Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1926, p. 7

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.* ^> WAYS YOU CAN SAVE PLUMBING BIU^ THIS WINTER BY H. U PATTERSON. I am a practical plumber, and for aeveitftl years have been working for farmers Rlraost exclusi^wly. Hero are •om* culd-weather tips, picked up in this work, that might help you pre- vent or remedy trouble brought on by your water pipes freezing this winter. I received the following letter from • farmer who Has his honte lighted with acety'.eno : "Dear Sir: My gas machine fro» ap, and I went down cellar with a light to thaw it out with hot water. I supposed the gas was all out of it, And thought there was no danger. I EcsentuJs in French Pf^hing. A perfectly smooth surface to work on is the flrst essential f<vr succesefui French polishing. Nail-hoxs, cracks or other btemisKes should be filled in and Die article then treated with flna It is sandpaper. Every particle of dust and had gone through the ceiiling. well to make sure that pipes between grease must also ba removed range and boMer are warmed their If wood of a porous nature is to ba entire length before a fire is started, polished it should flrst be gone overt if there is any possibility that they with a filler, made from whitening and turpentine mixed to a stiff paste andj The CANADIAN'HOMmAKLR ^ mH0s ^ weaTifU artic/ia cwtring. PLANNINQ . BUILDINa . FINANCfNQ OECORATINQ . ^UR^413HINq . GARDENING colored to the appropriate shade with are frozen VARIOUS ntOBLEMS. Thawing out fro«*n pipes presents^ ,j.^^ composition of French polish - different ^^M*^^^ f^^'^^^^^'tll varies according to the nature of the burnt umber or other coloring matter. \ FLOWERING BULBOUS PLANTS FOR WINTER CULTURE case. One man. living mi-es from any ^^^^ ^^^ ^,^ ^^.^^^ effect. -but the pot bulba for culture to our living p.umber, successfully opened a frozen gj^p-^t form consists of BO oz. of rooms. As a rule theae winter flower sewer Ijy pusiiing a K^rden hose m tn« ^â- ^^y^,^^ dissolved in a pint of denatured log plants are not difficult to grow they should be planted cloee toKothor. pipe. The other end of the hose was ^jij^jj^j Should any gum be included to porfectloa. There are, however, The Hyaciuths, Tulips, and xNaPclssd eievated and hot wa^r POured in j^^ ^^^ formula, the quantity of shellac certain prliuilples which much be ob- being much larger should not be ... * i» v^ , XV, through a funneU Tliis Ijrouglit not ^^^^^^ j^ ^^^ ^^.^^^^j^. ^^^^^ pj,^^,^ ^^^^^ ,^ ^.j^j^ ^^^ j,j ^^j^^^ ^^^^^^ g, ^ was naataken. As it b^gan to thaw water m direct contact with the .ce; ^j^^ ,,,^.j^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ! The best pottlug soil for winter out, there was an explosion, and the and, as it me ted, the hose was pushed j ^..,^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^j j^,,. ^^^^ ^g ^he kinds of bulbs which are more ' flowering bulbs Is one composed of forward until the ice was passed. Tto jj^^^j.^. ^he bottle should be kept in generally grown lu the home, than one part of U>am, one of leaf soil and idea la borrowed from the pian pjumb-| ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ Before use, the mix- j others, are Hyacinths ordinary and a UttU> sand. It Is true the plants may lure must lie strained to extract any. Homan, of whloh the latter may be be flowered lu garden soil to which ia sediment. i forced Into flower earlier. Tulips of added leaf soli or a little old and well A polisher's pad is required and la many kinds, including early and late rotted litablo 'manure, as that for In- made from a piece of cotton-wool firm- ! oi®8 and Narcissi. These are the stance from an old hot bod. The pota bottom of the machine blew out. For- tunately nobody was hurt." The gas machine referred to in the ers use in steaming out frozen pipes ; letter is one of the approved acetyiena end. while slower, it la just as effec- generators ; there Is no better acety- , tive. kne generator made. In locating the frozen section of a I know of several fatal accidents re-; P»P« underground I always look for aultingfr-mtheindiscreetuseof soma ?