Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1926, p. 1

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Vol 46 No. 7 'the fkBl^ntm %hmnct. Flesherton, Ontario JuFy 21. 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. Archie Neilson and family of Bolton are visitors at the home of Mr. Jaj. Neilson. Miss Portersfield of Listowel is the guest of Miss Stewart.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett and fam- ily of Ventry visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Corbett on Sunday. Mrs. Wh>te is visiting her son I. B. Whyte here. Miss Mureta McMiwchy of Cor- betton visited a few days with her friend Roberta Acheson. Mr. Ernest Lyons and litttle dau- ghter are holidaying in Toronto. Arnold Hergott has gone to Owen Sound to work. KIMBERLEY (Intended for last week) Our little village was very quiet the twelfth otf July. After a short parade in the morning, L. O. L. 244 motored to Durham few the day. Some pleasure seekers took the early train for Orangeville, others picknicked at Eugenia. Regardless of threaten- ing weather conditions, all seemed bent on enjoying themselves and no doubt accomplished their purpose. The camp meetings which have been conducted by Rev. Jackasn ard his helpers, closed last Sunday night. I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whtney and two Ichildren arrived in their automobile Monday afternoon from Lorborn- lask., a distance of 2300 miles, to fisit Mrs. Whitney's parents. Mr. and .FMrs. Thos. WyviU . Then and their companions,, Mr .and Mrs. King and children, who are visiting in Flesher- ton, camped twelve nights during the journey. The s:entlemen are school teachers in the west We wish them and their families an enjoyable va- cation in the east. Miss Mary Wv'vill is home for her Vacation from her school near Ban- croft. Mr. and Mrs. Hergott and sons, Arthur and Roy. and Miss Ruth Stewart are visiting friends near Ban. don. Mr. Still and family, of Burks' Falls are visiting at the home of Mr. Peter Still here. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNicol and daughter of Toronto, are visiting at Mrs. Chas. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin visited over the v.i?ek end at Listowel. Miss Maude Acheson spent a few days at Barrie Miss Roberta .Acheson visited her friend Miss Ivy Parslow, Swinton Park. Mr. Billy Cade of Toronto, is vis- iting his friend .Arnold Hergott. Congratulations to our public school pupils w^ho were successful In the entrance examinations. Forbes Magazine "Speed gets you nowhere if you're not headed right." Doesn't it ? It's sure to get you where you don't want to go, when headed \\Tong. Try it! 1 Mr. Jasper Stewart, who has spent a few days with his family, return- ed to the North on Saturday . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis and family visited relatives here. On their return they were accompanied by the former's mother and his brother Stewart. We were glad to see Mrs. Mans- ell Cook and her children who spent the week at the home of Mrs. Fergu- son, (Mrs. Cook's mother.) Master .A.rthur Proctor from Eu- genia, has been with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Proctor, for a week's holidays. Mis. O. Irwin returned after her visit with friends in Flesherton and Dundalk. We were sorry it rained and the baseball game between Markdale and Kimberley was postponed. We looked for a good game and plenty of support from our rooters to make it interesting. Miss Tena Hutchinson lefit Thurs- day for a few weeks at .Atherley. We must congratulate Mr .and Mrs. Haddon Hutchinson on the gift of a son, (George) on July 14ih. Miss â-  Martha Stewart is visitmg her sister, Mrs. Taylor .-Vbercrombie. She is accompanied by Mrs. Barn- hart of Toronto. - We welcome Mi-s. (Rev.) Stotes- bury w'no ari-ived 'at the parsonage last week and hope siie will have a nleasant stay among us. Mrs. Joe. Cornfield entertained a 'large nu-mber of relatives on itho anniversary of her father's (Mr. D. Wilson) birthday. On Friday, about 50 of the Sun- day sv-'hool pupils and their teach- ers went to Meaiord on a picnic. This is an annual event and one much enjoyed. EAST MOUNTAIN Messrs Thos. Smart and Comfort Thompson visited last weel: at Mr. Fred Smith's near Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and daughters of Markdale spent Sunday with friends and acquaintances in the vicinity. We congratulate Misses LiUie Smart and Reta fawcett being suc- cessful en their Entrance e.xamin- ations. , . ., Mr. and Mrs. M. Simons and tamily of Kolepore were the guests of ilr. and Mrs. C. Thompson last week. A number from here attended the 12th Celebrations at Feversham Durham and Orangeville. .A. number from here attended the Orange men sen-ice in Eugenia on Sunday of last week. Mr. Fred Smith of Flesherton ac- companied by his brother. Nelson and Eddie of the West, called on oid friends and neighbors in this vicinity lajt week. Vacation EUGENIA No Doubt You are Like the Rest of Usâ€" Expecting Company . . . Perhaps your home is not comple- te without an odd piece of NEW FURNITURE. We show this week a nice Livingroom Suite for $65.00 that includes a settee and 2 chairs. If you think that your company will not rest at night on that mat- tress an3 bed which you have, we can supply good complete bed out- fits at $18.00 in white, and $23.00 in walnut. Just share your troubles with us and we will fix you up. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER A FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON (Intended for last week) The recent rain was a welcome visitor. Gardens and crops are looking better. Mrs. Munshaw has returned home after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Large, at Niagara Falls. She was accompanied home by some of the Large boys. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Haney of Windsor are on a fortnights visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sergant called on friends here recently. 'Miss Dell Wilson of Keewatin and Miss Millie McMullen of Toronto are holidaying at their respective homes here. Miso Helen Walters of Toronto was the guest of her friend, Miss Dell Wilson, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart and fgraily ccf Dundalk visited recently with Mrs. Stewart's sister, Mrs. Chas Hanley, 8th line. Mrs Hanley visited with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Walter Akitt, Roc!: Mills. Miss Claribel Fenwick oi Markdale is on a two months' vacation at her home on the 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Kerr of Toron- to visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett. Mr Douglas Wilson of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett. Miss Laura Fawcett accompanied them home to Buffalo. Contractor Thos. Lever and assist- ant, Mr. H. LeGard, were busily en- caged rutting in tlie concrete walls of the new chJrch shed last week. and were assisted by a handy staff of men of Eugenia and vicinity. The walls were completed in a little over two and a half days. Quick work. Mr. Churchill and family of Toronto have returned home after tenting for a week on Mr J .A. Williams' lawii. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and daughter visited rriends at Hone\"ivood recently. Mr. and Mi-s. Herb Smith of Owen Sound visited the latter's sister, Mrs J. A. WiUiams. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto visited over the week end with thu former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Mr.and Mrs. Clifford Williams and daughter. Mrs Wallace V.'illiams and tw.i sons and da4{^hter. Helen, mot- ored up from Toronto a week ago and have rented apartments and will re- main for the summer We wish them a pleasant sojourn here. Mr Henderson and family are spend- ing the summer at Fair View Villa. Mr and Mrs Ross Lehman and son, Hedley. of Toronto visited v\ith the latter's parents, Mr. and Jlrs. J Will- iams, here. Master Hedley remained here while his parents will motor with friends through the Maritime Provin- ces this month. Mrs. Williams, receiv- ed word from her daughter who statej^ that they arrived in Quebec City and would visit there a few days before proceedincT further. Their trip so fav ha^ been an enjoyable one and we hope it will continue so, until their .:af'? return home. Messrs. Henderson and J. Williams notored to the city Sunday and will visit there until Tuesday. V,'e arc very sorry to report the death of Mrs. Elijah Paul, 'a highly esteemed woman, beloved by all who knew her. We extend our profound sympathy to those left in sad bereave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams- and nephew. Master Jack Williams, of Toronto visited friends here over the week end. Master Jack remained to spend a few happy holidays. Master Clarence and Ernie Williams of To- ronto also visited their parents here for a few days. Church service is now held in the afternoon in the United Church here. There wa^ a gooil attendance at church on Sunday to listen to the ser- mon to the Orangemen. .A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Court ' Smith, Sth line, on Tuesday evening. | June '2>^th. when a party was given ' in honor of Miss M. Stade, teacher. ; who has resigned her position as ] teacher in the 8th line school, atter ; three years of wielding the rod tTiere. Mrs. Charles Martin read the address while Miss Ha Magee made the pres- entation of a French ivory dresser i clock. Miss Stade made a noat reply I in a few well-chosen words and was ' quite pleased with her gift. Mr. Chas. Williams of Toronto vis- ited over the week end at his parental home here. ' Mr. Harry Foester has disposed of his Ford coupe and is now drivingr • fine Chevrolet coupe. . PORTLAW The welcome showers the past few days have brought about a wonder- ful improvement in crops of all kinds. Mr. James Cornfield spent a few days last week in Toronto visiting members of his family. The pupils of our public school and their friends picnicked wth Rock Mills school in Mr. Akitt's grove and enjoyed a very happy time. Miss Clinton, who has had charge of our school the past year, has been re-engaged with some increase in sal- ary, thus showing appreciation of her services in a practical way. She left for Toronto to spend her holi- days with her parents. Miss Hazel Shunk of Toronto, a former teacher here^ is visiting with her friend. Mrs. Harry Fisher, and renewing friendships with many old friends. Our annual Sunday school picnic was held last Thursday in Mr. James Hopps' grove. There was a gi.