Flesherton Advance, 20 Oct 1926, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAV. OCTOBER 20. 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Feversham Prize Winners (Concluded from Last Week) FRUITS APPLES â€" Talman Sweet, Mrs. J. A. Bell; Ben Davis. W. H. Hall; Alcx- andtr, G. W. Ross, Mrs. .1. C. Adams; Duchess, G. W. Ross, E. Belt; Wolf River. Ada Atkinson; Snow, W. H. Hall. Mrs. J. A. Bell; Russets, Mrs. J. A. Bell. W. H. Hall; Coll. Plums, Mrs W. P. Cronsley. Mrs. Bell; Coll. Pears. Mrs. Crossley, Ada Atkinson. DAIRY Crock Dairy Butter, 30 lbs., Mrs. Collinson, Mrs. J. Milno; Crock Butter 10 lbs., Ada Atkinson, Mrs. Collinson; Prints, Mrs. F. Spofford, .Mrs. Heit- man. .\nnie Bemro.ne; Home-rendered Lard. E. Betts. L. A. Fisher; Maple Syrup, F. Spofford, E. Huwton; Maple Sufrar, Ada Atkin.son. L. A. Fisher; Honey in Comb. A. J. Conron; Extrac- ted Honey, W. H. Hall. A. J. Conron. HOME .M A N r FA( TIRE Bread. Mr.-". .1. .McKinnon. D. Rintr; Brown 'Bread. Ada Atkinson; Fruit, Annie Bemrose, L. A. Fi.sher; Nut Bread, Mrs. Adams. W. H. ThJbton; Oat Meal Cookies. Mrs. Heitman. E. Betts; GinRcr Cookies, E. Bett,8, Annie Bemrose; Ten Cake, three varieties, Mrs Collinson, E. Betts; Apple Pie, Annie ^eniroae, Mrs. Heitman; Pump- kin Pie. Ada Atkinson, Mrs. Heitman; sponge cake, Mrs. J. Lon); Mrs. Heath- cote; Lemon Pie, Mrs. Heitman, W. A. Hawken; Buns, Mrs. .McKinnon, Annie Bemrose; Plain Cookies, Mrs. Heit- man. W. A. Hawken; Light Layer Cake, Mrs. Collinson, W. A. Hawken; Dark Layer Cake, Mrs. Heitman, E. Betts; Fruit Cake, Mrs. F, Spofford, L. A. Fisher; Canned Peaches, Mrs. Collinson. K. Betts; Canned Plums, Mrs. T. Davidson. Annie Bemrose; Raspberries and Rhubarb. Mrs. T. Davidson, Ada Atkinson; Preserved Citrons and (irapcs, Mrs. Davidson; Currant and Apple Jelly, .Mrs. Collin- son, J. A. Kernahan; Berry and Grape Jelly, Mrs. Collinson. J. D. LeK^att; Home-made Candy, Mrs. Collinson, Mrs. T. W. Beatty; Mince Meat, Mrs. T. Davidson, L. A. P^isher; Variety of Canned VeRetables. Mrs. Collinson, Mr. Whiteoak; Mixed Pickles, W. A. Hawken. L. A. Fisher; 3 Varieties of Tarts, W. A. Hawken, Alice Long. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes, Rose type, W. A. Haw- ken. Potatoes, Hebron type, W.Heit- mna. Potatoes, long white, C. Bris- ttow. Green Mountain, James Moore. Irish Cobbler, J. A. Bell, L. A. Fisher. Hallo\ve'en MASKS WIGS MOUSTACHES BEARDS BLACK CATS PUMPKIN FACES AT W. A. Armstrong & Son Established 1889 l^angolds, long, Ada Acheson. Man- golds, globe, Allan McLean, Ada Ach- eson. Swede turnips, C. Bristow, L. A. Fisher. Sugar Mangolds, Allan McLean. Blood Beets, long, Annie Bemrose, C. Bristow. Blood Beets, a.o.v., A. McLean, L. A. Fisher. Car- rots, Early Horn, Lenore Oliver, W. H. Thurston. Carrots, field, L. A. Fisher. Parsnips, W. H. Conn, W. A. Hawken. Onions from seed, W. A. Hawken, W. H. Thukston. Potato Onions. J. D. Leggatt, W. H. Conn. I Top Onions, W. Heitman, Ada Ache- .son. White Beans, A. J. Conron, A. ' Acheson. Butter Beans, A. J. Con- â-  ron, Ada Acheson. Table Corn, L. j A. Fisher, <J. Bristow. Winningstadt i Cabbage, W. H. Conn, A. J. Conron. I Red Cabbage, L. A. Fisher, W. A. ' Hawken Cabbage a.o.v., A. J. Con- I ron, W. H. Thi^ston. Cauliflower, ' W. A. Hawken, W. H. T/lirston. To- ! matoes, James Ottewell, W. A. Haw- 1 ken. Squash, W. A. Hawken, John ' McKinnon. Pumpkin, W. A. Haw- ken, W. Heitman. Citron, W. .P , Crossley, A. J. Conron. Cucumbers, I A. J. Conron, Allan McLean. Musk I Melons, A. 