret "*'*^'""''°n of this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. Will Burill of Sligo in Toronto O. E. A. ited tile Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tucker of Dromore spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Best. Miss Richardson spent her holi- days at her home in Laurel Misses Rossella Stevens, teacher of Bancroft, and ' SteUa Acheson, teacher at Hopeville, spent the Eas- ter holidays at their homes here. were the guests of Mr. Richard Genoe recently. and Mrs. fl.ARRIED â€" In the parsonage, Markdale, on Wednesday, April 17tb by the Rev. F, N. Bowes. Miss Ger- tie Smith and Mr. Kewt. Hutchinson, both of this place. Their many friends wish them a long and pros- perous journey through life. The Ontario -overnment wU start correspondence -jurses to provide for children living ii ^remote sections of the province. j When the cei.ing above the ga: jet or radiator I: is become darkened apply a layer of starch and water with a piece of flannel. Let this dry, then brush off wnth a brush. Dry clothes out doors as much as possible . They dry quicker and will have a much fresher feeling. Jack Miner says the crow is the biggest robber in the bird family. What, Bigger even 'n jail birds? The garden seeds are being select- ed. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. The Latest Ne\ys from the Haw Store, Ceylon The Sale of last week was quite a success, but some of the goods IK still left, so we have decided to continue the prices quoted on the bill, while the goods last. Rennie's field and garden seeds for sale again this year. The same high quality, and the price i.s right. Wallpaper is cheaper than ever this year â€" the selection is well varied, and the best we have yet shown. See our samples before buying. You have the.,^dvanta?.? of returning unused rolls. Thiis saves you money. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CREAM AND EGGS. A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON April 2nd at the age of 52 years. He The Easter homecomefs have re- turned to their various occupations, and Miss Froud. our public school teacher is again at her post after spending the holidays at her homo at Springfield. Mi«s Still of Burks Falls was a guest at the home of her brother at , "*° ''*«" *'""8^ f°'" ^ome months, suf- the C. P R. station. i ^'"'"K f'"*"" anemia, and had been con* Mrs. Storev ard children, of Tor- ' ^'"®<^ ^^ ^^^ ''"^"e nea^b- all ^-wtor. onto visited last week with Mrs. ^"''* ''^^ pneumonia dcwloped, and Vause. ' P''0^'<'(1 fatal. Mr. McLachlan was Miss Dennis, of Oakville, spent a ^^" ""^' '"^i*^'' <'" **'^ °^'^ •'<>'"<? ^^^^ few days with her friend Miss Mar- ^^"^ ^^ ^^^ village, and spent most jorie Acheson. , "^ '''* ''^^ '" ^^'^^ vicinity a? a farmer Miss Norris of Flesherton spent ^"*^ dealer in livestock. He was a week end with Mi->s Eva Wauch- h'ffh'v regarded by all who knew him ope. Mr. Beamish of Toronto is staying I with his niece, Mrs. Bates. j M:.=*« Hniinah Roonie spent the hoi! days under the parental roof. Mrs. Neil McCannell had th^ mis- fortune to fall and sprain her wrist. as a valued friend and a good and obliging ^-jcighlior. and his checrfd personality will be much missed ar- ound this village. Si.xieen years ago he was married to Miss Alice Ross of this place, and to them was bom one daughter Jean., who with the mother will mourn the loss of fath- MOUSE OF QUALITY GROCERIE.S AND FEED 1 GROCERIES â€" We carry a full line of fresh grocer- ies always on hand. FRUIT â€" Dried fruits of all kinds, also oranges, lem- ons, and grape fruit FLOUR AND FEED â€" Puryit, Five Ro«;$ and Royal Household. Bran, Shorts, Screening of all kinds, chop Beef Scrap, Oyster shell, oil cakes, and feeding molass- es by the gallon or barrell. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Se*ds, Crocertea and Confectionery Flesherton

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