THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. V Character and Individttality in Banks In the course of development ol a banking: business, policies are formed, habits maintained, and methods prac- ticed, which are peculiarly and inti- mately connected with the institut- ion that gave them birth. It is these things that give a bank indi- vidual character that influences a man in making his financi''! affilia- tions. In offering our sc .-as, we solicit your enquiries rega:- ' '.g Stan- dard aBnk policies as ^f.-.;ng your own business. THE STANDARD BANK OF CA^HAJSA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager i i i i i I i i I i 1 i 1 Fowl Supper Tuesday ! Orangemen and the Orange j Ladies Held Fowl Supper i in Chalmer's Church C.P.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as; fellows: j Going South 8.00 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 p.m. €.41 p.m. 4.S3 p.m. Endorses F. R. Oliver as 0. T. A. Candidate Fox Breeders Showing at Royal Winter Show Karstedt Bros, won 4th and _^___ 9th Prizes on Two Foxes â€" I The annual fowl supper of Carna- Others Not Judged tion Lodge, Flesherton, L.O.B.A., and L.o.L. 2855, Flesherton, was held in | Jag. Dargavel and PricevUle i Chalmer's United church on Tuesday - ! evening of this week when a very ' good crowd was in attendance to par- ; take of "The bountiful banquet of â- goose -and duck that was provided by I the two lodges. At the close of the refreshment ! end of the evening's entertainment ' Mr. George Banks, Deputy Master of ; L.O.L. 2855, proposed a toast to the 1 King and Country which was ably re- I sponded to by Rev. Jos. Harrower. ijr. F. W. Duncan, past Master of 2865, then proposed a toast to the ! L.O.B.A. to which Mrs. E. Tremp, the ', Worthy Mistress of the L.O.B.A., re- sponded, giving an account of the work accomplished by the Lodge j during the past year. Mrs. F. ; W. Duncan proposed a toast to the '; L.O.L. and to which Mr. F .J. Thurs- ; ton responded. Musical numbers were given by Messrs. F. Duncan and C. J. Bellamy, asisted by Wes Arm- strong with guitar aocompaniment, and Mr. W. Alcox gave two pleasing numbers on the violin. Miss V. Nicholson gave a short account of a visit she had paid to the L.O.B.A. SLED â€" McFADDEN Going North: T^,.„„,, 4.:,. „ „r ,.u„ o i,;k:*;^», l^ome for children at Richmond Hill llT52 a-m.'-^-^^^^^*^^^^ °* ^"^ Prohibition | ^nd of the work h^ino- Hon. '' Union Met in Durahm on Tuesday The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.30 For morning train 4South mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal Buy in Flesherton! Roads are bad just now. and of the work being done there. At the close of the program a cVDvering for the banner was present- ed to L.O.L. 2855 by the L.O.B.A., the "~~~^ I work of the ladies, and Mr. George The Exe:utive of the Prohibition Banks received the covering on behalf Union of South East Grey met in the of the L.O.L. town hall r.i Durham Tuesday after- â- jhe tables were beautifully decor- noon and i ally endorsed F. R. Oliver, ' ated with table lamps and reading the U.F.O. candidate m the ndmg, j [amps were also situated over the as the supporter of the Ontario j poom in convenient places, a homey Temperanca Act and called upon all (atmosphere pervading the room. voters to sink their party allegiance i . „„ , V ^ „„ , „^u„, and supporta nd use their influence' ^ program of ^mes and other in the election of the U.F.O. candi- date. Thi following is the resolu- tion which was adopted by the Pro- hibition Union: Fox Co. also Showing Three black fox breeders in this district, Priceville Fox Co., Saugeen River Fox Ranch, Karstedt Bros, of Priceville and Jas. I>argavel of the Rock Mills Fox Ranch, are showing their stock at tlie Royal Winter Fair being held in Toronto this week. The judging of the foxes had not all been completed Tuesday evening and we have been unable to secure all the winnings. Karstedt Bros, sent down three foxes and secured 4th prize for black adult female, 9th for dark sil- ver male and no return was received on the third fox up to the time we j went to press. Mr. Dargavel sent I four foxes down, two adults and two pups. The Royal fox show is one of the largest on the continent and foxes are shown all the wa: from Prince Edward Island the home of most of the original stock. To