Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1926, p. 8

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WEDNKSDAY, <HTOBEK 13. 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE h rriCCVIIIC riUC UllinClS and 2. UviUr Cair. Xucktr 1 and 2 coik. Connor, J. McEachcni; hen, Ccn- KNGAGEMENT HORSES DRAUGHT CJBADES -- Milk Cow, dairy i»ur n^r 1 & 2; cockerel, Connor, pose, A. McVicar. Milk Cow, bee( Ki.uen Duck, mule, McIJotiBall, fe- Snanâ€" W Atkinnon Broo.1 MAr.^ ''"''''*'*• *'' "'''"^y- J- l-'vinstone 2 & ,„aie, McDouffull; drake, .n>nnjf. Mc- infoarLouFrook S.,rinTcolt I P^- 2-year-old Steer, W. J. Meads. 1, UouKall: duck., siHnK, McUouKalL FrMk â- ^ '*"*^ •'• '^^"'''" ^»'^' '•'"'^^'''' * •'^""- J'^kin. Jrake, McDouiral. Thurston; ACRICl'ITL'HAr "'^'''^ *^^''''^' ^^ "'• Mcad.s. Bejt herd, duck, McUouK'all, Thurston. Bronze »Jnnn_n Hinr-v.' * tjnn w^;i vt- ""i' ''«â- Â«'«'<'. Thou. Tucker. Fat steci Turkey, male and female, G. White. ... . „„ ..«,,, ^^^. .„,...„, ^„,.. • r" A'- ".'/V:"'' *,-^'?"''\*". •*•?.- or heifer. lOilO |,<nmds or over by the Toulouse Geese, male, Mrs. Kearns, I apples, RamaKe. W. A Beaton; Crab Apples, larKo Thurston, Mrs. J. C. I Johnston ran foul of the law, it was tiliicovered' that a five cent pieoe .. ^, . ^ ,. . composed his total wealth. Tho man Mrs. CairfflJ, KaniaRe; Ap.oei, a.o.v., ^agement of her dauifhter, Ella, to ^ , J'ULITS I .Spy Apjifc^, G. r»!nis; Kinif To np- Lcod. I.^ur^n-.?'^ *iiT ^""' ".'. ^""*' i'i I'"'"" ^^"<--^ Vards, W. J. Meads, 1, 2 T. Mcl>ou|fall: fen.ale. Kearna. Mc- La«rence. \N . Aldcorn. 2-year-old & 3 J. McKinnon, ChesUy, Jud^e iV.uk^II; nVaK.; sprinR, McDouRall; fe- Kfldin»f or filly, A. Hiink.s 1 year-old eeldinK or filly, A. Hincks. SprinK Coll, 1'. Uiwrencc. W. Aldcom. GEN'>:RAL PURPOSE SHEEP SHROP.SIIIKEâ€" Ajfed Ram, Shand Broii.. G. White. Shearlintr Ram, Shand Bros. Ram lamb. .Shand Bn r I In" « . M "V''^?^'"'*';*'***: 1.2; AKcd Kwe, .Shand Br.s.; Shcar- ?..r^M *','-,°«'' ">»[*;•, NM<^Leo<l- 2 ,„„ KWshamI Bros., 1, 2; Ewe st^riil r*W * ?'"'n'" ^"'^- ^ ^"^•••'^"^'^- Lan.b, ShtTn.l Bro.>s 1 and 2. Sprinft Colt, J. Livinifstone. OXFORD - Awed Ram, W. Meads. CARRIAGE .Shearling ram. Meads; Kani Lamb, Brood Mare, P. Lawrence. 1-year- Vf. J. Mcad.i, Shand Bros.; Aped Ewe, old iteldintr or \illy, N. McLeod. Sp. ' Shupd Bros., Meads; Shearling Ewe, Colt, P. Lawrence. Meads 1 & ijb^ve Lamb, Meads, 1, 2 ROADSTER * POII.TRY Sprinir Colt, ^'. McLood. Sintric PartridRe Wyandotte, cock, F. J. Driver, A. McQuaig, V. Lawr.-nce. T>. •.luirston;hen,ThurKton, pullet, Thurs- t<>r.sofi, W. J. McMillan; Irl.sh Cobbler Hincks & Son. ton. White Wyandotte, cock, G. S. Patterson. T. .McDoURall; A.O.V., SPECIALS White; female, Wlute, Thur.ston; T. McDouffall, W A. Hawken. Coll. Lady Driver, A. McQuaiir, W. At- cockerel. White; "pullet. White. S. Patterson, W. J.. McMillan. Tur- ihison. Best Ihirnout, P. La\vrcnce BrahTna, cork T. McDou^ll, F. J. "'ps, J. Burnett, S. Patterson. Tur- Best Sprinir Colt on Grounds, P. Law Thurston, hen, Thurston, McDouRall; ""PS. Swede, a.o.k, - W. A. Beaton. male, sprinj?, McDoupall. Goose, a. O.V., Ganfield While. (;KAIN & SEEDS Fall Wheat, white, Mrs. Cairns, G. 11. Cairns; Spring, white, R, Ramai^e. Barley, R. RamaRe. Peas, larKc, Hinek.s & Son, R. RaniaKe. Pens, small, J. Burnett. Timothy Seed, Mrs. .1. C. Adams. Beans, white, J. J. McRae. Boans, coll.. T. McDou- Kall. J. .1. .McHae