; .V INCREASING SPRAYING EITICIENCY Some Details That Make a Great Difference in Results. BY EDWARD HUTCHINS. «Aa the spr&ying ae«aon U h*r« s spreading spray, which is better for fsw imi'-.-.lint essentials to euccesgfui smaH trees, or may be changed to a â- work may be noted. Several things long, s'.ender column that has greater *ra nect^^ary in or4er to secure effi- capacity and reaches the large trees «ient and aatisfaclliry results. The more thoroughly. Most of these, tgo, ; pcnper material mu«t be applied at the a^e supplied with a need!« that forces right time and in the proper manmer. obstructions out of the opening in the' V«ry much depends on the last, and it nozzle and prevents clogging. is of this w« wish to writ* at this j leak in relief valve. ti""*- â- â- u t, • ' ^'^" another leak that sometimes A good pressure wvth the pump "takes place and reduces the pressure an impertant matter, and there are a j^ •„ ^^^ ^^.j^j ^^j^^^ although this is ; number of things affecting ttis that ^,. ^ common perhaps, as that in the »re so smali as to escape the notice <,W-fashioneiI plunger, and the wear in ! of one who is no* familiar with all of ^^ ^^^.^^ particularly if the amount ! the details of the operation. For, if ^j ^^^^^^ de^livered is properly adjust- f rom any cause the pressure is too low, ^ jj, ^^^ material pas.ses through a shower is produced instead of a fine ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ ^^^j^ ^j, dijliver, mist, and the results are not so good, ^j^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ through the relief I Nor are all parts of the tree reached, ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ g^^^ as the carrying capacity is much les^ jj^^gg ooMiderable trouble i« caueed in If a person has a hand pump equipped ^y^^ ^,y especially if one hasnt had with the proper nozzle, a pressure of ^^^j^ experience with spray rigs and eighty to 100. pounds may be obtained, j,^ ^ learned all about these thing».4 and fairly good work may be done ^^^ j^^-^ -^^ ^.j,^ ^^^^^^ g^^^^y ^ ^^ with such an outfit, but in commercial p^pg^ ^^ ^^ deliver about all the! orchards power rigs are in general p^^p ^^^pn^ ^nd still keep up the' use, and with the quantiy of material pr^gure, and, of course, this means ' these put out a much higher pressure ^j^^^ ^j^^ p^^^^^p gjjouJd be bought of the 'â- must be maintained. Experienced pj^pep capacity to meet the buyer's' orchardists agree, I think, that from „^^jg^ ^ larger pump is required to 226 to 250 pounds is about right Some „„ ^^^ ^^^ ^, j^^^ ^.j^^^ ^f ^he work - . v x, â- ., â- . ^i, .h», think 300 pouni-a none too low, but my i^ to be done by one person. This can '" Canada by the Canadian Pacific Railway. Of the best Brltlsu stock tney own opinion io that equally as good re- ^^ governed to a considerable e.xtent, '<'<'l' 'lie Part ami a finer crowd of children and young people could not be salts are obtained with the lower pres- however, by regulating the speed of found anywhere In the world. Catch them at this age and Uiey are complete sure mentioned, and when it runs ^^ engine. The wearing parts of re- Canadians in a few years. These are the type of immigrant Oiat Canada Is above 250 pounds the troubles with jj^ valves can usually be renewed at hungry for and is always glad to have, .\bove are shown the Nlcoll family bursting hose and various .eaks in g^^jj ^^^ ^ut this is a matter that connectiona and points, both in ho«e j.^„ij^ attention. If the pressure and pump, rapidly increase. - Expert- : ^j,g j^^^ ^^ there is no leak past ments have been made with pressures ^j^^ plungers, and the opening in the afflihe way as high as 800 pounds, and ^ ^^^j^ jg ^^t too large, then the diffi- caroful observations may show some ^^^ ^^y ^ ^^y.