Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1926, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1926 TOE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Pepple's Grocery FOR FRESH GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY OF ALL RINDS FRESH FRUITS IN SEASON. We also sell O'Canada Flour. For & good cup of Tea try our 65c. Bulk Tea. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 This store closes Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. Wilt Hold Banquet for Local Baseball Teams SCALDED cow THAT i DAMAGED GARDEN The citizens of Flesherton and com- inuiiity pur|)i)8e holding a bamiuet in tht' basement of Chalmer's Church on Tuesday eveninjf, November 2nd, to show their appreciation to our ball team, which ha.s brouffht honor to our villatfc and community by winninj; the cup in tlie Centre CIrey LeaKue for two consecutive years, and also to the ladies' softball team, which has also been a credit to our community in the clean games they haVe played during the season. The committee of ladies of the village are arranging for the supplying of the hot part of the ban- quet, and will make it easier for the country people who can fetch some- thing in teh line of sandwiches, cake, pie or salads. This banquet is .a ' community affair and everybody who has been interested in the sport are invited to come, only bring something I along to eat. A good program of toasts and musical numbers, songs , Meaford business places are con- and readings will be provided. Sup- This year will pass Into history i sj^ering a weekly half holiday for the Per served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Let as the year of rain, spiders, automo- ; ^j,ole year except for the month of "'' ^^"^ °"'' aPP^ciation to the ball bile fatalities and hold ups. I December. Hallowe'en MASKS WIGS MOUSTACHES BEARDS BLACK CATS PUMPKIN FACES â€"' ' AT W. A. Armstrong & Son 1 teams by our presence. [AL D FINiO: DEB.\TE OF LEAGUE BE HELD IN MARKDALE ON FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK Established 188i) Thu final debate of the Grey Pres- bytery debating contest of the Young Peoples' Societies is to be held in Anncsley United Church at Mark- dale "t)n Frifhiy evening of this week, October 20th, between the Kimberley and Duncfln debating teams. Th'j debate is to conilence at 8 p.m. and should be closely contested. At the sittings of the Division Court ' at .Midland a cov/ case from Port Mc- ' Nicholl took up considerjiblo of the afternoon.. Since Port McNicholl came into existence- and I;'. g;.- tracts of land were bought up and sub-divided it became a great place for pastur.;. • Farmers a couple of miles away al-| lowed their cattle to run at large. ^ Finally the Port got tirad of being . the stamping ground for the farmers 1 ntid a by-law was passed forbidding j all tattle but cows from running at ' large within the village limits. Any time during the day you can see from fifty to a hundred cows roaming at large in that vicinity. This summer one of these cows became quite a nuis- ance to Mrs.'Wm. Mohan. It con- tinually invaded the old lady's garden and did considerable damage. To get even with the bovine Mrs. Mohan threw a pan of hot water on the cow, scalding her badly. The veterinary had to be called in several times to I dress the wounds and take the milk | away from her. Mr. Reedy, the owner, brought action to recover $75 damage to the cow and fees charged by the veterinary. After hearing the evidence, pro and con. His Honor Judge Wismer gave judgment for $70 and all costs and expenses and allow- ed $15 for a counter claim for damage done to the garden. A gontlenian and his wife niotorcd all the way from Milwaukee, Wis., to Meaford for a day's fishing on the Georgian Bay. They called on one oi the #raragos in town on the return journey an<l said the trip was worth while and the fishing was great. We presume, of cour.se, they