Flax. McDounrall, I ROOTS &. VEGETABLES Potatoes â€" Green Mountain. S. Pat- Adams; Crabs, small, F. J. Thurston,; Raiiiatte; Plums, Rama;'e, Patterson; ' Fall Pears," MILLIONAIRE WAS I^OSE AT ORANGEVILLE was taken into custody after the clerk in one of the many stores he visited noticed the loar, of an umbrella. â€" OrangeviUe Sun. Winter Peiirj, Pgttt-rs â- "Mra^ (/'rossley. v» FLOWERhaff -L,,The merchants of this town be- Hand Bouquet, Mrs. Wv, McLean, I'ie^'P'' a millionaire was "running Hawlk-n; Table bouquelfjlrs. McLean) wild," when a man, who j^ave his Mrs. CrosjJey; Coll. ^u.se Plants, ; n.,,,,^, „(. j^^k Johnston, v/ent shoo- rcnce. CATTLE SHORTHORN â€" Milk Cow, W. J Meads, J. Burnett. 1-vear heifer, J Burnett. Heifer Calf, J. Burnett. - HEREFORD - D. Hincks & Son Tucker, 1 and 2. Milk Cow. Tucker W. Burnett. ockerei, MoDouRall; pullet, McDou- Turnips, Aberdeen, S. Patterson, J. J call. Buff Orpington, cock, Thurs- McRae. Turnips, a,o.v., S. Patterson ton; hen, Thurston, 1 and 2. White R- Raniatte; Mangolds, Globe, S. Pat- Leghorn, cock, McDougall; hen, Mc- ' terson; Yellow, S. Patterson; Inter- Dougall, 1 & 2. Rhode Island Red, mediate, S. Patter.u.n, W. J. McMlll- Bull, 2 vear old, cockerel, F. J. Thur.«iton 1 & 2; pullet , an. Carrot.^, shrolhorn, W. J. Mc- Bull Calf. T. P Thurston, 1 & 2. Barred Rock, cock, Millan. J. J. McRac; Carrots, a.o.v.. S , _.._. W. n. Connor. McDougall; hen, Mc- Patterson, W. J. McMillan., Beets. 2-\vnr Heifer, Tucker Pougall, Connor; pullet, McDougall 1 long blood, S. Patterson, W, J. Mc- Millan. Belts, turnip, T. McDougall, ' F. Reilley. Parsnips, Patterson, 1 McMillan. ' Winter Radish, Patterson Robt. Vause. Field Carrots, white, ' Patterson; red, Patterson. Cabbage, Oxh'j;::-t. Mrs. T. C. Davis, F. Reillev, .a.o.v., S. Patterson, F. J. Thurston; I Cabbage, pickling, Patterson. Davis; i Potatoe Onion.i. Patterson, llawken, I Dutch Sets, Hawken, McMillan; from ( black seed, Patterson. Pumpkin, SEE OUR NEW COLORED CUT GLASS ping, yesterday, and bought many things from a $2,300 automobile to 1 wiM-.lrobt of silken garments. The purcliases, he said, were for his bride- to-be, and he â- ivould pay for them on delivery Monday, but later, when ' To You! Advertise in The Advance. ENTER ANY DAY at the FOR SALE V CREAM & SUGAR $L00. SHERBETS 30c. each TUMBLERS 15c. each WATER SETS $2.50 up. Also a larijt as.sortment of Satin Glassware in BLACK, PEACH, BLUE CANARY AND GREEN. W. A. Armstrong & Son Establ-ished 188'.> i Roillcy. Table Squash, Hawken, R Ramage. Vegetable Marrow, S. Pat- terson. C2ler.y white, Hawken, Pat- terson. Citrons, Mrs. Crossley, R. Ranmge. Tomatoes, T McDougall. Watermelon, S. Patterson. Cucum- bers, pickling, McDougall. F.-Reillcy; ripe, Davi.<, Pattorsoti. Table Corn, McKae, Ptaterson. Coll. Field Roots, Patter-on. C(>rn Stalks, Patterson. CREDIT AUCTION SALE HERB CORBETT will sell by public auction at the .STOCK YARDS, PROTON STATION - OX - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 the folowing valuable stock: / XT, Yearling; 15 two .vear olds; 8 Cows supposed to be -In calf; Jersey heifer, due December ,30th; .Jersey heifer due February 1.5. About 00 breeding ewes. TERMS: Ki months' credit on ap- proved .joint notes, with interest at â- V.'i per annum. â€"GEO, DUNCAN. Auctioneer. Mri. D. Campbell; Gerafjiuni in bloom McLean, Thurston; Sv/eet Pcaa, Jic- Leau, Thurston; House, Fern, R. Vause Begonia, D. Mampbeli; Mrs. Adams; Gladioli, Hawken, Th^irston; Hydran- gea, Adams; Dahlia/ Hawken, Croi-.