^ f^,. £„ jhe worn economies in saving both in material p^^s of the relief valve. KEEa»ING ADJUSTED. Spray rigs, like all complicated ma- chines, need to be properly adjusted in order to do efficient and satisfactory work, and in doing rapid and thorough But a characteristic of spray rigs spraying, it is necessary that the generally i.s that while the pressure proper pressure be maintained. I have may be â€" and usually is at the start â€" ! seen men attempting to spray when a31 right, it gradually runs down, and ! only a coarse shower was being deliv- the cause of this slow decrease is ob- [ ered that only reached part of the scare. This is ordinarily due to two , trees, and they didn't seem to compre- causes, both on account of wear, one , hend that everything wasn't going aH in the pump and the other in the noz- j right .4nd men have complained zle. The old style of pump, which is ^ that their rigs wouldn't keep up the still U9sd to some extent, has a sinirle ' pressure and they couldn't find out BIPPO'S MIST.4KE BY M.^RJOKiE VANCE. It waj Gei*rude':( psi^-y that nus»'d all the tr.-)UDie. Thi'y bad all b«;i a worirfierfu! rime, and *\erybo<ly wh» happy. Bippo wm ~o happy Ihar hir^ .short tail thumped the floor very faat and hard. For a whole y«iir Bippo haJ been petted and loved by his little mistress, .^c her laiit party Uncle Jim had brought his finest airdole puppy a.s h present for her. He was just a iitc: happy she threw her arms around L'ni'ie Jim'd neck ari he sat down on the itoor beside h*r. "Ob, Uncle Jim!" cried Gertrudw, ^ •It's the .licest present I ever had." â- .A.11 by himseif in the comer, Bippo ' made beie^e he was' asleep, but ha ' ketit openitvg one eye to peek. '_ Poor Bippo! Every day he woold ^ait for Gertrude to ooine honie from school. Then there would be one liappy , brown curly bail, then, aud Gertrucie .^Iinuto while »he raced with him to ' had squealed with joy when she saw , the door. But inside tht- house it was I him jali changed. Once insiao. she ran to I It had been Ger^ide who nam«i ! ""'i Pr''*'*.*^' '^ "^.\ ^"d^ ^^ ! him Bippo, ju.-t for Tin. j ^nd tf'-*^ th*y *«"* without another So they had i)een very happy to- and time, but with the ordinary orchardists thsse are too small to be very important, and such high pres- sure aie hardly feasible. CAUSE OF OBCRBASED PRESSURE. Farmers generally have not yet come to know the value of a sharp pencil in making the various Wnes of farming profitable. : gether, playing and having good times I Bippo loved Gertrude more and more ' every day. I And then tlie teirible thing hap- I pened. .^fter the party was all over ; and the children had gone home, who 1 should come and ring the front door- . l>ell but Uncle Jim, juet as he had â- come the year before to bring Bippo iiiinself. Under his arm was a loiig box. Bippo leaped up and down and yip- ped welcomes to Uncle Jim. Gertrude ! hugged his hand and begged to see w^hat was in the box. "Now how in the world did you know there was .something for you in ^ that big box?" teased Uncle Jim. ".\11 I right, my dear. Here you are, and I hope you'll like it as well as my last present." He patted Bippo's head merrily. Bippo struck a curious black no.se down into the paper wrapping inside most profitable cow for the practical ! tho box and sniffed his disgust. Then butter-maker to keep. he walked off to a far corner and lay CHIPS OF THE OLD BLOCK FOR CANADA Here are a few examples of the class of settler that is being brought over Farmers should learn to tie knots appropriate to the taslt at hand. Good thjought of Bippo. He grew .lonesomer and lonesomer all by himself. Finally one day when I nhe was away at school, Bippo made I a bad mistake. As he lay on the rug ' in the playroom, he could see Poca- hontas sitting propped up agaiiist the wall where Gertrude had left her. Bippo knew in his faithful littla lieart that before Pocahufltas had coma he had all Gertrude's love and , tUl her company. Bippo cocked his ' shaggy head' on one side and looked at the doll. There was nobody else up- stairs, and Gertrude wouldn't get 1 home for quite a while. All of a sud- ' den Bippo made a rush toward the ' doll, grabbed her dress in his mouth, and ran with her out of the room. He took her intx) the guest room and into the ciwet. Then he dropped her. When Gertrude come home fron\ .=!chool that afternoon, Bippo followed her to the playroom. She hunted all over the room in vain for Pocahont^aa. Mother tried to comfort her. "Perhaps you didn't leave her in the playroom, dear," she suggested, "Are you sure?" â- 'Yes, I know I did. Mother. Slio down. Gertrude drew out ot the box the most gorgeously dressed Indian doll • uf v. t â- • *â- » The cow that makes the most butterlk^^ts^are those which can be easily ; with feathers anflbeadson her le^^^^^^^ ^.