Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1926, p. 1

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1? .M *^ 7^:4^^ \ * ^1 J*', HI. c^^ 'A^^ 7â€"//^ C Wi^t i\m\^ttim air^dnc^ iVol 46 No. 6 ^ Flesherton. Ontario July 14, 1926 W. H. TKurstqn & Son, Pfoprieiors PRICEVILLE Misses Ekie and Mab«l Beaton of Buffalo* and Hamilton, and Messrs Bennet oV Buffalo are spending a week's vacation in and around Price- villc. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aldcom jr., and blisses Mary and Birdie- Aldcom of Sovereign Sask., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aldcom Sr. Mr and Mrs. J McAllister of Nor- manby Were week end viaitors of Mr. and M^s Lizzie Mathers. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland and family are on a three weeks vacation to Toronto and elsewhere. Rnv. and Mrs. McCorniack have left for a month's holidays to Mus- koka. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclnnis of Tor- onto spent a few days visiting old friends in and around town. Mr. and Mrs. John McConnell of Toronto \ve;re visitors a few days last week wth Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson. Miss Kate McTaggar.t is at present holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Howell and Master Boyce, visited here at Mr. and Mr. Cameron Smellies's. Mr. Borvy of 'Toronto was a week end visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Angus McVicar's. Miss Ethel Watson of Toronto hol- idayed a week m Buffalo with friends and rs now spending a fortnight's va- cation at her home here. Misses Esther McLean and Violet Watson have been successful in se- curing schools for the coming year near Corbetton and Arthur respectiv- ely. Dr. Birley of Guelph very ably fill- ed the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here Sunday. Miss Dicks of Guelph accompanied h,ira. He will also preach here again next Sun- day. Miss Euna Clark of Toronto is holi- daying at Mr. and Mrs. Sam McD6r- raid. Miss Margaret Smellie has retiimed home from Toronto for the summer months. BigCowd Celebrated at Feversham on Twelfth Feversh^m Correspondence IN MEMORIAM The Gloi-ious Twelfth was celebrat- ed in Feversham this year and^one of the largest crowds ever seen here as- Eembled to celebrate the Battle of the lipyne in this village. The cloucfe cleared away about noon and a stream of cars came in. There were over one thousand passed" through the gates in the afternoon to see the sports after the parade and the speak- ing in Mr. Aliater's grove. There were ten lodges in the parade and three lady lodges. The sports start- ed about 4.30 with a football game between Rob Roy and Feversham and after a hotly contested game Fever- sham won by one goal. Then a soft ball game was played between the Flesherton and Nottawa ladies and although Nottawa has had a very successful career this summer they went down to defeat by the Flesher- ton ladies, who won out 7-6. In the agricultural hall at night was the best concert we have ever seen in this vill- age. The entertainers were met by a crowded hall and all agreed that Jimmy Reid and the other entertain- ers were the best ever heard here. HODGSOxNTâ€" In loving m«mory of otir parents, Wm. Hodgson, who pass- ed away June" 13th, 192i4, and Mary Anne Hodgson, who paSfeed away on July 2nd, 1924. Sadly missed. The Family, exams, and three of them got honors, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury and children of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kernahan and other friends here. Mr and Mrs Will Colquette and two children motored down from Owen Sound on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Colqnette's parents here. Mrs. Colquette and children remained for a longer visit, but Will returned to Owen Sound Sunday fcvemng. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hudson of Leth- bridge, Alta., are visiting with the latter's brother, Mr. J. A. Kernahan, and family. Mr Russell Morrison of Regina is visiting with his parents and other freinds. Mr. and Mrs. Colquette attended the Winters-Mclntyre wedding at Mc- Intyre on Saturday last. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents and about three hundred dol- lars in cash. The estimable young; couple will reside in Toronto. Miss Ferris's entrance class of nine were all successful in passing their Vacation Talk 1 No Doubt You are Like the Rest of Usâ€" Expecting Company ... Perhaps your home is not comple- te without an odd pfiece of NEW FURNITURE. We show this week a nice Livingroom Suite fot $65.00 that includes a settee and 2 chairs. If you think that your company will not rest at night on that mat- tress and bed which you have, we can Supply good complete bed out- fits at $18.00 in white, and $23.00 - in walnut. Just share your troubles with us iand we will fix you up. Thos. W. Findiay FURNITURE DEALER A FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON iriM ROCK MILLS 51 1-- and Mrs. Alax. McKethnie of Flesehrlon and little Phylis Walker of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Mrs.