WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS day of April, 1926. E^ecutora. In the matter of the estate of Caroline Emma Fenwick, Utte of the township of Oaprej in the County uf Grey, Widow. Noti^^ here- by given that all PWoHp' having any claims er demaMpSgainat the estate of Caroline Swna Fenwick, late of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, widow, deceased who died on or about the 9lh day of August, 1925, are required to forward their 'claims duiy proven to the underjigncd on or before the 22nd day of May, 1926. And notice ii hereby given that I chance at public school aft;er the said date the executors 1 ' Catalogue Free, will proceed to distribute the estate c a. Fleming, F.C.A. G. D. Fleming, having regard to such claims as TORONTO LINE, NORTH they will then have notice of. i _____ xDated at CoUingwood, this 20tb The farmers around liiere are all busy working on the land. MLrs. Henderson of Feversham vis- â€" Malcolm McLean, Drawer 20 ited her friend, Mrs. A. 9tuart, the Cullingwood, Ont. Solicitor for the first' of the week. OWEN SOUND Individual instruction. Shorthand courses. Business and Preparaiory Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- ren of Wodehouse visited with T. K. Lever and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound motored down and were vistt- I ors with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. .Stetwart i on Sunday, I Mr. Harold Lever and sister, Gertrude, visited with their cister, Mrs. C. Klartin, at Eugenia recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ball and two First Class Merchant Tailoring New Spring Goods Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts OddPairs of Pants, alterations free I courses for those who misaea »"« children of Dettroit motored hera on .Sunday, the former* returning Mon- day. Mrs. Ball and children are re- maining for a montli's visit with her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever, I before leaving for the West, where I they intend to reside. Mew w jjfficer. I Small Advcrtisements The W. L met at ths home of Ms! Inkster on M»y 5tb. After ti>e, usual business the ela.-tion of offi- cers fiook place, and by the unani- mous Vote of the meeting, all the old officers were retained. Pres â€" Mrs. O. Phillips LOST OR STRAYED H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM REAL ESTATE SNAPS Detached residence in Village of FleshertoH, on quiet street with nice location, of frame construe- tiorfy a good sized lot. Ready for occupancy. also Brick veneered residence near high school, Flesherton, a gOQ^ roomy house with good cellar, cistern, conveniences; and good lot; will be sold at a sacrifice for immediate sale. FARMS â€" We have several good farm.s for sale and invite inquiries from prospective purchasers. PARTICULARS FROM S. E. DeCUDMORE INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE FLESHERTON Phono 53 Vice-Pres. â€" Mrs. B. McTavish 2nd Vice â€" Mrt. Wilcox Sec.-Treas â€" Mrs. £. Best • Dist. Director â€" Mrs. T Findlay A hearty vote of appreciation was] tendered to the officers work of the past year . Financial Report Receipts Cash on hand May 31, '25 $222.96 Members' fees 8.50 Grant 3.00 Teas 29.40 Garden part'y 70.11 Cake sale, donation, etc 15.28 LOSTâ€" Within two miles of my place, on or about the first week in April, a pair of skidding tongs. The ' finder please communicate with me l^nd oblige.â€" J. C. Humberstcne, Duncan, P. O. FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Chestnut mare, 6 yrs. for the'"'^"'*^'^'"''^*- Magee, Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tamworth boar fo|r service. No. 2-16,816, on Lot 146â€" 147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton BOAR FOR SERYICB FOR SALEâ€" A Cockshutt, two furrow plov/. â€" J. T. Best, PriceviHe P. O. Phone Flesherton 35â€"1-5. No. 92-77530. Also a young York. shire pig, both bacon type for tervie* on lot 176, N.W. T. & SJL, Termsâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. STmSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE '^d^S^S;:^^^^SS^^S!SSiii^^^^MSS&^S^^^^^^^^^^^v!