WEDNESDAY, APIIIL 28, 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE »'â-º. ENGLISH TWEED SUIT _ This Kuit is everythintf that the name implies; nvaterial used is a Krty. blue-tinted cloth. Wonder^ ful bargain. Special price is |12,25. FANCY MEDIUM DARK GREY SUIT Mt-ri who buy this 8uit may be well assured of a good Bi))iearaiice, for the material la k mediiwn Krrey twi-vd with a fine stripe at the low price of YOUNG MEN'S SUMMER SUIT Another btyli&h luw priced suit that has good appcarncu, and yet will give good wear. Price $19.50 Another uit on our^^pecial table is a nxan's brown worsted with a fine stripe. The materia] U .qI a very sujierior quality. Price fSO.OO. F. G RAHSTEDT FLESHERTON • THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE W.M.S AM) LADIKS AID OF I'KICKViLLE INITED CHURCH Published on Coiiiajfwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Pric% in Canada, $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A. $2.50 per year, when paW in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, P.J. THUIUSTON Corrected Facts of the Priceviile Post Office and Town Plot ^of In .spite of almost impassable roads a good attendance marked the monthly meeting of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid of St. Columba Uni- ted Church, Priceviile, held at the Manse on the afternoon of Wednes- day, April 21. The^neeting opened with a hymn and Scripture reading Editor b^- the president of the W.M.S., Mrs. Asst. Editor -MtCormacI). Prayer was offered â- ^^w,^^ ^y ^â- '^- R- W. Vuuse and| sentence ( prayers by several members of the Society. Miss V. K. McMillan gave an interesting paper on "The Pray- ers of Oriental (Ohristians.t based from the chapter of the Study Book, and Mrs. Robt. Parslow read an art- icle on "Kveryday Thanksgiving." Two enjoyable musical numbci-s were given, a solo by Mrs. (Dr.) Blako, and a duct by Mrs. H. B. McLean Delegates were Editor Advance: Dear Sir:â€" Your issue of April 14, ^^^ M'ss Watson, contained a short history of the or- «PP°'"'pJ to attend the meeting of the Grey Presbi'terial held on Jn Tuesday, April 27th in Owen Sound. In the absence of the President, nrx. .1- /-.I , , . . •'^'•â- s- L. McArthur, the Ladies' Aid When the Glenelg and ^ Artemes.a convened with Mr. John Williamson in the chair, and several items of gani;'.atioM of Priceviile Post Office, and settlement of town plot, which I find several errors. When the Glenelg and > townships were survyed, Lot 34, Ist Con North, Glenelg, and Lots 1 to 5, i,^3i„,.„ ,,,,^; jj „,^j „f Refresh South and Northo of Durham Road „,g„t, „„j ^ ,„^^i„, ,,_^,f ^^„^ brought Artemesia, were reserved for a Iowa Rivre. The 50 aero lots on this so- River. The 50 acre lots on t^is so called "Durham Road," were grant- ed to settlers who would build a small house , and clear a few acres. Many colored i)eoplc livin;^ along the southern border of Ontario, who had rreviou.sly escaped from iilanlalions in the Southern States of Maryland, tHe afternoon to a close. A REMARKABLE WILL A unique will was filed last week for probate at the county building in London by the executors of the estate of the late William North- graves, McGillivrny t|Ownship farm- er, who died March ."Jlst Under the Virginia, and other places, were at- te^ms of the document, his widow tracted by this free ofler of land, „n^, ^^^^ daughters, Mary and Agnes, and settled on nearly all lots between the village are bequeathed tho two front rooms .sm-vey, and east along ^j ^j,^ f^^Hy duelling on the farm, the Durham Road to the Toronto Line Ranges. In 1851 Wm. F'erguson of Orill- a bedroom together with one-third of the collar, and last/ of all arc granted the right to take and use came to the scene and secured '^'"^^r from the well. Another clause Lots C and 7, First South, and 6, Con 1, North, Artemesia, and in 1852 a postoffice was being organized un- from the will directs that his son, William, and heirs, executors or administrators, shall from time to der act, with W. F'erguson as Post ^''^^e supply deceasod'.s wife and Ms Master, under the government of <'auehters with good flour, meals and Lower Canada. The Post Master's ready-cut fuel, all to he delivered salary for the next year was ten shillings ($2.50.) There was some discussion about the name of the Postoffice and Town Plot â€" some free of charge. In the event of the daughter.^ maiTying, their inter- est in said rooms and cellar shall cease. The will disposes of estate while settlers piM,po.sed "Groves ^a'"*"'' «' $21,000, divided between End," but the colored faction having ^he widow, two sons and two daugh- the majority, called the name Price- viile, after the engineer, Price, who surveyed the town plot . I cannot tiers. The man who says a woman can't oui-tj^u ....I ....... 1-..