receive the prizes as mentioned above is quite an accomplishment. About five hund- red foxes are being shown at the Royal fair. Mr. S. E. deCudmore sent down an exhibit of Light Sussex and Silver Grey Dorking fowl. ports. Canada will never be content- "â€"•â€"â€" ^ until a very much larger percent- At the parsonage of Fir.nt Avenue ^^^ „; ^er wheat is shipped from Lnited Church, OrangeviUe, on Wed- nesday, November 10th, 1926, by che "*' "^^ P""^*- Rev. E. W. McBrien, Annie Mary ________ McFadden, daughter of Mr. Robert! Waller of Flesherton to John Thomas Last year only one passenger lost Sled of Flesherton. : his life as a result of a railway ac- 'cident in Britain. More than 1,700,- 000,000 passengers travelled on the During the past year Canada ship-- trains, so that the risk of fatal acci- ped 141,995,286 bushels of wheat to i dent is almost negligible. And since the United Kingdom via United! 1919 British air transports have flown States ports. To other foreign ports j 4,563,000 miles with only four deaths Canada shipped 179.000 bushels ofjto passengers, although last year wheat via United States ports and|67,329 passengers tempted the air in 56,406,715 bushels via" Canadian the flying machines. o i,m, T^ , . Moved by T. R. McKenzie seconded .^^1®. The Perplexing Situation" at , by Dr. F. Martin that " Whereas this the high school on Friday, Nov. 2.6. executive meeting of the Prohibition Master Billy Henry of Berkelev vis- Union of South East Grey met in the ited his grandparents here last week. sports were then held and finished up an 1 evening which was enjoyable to all present. town of Durham this l6th day of .,_.„_, . . _, November, 1926, have learned from t\,- C Thurston is in Toronto I prgmier Ferguson's manifesto that he tnis week. j,as adopted as his platform the re- Miss Minerva Stafford is spending peal of the Ontario Temperance Act, .a week in Toronto. and the substitution thereof, the sale Meaford Mirror Won $25,000 Libel Suit ization wishes to register an emphat- ic protest against the proposed change: an-l express our unalterable allegiance to the Ontario Temper- ance Act, believing it has been of inestimable value in repressing the traffic in strong drink. inu iir nT o -11 i. â- oi. T 1. 1 I of intoxicants under so called govern- The W.M.S. will meet m St. John s ^^^^ control. Therefore this ofgan -church tomorrow (Thursday) at 3 p.m. '- - Mr. H. C. LeGard and Mr. Wm. Tal- bot attended the Royal Fair this week. Mrs. Edmunds of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble Mrs. J. C. Adams is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lever in Markdale. Reeve Meads is attending County Council in Owen Sound this week. Mrs. T. J. Fisher has returned home after spending the past few weeks at Collingwood. The Advance small advertisements are proving their w«rth every week. Read them and use them. Order your counter check books through The Advance. Highest qual- ities at cheapest prices. Mrs. A. Carter of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore last â- week. Mr. Tack Dow, who has been in the West for a couple of months, re- turned home Saturday. Mrs. L. A. Whewell of Griffin, SaskU is • visiting her slater, Mrs. (Dr.) Ottejirell and other relatives. The nomination for South Grey is to be held in Markdale on Saturday afternoon. Cancel all engagements for Noit. 26, 1926, and come to the Flesherton high school concert. A legal case of much interest io the people of this part took place in Owen Sound on Thursday last when the libel suit instituted by the Meaford Shoe Co. and W. T. Grimshaw against A. S. Thurston and the Meaford MV.Tor was heard before His Lordship Mr. Justice Grant, who dismissed the action. The action was broueht as the re- sult of articles published in The Mea- ford Mirror in December, 1925, and February, 1926, which the company and Mr. Grimshaw alleges were det- We would therefore call upon all j rimental to the credit of the company, our citizens who have the sobriety I prevented some of the travellers from and well-being of our province at I obtaining orders, and resulted in a heart to sink their party allegiance • measure in the company going out df at the coming provincial election and • business. support and use their influence to i = â€" elect F. R. Oliver, the candidate who is pledged to support the