'J. Conron. Winter Rad- ' ishes, Ada Acheson. Vegetable Oys- j ter, J. D. Leggatt, A. J. Conron. Celery, white, W. A. Hawken, L. A. j Fisher. Celery, red, L. A. Fisher. I LADIES' WORK â€" USEFUL Pieced Cotton Quilt â€" W. A. Haw- j ken, Mrs. Adams; Fancy Quilting, W. I P. Crossley, Mrs. .Adams; Crochet j Quilt, Mrs. Adams; Quilt a.o.k., Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Jqs. Long; Comforter cotton, Fisher, F. .Spofford; Conjforter silk, Alice Long, Mrs. Heitman; Fancy Bedspread, Ada Atkinson, ThuVston; Hooked Rug, Ada Atkinson. FfSher; Braided Floor Rug, E. Betts, Ada At- kinson; pair Handknit Woollen .Socrks, Mrs. J. Milne, Fisher; Men's knit Wool Mitts, Mrs. Hindlo. Mr.«. J. Radloy; Mending Woollen Ho.se. FLsher, Thlkrs- ton; Mending Torn Garment, Mrs. Hindlc, Mrs. Davidson; Homemade House Dress, T. W. Beatty, Heitman; Work .Apron, Alice Long. Heitman; Child's Dress or Coat made from old erarnient, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Collinson; Hemming on Table Linen. Collinson. Fisher; Homemade Hard Soap, Fisher, Atkinson. LADIES' WORK â€" FANCY Enib White, Mrs. Cairns, Collinson; End). French Knot, Hawken, .-\dams; Ernh. .Modern Cross-stitch, Crossley, Lenoie Oliver; Emb. Floral or in Silk, Beatty, Jas. Long; Emb. ^Single Piece I white, not listed, Lenore Oliver; Emb. ! Single Piece Colored. Mrs. W. A. ' Armstrong, Mrs. R. Whiteoak; .Spcci- I man Tatting, Mr.'!. J. A. Bell, Beatty; I 53.i)cdnian Tatted Edgings, BelJ, Boat- p^isaisia'HiaiaEMa/siaraiaiaiaiaiajafaiEiiBiBissiaiaia^^ THE HILL STORE SIX HILL STORE-S W* bujr together in order that ourcxictomeri in the tix com- munitiet tmy materially ben- efit individually. F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd Markdale, Ontario A Store everyone initinct-' ively associatea with highl quality merchandiie at th*E faireat potsibI«t prices. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Ladies' Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Men's and Boys' Suits & Overcoats Winter Underwear Men's- Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Child- ren's. A big Sofk of all Lines. Spec- ials for the next ten days. readies' Wool Blooincr.s. Spec. 59c. 58c lOdoz readies' Heavy Fleece Lined Hloo- luers. travellers' .samples. Special 59c. 69c and 79c. Ladies' Silk and Wood Vests, no sleev ts and short sleeves. Special <S9c. . Children's I'Meece Lined Slee])ers. i^ood hijif sizes. Special .$1.39. 10 dozen Indies' Heavy V^leece Lined \'ests, all sizesc. Special 79c. Clothing Dept. We have just placed in stock a large as- sortment of Men's and Boys' GKrercoats a prices that will save you money. Men's Coats raiijfinj^ from ^12 to $28.- 50. Boys' Coats ran^inp; from ^4.75 tt) $12..50. Come in and look these over ajid j»^et your choice. Men's Suits These are broken sizes from om- regular stock. - Sizes 35 to 40. KcKular value up to $26.50 Spec $14.95 Yoiinjj Men's Hlite and Blue Striped Suits, double and sin}4:le breasted.