^- Icy; Asters, Hawken, D. Campbell. . DAIRY & DOMESTIC .Jelly, three kinds, Mrs. McLean, J. F. CoUinson; Butter, h pr-.-nd roll, Thurston, Colliii.son, W. A. Beaton; Butter, 15 lb. crock, Beaton, Whyte, Geo. ('aims; Simpson's Special, J. McEachern, N. McLeod, G. Cairns; Maple Syrup, N. McLeod, Hincks & Son; Pumpkin Pie, Hawken, Beaton; Lemon Pie, N. McLeod, Geo. Cairns; Apple Pie, .3eaton, Hawken; Oat Meal Cake, G. CairiK, ». Campbell; Cujtard Pie, Beaton, Tiawken; Cfeam Pie, J. McEachern, G. Cairns; Mince Pie, Mrs. Davis; La"er Cake, light, D. Campbell, Collinson; dark, G. Cairns, Ca:iipbell; Homemade Bread, N. Mc- Leod, Hincks & Son- Brown Bread, Mrs, l)avi.i, Hincks & Son; Plain rolls G. Whvte, Hinck-w& .«on; Plain J3uns, :.Li. r)::v?3, ?.r-Ea-jhorn: Tarts, Hav.-- Uen, Ca:n;)bcli; .Scone ;,Canipb'jll; coll Canned Fruit, Campbell, Collin.ion; Pik!c8, sweet, Mrs. McLean, Hawken; Pjckles, Kour, Campbell, Davis. FINE ARTS Painting in Oil, Mrs. Cairnj, Haw- ken; Fruit and Flowers, Mrs. Cairns, Hawken; Pen and Ink Sketch, Patter- son, Hawken; Pencil Drawing, Mrs, McLachlan, Geo. Cairns; Water Color, Geo. Cairn.;, Mrs. Cairns; Any other ricture of merit, Hawken, Mrs. Cairns LADIES* WORK â€" DOMESTIC Quilt, patchwork, Hawken. S. Pat- 'jrc, "opposite the high school.â€" Mrs. i Individual Instruction Business and Shorthand Courses Preparatory Courses for those who missed first chance at Public SCHOOL. CATALOGUE FREE. Small Advertisements BOAR FOR SERVICE â€" T. J, STINSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" McClary range, coal I j^^^ 92-7'»30. Also a young York. or wood. â€" G. E. Henry, Flesherton. ^ g^lre pig, both bacon type for aerrict ^ : ! on lot 176. N.W. T. & S.R., FOR SALEâ€" McLaughlin cutter, 1 ^ ,j,g^jjjjj__HQQ_ range, and 10 young pig3. â€" David Hipcks, Ceylon. j â€" "for SALE â€" Good Brick veneered | house for sale in Flesherton; 8 rooms, I „ .^ ^ „ , â-  . „ main street; convenient to the high Registered Yorkshire Boar for aer- school. Apply to S. Osborne, Town. ' viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99* . - ' â€" Pi-or,fr;3' of Saugeen Bacon Hogr SALE â€" Purebred Oxford (jlub. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesla. FOR Down ram lamb; also cook. stove for sale. â€" Ben McKenzie, Ceylon P.O Phone 2'.Jr5. FOR SALE â€" Heavy Colt of real good quality, rising three years; will sell at a reasonable price as owner does not wish to winter same. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE terson; Quilt, fancy, Mrs. Crossley, S Patterson; Comforter, S. Patterson; i Bedspread, knit or crochet, D. Camp- 1 h'.'ll, .'\lrs. Crossley; Bedspread, fancy, I Mrs. J. C. Adanu, S. Patterson; Pil- ; low .<lips, J. F. C'j!linson, Hawken; I Man's Sleeping garment, JJ Campbell, S. Patterson; Child's dress, Collinson, Campbell; Apron, Patterson, Campbell .'^hawl, G. Claims, CampbtU; Sweater Coat. F. J. Thurston, Mrs. , Davis; Registered Jersey bull for service. Sire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; FOR SALE â€" Building lot for sale \ Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady, in the village of Flesherton, ;ialf^^ac- I Fee: $5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton, Ont Ellen Parker, Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS j NOTICE â€" Chopping done Satur- days only.