Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1926, p. 7

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â- â- L? ^^- Hif h School Boards and Boards of Education Arm «uthorts*d by law to MUblish INDUS IRIAL. TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS with th« approval of tho Minlater of Education. OAV AND EVCNINQ CLASSES may bt condi-ctod In accordanco with tho rtgulatlons laauod by th« Oepartmant of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION la given In varieua tradoa. The achoola and claaaea art under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attandaneo ahould be made to the Principal of the acheoL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Couraee of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schoola, Collegiate Inatltutea. Vocational Schools land Departmenta. Copiea of the Regulatlona laeued by the Minister oT Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Restoration. The Average Man â€" Surnames and Their Origio JEFFRIES Varlatione â€" Joffre, Jefferaon, Godfrey, Jepson, Jeff. Racial Origin â€" French and Norman French. Bouro»â€" A given name. You might easily draw ail sorts of analogies among the great number of famous pereonagea who have borne the name of Jeffries or on© of Its vari- attons, fttaxtlng with Godfrey, who with his crusaders of the middle ages fioailly wrestod Jerusalem from the grasp of the Moslems, and Including our own Thomas JeSeirsoQ, Jim Je>f- frics, of pugilistic famo, and Qeneral Joffre, right down to little Jeff, Mutt's partner of national fam« â€" fighters all! A9 a family name, Jeffries and Its varlaitions came Into use simultaneous- ly in France and Eng'land. Aa a given name it comes originally from France of the early Teutonic period; that is, the period of the barbarian Invasions, following the fall of the Roman Em- pire. It was brought to England among the followers of William the Conqueror. In France Its development has been from G<idfrer. through Geoffrey, Jef- frey, Joffory. to its final form of Joffre. LESLIE Racial Origin â€" Scottish. Source â€" A locality. The family name of Leslie la a clan. nam« of the Scottish Highlands, but It originated far from the Highlands, In Hungary. The story of the wanderings of the .original Leslie, in the eleventh cen- tury, from his own barony beyond the Hungarian frontier, through tho num- ,, , ,. , . , ,„,,„ erous small and violent political units! ^"^ '"j!'^ "'â- ^ refreshing drafts (To Margaret, Aged Five). - Finds it far easier tu cive advic« , You raa up to the nursery of my heart, â-  tl»«n «« t^^o It. j Fulied click the iron latch and turn-' â€"Regrets Icaing a dime more than; bled In; he regrets waatlog a dollar. . Tore iuBiantly three boxes wide apart, : _Can find faults In a friend easier ' That hftld a broken doll, a wreck of ,i,an ^e can correct them in himself, i ^ „ ~ , . < . I . â€"Likes to think he is very un- ' Once glittering train of car,-* twist- ^^^, ,„ ^^^^ r^.^^H. 1 With treuibly taU that use d to be the ! -Find. It e*^l*r to crliLite those .. f^jg^j.j , who are doln«r things than to be one ; I I slept with every nl^ht; you stood "'*" '*''*•• these up i Scolds his boy at home and brags With ma«ic hands, till I could see the about hlin at the club. • end j â€"(.'an see oih«r people's stupidity Of all their Imperfections la the spell easier than he can see his own op- ' Your smile worked out before my won- portunlty. • derlng eyes; Tho doll smiled, too; the cars went ding-dong-bell , And rushed off round the track; the big surprise, Ho^'ever, came from that long lost white Fldo Barked la his dear old way and cut a dido. •=*Wllbert Snow, "The Inner Harbor." "is tiood tea " TEA yvu'oc lun inXmdinq tb(\^ CHILDREN LIKE BABY'S OWN TABI£TS Pasteurizing Milk. Prayer of the Tree. To who pass by and would raise your hand against me. Hearken ere you harm me! I am the h&at of your hearth on the could winter nights. The friendly shade screening you from the summer sun. Into which Europe was divided in those days, to the coast of Flanders, followed by his embarkation for Scot- land and final establishment In the favor of the Scottish king, must have made a striking romance. Unfor- tunately only these meager facts have been preeerved. Bartholomew de Leslyn came to Scotland from Flanders, using as his surname the name of the fortress In Hungary over which he had been