Flesherton Advance, 25 Jan 1928, p. 1

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®hje /k0l)jett0tt a>ttanc^» Vol. 47 No. 34 Flesherton, Ontario, January 25, 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors. 3e: MA^eWCLL We extend our PROTON STATION VANDELEUR PRICEVILLE sympathy to the The brick yard has been very busy j Mrs. J. J. McGee is spending a few I Smith family in their sad bereavs- . lately. Mr. Sam Batchelor and hia ; weeks with friends in Toronto and EUGEr<tlA I LADY BANK ment. I sons have shipped two carloads of ' London. The U. F. 0. and U. F, W. O. met . brick, one to Dorfaam and one to ; Mr. and Mrs. George Black of Sas- at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross on^'Xhatsworth, and s«veral teams have j katchewan are visiting with Mr. and ! Thursday of last week. Miss Agnes, been hauling brick to Maple Valley.' Mrs. J. H. Holley. McPhail, M.P. addressed the meet- j The Proton brick makers find ready j Mr. J. I. Graham, Secretary of ths ing which was eenjoyed by all pegent sale for their products. ' Grey Board of .Agriculture, attended { Mrs. A. Mclnnis carried off the prize! Mr. Russel Irwin, the Proton barb- j the first meeting of the series at { in a raisin pie contest having the best j ei" has moved from Dever Bros, ap-i Holland Centre on Tuesday of last j raisin pie. ., partment house into Mr. McNally's ; week. The congregational meeting which , hpuse. | The entertainment which was given was to have been hold last Friday, I Mrs. Turner is spending a week in the church on Friday evening, Jan. but postponed on account of the wea- \ with her sister, Mrs. Vanse. j 13th, under the auspices of the Sun- ther will be held Friday, January 27, } Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchison of Kim \ day school and public school, was a at 2 p.m. berley visited friends here on Mon-i great success in every particular. A Mr. George Ross and Mr. Clarence day. j splendid supper was served in the Findlay are attending the co-operative j We are very much pleased to re- , basement, after which an excellent school of marketing in Toronto this.1 port Mrs. Elmest Lyons improving program was rendered in the audi- week. after a long tedious illness and Mr. ! torium of the church. The program, Mr. H. Linley is visiting with his Geo. Ludlow is finding some relief I which consisted of choruses, dia- sister at Corbetton. under a new treatment for gangrene. â-  logues. readings, solos, music, etc.. We extend our sympathy to the Ped- Mrs. Walter Wyville, and babe, have ' was given entirely by the young folk, returned to their home in Cleve- : and every number was worthy of This Monday morning is quite stor- Measles are in the village. W. E.^ The young people and the middle- my and a lot of snow has fallen the; Morgan and R. Goriey families are a«d oi the n-.ghborhoo.! sp?r^ a soc- last few days I under quirantine. We wish them a ial evening at the home of M." and Mr. Innis MacLean is home from! speedy recovery. Mrs. Fred Tyler. Mr. Tyler intends Orangeville Business College with the! Mr. and Mrs. Falconer and son. of moving to Feversham m the n:ar fu- mumps. We hope he will soon b: I Durham, accompanied by the former's ture. able to resume his studies. Miss Eva Carson has gone to To- ronto, jrhere she has accepted a po- i brother, Mr. H. Falconer, wife and The Ladies .Aid of Pro\ !ence daughter, from the West, visited a Church held their January m. -ting^ couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Har- in the church and the election ot" aeW lar family in the loss of their father Mr. S. Pedlar. ROCK MILLS Our sincere sympathy is extended to the Pedlar family in their hour of bereavement by the death of their father, Mr. Samuel Pedlar, who pass- ed away on Tuesday, Jantiary 17th. Mrs. Seeley is spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. W. J. Chard. Unity U. F. W. O. Qub will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Gordon on Wednesday, February 1st at 2 p.m. Messrs. John, George and Levie Newell of Durham motored over last Wednesday and visited with their brothers, Chas. and W. J. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens of Kimbertey visited recently with the htter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar. The Pilgrim Holiness service will be held next Sabbath evening at the home of Mrs. Thos. Betts at 7.30. Everybody welcome. The Ladies' Aid- will meet at the home of Mrs. Cecil Meldrum on Jan. 31. Note change of date. Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Hargrave of Wareham were visitors one day last week with the former's brother here, Mr. Uohn Hargrave, wife and son. Messrs Chas. and,^^. J. Newell vis- ited one day last week with their brother near Durham. Mr. Baker of Proton visited in this community on Monday. land. ' special mention. A dialogue entitled CEVLON Miss -Agnes McPhail, M.P. left oii Monday for Ottawa. Mrs. A. Sinclair visited in Owen Sound the past week. Miss M. Stewart is Impending a fortnight at her home in Clinton, owing to the illnes of her mother. Provincial Constable Denton of Owen Sound was in this burg on Mon- diy. Mrs. Dill Stewart, and two child- ren, who have been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall, have returned to their home at Bol- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt, and two sons, Stanley and Melville are spend- ing a fortnight with relatives in Tor- onto. Owing to the storm and sickness the concert, which was to be given by Ml". Horton on Frid.iy evening was postponed to a future date. The remains of Mrs. Fletcher for- the remaining winter 1 old Falconer. officers were as follows: I Miss Mildred Johnston spent Sunday Pres.â€" Mrs. John Dobson; Vice-Pres. Mrs. Jno. Onewell. Sr.: Sec. â€" ^Mrs. sition for months. Miss Beth Hincks speni Sunday ! at Mr. Bert Porteous'. Rock Mills. -Mrs. Jno. OneweU. Sr.: with her friend. Miss Mabel Nichol. The dance which was to have been Joe SeweU: Treas. â€"Mrs. Walter WQ- We are sorry to report that Mrs. held in the hall last Friday night was 3on; Buj-ing Com.â€" Mrs. .\lex. Max- Colin McLean (South Line) slipped ;. Postponed owing to the prevailing dis- well. " '' -- - « ^ on the ice and is confined to the i **^es. house for a few days. Mrs. Dave Roberts. Mrs. Wm. Semple; Organist â€" Mrs. Jno. Ottewell We were very sorry to learn of the Jr.. Next meeting will be held at Mr. Young of Knox College, Toron- 1 death of Mr. James Carson of Cypress the home of Mrs. Joe Sewell on Feb- to. verv acceptably occupied the pul- 1 ^^i^er- Man., and formerly of this niary Sth. Members please attend and nit in McKinnon-s haU on Sundav. .' P'^-^e. He passed away on Friday, visitors welcome. â-  Mr. -Angu.'McCannelof ProtonSta-|T«"- ^^- ^'^er a lengthy illness. He Mrs. John Dobson is spending a tion spent a few davs last week atj'^^^ ''"''*" ^<'"'" ^^^^ "^ ''^'"^ ^^ ^^"^^ ^«^ ^^^'^ "^^^ ^^' ""*'"• ^^"^^ ^*^''- Mr A Hincks *^*' ^^^' ^^^~°^ was a staunch Or- ett of Meaford. who is seriously ill. .Mr. Willie Hincks and sister, Gladys ! ^n^â„¢^" ^"'^ * *-"'^* Conservative in Mr. Les. McMulIen and lady friend A Proton "teen" age hockey team i "Woman's Rights" was exceptionally played a friendly game against a good and much credit is due the tea- Dundalk team on the Dundalk rink,cher. Miss Thompson, for the train- last Friday night which resulted in 'ing of the pupils. Miss Judith St. the score 4-2 in favor of Proton. It John of Markdale gave a couple of was their first attempt at hockey \ readings in her usual good form, and this year, and as they have no chance was encored on both occasions. The to practise they did very well to get ; pastor, Rev. A. N. St. John, made a a goal at all. ~ ; very capable chairman. .At the close â€" â-  ! of the program a bag of candies was MARKDALE AGRICULTU RISTS | distributad to the pupils by Mr. How- GIVE $2,000 FOR NEW HALL ; *'"'* McGee and Mrs. L. Johnston. . i An exceedingly interesting debate -At the annual meeting of the Mark- ' was held in the school houss on Xfon- dale Agricultural Society $2,000 was day ev:ning of last week under the granted to the town to assist in the auspices of the Farmers' Club. The construction of a community hall and subject was. "Resolved, that the Weed skating rink, the society to have the Control Act is in the interest of the use of the hall for exhibition purpos- '^"""ers." The debaters were Messrs. es. The Society had a good year in Prank Davis and Will Ratcliffe. El- 1927, the gate receipts at the fair ' â„¢er Warling and Charles