â- *<=«« where the pipe runs under i p^.j^^^j .,j. ^^^^ ^^^^j xhis is indoKeii bulbs kind of Ut around these; machines, i «^K«>n, «>a<i«- oowpaths, or walks, j^y ^ ^^^^ ^, ^^^j. jj^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ fine.'Croou but ha\ ..jver known of one to fas ; Where the earth is packed hard tJ» jj^ ^^^ ^^-^^^^ gathered up over the! bSown up from any other cause. An ^ f«>»t strikes much deeper than in soft i t^^„.^^^, ^^ ^J^ ^ j^^^j.^ ^^^ •lectrjc flashlight is absolutely safe to ' ®»rth. Sod offers doub.e the protec-j^j^^ p^ ^„j ^^^ .^^ ^ j.^,..^ p^^^j^ ^^ By Haory J. Moore. October is the month to buy and to Saffron, Dog's Tooth Violet aad ScllUu the diuloaee hole to afford drainage. These last mentioned are all hardy Upon the crocks should be placed a uiMl exceilunt for culture iu pota whera , layer of fibrous material, that screen^ ed from the loam will do or leaf itoil, or moss. This to prevent the potting soil from elftlng down and <;IoggiQg the UraloAgo. The pottlug soil should be uniformly mixed and be sifted through an Inch screen, the fibrous screeulnga being used as forementloned for drainage. Upon this fibrous matortil should now be placed a layer of potting soil up lo within two or three Inches of the rim. This should be pressed down ly folded into the shape of an egg, ! most popular of the so-callod Dutch used should be thoroughly washed in- firmly and the bulbs be placed in pusl- Then wa have Snowdrops, side and out and a layer of crocks Glory of the Snow, Meadow (broken flower pots) be plaoed orer use, itcaanot ignite any escaping gas; but a lamp, lantern, candle, or match, must be taboo. CAUSE OP EXPLOSIONS. I^ast winter many water fronts in kitchen rarges exploded. These ex- plosions were caused by the pipes ba- tween the water front and the range boiler freezing solid, thereby shutlding off the circulation. Then, when a Are was started in the range, steam form- ed in the water front with sufficient pressure to burst the water front. One range that eame to my notice looked as if a stick of dynamite had caused the destruction. The range was beyond repair, the front pllate being torn out, the fire brick knocked through into the oven, and one of the steve lids tion of plowed ground. A foot or two of loose small stones placed over a pipe, and the rest of the trench filled with earth, is excellent protection. The dead air spaces l>etween the stones are the insulating medium. It is important to exercise every precaution against freezing of under- grround pipes if a considerable thaw foSows a very cold snap, for the frost drives in farther than ever when the I have ?\ THE WILFUL CHILD BY MRS. J. KUBISTA. the back, never at the front. Dab the pad against the palm of the hand and bring the polish quickly through to the surface. Cover the surface of the wood with polish, using a gentle, circular motion forming large figure of eight marks. Plenty of polish must bo applied to the wood, but this needs to i)e done by succe.Tsiva coats, as the pad should i never be more than iHoist. As soon weather first turns warm. I Jiavei ^^ ^^^ ^.^^^ j,^^^, .^,^y j^. ^5^^,^.^ ^e known pipes to freeze up in April that, ,^ft j^ j^y thorough.y before the next had been all right throughout thei ^^^ j^ applied. 5J**''.' , - . . . 1 J To prevent the pad from sticking. During the first warm days it is well: ^^^ y^ „, ^he finger should be dipped to keep the water running where pos- ;„ w-asii^ oil and Hghtly dabbed once sible, and use the same precaution '„ 5^9 face. Do not stop in the middle that was observed during the coldest l^f applying a coat or the polish wiUJ weather. I be liable to "puM off." ] â- â-  â-  ""â-  This process is known as "bodyina: j cleaning tul», faucets, etc., but it must in," and entails the application ofj tKS '^A.. y p not be kept in the house nor u.sed near about five coats, by which time a »ub- a flame. A small box of some cleaning! .stantip.l shell of polish will have ad- powder added to this shelf saves many j hered to the surface. This will have stops. I a glcssy appearance on which the On the outside of the cabinet two ' traces of the rubbing pad will show, small brass hooks, one on either side, t These marks disappear, however, and ^i" prove useful. Upon one can , be are replaced by the lustre when the ... ..... hung a strip of canton flannel about n_„i „„,i-_i;„_ i.