over- lord. It was Malcolm de "Leslie," a de- acendent, who founded the Highland clan bearing his name. This Malcolm had retained tho honors won by bis father at the court of tho Scottish In England ft took on many different ] Itlngs, and had added to them. Many methods of spelling, and developed in j of "^^ Highland clans were thus found- many different directions, some of ! ed by "foreigners," who gathered them paralleling the French as far as [ about them followers of Gaelic blood. Jeffrey, while in other instances the â-  and '"ho usually ended, as was the original form of Godfrey was main- : case in Ireland', by becoming more tained. In the old English records it I Gaedic than the Gaels themselves. Is often found as Jefre and Jefer, and The clan lands In Rothes, Ballen- even Jepher, from which last the , breich and Fife were acquired in the variation of Jepson was developed. thirteenth century by marriage. Electric Bovine on Steamer j Never Runs Dry or Kicks An electric cow that gives new milk, cream, ! gerian's cow needs is a diet of milk powdsr, fresh butter and a drink of water. Quoaching your thirst as you Journey on. I am the beam that holds your house. The board of your tabic. The bed on which you lis And the timber that builds your boat. I am the handle of your hoe. The door of your homestead, Tho wood of your cradle And tho shell of your coffin. I am the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty. Y« who pass by, listen to my prayer: Harm me not! â€" Eleanor Eisner. A FINE TONIC FOR NERVOUS WOMEN A load of two tons can be carried skimmed milk, malted milk fruit-flavored milk aud leo cream to ' by a fu'.'.-grown elephant. order is the remarkable animal for I which carpenters are building a special I Protect the forest is not a phrase shed on board the African steamer but a piece of personal equipment. Nigerian in the Hereulaneum dock at Use it every chance you get. Liverpool. This cow never kicks or flicks its tail in the milker's eye; never is seasick, never dry, and can _^ , __ __ . ^_, bo milked by a marine engineer in ' and there' are now over 500,000 sub-^l ^«'- ^° f^<^' ^ ""'.^^ growing worse and Proof That Building Up the Blood Wm Strengthen the Nerves. If you want strong nerves you must make the effort yourself. You can help yourself by refusing to worry, by tak- ing the proper rest, sleep and out-of- door exercise. For medicine take only Dr. Wiliiama' Pink Pills which prompt- ly build up the blood and thus feed the starved, frayed nerves. A case of extreme n<!rvous exhatis- tlon restored by the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills la that of Mrs. R. Dundas, Peterboro, Ont., who says: â€" "Some years ago 1 suffered a com- plete nervous breakdown. I doctored The first telephone exchange in Lon don v/as opened fbrty-seven years ago, I ^"^^ ^'â- 'â- Â° 'o^al doctors, but got no re- The dairy cow Is the most efllcient 'of all animals in the production of human foods. The chief haudlcaii un- der which she suffers is tuberculosis. In this regard. Prince Edward Island ' can boast of the CanBdian record â€" 99.5% of dairy cattle la the whoI« i Island are free from tuberculosis. Bo- I cause this disease aB<M.'ts the human One of the strongest points In favor : food, we must build a first line of de- Classified Adrertisements. Because They Are Tasteless and Are Easy to Take. /^HOICE PRODL'CTIVE FARMS, ^^ Western Canada, easy terms. Write for free particulars, stating what you want. Continental Home- seeker, 2061 Rose Street, Regina, Sask. of any medicine for children Is that it is so agreeable that the mother does not have to force it down the little one's throat. Baby's Own Tablets have no dru« taste, may be crushed to a powder if fmiseâ€" pasteurize all milk to be usoa by human beings â€" and follow it up by a second; â€" eliminate tuberculosda from the dairy cow. It has been proven beyond all dis- pute that human beings can â€" and do desired, and babies like them. They ' â€"develop tuberculosis from tie milk are perfectly safe for they contain no of tuberculous cows. The matter is opiate or narcotic. They sweeten the stomach and remove the cause of fret- fulaess. Mrs. Arthur Charlebois. Pawtucket. R.I., says: "1 have found Baby's Own Tablets to be a gentle laxative and a â-  A Blunder. Ferhepe Uie beat "blunder" of IDOO 'xamlnatlon papers recently checked 'jy a »chool examining -board was ona quoting Whlttlor's "Barefoot Boy." It read: "Blessing on thee, lHtl« man. Barefoot boy with shoes of tmn." serious, for we are face to face with the fact that one of every two case* ' of tuberculous glands In children un- der five years of age can be blamed up- ; on tuberculosis germs In milk. Fur- 1 ther, a large amount of abdominal and ' Tinned meat, a relic of the Franklla Polar Expedition of 1846, waa declar- ed fit to eat after the tin had been opened and the content* examined at the Liverpool City Ial>oratori«s. safe remedy for stomach disorders in ! bone tuberculosis among children is children. Our little boy had been given harsh cathartics but these tab- lets worked more effectively without the severe griping. I can recommend them to all mothers of little children." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a hox from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockvlUe, Ont. directly traceable to milk from dis- eased cows. MUk used by human beings should be free from the germs of tuberculosis. Can we hope to supply such a milk? it ia quite possible â€" keep the germs out of the milk, and kill them If they do get in; that's ail. The milk must come from healthy cows. Milking and handling of utensils must be done by healthy persons; if a person is "not very well," let him or her help with other work, but never with milking or anything that has to do with the mllH. In spite of our best efforts, germs It Is Not Easy. It Is not easy, tlie harvest of the ocean. Not like wheat to be reaped in a long, hot day With cider under the hedg^ not like '. of tuberculosis will, however, get into potatoes j milk, and before it Is used as food. To be dug fcr leaning down to finger i they must be killed. The surest way the ciay, i to ensure this Is by pastaurlzlug: heat Not like apples or almonds with lad- ' '<> " PO'it in whl-h the germ cannot ders leaning i Uve (142F. for 3n minutes), chilling Against the fruit-filled boughs, not like ' immediately (45F.) and kaopicg it cold milk aiLd cream ' until used. This will make the milk Drumming Into a pail at dawn and evening. Not like watercress gathered In the cur: nt ct a streajn â€" CanadianVlanSoot In co-operation with C«n«di«n .\rrhitectj dnigm cf modrtmta prion! homa ut injl>- lithed in tho .M»cLotn Bji)<i«/»' Gmdt. Detailed iufonnttton on plajini'njj. biiildiiiil. ftjra:»lm«, ,tocor«tlng «nd ju- doninif. Promjoly ilUutnitnJ An ideal reference boolt. Send 25 cents for a copy. |MacLewi BuiUcta' Guid* 3W Addalde SI. To/BotQ, Out. No, ' free from tuberculosis gea-ras, also germs of typhoid, diphtheria, scarlet . fever and septic sore throRt. It is a simple matter lo treat the milk which any town or country family is to use ; as food in this way. And no one can i say It is too much bother when It i Sneezing? The sign of a coming cold. Bathe the feet in Minard's and hot water. Also Inhale. \Hmms M& for fishing a man must be stout armed and hLarted-, , Dawn aii^i dark he must harness the : ^^^s protection I'or your family wi:id. he r.ms-t rein I against the white man's greatest TheunbrolLea wiuil to his plow and his '''^*â„¢>' furrow mid-Atlantic as well as by a milkmaid scribers in the 700 square miles of the on a Cheshire farm. All that the Ni- 1 London district. Win These Magnificoit Prizes 1ST â€" PONTIAC SEDAN. VALUE $1170.00. 2nd â€" $100 In Gold. 3rd â€" $S0 In Gold. 4th â€" $25 In Gold. Mh â€" $10 In Cold. Ml ta IStti Prlu»â€" tS.M wafth Meh tt HMltry and UndtrwMF. ISth t> 29tn PrflMâ€" $3.00 wertti M«h of HttUry and UndsrwMT. $5a0O In Gold- Mystery PrIzol FQLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES 1. £T«rT CootMtAiit mutt b« IS or m-«r. 2. Wrti* Utowcrb in pea ADd liik on «o» ilde nf paper oiUr. Put lumv and addrea^ and nam* of thla paper. In uppar rUht hand corner, stat- ing wtfiher. Mrs.. Mr., •r MlB«. Do nitt fiend ^tjT«wrl!Un rnirUiL S. Prliea vlU be awarii«l a^-oonllng lo aklU A\»- pU3cd m oormrtly solv- ing thla riciure-puazle. aa vrli aa In the neat- neaa. hand-wTltlng and senfrral appearanc* ti •nuy. lVmin.1 olma« Dec. am. 1S2B. Jud«e»* derl.Hlta la final. *. No •mrln^re,. «f this Coli>|,aay. ih,lr friends or rclalhaa ina.v e*«ii>ete. i. Vnu vlJl be aouned tm- mrdlatelT it your answer la rnnert and wtit be r*- oucsted to ful- ri!l a Blmpla ciBdttloo of ll>* mteil that need not coat ynu any numar. Mall an-««er a 1 1 eeic*. T o u [ bare aa a c h ta vata and aaililaa t» What's all tha excitement? An aviator Has Just sky-written an advertisement (or the National Hosiery Company. This mysterious messagre contains seven words which are In their correct order. Kach word contains only the letters as shown. Nov.