-'^GerrrudiTinU^Sft^^ from a given amount of feed is the | tied, are secure, and easily undone, [dress. Such a doll! Gertrude was so ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ thVdoi: had rested. » Bippo knew someliow that they were talking about her. When they pointed to a spot -on the wall he crawled to a comer unhappily. But when he saw- tears in Gertrude's eyes, and heard h^r crying so pitifully, he was very sorry indeed, for he knew she was crying about Pocahontas, and it was his fault. He lapped her hand with hi.<? pink tongue and poked his nose under her hand. But she was .•w unhappy that she hardly noticed. Poor little Bippo! There didn't seem to be any way to make her lovo him again. He had not often been naughty before, and no one knew that I ho had now. If only she would play with him again. But he hadn't yet The Canadian Homlmaker A jerits of weaTt/u artic/as coferinj PLANNING . DECORATINQ BUILDING . FINANCING FURNISHING . GARDENING A BEAirriFUL BORDER OF ANNUAI5 plunger out of sighlj and this is sure ^ what the trouble was, and when a to wear and allow the liquid to flow , worn nozzle was suggested, they never past it, and in time allows the pressure . had thought of that. to become too low for effective service, weiak on pumps. yet to a person not accustomed to such Qf course, pumps, like all other ma- a machine, the cause of the disease is yy^^s^ â- ^-^.j.r out in time and must be scarcely more than a guess. The stuff- 1 pep'^ced. I used to have the pump ing box through which the plunger rod I p^jj^^gj .^^ ^j,^ machine shop in two passes scon begins to leak, but this ^ y^^^g^ jj„j j^ another two years had can be seen and the packing tightened, i ^^ ^^^^ j^^ ^^^ ^^h tho.se we get lately but not so with the plunger, which is. ^^^^.y^ „^„re ^^^r may be obtained. But inside of th? cylinder and out of sight. I ^^j^jj ^,i ^f ^y^^^ the pressuro gradu- ^^,,.,^^,. ^,^, When thnre Ls much fall of pressure ^-jy ^^^^ j^,^ ^^j j^ i^ important to! j^,jj article , -^ â€"^ - this is usually tho scat of the difficulty I j^j^^j^ftp,. this. The first pi a«e to look ^^^^ i>«-iUon of the border will bs' are half tall or intermediate in height for a small border. Koohia (Summer, He teased her to follow him, bark- and it is necessary at once to take out • • • „....,, i ' - i . _. .. ,^ > i ...... ,-r â€" ^^„Il„„.^ !„.. „^a _.,„•,. „™ i,.,..i, „^.\ ^„-fu ..„fi'. By Henry J. Moore. One ot the many ways in which our in another Marigolds and so on. There : For rear of bonierâ€" Snapdragon In , ,, ^ ,, , , home surroundings may be made is no rea.son however that we shouUr any color, the tallerkind^. .\ster, tall earned that the way to make peop^ beautiful in summer is by sowing the not have two or three patches of one kinds, any color, .\lousoa, tall kinds, love you is by bemg good instead of seeds of annual flowering plants In; kind of annual, if so, these should be any color. borders at the sidea of the lawn or by distributed widely apart so as not to planting out annuals which have been create monotony at any part of the raised indoors. It is however with the , border, former mulhod that we will deal in I The taller annuals should be sown (."ontaurea (Blue bottle), naughty, any color, Co^moH (Mexican .^sterl. But seeing her -so unhappy made not however the vory tall kinds, any Bippo very much ashamed of what "he color. Hellanthus (Sunflower) only had done. He wanted her to have krnds which do not grow more than Pocahontas back again, if only she at the back o( the border, those which about i^ ft., howuver. are desirable would stop crying. '. is in the pump. -See that the plungers] ^-^^ ji^j-t consideration It should be in the iSTTddle and tho dwarf kinds be the piston and renew the packing, jj^^ ^.gri^ing ^^1,0^^ ^^y j^^ak. If there! „,^n am, s„„uy ;jq(1 ^o located that sown along tho front. Annuals, say, around it. j ;, ^^f,^ here, then see if the opening j ^^ater will not stand for any length of 1 which are more than two and one half The style of pump with the plung- j^ ^he nozale is not too large. If ro-! (;„;,, (hat is. it should not be in a de- feet in height, may be considered tall, ers, usually two or threo in number, ^ jjy^.j„|, t^;^ j^g „„t ,.245,, t^e pres-sure,] p,.esaioa from which water cannot, from fifteen inches to two and a half in sight, anvi with the packing under a then Icok after the relief valve and .seel dr^i,, .