Flesherton Advance, 29 Dec 1926, p. 3

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•\< V -^ s \ â-  1 't ' ' . ii i« •. . * 5 'StSi. rarm JLL. ; . , â-  ^ , Bank of Montreal Annual Meeting I It •f â- t TtMMl IliiiWIIl. Pnd«Mt. k • wttm ft "A tnad •umr of trxtt eondltlooa In iha fM( iimbv Nflaw Indt Buoh la kMrin tad , Httto <e llt tm atf- la alaMi n«? dxunacat it MauMn* •cimur I* mMr aaO. d««l«> kMS | ♦mirt**''" mdu an tantr. CaaadaoM tadi ' medal daooBititUOB la Uk-rMwd upltai In- WHiBMt !â-  dtrdoprnmi t ittonl n a wui- M aad ' to a Immt atait iima^ra of nuBufaeuulaa pUati. I Ontauadiaa la thte it it u i u tht mwu or th*| BOlp and papor Induotiy. til* ssBlollatloo of ttln- | mtl dasMlti tad Iha htinmln of «at« tntn. ; tat*f tniai iBdutMM IndltnMW ta Caaadt lad , (â-  i w um tf wUak *a na# l>a wid w ilud ua- ilTaBod.-* •urv«y of Condition*. Ih« pntfdaat lauimdod lo munt ooulltloaa IB ft* tMOxr aad foonraar ladnilTr. la ioiOm. lisB aad Mm] aad Mtatad «« Ik* poHilallltr of a ilowliif dewa la itaa taildM mdw fMlowiai a (â- 7 actlTa ptitod. tkt nt l i mMo ImpnxoiMat •r kmjUM kat ' tnoAt «llk It a dwU» la 'm« MWflAM of Cwad*'! rorUga trftd« sUll •VuuU harlBf b4d a valtM of SLIM.WO.OOO U ttw MTCB Bwatlu aulUia OctolNr Urt^ n |4JU- (04.004 Boi« thfta In Cb* eormpoadliis pectod lul y«ar. Sk« ctaAractv of t2w tztda. komnK If '^HfjlPt. teporta hftTliif IncnMtd and opoite AtoTMMd. u * eOMaaucnc* <tf whtoh tbt teTor- Trend Upward. Deicrlblns Drcfmt condlUtns In CuimI*. t&« pnslda&t dz«w tkt onnrliirtoa th«t th« Dcmlnida hu «iawfMl froai Itw •hwlow of mtrlcud buil- â- â€¢u, unMtur«ct«7 MmiBgi and ladlffera&t tal- •Ac* atieetA and th« traid of bUBluMs ti now dlittnctljr UDward In practlcailj all Uoea of tnAm, "I eannoc tm taj lodlcaUiiB that rhla parlod of itRHSMrttr la Moa ccmlng to an aid. I btltan the ondatrliifl cocdlUoru an aound and tht fu- tun MB ba Tlemd with oonltd«ice." Q«n«ral Manager's Address. sir FnAwrUk. WUUams Tartor, GoiMral Mannar. In hti addreu. uld la part: H« dacUrvd Utat tJt«« w«ra tary faw naw CaA- adlan Isauaa floatad In I.Attdon during ttit pa«t r«ar, uid M»PU«Bilj tliare la UtUa iirotpatt of aa aarly n-mtrr to that niar*.tat. He added, bowcrar, that AnHrtaaa aapltal oonUnuaa to flow Into Cattadi. Outstanding Fsota. Ttum oucaundlnc facU rfcardlD« Canada ara itfoaaid la tba raport, with a vlaw to informUu iWtentUl lureaton In Oraat Britala nho bara tba walfar* of the Emplra at hAart. rintljr It la palotad aut that laae tbaa 80 xaam a«a 11m thrwa Pralrla pruTlncaa van unloUabttad. f»-4a7 OB tha fartile pltUit la a populatjoa af tWB uUUoa srosparoua paopla, with mUUou of rtrk aad IdU acna awaltla« aattlan. la 1400 (h« ralua tf tha flald !â- â- >â-  of tbaaa praftneaa la flna at M BllUaa dollan: aaw U U cloaa to TOO Saoondlr. alth:?ugh Canada la known aa aa tffrl'Tttltunl country, it majr not ba raaUaed abroad tbat tha groaa Talua of our manufartured prnducta In 19ii. tha laat obulntbla acurvi, waa tlOH.- MO. OO0, Aaarljr twlca thi acrkiiltural preductloa for the aaina rMr. TUlnllr. auuh ivocrMi baa tiaen mada In harnaaa- lac watar pawer, that Canada ti now tha tnond oottatr; par capita In thli raapart in the world. '"TC^OD daralopBttta now under way are ouumleta. Canada wlU bare ta nai 4,600.000 han*e powar. rapratMitlni a capital InTaotiDAit In power planta and tnnamtaalon Unca of 484 mUlkn doUan." 