Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1926, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- f b^i IT IS TIME TO BE THINKING ABOUT XMAS Santa and his Reindeer have landed at our store with Gifts for everyone. COME and BRING THE KIDDIES OPENING SPECIAL MAMMA DOLLS 69 CENTS TOYS-- Wonderful Assortment, Prices Low Handkerchiefs Sweaters Towels Flannels Hosiery Slippers Our usual low prices prevail throughout the entire store. A. E. HAW, Ceylon Store open every evening until Xmas. PROTON STATION A merry time was spent at the pie social in the hall, ^iven under the auspices of the Anglican Guild la-at Wednesday night. Auctioneer Geo. Duncan succeeded in persuading; the boys to pay good prices for their pies and for the privilege of sharing [ them with the fair donors. A duet I was rendered by Misses Norris and ' Thistlethwaitc of Flesherton. Solos ' were given by Misses Marion Acheson 'â-  and Dorcas Wauchobe, a reading by Miss Richardson, and an amusing I pantomime was put on Xiy some of the young people. The Wauehope I orchestra excelled themselves. .Rev. Mr. Pogson ably filled the chair. I Mrs. Emmanuel of Toronto is vi.s- iting old acquaintances in the village. • She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Blair, who, a number of years ago, resided here. Miss Cora Richardson has returned from a weekV, visit in Toronto. Mr. Robert Bates, Clarl< Wyville, Elzer Park an;l Arnold Hergott were all visitors in the city last week. The boys may remain if they find employ- ment. [a'EEiaiajsiaaiaisiaiaiaj3iaHa3(3i3isM3isiaiasiai3jafaia!SiaaiaiEi^^ SIX HILL STORES W« buy together in order that ouroumtomers in the lix com- munittcs may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone instinct- pi ively Bstociatei with high ^ quality merchandise at th« fairest poisibin prices. XMAS 1926 Make this Store your Headquarters where you may choose from a large Christmas stock Consisting of Seasonahle Fancy Goods: Linens, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cushions, Cushion Tops Fancy Garters, Shoe Trees, Scarfs, Hose, Shoes, Table Linen and Napkins to Match ' Toys Toys Men's Furnishings Our toy shop is now open and we in- vite all school children to visit it. SPECIALS UNTIL XMAS Cliiidren's Picture Handkerchiefs. A special 4 for 25c. and 5 for 25c. Ladies' I'ancy Handkerchiefs. Spec- ial 10c. . 15c. 20c., 25c. and 75c. Ladies' Fancy Scarfs. vSpecial $L00. Fancy Linen Sets, $1, $L60 & $2 a set. Our Lines of Men's and Boys' Fur»i- shing-s are complete. A large range to choose from. Do your Christmas shop- ping early and avcjid the rush. Below are a few suggestions for vour Christmas Gifts. Scarfs Gloves Ties Shirts Suspenders Hats Sweaters HandkerchicJfs Caps Hose Clothing Dept. I-'or that Christmas Gift we have a full ranj^e of Men's and lioys' Overcoats and Suits at prices heyond comparison. Also a full range of Men's Xear-beavcr Fur Coats at a very low price. Extra Special 20 Ladies' Coats. All new this .season Fur trinnncd and interlined. Special for Cliristnias buying. Your choice $10. Do Your Xmas Shopping Now Boots^ Shoes, Rubbers, etc. Men's Christmas Slippers in all the latest styles, selling at very low prices. Ladies' and Children's Christmas Slip- pers in all the new shades and styles. They are exceptionally good value. Miners Invincible Rubbers are the best without a doubt. When wanting Rub- bers try Miners, they e.Kcel all otlier.s. Miners Overshoes for Men, Women & Children will serve you the best. Call and inspect our stock. GROCERY DEPT. Hill's Grocery Department saves you money. Look over these specials and do your Christmas shopping early. For that Christmas-trake our stock of Raisins, Cur- rants, Peel, vShelled Nuts and Spices are all fresh and new stock. A few Specials: Jelly Powder. DeLuxe. 