'â- \) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, "26 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 37th Annual Fair and Exhibition FLESHERTON & EAST GREY AGR'l/ SOCIETY FALL FAIR SEE THE FINE EXHIBITS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE, HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE AND POULTRY; ALSO INTEREST- ING DISPLAYS OF LADIES' WORK. FLESHERTON Thursday and Friday, September 23-24 lion, 7; Audrey Brown, 3; Geo. Sled, ' amy, F2; FJvelyn Brown, F2; M.'Mu„y^ pg; Stanley Hunt, 10. Kl; Kdilie Genoe, 10; Alma Levtr. Fl; Wyatt, 3; Iric Stafford, 2. , Pullet, bred-to-lay B. R â€" Dora Willie White. 3. „,..„!,., BAKING ^ Stewart, 10; Helen deCudniore, fi; Barley, half l>u. â€" Bui ton Sled, hi; Light I>ayer Cake â€" Alice Heard, Cliffoni Allen, 3; •BilJ Cairn.s, 0; Audrey Brown, 3; Alma Lever, Fl. 'Fl; Irene Martin, 13; Jean Beard, 3; r Fenwick Fl; Betty Murray, F2; VVhiat, half bu. â€" Irene Martin l;'Macik' Sncll. 6; 1). McDonald, Fl; Pen B K* Earl Blackburn 15- C Audrey Brown, 3; Lola Blackburn 3; Dorothy Mallyn, 7. , Allen,' 3; Melville Boyce, 10;'AnKUS E. Talhot, F2; Delhert Smith, 17; Geo. Sugar -Cookies â€" Begsie Cairns, 6; Tumey F'^- Stan'ey Hunt 10- Lulu Sled, Fl. 'Jean Beard, 3; Dorothy Ottewell, I; Russell' ll" ' ' ' Peas, half bu. â€" .Mma Lever. Fl : Ita Pedlar, 17; Nathalie Patton, 17; Cockerel.' White Wyandotte - Bob Jtiui Hmckj, 7; Almeda Hinck.s, 7. Vurdon McMastcr. F2. Phillips Fl- Harold Best F2 MaiiKels â€" Jack ^1^^'"?"' 7; Jim .' Ai)ple Pie - Beryl McKeehnie, Fl; Pen, Whit'e Wyandotte â€" Bob PhiU- Bamion, 4; Marion Bibby H ArKyle Lockhart, 4; Alice Reill.-y, 12; ip^, Fl; Arthur Herjfott, 15; Harold Turnips â€" Glen Pedlar. 13; Ethel I Mary McNichol, 2; Evelyn Brown F2 Best F2 .n".?'l"'./^;/"' "''â- ', \'"'^!'"'"S , ^' /n ' "^'n " ^'''**'V-^\, ^ Ek^s, ' one doz. brown - Stanley lalbot. I'2; Mervyu Johnston, 17; Bill, "'ead â€" Jim Bannon, 1; Nina Hill, Hunt, 10; Marie Fenwick. Fl; Tillie Cairns, C. ^,^ , ^ ,, ,,,^ l"^: ^d» Wjiite, 7; Marparat Nichol 12 ' White, 3; Alma Lever, Fl; Wellinfc- Potatoe.s(Doolev) â€" Harold Johns-] Ctetnieal Cookies â€" D. McDonald ton Colgan, Fl; Macil Snell, 6. ton, 3; 'Clifford Allen. 3j Earl H^.J; if^l; Audrey Brown, 3; Alice Rellley,i Eggs, one doz. white eggs â€" Angus » Pat- Tumey. F2; Alice Heard, Fl; Dor- riK- host lavi' fiitcrocl. SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT tc-.'iiiis of ihc (!i>trict liavi Markdale Band BIG SCHOOL PARADE AT 1 P.M. SEE EXCITING WEIGHT DRAW- ING CONTESTS FOR TEAMS: also rUG O' WAR BETWEEN A TEAM OF HORSES AND 12 MEN. Old Time Step Dancers' Contest $10, $5. EVENING ATTRACTION AT THE HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT PROGRAM BY THE AGNE^v ENTERTAINING TRIO. OdTim; Fidders' Contest l'ri/.i.-s SIO. $5, S3. $2. Music to be played will be a Waltz and Hornpipe by each contestant. An ad- ditional prize will be given for Best Fidd ler playing "McDonald's Reel", prize $3, and $2. Everybody come and ."