'TtiMa thraa facta alona," tha Qanara! Manager lajra. "ihould ba anouch to atuaot tbs uotlca of Brltlah <nc!noart, pnanotan. InTCfturt, manuf^- turen and lataadloc aoUsranta." 8tr Fredarluk rrrlawfd tha rarloua wrrlcaa randertd by tlia bank in tha kitaraata of tha gmoril public aad that of Canada, auch ai tka ocop noorta durlo^ tha iTor «caBOD, tha ooathly bualncu analysis and tha larloua ptmphleta laniad to fannan In Canada and In furelsn oountitaa. A Fine Night in Winter. TUs mtctt of iwoetly-perfumed air Bhoold mot haro faiUlieii to Daoembor'o Bhore. Ttte le such sw»eCite88 ae joang April txTCAthes <,'Wli /n Tliolet elirdted. spring Uve guv Iianid wreAthee, iWheii wa.lJflow€irs crowd the bordeirs, tuid In the suu Hyudnth beli;® are- opening one by one, Anil tulip buds are red stained at the ttpa. Aiv,1 pear tree* are like fuU rigged soU- tng shLpa â€" k lu friKh ft place, on such a day etocd I, And watched flao weather walking In th« frky, Through pearly cJioud* threaded tho Kiure day And wtater »««an«id u thonaaud years away. H«r» ere no flowera, atHl overhead I Th« quick atai-s I'e-dplng In a l««fles» A Star Map. Not to Deoember's Inm ahere iThIa uight of per^lme<l airl â€" SyHla Lynd. i â-  ^ SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs. Alfred Tranchomontagno, St. Mk-hel des Saimte*. Que., writes: â€" "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medicine. They saved my baby's llfo and I can highly reconimeml them to 'ail mothers." Mrs. Traucheman' tagne'o experience la that oC thousands of otheir mothers who have leeievJ the wwth of Baby's Own Tablets. Th* Tablets are a &Ajre and safe medii'lne for Jlltle ones and never fall to regu- late the bowels and stomach, thus re- llevtiig all the mJuor Ills from which ~* laliiui'STi suffer. They are sold by medl'Clne deal^rt" or by uiall at 25 eta. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., »ri>ckvl!le, Ont. Celebrated Heirloom. Perhaii* the most ce'lebratej family heirloom Ip the Lfy penny, which hag been tn i>os5?ssiluu of tlip l^oi'kharts ef l.e^, In I.,anarkshire. slnco the Cru- sades. A 8!lv«T coin. It formed part of the ransK>m paid for u Saracen chief. It Ih Ml prosed to be capable of curing any aflmeint. For this purpose tt wa« hired In 1665 by a plague-atrlckwn town In esohauS'e for »9uurttl«« of «JB.O0O. AH of hearea tn my hands â€" 'With oaw flnger I can turn TUa 1 sink Orion's baods. And the Lyre begins to bum. I can make a uight of spring. Shivering Splca, white Altatr, And above me I can swing Slowly Berenice's Hair. Winter evenJug. autumn dawn M«!i has charted: I can gee How Mtderammer Nlg'ht moves on Tranquilly and terribly; Light lost tn light, d«a<li loet tn d«at Ttoe without end. Space without bound â€" T, wbc^a life ]» bivt a breath. Turn InBnity a^tmnd. â€" Saa-a Tea«dalie. History. Teil me what you have loved' â€" The land of your deeire; Nothing of where you've ITavffl'Od Shall I enquire. What l>e*iHty yjim have (|ii««l«d. That 1 Would know-, wculxl .'