„«,«r, .,„ "or,;..;^;.,.^ Not until I was married and had «,« inches wide for wiping dusty I '^"'J! .*''^'"'-."\"' 'l"""'" '"' sP'^trng children of my own did I discover how | shoes. It Is more sightly if hemmed °^' '* ..l'. '"** """^l ,. . . my mother overruled our wilfulness | on all sides, and it must have a loop ' ^" spiriting off, the po.ish is gradu- when we were children and got us to â-  or ring f;istened to one corner. The \ "''y redu-^d by the addition of de- oboy her without causing any disturb- ! words "Shoe Cloth" embroidered in an. natured n'cnhol tiM ail the rolish has ance; however, once I had I'earned her! outline stitch art> a protection against worked out of the pad. Tho alcohol method I immediat<'lv applied it in the '"'^use. At the other side of the cab- â-  also mu.-:t bp put in at the back of the training of my children, and my sue- '?f. "^^^ ^^ *?""» * «""'^:J '^"L?^ ?*<!• R'^'^ a trifle harder than before. cess has won th« >idn, ration of all C-oth for wiping razor blades. This still in the figure of eight method, c«s.s nas won tne admiration or au ^^„ ^^ j,^,^ ^^^^ „y fj,^^ UvoXa or ' ,„ti. o„-v i,1co1u>1 is in thp nad FinVilv those knowing our family. | bath towels. Such strips also should "T'' ° ,!? .^1 "z! .. '7 ," ,^^,,; . nt '^ V/hen my little daughter insists on be hemmed and a loop sewed to one/^K,^.'^- fV "^^ ^'''^, ''"^ f!'," t'^'l wearing a certain dress contrary to corner. I "^ «<^«>'^°' "''" '*• »"'! "'b f"""'>' hard . mv advice I don't stop to argue withi The commode brush can bo kepti '" *•"« direction of tho grain until thei her as to why she shouldn't wear it. I neatly in an oblong bag made of pretty ; ^^n^^rs have- (iiharpeared and the sur-] simply ignore her wilfulness, call her cretonne or linen and lined with oil- ;•'="â- Â«' ^'a-'' acquired the rte^ylrcd po.iL-h. attention to some other matter and cloth or rubber sheeting. A numi>er ' ?"''" arcic.o shou.d thi3:i be left to dry then go away apparently quite uncon-' of large eveleta should be embroidered '" * place free from draughts and| cerned. She may put the dress on and in the outer covcrini,' and in the lining Ju^*^- ^^'^'^^ '^'^''^ ""'glif to be taken at , even wear it a while but her mind will near the brush end of the bag in order I tf^is >'*'«:» *« exc.urie «nl. as scratches ; be on the wrong she has done, and she to allow the brush to dry. The top of . '••"-""ot l« ,-t.-..-f^ctanly removed. j won't be able to play with ease; back the bag can be finished with a hem Irench ro.ishing shou.d always bej she'll go and put on the dress she -snd draw-tape or ribbon. The tape j '^^""^^ out in a warm room. knows I w.'iiited her to wear. or ribbon ends can be used a.i loop.. | p^^J^ gees for Winter. If Robert fusses about going on an for hanging. «» errand for me or insists on my wait- The rubber mat for the shower bath \ When packing bees to winter nut- ; iiig until he feels like going, I don't should be thoroughly dried after , â- '''de, a few prGcaut;ons .should be; "nag" him; I simply go out-oiMoors using. In ordervto have the mat in a ! taken a.s follows, says Prof. Eric, and get some little boy on the street to convenient yet out-of-the-way place,! M'-O" o^ ^^'^ O.A.C: If possible, bees ; run the errand for me and as sure it may be hung on two small brass, sh'>"''d bo wintered behind or inside ghampoo Take a half nint fruit can be, Robert will run the errand hooks placed near the sliower. Two a natural windbreak, as fhas .te"ds ]^«P^2"'"P°'^ ^ '^'^ » «^^^^^ little a.shamed of his loops of rubber can l>e vulcanized to to very much monj ^successful winter-' J/vr,'"^""*^ ?^. ^l^^ '^'"a °f ^""P.P'.