mje gkB\)ttion %bmnu. f * Vol 46 No. 23 Flesherton. Ontario November 17, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Pr£>prietor8 y^ PORTLAW ROCK MILLS 1 We are sorry to hear that Mr. W. A. Morton is still confined to his bed with a relapse of his sever# illness. His daughter, Miss Lillian, nurse-in-train- inif of Toroito, was home for a few days. .Mr. W. J. Reid is improving slowly from his critical illness. Little Gracie Jamieson has been a pretty sick little girl for some weeks from what appears to be a severe cold. We hope to see our little friend v.-ell again soon. Mrs. F. H. Thompson of Chesley was a visitor for a week with friends of this part. Messrs Roy Lyons and Geo. Blakey have gone to Toronto for the winter. The Sunday school held a social evening lately in the hall. Presents were distributed to all scholars and special prizes were also given by Mr. Thomas Taylor to all who attended every Sunday dul.nng the sommer. The school also presented Mrs. J. A. Thompson with a beautiful Bible. Mrs. Thompson is the teacher off the big boys class and was present every Sunday. Mrs. Robert Hanna, tea- cher of the senior girls class, who is leaving here soon, was presented with an address and a water set and tray as a token of remembrance and rec- ognition of faithful service given. There have been a number of changes in real estate lately. Mr. Robt. Hannah, who has been running the store for the past five years, has leased it to Mr. Walker, late of Mark- dale, who is in possesssion. Mr. Hannah has sold lot 1. con. 2 to Mr. F. T. Taylor and Mr. W. F.Shier has bought the farm adjoining his home Mr. and Mrs. Hannah have purchased a farm at Berkelev and are busv re- moving. Last Friday about sixty- five of their friends met in their home and presented them with a beautiful oak e.xtension dining table, a jardiniere stand and an appreciative address. The presentation of the table and jardiniere stand was made by F. T. Taylor, G. Little, H. Fisher, W. G. Jamieson and A. A. McKenzie andthe address was read by T. R. McKenzie. We will miss these good citizens, but they carry with them the sincere wishes of this community for a full measure of happiness in their new home. This polling division has given more than once a vote rif about 97 per cent, in favor of the O.T.A., and naturally, we are not very enthusias- tic over the proposition to treat it as a scrap of paper; and that we are to be made partners on the booxe-de- bauching business. Mrs. R. D. Meldrum is stilV in To- ronto receiving medical treatment. Her friends are glad to hear that she is somewljat improved. Mr. Mel- drum was down to see her last week. Miss Clinton spent Thanksgiving with her parents in Toronto. Mrs Sam Phillips and two sons visited over Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kearns. and other relatives in Owen Sound. Prayer meeting in the Baptist church on Thursday night will be led by Mrs. Walter Akitt. Mr. Arthur Chard and Mrs. Les Chard visited last week with Mrs. W y. Chard and family" Mr. Robert Akitt has yetumed home after a visit with relatives in Hamilton and Creemore. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. E. Binning- ton, near Maxwell. A large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. James Genoe Friday night of last week and presented Mr and Mrs. Archie McKechnie (nee Ella Genoe) with a shower of useful articles. A pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar of Cree- more visited recently with the form- er's sister, Mrs. W. J. Chard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft, Mr. Rus- sell Croft and Miss Beatrice Boyce, of the 4th line, were visitors recently with the former's brother, Mr Robert Croft and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shortt of Fev- ershani spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips and family. Miss Delia Pedlar visited the past v.-eek with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Chard. The hunters have returned from the north, a number of them arriving home Saturday night and the remain- der of the gang got home Sunday nig'nt. They travelled by motor. This gang were fortunate in securing their quota of deer in a few days. Quite a number from here attended the U.F.O., U.F.W'.O. and U F.Y.P.O. fowl supper at Thursday night. PROTON STATION MAXWELL VANDELEUR Mrs. Wyville has gone to visit her daughter. Hazel, in Buffalo, and will also attend the W. I. convention in Toronto this week. Miss Jean Wright and Mr. Gilray of of Toronto spent the holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mrs. Porter Beard and children of Flesherton spent Thanksgiving with the former's father. Mr. Robt. Gra- ham and Miss Minnie. Mrs. Broughton and