â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. TAKE WARNINGâ€" Hunting and trapping on lots 176, 177; 178 and 179, ^. , , ,, . , n n â-  S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot. No. 177 \arn. 2-ply,,Mrs .-^dams, t.- Cairns, .,^j.^^.gjjgj .p & sr_ strictly forbid- Coarse Socks, Mrs. Davw, Crossley; 1^,^^^ ^^ hounds found trespassing S. E. DeCUDMORE .PHONE 53, FLESHERTON Genera] Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" SIX HILL STORES W* buy togsthar in order IImI our oustocn«rs in th* aix com- munitios ma/ materially ben- •fll individually. /siarajsraiaaiaiBiaiSEfHaiaiaisraiaMaMQaraisHaaiaiaiajaisa^^ F T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct' ively associates with highi quajity merciiandise at thC fairett poiaible prices. Fine Sciks. Mrs. Davis, Patterson; â- Jlitts. double, Davis, Crossley; "Mitts, line, Davis, Mr.-*. Adams; Darning, F. J. Thurton; Laundr" Work, Campbell; Rag Mat, G. Cairns, Wool Mat, Pat- terson; Unlaundered Garment, F. J. Thurston, Campbell. LADIES' WOkK â€" FANCY Irioh Crochst, Campbell, Mrs Cairns Filet Crochet, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Davis; Tatting, F. J. Thurston. Mrs. Davis; Drawn thread work, Hawken, Campbell; Embroidery, colors, Mrs. Campbell; Hemstitching, Mrs. Cairns, Tiiurston; Eyelet Emb., Mrs. Crossley, Campbell; White efiib., Mrs. Cairns, Collinsiin; Hardan.ger emb., R. Vause. Campbell; Roman emb., .Mrs. Davis, G. Cairns; Floral enjb., Campbell, Mrs. Adams; Luncheon Set, Mrs. Davis, Campbell; 3 Table Mats, Cami)bell, G on said lota will be shot.- Stinson. -Thos. J. WANTED â€" ONE THOUSAND Sick People to KNOW that Nature never intended them to be ill. That for every ailment tature has provid- ed a remedy. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc Ofificesâ€" Owen Sound, DnrBam and Flesherton. Fleshertoii every Saturday afternoon and evening. FARM FOR~sTlE^ , ^^0 acresâ€" clay loam, well watered. â€" - - Thome-Magnetism, good stone wall bam 5n -^ en i, the Drugless Science for the relief of ,; hoeLn L.^ I ^O'/.^eep human ailments, has demonstrated its P^"' ^""^ P«"' Poultry house, driving wonderful healing possibilities with ; nouse, small orchard, 20 acres of such amazing results therefrom. No ; bush, good frame six roomed house illness can long resist its life-giving and woodshed, stone foundation celW and lifo-sustaining properties. It is , o^^^r* «„„,. .:, '"»"°n. ceuaar simnlv LIFE as nature intended. â-  "^^ "ment floor two miles south of Farador Company, 240 Havelock St., . ** '^sherton. Toronto, Ont. j ~J> Thistlethwaite, Flesherton P.O. POTATOES! POTATOES! FARMS FOR SALE Wo are now buying eVery day at , Cairnl:"fea CoTyrCam'pbeXcroVsley; '•CeylpjLSIl'Ji'jiS,^:!;!"^;.