Boland. The being the largest in the history of debate was keenly and eloquently con- the show. It was decided to add , tested and strong arguments vere some more classes for live stock. brought forward on both sides. What The fall fair dates were set for Oct. ^^^ audience did not learn about the 4 and 5. The following officers were Weed Control Act and the Seed .Act elcted: Pres.. T. L. Merecr: Vice-Pres.. ^""^ weeds in general is not w rth â- J. A. Halbert; 2nd Vice-Pres.. e. '"*"'-'''"'"P- The judges were Messrs. j Baker: Sec, T. S. Cooper; Treas.. R.i"'^- I- Graham and Lewis Teeter and L. Stephens: Directors. D. L. Binns. Miss Thompson. .After much câ€" isid- H. Baker, C. Boland, K. Freeman. J. eration they decided in favor o'" the Brady. E. Davis. A. Dunlop. F. Davis, negative by a very small margir. It .A. Jackson, H. Shaw. J. Elliott, E. B. ^** * ?°''d debate. Other nuriV?!*s Richardson, W. Swanton: .Auditors, D. **" ^^^ program were musical "^^lec Mc-j politics. He was twice married, first of East Mountain spent Sunday with to Miss Ellen Richardson of Markdale his mother. Mrs. D. McMuUen and visited recently at Mr. .Archie Cuaig's. We are sorry to report Mr. Murray i^""^ f'^.t^J^^JJ^^"l^^;_}^^ji''' '"â- Â°'''" ''*'^- Nichol ill in a Toronto hospital with scarlet fever. We hope Murrav wll i '"^ham- Toronto. ^, ^ , , soon be able to resume his studies ati'^* ""^^'^ ^^'^^ ^"^ Kennedy, ot I Flesherton. and by this marriage I one daughter. Nellie now Mrs. Enip- -A few years later VICTORIA CORNERS Toronto Normal School Miss Marguerite Batchelor visited Mrs. George Campbell returned l^'l*'"^ ^^'"^ ^^"^ <=^"'^''«'°--^"="' ^^'T' a few days with her cc^sin. Marion I William -Acheson. Mrs. W. .Acheson spent a couple of â-  • ~. 4. .-. I. • _ 4.1 I " uiiaui s'TKciii; ui Owen Sound home irom Toronto atter ha^nng thj^e ',, ,,, , ^ ,, .,, ... , , I Ethel (Mrs. I. Sargent). John Ed goitres removed from her neck, and â-  â- ,, tut we are oleased to sea h-r looking so : "â- =*'"'^- "^'""'* *^*'"*- ''"^^ ToxvTishend > . j^^^ ^^ j^j,^ Duncan's. Their baby well. " i Margaret (Mrs. Dan Owens, and Geo. ^^^^ ^-^^ ^^^^ pneumonia but is im- j Malcolm, all of Cypress River " I wife predeceased him a His number of •ears ago. He is survived by his E. Jackson and J. W. Elliott. OSPREY COUNCIL \ The inaugrural meeting of Osprey Council was held at Maxwell on Jan. tions by Messrs. S. Gilbert and T ss Alcox; solo by Mrs. George Bucr m- an; reading by Mr. Howard Mc lea and Miss Mj-rtle Freemaa; also a Geography match. Messrs. Li-Jy Johnston and Howard Grahar- <.c- 9th. ThQ members were all present''^'' *' chairmen during the different and subscribed to the statutorv dec-^f"''' °^ ^^^ meeting. The next r-et- laration of office as follows: W. L.!'""^ '"" ^ ^^^^ °" •^^"- ^Oth, -he-^ Taylor. Reeve; Wm. C. Edwards there will be another debate or *h9 Deputy Reeve; Svlvester Clark. John ^'"''J'*^'' ."Re^<''^-«d. that the con: -C Grummet and R. J. Morrison. Coun- ^P^^*" '" "^onn^^ «<>" ^th co-op .i- cillors. I ^^'^ marketing is in the interests -f ithe farmer." The debaters will i^- .After the reading and confirming of ' the minutes of last meeting the fol- ! yowing communications 'were read:. HOLDFAST U.F.W.a I "Our Club Objectives" v.as an in- teresting paper prepared by Miss Mac- Phail for the January meeting of the HoldfastU.F.W.0. Club, which was held in the Park House. The Club was very sorry that, owing to quarantine. Miss MacPhail was unable to be pres- ent as hostess. .After the opening exercises Miss Bentham andMiss Nuhn gave splendid instrumental which 1 were sung â€" "Nearer my God to thee" were much enjoyed. and "Jesus lover of my soul." We It was decided that we send for an [extend our sympathy to the Hanley order of groceries to be delivered at j family and other friends in their sad next meeting. i bereavement. Our retiring President. Miss Nichol was presented with a lovely spread. proving nicely now. Cars have been running so far near- "v all winter but a storm on Thurs- I •amily and one sister. Mrs. Margaret ^^^. ^^.^^-^^^ ^^^ ^^-^^^ ^^..^ ^,0^.^^^ lanky. Sth line, and one brother, ^j,^ ^^^^ f^^ ^^^^^ ^4iarles Carson, of Port Hope. The Leslie Brooks of Toronto has been uneral was held on Sunday. Jan. 15. ..^gj^j^g ;„ .