^., . » ....wv j^^^ ^ secret probably never tried vouch for the current story that . ' j '- >-' L ,, -n â- 1 J I \- â- ,1 asking one of them her age. Mr. Price had been active in the * scheme of smuggling the runaway slaves across the Niagara River to "Queen Victot'ia's Clountry," which , scheme was nicknamed, "The Under- ground Railway." l/pon certain signals given in the dark of night, I young men would slip (juietly out on, the river, and row across to the Am- erican shore, and sympathizers there would place the runaways in boats to be conveyed over to British soil.' The blacks were generally veryj nervous for fear of capture, and the excitement of flight, until they were ' clear over the river, and some of thorn, realizing that they stood on British ground, would leap up in the air, and whout, "I'se free, I so fn'e." Engineer Price was a white man and had a camp on the. \illage plot near the Saugcen. John McAuley of C^flAedtAii, a .scotchmtan, bufilt the next house in town, and made, and repaired boots and shoes. Others j quickly followed, David Yeomans of, Belleville brought up about a doien | Frenchmen, and camped on the Mill .property for a couple of seasons,' while clearing and, cropping about 150 a^cs, hewing timber, and build-| ing saw mill, grist mill, and tlic dam on the Saugeen for power. A few season afterward. Job. Diggs, the first colored man located in the vill- age, a cooper by trade, who made a comfortable living, and when he died, left a nice little hank account, j Then in the early 'fiO's many of the ^ colored residents on the 1st ronce8«-| ion, w^pst and of town sold their] fifty ^rre farms, and some scatter-! VI to Owen .Sound, Collingwood, ' and Ann Arbor, Michigan. Many others built log cabins along the ln*-o most n' ihcrly street* in town which cAiiBcd thatf sectiion of the villnpe to be raUed ''Little Africa." â€"OLD RESIDENT The one best way! Each year there are more people you can sell. The finest kind of intro- duction to ther.e new comers is to call them up on tlie telephone â€" by Local or Lonp Distance as the case may require. Many merchants always call up a new customer by Lons Distance before sendinpr a salesman to see him. Think how much difference it makes in the kind of re- ception the shicsman gets! All around you, in outly- ing towns, are custom- ers who will be as glad to have you call them by telephone as you will be to sell them. Don't over- look the one best way of winning and holding their friendship â€" the telephone. BE'rrS â€" McMULLEN St. John's United church parson- age, Flesherton, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wed- nesday afternoon, April 28th, when Ella Lottie M'cMuUen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McMullen, Flesherton, became the bride of Mr. Francis L. Betts, one of Artemesia townBhlj>'s popular and pi(>spr^ous young" agricultuBistli, and youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts, Collingwood gravel. Rock Mills. The Rev. Wni. R. Clements officiated The offly relatives present at the ceremony were two sisters of the groom, Mrs. C. Newell and Miss Mabel Betts. The fair young bride looked sweet in a . pretty frock of powder blue taffeta and black satin shoes. Shortly after the ceremony the happy young couple left on the af- ternoon train for a honeymoon trip to Toronto, the bride wearing a beautiful navy blue coat and rosebud hat. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome grey squirrel choker. The yoiuig couple will reside on tlie farm on the Collingwood gravel. Their many friends join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous voyage through life. are those before 30 when he is pain- Fined Five I>ollar8 and ^osts Each fully acquiriag wisdom and a living , Wontan's sl.»r declines around thef Two Carrick youths who were forties. Men are then at their best j charged with writing obscene lan- In old age, woman again has the ad-,guage in some of the scholar's books vantage. Th ra is always something and on the blackboards of the school for her to do, While men, leaving , house of S. S. No. 5, Carrick, ap I business, arc likely t^ stagnate and peared before Magistrate McCarc I rust. ;A1I thiti is but preliminary | ney at Mildmay on Thursday last. ' to a remark we heard by a citizen On being found guilty tht Magis- I the other n orning. "I woke this'trate imposed a fine of five dollars I morning 'an 1 heard my first robin ' and also ordered them to pay for [of l'.)26. The ground was frozen ' damage done to the school property and cold, I it the bird was singing to the extent of |17.00. â€" Mt. Fqrest lustily. I have wondered how I , Confederate. ' would kno-; .Vhen age began to| . creep on n: -. I believe it will bo when the first robin of the spring! •''"* Bowes* predictions of the doesn't t(ug at my heart." i weather a year ahead are about as \ ! accurate as the Toronto Observatory rnan a day ahead. â€" Milverton Sun security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date said execu- tors Vrill proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the cOaims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribotion. Dated at Durham this 3rd day of May, 1926. â€" C. C. MIDDLEBRO. Solicitor for the Executors. I never knew Jones had twins." '•My dear. He married a telephone ^girl, ai d of course she gave him the wrong number. