Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1926, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY Stlii, WM 1 • < w A* ." The People's Grocery Kennedy's for Groceries When in town don't forget to shop at Kennedy's. Always a full line of fresh groceries in Stock. Ladies start your spring housecleaning with a new broom.We have many to choose from. New Dump for Refuse TOWN COUNCIL The village council niet in the t town hall on Afonday evening for a I short session with Reeve Meads in i the chair, and Councillors Findlay, Richardson and Stfuart present. The cleric announced that the as- j sessor, Mr. John Wright, had re turned the assessment roll of 1920 I and preentbd an account for salary of 125.00 and $2.00 for stamps. An account was received from H. LeGard for 75 cents for opening the drain in front of T. Clayton's store, and on a motSon by T. W. Findlay, seconded by F. Stuart, the accounts were ordered to be paid. I The Reeve reported for the com- I mifitee which was to select a place ] for dumping of rubbish and reported I that it had been decided to use 1 Wood street which runs nortih from the Collingrwocd gravel, east of the I sink hole. j Richardson â€" Findlay â€" That the ; report! of the committee re dumping ' ground be accepted, in whicb tbiy I decided to have all refuse dumped on Wool St., about 40 rods norther- jf • . The funeral of the late John . ly from CollingT,vood road, and that i 'At a meeting held in St?. John's C. Adams took place on Wednesday . the said st. be made passable f-^r church on Tuesday afternoon of the ' aternoon of last week from his home ; the purpose, and parties are here various congregations on the Flesh- ' half mile west of Flesherton, Rev. ! by required^^ttr^iove any obstruc- ierton circuit of the United church, it Wm. R. Clements officiating at bothjtion by way of feWs or otherwise. decided to go ahead with union with the house and grave. | The reeve stated t^ it was de- respect to the Fleshertbn churches a large crowd was present to pay'""*^"^ *^ '"''^''^ ^ '"^" grad«L,at on the same basis as those proposed their last respects to a man who has a year ago, with the formr Meth- been --.j:-* «i.„.„i, ^^A «o,»^.,„~« ur, r-^' , ~ ".'^"~ '.~~ r ""'sometime impossible tp secure a pdist church and parsonage tto be the pasb 48 years, comang here as a'_,„, .„ ;.„ t^.,^1:„ „.v„„ ;» «a»^ *«^ r^.^h-.r, Trnfh fl,» fnrn,»r -_ _._ L „o . __. ^._ i ^^ader frOm the ToWHShip whcH it is most needed. The matter was L W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 • Baseball Meeting aU of There will be a meeting of those Interested In the welfare the Fleshrton basball club on Thurs- day eveing, in the tbwn hall at 8 p.m. An elec'.ion of officers wiD be held, and prospects diseased for the coming season. â€" Geo, Mitebell, Preident; F.J. Thurston, Secretary. Advertise in The Advance Two Church's in Town To Unite at Once' The Late John Adams Mr. Sefton Improving Constable R. Plantt has received word fiom Dr. F. S. Vrooman, Med- ical S :pt of the Ontario hospital, Toomio, on the condition of Mr. i Sefton. who jumped over Eugenia falls during the winter, and says that; he is getting along nicely now, , , , , . .- w o -^â€" , A report was circulated that Mr. A large crowd was present to pay ^^j^ ^j.^^^ ;„ ^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^^ streefej Sefton was shell shocked at the wah, Thos. Camack, Kimberley Died Suddenly This A.M. Just 83 we a;-e going to press this Wednesday morning news was re- ceived of the death of Mr. Thomas Camack of Kimberley at his home there. Deceased was found lying in the yard between the house and barn and had apparently been sud- denly stricken by heart failure. Mr. Camck has been a long resident of Kimberley and his- passing is a shock to the citizens tjiere. PAINTS AND VARNISHES THAT BRIGHTEN UP SHERWIN WILLIAMSâ€" the old reliable, for inside and outside use. FLAT TONE â€" An ideal flat fini.sh for use on walls 'and ceiling-s etc It does not drag or pull under the brush or show brush marks. tS HERâ€" WILLIAMS LACâ€" A modern finish for renewing old floors, furniture, woodwork, etc. Easj- to apply, dries over night and when used on furniture will not stick to clothes. AUTO ENAMEL â€" Your car haay run well, but you will not be satisfied if it looks shabby, a coat of eham- el makes it look like new. Also top dressing etc. Call and get some color cards and the Household Guide. Stop making mistakes in painting. FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 . in the best possible shape, as it was a resident in these parts for ^- â-  ui ..u i/oiko •^"'- sometime impossible t^ secure but such is not tihe case, as Mr. Sef- ton was never overseas. IN MEMORY (By Selena Harris) osed for worship, with the former young man of 23 years of age. On ' JPresbyterian minister in charge. August 2nd, 1882, he was married to J~£^ ^^^^ Coniderable discussion took place Miss Eliza Lever, daughter of the Stuart.