®f)je fktsi^ttUfti %hmnu. Vol 46 No. 8 Flesherton. Ontario Aug. 4, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, PoDprietcnrs PORTLAW KIMBERLEY Miss Lillian Watson of Toronto vis- I Visitor, over the holiday are: Mr. ited with her cousin. Miss Pearl Wat- and Mrs. Falette and Mr. Jack Fal son^ the past two weeks. L^te; Mr. and Misses Davis; Miss Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes and Mr. and Dorothy Good. Toronto, at "Spring- Mrs. A. Wauchope and two children brook", home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. of Toronto visited for a few days at | Myles; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Good, Mr. the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Shear- down. Mr. John Elliott and wife of To- ront.0 visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Watson. % Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walker and two children and Mr. Rupert Walker of Toronto visited lately with their cowin. Mrs. T. R. McKenzie. Mrs. M. Conron and two chidlren of Toronto are Tisiting with relatives here. Mrs. E. Whitten of Toronto visited with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Congratulations to Mr. Harry Thompeson. who recently came over from Detroit and claimed his bride, Miss Flora McDonald, Singrhampton. Mr. John .Gorley and daughter of Toronto visited lately with his niece, Mrs. W. H. Blakey. (Intended for last week) The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris- topher Lougheed has been saddened by the death of their youngest child, Mervin Isaac, an exceptionally bright M.P. little boy c(f thirteen months, who died on Sunday of last week after but one dayl illness. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Maxwell. Rev. Mr. New conducted service at the house and preached a very comfort- ing sermon. The little casket bore a number of beautiful floral offerings from sympathizing friends. The par- ents w^ish to publicly thank neighbors .and friends for the many acts of kindness shown them in their time of sorrow. Mrs. D. Jamieson and four child- ren of Toronto are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Mr. Thomas Black was down to Toronto last week to visit his sister there who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and two sons of Toronto visited at the home of the former's brother here. Mr .and Mrs. R. Hannah attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hannah of Berkley last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns and two children of Orange Valley, vis- ited at T. R. McKenzie's lately. Your correspondent has been hear- and Mrs. Andy Andrews, Miss Elsie and Jackie Good with Mr. and Mrs. Plewes; Mr. and Mrs. Summers and Miss Mary Jenkins. Toronto, with Mrs. J. A. Stuart; also friends at the parsonage, the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Stotesbury. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber and Miss' Geraldifie Lee and Liddy visited with friends at Kincardine on Sunday. Mrs. B. A. Carruthers is making a pleasant visit with Rev. and Mrs. W. Cullis, Heathcote. The W. I. held their monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs. John Fawcett on Friday afternoon. About twenty- five members and visitors were pres- ent. A considerable amount of bus- iness was done: the appointing of cohmittees for .the en^rtaining of the visitors at the convention to be held here on August 10th, when dele- gates are expected from all parts of Grey County. The program promis- es to be very interesting. Addresses will be given by Miss .\gnes Macphail Mrs. Banks, Shelburne, and CEYLON An ice cream social was held at the home of Mr. Fred Spofford under the auspices of the Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. A large crowd was present and every- body enjoyed themselves. A good program was provided by the young people. The lantern slides, which were put on by the Department of Agriculture, were much enjoyed by all and also the other items of the program. The ice cream and cake was good, but the evening was rather cool to be able to eat much. The Misses Kirby of Toronto are visiting at Mr. Murphy's. We understand Miss Coulthard is leaving for Durham soon. Mr. and Mrs. Milton of New Ham- ing lately of so many weddings and [ burg spent their wedding trip with others. 'Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. H. Law- rence, Mrs. A. E. Myles and Mrs J A Stuart will meet -the delegates and welcome them. The Softball team played a friendly game with the Flesherton ' girls Fri. evening and resulted in a win for the Flesherton girfe. If given a little more daylight the score might have been different. EIGHTH LINE, OSPREY rumors (^ weddings until the signs of the times threaten that the mat- rimonial fever threatens to become an epidemic during this pioon in our community. Jean Grattan Wins R. Trench-s fast mare Jean Grat- tan .won the $10,000 Sage Park Race on July 8th on an .American Grand Circuit track, against thirteen start- ers, Ben Sturgeon doing the driving. The first heat was made in 2.07^. the three other heats being around the 2.09 mark. The $20,000 American Pacing Derby on Tuesday, in which Mr. Trench had two horses entered, was won by "Holyrood Walter," a 7 year old gelding owned by Mr. White- side of Duluth ,the first heat being in 2.02^.