<ee. In that Uee till the eub.n^auoe Of history. The roads by which you caui-e. The life ycj knew, ore URUglit, But 1 must learn the beauty Yoiir eotil has sought. -U'eorge Eliliston. From 'Tamarack Blue." Soni«how tlia valletr waa uacotnanotdT S«renj» and loT«l7, following tii« rain. The raedJow b«nedlctlcn of the sun, Tha beaver-pondfl that held upon tlMlr glaas The claen clear blu« of noon, tb* pob- bly brook Meandering Its twlated sLlver rop* I Through }i«mlock archea, loitering la ! poole I Clear-hueil a« brimming looming- > gloiic«, placid, I Save whMi a trout wouM put a alow i round kisi i Upon the water â€" th«*« wera beautl- ful. Tha rustle of wlnda among the a«p«n- , tree«i The fragrance on tha air wUen my sorrel mount, Lioptng upon the trail, flung down her hoofs Upon the wantergreen and left ii bruised And dripping â€" theae were rery clean and cool. And I waa gla/l for the wild phinia crimsoning Among the leavee, and for the frail blue miLlers Glinting above them â€" chips of a spltiip tered sky ; Glad for tho bloesomlng alfalfa fields and th4^ alters bobbing And ohuckUng at the wiilmsiee of the breeae; Glad few the far jaug-]angllDg oattle- beile That Intimated a land of deep wet grass And lazy wajter . . . A TaEey of oontentmeot • â€"Lew Sarett, in "Slow Smoke." STOMACH TROUBLE DUE TO THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood !a one of the most com- mon causes of stomach trouble. It affects the dlg«istion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids [ are diminished in th^r activity, the i stomach musclee are weakened and there is a loss of nerve force. In this state of health nothing wi'l more qul'cldy restoro the appatite, disostlco j and normal nutrition than ii<ju,l. rich. i red blood. Dr. Williams' I'lnk PIU» act directly Ion the blood, making tt rich ar.d red, I and this enriched blood strengthens jweak UcTve*:. stimulates tii^d musoles I and awakens to normal activity the glands that aupply the dlgeeiive fluJd.-<. This Is shown by an Improved ap^petite. and soon the effect of these blood en- rlcJitng pilU Is evident throughout the who;* system. Yon find that what you eat d<' '.-< net disuesa yt>u. ati<l that you art vii;orous Instead of IrritabW and Ustl«e9. If your appetite is fickle. !f you have any of the dlstressiiii pains and symptxjms of iudlgejstion. you should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pilile and prrfit by the better condition in which they wiU put your blood. Tl}.se pflJ!' ar» soM by all dealei.^ in niedK'ine, or you can get them by mall ai 50 cents a bo.\ from The Dr. WU- IduniB' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Candle-lisiit Th« rrenlng started normaltr. Tk« Hght uf a 40-wartt alestrlc lamp cam* vlch tji^^rfaot a'uuii otst the read- snoiiider Uluailnat.-ag with zitS brldllancy tfce bic^k I.eitters on the wi:Ue p<ig<i of a m&gazlne. Th«B the 14Kh<a went cut, tlnuiy a&d un- equirocaMy went out. They rahued to l)e coaxed back, and th^> eveodng look- ed like a lost thing un'.:: the top shelf in the pantry canre to mind and on tt a tin box marked Caudlea. There, among bent atAimps of fe«- tlve left-overs, w«j-e four that stood proudily parfeot albeit of various col- ors. Soon theae were grouped ou the reading-table flanking the patient left shoulder, amd revealing the back of the magazine left open face down to keap the place. A stcry had Juat been Malted, It was the tale of th<i homely heroism of a