-.ee their f'tvorites perform. An outside judge will adjudicate. Admission^o concert: adults 50 cents. Children 3S cents. Those intending to enter any of the classes provided will please have their en- tries in early. Full particulars from any of the committee or ROUT. RICHARDSON, T. W. F1XD.\LY, vS. E. deCUDMORE. President Cliairnufci Si)ec. Attrac. Com. Sec:-Trcas: _. . n J . ttnU I Cmi ^^''^ '•''^ ^^*^^ Mills schools a tdoifc , man's nioulli water. It fell to Master Bid LrOWd 3l bCnOOl rair second ana Portlaw third and as the Jim Bannon of Victoria Corner.s to " _ . decision was announced each school i win from the girls in the bread niak- Kave their school yell and were heart- ,ing contest and i,t wa.i good looking ily applauded. ; bread too. The class of gate niak- The following schools took part this ing brought about seventeen models Thirteen public schools of Arte- vear in the school fair: East Moun- (of farm gates from the size of ten niesia township joinctLii the .school t^"?. Eugenia 8th Line, Portlaw, Vic-; inches long to four feet in length and fair for this township K«ft in Flesher- tor'a Corncrj, Proton .Station, Spring- they were indeed very commendable. ton on "Thursday afternoon of last h'". Flesherton, Orange Valley, Cey- There was a large entry of poultry week and made one of the best exhi- '""• >Stone .s Lin«, Old Durham Road and many ine birds were shown, held here Thursday bitions of produce, baking and nature and Priceville. of course being bred-to-lay fowl. ^tiidv work that has been shown at The public .speaking did not attract The prize winners are given below, anv school fair since it was inaugur- many orat«r.i, but Miss Irene Bfcrtin The numbers after the name is the ated 'several years ago Having won a*?"'" won the honors in Miss Mac- .school .?ection to which they belong, the n'rize folbc-.t marohing for three Phail's prize contest and will repre- while the senior room of Flesherton is vears the Flesherton school did not •"«"<• Artemejia Township in the final Fl. and the junior room F2. take'part i« the competition this year, {i'^'^/S?^,!"^^"""''^' ""^''^ ^''" ^' 'LIVE .STOCK \:^:::^^:^^'^:XS:^:::."^^^^^^ ni.ed with ..o. „ calf Beef bre.l from grade rvdn^afhSLlfw^-l^o^nle^fe'dHa. rrl::".^i^^rd Jedt et^T "^ C^ilV'-^'al^^-'brL, from grade Sp'on" V Vrfavotbly brthJTarge/t potatoes there were forty-seven ent- mother -Clarence .Stafford. 2; Bur- â„¢..j tu^t hoc „jnr nttunded the fair ' nes made and the array was one of ton bled, !• . Z. of The kiddlTs The judging of the i the best we had seen and no doubt the Market Lamb - Geo. Sled, F2; Bill nniny schoolstook a long time and|JuJges had a fine time eliminating Cairns, (>. , Ihr, in.tff.s fimllv cave out that the the poorer o«c.5. The baking of the dh.