Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1926, p. 4

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WKDXKKDAY, .lUI.Y, 21st. ir*2« THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i Seasonable Supplies of Hardv/aie We iK-ave in stuck the Kuaranleed Zinc Iti8ulati><l Fence Wire, iiisultttwit usainst rust at a .spt'tialiy low i)riee. 5 wires at 35 centsj 7 wires at IT cint;;, 8 wires at fiO (•(.•nls, i) wires at CO cents. Barbed wire, coil-j'iniiiK wire ami poultry ifencinK are also kepi in etuck. Sereon doors at -2.u(j i.i ^t.OO ami srrecn windows at â- l.'i and .lO cents arc good values. V.'c have some tcreeninsj in different widtlis. 1-et ua enuip your Kara'fe dooi- sviih The Hatch Carafe Door Out- fit, per set with track ^10.6U. We can supply the paints, oil.s and turpentine for the liou.se you i'ltend to paintt. A larsrc shipment of Kla.s» direct from BclKiuni in erpected in a few days and will be tiold at a very attnu-tive price. IliKhe.'it price is paid fur etrgs either cash or trade. F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON the tiect'osaries of life. BeinK con- cealed, they take the same place as the suKar coating on the doctorV pill. * * « The K"v'ernment continues to seii limber limits to fatten up the excheq- uer This may be all right, but care should be taken to keep lophidtintir the fore.its for future use. Otherwise there may lie wooti ami water fam- ines in tlie future. Such has been the experience in all lands. <. THE i Warden Dan McTavish of Fleshi rton. »â-  â- â€¢AiivPkVMki aniiBMnp*' ""^vever, it may be ahwiK in .VuKust FLESHERTON ADVANCE ''^^ "^ « convention is cmied for the I kkUllklllUn nuinilWk f,^,^.,,^,^^, „f n„,„i„utinK a candidate. There is a ureal deal of reticence anionu the Liberal.'! as to their inten- tions. In the last Federal election they did not put a candidate in the field, leaviiiK it to Mi.;s Miicphail and Dr. Campbell to fijiht it out, but there is a feclinj.;' amoMK some of the lead- ers of the Liberals in the riding' that they should have a candidate of then- own this time. It is expected that they will hold a convention during the latter pnrt of this month to de- cide the matter. Published on Coliingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year, \ when paid in advance ?1.50. In U.S.A. §2.50 per year, when paid in advance §2.00. W. H. THURSTON, • - Editor r. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor OSPREY COUNCIJ- The municipal council of the town- siiip of Osprey inct in the Oranjte liall, F'cveniham on July .Ird, accor- dinK to adjmirnnicnt from last meet- ing. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. John Winter.s waited on the coun- cil v.'ith an uceoimt for repair.s to his cur v.'hich he claimed were due to (lamatco caused by rouch roads. This was referred to Mr. llender.son who was instructed to take the matter up with the Globe Intlenmity Co. Mr. Karstcdt interviewed the coun- cil in-regard to .supplying cement for 'he pronoscd lirideres. 'Iho clerk introduced the subject of nnuntiage (fees, and received instruc- tjiins to prepare by-law for the next nieetintr, settirs: out a new schedule of fees. R. C. McKi.'ght, township Engin- eer was prest :t, with ten'lers from Win. Clark ami Son, Owen Sound, W. Irwin Wiarton, anti Mr. Weber for the constructi n of bridges, all of which were given due consideration. Grummett - - Henderson â€" That the tender suhmitted by Wm. Irwin fur the constri tion of Wright's brid- ge and the tv. i Warcham bridges at SO.li.'j per j'd. 1 e accepted. Edwards -^ Cameron â€" That the Engineer be i uthorized to have Mr. Irwin sign cor. racts for the construc- tion of the th'ee bridges the engin- eer to order moment and steel and arrange with the contractor in regard to date of delivery of same. v Camcrcri â€" Grummett â€" That the Treasurer be authorized to receive from John Tyson the sum of sev- enty five cents, Mr. Tyson bdSng ov- erpaid th; t amount. llender.ion â€" Cameron â€" That John Parker, county '|:-easil"er, be paid S3. 00, ejpen.ws re deed of Lot 4, You- ell St. ivclvin, and that the clerk be instruct 'd to obtain information in regard to soiling same so that it may be dis; osed of at once. Af tt â-  the pasisng of accounts, on motioi', the council adjourned to re- assen ble in Singhampton on July JJIst .-.t 1 p.m. Howro (;i;t ho.nest LISTS VOIEKS' EDITORIAL NOTES The Dominion Election contest will -j-he "Agnes" rose developed by the soon be at fever heat throughout the Central Experimental Farm at Ottawa country. .i,„ ' h'ls won first prize from the Ameri- I Some political leaders express the „„„ R„se Society for an outdoor rose 1 convicition that in preparing the vo- • ^^.j^j^^j^.,, ^„, ^j^j^ continent. Ottawa! ters ists in the big cities there will ,,^^ ,,;,,, a„„t,,er .