womanâ€" a skipper's wife aboac-l ehlp going around Capo Horn 1 ta winter. Und^r tho 40-watt glare it htui seem- ed uuTiatural. By can'iV-Mght one was witii the old wife, shut up in tie. eabln, Qlt lamps e winging overhead, water pouring tn ateadily and creeping high- er uulU one must swim, swim. swim. One comes toâ€"cll-nging to one's cJiaJr as the room seems to list to starUoard. No elwtric fllament could have so bridged that gulf of time and spaico between the skipper's wife and the read-e-r. Flickering candles wrougiit that meeting. So, when the re-adsr had oloewl hJa magazine and canidle in hand staned to mount tlie stairs to bed, acting the ffisclatiug shadowe cast by th.« banis- ters as they caught the Ilgiit on* by ojw and tlien reoedad Into darkness, he knew that the price of modern Il- lumination does not appear in fall ob the bills sent in by the electrlo light oonixMuiies. THE FINEST IN RADIO - ROG0» BXTTESmJESS Expensive Qame. "Do you find ixjol pUiylng expen- sive'.'" "Well, sometlwug is being taken out of the poclte'ts all the time you play ii I know." Politeness. Tho housekeeper \va.<: going out for the dny. She bad to leiavg home be- fore the gioccr and l>aker paid their usiuJ inorninR calls, anxl aocordingjy she hasilly scribl)!e%] a note and pinned it up on tile front <loor. It read as follows: "AH out! L>on't leave iiiiythingi" Having dori»- th:-« .•ihe went Ix-r way. On h»^r veltiru lihe saw tiiai the front door WHS aja;'. whereas shp had left !;t seeureiv locked. Going inside she found that the hoHfe had be#n ransackesl «ud all her niGi^! vii!ue:l po8se88ion.s had Ijeen taken. .\u<;tln.r glance at the note on the door revwucd that an addition had been made thus: "We took all we could cjrry. Thank you." READ THESE FEATURES A Canadian Achienement. No bafteriti of any kind. .Vo rhcmicala or cliargtr. Single dial control. Volume control. OBoiUation control. A. C. Power Tubes (atcluaiv«). SvpfT A. C. Power Tube. Genuine xcabiut cabinet. Bittntnt^ No Batteries! No Cbemlcala! C9T THINK OF IT; Radio for Obrtet- mas witbout the usual discourecwnent and iiK'onvenience of A. B. aad C. Batr t*riee or cbemlcal chargers. It's raaJ-ly very mttch cheeper and oodTeotent la the long run for you to decide on a Rogers tnnfiT and have ao regrets later on. This remarkable batterylese eet ofwratea from your light docket at a oo6< of Les9 than 4c a wie«ik It is aH compiete In one cabinet, single dial control and oonTenteat wave length dial. ae« Your Nearest Roflsrs Dealer. You'll Be Glad You Bought a Rogers. Q.R,S. MUSIC CO., CAN., LTD. 890 KINO STREET WEST Contest Winners. One of the m<iat Interesting caja> palgns ever held In Canatla to select a nania (or a new product Iras Juat been completed by Sheet Me>tal Pit>- ducts Co.. of Canada, Ltd., In Toronto. This llrm Invented a spiendid n-iw stove-pipe which ia eitre-niely easy 'o put In aiid lias throe locks in e«ch sec- tion which prevent it bulging and make It very rigid. A name was wanted for this product and a contest was held aniou^ Cana- dian hardware merchants. Contest ran from April il-lth and ejidel Xove^m- ber 30th, and the lucky wluiiern ut the prixa money weae : 1.- C. M. FaiTO-w, Co U. & -•>â- -. 0«-\ii- ner. Ltd.. SixmiH. Cm. 2.