^l.N Eugenia schoofLf won firsF prize young ladies would make a healthy Oats, Half bu. --^hristina McKin- EEiafflaisajaiajiraiaiHsaiaiaiaiaisiaiaiaiHiiMasis^^ 1 Beets â€" Lorine Batiy, Fl; Helen Badjerow, 15; Percy Smith, i»; Irene .Martin, 111; Anna McLean, 12; Elmer Warling F2. ('arrots â€" Argyle Lockhurt, 4; Win- ona Paton, 17; Ed Ferris, Fl; Beta Genoe, Vi; Mamie Kerton, i'i; Chas. Talbot, F2. Parsnips â€" Lilian Smart, 1 ; Phyllis (iraham, 13; Don.lda McMullen, 7; E. Mc.Mullen, Fl ; Robert Clark, 17; Jim Pedlar, 17. Onions - Ita Pedlar, 17; Patty Morgan, Li; E. Kerton, F2; Fred F'atton, F2; Melrose Campbell, L^, G. .Stewart, Fl, Banner Oats, (luart â€" G. Sled, Fl. Banner Oats, sheaf â€" G. Sled, Fl : Joe Gibson, F2. • r Field Corn, stalks â€" Bill Patton, Fl; Hugh Boland, 11; D. McMullen, Fl; Jim McMadden, Fl; Angus Mc- Phail, 7r Cecil Foster, 2. Sweet Corn, ears â€" Joe Hawkins, 17; Candaco Tolton, 2; M. Ferris, Fl; Dick Stewart, 10; Merle Allen, 3; Dora Stewart, 10. Fruit â€" Frank Eagles, 3; Bill Pat- ton, Fl; Irene Martin, 13; Florence Best, Fl; Ed Patton, F2; Wilfred Best, 3. Marquis Wheat, sheaf â€" Bill Park, 3; George Allen, 3; Geo. Boyd, F2; Earl OttewelVl. O.A.C. Barley, one quart â€" Willis White, 3; Leo Patton, 17; Mathias Williamson, 7; E. Fenwick, Fl; Ger- ald Magee, 9. Barley O.A.C, sheaf â€" Leo ralou, 17; 2nd No Name; Willis White, 3; E. I'Y'nwick, Fl; Gerald Ma'gee, 9. Potatoes, half bu. â€" Geo. Allen, 3; Jeon Beard, 3; Stantey Hunt, 10; Eteie. McKinnon, 7; Bessie Beard, 3; Alice ! Heard, Fl. FLOWERS _____ Asters â€" Helen deCudmore, F2; Geor e Sled, l .'• I!i-;yv Fisher, Fl; Kathleen Pedlar, 13; Glen Lockhart, 4; Wes Jamieson 9. Sweet Peas â€" PhyMis Graham, 13; Dorothy Pedlar, 17; Harold Best, F2. Cosmos â€" Stanley Hunt, 10; Wes White, 7; D. Stuart, F2; Margaret Still, U.S.S. 15; Jean Hfncks, 7; Bob Phillips, Fl ""nM' Mary 'McNichol, 2 'othy Snell, 6; Verdun McMaster, Fl; I . uf VJ** â€" Evelyn Brown, F2; Jack Gibson, Fl; Geo. JIcMaster. F2. Lola Binckburn, 3; Monica Rae. 1; NATURE STUDY m^'d .^''•"'J^"' '^'' "^'"^^ l-evcr, Fl;: Weeds Mounted and Named â€" No N. Paton 17 iName from S. S. No. 1; Sedan Stod- Chocolate Layer Cake â€" Donalds : dart, 2; Myrtle Moore, 4; 4th No Sloan, Lj; Kathleen Pedlar, 13; Agneu'Name; Alma Lever, Fl. Irwin, Fl; Patty Morgan, 13; Irene. Coll. Weed Seeds â€" Frank Eagle 2: Martin. 13; Dorothy Snell, 6. [Audrey Brown, 3; Bill Patton. Fl: SEWING Joe Williamson, 7. Linen Guest Towel with Initial â€" Lj Feed Hopper â€" Bill Patton. Fl; Batty Fl; Alice Heard, Fl; Lola i Wellington Colgan, Fl; Jack Gibson, Blackburn. 3; Bladys McFadden, 2;;F1; Joe Gibson, Fl; Angus Tumey. Alice Reilley 12; Annie McKinnon 12.1 F2; George Stewart, Fl. Kitchen .^nron - Eessie Cairns, 6;^ Any Model in Wood â€" E. Kerton, Alice Reilley, 12; Alice Heard. Fl;iF2; E. Freeman, Fl; Ed Patton, F2; M. Ferris. Fl; Helen deCudmore, F2; Wellington Colgan, Fl; Bill Patton, Gladys McFadden, 2. iFl; Willard Blakey, 15. POULTRY Model Farm Gate â€" Emery Fiser, Cockerel, bred-to-lay B. R. â€" Dora Fl; Alex. Stonehouse, 12; Angus Mc- Stewart. 