m^ Htunan Traits of Mack Bmt Stays Lit in A/uj Wind^ Does Not Smohe BeacoH Lanterns' %50J.D EVERYWHERE Water-Ulie*. Down Black Horso Drove In Wickas Are gardens filled with b'.oom»; And llrellxht painU Its flowora Oil walla of tiny rooms; And all th« Laociod bedgrcfl Ar* •«t v.lth bud and star â€" ' Dut leaT« the i«th and foKoir Where the peat poola axe! For iliere amldat the niahea, i Beneath tb« open sky. Afloat on dusky waters, Most delicate and shy <Are water MIlea gleaiiilug I/lk* jewela In a crown. Oh, where Uie ru»hes beckon Traveler, come down.' â€" Klizabeih Fleming. 'is ^od tea" TEA mmm kMm^ Can be Quickly Banished With Baby's Own Tablets. The ailmcnt^s of chlldhcod are many but nlne-tenihs ot tbea are due to one cause and one caus» oaly â€" a disorder- ed condition of the stomach and bowels. To quickly banish any of the minor ailments of babyhood and chll^- , hood the bowels must be made to work "^* compo aer an d llbr«ttlat. regular and the stomach must be ' "^ (1) B««r cub atapplng out. (2) Black Bear famllY In native haunt. It's a "flfty-flfty" proposition with and waited a 1 waited: but In rain. Canadian black bear, the most popu- ! Later when out on a atroll ehe c**"*! sweetened l*r wild animals In ttae parks of the j upon a bellhop with a bottle of milk. , jj^ other medicine for little ones haa ! Canadian Rockies. They have not re- i She watched without making her pre- , j,gj g^gJ^ guccets as has Baby's Own ! â- ented . man's Intruaion but Instead i sence known. Soon a bear appeared j xableu. They banish constipation 'â- hare exhibited an everlncreaaing ; with two cubs. The boy approached eorlosUy about miui's affairs. In the fearlessly, took the top from the bot- Tlcinity of Banff and L<ake Louise they : tie and gave the cub' a drink. When, MuMolini and Music. I It seems that the Government of Mussolini is anxious for a revival of i j lullan music, more especlaily of ' I opera. Various theatres have been re- , acquired, and now the Government Is appealing to native composers, and prises are being offered by the Minis- ter of Public Instruction for new ! operas. The maximum prize is to be ' 100,000 lire for each new work, of which eighty per cent, goes to the theatrical management which pro- duces the work and twenty per cent, to Martyrs of Medidne. One of the epic storlefi of medical re- â- earcb Is re«alled by the death the other day of Major J. F. Hall-Edwards, the famous British surgeon and X-ray pioneer. The first operation ever per- formed with the aid of an X-ray -photograph was in a case where, by 'this means. Dr. Hall- Edwards had lo- cated a need'Ie in a patient's band. It is Impossible to over-estimate the debt which medical science owe) to ^ men like Hall-Edwards. Ho begui ftts X-ray experiments in 1896, Immediate- ly after Professor Rontgen's discovery had been made public, and white the use ot safety devices was unknown.' Many of these devices. Indeed, were suggested by him as .the result of these early experiments. Even when, owing to X-ray dermati- tis, he had lost his left arm and four fingers of his right hand, he continued his wcrk, managing to carry on with a solitary thumb and a rubber substi- tute for a forefinger. Our knowledge of X-rays has been dearly won. Dr. A. Barry Blacker, one of the first men to introduce X-rays in- to hospital practice, also paid the penalty of his pioneering work. He had to be operated on again and again, and finaUy died of a disease caused by the action of the rays. But his experi- ments in a small basement in St. Thomas's Hospital were the start of the famous X-ray department of that institution. Another celebrated X-ray practition- er associated with St. Thomas's was Sir Archibald Reid, who took charge of this department of the hosFltal's work in 1912. His death in 1924 was a direct result of his X-ray work. Even before X-rays medicine had Us martyrs. The famous John Hunter took innumerable risks in his experi- ments, and even infected himself with diseases to observe their course more closely. His death is supposed to have been due to this habit of experiment- ing upon himself. have become ao tame that it la a com- 1 however, he tried 'to take the bottle mon sight to see them amble across ; away in order to tfhare It with the the roads, and even stop for a sign ; other cub, the cub refused. The moth- of recognition from the tourists. An English lady was rlslting Cha- teau Lake Louise, In the Canadian Rockies, and desired a^flie all else to see a bear. She chos thou I