--W R. Fin'.ay. TravaiMlu* Sales- Classified Advertisements. GRAMOPHONE. xriCTROLA STYLE, FULL CAB- ^ INET, plays all records, 48 se.ec- tions. autonjatic. Vailue 195.00 for 135.00 guaranteed, Poisaon, 840 Mount Roval East, .Mon'.real. ^ •ID OHINCSe ECZEMA REMEDY Fir OttfMl Uh Only SEOSGE.Via ror r«nlurl«s a lurt reilW rot Esramt, Itdi, Ftoslu. diM&M. No lutuf bv* '.ie« ur bo» U<a. QlK It • >rU]. Qcnerout Jar 12. to Postp^trt aCO. Y. LKE. P.O. Box I4:z. VIctct.l. B.C. Changed Tones. Husband umpatientiyi l» It pi>s- s.:t»le. my dear, tha; you cannot keep man for Northero Cajiadn Supply Co.. those children q.iiet for a moment" C>)ba:t, Oct. 8. â€" I..EZ. L. I)rif»s*tt9. Quettes Hardwari*. 7S0 St. E.. .Moati>?a!. Que. 4.â€" Walter Klinch. Ha.pdnii:-e ohant. Eimini, Ot>t. And the name seldcted w«»i c o J. O Pa- st. C^atharine .\I«T- s«:f wife (soothingly^ ".Vow. Jobu. duu't be harsh w-lth the poor little innocent thing* Ii Is natural for the'm to be fu'.l of npiri;. aoid they're doJng the best ihey can." Husband -"Well. If I could have • moment's pe««*. I wculd gilt down and Made I'ipe. whldi also embodies the!'""^"^ ">"<' *'-h<e<jue ycu've been botbeT^ principal letters, SMP, used by this big firm. SNOWSHOE TRAILS IN NORTHERN WOODS MInard'a LInlmsnt for Distemper. Five Year* on One Meal. Ft»l) which will Hvs contMitedjly on one meal ♦very live years are «ome- ttmes found In subterranean caverae. , In tiheir natural state they are paJe ; In «oil»r, but turn bla«k if k»pt In the ; light. Health Bays" A FREE BOOKLET f» Kxplaina the simple tii*!th«<i» of Ij-e-atm-eut In your home for tlte re- lief of pain HUd ili'? i'i»n!oration of health by VIolei U«y wMh the \ Branston Voitet Kay Generator. Any homi' e<iuippi^I wllh electrlo llg$fTrg may h'SVf the Braii*ton O^nerator J'eady aiul handy at all tlmen for iiamedlato U8<j, and relief. Drop Uf 5 po$t card: "Stnd me a itf>y of your hoeklet fr*«," am tign j/ott»' Rftrne am? nddrtu. Chas. A. Branston, Limited ll«nul4etur«fi »t HMt.-o-Mi<lt«l Awvat" Its W»nin«t«n Strsst Wsst Toronto 2 Skim Miik. riiit* biaat of a sinai! Imrii followed by a shrill "Latte Screiuato" awakens th* sleepers and s-^nls them Kv.-u:.ying down the stop.? ttaJi-s for skim milk. Fo-r in this suilny winter v^ori on lite Italian Hlv^exa there are thcur -"uls of vieltar« ttjid prlCfS are high, so the ordinary leslients must aiss ?k!!ii milk un-tD i'ie> ^UJl!U!"r tviiie?" aga!:;. It was weeks bsfoie liie wr-'jer di*- oovfrti where the milk came tlvm. She had never se^a a cow shc;ut. but thei-e was always p'.eoty vi" iiiUli for sail? at the "Uitterie." Then one day on the hills she saw a »-oni«ii washinif milk pails at!d shonly a.';«rw«rd, mj9t the Sicim Milk Woman. Tiiicing back- ward she came to a cowshed. « cosed room oil the ga-ju,ii.i fl(KK- of the JmusA oontaiiili'.g a flue .Aius.rney'. a calf and same rab!)!tf. There are seven hlita all dotted with far.nis round Ui* (own. and eveiT farm keeps its l:lddein cow». so tha flouTx:* of tJie mjlk suppOy waa no longir a mysttwr. Tho IiaJlan peasants aj« wonder- : fully laduslrious and tihe womieai work •Me by »tde with the m^aoi in the (leldB j •3 weffl asi ktep house, bake the bread j and tend the chUdraa. It is part of i their woik to look alter "Le beetiev" Uid as theis Includes cuttkt^ everj' taciuJifoI of fodder with a smaU sicklsy tlvey must toU up the hliiMd^e-, gleaii from along the muletracks and on the tWTace« under the olive tree*. In or- der to i»Povide suffloient foa- thean. Sometinwe. tho load which ailai.