Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1926, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. MAY 12, 1928 .1 a %tf i The Service a ^ank Renders FROM the very moment produc- tion of a commodity is planned until, throQKh' the channels of commerce, it finds its way to the consumer it must be financed. In providing funds to finance production and dis- tribution, banking renders one of its' maior services to the Community. THE STANDARD BANK OP CAJiiAJaA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager i i Eugenia Basiq Open Now W. E. MORGAN OF EUGENIA TO I8SLE PERMITS AT 50C. PER DAY â€" EXPECT EXCELLENT FISHING. BORN C.P.R. TIME TABLE the Late Hugh Watters Mr! Hugh Watters, Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: ^ . ., • one and a half miles east of Price- Going South Going North ville, on the Old Dua-ham Road, pass- 8.00 a.m. 11.52 a.m. ed away last week, May 6th. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 p.ni. ' He seemed to be slightly "ailing for o^i „„ _ .no „„*|Some months past, but able to be ».41 p.m. ^ i.63 p.m. around assisting in the work, but in The m'ails close at Flesherton as early spring failed considerably, and for the last few weeks was confm- Although it has been known for some time that tlhe Eugenia Hydro basin was to be opened for fishiii.? this year, it has only teen ifcently that olana have been completlsd whereby fishing coudd be indulged in under a permit by government There has been a constant clamor for some time for fishing to be re- opened at Eugenia, chief among thr Droponents being Mr. W. E. Morsran of Eugenia, who has advocated this procedure for some time. THe sea- son will commence on Saturday of this week. May 15th, and anglers will be required to pay a Iflcense fee of 50 cents per day for the privilege of catching the big beauties which, no doubt, are there in abundance. Mr. Morgan has. been appointed by the government to issue the permits, and all those fntending to fis'i can secure their permits from him. Now that this privilege has been secured ana the pre- serve opened for fishing, it is up to the citizens to help nrotect this asset of the township, and co-operate in observing the law so that the gov- ernment will not have any cause to ... again close the basin tr the public, "^no ^r^sided ,j,j,g thanks of the community at: large and all the true followers of Isaac Walton are extended to Mr. Morgan and others who assisted in securing the re-opening of this splendid lake for fishing purposes. DIED Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.S. CROSSLEYâ€" In Toronto on Wed- O. 1914, Cap. 121, that all creditors nesday, May ''>th, to Mr. and Mrs. and others having claims or demands CSias. J. Crosjley, a son Wil'iiini Chas.; . ^ ^, ^ ^ , â-  , ri i ^|«irainBt the estate of said Emily [•Thompson, who died on or about the 1 28th day of April, 1926, at the Vill- CROSSLEYâ€" In Toronto on Sat- | age of Flesh^ton, are required on urdav. Mav 8th. 1).:5 the infant son of | or before the 20th day of May, 1926, j'" T" Mt. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley, agedL_ .-„d u^ _„», prepaid or deliver ? ! ' ^ ^ . three days. ^ ^ prepaaa, or aeuver thereof to any person or persons of ».T/-iT»^i? i-rs r^nr-rkM-r/Mie ''° ^^^ solicitor for the executors of whose claim notice shall not have NOTICE TO CREDITORS , the last win and Testament of the been received by them at the time of I said deceased, their Christian names such distribution. IN THE MATTER of the estate of -and surnames, the addresse and de- p^ted at Durham this 3rd day of Emily Thompson, late of the ViU-|cription: the full partilulars in writ- j^j^y^ ^gge AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date said execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the ctaims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors vnll not be liable id assets, or any part age of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Widow, Deceased: NOTICE is hereby given pursuant ing of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the pature of the security, if any, held by them. ' â€" C. C. .MIDDLEBRO, Solicitor for the Executors. follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal The weather this far from balmy. week has been ed to his room. If he had lived over tihe week end, li would have fin- ished his 58 years sojourn in the world. Mr. Watters and his wife, (who v.'as formerly Miss Fannie Local Manager Resigns Aft3r a period of three years of managing the local office of the Bell telephone comfany. Mrs. Eva Mun- Huddy) were members of the Meth- shaw' recently handed in her resig- odist church for a number of years, nation to take effect the end of May, Mrs. Watters predeceased her hus- and it was accepted by the head of- band twelve years ago, and now n fice. Mrs. Munshaw has been very famiJy cf one son and tlwo daughters cautious in managing the affairs of is left without the