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ttlioy have no potato bugs in A1-' i)ert«, as the winters are too cool fori ' them.- Yet they can grow fine po-i I tatoos thei'e. It's an ill wind thatj 'lrto',.-s nobody good. l''rank Carter, IN THE MATTER of the estate of Emily Thompson, late of the Vill age of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Widow, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given pursuant I Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.S jO. 1914, Cap. 121, that all creditors I and others having claims or deniands the Omaha 'snip-) apainst the estate of said Emily The Tragedy of Aee The 'approach of middle-age may be a tradgedy for women â€" It is any thing but( that for a man. The ad- vantage is all with a girl in early youth. However humble her sphere she is likely to have her hour of glory. The lean years for a man PC' bandit," who is a former Bruce) Thompson, who died on or about the county boy, has been sentenced to 28th day of April, 1926, at the Vill- bc electrocuted in the Nebraska pen- ^^^ ^f Flesherton, are required on itentiary on July 9, for the muAler ^^ before the 20th day of May, 1926, of Dr. A. D. Searles of Omaha. to send by post, prepaid, or deliver I " . to the solicitor for the executors of The welcome given the little the last Will and Testament of the Princess of York was ^omewhat dif- said deceased, thSir Christian names I ferent from that accorded sevetral and surnames, the addresse and de- I other wee arrivals recently abandon- cription: the full partilulars in writ- 1 ed in woodsheds and empty houses i"K of their claims, a statement of in part.^ of Ontario. their accounts, and the nature of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Caroline Emma Fenwick, latte of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Widow. Notice is here- by given that all persons having any claimr, or demands (against the estate of Caroline Emma Fenwick, late of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, widow, deceased who died on or about the 9th d&y- of August, 1925, are required to forward their 'claims duJy proven to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May, 1926. And notice is hereby given that aft/er the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard to such claims as they will then have notice of. xDated at Collingwood, this 20th jday of April, 1926. j â€" Malcolm McLean, Drawer 20 Collingwood, Ont. Solicitor for the EjcecuboriB. g^! GIGANTIC SALE â€" OF AUTO TIRES AND TUBES I have just made a very attractive purchase of brand new fully guaranteed tires and tubes, which enables me to give to every car owner exceptional bargain prices. 30x3 V2 Clipper Cord (Standard), 5000 mile guarantee 30x3^2 Traction Junior (Oversize) 6000 mile guarntee 30x3 V2 Traction Touring (Full Ov- ersize) 8000 mile guarntee 30x^/4 Traction Sedan (Extra Hea- vy Duty) 8000 mile guarantee 31x4.40 Interchangeable Balloon, Fit 30x3V2» 8000 mile guarntee 29x4.40 S.W. Low Wheel Balloon, 8000 mile guarntee 31x4 S.W. Clipper Cord, oversize fits McLaughlin 4, 6000 mile guarantee 32x4.95 Traction BoUoon Interchan- geable, fits 31x4 S.W. Rim, 8000 mile guarntee 30x3V2 Standard Tubes $2.25. $9.45 11.65 13.85 16.50 17.95 16.95 19.65 3L95 31x4 S.W. Sedan Cord, full oversize, 8000 mile guarantee 32x4 S.W. Traction Touring, over- size; 6000 mile guarantee 32x4 S.W. Traction Sedan, full over- size, 6000 mile guarantee 33x4 S.W. Traction Touring, over-, size. 8000 mile guarantee 30x31/2 Extra Heavy Tubes $3.50. 34x4 KitchenerJTread, full ovetsize 8000 mile guarantee 34x4^2 Kitchener Tread, full over- size, 8000 mile guarantee ...*. 33x4V2 'Kitchener Tread, full over- size, 8000 mile guarantee 33x4.95 Traction Balloon Inter- changeable,fits 32x4 S.W. Rim, 8000 mile guarantee 30x31/2 Regular Grey Tubes $2.65 $ 24.95 23.95 28.95 24.95 3L50 39.85 34.95 32.50 Every Tire and Tube is fully guaranteed. This sale will be held for three days only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 13, 14 and 15 Special Free Offering for Saturday, May 15th TO IvVEKY OWNER WHO Pl'RCH.VSKS T\ .0 TIRKS AND TUirES I WILL GIVE A. WAY ARSO LUTELY FREE, YOUR CHOICE OF THE FOLLOWING: 5 Gallons of "Super Power" Gasoline Gallon Can of Marvelube Motor Oil These prices are below the mail order hous . in Toronto. Every tire purchased will be placed on your car Free of Charge. Owing to thest xtrem ely low prices it is necessary to sell for cash only. D. A. JACKSON Phone No. 20 ivIARKDALE P. 0. Box 191 Dunlop, Goodyear, Aines Holden and Dominion Tires 'M