^od turnout of children and old people of the community and a!! seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. Master Stanley Gaudin of Toronto is spending his holidayj with .his uncle. Mi". J. J. Little. Mr. S. Hemphill of Ceylon instalie-l a windmill for Mr. Lewis Sheardov/n last week. Mr. Henry .\mott of the Centre Line, like the TTch man of old whose ground brought forth plentii-iUy. has resolved to pull down his bams anO build greater. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns of Fle^he?- ton and Mr. .\. Cairns of Manor, Sask.. were visitors here lately with friends. Master Robt. Sheardown is holiday- ing with reKitives in Toronto. ROCK MILLS PRICEVILLE LADY BANK Ideal hay weat'ner at present. The Ladies .\id of Providence held an ice cream social at the_ home of Mrs. John Dobson, on WednescLiy evening of last week, which proved I to he a real success. Misses Verna and Adell Roberts of Toronto are spending their holi- days a., present at their parental home here. Messrs Clarence and Fred Semple of Islir.gtoi:. spent the glorious twel- fth in i-'eversham. and wit'n their parents. Jlr. and Mrs. Wm. Sempl" here. Mr. ih. Dobson spent tiie twelfth at Du, aa.-.i. Dromore and other pla- ces too r.v.merous to r.iention. Mr. Jlcrl Roberts ic ac his home here at present, after spending the past three months at Ravenna. The Ladies' .\.id ci' Providence church h?!d their -July meeting at the home cf Mrs. Harold Fenwick. o!i Wednesiiay of last week. Although .Mrs. Fenv.ick is not as yet a mem- ber of tho aid, she kindly invited the ladies to her home. They ail accepted h.<r kind invitation «ith pleasure. -After the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was serve-! by the ho-3t°ss and little Miss Mur- i:l Cameron sang v-ery sweetly as did Mrs. Fenwik. The ne.xt roeetins; wii IVo h.'".! at the home of Mrs. Les. Poole en Wednesday, .August llth. A!! niomlers are requested to attend. Visitors welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patten and d.iughter P-jrothy of Flesherton, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. .^' we!!. Mr. nnf* Mrs. Jas. Semple and daughter Shirley of Markdale .spent Si nday vi'.h Mi", ajsd Mrs. Wni. Sem- ple here. We «"..: rstand that Mr. W'alter Wilson V :• purchased the 100 acre farm onoc kno^vn as the John Lir.d- ley farr.-. We wish Mr. ami Mrs. Wilson eery success. The farmers have commenced hay- The refeeshing showers of last Frl- ing in this vicinity, and some crops day and Saturday were much appree* are fairly good. iate<l by all in this community . Mrs. Booz, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dobson and famQy with W. T. Pedlar at present. are spending their vacation at Mr. J. Master .\lbert Phillips of Toron- McArthur'a. to, is holidaying with his grandpar- .Misses May and Sadie McKinnoa ents here, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoy. of Toronto, are at nresent holidaying Mr. Ned Croft made a business trip with their parents and sister, ilisa to Collingwood recently. Lydia, whose condition remains un- itr. W. J. Newell, has had his new c'nanged since last report, dam completed and Is now ready to Miss Kate McTaggart of Toronto' chop again. is holida>-ing at her home here Miss Ita Pedlar holidayed this week Miss Esther McLean is spendinjt with her cousins Iva and Gladys a two weeks' vacation at her grand- Wickens of Kimberley. father's Mr. .A.rchie Ferguson, Swin- Mr. Will Hargrave and daughter ton Park. Ruth, of Wareham, visited recently Glad to renort Mr. Jack McLean is with the former's brother here. Mr. able to be around once more. John Hargrave. Mr. Sam McDermid treated himself Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carter oif Man- and family to a new Ford touring car ilia and .Miss Carter, of Qrillia, were a couple of weeks ago. *. visitors at W. T Pedlar's last week.| Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Chas. Newell and wife, visited j Anarus McLaaclilin (nee Miss Black the former'^ brother in Durham re-j of Niagara Falls) who were united is cently. I marriase last week* Rock .Mills and Flesherton Baptist Mr. Matt McConWy returned to De- Sunday schools held their picnic onjtroit last week after a few weeks' Thursday of last week, at the hy- holidays wHth his mother and brother dro park, Eugenia. .A. large crowd j Robert and family here, was present, and e:.-rev body bothj Mrs. Thos. Nichol is on a week's young a;:d old si-emed to enjoy the iiolidavs to her parents. Mr and Mrs. outinf;'. Softball was pla>-ed' and McAllister, also Mrs. Dan Mc.