er bear asserted her authority and and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; correct diarrhoea and colic and promote healthful sleep by regulating the functions of the stom- ach ant", bowels. Concerning them Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.8., writes:â€" "I cannot speak too highly gave the obstreperous cub a wallop. : of Baby's Own Tableu as I have found This settled the dispute, and only de- j them excellent for childhood aU- moDstrated one of the many almost { ments." sly spot human instincts of the black bear. GIRI^ AND WOMEN NEED RKH BLOOD This Lady Found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a Friend Indeed. Ontario Dental Health Day. What wonderful advancement has^ been made dnring the past few de-| cades In the preventiou and care of | disease, and this improvement Is due! to a large measure to the scientific , Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mall at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1, Rub your scalp with Mlnard'a Liniment « Sour Milk Story Spiked. The popular hellef that thunder storms affect milk has no foundation in fact. Thunder storms frequently accur toward the end of hot summer days. On such days milk la also likely to turn sour. This, so far as known. Is the only connection between the storm and the souring of milk. -o Musaolini's Waterloo is in the off- intr. It is said that he contemplates! pasainif laws regarding the dreesesl and the tresses of his countrywomen! Laughter. Somebody has described laughter aa "a faculty bestowed exciu«veiy upon man," and one which there Is, there- fore, a sort cf Impiety In not exercis- ing a« frequently as we can. One may say with Titus that we have lost a day if it shall have passed without laughter. "An inch of laugh Is worth an el! of moan In any state of market," says one of the o'A English fathers. Pilgrims at the shrine of Mecca con- sider laughter so essential a part of their devotion that they call upon the prophet to preserve them from sad faoea,â€" From Harper's Eaay Chair 1852. OM- 8art MInea Salt mines in the Carpathian mou»- talna have been worked since th* eleventh century. Buried History. Near the site of the ancient city of Mtzpah, in Palestine, a party of sclen- Investtgatlon and research conducted j lists recently discovered a great pit In our laboratories. The knowledge ; into which they think the bodies of 'â- thus gained would be of little use, Gedaliah and bis followers were I however, unless sent to those who' thrown, as re'lated in the Biblical I need It or those who can apply It in story. the education or treatment of others, j A number of rock tombs containing j ' The most valuable contributions '. a mass of early pottery were also j made by research workers in so far ; found, and the scientists confidently ; 'as 'the health and happiness of the peo-| expect to unetffth. amongst the relics I pie are concerned have been In the. of this two-thousand-five-hundrad- I field of preventive medicine: Many of I ye»r-old city, records telling the full! ^ ^*'^o;»c,,sp.ci„. TOROHTO * HAIRDRCSSING ACADEMY i)r *.M.M Km«, GanadianP/anSoot In co-opentioji wilh Oum^ian Arrhil«ctt fciigm nf modcnte prigwl homa m pub- ""••o In tl« MaeLcM Buiytra' Cujd«. p«t«ile<l information on planninif. ouiMiftK. SuTmbinv. dccontini; uid J«r inintf. Proftuely Ulurtnted An :d£«l reference book. Send S5 cents fcr a copv MacUu BuUdan' GuJde J44 Adelaide SI. W. Teronta, OnL in! When NebU'chadnezsar conquered Judeda he took many of the Inhabtt- JuEt becausa she is a woman there are times when every woman needs help and strength In the form of a blood-building tonic To -thousands of grfrls- and women Dr. Williams' Pink PiUs have prored a blessing because they enrich the blood, give strength and restore tone â- the diseases which years ago afflicted story of the EgypUan campaigns to the aching nerves. The anaemic ; the people are now seldom heard of [ Palestine. girl who Is languid and pale; the wife-' .nj gtiu greater results are confident whose back feels like breaking; the ! ly expected. matron whose health falls as she j The prevenUon of disease Is largely ' ants to Babylonian captivity, but we reaches middle ageâ€" for all such suf- a matter of educaUon. It cannot be ! are told that he allowed some, Indud- ferers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are In- ; accomplished through the efforts ofjing the prophet Jeremiah, to remain valuable because ill-health in girls andj the physician alone; he