^ freedom from the roots o( i feet -intermediate, and from fifteen if the this. band around the plunger at the top of the cylindiT aw more reliable and more easily adjusted, as the leak can be readily seen and stopped, simply. by screwing down the attachment for this purpose and without having _to take the whole pump apart. It is a •implo and easy task tu pumps from leaking. W< , . one a whole sea-son, and done a lot of ; ",, liquid is not flowing through What Are You Worth? Cypress). Lavateru (Tree Mallow), ing and running back and forth until white, rose. Malope (Mallowwori), she went with him into the guest room, rose, white, pink. Nicotina (Flower- \ and peered into the dark clo.set. Bippo ing Tobacco Plant), white, rose, car- ' plunged into the corner and backed mine, crimson. Petunia, tall, to be out meekly, stubby tail drooping, with trained to pieces of brush. Salpiglos- , Pocahontas dangling in his mouth. Ho trees and .=hrub3 is also desirable for; Inches downwardâ€" dwarf. ! ^^is. many colors. Scablosa (PIncus- ! dropped her at Gertrude's feot very annuals will not grow well where If it is your desire to make a bed of h ion Flower) varying from crimson , gentry, and looked up with pleading â- • • '* *-'•â- •' •• beautiful eyes. With a Mjueal of joy, Gertrude pick- ed up tho lost doll, and hugged it tight in her arms. Then sh? looked at Bippo who was lying in the corner looking very lonesome and sad. All of a sud- den slie remembered how he had been left out of all her fun ever since her not grow , • 1,1 u 1, these mat throughout the border. j annuals in your lawn and not a border to white througb The soil most satisfactory Un- the 'at the side, the procedure will be dif- r^hades. Sweet Pea«. growth of annuals is a porous sandy iferenL.as the annuals should properly | por middle of Border- How much are you worth? To the loam, one which can easily be worked. : be about the same height throughout (Everlasting). Celosia most of u< the answer is very puz-i Heavv clav soils are not satisfactory. 'the bed. and might even be sown with\-oekseomb) yello â- asy tasK i.. kwp the.se j^,.^ ^^^^ perhaps of a variable (.uan-'but where th-y exist may be made so an Individual variety. However it is leakii^g. We "'-^ve "sed, " *'_^j^^^^^^^,^ ^^ ^^^ ^,^^. g^^^ ^^J ^y the addition of stable manure orjnot proper to cut up your small lawn ieason, and done a lot of j^.^^'^j ^^ ^ professor of chemistry in oth.^r organic matter such as leaf soil, areas and it will pay you to make a work with it without so much as «*" j „„^ „f* „.. univer-^ities if the average- Upon the manner in which the soil is bonier rather than a bed. mowing the packing. If new packing.^ ^^^^ ^^^^ divided into the e'e- ' prepared to receive the seeds will! The seeds in the patches should be many mum, rose. ! white. I ro red. orange. (Vcruclinium (Feathered w red. Chrysanthe- . white, yellow, orange, scarlet. ! Clarkia, pink, orange, scarlet, CoHinsia, purple white, violet - siztru iiiHll wtrr«3 uiviucu iir.,.. ii.^ ^ t- .--i- -- ..-• VfellOW. EscllSCholtZiu IB needed a strip of stout cl«th, ''K®:' ts of which his bodv is composed largelv depend success or failure. It sown evenly and tliiuly and should be j (Culifornlan Poppy), rose, yellow, bed-tickinrg, perhaps an inch wide, and , ^^^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^^^ ^^_^^^^ enough to wash , is better to use a fork when preparing | (hovered very lightly with fine fertile | scarlet, crimson. Gaillardla. white. se. Coreopsis (Calllopsls) tall kinds, P»rty. She knew ho had had his pun- folded, makes a good and durable WEAR IN THE NOZZLE a pair of blankets iron enough to ' the border in spring than the spade, as | so" by means of Ihe rake or prefer- 1 rose, lilac. Hellchrysum (Everlasting) m«ki. tt ten nennv nail lime enough toi with the fork the soil may ITe broken ably by screening the Boil over them. [ aj,any colors. Delphinium (Larkspan. whitewash a good-sized chicken coop, i much more evenly, a condition which ! One eighth to one quarter inch will 1^1,^8 to lilac, mauve, purple. Mari- Another cause of reduced pressure, phosphorous e^ugh to make a hu':^ i« necessary .so ,hat the fine roots "[ ;;"f ^^\"> 'iTone^sTh ^%Teet' frj^- -'[^fl" . ""'T â- '^°^\r''^ and equally unsusp^-cted. i., the wear ' dr^d matches, and sulphur enough to | the annuals may readily penetrate '^^^ '^^.