-\.lli3- severil races run off. Lunch was ser--< :er and Mrs. P. H. Jackson, brother ved on t.he lone tables, and there' and sister, all of Collingwood. was no scarcity in zood things to eat. Mr. Doujral McDousal has erected a Everybody did justice to the dainties fine new front part to his dwelling, pro-.-ided them, and altogther a happy: The wiUinc workers of the Presby- and enjoyable time was spent. tsrian congregation held their meet- Mrs. S. Phillip j attended the wed-; ing Fridar at the home of Mrs. DaVe ding of her sister in Owen Sound last McDonald. D. R. A very success- week. ! ful meeting was held and arran »e- Mr. Ed. Kennedy, and mother, o? ments for the bazaar were m-de, London were visiters the past week w-hich will be held in connection with with Mr. and ?-[rs. Isaac Smith and the Garden party .A.ng. 12th. Kindly fa-nily. - : keep the date in mind. The Ladies' .A.id w:l! meet at the' The W. M. S. of the L''nited church home of Mrs. Ray Pedlar, on Wed- had a successful meeting Thursday ncsday July 28th. last at the home of Mrs. Robt. Pars- Pastor Preston will conduct an on- low. en air nr -.yer meeting this week at the Mills. Mr. Sat' Short, took the service at Salem chv ^ch on Sunday night. Miss I::ne Thompson spent the past week -.vith Mi-s. W. J. Xewell Miss I. .1 Topclifie. who has been visiting he sister. Mrs. Jas. Dargav- el for the ! \st two weeks left to vis- it her fat'r-.'r at Odessa, and sister Mrs. Steve; son of Kingston. TORONTO LINE. NORTH Mrs. Mitchell and daughter Vera 'nave returned to Toronto after spend ing a couple of davs with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns Mr and Mrs. J Beecroft and daa- ghter .A.rlene, of Owen Sound, visited Mr. Brvc,> Dargavel. wife and babv '^'^^^ ^^r '''"<! ^Irs. E. Wlckens. and Mrs. U. M. Darsavel. Dornoch. ^^~- Clarke Perigoe ctf Toronto is spent Friday at Dargavel's. Ethel bolidaytng at the home of .Ab. Stew- and Robert Dareavel wen: with them *rt. for a few davs holidavs. The United S. S. held their picnic Mr. Homer Reid. wife and two chil- '"" Tuesday last, in J. .A. Lever's drefi. Meaford. and Mr. Oscar Reid. : s^ove. A large number were pres- Midland. visited last Wednesday with their cousin, Mrs. Jas. Darsravel. CARD OF THANKS ent. Mr. Will Whyte of Detroit. Miss M. E. .-Vnderson of Brampton .and Mrs. .-V .W'nyte of Xewtonbrook, spent Sunday with the latter's bro- t.her. Mr._ W. Burnett. ' Mr. Wni. Burnett and daughter, Mr. Elijah Paul of Eugenia and, spent Sunday at Wm. Burnett's at family, desire through the columns ' Priceviile. of The .â- \d%-ance to thank their many Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and ehil- friends for kindnesses shown dur- dren of Wodehouse' spent Sunday at ing the illness of the wife and moth- T. Lever's. er, and for the beautiful floral tri- Mr and Mrs. C. Johnston and thei butes. mentioning those of Eugen- family of Shelburne. Mr. Frank Ped- is and Eighth Line neighbyors. It lar from Sask. and Miss Sarah Ped- a!l helps to bear the sorrow. ; la- from Toronto were recent visl- tors at E. W lokens' • The community wiis shocked to Fortune is waiting for the scien- loarn of the sudden death of Mr. tist who can make a man feel as well .\sa Hill. West Back Line. Sympathy the day after a one-day holiday as is extended to the frienr!s in the ber- he did the day before. eavenier.: HOLDF.VST CLl B 1. F. W. O. .A very successful meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jake Lever when Holdfast club entertained Osprey club with a large attendance of mem- bei-s and visitors. Mrs. .\. Carson. Preside:: : of Holdfast club, extended s vote <'"" welcome. .\ftor the open- ing exv,;:ises and general routine of business, the chair was taken by the president of Osprey club. Mrs. Mc- Innis. a:-d a splendid program was given oT sons? and readings, ;^ter which the clubs were invited out on the lawn and enjoyed running, walk- ing and other races. Refreshments were th-jn served being ample and followed by delicious home made can- dy. The meeting closet! by singing ••God Save the Kins." The next meeting will be a* the home of Mrs. Susan Poupo. on Sept. 8th. Holdfast club U. F. W. O. will hold a Garden Party. .August 18th. at the home of Mrs. Peter Muir. Six Corners. More partic ulars later. TENDERS WANTED â- â€¢Â« BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEfiAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FL^'ER.\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdale 1344 J. W. Batas. R. Maddocks. -1 HOUSE OF DUALITY Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 3Ist day of July, 126, for the purchase of lots 1 2 andS, north of Queen street in the Village of Cevlon : the property of the late George Meldrum, the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"HILLIARD LeGARD, Executor 26 Muriel .\venue. Toronto. Special This week only. No. 1, 3 Bushel cotton Bags 3 for $1.00 W. J. STEWART & SONS F1e%ir, F««4t % â-  < â- , Gfoc&timm mnd Cenl«ctt«n«ry Flesherton

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