10; Helen deCudmore, F2; Phail, 7; Jim Bannon, 4; George Mc- Bill Cairns, G; Clifford Allen, 3; Betty ' Master, Fl; -Arthur Hergott, 15. Small Advertisements LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€" In Flesherton on Saturday night, Sept. 11th, a sterling silver pin, set with brilliants, in shape of bow. Finder please leave at The Advance office or communicate with Mrs. Ray Pedlar, Maxwell P.O. Flesh- erton phone. BOAR FOR SERVICE No. 92-7'!630. Also a yonng York, shire pig, both bacon type for serriei on lot 176, N.W. T. & S.B., Termaâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE ("old. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- â- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« FOR SALE â€" Young pigs 5 weeks i â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Hoa Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. I d^i,. Terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. FOR SALE â€" About 1000 feet of well-seasoned hardwood flooring. â€" Laohlan McArthur, Priceville. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for sale, , ready about October 6 â€" H. Freeman, Flesherton. Registered Jersey bull for service. FOR SALE--. V car load of western 1 'Sire: .Brampton Jersey Conscript; SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in tlie six com- munifrivs may materially ben- efit individually. F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone instinct- Ig ively associates with k;«UiS ! Calendula â€" Frank Easle, 2; Isaac Snell, (j; Wilfred Batchelor, 15; Joe Gibson, F2; Beryl McEachnie, Fl; Myrtle Moore, 4. ' Salpiglossis â€" Florence Best, 3; Bill Patton, Fl; C. Gibson, F2; Patty Morgan, 13; Monica Lambert, 12. Pinks â€" Bessie Cairns, 6. Phlox â€" Bill Cairns, G; Ed Patton, F2; Lorecn MoEachnie, F2; Candies Tolton, 2; Mayme McNichol, 2. Home Gsvrden Bouquet â€" Robert Phillips, Fl; Angus Turney, F2; Geo. r5(..vd, F2; Bob Belhimv, F2; Bill Pat- ton. Fl; Alice ilearrl. DRAWING & WRITING Map of Groy Cryuntv â€" Agnes Ir- win, 1; Jlary McNiohol, 2; Arthur f oats expected co arrive about Sept. 18 â€" W. C. White, Caylon, phone 3Sr33. FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for sale, $12 per pair, also «o purebred Tam- worth sows ready for breeding. â€" H Radley, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A number of excell- ent Rhode Island Red R. C. cockerels, bred-to-lay, good -ijreeding stock, $2 j each. â€" P. J. Thurston, Flesherton. ?0R SALEâ€" Building lot for sale i- in the villaee of Flesherton, iialf ac- i re, opposite the high sVhool. â€" Mrs. Ellen Parker, Flesherton. I Lady. Dam: Brampton Petune's Fee: $5.00 at tame of service. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton, Ont. S. E. DeCUDMORE .PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" quality merchandise at ths^ a =1 *^'Sh^ 1 Mc('annjl. li) fairest possible prices. Artemesia Twp. Frank Eagle. 2; â€" Cecil Stanley MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, Dutljam Flesherton evltrs FOR SALE â€" Rifle, 25-20; box and Flesherton. ...„..,..„„„ ^ stove, new wheelbarrow and a quant- , Saturday afternoon and evening iiy of fancy iron fencing.