^p,,^ , ,,,,,„ j^, ^ ^^.j,,. , be opportunity for unscrupulous men „er_T„ro,Uo Star. Now this is I to have dead men vote and to have absenli-e voters personated. They point out that in Toronto many thous ands of bogus votes were polled for the liiuior interc.-its in the plebescite and in Hamilton and other wet cen- scarcely fair. The other Agnes is ours, and likely to be until "Seme bonny laddies tak's her awa'." « * « Soine people are lamenting because tres illegaitit., were perpetrated by } laws pasesd by the late parliament "antis"' which added greatly to the : were not finally disposed of when dis- vote polled against the Ontario Tern-', solution took place. Cheer up and perance .'Vet. At. this time we have °bey the Ten Commandments â€" at no means of getting at the trouble. ! Ifast till a new parliament "is." Noth- Let us, however, make a suggestion ' '"K has been pa.s.ied by legislatures in to the fearful ones. They should I those thousands of years that can beat Cease their outcry and get to work' the old JJosaic statutes, •t once to see that an honest voters j « • • list is compiled. If half the time' t-, t^- â-  • . ., ,, ... â- pent in barn-storming by Toronto' The King s pmzeâ€" the blue ribbon and Hamilton orators were devoted to",'*^ the Bt.4ey riflemen s meet was won effective organization to provide forl^^,'' 72-yeaiM,ld gentleman shooter. •n honest vote, public interests wsuld he served, and the best man would Win. It is a notorious fact that there â- Â»re many hundreds of good citizens Who says the age limit for should be 50 ? sport There is a plethora of school teach- <ki every election who only orate on i ers in Ostario. When the board at platforms sr grumble at street corn-! Albion, Peel county, came to fill a Srs, both «aay. [>th before and after polling 'â-  vacancy last week, they had before While they stand idly by, or.thpm 2.')0 applications. An Orange- viile young lady took the prize. ©rate to those probably already con firmed in their views on public ques- tions, the unscrupulous manioulators ©f voters' -lists, get in their fine work •nd by th;.-, means too often defeat a return of a candidate polling the nxn- jority of the honest vote. What they, ,, , e ^u ^ i i need in Toronto, Hurnilton, and other I ^'"^ outcome of the struggle less un centres of population is not pre-elec- tion oratory but earnest and persist- ent organization and work to keep 4he voters' list fiure fr<im now till the last vote i.~i polled. Let all he warned by their cxper- Indioations are that there will be fewer three cornered fijrtits in the Dominion election contest startmg in earnest this week. This will make pertain. Much will depend on the West however. encc in the last vote on the Ontario ioc,k for a dissolution this vear. Very Temporante .'Vet and ))revent a rep- etition of ballot box shuffling in any respect. many former M. P.'s are being nom inated. This i.s rtot surprising; the surprise will come to many when the Votes are counted on election eve. • « • As old Sir John A MacDonald was ,,..,, ., . , , , ^ accustomed to declare, "If there is With the arriva home from Ottawa anything more uncertain than a hor.se ©f Miss Ajines Macphail, the repre- y^^^^,â-  jt i^ an election" sentative of iSoutheast Grey in the i last Parliament, political matters in â-  * * that riding are lieginning to take on' The average boy thinks the school- ARE WATCHING EACH OTHER VERY CLOSELY an interesting aspect Miss Mac- house 'the t:relMest pliicc â€" to stay av.ay from duiing vacation â€" that ho Church union in various forms is going ahead an<i „^w in progress in both England and organization, and Scotland. Once more Canada is pointed to as giving a good example. * J * The Ontario Hydro Electric Com- mission is reported to have n surplus of $l.''w,'848 for the last financial year. So much for i)ublic ownership. Now lot us have a reduction in rates. phail does not need to do any worry icg.