O.T.A. and any other temperance legislation in line with it." The resolution was carried unan- imously by a standing vote. NEFF-MACDONALD. .4t the manse, Collingwood, on Wednesday, November 3rd, by Rev MacMillan, Elizabeth Florence, second •daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mac- Donald, to Willis Basil, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Neff, both of Singhampton. The bride was charm- ingly gowned in a dress of golden glow crepe de chine, black picture hat and alligator shoes and hose. .A.fter the wedding ceremony the happy couple Irft, amid showers of confetti, for Toronto, Lindsay and Detroit. The bride travelled in a blonde satin-faced crepe dress, black hat and brown fox- trimmed velour coat, the gift of the groom. On their return Mr. and Mrs Neff will be at home to their friAds December first. IN MEMORIAM JOHNSON â€" In loving memory of our dear daughter, Nellie Johnston, who departed this life on November 17th. 1925. We loved her. yes we loved her, But Jesus loved her more. And he has sweetly called her To yonder shining shore. The goldftn gates were opened, A gentle voice said come, A gentle voice said come. Lovingly she bade farewell And calmly entered home. Poultry Wanted We quote the following prices for LIVE Barred Rock Chickens or any of the Plymouth strain- eifect- ive at once and good for shipment received on or be- fore January 15, 1927, delivered our warehouse. CHICKENS ALIVE 7 pounds and over 25c. per lb. ^y2 to 7 pounds 24c. per lb. 6 to 6y2 pounds 23c. per lb. 5y2 to 6 pounds 22c. per lb. 5 to 5^ pounds 20c. per lb. 4y2 to 5 pounds 17c. per lb. 4 to 4^ pounds 15c. per lb. It s more profitable to sell your chickens alive at these prices. Chickens should, be starved twenty four hours before marketing. CIL\TE FATTE-\' YOUR CHICKEXS â€" IT PAYS. W.B. FAIRBAIRN PRODUCE MERCHANT ORANGEVILLE. Phone 47 Mill Street Nights 37, SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING 1 FLESHERTON MARKETS IN MEMORIAM RUSSELL â€" In loving memory of my dear father, who passed away on November 16th, 1924. • The golden gates were opened A gentle voice said, "Come", With farewells unspoken He calmly entered home. â€"Son, Fred. ADDITIONAL LOCALS The pupils of the Flesherton high __ ,>^ _i M- „«-! M7«5 Oeo school will render a first class pro- Mr. l^s. Stewart, Mr. and Mk. 0*o^ ^^ ^j ^ ^^ dumbells, and Stewart and Miss Jermie Winters [^ ^j^^ ^^^.^^^^ .,^ Perplexing Situa- spent the week e«d with Mr. a"" tion' on Friday evening, November 26. Mrs. Chas. Moore at Brampton. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ evening with the Mr and Mrs. G. B. Welton of town, < pupils of Flesherton high school, toeether with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill i The Rock MUls hunting party had of Markdale attended the Royal Fair an unpleasant time with the snow this week. r^^ y^^*"- They left here \vith mot- . I ors for Deer Lake station on the Can- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns are adian National and ran into a foot leaving this week to spend *^^J*^*"\ j*' and a half of snow before arriving at â- with their daughter, Mrs. McDonaia, (.j,eir (iestination. It was worse com- in Weston. j ing out than going, and for some , „r- ,. 17-.:- ;<, in nrn- ""''^s they made about a mile an hour The Royal Winter Fair is m pro ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ .^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^. gress this week The best s^op^. '" the game home by rail. Deer were the province and Dominion is oeing ^^^^ plentiful this year, according to shown at this large stocK lair. |^n ^j^^ ^^j.^^ parties which went north Rev Dr Davidson of Knox College, i^rom this section Toronto, preached two impressive ser- mons to large congregations m bt. John's United Church on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. W. Hazen and little , son. of Owen Sound, spent Sunday i with Mrs. Hazen's father. Mr. Fred ! Mathewson. [ Mr. W. A. Armstrong, accompanied . by Mrs. Armstrong, returned from Toronto on Monday evening, every much improved and expects to be around in a few days. Mr. Ce«dl Meldrum of the fourth { line will hold a shooting match for ! Seese, ducks and chickens, on Friday, of this week, at 2 o'clock p.m. Shells , supplied. i Old folks, young folks, eiferybody ! come, all you ladies, gents and babies, , come and have some fcin. The high ' school has a treat for- you, the best since its consummation, for a play â- wil be sUged. called "A Perplexing Situation," November 26th, 1926. A congregational social evening i was spent by the members of St. ! Jehn's church on Monday. The even- ing was very inclement and the turn- out consequently small, but a pleasant evening was spent by those who braved the elements. The Flesherton United Church La- dies' Aid Society will hold their annu- al sale of Christmas gifts, homemade baking, candy, etc . on Saturday af- ternoon, November 27, in the town haU. Bazaar opens at 3 v-m. .