Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1926, p. 5

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.' i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDKESDAY AUGUST 4th, 1998 • « ^ * Judge a Bank By The Clients H Keeps During more than Fifty Years of constructive banking practice the Standard Bank of Canada has estab- lished loyal clientele from, Coast to Coast. Our ability satisfactorily to serve these cliens year in and year out is the foundation upon which our continued progress ia built. STANDARD BANK OP CAMy\DJ>k. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty, Manager Roderick Stewart Died on Monday Evening There passed away on Monday evening a respected citizen of Flesh- erton and of Artemesia township, in the person of Roderick Stewart, at the advanced age of 74 years. He was working in the wood shed I of his home in to^n the latter part of the week when he tripped and fell [heavily to the ground, bursting an • inward growth with which he was jsufferipg. He was unconscious for j two days and quietly passed away on Monday evening at about eight p.m. i He leaves a widow who has thg sympathy of the whole 'community in her sorrow. The funeral of the late Mr. Stewart is taking place this I Wednesday afternoon; .service being { held at the houie at 2.30 p.m. and interment taking place in Plesherton I cemetery. Vandeleur Enjoyed Good Crowd on Civic Holiday '"f CJ>.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Plesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 8.00 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. -9.08 pjn, 8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Plesherton aa follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.30 Por morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal Own a home in Plesherton. Miss Verdun McMaster is holiday- ing with friends at «avenna. Mr. John Dow of Kitchener visited "With his parents over the week end. Miss Elsie Ferris of 0\sen Sound spent Civic Holiday at her home^ here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Whitten otf Toronto are visiting a few days with Jim and Ward Harrison. Miss Bfessie Carter of Torontp vjsit- ed last week with her sister, Mrs. R. BowH. Miss M. Pennell of Toronto was the guest last week of her friends. Mrs. R. Bentham and Mfs. C. R. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Riecey of Hamilton •were the guests of the latter's brother J. 0. Patton, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and famiy of Durham visited in town on Mond^-. Mr. Robert Bellamy of Toront* spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. Miss Mabel Gilchrist has returned to Toronto after visiting with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prudham and family of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy. Rev. and Mrs. A. Mc Vicar of Ready called on Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stew^art on Monday while on their way to their summer cottage near Orillia. Dr. Almond will be at the Park Hotel, Plesherton, from Saturday, August 7th to Tuesday, August 10th. See large advertisement elsewhere. Motorcycle Slipped on Wet Road and Took Fire Expect Best Year for East 6rey Ag'l. Soc. Interest continues to increase in the i East Grey .A.gricultural Society and , many new members are joining each Some excitement occurred in town' g^^. This year is likely to see one on Monday afternoon when a motor- 1 „, ^j^^ ^est Pall Pairs ever held here, cycle, owned by Wesley White, south • j^j^j^^ ^y the general feeKng am- of town, and dnven by P. J. Thurs-' „^3t ^he officers of the Society. ton and upon which both were riding, ; E^j^jbitors who are in the habit of skidded on the wet road in front showing at the local fair will be of KarstedtV, store and threw the , veil provided for in the matter of riders from the machine. Immediat- 'â-  specials in the orize list, now almost ely there wa;-. a burst of flame from completed. Outside business firms the escaping gasoline as it poured ^ealiae what a splendid medium the over the cylinders and fire exinguish- Ugt is, in the matter of advertising, ers were u^f d to no avail. Shovels ^^^ in keeping their names and pro- were brought on the scene a'nd the ducts before the public. Several new machine was covered with earth and busii^ss concerns have made dona- the fire was bhereby extinguished, tions this year and the specials are The gasoline tank was damaged be- being distributed throughout the var- yond repair and some of the wiring j^us classes so that all exhibitors burned off but otherwise the machine ^^in have the opportunity of compet- was not damaged to any extent. The ing. Several new features are to be boys were not travelling at more than introduced on fair day this year and ten miles an hour when the accident the Directors are working hard and occurred and escaped injumr when , sparing no efforts to make the day a The Vandeleur Civic Holiday cele- bration was quite a success, although the rain which fell a few hour.3 pre- vious left conditions with a somewhat dampened mien, but not so the spirit of the workers and those who took advantage of the opportunity