â€" S. Semple, j ^' ^'°^''"*°" FARMS FOR SALE I JIa)) of 1 Foster, 2 j Hunt, 10; George Jaynps, 10; Bill i FOR SALEâ€" Choice breeding S.C Patton, Fl; George .McMaster, Fl. Swhite Leghorn cockerels^ These j On the riow'er in Crayon.- â€" Dick Stewart i', . , i <. u i f . .„ „«.„, f^^^^ ' iTiok'.T.... 10; E. Kerton, F2; C. Gibs. i. F2-l^'""''*' 'â- "'' hatched from eggs from , jlighway. New Coats New Milinery New Dresses i Charlie Tolton, 2; Winnie Preston, I F2; -Reta Foster, 2. } Writing, Fourth Book â€" E. Mc- j Alullen. Fl: Alice Heard. Fl; Marc-- ' aret f 1, 15; Agn s Irwin. Fl; Annie I Akins. 3; Marion Bibby. Fl. I Writing. Third Book â€" Bill Wolton Fl; Ita Pedlar, 17; Lucv McDonald. 13; A!mn White. 15; Ruth Sher.son, 15: 1). McDonald, Fl. Writing, .Second Book â€" Vernice Fawoott. 13: Ed. Patton, F2; Loreen McEachnie, F2: C. Gibson, F2; Argyle Lockhart, 4; Kate Stewart, 10. Writing. First Book ~ Ethel Bur Toronto Line Provincial Three farms, two of 196 high pioduciiig pedigreed imported i acres and one of CO acres all cleared. Barron stock and will make fine bree- j First class buildings, up to date ir. der.-, in .the spring. Strong and vigor- j every particular. Will sfII any ozm oi's and the best of breeding 15 birds :Cf these. Good brick house on oniji;* only, price S3 each. â€" S. E. DeCudmore j the fanna. Tha stabling for snri.'- phone 53, Flesherton. I^als is perfect One f^rr has tsB J , lucres hardwood bush and anotOar Specials Special 39c. Special 47c Spec- ie doz. Brassieres, all sizes. 100 yds. 42in. Pillow Cotton 100 yards Pure Linen Towelling ial $1.29 and $1.39. Girls' all-wool Plaid Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 years. Special $5.2S to $6.75. j Clothing Department Men's Suits, values from $22.50 to $26.50 to clear at $14.98. Young Men's Double and Single Breast- ed Suits in plain blue & striped. Reg- ulaitfvalue $35.00, to clear $24.75. Men's Rain Coats in tweed; also craverk- ett. While they last $3.98. Grocery Department Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds 69c. Jelly Powders, 4 packages for 25c. Wonderful Soap, 4 for 25c. 5 pound pail of Honey. 60c. a pail Classic Cleanser, 3 tins for 2Sc. Fly Tox Spray. Regular SOc. for 45c. Gents' Furnishings Department Men's Felt Hats, all colors, Reg. values up to $5, to clear at $2.48. Men's Work Shirts, new shipment just arrived, to clear at 95c. Men's and Boys' Belts in brown and black to clear at 23c. Men's Fine Shirts. Regular values from $3 to $3.50, to clear a $1.98. Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pair for 25c. Men's Fine Socks- Special 29c. each Boots and Shoes Men's Heavy Work Boots. Reg. $3.50 to $3.75. Special $2.76. Ladies' Blond 1 -strap slipper. Spec. $2.95 Ladies' Blond Pump*. Special $2.95 50 pairs of Pumps and Oxfords. Regular $4.50. Special $1.98 Special disc, on sandles and running shoes NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Satni^ """d^d has three acres of timlte davs only.-Graham Bros., Eugenia, f""'*. ^/^ buildinngs for everythiag _:. 