\ny donations will be gratefully received by the Society. A group meeting of the workers of I Oats, old ... Flesherton, Priceville and Ceylon â- Oats, new 60 40 Sunday school was held in the Baptist Wheat |i 25 church on Friday evening last. Some " ' splendid addresses were delivered by Rev. F. N. Bowes of Markdale on Teacher training; Mr. W. Miller on graded lessons and Rev. Preston on the devotional period in the Sunday schooL The secretary of the Assoc- ^ iation, Mr. H. I. Graham, outlined the ' Butter "!"!".!!!!!!!!" 30 to 3^ various standards tor chartering indi- - •' vidual schools and township associa- tions. Committees were aifpointed to arrange for teacher training classes in Flesherton and Priceville. The president of the -Association, Mr. Jos. McKee, presided over the meetting. Barley 70 Buckwheat So Potatoes SI 20 Sweet Clover ?4.50 to $5 00 Bran 1 75 Shorts 1 85 Chop 2 25 CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and neigh- bors for their kindness and help and for floral tributes, during the illness and death of our husband and father. â€"Mrs. J. W. Tyson and Family. 1000 GEESE WANTED ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE ' J- Run»ladler, - Flesherton 3 Boxes Matches 29c Ay kner Pumpkin, 2 tins 35c. Icing Sugar 2 lbs 2Sc. Mannalaile, 1 pound jar 24c Rice, 3 pounds 2Sc Swandown Flour 45c Brunsvridk Sardines* 3 tins 25c Ice your Cakes with Hip-o-Lite.... 29c THESE & MANY MORE AT OUR STORE ALWAYS FRESH. Phone 37. '>.^>o Good Furniture Talk BELOW ARE SOME OF THE GOOD VALUES WE ARE OFFERING IN FUR- NITURE AT THE PRESENT TIME. WALNLT BED OUTFITS, consisting of bed. swring and mattress. complete for $24.00; White enamel $16.30. FELT MATTRESSES â€" Remember we do not handle mattresses filled with wood fibre and sea grass and yet see if the catalogue can boat our prices even on their seagrass filled ones. Our prices run from S7.50 up to $24.0". Marshall Mattress $25.00 op. SPRINGS OF ALL KINDS FROM S4.90 UP. LIBRARY TABLES, WICKER, $13.50. LIBRARY TABLES, OAK. S24.00. OAK DINING ROOM SUITE $85.00 FOR 8-PIECE SUITE. WALNUT FINISH DRESSERS. CLOSE PIRCE. Better grades at slightly hieher prices. NICOL TOP CABINET FOR $32.00. We have a few articles slightly used at moderate prices â€" Sideboard, Extension Table and Oak Library Table. THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR REAL GOOD PRICES ON FURNITURE AND YOU CAN REST F.AR EASIER IF YOU LET FINDLAY FEATHER YOUR NEST. THOS.W. FINDLAY FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON. ONT. OUR MOTTO 19 "SERVICE." Phone in both House and Store. Eggs ;. 42 to 45 LIVE FOWL Chicks 12 to 14 Fawl 10 to 15 DRESSED FOWL Chicks 20 to 27 ; Fowl 15 to 22 i Geese 15 to 18 Ducks 18 to 21 ^ The heads and wing tips to be tak- , en off ducks and geese. JsasiaaaiaaraiMiei'aaEEraBEiaiaaiaEiBiBiaia^^ STAMPED LINENS FOR FANCY WORK NEW DESIGNS SPECIALLY PRICED Centres, Scarfs, Buffet Sets, Pillow Slips. Luncheon Sets, Vanity Sets, Towels, Laundry Bags, Spoons, Tray Cloths, etc. Priced from 25 cts. to $1.50 All Rcquisitics for Embroidery Artsyl Rope. Sil'' Floss. Stranded Cottons. Pearl Cottons, Mercer- ized Cotton. Tatting Cottons^ Lace Threads, etc. Full Range of Sizes and Colors. Reductions in Fall Millinery $5.00 Velvet Hats, now $3.98 S4.00 Trimmed Hats, now $2.98 All this season's models. Men's Winter Overcoats A special 'selectioit of this season's new designs made up in heavy weight att-wool plaid back coatings. Sizes 36 to 44. Wonderful vmlue at $25.00. E i Stanfield's Novasilk Underwear for Ladies. Stamfield's UnshrinkaWc Underwear for Men. All sizes and weights. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. SatSM clliMuiriaOliD li iM i ll ui M^ I I