««< L-on- oeals the head of the be<«*r la a fra«- Jtint bundle of wild thyrae, sage and rosemajy to b» used as bedding for the aniiuale. Among th»^ neitclibois the skim milk vendor la wc'i-lo-do. for does nut he* h'lsband guard sJieep on the hlliside, aidwl by a frii;ndily wooJJy do« and a daughter who lead* the (lock, wUlle, the mothea- sell* milk :ti the towtil She kcei«> her savings in a !»!ocki4i«t, "Va lH.>no. Si«norn," for did not out of the l>;uik-s.fiill In the h.'og ago! Ing for.' Wife (stenii,v 1 "Children, jio uy- stal;-s at ouce! And if I hear another word from you to-uighi I'U punish ywu seTerwiy." C.2S, butoiisiiess, hrai-;)nir!i. dysDepsift. uni yuniiia'- i'tla will »ot tiuubio you it you takS Seigel's Syr-uij. An: dn;R store. Indicative Mood, Teacher («-xpltuaing the tenses} â€" "If 1 iwid, .Vlv father ban a car,' t.Bat would 1k> the paat teU90. Kow, Betty, tf yov: svald, '.My f.'itheir has a car. what woukl that be?" Betty 'Pfeftfiift^." Tlve plain oountry fe>iu>w is one Lha* manure? his gToi:iM! \v«»i but iiets hinj- seSf He fa31*woid and untilied-. â€" John Earle, ,CM*AD4, Fdge Holdcnt; smm ^ SAWS â-  [;>s< fasyCuttirtj \ Tlie for«c<l In winter limt pr«lfut an atttullrc (pptaraiicr, Photogrsalii rhoo : Vppn loft, Irplcal irlntf r tctn* afttr >now- fall) l«w«r, on€ ot tit* InUlllBcnl hualir dod at tit* NorUilaail: Vppu riatil, Innck tin* In 1l<« biuh; 1|ir«r, dog t««iii on iJm trail. 'IJlunc Bee Trail."," a new out-of-doors feature which D will take the visitor out into tlio forests of North- ern Ontario and Quebec under the g-uidatice of experi- enced wootistncu and trappers, will be operated this winter by several outfitters In the northern .section,<! of these two provinces, it is nnnouiiceU by tito Tourist Tepariment of the C.tnailiaii .Vatioiutl Ruih\,,.\ -, Tiie.<e kave Uwu usimngf^l tg meet tite UeniaiiU im Xagilities for .<<pending a winter oulingc i" tlie woods and tlie men who will operate ther.i are outfitters wiio hava had wide e.\perionce in caring- for Jiunting and fishlnsf parties. Travel will bo over trap lines, on welUheate:i trails, by tlog team and stiowslioes and tfie vlsiitor will l>e able to make woods trips of froin 80 to 200 mile.;, umier conilition.^ wliivh >*ill provide for the com- fort uiiU couveui&nce of tit« inex^ertenc«(l woodMnan. No Harm in a Hum. Car owneis might do well i,) tudure a silght humming for a f>pw d«ys ;,f!ej- now tlinin* gcftr.i havy been put in the car. It ineaus the gears will fit bet- t*r aft<:r they have worn In. The laotor owner who demands quivrness in this pajt of tJie .>«r fro<iu«nt:y makes his appeif.l so 8tr<sig that a ffmaU-pT canifthaft gear 1^ Ins'aJ^id t« httmor him. When the gvarsi begin to wear they make more noise Ihjn ev«ir. If you have n good opinitm of yo;-.r- se!f, keep it to yourseif. Keep Mln«r«<'» Lin'msnt in the houss. i Frost Bites. Minard's tak^-.^i the cttug out of IJuHii tjutckeno circiilanion and p.-e\ er ...s <i»invrlic;:t'.ons. I8GUE No. Saâ€" '^C. It .â- J' â-  w-^..

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