Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1928, p. 1

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/^v^ t-«-.*>' '•*'. .1ii- I I %!(^t fkfsA^ttion %hmnu. Vol. 47 No. 32 Flesherkon, Ontario, January 11, 1928 W H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors. VANDELEUR The Farmers' Club held a well-at- tended meeting in the stcboolhouse on Friday evening of last week. Mr. CEYLON Mr. A; C. Muir made a buaines frip to Shelburne the past week. Mr. Jack White, who was operat?d Frank Davis gave a good report of i on before Christmas for the reir.oval the U.F.O. convention in Toronto. Ah' other interesting item on the program was a debate on the subject: "Re- solved, that grading and standardizing of farm products is necessary to put faTrtring on a profitable basiis." The debaters were Mrs. Frank Davis and Mes'srs. J. I. Graham, W. A. Weber and Howard Graham. The negative was declared the winner. Another debate will be held at the next meet- ing on the Weed Control Act, which should be interesting. The club has purchased a new Coleman lantern for use in the meetings. These will be held every two weeks during the winter. The Vandeleur Ladies' Aid held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. George Pritchard, when a very pleasant afternoon was spent by ad. After the usual business was finished and a short program given, the offi- cers were elected for 1928 as follows: Prsident, Mrs. Fitzsimmons; Vice- President, Mrs!. Plynn; Sec., Mrs. Lou Teeter; Treas., Mrs. L. Johnston; Organist, Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. A dainty lunch was then served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jos. Buchan- an on the first Wednesday in Feb. At 'the annual school meeting Mr. Otto Baker was elected trustee and Mr. J. I. Graham auditor. Mr. S. Gilbert got the caretaking, Mr. Amos Bowles got the contract for the wood and Gordon Wylie for cedar. Otto Baker acted as chairman and H. I. Graham as Secretary for the meeting. George Pritchard was re-elected Sec- Treasurer for the section.. The school has reopened with Miss Thompson in charge. The annual Sunday school enter- tainment will be held in the church on Friday evening of this week. Sup- per will be served in the basement of the church and a good program will be rendered. Admission 25 cts. of his tonsils, returned Tuesday of this week to his siiKool duties in To- ronto. Mr. Mathews of Toronto was a i caller in town the past week ROCK^ MILLS Mr. Chas. Newell sold a driving | horse to Mr. A. McEachnie of Flesh« erton, la?t week. Mrs. B. Field has returned home after spending several weeks with rel- RtivM in the West. The thaw his taken most of our snow away again and at present the roads are bare enough for teaming. LADY BANK EUGEMA PROTON STATION report our sick Our Sabbath school gave a program ' We are corry to report that Mr. in the duirch on Friday evening, when a nice crowd waa present and a very enjoyable evening was spent by those present and those taking part. Mr. Prosaer, pastor, occupied the chair in his usual happy manner. The first number was a chorus by the school, then followed recitations by little tots, class songs, dumbbell exer- cises, a negro song which received a hearty encore and had to be re- sponded to, reading by Miss Blanche Genoe, and also by Miss Janet Mc- Leod were two good numbers, as was a solo by Miss Stewart. Next was a pageant, "Star of Bethlehem," by young ladies and the pastor, the latter representing the Prophet, and this was very pretty and well rendered. Mr. John McWSUiams, Superintend- ent, assisted by the pastor, presented each member who had been regular in attendance, with a Bible, and the little tots each received a story book. The pastor then spoke on the neces- city of parents a.eeing to it that the children are sent to Sunday school and the necessity of encouragement to the teachers and officers of the school. The evening exercises were brought to a close by singing the Na- tional Anthem. Proceeds for the ev- ening were S12.10. The school feels very gi-ateful to all who helped to make the evening so enjoyable. Mr. George Banks spent New Year with fri3nd:5 at Stratford. weather of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson attend- ed the wedding of the latter's brother, FORONTO LTNE. NORTH MAXWELL No services were held here on New Years Day owing to the epidemic of measles. Services were continued as usual last Sunday. Don't forget them : Sunday school at 2.30 p.m. and church service at 7.00 p.m. The Womens Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Chas. Long Thursday Jan. 12th. Miss Mary Ross has returned home after spending the past eight months in Dundalk. We are very sory to hear of Mr. Sornberiger's accident. A tree fell on him and broke his leg badly. However we are glad to know he is improving Mrs. Wilbert Poole has returned home after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. H. Down, in Flesherton. Miss Shirley Buckingham has re- turned to school in Dundalk after spending the holidays wkh her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Clark of Colling- wood have been visiting friends in this vicinity. Rev. Kendall spent New Years with nis son in Toronto. Cars are still running. One suc- ceeded in coming here from Dundalk last night. Mr. George Ross and Rev. Kendall attended Presbytery at Owen Sound on Tuesday, 10th. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. W. Burnett on Thursday evening last by young peo- ple from the O.D.R. and a number of Toronto Line. A few hours were spent very pleasantly in dancing and games. Mr. Edward Lever of Dryden, Ont., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. T. R. McKenzie of Port Law spent a couple of days with his bro ther, Mr. R. McKenzie, who took a weak spell while in Flesherton, but is again feeling better. Mrs. George Littlejohns and chil- dren visited with relatives in Toronto recently, ad Toronto Line North.- Mr. Chas. Wice, and two sons, George and Russel are visiting rel- ativies in Berkley. Thos. Fisher is quite ill, but we sian- cerely hope to hear of a change for the better soon. Quite a number of jolly friends spent an enjoyable time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave on Saturday evening, January 7th, the occasion being the birthday of their son, Fred. The evening was spent in social chat, singing and music, after which Mrs. Hargrave served' a dainty lunch. Misvs Nellie Sewell met with an ac- cident on Friday evening when the horse which she^and her sister were driving, became frightened and ran away, throwing them out. We under- stand Nellie had her shoulder put out of joint. We hope she may be better soon. Mr. E. Robinson of Bethel visited recently with friends here. Mr. A. Baker of Proton had charge of the sers'ice Sunday evening and de- livered an excellent sermon. The service \vi\\ be at the home of Mrs. J. Porteous next Sabbath evening at 7.30 everybody welcome. Mrs. Ned Croft visited the past week w:th her .sister, Mrs. H. Osborne, of Fevorsham. Mrs. Lewis Pedlar visited over the week end with her mother, Mrs. H. AVilson, of Flesherton. Prayer meeting will be held this Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ned Croft. Mrs. Bert Best arrived here Monday from the West to visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher. CANADIAN COAL. The mild spell of weather was wel- Wc aro ::oriy to .Another mild spell after the zero j c^,,,;, .jft^^ the few .-torniy days which p;ople "still sick". mad,3 the roads very bad some places;' Mr. James Middaugh is very weak. but it sound.s at time of writing as if. Mr. Georga Ludlow is suffering in- tho wind was going to blow hard tensely with gangrene in his fc )t and Mr. Thornton Sayers, of Ravenna, I again. !m,s. Earnest Lyness is still v: -y ill, which took place on December 29th, I Many came to the village on the and has been moved to her fj- ver's, to Miss Elva Shaw, eldest daughter ! evening of Jan. 2nd and were surely Mr. L. Wyville's home in the vi lage. of Mr. and Mk. Thos. Shaw, of , di.sappointed. Mr. C. E. Horton of Mrs. Walter Wyville is there assrst- Clarksburg. Kingston had sent out circulars adver- ing in the nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell and babel tising motion pictures and heart songs Mr. and Mrs. James Burton of Tor- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. i which would make up his program of onto visitsd at Mr. Wyville's over the .Allen of Springhill. i entertainment for that evening. He sveek end. They motored up as far Mr. Alex Laughlin of Rock Mills , did not appear nor send any message as Dundalk. and Mr Wyville of the East Backline that he was not coming. We were Mr. S. Batehelor. and .son. Jack and are assisting Mr. Joe Sewell with his sorry the concert did not takeplace, R. G. .\cheson shipped a carload of bush work this winter. I but hope he may come at some other livestock to Toronto on Monday, and The Orangemen of the Eugenia and i tâ„¢e. are spending a few days in the city. Feversham Lodges and neighbors had I We ar? pleased to report that Mrs. Mr. Arnold Hergott is attending a succes.sful wood bee one day last'^'""^^* Proctor has returned home the Guelph Agricultural College, tak- we?k for tha Cooper brother.'. | ^^om Toronto, where she underwent a ing a dairy course. Miss Edith Semple is spending a ' successful ope*-ation. At time of Miss Selma Richler of Toronto few weeks with Mrs. Geo. Harbottle writing she is progressing favorably sjpent the holidays with her cousins, of East Mountain. i •'*"<' must remain in bed for a few the Misses Acheson. Mr.- T^ornfcn Sayers and 5->riti,s | months in order to regain her health. [ . spent New Years with Mr. a:id Mrs.l^'^s Muriel Carruthers is with her at RUBBER BOOTS FOR ALL W. Wilson here. J present. We hop<?