will lead the j at Mlzpah tor seve:al years under the women Is usually ccused by poor blood way but the general public must be ' governorship ot Gedaliah. or insufficient blood. These pills have taught to take such an interest in their j The historic crime associated with proved a blessing to thousands of own health that they will be willing tO| this ancient- city took place when Ish- others, why not you? At various aectpt the advice given. j mael came to the colony and was wel- stages of life Mrs. O. R. Lake, Walton, J Dental infection is one of the most ' corned by the Babylonian governor N.S., has proved the value of Dr. Wll- frequent causes ot disease and the On- ' with a great feast. In the midle ot Hams' Pink Pills. She says:â€" "1 first ' tarlo Department of Health has or- which he suddenly rose and killed ganlzed e special effort for the pur- 1 Gedaliah and his friends, afterwards pose of informing the people in regard ; throwing their bodies into a pit. to the prevention ot dental diseases. This campaign will take the form of a Dental Health Day, to be held on Wed- ^ Fast Eosij-Cutflnj ^ fSiMONOS \ SAWS HURT? Eaae the pain with MInard's. It relieves Inflammation, soothes and heals. V Guaranteed because made \r tram our own steel j,,^ •anNoacAmiusAwco.LTS I ^ MOImiKAl. ^, I "^ VANcoovCT. rr.joHHj,.it. n I Nâ€" ^ TCIICNTO /y used these pills when a young girl, for ' It is during the 'teen age when nature calls upon every bit of the reserve strength we have, that we need their rejuvenating help. It was then I found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a friend : nesJay, October 20th. indeed. .A.nd again, now that the girl- 1 The activities will Include a motion , picture film which has been prepared \ by the Ontario Motion Picture Bureau, Animal life ceases to exist in thi ocean at a depth of one and a half miles. J^BMTISU ^ ISLE The Cabin Clan Canadian Service steamer is a post-war product , designed to give maximum comfort at mini- mum cost. Should you travel Cabin Class you are assured of acconunoda- tion and service equal in every way to the Pre- War First Class at a much reduced rate â€" if Third Class, you will travel in absolute comfort with con- genial cooqpwuoiur and you will find the accommodation ample and the service thoroufh. A trip to the British Isles, sail- ing from Montreal in the Au- tumn when the Summer tourist rush is over has a charm and allure you will find irresistible. Amk romr at9mmmhip mgunt •frenl IA« S/. i^«-reiM« romtm lo Sanf, or writ fâ€" THE ROBERT REPORD CO., LiMrrso M«atr««l "Tbrvnto Qucb* St. lakn. N.B. HalifM CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE m of four children, subject to all the cares and worries of the home. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only tonic I take to keep up my health and strength, and they have never tailed me. Should any ailing girl or weary mother, due -to my advice, try these pills. I know they will find them as equally good as I have done." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont ©. Scientists Testing Truth of Cold Shoulder Theory radio talks from the various stations. GOITRE Mothers, have you or your daugh- ters goitre? Do not worry. Goitre can new bs removed quickly, painless- ly and permanently. Johnston's Goitre instruction to school children, the dls- . I R;medy, used externally, acts by ab< . .. ., . . , , , , . . , sorption.. Simply rub In twice a day. tnbutlcn of special booklets by the | After about 2 weeks' treatment, goitre Insurance Companies, newspaper pub- . becomes soft and spongy, and then licity which the press is giving with- 1 Oi'adually disappears. Usually one out charge, and window display. ! bottle Is sufficient. Literature and The dentists of the Province, at the I testimonials on request. Price $5.00; request of the Department ot Health. ' """'*â- * '."