to cel- ebrate. Plesherton and Markdale girls ( played Softball, the local girls hav- ing little trouble in vanquishing their i opponents and won the five inning I fixture 14-2. Good base running by 1 the winners and some bad throwing ' by the Markdale girU played a large ' part in the victory. Vandeleur had the best of the Greys in a seven in- ning workout. A concert was put on in the even- ing. Misses Noble and Sullivan of Markdale rendered several fine duets with ukulele accompaniment. How- ard McGee was as good as ever with his reading and the Durham Melody j Boys finished the program in that i line. Miss A. C. Macphail and Mr. j P. R. Oliver, the two Progressive can- ddates, were prfesent and addressed! the gathering, wRile Rev. Robt. j Pritchard, an old Vandeleur boy now ! residing in Saskatchewan, also spoke a few words. Mr. R. D. Carruthers acted as chairman and fillad the posi- ' tion very acceptably. He announc- | ed that Mr. Howard McGee vi&s the ' winner of the calithumpian pasade and that Miss Elsie Ferris of Flesh- i erton was adjudged the prettiest lady j on the grounds. ! The proceeds of the day amotinted to about $125. 31agistrabe to that of drinking liquor the defendant and another younc in a place other than a private dwell- i man on the night of July 15th, when i a bottle was said to have been pass- In this case heard on Friday, the ed. â€" Dundalk Herald. I Magristrate imposed a penalty on John „ ' Inkster of 9100 and costs or two^ n .months in jail. The fine and costs,' Send The Advance to s relative, were paid. The evidence given was. .^.^_^â€" â€" ^ very contradictorj'. Magistrate Crea-i Henry Ford often says something , sor expressed his disbelief of the 1 when he speaks. Isn't this true? sworn evidence of two young women, "In natural resources Canada la prob- who live at Singhampton, and who ably the richest country in the world." were out motoring in company with Right, again, Henry! HEAR IT IN YOUR OWN HOME thrown to the road. ADDITIONAL LOCALS The L. 0. B. A. will hold their reg- ular monthly meeting, Aug 6th, Fri- day evening, in Clayton's hall at 8 o'clock. i success from all stajidpointsi. Ow- i ing to circumstances the Directors' nieeting called for Tuesday had to be postponed and will be held this Fri- I day evening instead, when further , arrangements regarding the Faii: will be made. CROFTâ€" BOYCE Mr .a nd Mrs. L. Leffjer of Fort| ' Scott, Kansas, and Mr. Paul Lefflerl A quiet wedding was solemnized of Kansas City and sister, Miss Kath- ' at the parsonage, Maxwell, on July leen, are visiting with Mrs. Leffler's 21, when Miss Mabel Boyce became sister, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, and the bride of Mr. Earl Croft, both of other relatives at Dundalk. the 4th line, .Artemesia. The bride â-  looked very pretty in a blue silk ean- Dr. Alfred Hipkms, eyesight spec- j^^ „epe dress, %vith hat to match, lalist of Hamilton, will be in attend- '^n^ ^j^^ried a bouquef of roses and ance at Dr. W^_ A. Blake's office at f„ns. The only attendants being Pnceville, on Wednesday, August 11 ^^^^ goyce and Mr. Art WTlson. from 9 a.m. to 5 p..m. for the purpose ^fter the ceremony the happy of examining eyes and fitting glasses, p^rty repaired to the home of the Phone Dr. Blake for appointment. bride's parents, and a dainty wedding Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus and two supper was served. The young ctlpdren of Madoc are spending a few couple will reside on the groom's days this week renewing old acquaint- farm, 4th line. ances. Mr. Marcellus was the first '- teacher in the Plesherton high school, ' Don't miss hearing the Meaford and since leaving here fourteen years Band at the Chatsworth United ago has taught in Milton and Madoc. church Garden Party, Wed. Aug. 11th, in the Agricultural Hall and A garden party will be held at the grounds ^ fe.v,-.â„¢.,. Admission 50 and 25 cts. Mr. and Mrs. George Patton, Owen l"*""^ °^ ^^^s. Peter Muir, Sue Comers, • Sound, and Roy Patton of Toronto °" Monday. August 16. A softball | game will be played between Vande- â-  leur and Bunessan to start at 5.30 p. m. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 < I p.m. The object of the garden party j is a most laudable one, and should be given a hearty support; namely to provide treats for the sick members i spent Civic Holiday at their parental home here. Mrs. R. Down and daughter, Flor- ence, was the guest of her friend, Mrs Allan Francis, of Riverview for a few days. Mr. Jas. Scott of Delia, Alta., grave and to frame pictures for the school The Advance a pleasant call on Tues- day. Mr. Scott is visiting friends _ here and hereabout. ' Mrs. A. D. Thurston and two child- ren, Gordon and Ruth, of Montreal spent the pa.st week with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Gordon, of Eugenia and also Ye Editor. <^Mrs. P. G. Goff and daughter, Miss Bessie, of Clarksburg are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. P. H. W. ' Hickling. Miss Goff will remain for a month. Mrs. J. W. Miller and children of 'Calin, B.C., returned to her home in i the West this Wednesday after! Spending the past week with her! father, Mr. C. W. Bellamy. j Mrs. Leader (nee Janet Gibso^) of , Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. W. P. : Croasley on Sunday and was accomp- I irnied by Mr and Mrs. McCall of ' ' CoUingwood. Mr. Phil^rook, wife and two child- j ren and her sister. Mi.Ts Irene Kales, ' visitetd with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, j The former returned home on Monday ; but the ladies will remain foi^ a i month. * i The censua of traffic through town ; at the intersection of the provincial ' highway and county road ha."