*- each corner of one end or .i piece of.'"e *^a" v/here bees are w tlon and then more soil be added and be firmed. With the exception of the Hyacinths and Tu'lipe. the tops tA whloh should protrude from the soil, the other biUbs may lie entirely cover- ed. In ail oaaee, however, tho space of about an Inch should l)e left at the top of the pot to allow for the applica- tion of water. After thoroughly water- ing the soil the plaata should be placed iu a cool and dark position for ' a i>«rlod of five or six weeks to allow of the formation of roots, before they are brought to the light to flower. Suo- cess win largely depend upon this, tb8a>efore, do not be lu too great a hurry to have the plants flower. While tho :Kau,ta are golns through this period of root formation the soil should be examined at least weekly to ascertain if water la again ueoes- aary. \Vhen well rooted the plants may be removed to a oool, well lit room with a temperature of about 65 dog. F., and lator, when the leaves and flowers be- oome inured to temperature and to light, in perhaps a week the plants may bo placed In the Uvtiig room to i flow'-r and be enjoyed. Tho longer the plants arc left iu the I cool dark storage the longer will they be retarded, and it should be the prac- tloa to remove them to tjie room throe weeks or so before the time they ai-s required to flower. For lnita.nce It ja fo.v puts of bu!!>s were required for Christmas, these should be removed, leaving lh« othors for later flowering to bo removed to flower at any later or Hpecial time. In this way the Um» of floworliig may be controlled. '.Vlth th& exception of the Hyacinths' and tho early flowering Tulips, which should be discarded after flowering as they dfcterlorate (the Darwin Tulip however may bo saved), all the bulbs meut!(iued may after thoy have been cjirefully luiJ gnadually dried oft In their pots bo saved. If tutored away in paper baga they mcy in tho Pall be planted out In the garden. Bulbs, as a rule will not force successfuily Into flower In tho living room two years iu succession, but may after a period of recuperation (three or four years) lu the g-.irdeu be analn used for indoor culture. So&p Shampoo. The writer has discovered what sl;e ' an excellent way to make ' thinks as with him, a disobedience HOW TO MAKE YOUR WALL PAPER UVE LOTS LONGER ,j_^jg^g^ ; ferred for washing the hair. If the Wh€"irthe children quarrel. I don't tape can be sewed across one entire! without wmdbr^iks. Jhe^^^^^^ J"'" '^"«''y BY JESSIE CRAWFORD. allow thcM to m^lign one another, nor end and a tape-loop or a brass ringlteriaJs used 5>houIJ bo some material do I wait for explanations of causes attached to each corner. Another easy j 'hat will pack fairly close and shed of the disagreement: I simply distract way to l.-e-!p this mat is to have a water to some degree. Ix-ave.s and Fill the jar i over half-full with water, screw the top on and shake it till it ia fuil of lather. Let it stand for a while, but If your wall paiier is faded or soiled t allowing each to dry thoroughiy before and you can't affo*-d to ropaper this j putting on the next. fall, you may be interested in the] paint on paper. cleaning .stunts our Interior Decora- j y^y^^ j,,^ background of a gay b«l- tion Department has worked out. I ^„^,^ p^p^.,. j^^^ ^^^^^ ,^^^ ^^y y^^ the victor or the loser. any loops. ' 1?*'*"^%'^1^'' '"^ *''â- â- ''''^^'^'â- "'' "^^'l softens an^thrckenTit^TW^^^ This letter from a farm woman can paint the entire wail with blue There'.i a lot in that little trick of In a bathroom with v/aMs tiled half Care should be taken to .-rae that mice | ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ consistency wanted ' »'a'^<'*^ "•â- â€¢ experimenting: Uir.e, tinted with dry kalsomine water- changing the subject or ignoring with way up, one mother found it a prob- ^""f,^.*"';l^/_^^'V... * !^f.: f"" _A- I and as it is u.wd more water should h^' "Dear Editor: Decorators are ai- j color paint. This gives a warm glow fuln?5s of children. It certainly dees for the smaHer memljers of the family. ' exc;urier between it and the tops of the ; ;;ke"of"soap i^uted^hrthi'^wavwin mote good than a lot of angry words She nolved this problem by fastening frames. A badge or tunnel mu.st be f**^*.