^^^^.l^l^^^^l^^^^^ -^^K :. " ''"""•.. ^'ff'" In the no/zle. The liquid flowing ; klB the floes on a medium-sized dog. , the growth of the plants be not «--lie=l'-; f^/^^^^j^" ""'â- " ^ '^"^"'â- ^ =»""'" °»«i (Love in a Mist^. blue, purplish blue. through the opening in the nozzle at i At the store where these minerala, ^^\ If Ihe soil has a reasonable residue' Generally in latitude 44 deg. j Poppy, aay color. Schizanthus (llut- , . r " •! ) j„..iK.' »ij 4.i,»„ .„..,'^ ivo r.,>.-oi-.>.co.) f,.r ' It me son aus a reasoiiuuie resiuuo • ••• -• --=• theiterfiy Flower), tiowers blotched gold a high pressure as it does, gradually are sold, they cou^d be purcnasea tor , , . .. > timp »r» <wnv iinmiM'^ is durliur tho I'nf ' «, . 1.1. ,1 , , .r. J 1 j-i» ' 1- .. • * â- u^ I. T., ti,« u,, of huuius (decaving orgauic matter) ""'e '•" *"" annua.s is (uiring ine last brown, white yellow, purple. Sweet wwars thus aw«y and a larger differ- about ninety-eight cents. In the hu-j"' ' year's iimlic-itlon it will not two^veeks of May in Eastern Canada.' •nee in its capacity th.an one would man body, though, the-se elements are fâ„¢"l«J'^t^>;:"'-^^^ ^he west coast about six to eight euspect,. is caused. It is a principle so bound together with a thinking k,,^,," .,, si.-inir If however weeks earlier. If the soil is at all dry brain that the value of a person is '"» "order in sp.liii,. 11, uowcver, ' SuHan, yellow, white, ro9<.». Zinnia, yellow, orange, shades of purple red. in mathematics that a square describ- ed on a given line is four times as large as one described on half that line. .\ two-inch square has four tbnes the area of a one-inch square. The same principle applies to circles. and as the round opening in the nozzle our daily tasks, giving little or no at- wears away, its area increases very tention to the fuel as long as it is rapidly :i"-d allows tho liquid to flow .sati.-fying? Nutrition specialists have through much more freely. In this proven, though, . that the food with way tlK> pressure is very materially which we refuel our bodi<».s is relative reduced. i to the efficiency with which we exc- Nozzles are frequently supplied with cute our daily work. The same spe ^ ^ , .- ._. â- i„n .,„,i the soli does not contain enough it not to be estimated 111 dollars and "',, , _ , , . ,, . T * i "â- '" be necessary to apply short well '^'â- '',\^' , . r. 41 â- 1 J- «._' rolled manure and to fork it in. Hav- But (k> we not often think of our.. •• iug forked the border the uext step is to r:ike the surface very linely with a steel r;ike aud to remove stones or anything likely lo obstruct the growth bodies as machines, requiring food as fuel to keen them running, to execute it should he carefully watered as soon as tho s?e.ls are sown by means of a can with a line sprinkler The surface of the soil, however, should, not be (loode<l to disturb the seeds. .After permiuatioQ and wheu the seedlings are about two or three of tl'e plants. The liner the surface ""-'hes hl«b they should be thinned out soil down to a depth of three or four distances apart according U) their ulli- inches the belter will b? the growth ""»"? height largely between the lirails of the annuals and the more beautiful "^ '""r to twelve inches apart greater spacing being allowfsl in the I For front'of borderâ€" .