did not judge the experience from a financial standpoint, but merely from an emotional elevation as it were. Tlii.s fishing business must never be judged from the commercial point of view, according to our own experi- ence. GRAIN WANTED ECKARDTS COMING Wo are in the market for all kinds of grain at Ceylon. Get our prices before selling. â€"A. C. MUIR. Phone: 2 r 31. CEYLON. The Musical Eckardts, Swiss bel! ringers and variety entertainers, will appear at the school auditorium on Friday evening, October 21)th. Since their last visit to Flesherton four years ago the Eckardts have engaged a new company of performers ana promise an entire change of program. Burnard Eckardt, comedian with tho party, will be seen and heard in a new line o^f comic songs, mnnilogues â- uid character skctche.*!. The Doreen sis- ters, English tap dancers, have lately joined the Eckardts. This act come« direct from the London, Eng., thea- tres, where it has been featured over the Mose vaudeville circuit for the past three years. Political Meetings IN THE INTERESTS OF F. H. OLIVER U. F. O. CANDIDATE will be held As follows: Wed . October 27â€" Webster School, Glenelg Thur., October 28 â€" Massey Friday. October 29 â€" Louise Sat., November 30 â€" Holstein Tues., November 2 â€" Heathcote Wed., November 3 â€" ^Eugenia. ^ .All meeting to commence at 8 p.m. and will be ad- dressed by "the candidate; Miss Macphail, M.P., and others. GOD SAVE THE KING Small Advertisements FOR SALE COW FOR SALEâ€" Good cow, due about Dec. 10th â€" John, Wright, Flesh- erton. BOAR FOR SERVICE V .A.PPLES FOR SALEâ€" Best varie- ties apples, all hand picked, cheap â€" E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. PIGS FOR SALE â€" Nine young pigs 6 weeks old, cheap. Apply to Alex. Mutton, R.R. 2, Flesherton. No. OZ-lVaSQ. Also a young York. shire pig, both bacon type for aerriei on lot 176, N.W. T. & S.B., Termsâ€" fl.OO. â€" T. J. STINSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. FOR S.ALK; â€" Comb honey, also extracted, prices right and quality the best. â€" Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia. SHEEP FOR SALE â€" .A^bout fifteen good grade sheep for sale â€" Geo. W. Buchanan, R.R. 2, Flesherton. FOR S.\LEâ€" Good steel tired buggy, with auto seat â€" W. J. Stewart j& Sons, Flesherton. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. KINDLE, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE geiaiaBiaaaiaa'ajaajsiaiaajafaiBEfaiaiaiEiafflaiaiaiBisjBiaifflaiai^^ a SIX HILL STORES W* buy togather in order that our custotnora in tha *ui eom- munitias ma/ materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone initinct->^ ively associates with high^ quality merchandise at the'S fairest possible prices. ^ In spite of the fact that the metro- politan press now reaches into every town and village in the country, the local newspaper in Canada is ea;h year getting a firmer foundation and becoming more and more useful to its home community. It may be said that the day of the metropolitan newspaper is at hand. This is true, but it is equally as true that the day of the local newspaper is here, too. The metropolitan daily with its world-wide news, its comic sheets and its magazine supplements, while of FOR SALE â€" Young pigs ready to go after November 2nd, â€" Robt. Best, Eh-oton Station P.O. I FOR SALE â€" Good brick veneered , house for sale in Flesherton; 8 rooms, | main street; convenient to the high , school. Apply to S. Osborne, Town. _ Registered Jersey bull for service. "Sire: Brampton Jersey Conocript; Dam: Brampton Petune'3 Lady. Fee: §5.00 at time of servicj. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton. Ont. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Ladies' Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Men's and Boys' Suits & Overcoats \ FOR SALEâ€" Building lot for sale ; MIDDLE BRO & BURNS in the village of Flesherton, half ac- ( Barristers, etc re, opposite the high school. â€" Mrs. j Offices â€" Owen Sound, Dorham EHen Parker, Flesherton. and Flesherton. Fleshecrtoii evwy Saturday afternoon and evening. I MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tues- course essential to our modern civ-*^^^^ ^^^ Saturdaysâ€" Graham Bros., ilization, cannot take the place of the Sp,,_,-n:_ FARMS FOR SALE m I Winter Underwear Men's< Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Child- ren's. A big Sock of all Lines. Spec- ials for the next ten days. Ladies' W^ool Filoomcrs. Spec. 59c. .S8c 10 (loz Ladies' Heavy incccc I.iiicd IJIoo- mcr.'^. travellers' samples. Special .^9c, '^)9c and 79c. Ladies' Silk and Wood X'ests, no .sleev- es and short sleeves. .Special S9c. Children's Meece Lined .Sleepers, i^^od hi^- sizes. Special $1.39. 10 dozen Ladies' Heavy I'leece Lined X'ests, all si/esc. Special 79c. Boot & Shoe Dept. Come and look through our Shoe Depart- ment. We have many bargains to offer in evry lin£ of footwear. The fall of the year is the time to buy durable footwear for children. We have our Fall Stock of New Rubbers placed in our Shoe Depart- men for your inspection. Ladies' Heavy Boots. .V^oodhoot for fall wear. Ke^iid.ir ."5.V50 :ind S3.7.s for $2.75. Mt;n'^ Unhber I'oots. strong and dur- able. A barain at $3. .50 a pair. 50 pairs Women's HiRh Top Shoes, fine kid cpiality.' Special low price of $1.00 per j)air. Ladies' Spats, all shades anrl heitrbts. Lxtr.i special price of SIO*!. Clothing Dept. We have just placed in stock a large as- sortment of Men's and Boys' Overcoats a prices that will save you money. Men's Coats ranging- from ^\2 to $28.- 50. Boys' Coats rangin<j: from $4.75 to $12.50. Come in and look these over and f^et yom- choice. Men's Suits These are broken sizes fr(jm oip- rejiciilar stock. Sizes 35 to 40. Regular value up to .$26.50 Spec. $14.95 Young Men's Blue and Blue Striped Suits, doid)le and single breasted. Keg- idar $35 Special This week for $24.75. Gents' Furnishings Men's I'V'lt Hats, all colors. Regular values uj) to $5. Special $2.49 Men's Pullover vSweaters, good heavy weight* A Special at $1.48. Boys' Pidlover Sxteaters. just the thing for school wear.' Special 98c. Men's Wool Underwear. Special $l.v39 a garment , Grocery Department lOlt) Granulated Sugar for 69c ; Toma- to Catsup, 4 tins for 25c; Good Black Tea- regular 75c.. for .S9c; 9ft) Cooking ( )ni<ins for 25c; 5 bars I'earl White Naph tha Soap 25c; 2 IJoxes Muffets for 31c; Castile .Soap- large bar, for 15c. I home newspaper. The very fact that the big city daily must cover a broad field forbids its becoming local in any sense, and it is in the local field whure the home newspaper dominates and where it finds its tnn usefulness. For, after all, it is the home news which is most important to most of us. We have the frrcatest interest in the community in which we live, and in the people who are our neiphbors and friends. And it is the local news- , paper which records tho happeninRS of the folks at home, and in addition, fosters the civic pride and progress- ive spirit of the community. It is the home newspaper which boosts the town, year in and year out, who refuses to advertise the city merchants 'in competition with the local business men, and which takes the lead in every enterprise which has for its purpose the upbuild- intr of the community. We frequently hear it said that the old time independent spirit of the newspaper is Rone, that its editorial ! policy is now subservient to the busi- ness office. Yet this is not true. There is more unselfish idealism in the averase local newspaper than any other business enterprise. It fre- quently speaks out in the way which it believes will be for the good of the nation and of the community re- gardless of what tho consequences may he". Of course the local newspaper is I now on a firm business baMs. This is why it is improving from year to year, why it is giving its readers » constantly better newspaper, and why it is increasing its influence for good newspaper is stil the principal boost- er for the community, and it does its boosting often without any hope of j material reward. I Unfortunate indeed is the commun- ' ity that does not support its local newspaper. 