family of Mel- anethon visited with the Shannon fam- ily one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker gfive a Hallowe'en party to a number of their friends. A good time is reported. "The retirement of the Liberal cand- idate in South Grey should be a bit of good Fortune for the drys. They should now be able to put it Oliver Jamieson. . _ Held Over Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling spent ! the first of the week with friend in i Flesherton. ' Mrs. Wiley of Owen Sound spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Will ^ Johnston. j Miss Lillian Buchanan of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan. , ~ We are sorry to learn that Mrs. i Amos Smith of Meaford had the mis- 1 fortune to have her arm broken re- centtly by being thrown out of a buggy. , , , I Mr. H. L Graham attended the orga- 1 nization meeting of the Farm Youth, Association in Durham on Friday ev-^ ening of last week. The fowl supper held by the Osprey clubs here was a splendid success. The play, "Mother Mine." was given. Misses Alice Long and Bertha Pal- lister went to Toronto last week. Miss Grace Radley of Toronto is home for a couple of weeks' holiday I The nursing course came to a ! close Friday morning last. It was a (splendid success. It is expected that a continued class will bo held in Feb- ,1 ruary. 1 The Womens' Institute will meet on I Thursday. Xov. 18, at the home of ! Mrs. Charles Long. Bandaging will I be demonstrated by different mem- bers of the Institute. Visitors wel- come. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod spent Sun- dav with friends at Rob Roy , We are sorry to hear that Mrs. H Liiiley is under the doctor's care at I present. We hope for a speedy re- covery. I Mr." and Mrs. H. Clark of Tolling- wood and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mcln- Ityre of Tryon, spent Sundayâ€" with ] Mrs. Cameron. j TORONTO LINE, NORTH i Mrs. F. Thompson of Chesley visited ' with Mrs. E. Wickens i-ecently. ' Mr. and Mrs. .Alexander of F«ver- sham and Mr. and Mrs. Colquette of Owen Sound, were %-isitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Dr. Glen Davis of Toronto called on a few of his old friends here the first of the week. . . ,. Mr. and Mrs. G. Pritchard of Van- deleur spent Thanksgiving at R. Rich- ardson's. , , , , â- Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruckle and daugh- ter, of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mor- gan of Moorefield. visited over Sunday with .T. \. Lever s.nd family." Mr. and Mrs. Ihake and son. Har- old, accompanied by Mr. -A.. Black- well, visited over the holiday at the â- home of C. Stewart. Miss Mabel Thibadeau of Markdale visited her friend. Miss Bessie Stew- *'^Mr Burton Wickens of Feversham, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pedlar and family of Maxwell, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens. . Mrs. F. Irish of Wareham visited with Mrs. A. Stewart. BOX SOCIAL .\T ORANGE VALLEY Hurrah for the box social to be held in Orange Valley by the L.O.L. De- gree team, to be held in their hall on Friday. November 19th. A good program is being prepa^ed. Ladies with boxes free. Others 25 and 15 c-ents. Come and enjoy a good time. Com., G. W. Littlejohns, W. Alcox FARMERS â€" LOOK! OVERALLS AND SMOCKS Peacobdy's Mid Carhart in Plain Blue, stripe and black. Good ouality and lots of room. HEAVY WORK SHIRTS Khaki and Grey Flannel. Peabody's make in wide and •««»«• StanfieId-8 Blue and Red Label Shirts and Drawers, also a special SHIRTS & DRAWERS in wool and cotton separte pieces or combinations at low cost. LEATHER TOPPED RUBBERS When vou buy a pair at Haw's it is a long time before you .need another pair. SOX â€" .Mi-wool at 50c and 75c a pair. MITTS â€" Hand made Mitts or Leather Mitts. BUY HERE -\ND S.WE. A.E. HAW CEYLON STORE CLO.SES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. -Mr. and Mrs. Stainsby attended the wedding of a sister in Toronto. Mrs J Roome is visiting her daugh- ter in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Bates visited her uncle in St Michaels Hospital in "Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Still and children visited Mrs. Still's mother at Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. ergott and family spent Sunday at Chatsworth. Mr. H. Freeman of Flesherton was at Proton purchasing cows for his dairy business. Gordon Wauchope and Harvey White, who went Wst on the harvest excursion, have returned home. Miss Eileen .