- Rejj- ular .$35 Special This week for .$24.75. Boot & Shoe bept. Gents' Furnishings Come and look through our Shoe Depart- ment. We have many bargains to offer in evry line of footwear. The fall of the year is the tiipe to buy durable footwear for children. We have our Fall Stock of New Rubbers placed in our Shoe Depart - men for your inspection. Ladies' I feavv lloots. A ^ood boot for fall wear.' Refjrdar $3.50 and $3.75 for ^2.7r<. Men's Rubber Hoots, stronjif and dur- able. .'\ barain at $3.. 50 a pair. .SO pairs Women's Hi^b Top Shoes, fine kid (ptality. Special low price of $1.(X) per pair.' Ladies' vSpats. all .shades and heights. Extra sj)ecial price of $1.00. Mtjn's Kelt Hats, all colors. Rej^ular values up to $5. Special $2:49 .Men's Pullover Sweaters, j^ood heavy weight. .\ Special at $1.48. r>oys' Pullover Sweaters, just the thiufj^ for school wear. Special 98c. Men's Wool Jt'nderwear. Special $1.39 a gfarnient v Grocery Department 1011) C.ranulated Sujijar for 69c ; Tonia- t() Catsup, 4 tins for 25c; C.ood Hlack Tea. regular 75c.. for .59c; 9^ Cooking Onions for 25c ; 5 bars Pearl White Naph â-  tha Soap J5c; 2 I'.o.xes Muffets for 31c; Castile Soap- large bar, for 15c. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale msamsim^; ty; Filft Cro<*ft, Thuktoii, Bell; Pr.| I'illow Shams emb., Mrv. Adams, Bell;, I'uir Pillow Slips other hand trimming; i Mm. Cairns, Bell; I'air Towels emb.,' Beatty, Collinson; Pair Towels, other] hand trimmintf, ThurVton, Atkinson; Bath Towel, Bell, Coninson; Centre ^ I'iece white emb., Beat'.y, Collinson; < Centre Piece other hand work, Mrsf. W. A. Armstrong, Bell; Centre Piece; colored linen, Atkinson, Bell; Centre i Piece colored crochet, W H Thu\^ton, Pair Tray Cloths, ThiA|fton, Arm-' stronjf; Tea Cloth, emb., Armstronjf,! Collin.son; Tea Cloth, hand trimmed,! Crossley, Thur^fon; Luncheon Set, Arnistronir, Adams; Buffet Set, 3 pieces. Bell, Hawken; Six Serviettes, emb., Armstrong, Collinson; Six serv- iettes a.o.k., Lenore Oliver; Six Table Doylies, Bell, Spofford; Table Runner, emb., Oliver, Mrs. J. Radleyr Table Runner a.o.k, Crossley,' Thulston; Sofa Cushion, . emb.. Oliver, Acfams; Sofa Cusion washable, Hawken, • Mrs. Adams; Linjferie Set 3 pieces, Thirs- ton, Armstrong;; iNight Robe emb., Collinson, Beatty; Bourdoir Cap, Len- ore Oliver, Adams; Ladies' Handker- chiefs .S styles. Bell, Thuriton; Ladies Knitted or Croceht Sweater, Thufaton Fisher; Pair Curtatins Handmade, W. A. Hawken, Allan McLean; Pair Cur- tains handmade for parlor, Hawken; Baby Jacket and Boottees, Adams, F. Spofford; child'.s dres^ Bell, Thurkon; Child's Rompers, Thursipn; Collection Crochet Work, Thureton, Hawken; Coll. Eml). Work; Hawken. Beatty; Coll. Fancy Work, Beatty, Oliver. FINE ARTS Landscape, Hawken, Oliver; Marine Copy. Oliver, Hawken; Figure Work copy, Oliver, Hawken; Fish or Game from Object, Adams; Still Life, Coll- inson, Oliver; Any Original Subject, Oliver, Hawken; Landscape Canadian Scene, Armstrong, Oliver; Marine from Nature, .Armstrong, Oliver; An- nuals from life, Atkinson. Fruits Grouped, Hawken; Flowers and Vase or bowl, H.nwken; Single piece Hand Decorated China conventional. Oliver, Armstrong; Realistic design, Oliver, Armstrong; Sepia Figue or Aniir.al, copy. Oliver; Sepia any original sub- ject. Collinson, Armstrong; Pastel any original subject, Qliver; Charcoal Sketch. Oliver; Pencil Drawing. Oliv- er, Atkinson; Drawing from Cast.s, Hawken; Stencil Drawing. Hawken; Black and White Sketjh,/01iver, Arm- strong:; Basketry, .