-, place the letters of each word In their proper poaltlon and writs down the sentence they make. To give you a clue, the second word Is "PAYS' . Test your skill and mall your solution limnedlately to compete for this Wonderful, New Cjlinder. 5 Passenger Pontlac Sedan, Value, $1170.00. and these 25 other Valuable Prizes. Everyone has an equal opportunity of win- ning. Read the rules and follow them care- fully to be sure of a prize. WE HOLD THIS CONTEST to acquaint atlU more people with the money- saving- values In National Hosiery and Under- wear now gold r)irect-by-Mall from thelWorld's Leading Mills. It t< not necewary to become our Agent In order to compete, but. If you wish to do BO, we a«;ree to reward you hajid- aomely for your co-operation. In addition to any prizes you may win. Every entry will be Judged according to the skill displayed In corroctly solving the nieH- eage and submitting the answer. The follow- ing well-known gentlemen will act as Judge»: GEO. E. ANSLEY, Oeii \'-al Sales Manager. I'ontii'.c I'lvlslon, t'.enerai Motors Products of Canada, Ltd., Oshiiwa. A. H. MACLAUGHLAN. Manager. Ontario Branch, liesbn-rHts Advt. Asency, Toronto, R. W. COWAN. Sec-Treasurer, Print Craft. l,td., Tvirunti>. MAIL YOUR ANSWER AT ONCE and you will ImniedlatPly be given an opportunity to WIN AN EXTRA |e0.06 IN GOLD, and there's still another pleasant surprise in Jtore tor you. Pull particulars will b« mailed the same day your answer Is received. Address NATIONAL HOSIERY CO. 1M Yonge St., Toronto. MfaaTkto WIH TH1SHANDS0ME| ^ SEDAN \Wtii >'^\J »>'*> weaker all the time. In this condition my mother came to take care of mo aud urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as she had taken them ell through the change of life with splen- did results. At this time I felt so far gone that I did not care whether I lived or not. But the coaxing of my mother and other relatives Anally per- suaded me to try the pills. By the time I had taken a few boxes I was feeling a little Improvement and was able to move around. As I kept on taking the pills I felt myself able to go out and made a practice of going to a near-by store every second week to weigh myself, and I gained rapidly from 103 to 135 pounds. I continued taking the pills for several months, and it is impossible for me to express In words the wonders they did for me. Nobody but myself knows the tortures I ^endured frosn nerve trouble, and now, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I am a normal, healthy woman i I do not think anyone troubled as Over bis own hoad may dose rollins again. Rain and sleet he must bear blinded and roi'king. He must fight through long nights when the winds cut like flails. Haul at the lines and hold to the lillcr And str'jggle half frozen with etorm- maddened sails. -consumption. â€" o â€" Minard's Liniment relieves stIfTneai. It is not easy, the harvest of the ocean, A hard life have its gleaners and one often cut short. But they ru^p without sowing, which is sweet to wild natures. And it is ns conquerors that they storm into port â€" .\ hard life bur. uot dull like the Ufe of the farmyard, The rutted long struggle with niggard- ly ground. The sailors go cut to the curve of the ocean And their field has no hedge and thtir road has no bound 1 ; we use - -Eli2abeth J. Coatsworth ' Did You Ever Hear â€" â€" Of a man mortgaging his car to ' make a down payment on a home? ' â€" Of any man who died poor because he gave too much to charity? â€"Of a boy who got into trouble be- cause he listened to his mother's ud-.: vice? I â€" Of a business that failed because it was conducted too honestly? ! â€" Of a man who complained much If i he was long changed? j â€"Of a friendly man who was with- 1 j out friends in time of need? j j â€" Of a grouch who had people de- j I fending him behind his back? i WOMAN COULD HARDLY WALK Mrs. Horn Tells hew Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable G>mpoand Restored Her Health Hamilton.Ont. â€" "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vog etabie Compound and would not be •••.