! bt-en ; taken during the past week and fin- ishes this Wednesday evening. Oiv â-  Saturday night last, wc are infonnod, : that about eighteen hundred cars pa.^scd the corner. Messrs. Edwin Best and .Albert Stewart have the job of taking'the census. Admission 35 and 15 cents. The Priceville Presbyterian church has been the recipient of a very fine Nordheimer Piano, donated by es- Priceville Presbyterians in Toronto and elsewhere. We appreciate this tangible expression of sympathy and co-operation in this time of our need and wish to thank the two Tor- onto girls who so generously and kind- ly contributed toward the fand.-Com. L(^ BRUCE LADY PACl CHARGE OF MURDER At about 4.30 on Tuesday after- noon last. Miss Kats Hardman of Mar, shot and killed E. B. McCoy of Newark N'.J. Edward Ketteringham, of Toronto, a summer camper at Red Bay, was on his way to Wiarton when he saw a woman standing side the body of a man and hol*ig a .22 calibre rifle in hSr hand.Jl He stopp'ed his car, and asked the meaning, and Miss Hajdman replied tha/t McCTJy had been bothering her' for three yaars, and had followed her from the Un- ited States to Canada. She had re- ported him to the police, but it made no difference, so she shot him. Mr. Kefteringham brought Miss Hardman to Wiarton and turned her over to the police, who took her to WalkertDn, where Magistrate McCart- ney remanded the case until Wednes- day. August 4, and the accused was taken to the county jail. Miss Hard- man is about 25 years of age, and McCoy was abbut 60. She only fired one shot, which went through the right breast, and McCoy died in about five minutes. The new Victrola AN INVITATION Gome in and. see us^,then arrange with yo»r Mends to spend a* happy musical evening at ^ your, home. Enjoy the marvelous new Orthophonic Victrolaâ€" hear your friend's confirmation of this wond^^l encyclopedia of music in the home. 4 W.A. Armstipng & Son Plesherton, (Ont.) FINED ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS County Magistrate Creasor. Owen Sound, held court in the town hall on Wednesday morning of last week when inspector Beckett charged a couple of village boys with having liquor, giving or selling. The case against one young man was dismiss- ed, while the charge against the oth- er was changed on the consent of the First Class Merchant Tailoring New Spring Goods Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM THE EYE â€" The Noblest of the Special Senses. Dr. A. Almond OPTOMETRIST THE NOTED EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST will be at the Park Hotel, Plesherton SAT. AUGUST 7th For the purpose of making a Scipntific Examination of all Classes of Defective Vision, using the latest and most Scientific Methods known. Hundreds of Testimonials on application. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Eye is a delicately constructed organ and should not be tam- pered with by unprofessional people. Serious iniury often results miin trying on different gla.'«ses. In order to successfully treat all abnormal conditions of the sight, it is necessary not only to have a knovledgs of anatomy, physiology and ophthamology. but also of general disease and its treatment. If others have failed to give sati.-faction. see DR. .4LMOND at once. , , Recent statistics of the world's population prove that in civil- ized nations one child in evey fouri is affected with errors of more or less' intensity. If your child appears dull or incompetent to perform the duties or studies rcL^uired of it. do not upbraid o scold, bwt come and have it.s eyesight examined. Headaches, neuralgia, vertigo, insomnia and nervous affections, which sometimes baffle the skill of the best physicians, permanently cured. j^Eisis/ssiajsisEiaaisjaiaa'siaEiajaifflaiaiBiaiaraia^^ Preserving Time Is Here! Everything You Need at Right Prices Grauiulated Sugar. Jem Jars Metal Jar Rings Fruit Presses En«unel Preserving Kettles Certo Jar Rubbers Fruit Jar Fillers Jelly Strainers Aluminum Preserving Kettles Special 36 inch Broadcloth 49 cents A FINE EVEN CLOTH, HIGHLY MERCERIZED, IN A VARIETY OF NEW COLORED STRIPED DESIGNS. REGULAR 65c, SPECIAL 4?c Holeproof Silk Hosiery A SPECIAL LINE TO MET EXACTLY.. THE.. REQUIREMENTS.. OF THE POPULAR SHORT SKIRT â€" SILK TO THE KXEE â€" IX THE NEW SEASON'S COLORSâ€" ATMOSPHERE. MOOXLGHT- ALMOND, PE-\CH, AND WHITE- Sizes 8t< to 10. PRICE SL50 a pair. , v.. Straw Hats. Fancy Belts- Fancy Pullovers. CCoaless Suspenders. Athletic Underwear. Summer Xeckwear. Fancy Hosier}-. .. ^^ ::r-:^jrt. F. H. W. HICKLING RLCSKERTON, ONT.

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