^ . ^^ p^jn. ' ^i^hway* ^Sw^fai^J* t^^Jirj! New Coats New Millinery New Dresses Specials 10 doz. Brassieres, all sizes. Special 39c. 100 yds. 42in. Pillow Cotton Special 47c 100 yards Pure Linen Towelling. Spec- ial $1.29 and $1.39. Girls' all-wool Plaid Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 years. Special $5.25 to $6.75. Gents' Furnishings Department Men's Felt Hats, all colors, Reg. values up to $5, to dear at $2.48. M^n's Work Shirts, new shipment just arrived, to clear at 95c. Clothinff Department Men's and Boys' Belts in brown and ^ ^ black to dear at 23c. Men's Fine Shirts. Regular values from $3 to $3.50, to clear a $1.98. Men's Suits, values from $22.50 to $26.50 to dear at $14.98. Young Men's Double and Single Breast- ed Suits in plain blue & striped. Reg- ular value $35.00, to clear $24.75. Men's Rain Coats in tweed; also craven* ett While they last $3.98. Grocery Department Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds 69c. Jelly Powders, 4 packages for 25c. Wonderful Soap, 4 for 25c. 5 pound pail of Honey. 60c. a pail Classic Cleanser, 3 tins for 25c Fly Tox Spray. Regular 50c. for 4Sc. Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pair for 25c. Men's Fine Socks* Special 29c. each Boots and Shoes Men's Heavy Work Boots. Reg. $3.50 to $3.75. Special $2.76. Ladies' Blond 1 -strap slipper^ Spec $2.95 Ladies' Bkmd Pumps. Special $2.95 50 pairs of Pumps and Oxfords. Regular $4.50. Special $1.98 Special disc, on sandles and running shoes Centrepiece, G. Cairns, Mrs. Crossley; ' Centrepiece, G. Cairns, Crossley; Side- ; board Scarf, Mrj. Adams, Campbell; Towel.s, emb<, CamFJ>4i!l, C;Slinson; I Towels, a.o.v., Hawken, G. Cairns; [ Dresser Cover, G. Cairns, Campbell; I Pin Cuohion, Campbell, Geo. Cairns; I Camisole, Mrs Cairns, Campbell; Cor- I .set Cover, Crossley, J. McLean; Bed- room Slippers, L McLean; Ladies' I Handkerchiefs, Thurston, R. Vause; j Serviettes, Mrs. Crossley ,^Canipbell'; I Child's Jacket, Mrs. Davis, .Mrs. Ad- I am.;; Child's Street Dress. Mrs. Ad- I ams, Thurston; Centrepiece, Crossley, I Sofa Pillow, emb., D. Campbell. Mrs. Cairns; Modern Cross-stitch. Camp- bell. Crossle.v; Applique Work. Mrs. Crossley. Hawken; Sofa Pillow, other, ,Hawl->!n, CannVjell; Coll. 5 pieces emb., Thurston, Hawken; Teacfoth, Mr?. .Adams, Campbell; Shopping Bag Geo. Cairns, Mrs. Crossley. BOYS* & (JIRLS' SPECIALS Girls 6 to 8 vears. Quilt, block â€" V. Stonehouse, Fran- ces Reilly. Writing "Morning Hymn" â€" V. Stonehouse. Girls 8 io 12 years. Layer Cake â€" Kathleen Burnett. V. .Stonehouse, Margaret Mo.Arthur. Best dressed doll â€" V. Stonehouse. Wiiting Lord's Prayer â€" Monicn Lambert. Hazel Bender, Mary Mather. Girl 12 to 15 years.l Apple Pie â€" Alice Reilly, Sadie Cam- eron, F. McEachern. Boys 6 to H years. Writing "Little Thing8"Don Aid- corn, Norman Barker. Boys 8 to 12 years. Drawing horse â€" John McVicar, .T. D. Teeter, Norman Barker. Map Grey Co. â€" Alex. Stonehouse. Nest, hand made â€" Don. Aldcom, L. Bfndor, Alex. Stonehouse. Special by Northern Business Col- lege â€" Small and capital letters, figu- res from 1 to 9: writing -'My Native Land â€" Monica Lambert. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE . „ Phone 2-31. â€"A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. ««|'" and one of 60 acres all deanl l"i"^ class bnildings, ap to dat« tw BOAR FOB SERVICE 'every particular. Will i^U .S oM .u vJ 7 . i^K*'^*- <^«>*l«"ick house on onjlv. Tamworth boar fqr service, Wo. : the f aims. The atablinff for aittil 2-16,81C, on Lot 140â€"147, 3rd range mala is perfect On« t%rrr has to -L. MEGGOTT, acre., hardwood bu.h .„<i an,aS Apr< 27. Flesherton ! nundred has three acres <rf timD» ,-«nd has buildim,,, for ererythlng / F.T. HILL & Co.. Limited, Markdale Sensible young people start to save a.