companionship, or the Bell company here, and has ren- council of loving parents, Elford, a dered excellent service to her maiiy Syrup niaking^ has finished and the j young man of about twenty, his el- patrons. Although several app!icr\- der sister Beatrice, and younger sis- tions for the vacanti position have tBr Mabel. Deceased leaves two been handed in, it has not been an- brothers; "Richard of Thornbury, and nounced who her successor will be. William of Detroit, "" ' WHY does Chevrolet operate so much more satisfactorily and economically than other low-priced cars? How can Chevrolet offer such quality features as Fisher bodies, Duco Finish, VV one-piece wind- shield, dry disc clutch, banjo type rear axle, air cleaner, pressure lubrication, etc., and still re- main in the low-price field?â€" See the work on the land has commenced There have not; been many large catches of speckled trout so far this season. , Mrs. R. G. Holland has returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. ^ Mrs. E. Corbiere of Aurora is spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myers. Mrs. W. Bentham of Toronto visit- ed last week with her parfentj, M'r. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley. ' - Miss T.Hldred Caswell is visiting friends at Niagara Falls for a short time. The Young Ladies' Class of Chal- mer's church will hold a homemade baking sale on 'Saturday, May 15th, to be held at the Park House. Mr G. B. Welton and family and Miss Elsie McKee motored to Mount Forest on Sunday and visited with the former's mother. Kimbcrlcy baseball club meets on Saturday n:.'.ht for the purpose of organizing a team to enter the Centime Grey League. H. Down & Sons are putting on a special sale for two weeks only of Harl, guaranteed 6 volt, 11 plate bat- teries in rubber cases at §14.00 each. Tennis meeting in the town liall to-night (Wednesday). All interest- ed in tennis uleaso attend. Election of officers. Mr. S. Sutton last! week purchased the residence of the late Mrs. Boyd Thompson fioni W. A. ArmjUong and moved into it on Tuesday of this week. The Y'oung Ladies' Class of Chal- mer's church will hold a homemade baking .sa!e on Saturday. May loth, to be licld at the Park House. Both Ford and Chevrolet garages 1 here ai'e busy the?c> days selling new j cars. Quite a large number of sales! have been reportedvand an excellent season is expected. If you are interested in the bet- terment of tlie Memorial Park, come and see tlie "Colonel's Maid." in the high school, on Thursday May 20th. : Let's go. I .A. car belonging to Miss Kathleen Sheppard, 158 Evelyn Ave., Toronto, i daughter of Mr. F. E. Sheppard, for-! merly of Flesherton, was stolen on! Saturday night last and was recover- ; â- ed shortly afterwards. j Mrs. W. Boyd and Mrs. W?~P.i Crossley left for Toronto on Satur- ' day and attended the funeral of the ' infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley which took place on Monday! afternoon. Rev. Pinnock of the Upper Canada' Bible Society will preach in St. .John's '* church, Flesherton, and Inistioge '.n iP Sunday nextl in the absence >of the pastor. Rev. W. R. Clements, who is attending the Toronto conference. | Mr. Robt. Patton is visiting at his home here, after finishing his year's work at Knox College, Toronto. Bob is studying for the ministry and al- so has charge of the Cedarville cir- cuit, where he will reside through- out the summer. Come and see the 'Colonel's Maid', a three-act Comedy Drama in the Flesherton! High School on Thursday May 20th, under the auspices of the W.I., and presented by the Dundalk Dram.ntic Clu'b. Proceeds for Park Improvement. Don't forget the Chevrolet chas- sis demonstration at McTavjh's gar- ^ age on Mondav next from 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.. This should be of spec- ial interest to everyone, as there will be an exnert from the factory, who will explain thp whv of pverthing. An abundance of coal arrived in town over the week end which shonM satfsfv us for some time. F. W. Duncan received four cars and F. G. Karstedt two cars and they are busy BOW delivering to the residences p.nd -business places in town. Mich, also two sisters, Mrs. King and Mrs. Gard- ner of Thornbury. A brother and a sister passed away a num- ber of years ago. The family's pastor. Rev. S. G. McCormack, of St(. Columba United church, con- dujjted' an approp.^lafe service on Saturday, May 2nd. Selected por- tions of old favorite hymns used in the service, and Mrs. H. B. McLean, in a fine voice, sang, "God Will Take Care of You," which was Very much appreciated by those who filled the house, and llhe assemblage massed on the lawn in front of the residence. The brothers and siis- ters were present with the ex|:ep- tion of Richard, who had been wiirn his brother a few days pi'ior to his death, but through illness in the fam- ily was unable to attend ll'ie funerai. Durham, Priceville, Ceylon and Flesh crton, were well representied on Sat- urday. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery South Line. .\'-- temesia, a lovely resting place for a citizen who was respected by every- one v.'ith whom he came in contact. CHASS y EMONSTRA Death of Robt. Brown The death took place on Sunday,' May 9th, at the home of his son at Forest of Robt. Brown, an old resid- ent of Osprey Township for many years. The funeral is taking place T'^^ from the home of his daughteh-. Mrs. Jos. Barber, at Feversham this Wed- 'nesday afternoon, the body having been brought to FleshertDn station Tuesday night. Mrs. Fred Bracken- bury of Flesherton is a daughter of the late Mr. Brown. Chevrolet Demonstration It is an opportunity not to be missed, when an experti engineer on automobile const^ruction tel'ls the why of buildine: an automobile chas- churches here on Sunday last in re- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wrisht ro- tu'rned home on Saturday pvoni.ig nfter snending the winter months in Toronto. Mr. Wright says that the I'oads are all in good shaue excep'i fo'- a btd spot between Melancthcn and Corbetton whei'e hiiS car waj pulled out of the mud in two <iii'fer- ent places. Mrs. Stephen of Huttington Que., will address tlie W. I. in Chalmer's Church, on Wednesday, May 19th, at 3 p.m. Her sub.jects will be "Pres- ent Day Boy and Girl Problems." and "The Workshop of the Home." All ladies are given an invitation to be present. Lunch will be served by the members. ' Soecial services were held in all sis. Every one, whether they own a car or not, should attend the lec- ture c'ivon at M'cTavish's garasre on Mondav next, from 7 p.m. to 10. ."0 p.m. Special arrangements are bj- ing made to interest the ladies. Advertise in The Advance cognition of Moth?r's Day and large crowds v.ere present. The Sunday schools asjistsd in the services, anjj, at St. John's evening service a patr- eant, was presented by te?'. younrr ladies, who personified ten mothers of the Bible. Special music and floral offerings made the day both pleasing and memorable. DeLAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR If you are thinking of a new Separator let us demonstrate to you a newDe Laval. We also have a few used separators on hand. W. A. HAWKEN 1 at our shoAvrooms Monday, May 1 7 An expert 'from the Chevrolet factory at Oshawa, using a cut-away motor and rear axle and a stripped chassis, will show how the Chevrolet valve-in-head motor functions and why it is so powerful and econ- omical; he will explain why the Chevrolet type dry disc clutch operates so smoothly; he will demonstrate by the use of actual parts why the banjo type rear axle is so sturdy and practical; why the new, larger brakes with equalizers add to your safety. The expert will especially stress such Chevrolet fea- tures as the air cleaner, three point motor suspension, braking area increased one-third, new type oil pump, belt-driven generator, one-piece valve cover, improved cylinder head and many others. Regardless of what car you drive or what car you are interested in, you will find this practical demonstra- tion interesting and educating â€" it should be worth many dollars to you. New Chevrolet Prices ROADSTER and TOURING COUPE COACH SEDAN - 758.90 943.00 343.00 1063.00 ALL TAXES AND DELIVERY CHARGES PAID D. AAcTAVISH 81 Son 00-120 jiijaiaiaMafsjafsiMisiaEEM'E'sisasia'aaiaiMiaisiaiaM^^ Ladies' Silk Hosiery ind"second5 = 1 This offering is composed of "sub-standards and" seconds from a well known and popular line of Ladies' Dollar Hosiery: The imperfections are so slight as to be hardly noticeable. The colors include all the new spring shades, grey, shadow, blush, bois de Some have ribbed tops, SPECIAL 49 CENTS. rose, tan, grain, blonde, nude and black, garter tops. Sizes 8 1-2 to 10. READY TO WEAR MILLINERY Novelties arriving every few days. A special assortment of New styles. Priced at $3.93. The People's Grocery ] || Individual Dress Lengths Kemedy's for Groceries Oh Yes! We have some Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Lettuce, Tomatoes, etc. Out ice cream parlour is now in full Swing. Come in and enjoy yourself If yon cannot eat enough while here, we have pails that you can take it home in. Try our bulk tea. The tea with a fine flavour. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 A wonderful assortment of silk and wool Crepes and Rayons featuring all the new season's popular colors â€" no two patterns al-^ ike. 36 to 38 inches wide. Priced fron $L22 to $2.00 per yard. Ask to see our Men,s Work Boots, sortmentts $2.98 anq $3.75. Two very specia We have arranged a special assortment of different style in new smart slippers and Fancy Pumps made up in Pate-t, Black Kid and Blonde Kid Leathers, also Black Satinâ€" high, piedium and low heels All sizes. Price $4.00 per pair. F. H. W. HICKLING iaiaai3iEi5fSiaji3ffiai3j'5i3i5iaiB)Sffl3c FLESHERTON, ON T.

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