'Eugenia. On the Toronto Line ProTiaaW Highway. Three farma, two of 190 acres and one of 60 acres all ebuvd. First class bnildings, up to data fc every particular. WiU scU any on. NOTICE â€" Carload of oats, corn and screening to arrive November 1. -W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. ; ^ .i,- G^T-briilSol^se oTL,^ FOUNDâ€" Lady's stole on the gravel, '*''**"â„¢*- "^^ «tal»Hng for Mtf. road Monday, Oct. 18. Apply at this l^*^ '* Periect One Urtr )ub |»a office j acres hardwood bosh and awtte ".â€" >'»<fr«l baa three «:re. of tfaSJt WANTEDâ€" Stove in good condi- ,*^ •»»• buildinngs for everythtaf tion. to take good sized chunk. Ap- : ^f^^ iaclndiMt poultry hoove satf ply to J. F. CoUinson, Ceylon, Ont. | "'^ P*â„¢- No broken land and cls^* !*>' '^e*^- -'^ny person interetsej TAKE WARNING-Hunting and , '^'*"'<^ '»^«'t'»*t* trapping on lots 176, 177, 178 and 179, S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot. No. 177 north-east T. & S.R., strictly forbid- den. Any hounds found trespassing on said lots will be shot. â€" Thos. J. Stinson. Imy -T. J. STINSON. Proton StatloB f.Q, BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. a Morray. L.D.S.. dental surgeon,, honor gradoate of 'ntrmian FARM TO RENT-lOO-acres ot and Roya) College of Dental S^«« good farming land, about two and a^of Ontario. Gas s'dmlnlsteswifaZ â- luarter miles from Markdale. Reas- 'teeth extraction. QiBco at resiA enable terms. Apply to Mrs. Sol. Hill 'Toronto Stret, Flesherton M«rkdale, Ont. __^_ F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale a'Siais.'F-afii'aBi'ai ! Man is far from being a truly intell- ectual or a moral being when 130,000 cf him are willing to pay twenty floll- ars or more apiece to see two big fellows try to knock each other in- sensible, and when millions more re- gard the match as the chief news event of the day. NOTICEâ€" Feed corn and screening ' '*'• A. TnmbnU. RA., MJB, gn4. may be had at the granary. Ceylon, "*^ ^T* *** ^^^^ of iStiOc^mk also a load of flour and feed will ar- ^^^f ?5 '^*^^^ Offlos-JUA. rive in a few days. For prices apply •"«"» "'ock. Flesherton. PhB^:. ML to H. Spofford. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tan» worth boar far service. pJo. 2-16,816, on Lot 146â€"147, 3rd range â€" U MEGGOTT. Apr. 27. Flesherton Frhiee Ar:hiir Lodge, «3». A.»L « A.M.. meeta In the Uaaonlo »>tni ftm strong Blodi. JPledHrtOB, mmtf fH. day on or befow the funll moon. Robt Down. W. M., F. J Thurston. See FARM FOR SALE To close an estate a good farm,; being lot 27, 6th Con., (gravel road) Osprey, h to be sold on or before | October 15th. This farm is of goo<l ct Lucas & Henry. Barristers. SelleM. »«. etCn-J. B. Luom, itG. ; W. ©. »^nP.>B-\. CrttoeskMartatotoLBeit Bloth. KosM a. Ib^cl. cOces DundnBtMid " ^^ at TM mi ft Blniie» Barrtatem, soH. .... J V A ^ A J?"^ •*^ Offlew-Otey â- â- Â« Bnet soil with good house and barn and BlMhy Ov«» HnoMi* mnva tti la^Z contains seventy-five acres, more or t%%,^^ _ . - ^ ^L °™«™*^ Bail less. For particulars apply to «^^.. "*•"**â- '• <Sato«te|«). W. MRS. Geo. SPENCER. \ P- TaMoN J», J. f. P. Binla. R. R. 1, Singhampton.1 . . Fcversham Phone : GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LBCENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- may be aka^n ait 41is Advanea ykble terms. Satisfaction gunran- C^nteal >> h>*""'t oOce, Wi teed. Dates made at this office. at by addw eBi t me at Wn \ha the- Farm and Terms ant«ed. Ueeased «« Grey AM Bimc«% Ales a spetdslty. nttsfiHCSOB gna^ s (or «aln Wfc

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