-Mrs. Proctor con-' Mr.s. John Dobson returned to her !"""^'' *° recover. ! For a good work boot that will help home here, after 'a two weeks' visit' ^''- ^"'' ^'^^- °"^"^ ^^^°^ and keep your feet dry, and rubber bot- with friends at Whitby. \ ''"^ehter. Miss Dorothy, of East toms and tops for men and boys, and We are pleased to mention little ^"""t^'" spent the week end with all kinds of repairing on footwear, Neil McKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. i ^^^./"'^ ^'''- ^- ^8^*'" ^"'J family., come to i\irs. Thomas McKee spent a W. L. NORWOOD Jas. McKenzie, improving after a ser- I few days with her daughters. Misses ious illness of pleuro-pneumonia. Nurse Burritt of Kimberley proved]Z''Z.^'!t ' '''^" ""^''^ P°^'*'<'"« herself a good nurse for the little) fellow, along with the skilful treat- ment of Dr. Gauld of Maxwell. The spirited driver of Mr. Ed. Har- bottle broke loose in the sheds at Feversham and make his way home, the distance being five miles, and in Toronto We offer con.gratulations to Mr. Ross Ellis and Mi.ss Leona Weber of Kimberley who were married recently. Mr. Wellie Fawcett visited last week in Kimberley. Flesherton, Ont. NOTICE Notice i^ hereby given that a by- a few ''^w was passed by the council of the Township of .Artemesia on the oth day We are sorry to report Mr. Joseph o^ November, 1927, for the purpose of "Tawkino not enjoying very good issuing debentures to the amount of left Mr. Harbottle to hoof it, or chance . j.^,^,^^ ^y^-^ ^^^^^ gsoo for the purpose of financing the It the best way he could. It wasj jir. and Mrs. Kildourn McGee and Township of Artemesia Telephone ^ f mily have been sp?nding the past System and that such by-law was reg- lucky that no harm was done. BREAKING THE SPEED RECORD. fuple of weeks with Mrs. r latives in Nova Scotia. DEATHS AT SINGHAMPTON. C'iristmas week at Singhampton was deeply saddened by the death of two old residents. Both died away | i?50. $40 and $25. Canadian coal will be the indirect cause of additional bank accounts for .i:ven Ontario high school students, according to an announcement just made by the Produced in Canada Com- mittee of Ontario. With the approval of the Pro\ i.ieial Department of Education the Prodr. ed in Canada Committee is inau u- rating an essay contest for stu- dents in collegiate institutes and h>'h schoola throughout Ontario on the general topic of heating Canadian homes with Canadian coal. Studontj are asked to discuss the advisab'ity of this in an essay, of from 100.} to 1500 words. $600 will be divided between Ti" writers of the seven best papers c i "Why Canadian homes should be hea-- ed with Canadian coal," with the su of $150 going to the winner of tli â-  firat prize. The second to seven' • prizes are as follows: $100, $75, $6 . Magee's 'stered in the Registry Office, for S. ^rcy on the 9th day of December, 1927. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and ! UNITY U. F. W. O. Miss B;rnice Smith, Shelburne, en-1 . tvTsd our college the first week of j The .Tanuary meeting of Unity U.F. September and the last week of Nov- 1 W.O. Club was held at thfi home of cnAer wrote 56 net words per min- ] Mrs. J. Hargrave on Wednesday of cari^not be made thereafter, ute for 15 minutes, according to the j last week, with a good attendance. Underwood rules. Incidentally, Miss j there being 14 members present. Smith is also taking shorthand at 80 j The President was in the chair and and turning out beautiful letters, with j iier other subjects accordingly. I THREE MONTHS. i Dated this 10th day of December, 1927. â€" W. J. BELL.AMY, Clerk. the meeting opened with singing the Creed in unison. The roll call was answered by an exchange of books to .Also. Miss Luella Johnston, Orangs-' "cad. vilh. who entered the first week in â- eptember, wrote 57 net words per Mrs. J. Campbell, wha was delegate to the convention in Toronto in Dec- minut3, according to Underwood rulrs I ember, gave an excellent report of and is a close second to Miss Smith j the proceedings there. This was fol- in the other subjects. THREE! 'owed by community singing. The MONTHS. i meeting closed with repeating the Furthermore, Miss Margaret Noble i ^°''*''^ Prayen. The hostess then ser- at Homings Mills, who also entered i ^^<^ » dainty lunch, our college the first week in Septem-i - AGENCY FOR Massey Harris Implements INSUR.ANCE WRITTEN IN SEVERAL COMPANIES ON ' BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. Ogle Bellerby, aged 36, well known well driller of Shelburne, was lodged in the Orangeville jail charged with assault and bodily harm on his' wife. .According to the police the prisoner fractured her right leg. He was ar- rested near Collingwood by Provincial Constable Purvis. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or de- mands of any kind against the Estate of Allan McLean, late of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, who died on or about the 13th day of July, 1927, are requested to forward their claims duly proved to the undcrsigmed i on or about the 26th day of January, j 1928. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN ; that after said datfe the Administrat- [ or will proceed to distribute the Es- | tate. having regard only to such claims an he will then have notice of. ! Dated at Collingwood this 14th day of December, A.D.. 1927. . â€"Malcolm McLean. Drawer 20. Angus Morrison. Collingwood. from their old home but were brought and tenderly laid in the cemetery of the village. Mr^. Stillman Allen died in St. Catharines on Wednesday in her eighty-seventh year. She had been here for a great many years, but some months ago went to St. Cath- arines to live with a daughter, Mrs. Willoughby Scott. One son, George Allan, predeceased his mother a few months ago. Another son, Ira, and a daughter, reside in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. The funeral took place here on Friday, interment being made in the Union Cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. McCauslin. Mrs. George Riddell also died on Wednesday, but in Toronto, to which city she went but a few months ago to live with a daughter. She was about seventy years of ago and is iiurvived by a large family, all grown up. The remains were brought to he! home here, and the funeral service, which was conducted by Rev. Mr. Mc Causlin, was held on Saturday morn- ing at eleven o'clock. Interment was made in the Union Ceime'.cry. â€" Cree- more Star. An unique feature of the cont: according to the Committee's rules, the dtrision to honor each scl. which boast.s a prize winn?r by pi senting to the school library a r- tity of Canadian books,, the title be chosen by the schools thems-' The basic idea underlying the ' test, says the Committee in a ] to all high school principals, is thi sirability of developing in the min:' the younger generation an appr' tion of vital Canadian i-roblenis nf fostering the habit of studying mvestigating them. The Committee'? announc; states! that Canon H. J. Cody, f â-  Minister of Education for Or nrio; Brig.-Gen. C. H. Mitchell, De-i ot the Faculty of Applied Scienc Uni- versity of Toronto, and Dr. A. H. U. Colquhoun, Deputy Minister r .- Ed- ucation, hav3 consented to ;it as judges. The contest closes Thursday, March 1st, and announcement of th-^ nrize winners will be made as soon •â- ::re- aftcr fts possible. .1 1- to es. m- ,ter le- â-  of â- a- id -.id ^nt aer ber has obtained her bronze medal I and has "covered herself with glory") in other subjects. THREE MONTHS. Again Miss Ethel McLelland, Ar- thur, who entered our shcool the sec- ond week in September, wrote 42 net words per minute, the last week in November, with equal proficiency in I her other .subjects. ' We have several others almost as â-  good. ^ ! "Oh, Boy,"' what a spe^d these girls j will obtain, and what a salary thay ! will command in July! | Orangeville Busines.? College. ' â€" E. J. Burchell, Principal. The Department of Highways will j pave eight miles of the road north ' from Cale<lon this coming summer. , John Wright FLESHERTON BATES BURIAL CO. f UNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO R; Maddocks. J. W. Bates ®^Qe®$®®©«»®@€'@@®®ett^«00@iS^^}®®'^^@*^®€-^-^^©':c^4^©®@@@^®2 PRIVATE -SALE Mrs. S. De''"" i -lore v/ill sell by privat? sale t" ' ^'1'!o^Ving articles: Kitchen Stov- O'lningroom Suite, Living room ch-y^:: Screen Door, Lin- oleum, Chic" -^ 'fouse sprayei'. Num- ber of smf' 1 â- â-  'ps. Largo table, suit- â- ible, for F' ''.irriage, Cutter, Go- Cart, Lib ;r.y V'able. A Lady in the Council The vilbgo of Tottenham dev' ted from the usual course by eloctiv ; a woman to its council hoard. Miss V. .Milliagar will assist in conducting !he towm's municipal affairs during to coming year. Accordi CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Hincks vish to thank their ma:iy fri3nds ,T circular issued by rrd neighbors fc;* Ifho many kind « a Mr. Farmer:- make? Are you making all the money you can possibly We want to prove to you that a very small investment will make a big difference. the Super-n; ni!c.it of Women's In- ^^ts tes t'-i^'c were 62 new brj formed si:-:e January 1st last. Ilene Marie. MaxwelK Ont. Solicitor for 'Z -"k-; - ~ - •- " '- 't-^s «hown them during the illness Admtai.tr.tor. the AM\m^»t^'^'^^ ^::' ::^:i^ JT^J^"^' V!''^ '^5?^*'. "^ *"'•''• ""•'^ «^°"Khter, Q i:i fee POULTRY PANACEA Guarnteed to make them healthy HEAVE POWDER Also for acute and chronic coughs, and bronchitis, etc. INSTANT LOUSE KILLER Also kills ticks, etc. ROUP TABLETS Also for diphtheria and all catarahal diseases of fowl WHITE DIARRHOEA TABLETS FOR CHICKS STOCK TONIC For horses, cattle hogs and sheep A Conditioner and Worm expeller. AND Remember Every OneJs^eJDr^Jtiess^ W J. STEWART 81 SONS, FcshGrton .1...

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