\gera turn, blue, ! white. Alyssum (Sweet Alysson) white, bluish lilac. Snajidragon. only \ dwarf kinds, any color. Calendula j (Pot .Marigold), rose, scarlet, purple. yellow. Candytuft, crimson bine, car- mine, rcse. lavender IJIanthus (.An- nual Pinks), colors various. Enchari- dium. rose, bluish white. Eutoca. blue. Oilla, lavender .Meseiubryan- The themum (Ice Plant), Leptosiphoii, the border. an extra disk, but these have openings of different sizes, and with the ordi- nary power pumps the .siiialler open- ings are too small to deliver sufficient liquid and besides, the smaller capa cialists a 'so tell us that our daily diet i^ nvist ofl?n deficient in limo, iron, and phosphorus. It is oiie of mother's big jobs to see that h?r family is properly fed. that city and le»« work done, the exces.s of they may hold fast to that most d°- liquid passes through the relief valve sirable quality, hc.nlth. Tho year is at and causes extra wear there. I have the spring, the sea.son of lagging appe- rcduce<I the »iz« of the opening in tites, end perhaps at nn other time. disks having a single round opening, is the fa;r.ily fc )d q.iestion deserving by laying it on an anvil or flat iron of moro careful attention by mother surface and striking it with a hammer and all the members of the family. Jiavng a round head, or with a punch, 1 .» and then running a smaM drill through j The little chicks are not one bit b«<t- H to moke it round and smooth, as the ter off where you insist on feeding; taregular hole doe« not deliver bo per- 'them before they are forty-eight hours: fectly. Tlie pn>per size for the ordi- ' old. In fact, their chances for devel- ' nary pump'* is about threa-thirty-sec- 'oping into useful birds are much en- onda of an inch. A small drill of thi« , hanccd by such delay. •Ize only costs a few cents. A part of tho efficient power spray] "The character of a poopie i.-f '.^I'ge' rig Oist :! almost essential is thejly shaped by the homes in which tiiey] apmy gun. If- i.i Aort and much more , dwell. Th^ profoundest influences of j conveni'PTiT tb.Tn th«» long spray-rod, | early childhood are *ho*e of the family ! •nd is n.^jiistab'e, gning eithor a widejcircl*" With the border fo prepared tho pro- cedure i» now to murk off ilie areas in which to sow the seeds. With a point- ed stick make more or less circular patches as shown on the plan and within the limits of each circle sow an individual variety of seeds; thus in one we would have Phlox Drumniond) and S^''''^"- masses nearer the rear of iho border as tl:p planis ar'-> of a lall and more spreading nature than the dwarf ones along the fmnt. The following list of annuals will be satisfactory for the oiiflnary border s.ich as may be found in tho hverngc Linum LobeUu, Kreuch. copper, wliite, scarlet. lose, lilai (Flax), blue, yellow, crimson, blue, cobnll. white. .M.irlgold. yellow, orars*. Tdignonette. brick red. iVasiuriium. dwarf, any color. Nomeein. rose, purple, pink, carmine. Phlu.^ IJrummoudl, color varicu.s. Horluhica. many colors. Vor- hen.i, blue purple, v.iii;^, rcsi-. Ct CR HE B»E' ishment by being so unhap^Jy. So she didn't say a word about the mischief he had done. But after supper, the three of them p'jiyed together until bedtime, (Jert- rude, Pocahonta.s and Bippo, who could hardly keep still a minute he was ao happy, and after that they always played together, all three. O- Let the Water Walk. Running water indoors is still just a dream on most Canadian farms. Five years ago, when the la.st census W.1S taken, iiii:,.' out of ten farmers figured it would cost tc«i m.uch. Probably half of them figure tho .same way to-day. Yet a workablo water system can often be installed at less than the cost of a rrew hinder. ,\nd there is hardly a farm which can- not afford some improvemont over tho woman-killing method of floundering with heavy buckets, year ig and out, to and from the well. One farm wife trudg.^cl thousands of miles before it was found that a hundred fe?t of pii'.<> made it possible to move the pump into the kitchen and>, let the water do tho wa'kin;;. We are just wondering if Mothor- Nature, too. has become careless in her attitude toward the law. and slip- ped another wintsr in the pls^-* of spring. .A TYPICAL ANNUAL BORDER BEAUTIFUL HOMES •rhe Mart/ean Builders' Guide gives valuable daLi and aids In solving problems relating to plan- ning, building, financing, decorat- ing, gardening and furnishing. Profusely illustrated. Homes of all types shown in various sfcHons if tho country. Send Twenty Cents for a copy. Qnettlons answerod, MacLean Building Report.^, Ltd., S44 .Vdelaide St West. Toronto.