*"^ ^""P â- ^i"'**!,.'" ""s waj wi.I giving rise to the children's temper ; inexponsive towel rods to the bath- provided from the Live enti-nncs to the their attention with something else sma^'- Kl«:^a towel rod :iear the shower 1 sha^'ings are the two most economical.! and they go back to their play, no one on which to hang the mat, witlioutj ->^-st^ -dily ^htau^^ Care should be take ^nnot enter from t deliberate cabnness the stubborn will- lem to place towsl racks low enough , dually avoided by p;aciii;i a oi"e«n- ,, jj.j ^o the contents nf ' excluder between it and the tops of the '"', . ^^'^ .?.",. and your own. say, "My children have no temper," j ' My mother used to room door so each little one h»d her '>"tside of the packing case, so that own lo>vc!s within reach. i tbe beea can fly when oondit'onrt are and I now can say almost the aame; ^ suitable. Tho outside entrance should thing for by not arousing their temper , Wintering the Tractor. "'** ^ ^T^'^\ ^'"'" "^ "' ^V '''•^\^''} I have rot made them aware of its „^ ^ .\ " .. u ^'"1?, ^^ * '"'"'"'* "^ '"^"' .'^"^r- This existence, and what they have is abat- ' . When the tractor is to be .aid by will prevent mice getting into the en cd by my diversion or my silence, un- !ast for several months Liquid .soar) can be made in the same way. If enough water is mixed with tho soap, it will rise to the top after the jar has stood for a day or so, and can be poured off and put into a .sep- arate container. tonscious.y teaching them to control themselves by their own thinking and reasoning. Of course, not all children can be governed with equal ease by the same method. Child poychology teaches that we should constantly study -^aoh boy and girl with tlie purpose of vy:- ing the timely aid that the individual, developing thought need*. But in every case quietne:^s snd cunfidenca :i'e strong influences towards obeiience, thoughtfulness and plea.sing msMncr;-.. du:'in!^ tl--^ winter months, see that it does rut RufTcr from its winter idle- ness. Give it a dry winter heme under a tight roof. NesflW-t during the oT- soason cau^'es more rapid ilepreciatifm than bird work. In Dotting the tri>ctor -ondy f: r wir.- tering. d'tun out all of the water frmi trance. Th.> colonies .'-hould have four inches of packing all around and I underneath, with eiKht <-.r ten inches ; Chidcen a la King. i;ith viilla wiTTls refuse to stay clean. "What do you advise?" ef packing en top. Be°s can be pack-; the always popular chicken a la king, i '.â- "J in case* singly, in twos or fours. Another nice thing about the dish, the but should not be pi -Vci in long directions for which are frivon below,' stands with more th;in .six in one is that it is just us good, oven lietter, ^tand. Packing should b.". complatcd vlien reheated tho following dsiy. thi" conlin'.; sys'eni. To remove the by lbs middle of Ni.vemfier, anl Four tabli'ipoonfuls of hutcer, 3' watT from the r.idi-ito • alone i.s not earlier if possifc!*. Never attempt to tableapoonfuls of minced groen pepper, per spotlr»«!y, (Jntmrnl gives .iu?t «.i .'! tablespiwnfuls of flour, Vi teaspoon- ful of paprika, 1 tablespoonful of Bathroom Sugi^estions. minced pimento, % leaspoonful of salt, iw mafle of one-halt o'ncc of powdersd 'i cupfuls of thin cream, im cupfuls borax, onn pint of bciiing watii- and ' of diced conked chicken, M: can of <-.noogh flour to give it a doughy con- mushrcKims. .sisttr'ncy. This substance is used on Melt the butter and cook in it the tha wall liko a gum eraser. You c:in ways telling tho housekeeper that ; over the paper, the brighter colors of dinfiy wa:ls muUo dingy iMoms! Good- 1 the design showing through in an in- neas knows we can't doubt the fact ' teresling pattern. with evidence on every side. The ques- 1 In one small bedroom where the tion is, what to do aiiout it? flower design had fa<led we painted "Ono can't repaper every year, yet j the flowers over with oil paints and a with flies and dust and coal smoke j small brush. It made the whole room bright and m>w. The hand-painting process ia a long, hard piece of work if your room is large, but over a small wall space it is well worth the time. If your pap,'r shows any tears or mars from leaks try patching it. Take a small piece of paper and cut out the new pioi-e around l.he design instead of shaping it in a circle or square. The piocing will not show so much this way. If the old paper has ^'aded put tho m-w pieco in the 9un for a d»y until it hns fadrd the correct color. Whtrn it is neceflsary to mand a plain paper, th? best way to comienl the line of the patch is to scrape the edge (iewn to a very thin surface, tearing it irregularly instead of cat- ling i! evenly across. CLKANINO F.