\rmstrong, .Adams; Metal Work or Wood Carving, Oliver, Fisher. FLORAL EXHIBIT Begonias, .Adams, G. W. Ross; Ger- anium, single, Mrs. R. Whiteoak, W. H. Thu^ton; Geranium, double, Mrs. R. Whiteoak; Hydrangea, Betts, Ad- ams; Tropical Plant, JIrs ..A.dams; Best Six House Plants, mixed varie- ties. Whiteoak; Coll. .Asters, Hawken, Bell; Coll. Dahlias, Hawken. Crossley; Call. Gladioli, Thu*ton, A. .T. Conron; Sweet Peas, Thkrsron, Leggatt; Best Variety, .'\nnuals, Hawken, Crossley; Best Variety Perennials, Hawken, A. Atkinson. CHILDREN'S WORK. Collection of leaves and wood of Ca- nadian trees, najied and moun- ted, Zella J^ong, Melville Hindle. Essay, subject. "My idea of a good citizen" â€" Bessie Hindle. Penman- ship â€" Zella Long, Rita Fenwick. Best .drawing â€" Bessie Hindle, Mabel Ross. Colored drawing of Crayon â€" Bessie Hindle, Mabel Ross. State- ment of expenditure and sellig price of farm product â€" iHazel Hawton. Mabel Hindle. Best light biscuit â€" I Hazel Hawton, Bessie Hindle. Beit school lunch â€" Rita Hindle. Dressed doll â€" Zella Long, Mabel Ross. Plain I Cookies and Tarts â€" Hazel Hawton, Bessie Hindle. Cross stitch embroi- , deery â€" Bessie Hindle, Rita Hindle. I Crochet Cap â€" Bessie Hindle. Hand I made apron â€" M. Davidson, Bessie Hindle. Doll's sweater â€" Bessie Hin- dle, M. Davidson. Button holes on cottr)n â€" Zella Long, Bessie Hindle. SPECIALS. By A. Mcintosh. Collingwood. for bestt Leghorn Pullet â€" James Barber. By Bank of Toronto, for best Buff Orpington Cockerel and pullet, James Barber. ^ By Dr. E. J. Bellman, Collingwood, for best pure bred Yorkshire sow, E. Betts. Best single driver, special by O'- Brien and Hewson, Collingwood, H. Theakston. Best heavy colt, special by Chat- terson's Furniture ."(tore, F. Dins more. j Best Agricultural Team, special by Bell and Sons, Collingwood, F. Dins- more. Best groomed horse, special by Jno. Smith, Feversham, F. Dinsmore. Special by McDowell's Shoe Store. Collingwood, Best Lady Driver, Wild Bros. ' Special by C. Alexander, beat one- year-old pure-bred bull. J. .\. Kern- ahan. Special by John Speers, Fever- sham, for best pair bac(m hoga, E. Hawton. Special by James Davidson, Fever- sham. for beat Oxford shearling ewe, E. Betts. For largest and best collection <vT baking, special by Robert Simpson Co., J. McKinnoft. By Trott's Furniture Store, Cel- linsrwood, for best display of house plants, Mrs. R. Whiteoak. Hammond's Drug Store, Colling- wood, for best lemon pie, Mrs. W. A. Hawken. Mcintosh's store, Collingwood, for best hand knit socks, Lenore Oliver. By J. C. Sinclair, Collingwood for best hand sewing, Mrs. R. White- oak! Eli Robinson, Feversham, for child's dress made from old garments, Mary Ross. Osprey Farmers' Milling Co., for best display of baking, J. McKinnon. Osprey Farmers' Milling. Co., best loaf of bread, J. McKinnon. Harry G. Burke, Feversham, best apple