â€" Teeswater News. the latter's friend. Miss Spofford. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moison of Buffalo spent a few days with Mr. E Madden. When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reas- on of the -thing into your mind, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past can- not be changed. The picture is yet in your power. TENDERS W.\NTED Sealed tenders will be received for two cement closets, also 4 rods of sidewalk 4 feet wide for S. S7No. 13, Artemesia. For plans and specifi- cations apply to Mr. A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Hot Weather - - - - - - ^ - Furniture Talk WHY MAKE LIFE MISERABLE BOTH FOR YOURSELF AND THOSE AROUND YOU BY TRYING TO SIT AROUND THIS HOT WEA- THER IN AN UNCOMFORTABLE CHAIR! Just drop in and look at some of our nice easy chairs. We have t'»e best assortment at presmt that we have ever had, both in Leather and Wick- er Chairs. Just let us do the worry- ing for you arid we will try and give you the service which our business demands of us. If you require anything ^else in our line just give us a chance to fix you up. 1 Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER & FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON Mr. nd Mrs. Thos. Little, Mrs. J. Little and Miss Laura Little of Han- over, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Whinney the past week. Mrs. Robert Wright of Edmonton who has been visiting relatives here, called on old n^jghbors, who w^ere pleased to see her. Mrs. H. Piper visited her mother near Markdale the first of the week. Mr. .\lex Knox spent the week end with his mother. Mr. and Ms. A. Sinclair and fam- ily spent the week end with Owen Sound friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and child- ren of Bolton \'isited the latter'j par- ents, .Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall o-^r the week end. Misses Irene, and Olive Marshall who have been holidaying with their .•sister, returned home, and .Master Alex and Murray accompanied them home for summer holidays. Mr. Jas. Patterson of Toronto is a guest at Mr. John Kennedy's. Mr. Alex McDonald of Weston is relieving at the depot here wthjle Mr. Sinclair is having his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and daughter, Eleanor^ who have been spending a fortnight with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McMullen returned to city Monday. Miss Mary McLauchlan and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snyder and babe. Mr. J. C. McLauchlap of Tor- onto, Mr. Ivan McLauchlan of Hen- sail, are holidaying with their fath- er Mr. D. D. McLauchlan. Mrs. W. McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Cole and little daugliter of Cleveland, motored over and are visitors at Mr. John Melia's . Mr. Shiers. Mr. and Mrs." Kerr, Mr. Stanley Griffin of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. Wm. White's. Miss Delia White, accompanied by other friends, motored to Wasaga Beach the first of the week. Mr. Brady Irwin had the misfor- tune while working at some machin- ery to have a piece of steel get in- to his eye. He was taken to Owen Sound hospital, but we have not yet heard what the result is. Mr. and Mrs. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Mr. and Mrs.-Ablitt and daughter, Eveline, Mr. and Mrs. Roy- den Gibson and daughter Helen, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ma- thewson, of Holland Centre, were visitors the first of the week at Mr. John Gibson's. Mr. Duncan McMillan of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. Arrowsmith of Glenelg Cen- tre, Mr. Sam .AiTowsmith of Coch- rane, Mr. Finlay McRae and Miss Culliton of Toronto, visited at Mr. Geo. Arrowsmit's recently. Mr. Kilburii Hemphill of Vancouver and Mr. Will Hemphill and daughter Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hemphill and family, all of Toronto, are vU- itbrs at Mr. S. Hemphill's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman and two children of London, Mrs. Cole- man of Owen Sound, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collinson. Mr. Jackson .Toronto, and Mr. Pot- ter fif Bradford, Mass., were week end visitors at Mr. D. McLeod's. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of Shel- burne, motored up and spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Mc- Mullen. Mrs. Bell of Paisley is visiting this -week with her brothers, Messrs .\lex and Donald Stewart. Constable Denton of Owen Sound and Constable Cook, found another still ready for use a few miles from Ceylon. Miss M. Cook with "Sunbeam" a class of^32 members, and Mrs. P. Hunt with her class of 12 members, met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. Geo. .