^r'^Vnuiuc-rr.w will give private instruction on mouth JOHNSTON care to all who desire It, and the gen- eral publicity will stress the import- ance ot a proper diet, thorough masti- cation of the food, and careful cleans- ing ot the mouth. The educational, health, service and o . .1 .... J ,_ . i s««'al welfare organizations of the Scientists of Amsterdam have been p^„„ee are co-cperatlng, and this, "^^T ?J^ V* """T^ °' heat given I the first Province-wide effort ot this off by the human body to find why tmd in Canada, promises to be a great some parts give off more heat than' b^^'^- 171 King St. A CO., E., Toronto. Perfect Protection With Every Roll Every roU ot Prlnca EJ- warj Brand Fox Nettins opens out as a 130 foot long wali ct perfect pro- tection fcr your foxes. "Prince Edward" does not hag ncr sag and has 10% more meshes than any otber branj of fox netting. Write or wire tor delivered prices. Holnians V:'^X^:l^ Special Ontario Agents W. H. C. Rutliven, J. M. McGillivray Alliston Priceville success. others. Drs. E. Sluiter and G. van i Rljnberk devised an apparatus forf studying the temperature of the skin, covered and uncovered, and found that much less heat was given off over ! ' ''*^ '•**' Bobbie Burns were ge'en To An English Teacher. To hear ye read his lines between Sae fu' o" love. His Scottish lore Was nair sae beautiful before. An' aft I wish there listened here Some Ither poets far and near layers of fat and a great deal more where the-skln lay close to bony sur-: faces. Whether this means that people bul'.t on generous lines are as cool as' cucumbers on the outside and "red hot' wKhlD. with skinny folks Just ^^'*>°»* words ye read, and aft gie cot the oppcslto. Is not stated. However,! ^'*''" '*'^* ''^^° "y* ">*y dreamt aboot. the experiment would seem to iodi-; " Ro*»-'e S. Jacoby. in "Kaleidoscope cate that a fat person might make the ' ro«nis. coolest bedfellow on a hoi night. ! ~ ** Dr. Slutter thinks that seme of the! The rarest stamp in the worid is drtrerence* In best r.diat.ou, at v«r^ the one cent. 1856. British Guiana, ou. place, may be exp.a.ned by thelpHntH in b.ack on magenta, nearness ot large blcod ve«s?ls to the ^,, .^-.j tor £7.317 in 1922. surface, but this, he tays. docs not ei- ' . plain all. It is still a mystery why j ' more heat Is given off over the fore- head, the cheet, the vhins and the spine. This Bsit RInsers en a Tour. Thirteen beil-rlngers. mostly from Surrey towns, during a hoIMay tour In Somerset and Wilts visited 13 towns and rang ^ pea! in each. » . â- Necessary. Wife (to talesman-husband, depart- ing en a business trip) -"Don't forget, dear, to take some dotted lines with you." TOBONTO OFFERS BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Butter, Eggs We Offer Toronto's Best Prices. LINES, MMITEO St. Lawrene* Market Toronto 2 MInarCs Llatment r*i;«v«« stiffnssSk ;;, OLD STAMPS From 1S40â€" 18S0â€" on Original Envelopes Preferred STANDARD STAMP CO. ZVa Craitg Avenue Station L. Toronto, C^t. CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario. â€" "I am a prac- tical nurse and i recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetab'.e Compound to Buffering women. For three months I was almost helpless andxcould not sit at the table long enough to drink a cup of tea. Many a time my hus- band carried me to bed, I would be so weak. Then he read in the paper f a woman suffering as I did who got better after taking the Vegetable (.orapound, so he want suid got it for me. When I had taken three bottles 1 was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. When I feel any bearing-down pains I always take it; sometimes a half bottle or whatever I need. It is my only medicine and I have told many a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vepctable Compound, I will gladly write to her. I do all I can to rec- ommend it for I feel I owe mv life and strength tj it." â€" Mrs. Keal Bowser, R. R. I, Minesing, Ontario. Do you feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you have this horrid feeling of fear which some- times comes to women when they ar9 not well? Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound is excellent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persistently will relieve this condition. c Proved safe by miliions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART EJ Sc^ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. RandT "Bayer" bor«« of 12 tablets Also liottles of 24 and 190 â€" Druggists. i A«i-I:'-. If !»♦ tnJp msrli (nglmtxrr* to OanaS*) of B«j»t M;n»fiir;m» of KoiiM<^flf- M;dw!.r «f SaUciUewM IA«*<7l !««H«tUc AcM. "A. 8. A •). Wkil, it t> w»n kMwa ta>t Aavlrto BMiM 9tnt miamtmttsi*. n ualM tk* (mbOe asalcn UnlttUom. ih» T*mm« Blemishes and brritadons Quickly Disappear When Cuticura is used. Bjibc with the Soap end bvt -vater. dry g»n«!y »r.d anoint wilh the Oint- ment. This titatment not only soothes and heals unsightly and annoying pimples, rashes and skin irrilaticns but tends to prerenl such conditions. . t^.Mrtt Cx!! rm »T Ibr. A<MnH Craadhn I'fci* _0'fltn,c»i* ES M»d l*e. TaJnuB Mr. CatUnrm '' >naa Sli^ 2Sc. ISSL'I rc.42-*r*-"~- â€"