\CTS. Here are the cleaning facts we dis- This is a particularly tino recipe for' covered: The first paper v/e c'eaned wtis dull- ed with dust and coaJ pinoke. It had a gi-easy tVci. This paper was .scrub- he.i with srr.n I hurl-.ip bajs filled with brnn. Th-> bran s«<c}viiig tiifr-ugh the mo.she.s of the burlap cleaned t!:e pa good resu.ts. .\nothor c'ean..T for this Itind of dirt _» ;-;lwa" s :'ijffic:?tit. Many mak"s of winter co'eniees in a room above the tract'V! i««v<' two' r;r th'-es' drain cocIm ground, unless a-i o'.it.'^ide entrance is and . ! 'if th?so should lie o;;ened to provided. rer.wvi- .-ill th • wite-. Consult the in- r- 1 -j j ei. <-• struct- on book piven to you wht- n tho ExnbroJCered SHort-CuL .Irncto" w"- -irchr..--?,!. If the ma- Outline d"">igns miy Iju embroidered â- chine is •'^â- i'--:e<l with a water pump on the sewing maehino if the.pattern Tho bathroom oabinet ia freiiuently instead if the more common tharmo- is simple. T^e result is pleasing anfl K'"<-'eu pepp<?r until tho latter is soft, buy a .fimilar comm->'.c<8l o>aiver if ftlled with a varied assortment of, syphon system, run the engine for a a real short cut. : Stir in the tTour and seasonings. .\dd you don'-, want to bother niixlng it. 1 Surprised, •rticles, some of which can be replaced! time during and after the water cocks- Wind the bobbia with heavy mercer-' the cream gradually, stirring con-; Grcflje i.s easily removed by placing ^ Harold and Rivln went to their first by more useful implements. SmaH ; have bren opened. A very little water ized thread of any suitable cixor. It in ••'tantly. Whon boiling, set over hot a piece of bl«>tting paper over the spct part.r. As it was a party for littt* OUtfl'ts for polishing and cleansing : allowed to renin in vill do untold dam- best to loosen the lower tension to give water and add the chicken, mushrooms and pressing it with a hot iron, .^n- people, ihoir mother told them they shoes can ftll one corner of the cabinet, I age. If the engine is run, all this will an outline stitch effect. For cable ^"'l pimentos. j other remedy is a pa»te of whiting or j would no doubt get only simple t» while a small eiothcs brush finds its j bo forced out. 'stitching the upper tension sliould be Se-vo in rant kins, patty she.l^ >r: French chalk mixed with water. .\p- freshments. But the relre»hment« phice near by. See that all important bearings and loosened and not the lower. I^engthen o'l ton.st. | ply this to the spot and allow it to dry were (Vilte elaborate. After the Dar<y It is convenient to ha»e on anotherj highly polished parts are well oiled the machine rtitch and sl\tc}\ on the ' ~*~ â-  overnight. The next morning it should ^ tho mother of their small hoeteas 8al|. shoif a small bru»h for craning the. to prevent moisture from rusting the wrong side of the goods. The pattern, i *^^"'" judges with his res-on, but acts be brushed ofl". ; pleasantly: -; bathtub, together with a tightly cork- 'surface. To insure a good film of oil of course, must be ti^ced on the wrong according to his character ; that is the. To avoid spots It is .idvisable toj "Well, boys, did you haro a aMfe ed. plainly label'led bottle of kerosene. I rn th? inside cylinder rurfrice, run the sido. The colored bobbin thread traces causo of most human inconsistency. , varnish the kitchen and bathroom wall time If a ga-. flame of any land ia used in engine nt full speed, thun cut the the design on the right sid?. Different Fresli-waler (ipl.^ travel -.« distance' paper. This is easy to do and gives the rfX-Ti care should be taken not to spark suddenly. This will leave the oflTccts may be obtained by experiment- equal to a q!iart<?r (/f tho oa;-th's cir- a durable -wall that can be ^cleaned opei. th3 ke»o«efie w^lo a flame ia ! piston 'ing.s and cylindw walls well ing with white or black thread on the cumference, about 6,000 miles, in their J with soap and wr.ter. Apply two bi^rnlng CimsajiM it splandid for coated vrlth cSL tpooL iUves. coats of whiu waterproof vami'*. â- "Ves, tliaak you," flaJ-i HaroM. ".â- Vnd did you got enoujib to eatf" "Yes, thank you; much uiore thaa aiamma thoocht wa would Met.*

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