5 packages 25c. lOates in package. 3 for 29c. Glace Cherries, y'2 pound boxes 29c. each Brooms, Hill's Special 32c. each Tomato Ketsup in tins. Special 4 for 25c. Strawberry Jam. 3lb. jar, Spe. 58c. each. Raspberry Jam, 4lb. jar. Spec. 58c. each. Marmalade, 31b. jar. Special 58c. each Canned Tomatoes, Special ^4c. each Camied Peas and Corn, Special 14c. each Canned Pumpkin Special '2 for 23c. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Made Grejtpiscm, 1 g^^^j Adveptlsements George Jamieson- Discovered Copper Mine Valued at $200,000 An Old Flesherton Boy BOAR FOB SERVICE FOR SALE FOPv SALE â€" Comb honey, also extracted, prices right and quality the best. â€" Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" 5 young pups, good heelers, price $2 each. Apply to A. Hyslop, Eugenia. HEIF?R STRAYED â€" Blaclc year- . ling heifer strayed from lot 32, Con. | 5, Artenie<<ia on December Ist. Last j Tamworth boar far service. So, seen at corner at W. J. Caswell's, To- 2-16,816, on Lot 146â€"147, 3rd rang* ronto Line South. Any information 1 l MEGGOTT * His n,o,to is a Resident oi zi°j^^;:st":::::j:::z^i'^r:i!: fi^i^ J his VlllaiJe t. Betts, R. R. 3, Flesherton. I FAR.M FOR SALE .- • _ Another Fleaherton boy has struck ' it rich up in the north country, in the] person of Mr. George Jamieson, son of Jlrs. J. Jamieson of town. George has for some years been a prospector in the new gold district in Jamieson Township, and a few years ago made a gold discove^y for which ho v/ns offered a high price but refused it. Last year he made a discovery of copper which has netted him over a. quarter of a million dol- lars. The Ilollingers are the purch- asen and the purchase price was .$260,000, Last week the Hollvnger people made a first payment of $10;- 000, and the balance of $250,000 is i-o be paid within eighteen months. Mr. Jamieson is also given a 15 per cent, non-assessable interest in the property. Added to the above he also retains all his gold claims, and alto- •?ether Mr. Jamieson may be reckoned a millionaire some day in the very near future. In any event, congratu- lation.s are due him. He ha-i seen a ^reat deal of hardship in the north country, only those who arc famil- iar with prospecting know how much; nnd he is only now reaping the reward of his perseverance and determina- tion to win. 100 acres lot 14, con. 11, Osprey, 1 % miles from Feversham, with goo^ buildings. Price right. â€"HOWARD SHORT. Feversham , Ont. FARM FOR SALE , ^50 acres. Lot 24, Con. 10, and FOR SALE â€" Good driver at a south half Lot 25, Con. 11, Artemesia cheap price. Apply at The Advance ' must be sold on account of family office. FOR SALE â€" 3 2-year-old cattle; two steers and heifer, also dry cow, all in good condition, would make being dissatisfied. ROBT, E. GORLEY. Eugenia P.O. S. 6. Members Honored short keep feeders.- Phone .33 r 11. -Emerson Wickess ' MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tues- j 'T®™*â€" ♦l.OO, days and Saturdays â€" Graham Bros.,' BOAR FOB SEBVICB I NO.02-7W30. Alao*yonn«Tarfc. sbire pig, both bacon type for Berriet , on lot 176, N.W. T, & S.B., Eugenia. â€" T. J. STIN80N. BOAR FOR SERVICE WANTED To Buyâ€" A good second- : hand fur coat, must be in fair shape.! Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- -Flesherton L.very. tvice-Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« NOTICE â€" Car load of Western { â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Eog Oats to arrive in a few days. Call at store for sample. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. NOTICE â€" Hunting, trapping and running dogs on lot 140, 1 S.W. and 2 S.W., Artemesia, strictly prohibited. â€" H. Lever, Flesherton. Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C, HINDLE. T i ,-„ Proton SUtion. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. $1.68 per 100 pounds; also other feed grain. Phone 2r31.â€" A. C. Muir. TAKE WARNINGâ€" Hunting and trapping on lots 176, 177, 178 and 179, S.W.T. & S.R.. and one lot. No. 177 north-east T. & S.R., strictly forbid- den. Any hounds found trespassing on said lots will be shot. â€" Thos. J. Stinson. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE In honor of the two South Grey miembers. Miss A. C. MacPhail, M. P., , NOTICE â€" We have choice Amer and F. R. Oliver, M. P. P., the six ican corn at Ceylon granary. Price U. F. 0. Clubs in the district sur- rounding Durham, staged a grand social night and dan2e in the Town Hall Tuesday evening of last week. From 7.30 to lO.OO p. m. a crowd of about 50O gathered in from all directions, and young and old filled it to capacity. Had the earlier evening been fine, all coming could not have gained admittance. The <»Tly part of the evening was speni in a social way and meeting old friends and making new. Down stairs card games were in prog- ress, while the ladies were unwi-ap- ping parcels, cutting cakes, making coffee, etc. Upstairs the floor area was occupied by the young folks in tripping the '-light fantastic toe" to the best orchestra music supplied by the Ed^e H'i\l orchestra, (the Ritchie families), 'RocU/ orchestra (the Law-3on's andv^W. Edge) and the Hooper orchestra of north Egre mont. At a fitting time the music ceased and announcement was made that thei' two candidates would have a word toi, say. Mr. Oliver expressed his heartfelt thankfulness to the friendi who had stood by him so valiantly, and con- gratulated all on the wonderful suc- cess of the evening. Miss MacPhail followed briefly and did not propose to cut short the hilarity of the evening by a speech. She admitted she was fond of danc- ing and whispered to the young ladies present to see to it that a bashful I young man in the room with a handle to his name was initiated. Then followed the function that uU could partako of and waiters of both sexes were assiduous in serving the excellent viands provided. This happy chatty hour over, the dancing w-ia resumed and continued until about 2.15 a.m. and mutual congrat- ulations given for the pleasant out- ing. â€" Durham Review. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey bull for s«-vice. Sire: JBrampton Jersey Conscript; Oam: Brampton Petune's Lady Fee: |5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, ' • Flesherton. Ont, S. E. OeCUDMORE PHONE 63, FLESHERTON General Insurance SpeciaUst Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" MIDDLE BRO & BURNS In the village of Flesherton, 14-1 Barristew. .t^ room house, suitable for store or anv Oflf.Voc r» ^ business stand, in good location, hard I anri Pit«r-i)^®" ^-S?^' Dorljam and soft water in basement, furnace, ' Snt„-Ho,r « "" FJeshertoH every two good cellars, lot has good frame '=»™'^"ay attemoon and evenins:. • barn size 24x30, also good garden,' ' containing in all two lots. For fur- 1 GEO E. DUNCAN ther particulars apply at this office. | DUNDALK I LICENSED AUCtlONEER ! ^ J""" /*'* ^°""*y o* Grey. Reason- 100 acres, lots 141-142, 2nd East T.I ^ed. -^' ^*"*'''="°" guaran- and S. R., Artemesia. Brick h^use. goo4 frame barn, well watered. Ap- ply to Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Box 309. Whitby, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Dates made at this office. FARNfS FOR SALE On the Toronto Lin. Provfadal Highway. ^Three farms, two of 100 BORN WATSONâ€" On Saturday, Decem- ber 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wat- son, 4th line, Osprey, a son â€" Robert Earl. MARTENâ€" At East Side hospital, Detroit, on Nov. 29tli, 11)2'», to Mr. and .Mrs. C. C. Marten (ncc Adele Breen) n son, â€" Ross Leroy. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser-lp^"' "^^ ""• "' "^ •«•â-  •» cl«wd. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, j â„¢ ^'*". "r,"**^^^^^ to date ir the property of the Ontario Depart- i „* tL,» r j ^ • , . "*"" ""^ «"• ment of Agriculture. I ^euL. ^ ^i^ «"""' °" *" ' ^• -C.STEWART, Caretaker. ! „!"• ^'l J^/ "^^^^^ '»' «^ t ^°!'*" »» perfeci One fanr has te» Itrsdo^ibtTulTf anythlnghT^d&r^^lrlh^"; "''„/,r^ have 3aid would have won for the „„-, u-. KnJM- ^ "' ""*" esteem of the Canadian people. -^\net6^ i:^^^^^ ^^^ did Lord Willingdon's words to the „i„ „«„. xt- v?.^ V^ ."""^ "^ boys of Upper Canada College last week. "Never be ashamed to be seen kneeling in prayer. I am not asham- ed to confess that my prayerj, night and morning, are to me the greatest ! help in my life," spoke Canada's newj Governor General. Further he said, ! "I have always felt that a country without religion ".s the basis of its existence cannot exercise much mor- al influence in the world. That intarttMil pig pena. Nc.brolwn land and clee' of weeds. Any pencoi should investigate -T. J. Imy STINSON. Proton Statioa P.a BUSINESS CARDS Or. E. C. Mnrrsy, L.D.S., dmtU _ surgeon, honor gradnatt of Tograato true for individuals as for countries, j •"*' '^oy*' College of Dental SnrB»oi4 never be afraid to stick to your reli- °' Ontario. Gas 'jdministerecl for giouis faith." teeth extraction. Office at reaidsaos Toronto Sttet, Flesherton. A hunting party of five men, said said to be from St. Marys, rar foul ot Simaoe Pine Plains and v e loc'i^ed up at Camp Bo ..uni'.rment meted out * d'^ti m-cje public, but it is . • ./e been drastic. jBseisieieisiaaisjsi r .a .se he laid down his shotgun p i'.arted up a near-by rise >t ' t ground to call his hound to put 1 is doff on the trail of a rabbit he I id seen, a Can-ick Town.hip farni' r figures that he is out of pocket 1500. A.S he mounted the little ii!lo(k he was amazed io see a beautiful silver blarl: fox, which ap-' i pcared nearly six feet from tip to lip. VICTORIA CORNERS Dr. A. Tnrnbnll. B.A., MA, gnO. Mr. Wm. Laidlaw of Camilla, whoi^*8 '""om the Faculty of Madlotai^ is starting for the West this week, j ""''""Hy «' Toronto. Offleeâ€" Bi^ is visiting his brother, Jas. Laidlaw "^^"n Block, Flesherton- Pho^ II. Clayton Betts of Detroit is visiting | " â-  his cousin, Carl Atkinson, for a fewj Prince Arthur Lodge, S3S, A.F. A weeks. j A.M., meeto in the Masonic hall. Ana. Miss Vera Moore is -in Dundalk for! strong Block, Fleshorton, vnry IM- a few weeks. | day on or before the funll moon. Robk Rcas Stevens, who hat. been on the ; Down, W. M., F. J Thurston Sec sick list, is able to be around again, j we are pleased to see. '•n*"" * Henry, Barristers. SoUdV I 3TB, etc.,â€" L B. Lucas. K.O. s W. D, FLESHERTON MARKETS : Henry. B.a. Oilices. Usrkdal. LWM . Block. Fnono Ji. Branch offlcM at 60 I Dundalk and Durham. 40 1 $1.30 â€" 70 Telford ft Bimle, Barristers, solt 85 icitors, etc.. Oflleesâ€" Grey ahd Oats, old .. Oats, new Wheat Barley Buckwheat Potatoes .. .\ $1 O" Bi^^i,^ Q^f^ Sound; Standaid Sweet Clover $4.50 to $5 00, Block, Flesherton. (Saturdays) &s":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: III ! ^- '"'"'^'^ j^^. j- *^ p. Bimi.. ' Chop 2 25 Butter 24 to 28 Eggi 52 DRESSED FOWL Chicks w. Wm. Kaitting. Licensed ABctlmeet for the counties of Grey and Simeoa^ 'Farm and stock sales a speefiUtf. 19 to 27; Terms moderate., satisfaction The fox, however, disappeared I Fowl IB to 22 1®"*^''''- Arrangements lor datM n the bush with its valuable nolt in- Geese 15 to 19 1 may be made at the Advanqn ,9Qe^ « tact before the huntsman could re- Ducka 18 to 22 { Central telephone olBce, rj|ix«||M^ gain his shotgun. | Tut keys 30 to 40 lor by addressing me at FsTMshn. A

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