- R. Hoy has returned home after scending several weeks at her daughter's home in Toronto. We are sorry to report Mrs. John Hargrave laid up with a very painful ailment, hut hope for her recovery soon. Mrs. B. Field returned home from Che West recently, after a lengthy visit with relatives there. Miss Gladys Wickens of Kimberley holidayed the past week with he cous- ins here, Jim and Ita Pedlar. Mrs. Fred Field and son, George, of Toronto mot(^red up one day last week and visited with the former's father and brother here. Mrs. Field remained for a few days. Mr- and Mrs. John CaiTuthers and Son and daughter of Avening motor- ed up and visited for a short time at W. T. Pedlar's. Mr. Chas. Newell and wife visited tecently with relatives near Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Les Brooks and fam- ily of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher recently. Mr. Marall Betts, Mr. and Jlrs. Gorham and family and Mrs. Tucker of Toronto motored up and visited the ^former's, father, Mr. Levi Betts. Mr. Chas. Newell has had steel roofing put on one side of his barn, Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith of Ceylon hav- ing the contract. _Mi8s Leila Clark spent a few holi- day with her grandparents in Flesh- erton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark. Mrs. W. T. Pedlar spent the 12th in^Toronto and visited her sister, who reeently underwent an operation. Unity U. F. W. O. club held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. W.' Gordon. Eugenia, on Wednesday of last week. The president was in the chair and opened the meeting with singing (Jhe Maple Leaf and afterwards repeating the creed in unison. The roll call wa;. answered by "favorite recipes", to which a number responded. Captains were chosen and sides called for a contest on prov^pcial government, Canadian Federal government and other ques- tions relating to municipal affairs, the questions being given out by the president and it proved to be ver.v in- teresting. A duet was then sung by the Misses Enid and Hilda Gordon. The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Re- freshments were served and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered ts'Mrs. Gordon for her hospitality. Miss Nellie Robertson of Toronto motored up recently to see her mother Mrs. John Robertson, who has been conlned to her bed for some time. Miss M. R^d. Mr. H. Scott and Mr. R. Watson of Owen Sound sundayed at J. Dargavel's. Ml", and Mrs. J. Dargavel and Miss G. Topcliffe motored to Durham on Monday of last week and attended the funeral of the late Henry Koch. Ball practice at the mill is largely atten(*ed. Don't forget the nights â€" Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and family, Mrs. Geo. Hargrave and Giadys Wickens, were joined by several FlesherlVn people viz: Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart and son, Jim, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. A. Down and Mr. Ross and w«nt on a fishing picnic on Thursday of last week. They caught a nice lot 'of fish and' the ladies took along the' frying pan and cooked the speckled beauties on the road and had lunch. .^together a real enjoyable time was spent by all. Mrs. H. R. Stafforii Died at Her Home in Kimberley KIMBERLEY It is with a feeling of more than ordinary sadness that we record the death among us of Mrs. H. R. Staf- ford. .A.lthough slie had not been In good health !!or over a year it was never thought but that she would re- cover. Mrs. Stafford was the young- est daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Waltcn and was married to Mr. Stafford about tv^^enty-four years ago. It is a .shock to the whok- community as she was a willing helper in any good work of the church or Women's Institute of which she was preiiden? for a number of years. She Is sur- vived by her life companion, two sons and three daughters: Ralph, Raymond Mj-rtle, Bessie and Ora. She aL-o leaves three sisters and four brothers. The flowers gathered and made up by frie.nds, the baseball boys, tlie Softball girls, Sunday school, and neighbors along with wreaths froni friends were very,beautiful, showing love and sym- party from all. Jlr. Fred Walton of the Soo wa3 able to be present at the funeral. The service, conducted by our new pastor, Rev. Stotesbuvy.lvas beautiful nad very helpful to the sor- rowing friends. * Although Jtrs,. Staf- ford was ill a long time no one ever heardlier murmur not even to the last moment, when she pas£ed 30 quietly home asleep. She ha3 spent all her life amongst us. with 32. -The crow was. also in- cluded with the woodchuck, but the number of crowfeet obtained was small. .â- \mong those who motored to. To- ronto over the week ena were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie and son, Thos., Mr. Jas. Turner, Rbbt. Turner, R. J. Turner, Mrs. I. Stainsby and daugh- ter, Bessie. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Parslow of New York left for their home last week after a short holiday here. The third succesuful Farm Youth Rally at Markdale on July Sth at- tracted a large crowd, with fine weather as usual. A good program of Sports and an evening entertain- ment was held. Miss Lucy Parker of Toronto is visiting at Jas. Oliver's. TORONTO \Am^ NORTii Mr. and Mrs. -A-lbirt 'Stewart Tuivil ' returned home ti^t '''^feiting in TflBt ronto a2id .other places.* ; Mr. and Mrs Thake and sen, Har- â- old, accompanied by Mr. A. B^iekwell of Hamilton were visitors with Chas, 1 Stewart and family, •'. Mrs. 0. Irwin of Kinjbwley tisitB at the Home of Wm Bueqett rece.nth i Miss Vera Lever of Tisronto ^^^ a week with her parents, Mr an.^**^ 'J. A. LeVer. Miss Mable Thibaudeau of j„j^ dale visited 'her friend, B. Ste- > Misa Gertrude Lever spent a jjorn. of days with her sister, Ida -fllton. ronto. \ We congi-atulate Alma Levt* Agnes Irwin for being sucaessfulV passing their Entrance exarais. EAST MOUNTAIN A school picnic was held in the East Mountain park last Thursday afternoon when a pleasant time was spent by all whw attended. Mtv Harry Thompson- visited last week with friends in Erin. A large number from here attended the Duncan garden party on Friday evening. <- Miss Aleda Feighen has returned to her home at Kolepore for the sam- mer vacation. Mr. John Welsh is assisting Mr. E. Thompson this week fo repair his barn. Miss Verna Atkiiis of Victoria was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Hall for a f e^ days ' last week. ^ Tfie film dance of the season was held at the Duncan lake pavilion on Mrs. R. R. Fawcett and Lloyd of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs Saul Fawcett. f Mr and Mrs. W S Bisiiop are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bishop at Toronto. Rev. Stotesbury and three boys have moved in and are busy getting settled. We are glad to welcome them among us and are looking for- ward to a pleasant and profitable time together. We regret very much that Mrs. Stotesbury is unable as yet to be at home, but hope for her speedy recovery. Miss Fern and Miss Hazel Stuart are visiting friends in the north. •Mr. D L Weber and men are making thing; love at both bridges these days, on^ at Proton and the one over the river. Missss Nathalie and Shirley Stuart are making a visit at, Eugenia with their grandmother, Mrs. McMuJlen* Mr. D. L. Weber made a trip to Tcronto for Miss Ruth Myles' piano. Miss Ruth is home at "Springbrook." Mr. and Mrs. R. R. .\bercrombie of Tillsonburg spent the week end with Mrs Thos. Abercrombie and other friends. Miss Tena Hutchinson is visiting friends in Toronto and Detroit. Miss Cora Myers spent the week end with her parents here. â-  Mr. and, Mrs. M. Cook and children of Walters Falls visited wiih Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. Cook and children are staying for a week's holidays. Mij. Harold Proctor and Betty and brother, '-Billy" Rodgers, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ^eo. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs .A Fav/cett of Powass- an visited friends for a few days; Mlrs. Curry and Mrs. Munro of De- troit arj holidaying witli Mus M^rv Stafford. ONWARD" NEWS .After a two weeks' drought the rains of Friday, Saturday and Mon- day were much appreciated. Mr. Tonald-^IcDougall of Mussoula Jlontann, and .sister. Mrs. Katie Reid of .Algoma. Ont., spent the past wetjk with So<.)th Line and Proton friends. They left for their homes on Monday of this week. The .'.nnual section gnx)undhog hunt v/as held during the week of June 28 to July 5th. J. G. Whyte and J. R. Meads were chc.<<en as captains and with sid,es of abont twenty each, a third successive and successful In- vasion 01 the destructful buiTowing pest took place. The dance and tail counting, which was held to cel<ebrate the affair, was given by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Vans- at their home on the evening of July Sth, where a pleasant time was spent. The count of tails credited Mr. Whyte â- with a total of 155 ftnd his opponent. Mr. >Ieads, with 15R. Robt. Parslow Jr. secured th? largest number of Friday evenjng. TTie Heathcote tails individually having a total of orchestra was in attendance. 4,1. Brady Irwin took -â- second ilacc HEAR IT IN YOUR OWN HOME m The new Victrola AN INVITATION Gome in and see us â€" then arrange with your friends to spend a happy musical evening at your home. Enjoy the marvelous new Orthophonic Victrola â€" hear your friend's confirmation of this wonderful encyclopedia of music in the home. W. A. Armstrong &- Son Flesherton, (Ont.) BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdale 1344 J. W. Bates. "R. Malddocks. HOUae OF QlUALITY Special This week only. No. 1, 3 Bushel cotton Bags 3 for $1.00 W, J. STEWART & SONS Flotir, FVmI, 9â€"dn, C ot tt laa mtiA CawfauMwiiaiy Flesherton m >:>m •>->»â-  â- ^mm -t,.*«

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