pie, Mrs. H. Heathcote. T. Eaton Co., best five pounds of butter, Mrs. Spofford. F. H. Nettleton, Collingwood, best five pounds butter, Mrs. Spofford. Mrs. Henderson, Feversham, best ten pounds butter, Mrs. E. Hawton. Women's InstitiAe, Maxwell, for best house dress, Alice Long, Mary Ross. Dr. McFadden, V.S., of Collingwood died after only a few days' illness. ENTER ANY DAY at the (g;^v^^ Individual Instruction Business and Shorthand Courses Preparatory Courses for those who missed first chance at Public SCHOOL. CATALOGUE FREE. Small Advertisement FOR SAF>E FOR sale:â€" McLaughlin cutter, 1 range, and 10 young pigs. â€" David Hincks, Ceylon. COW FOR SALEâ€" Good cow, due about Dec. 10th â€" John Wright, Flesh- erton. RAM FOR SALE- cester ram, registerejd D, Cairns, Ceylon. are bred Lei- 'No. 236V9â€" F. le 44-11. BOAR FOR SERVICB No. 92-71630. Also a young Totl^ shire pig, both bacon type for lervlef on lot 176, N.W. T. * S.B,, Teimsâ€" 91.00. â€" T. J. STmSQN. BOAR FOR SERVICE APPLES FOR SALEâ€"Best varie- ties apples, all h|ihd picked, cheap â€" E. A. Graham, C^rksburg. n, ^rk PIGS FOR S|^Eâ€" Nine young pigs 6 weeks old, cheap. Apply to Alex. Hutton, R.R.- 2, Flesherton. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,9e« â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog: Club. Terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3r(J W.T.S.R., Artemesia. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICB FOR SALE â€" Good brick veneered j Registered Jersey bull for service, house for sale in Flesherton; 8 rooms, ! Sire: Brampton Jersey Conjcript; ' main street; convenient to the high I Dain: Brampton Petune's L.<idy. school. Apply to S. Osborne, Town. Fee: §5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, ( Flesherton, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Heavy Colt of real good quality, rising thre.e years; will sell at a reasonable price as owner does not wish to winter same. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Building lot for sale in the village of Flesherton, iialf ac- re, opposite the high school. â€" Mrs. Ellen Parker, Flesherton. S. E. DeCUDMORE â- PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. 9^l7^T°^'«'" Sound, Dnrham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. FARM FOR~SALE~~~ 100 acresâ€" <;Iay loam, well watered -W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton.- good stone waM bam 50 x 60 h ' TAKE WARNING-Hunting and 1 f ^"' ^"^ Pf"' P^'f^'^T'- house, driving MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done Sataz^ days only. â€" Graham Bros.. Eugenia. NOTICE â€" Carload of oats, corn and screening to arrive November 1. trapping on lots 176, 177, 178 and 179, r°"^«' small orchard, 20 acres of S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot. No. 177 "ush, good frame si.K roomed hou« north-east T. & S.R., strictly forbid- |and woodshed, stone foundati den. Any hounds found trespassing i has cement floor fiv,. on said lots will be shotâ€" Thos. J. \ Fksherton. Stinaon. ' tion, cellar miles south of FARM TO RENTâ€" 100-acres ot good farming land, about two and a [ i luartev miles from Mai-kdale. Reas- ; «.onaMe terms. Apply to Mrs. Sol. Hill I Markdale, Ont. â€"J Thistlethwaite, Flesherton P.O. FARMS FOR SALE NOTICE â€" Feed corn and screening may be had at the granary, Ceylon, also a load of flour and feed will ar- Om the Toronto Line PrevineW -«»ghway. Three farms, two of MO acres and one of 60 acres all ciJnL First, class bnildings, up to date fr rive in a few days. For prices apply fu. ,"!l„ *^*!