•ithout it now. I had a female tro-abie so badly I oouid hai-dly walk and I was ail run- do\vn and could hardly get around to do my house- work. I would be in bed three or ij lour days at a .^^. ^- ;^j time. 1 was told sS^iz^^i by a friend to trv The name "tennis" came to us, with tho game, from France. O-rig-inally ; j the word was "tenez," meaning take, i ! or receive, used in the same sense as i The dahlia plant contains a very powerful narcotic element, especially jiin its blooms. The nectar puts bumble- was can find a betTerTemedy'thanDr. i "^^^^ ""'^ humming birds on :i drunk. - but they soon revive when ihcy fall i.-> the ground. Williams' Pink Pills, U your dealer does not keep the pills you can get them by mail rt 50c a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ambition oftjn arises more from the fear of being surpassed than from the desire to surpass others. Are You Tired OF NORTHERN WINTERS AND 1 CROP SOIL? 100 Practical Farmers Wanted; â€" To take over 10 acres each, linest 4-crop combination fruit and vegetable soil in Central Florida. Kuilroud, schools, churches and other facilities. Only re- quirement, each Individual must have enough money to tiuance himself. For further information write to-day. Geo. N. Davis, 746 Seybold BIdg., Miami, Fla. our Vc^ti:ab:>.' Compound. 1 did, and y tho time 1 took two bottles I was beginning to get around again. 1 took ten bottles in all. and now I am ail right again and doing my own work. 1 have six grown-ups to work for, so I have plenty to do. I also used Lydia E. Pinkhani s Sanative Wash, and I think it is gcd. But I owe my health to the Vegetable Compotmd, and I think if more of it was used women would be better off. I would not be withoutit if it cost much more. "â€" Mrs. Nellie Horn, 28 St. Matthews Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel broken down, nei^'ous and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is excel- lent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and per- •isttmtly, will relieve this condition, c ^ FIRST VALUE $vnro j From the Window. j The little house wherein you dwell Has no age-old romance to tell. It has DO pride of stately towers. No arbors, balconies, and bowers. Simple and unadorned and new. Us legends will begin with you. Its cuter aspect soon will win .\ g.-aciousness from that within. It looks upon a little street ! Of houses like It. plain and neat, ' Of little gardens, little gates, I With sounding names on little plates.' You sometimes wish Its windows viewed I Some soaring mountain solitude. Creen fteldsd, a river shining by. I Or eiro a sea and windy sky. ' .â- \nt not this prospect cramped and tame â€" ; /vuoiher house 90 much the same! ! Your little street rune south and i north ; j Some cloudless midnight, then, look i forth I â-  .^nd mark how true your windows are' ' Towards the Pole, the Venturer's Star : i And how amongst the chimneys there ' Sparkles the splendor of thn Bear. \ W. Kersley Holmes, in "In the Oven. " efume^ Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for i Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 8S Sc^ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handv "Bayer" bones of 12 tnWets Also Wtles of 24 and 100 â€" Urugniata. Rub your scalp with Minard's Liniment Aipirla to '!<« tr«* mirk < •»tl.<frr»d tu 0«niid«) of Bt7«r Maiiaftctara of M<n(oM«ile- •rMcfttr of »i 'IcvUc!!,-!.! (Awljl .Sillcrllc Acid. "A 9, A '1 While II la wMl known t«tt .Viiilnn mr»a» Ba/ar maiiufaelura, in aaalu U>c pabllc asalnal tniliatlnM. tbc Tiblru v( BvM OiA«uf wlU b* staaval M<b ikair ivanl uade avk. tk« "Bajat oiom." IN COIFULS Pifflpies oa Scalp Itched Sadly. Cuticuia Heals. â-  After havinR the flu my hair f-U t'Jt so that 1 had lo bave it i>«)bbed. I also had soine pi'^ples on my scalp and it itchpd badly. .My hair was iifeiess and di-y. and when I con-.bed it, it came out in combft:l8. â- â€¢ I s-nt for a free sample of Cuti- ctira "".oap and Ointment. It helped me sj I purchased more, and alter using two cakes of Cuticura Soap, together withtheCuticuro Ointment. I wcs completely bfiled." (Sijned Mt9. Geo. H. Elliott, West St., R. R. ♦, Orillio, Out. C-Jticura Soap. Ointment and Talcum are all you need for every- day toilet and nursery purposes. n,^|lli la*k rrw ^ M»U %<Mr gi^ Cabcura SlM«u>a Stick ZBc. | ISSUE No. 43â€" '2^

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