â€" Findlav That/ the first pn changing the outlying appoint- late Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lever, andi jt^j^^ ^f ^he coui-t of re%nsion on mentis of both Chalmer's and St. to them were born eight children, I ^^^ assessment roll be held on Mon- jTohn's chuirehes, bjit nothing defin- six of whom are living: Sarah (Mrs. j^jjj^ June 7th at 8 p m ite was arrived at. It is confident- Irwin) in the West; Emerson, Elm- ^ ly expected, though, that Eugenia vale: May ( Mrs. W. Brdtwn) in Os- ! .will be kept as a Flesherton ap- prey; Charles at Belvedeite, Alta.; I pointment of both Chalmer's and Dave at home and James in Toronto. ' St. John's churches, but nothing The deceased has been a hard ' As months keep turning into years, definite, was arrived at. worker and was obliged to leave his ' And memory lingers on. The commission consists of Rev. J. home at a tender age by the death While our souls cry out with long- L. Mclnnis of Owen Sound, who is of his fat^hy. He was bom near j ing. chairman. Rev. R. A. Spencer of London, Ont. For the past number : For a sight of one who's gone. Dundalk, Rev. W. H. Smith and Dr. of years he has been suffering with ,' Smith of Durham. It was pointed cancer of the stomach and last fall ^°"^ *« ^ better world, out by the chairman thati it was not the disease became acute and since '' â- ^^'^ ^^^^ "^ ^^' ^^°"^' their intention to force their decis- ,;hen he has been practicaUy helpless. 'â-  "^^ ^^^^ "'^'^ °^'" burdens of sorrow, ions on the people of the congre- All during his sickness he was tend- ' -'^"'^ *<"" °'*'' ^ins to atone, gations, but would largely be guided erly nursed and waited upon by his by their wishes, and that they want- y^-ife, who survives him, with extreme ed to meet the needs of all parties patience and tenderness. in their religious observances. ,To have something definite to Lots Not Sold The lots of the Flesherton estate w-ere supposed to have been up for sale at the office of the sheriff in Owen Sound on Tuesday aternoon, but after a few bids had been receiv- ed the sale was postponed for one month to take place in Flesheston, we understand. The council of Owen Sound has decided to allow a twenty-four hour session in all the city restaui-ants. This is due in view of the ever in- creasing tourist traffic, with motor- ists coming into the city at all hours of the night. First Class Merchant Tailoring Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Bird's Mackinaws. Stocking Legs & Yarn Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free ' We all know the meaning of friend- ship. And the worth of a loyal friend. The , friends and relatievs from a Like Father, Sister or brother, distance >vho attended the funeral Whoe friendhips never end. were: Mrs. G. L. White, Aylmer; T. C. Blakely, Harriston; Jas. Lever, Markdale; Mrs. S. Henry, Markdale; The only children away from home Once we had our dearest friend. But the Lord sent down his call, .A. call to our dear ro,other, Oh, God, you took our all. We are trying to be worthy. Of a love that once we had. work upon, it was moved by Mr. Jos. Blakely, seconded by Mr. Andrew Gilchrist, that the church union should take place at once, under the basis of union agreed upon last year. After some discussion this ^^ho were present were Emerson and was carried; the vote being 29 for '^""* and 1 against by St. John's church. The pallbearers were old friends of and 29 for and 6 against by Chal- *^^^ deceased Messrs. C. W. Bellamy, And where this great love leads us, mer's church, a number of the mem- J- Heard, S. Hemphill, W. Trimble, The world is not so sad. bers noh voting. ^^°- Arrowsmith and W. J. Bellamy. T,, ., , -, . u i. 'But your dear sweet memory. Delegations were present from The floral offerings were beauti- ^^^^^-^ ^^ ^.^j^ ^^ ^.^^ ^^.^^ Eugenia, Inistioge and Proton Station *"! and were given by tfhe following: ^^^ through life's daily toi'ls. and presented their views on the un- Wreath, the family; wreath, lO.P.; Forget thee we shall never, ion question. Eugenia emphati- sprays, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. White, cally stated that they desired to be jii-s. T .Blakely and Miss A. Lever, *'°i' ^'^ '^""^ >'°" ^5^ "°^ waiting, kept with Flesherton as an'appoint- jfr and Mrs. J. Lever and family, •'^"'^ '^^ ^''^ waiting too, menti, and this view was upheld by ,on. Jim; Mr. and Mrs. McWilliams, ^weot mother dear, wth you. Proton, for the reason that Eugenia sir. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. ^*""^ '^*^' ^°"^^ ^^ *'' ^^ together had been a member longer than they had and should have first choice as to whati circuit they wished to be cionnet^ted. The Inistioge congre- gation wanted fair play, and would be willing to accept any proposition that contained that, spirit. Rev. Mc- lnnis, during the discussion, stated that it was likely that Inistioge. Pro- ton and Bethel would be united un- der one charge, and that Eugenia would be connected with Flesherton. Before anything of this nature could be decided upon it was necess- ary for the commission V-> consuiJt the wishes of Bethel, who were not represented at the meeting. ITie chairtiiaii explained why union had not taken place last year, when wished by the two congregations, stating that there would be a large number of ministers without charges and condition.^ would have been con- fosed. Delay had taken pTace In circuits all ovej- the Dominion of those congregations who were anxious tb consummate union and that Flesh- erton was not the only place where adjustments had to fake place. 1 AV CTION SALE m, B i 'A credit auction sale of farm stoclj. implonienti-, household furn- ifnirc etc. will be held at Lot 20, Con 8, Osprcy, I'l miles east of Fever- sham, on Friday. May 14th, at 1 p. m. See learge bills. Carl Deadman, Pi-oprictOT". Wni. KaitXing, auction- eer. mi As intimated last week, Mrs. Boyd Thomnson pa-iscd away on Wed'sday last at t^e Hfce of seventy-six years. The funeral wa.«i held on Friiay. in- terment taking pXnce at the Presby- terian ceniotcry ii- Orange Valley, and was conduct' ' bv her pastor. Rev. J. Hairowev. Two nephews, Fred art! EdAsKn Crllcn f'-om Silver {Canadian Assets of Uncounted ^ Wealth CANADA'S progress in the development of her forests and wntcr powers has been in the nature of a tricmphal march toward suprem' acy. Here arc two tremendous industries that have grown in a few years to great proportions, forging ahead and developing hand-in-hand the i ieh assets of our practically unexploited tracts of timber and our hitherto unharnessed waterfall4.and streams. Can.idian [Production of newsprint is now pro- ceeding at the rate of more than a milLon and a half tons per annum and the industry net only employs thousands of men, but yields satisfactory returns to many invi:st6rs. It is one of Canada's newest and stror.scst branches of trade. Our main water-power developments have been followed by numerous new enterprises. Canada's abundance of water power will bring scores of manufacturers from below the border to this country. The Bank of Toronto has been of valuable Krvice in assisting the industries that arc building up the nation. But service to business of great mag- nitude haj never obscuied our conception of our duty to the people as a whole. The tran.viction involving a hundred d-l!ars is given the same willing attention as that which deals in larger amoii'.ts. It is this service to-all policy which has made of the Bank of Toronto an in»tituti(Mi worthy of the lin<~t traditions of (iinad'an banking. Everyone m.iy loo! certain of friendly reception and helpful co-operiiicn at any of our branches. BORN â€" At Vandeleur on Monday, May 3rd, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling (nee Edna Stewart) a daughter. H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM WHY does Chevrolet operate so much more satisfactorily and economically than other low-priced cars? How can Chevrolet offer such quality features as Fisher bodies, Duco Finish, VV one-piece wind- shield, dry disc clutch, banjo type rear axle, air cleaner, pressure lubrication, etc., and still re- main in the low-price field?â€" See the CMAS EMONSTRA "BANM! 'A^ Crer'v tv? fur.ot-al. '>;ia«m '•jowuff^^S ^n at'our showrooms Monday, May 17 An expert from the Chevrolet factory at Oshawa, using a cut-away motor and rear axle and a stripped chassis, will show how the Chevrolet valve-in-head motor functions and why it is so powerful and econ- omical; he will explain why the Chevrolet type dry disc clutch cjerates so smoothly; he will dem.onstrate by the use of actual parts why the banjo type rear axle is so s irdy and practical; why the new, larger brakes with equalizers add to your safety. The expert will especially stress such Chevrolet fea- tures as th air cleaner, three point motor suspension, braking ar a increased one-third, new type oil pump, belt-drive: generator, one-piece valve cover, improved cylinder h :ad and many others. Regardlcsr, of what car you drive or what car you are intereste-i^in, you will find this practical demonstra- tion intcr.-'sting and educating â€" it should be worth many d^.llars to you. New Chevrolet Prices R" :)S1TR and TOURING - - 758.00 a PE . • - 943.00 c ^H „ . 943.00 SEb _ 1063.00 ALL TAXES \Nl: L'LLdVERY CHARGES PAID D. McTAVISH 81 Son CC 130 81 PS

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