-( soon as they begin to earn. Fin- ancial success is impossible for those who spend every dollar as soon as it is earned, or even before. They give mute evidence that they have never j learned that there is only one hund- red cnta in a dollar. The middle- I aged man who. in his youth began I to save something out of every pay j envelcpo, can look hopefully forward to th? future. But money is net the I only item we shall np°d a .^unplv oif in thf> years to come. We need intcr- ! ests over which we can l>e enthusias- I tic when the gaieties of youth are no [ longer possible. It is not enough for i sensible young people to enjoy to-day. Choice Farm for Sale ,' needed, iacludiag IwuitiTr ]touj«"^ ___^___^ j pig pena. ^T»^ k««u._ i. _ :. . 7^ Consisting of 110 acres, more or ^^ weeda. /uiy person Mo broken land and emi 'â€" interetwrt .Sf" ^2: """"y' I-»^.. dsnial less, on Uth Con. of Floss, all level . should inveati^ta. and workable and in good state of 1 _,- j p^^j^- cultivation; 25 acres seeded to red Hj^y rtJJ^' "^-"^^ON., clover and timothy. 20 acres to sweet j t^oton Statfm P.a clover; church and school half mile. | ^~ ~ â-  .," stores and postoffice two miles at j BUSINF9^ PADl^a Wasaga Beach, good bank barn 50x ^^•^"ic.aa (.ARDS GO with stabling for 24 cattle, 5 hor- ses, 2 box stalls, good pig pen and hen house, driving shed, nice 7-room aunj«on. b<mn<- o..^ * 1"'-.''*'" cement cottage in good condition, A |!^^^ •fl"?^ K^aA^ta of Ta^rta 1 cellar, two good wells, telephone and 77^"°'*" College of Dental %tawmtm rural mail delivery, G miles from ^ <« Ontario. Gaa admlnisteicd 9^ Elmvale. on blue water highway. ;teeth ertracUon. Offlca at «»4iiJZ Price S8000, 83000 down, possession ToroSlo Stret. in«.».jr '•"»•â- Â«â€¢ giiven on March Ist. Buyer may go \ "^ «"«eBnorton. on farm at once to do fall plowing. No property taken in exchange. If _ vou can't raise $3000 don't write. For n-*." «™ ' "J.""^ *J-^ " further particulars apply to „ f '"â„¢ «« Faculty of lC«dldb|. â€" F. LORNE CRIPPS, | "n»»ewlty of Toionta 0«e«-^2 Box 392, Collingwood, Ont. ardaon Block. Flasb^ton. J^t^tt" Slty^^ B:A, M*. „.4. FARM FOR SALE ^^^ .^. ,^ To close an estate a good farm. :â„¢"j£;» g« ^^nle luUJ,JlJ». being lot 27, 6th Con., (gravel road) â- Â«â„¢Â« «*«*. Jleaberton. emir IH. Osprev. 13 to be sold on or before •'•y <"> o«" before the funll moon. Robt October 15th. This farm is of good Domhi, W. M., F. J Thurston. <;«. soil with good house and barn and j ~ â-  ^ ^ contains sevcnty-f ive acres, more or . Ices. For particulars apply to MRS. Geo. SPENCER, R. R. 1, Singhampton. Phone: Feversham. FARM FOR SALE Wacfc, Koooa a. Bnmch , Dnndalk and ftarham. 100 acres on the Provincial High-' Telfwd A BbmK Bhrrfsten 9tih- way, 1^ miles south of F'leeherton;,e<tan, eta, Qflloaa .Gray aai Bmm good bam 60x60 with stone wall;iBloe1l, Oima Svsnd; Standaitf »«** brick veneer house, drive shed, pi(; Block, nnhartaa, (Sctonl^v). W. pen and hen hooBe, 10 acres good | P. Telfovi Jr., A j". p. Binil«. bush, well watered and fenced. â€" JAS. FERRIS, Flesherton. far OwBB BiWI» drC?wyi GEO E. DUNCAN jParm aad DUNDALK (Ttaros LfCENSED AUCTIONEER aiilnad. For the county of Qrey. Reason- \ "•â- T *• It is quite jis important to lay thejpiblc terms. Satisteetton gMBaa* i (^^cal Dates made at this iifUlia.. * ^ I ' foundation for happiness to-morrow. • »^j ' -Acton Free Press, I ^""^

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