^ ''""'^ ''"^e ononyjC t" H- SP°ff-d. malsTneH'!?.' n"''"^ ^" «*-«• mais 18 perfect. One Urrr kss tea acres hardwood bush and aaatS Tt'f "*» *»«*• acres of^SU We are now buying every day at (â- ""_ Ms buildinngs for eveiythbu POTATOES! POTATOES! Ceylon and Priceville. needed, indudi ajr ponltrjc house i'hone 2.11. â€" A. C. MUIR. Ceylon. ' f weed, „. â€" - I *»eoas. . .iny person HIGHEST PRICES WILL^BEJ'AID. |pig pe„3. n^ broken ^^n^\;^ ^. |«hould Investl'SL'^""" ""'*"*** Imy BOAR FOR SERVICE Tnm worth boar fqr service, iNo. 2-16,816, on Lot 140â€" 147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton Choice Farm for Sale -T. J. STINSON. Proton Statioi P.a fiWSINEsTcARDs" D'- E- C. Murray, L.DA, dsalal •«rgeon, honor gra<huite 7f\T^ Ga« adttlnlstewd ft* Offlc. at r«ld«e. OB. :of OnUrio. Consisting of 110 acres, more or less, on 9th Con. of Floss, all level . and workable and in good state of [•f*"' "traction. „^., cultivation; 25 acres seeded to red ; Toronto Stret, Flesharti clover and timothy, 20 acres to sweet clover; church and school half mile, stores and postoffice two miles at Waitaga Beach, good bank barn 60x 60 with stabling for 24 cattle, 5 hor ses, 2 box stalls, good pig pen ^„d !U«»'«8ity of Yotonto. QfltoeTS hen house, driving shed, nice 7-room .•'''son Block, Fleahertoa. Vhi^n. cement cottage in good condition, A â€" â€"^ ^ ^' ••• 1 cellar, two good wells, telephone and ' •â-  â-  â-  â€" rural mail deliverj', 6 miles from ' Prinea Artkar Lodga, SSS, Af a i^iâ- "^^''â- s•''^1iCfa: nroperty taken in exchange. If Down, W. M., F. J Thnraton 4.- Ehnvale. on blue water highway. Price $8000, $3000 down, possession Btnnw Blnek nl.wHâ„¢""*"**'*' giiven on March Ist. Buyer may go ,.- ~7 ^~' â- "•"••rton. ««ay |M> on fawn at once to do fall plowing. ^^ <"" <»â-  oexore the fuall moon Robt No property taken in exchange. If D""" w « « . _ ""t^ you can't raise $3000 don't write. For further particulars apply to â€" F. LORNE CRIPPS, Box .392, Collingwood, Ont. FARM FOR SALE aw, etc^i. a LocML £ai wT Block, i'bono JL Enmoh Dmidalk ud Z>iirliam. To close an estate a good farm, being lot 27, 6th Con., (gravel road> Osprey, is to be sold on or before October 15th. This farm is of good soil with good house and bam and contains seventy-five acrei, more or less. For particulars apply to MRS. Ge«». SPENCER, R. R. 1, Singhampton. Phone: Feversham. Tdfcrt « Bin*, B«ii,t«r.. MB. otoi*. rte., Offle«»-<;»y «ai aSi Block. OviCB Soud; Stu^Mfl B«Mk Block, FlMk««Mi, TTliiilBwi « GEO E. DUNCAN DtJNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Gr«y. Reason- ["'^y ^ ^le terms. Satisfaetien rwwn- ' ^^•"*'*' teed. Dates made at this office. ^ *»T •**w«tet »• at Wai. X«lttli«. UMuetf Al for th»-«amiHn «r Owy «t Fm and atotil «ies s Verms wi H ila,. MtMKttoir •ntaed. Atftt^ranoti ._ •t«i»A4TaaBa

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