1 needed, including poultry hcuse aitf WANTED â€" A number of cords of pig pens. Mo broken land and c'eft* g^ood dry buzz wood. Inquire at f ^^^^ ^^ ana c.e«„ this office. I . . . . ' F«>""u F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Bg flBijBMaa BgaaKMiag nett, F2; Bearl Gib.son. F2; Bob Bell- While at the Fair Make our Store your Headquarters Leave your coats. U.se our telephone. Make yourself at home. Before you leave be sure to See Our New Stock of W-afches A-thletic Cioods , A-lann Clocks R-in,<;s â- M.-anicure Sets S-ilver\vare T-alking Machines R-ecords 0-1(1 Dutch vSilver N-ail Kik's G-uitars & S-ha\'in^ Requisites 0-ranj^enien's Jewellery N-apkin Ring^s. Our motto is : Come' in and get it ; If i|[e haven't got it, well get It, If we can't get it, it can't be got W. A. Armstrong & Son Established 1 889 Fleaherton, Ont. NOTICEâ€" A ear load of Western oats will arrive at Flesherton in a few days, also a car load of flour and feed. Leave your orders with .\, B. Ferris or Harold Spofford. ^O^VrIfOR SERVICE Tamworth boar far , sen'ice, No. . ,j . - . - interetsad snould investigate. ~" -T. J. STINSON. l»y Proton Station P.a BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental surgeon,, honor graduate of TotobI* 2-16,816. on Lot 14&â€" 147. 3rd range and Royal College of Dental Surgeou â€" L. MEGGOTT, of Ontario. Gas administered fn Apr. 27. Flesherton teeth extraction. Office at reaidtaea 'â- â€" Toronto Stret, Flesherton. FOR SALE " House and lot for sale, six room- Dr. A. Tnrnbnll, B.A., MA, grail- cd frame house, good woodshed, a uate from the Faculty of Medlote^ good barn and garden. â€" Apply to i University of Toronto. Oflceâ€" Bi^h John Blackburn. jardson Block. Flesherton. Pho-' U. FARM FOR SALE I P''"** Arthur Lodge, 838. A.*. * 100 acres on the Provincial High- ii'^'J^pwi!" ^^i" u *''"'''= '*''''*»â- way, V. miles south of Flesherton; |»^ ^^^: flesherton. evwy Fl|. good barn 50x60 brick veneer house, drive shed, pig pen and hen house. 10 acres good bush, well watered and fenced. ith stone walli>y°"°':»^/°« the funll moon. Robt Dovvn^. M., F. J Thurston. Sec Lucas & Henry. Banisters, SdkM. -MsVpERWa FiVsherton. ''V^'*^^ ^-i^'"'^'' ^<^' • W. ». ^ . H*^»y, H.A. uffices, MarkdaU Latte GEO E. DUNCAN "loeh. Phona j:. Branch oincei at DUNDALK Dundalk and Durham. LICENSED AUCTIONEER â€" _ _ â€" . For the county of Qrey. Reason- Telford ft Birnte. Barriattn, atft. (able terms. Satiafaction goaran- dtors, etc. Ogcw Grey «nd ; teed. Dates nwkle at this office. Block, Owen Sound; StandaM FXii^FOB SALE Bl«k.^Fleshertan. lS«n*d.yi). W. P- TelfdWI Jr., J. F. P. Bind*. 100 acres-clay loam, well watered,; "~ ,.«Z~Ti 77 good stone wall bam 50 x 60, 8h«P .JV?' V"^"' H*"""^ A" pen. hog pen. poultry house, driving J' <*•««««» J* O^ .« house, small orchard. 20 acres of,â„¢ *"lJ*** â- *'«•• «L bu.sh, good frame six roomed house | «*«" â„¢><>«**^ •tWWtHi and woodshed, stone foundation, cellai ""»* ^^fT^ '* has c«nent floor two miles soSth ^f ;S;j^,'SSCoi?"S* ' Flesherton. â€"J. TWstlethwaite. Flesherton P.O. or by addratstBc a* at s. V-- t- 1. ., .-^