^^iaiS^^^^MiS^S^^S^W^^^^^^SS:^^S^^^^^ 3 SIX HILL STORES W« buy together in order that our cuttomera in the lix com- munitiea may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- [ iveiy associates with highr quality merchandise at theE fairest potiible prices. Total $349.25 Expenditure Secretary's salary .* 20.00 Postage and stationei'y 62 Printing 4.50 Federal dues 5.10 Painting ,labor, flowers, dona- tions to tennis club, etc 199.21 Balance on hand 104.07 Total Audiliors â€" Mrs. Hickling. Thurston §349.25 and Mrs. Baseball Officers Beautiful Witidoivs AT SMALL COST Wc^ are showing this season the most extensive range of curtain materials that we have ver shown. Our values are the best. Madras, without doubt, madces one of the prettiest inner curtains. It looks well, launders easily, comes in many designs, and wears longest of all curtain materials. Large range to choose from at 50c. to $1.25 per yard Marquisettes and Scrims A large assortment of this class of curtain marterial in plain, tape edged, fancy borders and spots to choose from. Moderately priced from 20c. to 85c. per yard. Special Shoe Values for the Ladies 300 pairs I,acHcs' Fine Strap .Slii)pcrs, in Patent Lcather.s, Kid & Calf Leath- ers. 'J'lic newest styles are in this lot. Sizes 2^/2 to 7. Regular ^'alue up to 5?3.50 per jjair. Clearing at one price â€" $1.98. Women's Gingham Dresses 3 dozen only, Women's Fine (linghani Dresses in the newest styles procur- able. .\ real snappy dress for morning wear. Special $1.95. Special Clearance of Bath Towels 10 dozen only, go(jd weight r)ath Towels, size lHx36. Bargain 19 & 20c. each. Voile Dress Goods We are showing many new |).'itterns in Voile Dress (loods. The colorings are the newest ; nijinv different (pialities to choose from. Prices are reasonable from 45c. to $1.25 per yard. Men's Heavy Work Boots, Special at $2.98 Tho annual election of officers of the Flesherton Ba.seball Club was held in the town hall on Thursday of week when Mr. Geo. Mitchell >v^s acain elected nresident of the club. Mr. John Wright was appointed the Vice-Pres., while F. J. Thuraton was also returned as Secretary with T. VV. Findlay handling the treasury. Ihe nianar'ne: committee is compojed of S. E. DeCudmore, \V. Tuilney, H. Freeman and the officers. W. George Akins, tlie popular manager of the team last year, has again been chosen to bring forward a winning aggregation this year with the talent which is at his disposal. The first workout was held on Friday ovening, when about t2n prospects were show- ing their staff. , TrfROWN AGAINST SAW For Sale â€" Half bred African gan- der. â€" S. Fitzsimmons, Flesherton. Phone 31 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Large variety of peas for sale. â€" Ben McKenzie, Cey- lon, ?fione 22 r 5. FOR SALE â€" Marquis spring wheat 11.75 per bush. â€" Charlie Stew- art, FleshetOfj. FOR SALE â€" Colt Rising three, broken double. â€" John Meads, Price- viHe. Phone 21 r 12. -Mare 10 Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99^6 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms fl.OO. â€" C. HINDLE. Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- l»ble terms. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Dates made at this office. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALEâ€" Mare 10 years old,] also quantity of /small peas for seed. â€"Fred Russell, erton. R. R. No. 2, Flesh- FOR SALE â€" GerhardTHeintzman piano, good as new. Apply Miss Ida Fisher or Mrs. T. J. Fisher, Flesherton. Registered Jersey bull for service. 'Sire: '.Brampton Jersey Conscript; Dami; Brampton Petune's Lady. Fee: $5.00 at t.ime of service. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton. Ont. EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. White Leghorns from select- FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for ed descendant of Keystone Maid, a sale, ready by May 17th. â€" R. J- 306 egg hen in its pullet year, and \ause, Proton Station, R. R. 3 Ph. , Lady Victory Hen 304 eggs, anU 32 r 1 â€" 3. j grand champion with 1604 eggs in : 8 ears. These are mated with a Eggs for ^hatchingâ€" O. A. C. Barr- ' splendid cockerel a proven cockei:*- red Rock eggs for hatching, 50 cents ®^ * proven sire of egg producers per setting. â€" ^Alex D. Irwin, ville, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Two Tamworth sows due to farrow last week in August, bred to Tamworth hog. â€" D. D. McLoughry, R. R. 4, Markdale. Phone 30 r 121. Price- ^"'^ " ivc^t prize winner in his class wherever shown This pen had 55, 60, 60 and 65 per cent layers in the months of Decembr , January, February, and March. "Early or- ders will be given prefeence. Priced at 11.50 per 15, per 30, f2.00. ^=W. Tumey, Flesherton. FOR RENTâ€" Brick house near the high school, large garden, new cis- tern, electric lighted, possession at once..â€" Alt'. Thistlethwaite, 7 Baby Point Road. Torontio, Ont. A serious accident occurred on the 7th line of Mono last Wednes- day which necessitated a speedy drive out on the part of Dr. F. M. Walker. Earl Haddock was help- ing in some wood sawing operations at his father's home. As every- one who has used a power saw knows the machine is operated ati high speed, and the belt which connects the engine with the pulley of the saw travels rapidly. The young man was sbandiftg near the belt when it flew off the pulley of the engine (house and barn, half mile south and striking him a violent blow ^Eugenia, on the Fourth Li:ie, recently 1 the farms. The S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53. FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estat.? and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Chevrolet car for sale, cheap for cash, or would con- s.ider a good horse and rubber tii«e r\„ f»,» t^â€" _* r • ,..^ . . . wni. jjj^gg ^jj^ ^jjg ^j gjj ^^^^ ^y clearad. â€" â€" j First class buildings, up to data fit FOR SALE â€" 35 acres of lan.l with: every particular. Will sfll any oaa of 1 cf these. Good brick house on iwi i'^ ren threw him against the saw. A bad j vacated by Bob Smith cut was inflicted in the lower part Geo Graham, Etigenia, (if the back, and bleeding was prio- fuse to an alarming extent. Phone calls were sent in for a doctor and Dr. Walker was able tio respond at once. The time in which he cover- ed t'le distance to Rosemont would be incredible to most people. The doctor was able to geti the wound diV;ssed -before any very serious consequences had followed the blcc !- ing. There was an element of good fortune in the accident. When the belt flew off, the saw was runninir stabling for aan** -Ado!/ to jmals is perfect. One Urv lias tta WUl klij acres hardwood bush and anotaar ^Hundred has three acres of timl)«r _ and has buildinngs for everything CLOVER SEEDâ€" We have an ex- "^feded. including poultry house aa^ ceptionally good price on all kinds of P'* P®"*- ^'° broken land and elwj clover seed Our prices are right. weeds. Any person interetM4 should investigate Be sure and get our prices before buy ing. â€" W. J Stewart & Sons, Flesh erton. Imy -T. J. STINSON. Proton Statioa P.OL I by momentum and the injury it could inflict was very small con- ! pared to what could have happened I had the victim been forced atrainst I tihe saw by some other cause, and I at a time when the power was In I use. â€" AUiston Herald. \ ( 120 pairs of High (irade Work vShoes in These shoes ;ire sold everywhere at 5i>4.004)er pair. last at $2.98 per pair. "^ IMack and Tan Leathers. Very special, while they S. S. NO. 8. ARTEMESIA Hog Feed We have 10 tons of first el.iss hog feed in per eent. split peas, hal.inoe oats and harley. 100 pound .sacks. This feed is fi.S Jt you need feed this is a good buy. $1.75 per cwt. or $34.00 per ton. Grocery Department Are you following our Grocery Specials each week? You save money here. Sugar by the sack, St. Lawrence, at $6;59 per cwt. C.ood Hlack Tea bulk 49c. ^ Mars Casile Soap for 2.Sc. . , Tiger Salmon at 35c. per tin Stuart Marmalade, lit) size, 28c. Garden Secd.s, rcg. 10c. , at 4 for 25c. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Sr. 4th â€" Lewis Fisher. Sr ;?rd â€" Bcntricp Boycc, Melville Boyce, Grace llopps, Henry Blakcy, .Marguerite Fisher,* Evercttc Fisher* George Badgcrow.* Jr. ;5rd â€" Mabel Black, Mildred Boycp, Robert Sheardown. 2nd Class â€" Wilbcrt Fisher, Bert Hopps equal.. Delbert Fi.sher*, Min- nie I.ougheed*, Dorothy Badgcrow,* Rov Mt.Mullen,* Porcv' McMuUen." Sr. 1st â€" Ernest Black. Stewar* Black, Mary Sheardown . Johnnv Blakey (equal) Clifford Taylor, H. Blakey,* Clara Boyce,* Vern McMull en. Pr â€" Florence Boyce, Bobbie Mvldtin-vicqual.) <» . •Those who misssd one or more tests. V ^E. CLINTON M I S C E L L ANEO U S NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Satur- days only. â€" Graham Bros., Eugen- ia.- ,* . HIOUSE FOR I^ENT â€" Opposite high school. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Caswell, Proton, R. R^ 3. i BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of ^ftronto and Royal College of Dental Surssoaa of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at resfd«ne« Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. A. TambnII. RA., M.B.. grmd- POT\TOES WANTED - Highest ,7^® ^T *l'«L^«'=»"y «>' MedieiMk i ui.'Moi..^ « AiMt,u -- "'gnes'; University of Toronto. Officeâ€" R!..fc_ market prices Muir, Ceylon Phone 2â€" r 3-1.â€" A.C. Officeâ€" Rich, ardson Block, Flesherton. Pho.. SC 8. S. No. 13. ARTEMESIA Sr. Ith â€" Donalda Sloane. Jr. 4th â€" Patty Moramki Reta Ge- nop. Hilda Gordon, (Irtne Martin, Enid Thompson) equal, Glenn Ped- lar. Sr. .3rd â€" Kathleen Pedlar, Mel- rose Campbell, Victor Campbell, Gladys Fawcetf, Gladys Williams. Sr. 2nd â€" Mamie Kerton, Lucy McDonald, Lloyd Genoe, Doris Will- iams, Phyllis Graham. Jr. 2nd â€" Belva Genoe. Jr. 1st -- Teddie Camobell, Nellie Bettson. Bernice Campbell, Teddie Dixon, Annette Turner, "Argyle Mar- tin. Sr. Pr. â€" William Knight, Herb- ie Fawcett. Pr. A. Percy Graham. Jr. Pr. â€" Freddie Partridee. A. c. McQueen WANTEDâ€" Any quantity of eggs, **•"'"«• ArJhnr Lodge, 833. A.P. A the highest cash price will be paid ^•^" "'®«*^ '" *h« Masonic hall, Ar». on delivery. â€" J.Runstadlcr, Flesher- "''â- °"«^ 'S'\ock Fleshertnn. every ^M- day on or before tho full moon. Jok4 GRAIN WANTED Wright, W. M„ F. J. Tliarstoa. Sec, . C. C. Itflddlebro. Barrister solicitor. All kmds of gram >ing bought, etc. of Durham. WiU be in Flesher- Get our prices before selling. Phone ton every Friday ?rom 4 30 d m to 2 r 31.â€" A. C. MUIR. Ceylon. 8.45 p.m. SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN EGG SETTINGS FOR SALE Lucas & Henry. Barristers, SoIleM* ars, etc.â€" I. B. Lucas. K.a ; W. Si Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Loaaa We will have a' limited number of R^ock, Phone 2. Branch offices at settings of eggs for sale from oui Dundalk and Durham. High grade pen of White Leghorn ^ , fowl, consisting of Grandauhters of Telford & Bimie, Barristers, ssft> Lady Victory Hen with a record of (itors, etc., OfBces â€" Grey sad Bros* 30(i eggs in her pullet year, and 1604 Block, Owen Sound; Standard Ba^ in 8 years, and these ai<e mated up Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). Wm to the Grandson of Keystone Maid P. Telford Jr., J. P. P. Bimla. with a record of 304 egga in One _ year. Our strain of fowl are gett- [ Wm. KaitthiK, Licensed AactlsMSa ing to be known now, as quite a num- [for the counties of Grey and 81a ber have had real success with them , Farm and stock sales s special^ having them laying all winter. Phone Terms moderate., satlsfsctioa 84 r 3, or write. Price r*' setting anteed. Arrangements fSr dat $2.00, two settings for $3.00. Setting [may be made at the Advaaee ( consists «rf 14 eggsâ€" T. W. Findlay, Central telephone ofllea, Flesherton. 'or by sililiisslin mm at r