-Armstrong of Dundalk spent the week end with her friend, Roberta Acheson. Mr. John Hanley of Hamilton is visiting at the home of Mr. A. Sher- son and renewing acquaintances in the community. Miss Lucy Colgan of Dundalk spent the week end with Miss Louie Roome. Mrs. Miscampbell has returned to her home in .Angus after spending a few w^eeks with her father, Mr. E. Rutherford of this place. Mr. Lloyd Yyons has gone to To- ronto. Mrs. Campbell of Owen Sound was tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. S. Batchelor, for a f<^\v day.-. Batchelor, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Batchelor accompanied her to Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McNalty visited with friends at Chatsworth last Friday. CEYLON Too Late For Last Week. It is oui: sad duty this week to report the death of one of our much respected villagers, Mrs. Edward Ruth- erford, which took place early Fri- day morning, Nov. 5th. The deceased was a d^iughter of the late .Archibald Campbell of Erin, where she was born 75 years ago. She v.as nrst married to the late Mr. J. V,"hite of Erin, and sixteen years aeo lecame the wife of â- Mr. Edward Rutherford of Proton Station. Her gentle personality and kind disposition made for her a warm plaec in the hearts of her friends and neighbors. The funeral service, held at the home on Sunday afternoon, was conducted by Miss McKenzie. Inter; ment took place in Flesherton cenit- tary conducted by Mr. James Service of Shelburne. Some of those present from a distance were: Mr. McMillan and two sons. Terra Cotta; Miss Curry of Bronte; Mr. John Rutherford and two sons, Mansfield: Mr. and. Mrs. Hetherington and son, Mr. and Mrs. McClellan. Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Shel burne. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh and fam- ily of Eugetiia. The sympathy of the community goes ou't to the sorTO\ving husband and two step-dauehters. Mrs. T. p. Atcheson near Dndalk. and Mrs. T. Miscampbell of .Ansi;;. The nail- bearers were: .Messrs. Batchelor .Sher- SOT'. Reddick, Vause. Mcfiannell and Acheson, of Proton. â€" Barrie papers pleasee copy. Mr. George Sherson is busy makinar for himself, with the help of black- smith Hergott. and carpenter Vause. a threshing separaton which he will instal on his farm for private use. He made his windmill and sawing mach- ine and uses for power a gasoline engine. Visitors over the holiday at their respective homes here were: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Neilson of Bolton, Miss Lizzie Neilson of Toronto, Misses Lyons of Toronto, accompanied by their niece, Helen McNichol; Miss Jean McCannel, Miss R%th Stewart, of Leamington; Miss Marjorie Acheson of Barrie, Miss Emily .Acheson of To- ronto, accompanied by her friend, Miss Norah Holden. Mrs. .Awde and babe of Toronto returned home after spending the past couple of months with the former's mother. Mrs. Hugh Hodgins. Mrs. Hodgins and daughter. Hazel, accom- panied them. VICTORIA CORNERS Too Late Last Week. Mrs. Lockhart is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Rowden, at Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hawes of Bright, motored up to Jlrs. Hawes' home for Thanksgiving. Misses Margaret and Edith Stell of Proton Station spent Thanksgiv- ing with Myrtle and Helen Moore. Wo extend our sympathy to Mr. Rutherford in his sad bereavement. Rev. Lee of Toronto preached at Inistioge on Supday. EUwood Stevens is home from De- troit. Threshing wound up last week in this section. Mrs. Laidlaw is visitog near Shel- burne. EAST MOUNTAIN Eppiilir vicinitv Mr. Steve Brocklebank of visited with friends in this recently Hallowe'en passed off in this burg more quietly than in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Com ford Thompson and children, Laura and Norma, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.«. Harold Looughoed at I'nion. Miss Kate Orr of Orangcville vis- ited over Thanksgiving with friend*^ in this vicinity. Mr. Mclttie .ind son, Thomas, and daughter, Lillian, from New Jersey, are visiting with friends here, A number from here attended the fowl supper and darfce in Kimberley on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Griffin and babe, Mrs. Walter Griffin and son, Orval, of Toronto and Mr. Wm. Ward- ell of Owen Sound visited the past week with Mrs. W. WTiite and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. CoUinson visited Owen Sound friends the past week. Our school trustees had all new chair seats placed in the school on' Friday. Mr. Wm. Stewart & sons of Flesh- erton unloaded a car of corn here this week. Mr. J. J. Ljmess received word the past week of the passing of his bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Hooper, south line, Glenelg. Much sympathy is express- ed to the relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt left on Thursday to visit friends in Toronto and attend the Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's pare. its, Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen. Rev. Mr. McRoberts of Toronto had charge of the service here on Sunday morning and gave a very able dis-' course. Ha also called at the hctir ci' Sunday school and gave a five- minute talk to the boys and girls, which was very much enjoyed and appreciated by tlie school. Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett and family visi>:ed the first of the week with Eugenia friends. Mr. Harold Spoffojd, U.F.O. buyer, unloaded a car of screenings here tl'.c past week. Mr. and Jlrs. E. C. Pedlar am' daughter. May, cf Singhalpton and Mr. Will.ird Pedlar. Lieutenant of the Salvation .Army oi St. Tohns, X.B.. were we-^k end visitors with Mrs. Ped'ar .ind fantily. Jlr. S. Hemphill i? this week havin.^r a radio set installed. Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper visited their daughter at Lauriston the first c: the week. EUGENIA Too Late Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Sloan an ! friends of Toronto visited over Thanksgiving with the former's par- ents here. The ladies of the United church are busy prepai'ing for the ba:;aar en the 20th. Mr. Wesley Cooey of Toronto spent Thanksgiving in the village. Mr. Percy Magee, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and babe, and Miss Gertie Greenaway, spent Sunday w";th friends in Orange- ville. Mr. Thomas Lever and daughter. Gertrude. Flesherton. spent Thanks- gi%nng at Mr. C. Martin's. Out teacher. Miss Johnston, and ihe Sth line teacher, Miss Christie, visited over the holiday at their par- 3ntal homes. Owen Sound. Mrs. Leonard Latimer and daugh- ter, ?'rj. Ernest Proctor, and child- ren, \ " ited with friends in .Alliston the pa.;: week, returning home on Monday. Mr. Thomas Lever of Fleshrton is doing some concrete work for Mr. A. Hislop this week. Mrs. Garnet Magee, ^th line, visited liev sister, Mrs. .Alex. Hoy. who is ill. We are pleased to see Mr. Joseph Porteous has returned home from the West. Master .lack Linton is spending a while with his aunt, Mrs. Robert Pur- vis. Mr. Harold Lever of Flesherton visited fri:nds here reeent^ly. Mr. John Linton of Wareham vis- ited at Mr. John Williams' recently. Messrs. Ray Genoe and Charles Williams are engaged at the carpenter work of the shed at the school, Sth Line. FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP Fir.-^t Cia.s; Barbering BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KliigsdaU 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY NEW FALL GOODS AT VALUES THAT ARE L NBE.VTABLE. CO.ME AND SEE, A LOOK WILL CONVINCE YOU. Heavy Rubbers. r.ola«ihes. Pullover Rubbers to fit all lasts 12 and 1.5 inch Leather Tod Rubbirs. Rubber Boots. Tan. Brown and Black Men's Boots and Oxfords. Silk and Wool or Cashmere Hosiery. Wool Ribbed Underwear. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Penman's \o. 9.1 Wmil Underwear. Silk and Wool L'nderwear and Combinations. Mackinaw Coats and Trousers. M.-ickJnaw Suit-s for Boys. FALL MILLINERY REDUCED TO HALF PRICE. •4 F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHEHTON For Cold Weather Men's & Women's Goloshes Light Rubbers of al! Kinds HEAVY RUBBERS for the Wet and Cold Come in and see them. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON HOUSE OFQ.UALITV Latest equipment to give first clas.s .service to both men and women. A trial solicited. G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. GROCERIES W'e carrv a full line of Fresh Groceries. \ SPECIAL PRICES ON COOKING ONIONS in sacks or 50 pound lots. CONFECTIONERY: Neilson's Fancy Boxes and Bulk Choco- lates ; Patterson's Bars. Try their Wild Fire- FLOUR & FEED Purity and Five Roses, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Rolled Oats, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Cracked Com, Wheal, Whole Com. SALT â€" Barrels and Sacks. Store Closed Tuesday and Thursday nights. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Scads, Crocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton Advertise in The .VdvDncc 10% DISCOUNT SALE STOCK REDUCING SALE 10% DISCOUNT SALE FroTii T Mrs. R Cro Having sold mj before the neM Having bee all who have fa tinrcd to my sit i 10% Discount S hursday, Nov. 12 to Saturday^ 1 [. Henderson, Feve THK STOCK IS OmPI.ETE IX ceries, Dry Goods, Hardiv Boots and Goods r business I am desirous of reducing my large and r proprietor takes over the business. n in \>usiness for eleven y€»rs I wish to thank my vored nie with their patronasre. and I wish the san ccessor in business. ^ov. 20 rsham are, complete stock customers and le will be con- IVIRS. R M HENDERSON >ale FEVERSHAM, ONT. IC f l%Di8counl Sale