\rrowsmith. where both classes joined together from 3 to 6 p.m. The afternoon was spent by a fine programme, given by the little folks, games tnd other amuse- ments, after which lunch was served. .A.11 present had an enjoyable time. EUGENIA Winnipeg is adding to the list of deaths from poison liquor, and yet Manitoba has Government controL Does not the whole traffic need to be wiped out to insure safety? In Saturday's Globe were accounts of three motor launches taking fire in different parts of Ontario. The terrors of the water seem to be keep- ing pace with those of the land. Premier Meighen says the Byng incident is not a campaign issue, while Sir Henry Drayton .«ays it is. But then, no infield is expected to be air- tight so early in the season. Many picnics are held in the Hydro Park here. On July 28th the .Angli- can Church picnic was held here and a very large crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cliff, accompan- ied by their son, Carl, wife and little son, all of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meggott and children of Flesh- erton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leppard. Mrs. W. Cliff (nee Harriet Meggott) is a sis- ter of Mrs. Leppard. Miss Viola Williams and friend. Miss E. Baine, of Toi-onto are on a fortnight's "visit with the former's parents liere. Mr. Rody Gordon of Toronto visit- ed over the holiday with his wife and family here. Mrs. George ^V'iUiams and two children and Mrs. Bi-aine of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. Jos. Williams. Miss Millie Campbell of Toronto spent the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Cardwell Graham, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and fam- ily were recent visitors at Mr. Wil- fred Magee's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and little son of Toronto visited with the former's sister, Mrs. C. Garham, and brothers, John and Stanley. Miss Beatrice Boyce of the 4th line visited with her brother, Mr. Calvin Boyee and family. .A. good crowd attended the alumin- um ware demonstration at the home of Mr. Wilfred Magee on Tuesday evening of last week. The demon- strator, Mr. Stevenson, gave demon- strations of canning and pancake mai<ing and each one present was treated to a pancake with syrup and a cup of coffee. .Aluminum uten- There was a guessing contest, ao to sils were used in making these, who could guess the number of holes in an aluminum steamer whicli the demonstrator held up for minute's notice. Miss Braine of Toronto suc- ceeded in guessing the nearest cor- rect answei* and carred off the prize of an aluminum sauce pan. Mrs. Magee was presented with an alumin- um casserole by. the demonstrator, for her trouble with the party. Mr. Stevenson gave quite a lengthy talk on aluminum, speaking upon its ser- vicea'i!e, safety and satisfactory qual- ities. Of the world's metals alumin- um ranks second in its heating prop- erties, copper being the fastest to transmit heat through its surface. Mr:-. Leroy of Nottawa visited her brother. Mr. Thos. McKee, and wife recently. Mr. Dave Jamieson spent the week in Toronto. .A. number from here attended the Conservative convention at Durham and are i-uite proud of the Conserva- tive candidate, Jlr. Edwards, Who was chosen to try liis race for the government seat. Mr. Edwards is a prominent farmer, residing in Glen- elg township. Mrs. Wm. Hi.slop visited her sister, Aliss Jessie McKenzie, Ceylon. We offer congratulations to Mis? Donalda Sloane. who passed her ent- rance ex:i:ninations with honors. We also wish to congratulate the 8th line pupils : Muriel Cameron. Christina Magee. Muriel Fenwick. Fred Linton, Harold and Evelyn Turned, who met with success. Great credit is due their teacher. Miss Stade, who we be- lieve is an excellent teacher. Mr .".nd Mrs John T. Sled of Lums- den, Sask.. are on an extended visit with the latter's sister, Mr.?. Wm. Magee, and other relatives. They are c n:ompanied by their grand- daughter, little Miss Ethel. The Misses Nettie and Cora Martin of Owen Sound visited with their brother, Chas.. and family on Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sled of Nottawa visited one day recently with the for- mer's aunt, Mrs. Will Magee. Mr. and .'Mrs. Willie Williams of Toronto visited over the holiday with relatives here. Mr. Edwin Purvis motored up from Toronto and spent a few days with his wife and parents here. Mr. Cha.?. Williams came up from the city on Saturday and visited over the hotid;'.y with friends and relatives i here. | We arc very .«orry to report the I death of Mr. .Ioh<» Bullivan to-day j (Monday.) Full particulars in next | week's issue. | We hear that Miss Christie of Owen Sound has been engaged as teacher ; for the 8th line school. ! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard of To- ; ronto visited at Mr. E. Partridge'^ one day recently. We understand that Mr. Dave Jam- ieson is assisting Mr. Sheldon Myers oi Flesherton with the carpentering. Master Teddy Dixon is holidaying with Flesherton friends. 'ONWARD** NEWS With the fair weather of the pas* week a large portion of the hay crop .is under cover. Sunday's heavy raiii Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin andlpg^haps wet some good hay, but was children visited at Mr. T. Lever's one ! ,,„ beneficial to the gain crop whicS day recently. \^^,^^ .^^ „,^^^ ^^^j ^^ ^ j^i„^_ Mr and Mrs Wilfred Plantt visited Master Johnny Huddy is in the m K.mberley with the Armstrong Hospital for Sick Children at To- tamily one day recently. I^^^^^ undergoing medical treatment. Miss btade of Hanover visited with ^ ^^ ^^p^ ^y^^ jj^tig fgUow wiU soon friends on the Sth line recenUy. She j ^e back and able to walk around has secured a school near home for' „„,• , . ; again. the comin g year. ^ ^ , ^r. Frank Williamson of Brantford lis holidaving at his home on the Old PROTON STATION Durham Road. i Mr. and Mrs. Dave Taylor and fam' Mr. and Mrs. Hergott, accompanied ily and Mrs. John Bresnahan of Hyttla by Miss Ila Batchelor attended the Ont., motored over and spent a few Seaforth races last Friday. ! days visiting friends on the SoutK Mrs. Storey and children of Tor- Line, onto are visiting Mrs. Vause. . Irwin laid up with a sore eye. Whil# Mr. and Mi's. Duncan McNicol and Irwin laid up with asoreeye. WhiW little daughter. Miss Gertrude, and ' repairing a mower a piece of flying Mr. Stanley Lyons, all of Toronto, steel from a hammer blow struck visited the parental home over the him in the eye, causing him mucli- holiday. Mrs. Henley of Hamilton is visit- ing relatives here. Mr. and Mi-s. Walter Corbett of Toronto are the guests of Mr. Cor- bett's parents here. pain before it could be i*emoved. Mr. A. D. Irwin spent the week ertd in Toronto. Mr. .las. Oliver is on the sick list, suffering from a lame back due to poisoning of the skin. We ar& Mrj. Wilson and daughter Muriel pleased to learn that his cpndition is of Toronto spent the week end and improved. holiday at lirs. Consley's. Little No detail.^ as yet have been gather- Murray and Velma Pringle, who were ed concerning the north vicinity s-.rulj holidaying with their grandparents, hunt which was recently staged, returned to Toronto '.vith them. Among other activities of this section Mrs. Still attended a wedding at is a garden party to be held in the .Arthur recently. near future by Holdfast U.F.W.O. Miss Maragaret Still has returned Miss A. C. Macphail made a trip from a viiit to Cheltenham. to Ottawa on Saturday last. .Agnes Mr. CI arlie Hodgins motored to will soon be in the midst of her third Owen So: nd on Saturday to visit. Federal campaign, as Canada's only Mr. and .' 'rs. Hugh .Anderson return- woman member, and once again as ed with 1 m. Progressive contestant in this South Mrs. De.in of Sault St. Marie is Grey constituency, visiting he- mother, Mrs. Carson. Mr. Chas. Turner and other Toron- Lorne Carson of Toronto is also a to friends are visiting at Jas. Turner's visitor at the Carson home. and I. Stainsby's. The Bat -helor young people visit- Mr. F. R. Oliver motored to Aytoa ed on Sunday with their grandmoth- and Vandeleur on Monday. er at Bryce Hill. The United chui-ches of Ceylon. ^^-^^^ ^j,^^,.^^ ^^.^j^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ,^^^ Proton and Inistioge, have e.rtended ^^.^^ ^^^ „,^^^ ^^^ ^^ prohibit the a call to Mr. Gordon Prosser, a young ^manufacture, importation and retail Belleville student, who has preached ^^ .^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^^ ^^ duration of the earnest interesting sermons m the .^q-ij? named churches the past two Sim- ' ^ Mr. John Holborn of Keswick accom- ..,,.,.. vt. . , ,, „ - 1 i. o I WTiile working with his neighbors panied Mr. Prosser last Sunday. . . •. , " . . , asistmg at the raising of a barn on the farm of Mr. Richard Brown, Peter CARD OF THANKS Murray, Lot 1. Con. 4, Erin Town- ship, was the victim of a fatal acci- Mr. David Hincks and family de- dent, when the chain attached to the sire to thank their neighbors and end of a timber on which the unfor- friends for their kindness and syni- tunate man was working came un- pathy shown during the illness and hooked, allowing the timber to give' death of the wife and mother and for away and throwing the deceased a the beautiful floral tributes. .distance of eighteen ;feet to the barn 1 floor, where he fell, head first, deatti To You! Advertise in The Advance, being instantaneous. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-\L P-\RLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdale 4.344 J. W. Bates. R- Maddocks. HOUaE O F Q^UALITY Next week is the time to get your Montmor- ency cherries Leave your order with us now to enable us to supply demand. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, FMd, Se«ci». Crocorie* and Conf«vti«n«ry Flesherton