-rrTaf-dinif her nomination as she' knows of. was placed in t.hp fied at the U. F. C cbYiVenlioii held in Durham last Fri^ day, so that she completing her when the time come.s will have every thing ill good working order On the other hand, the Conserva- tives and the Liberals arc waiting ro see which is going to make the fnst move towards the calling of a con- vention It is understood that the Conservatives decided not to make a move until ;)if.t£r the Liberals have' Srathered and divided as to who nieii I In the coming election, if Canada candidate is going to be. if they go is to be .saved, we must vote for the so far as to put one in the fiehh but ( ) party. Fill in â- whether they will hold out lonf to suit yourself. But do not talk •nough is (pie.stionablc. blue ruin, and thereby di.scourage your In C)nservative circles there is talk nciKhbors. * » » of several candidates. It i^ generally, understood that Dr. L. G. Campbell, The witty Lord Dewar, in an ad- of Markdale, who opposed Miss Mac- dress to the visiting South African phail last year, would not be adverse bowling team, pointed out that Dis- to taking another try at the game, reali declared that men could no more but there are some in the party who escape taxes than death. Death, how- think that a stronger candidate might eveiv â- .! generally painless, which is iret better results, and .tevoral names more than can he said of -taxes, 'that have been mentioned, among them is why the politician is so fond of .W. D. Henry, «)" Markdale, and Rx- indirect tnxcB, which are imposed on The People's Grocery WHEN IN TOWN CALL AT KENNEDY'S .\l\\;i\ N a I'lill line of Frosh (iroccrics and iMiiit in slock Dntes, Prunes, Seeded and Seedless Raisins. If yoii want some good bread ask about mir O. Canada l-'loiu ; there arc hundreds usin^^ it with intiiL' .satisfaction. W. G. KENNEDY Pllooe 37 Garage Opens We Have Installed a Battery Charger and are prepared to do all kinds of repair work, BATTERIES Rubber Cased Batteries. Guaranteed at $13.50 Your Patronage Solicited. L. A. FISHER & SON STAR DEALERS Flesherton, Ont. PAINTS AND VAR NISHE THAT BRIGHTEN UP SHERWIN WILLIAMSâ€" the old reliable, for inside and oiilsi.le iisv. FLAT TONE â€" An ideal flat finish fo'- use t)n walls and ceilings etc It does not drag or pidl under the brush or show brush marks. t.S HERâ€" WILLIAMS LACâ€" A modern finish for renewing old floors, furniture, woodwork, etc. Easy to apply, dries over night and when u.sed on furniture will not stick to clothes. AUTO ENAMEL â€" Your car may run well, but you will not be satisfied if it looks shabby, a coat of enam- el makes it look like new. Also top dressing etc. Call and get some color cards and the Household Guide. Stop making mistakes in painting. FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 vrv Shoes for Summer Wear WE HAVE SOME VERY NICE MAKES OF SHOES. Dongolaand, Patent Leather strap shoes with some of the latest styles and new makes of heels. Ranging in price up to $4 a pair THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON '« » ANOTH ER SHOS The pre.seiit Dominion eection con- test promises to be a lonj; drawn- oi:t-affair, as the politicians did not This is a genuine Clearing Sale of up-to-date Shoes From Tuesday, July 13th to Tuesday, July 27th You can't beat these prices anyvrherc. Come, try thetn on. 4^ Men's Shoes THEY MUST BE SOLD -Mens 'i'an Calf ().\fords, rt---. $5.2.^ 1 r $4.25. Men's ijlack and Tan Calf Shoe sale ;)ricc $4.50 Another line of P>lack Fine Shoes on; sale at $3.49 Brown Canvas leather toe cap and str.ip $1.79 Tan Duck Rubber- sale price SI. 08 White Duck Rubber, .sale price 99c. Glen's 1 larvest Tloot, ridiculous price, to clear $L23 Children's Shoes Infant's. Hewetson's strap slipper rcg. $1.85 $1.29 Patent Sandals size 5 onfy 89c. ^Vhite Canvas with patent trim, size 8 U\12 99c. Canvas Straps, leather or rubber sole. Sale price 99c. Child's brown Canvas Strap or high 78^c. Ladies' Shoes ALUMINUM WARE Double Boiler at 98c. Preserving Kettle 98c. Set of 3 Pudding Pans 79 cents IJlark Patent, cut-out design Black P:ifent, suede trinuuing Patent Strap, low heel Odd lines of Patent and Kid Strap K 1'< Widths in Kid and Patent $2.75 $2.59 $2.45 $1.49 $2.69 White Canvas Oxford with cloth covered heel $1.49 White Canvas Comfort Shoe with low heel $2.00 Teimis Oxfords with crepe sole $1.25 i> SOAP DEAL 4 Bars P. & G. â€" 4 bars Gold and 1 bar Ivory with' cfiamel sauce pan for $1.00 Wallpaper Other Specials Gingham, regular 35 c. for26 cent-s Children's short Sox, white with assorted trim 19c. Little Boy's Wash Hats 35c. Pit tie Boy's Crown Cai)s 29c. Men's P.roaddoth .Shirts- assorted colors $1.99. Bundles of 5 rolls and 16 yards border at 99c Bundles of 4 rolls and 12 yards border, better quality 99c. All 15 ct. papers at 12c. a sing-le roll. All 25 ct. papers at 19 c. a sing-lei roU All 35^ ct. papers at 26 cents a single roll All these prices good while the goods lasf. Our Terms are: GASH Store iluu' , inly tun (.venin-rs a week (TL'ESO.W & FRID.W) at 6 p.m. during the summer months. _^'<^' Don't miss your share of the values mentioned above. A. E. HAW, Ceylon w

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