^^ neighborhood. nder the auspices of C>-press River ^ „^„,^g, ^^ ^^-^^^^ formerlv of •Grange Lodge and was largely at- piesherton and Proton, now residing - nded. Interment took place in -^ Toronto, met at a shower held in ' lencoe cemetery. Rev. Mr. Meech ,(,g ^ome of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mac- • Cypress River officiated. Some of Qlashan. -527 Windermere -Ave., in the the favorit. hymns of the deceased ^^^^^ ^f y^-^^ jj^.j^.^^ 5;^;^ ^^j^^. to-be. and youngest daughter of the late Sir. and Mrs. Geo. Binnie. Sau- aseen Juct. .A pleasant evening was speat and the bride was the recipient of many useful gifts. The next meeting will be on the evening of Feb. S at the home of Mrs. bed I Wilfred Cardinal of the 3rd line west. Chingacousy. was painfuUy burned about the head and arm when cleaning clocks with gasoline. Cardin Don't forset the "Old Boy's Night'' and Carnival this Friday night. Jan- uary 2Tth. Messrs George Buchanan, Glen J' Gee, Ross .Alcox and James Car^r Department of Field Husbandr%-, ^e '^^.,.*°"'''''^"^ '""^""."^^^ '^^^'^ ^'^'"" annual meeting; Ontai«io Educational Association, re annual meeting; Good of the program: Miss Myrtle Fr. man, Mrs. George Buchanan. G" RoadV A;;;;i;;io"n"'r7annuarm;et'ing" 'l M<^Gee and James Cargoe. This Hospital for Sick Children regarding '." °^ debates >s provKigexceedin; grant: Municipal World re subscrip- '"''^"""^ .""'^ '^' attendance is ! tions: Liquor Control Board re f ines. ' '''^*''"'' '"'**' ^'^ "'"*""^' The following persons waited on the Council: Eugene Conron, re culvert: no action taken; (James Essex, re 30th sideroad; no action taken; Ed. Post, Mr. Will Hutchinson has ret- , after a month's visit with his ^ : Mrs. Devins, at Emery. j Mr. Howard Graham is att • re ditch: no action taken. I*?"" .""^tings of the Grey Bo- Edwa«ls-Clark-That the Clerk ^J ••^'^"'^"' ^ ^^â- ^"gh""^ the d.str instructed to subscribe to the Mu- ed ing of C. Pedlar. The members are asked . ^ij possesses about the best collection to bring their husbands and families. 1 ,,,f antiques in Peel county, and it was Ladies to bring lunch. | ^hjig j,^ ^^d left off polishing and â-  ' gone to the wood fire near by that the ALCOHOL LAMP EXPLODED. ^ accident happened. Unknowingly hei ' had spilled gasoline along his coat .A very regrettable accident oc-|slee%-e and it ignited quickly as he: cured last week to Dr. .A. M. Canm-iwas replenishing the fire with wood.' bell in his dental office in the Per- With presence of mind he smothered kins block. .After having extinguish-, the flames and rushing to his neigh- ed the flame in his alcohol lamp for bor wa*: given attention by Mr. and. the purpose of refilling it.while doing Mrs. John Bennett. Dr. Smith, Bramp- '; so it exploded, it being thought there ton, was called and dressed his badly j must have stiM been enough heat in it burned arm and hand. ' to kindle the flame. His right hand AGENCY FOR Massey Harris Implements INSUR-ANCE WRITTEN IN SEVER.AL COMPANIES ON ' BOTH F.ARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. and arm were so badly burned that the doctors expect as a result it will ; be necessar>- to amputate the two fin- gers at the second joint. He was taken to the hospital at Owen Sound and later went to the Toronto general hospital for t)ie best advice from s])ec- ialists, in the hope of saving his fin- . gers. General sympathy is extended , to Dr. Campbell in this, one of the , worst misfortunes which could happen â-  to a dentist, the loss of the use of his | ri'jht hand. â€" Wiarton Echo. ! John Wright FLESHERTON Advertise in The .Advance BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L P.\RLORS 122-124 .\venue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R: Maddocks. marly a resident of Stone's Line, j nicipal World for each member of the who passed away in the hospital Council, the Treasurer. Assessor and THE OLDEST INHABIT.AKT. at Brantford. were brought on the noon train on Friday and laid to rest in the Flesherton cemetery beside her husband, who predeceased her 24 years ago. She leaves thre sons e,ind five daughters to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. Dr. Roy Fletcher of Toronto, Will of the West and Norman of B. C. Kate, Bertha, Edna, Sadie and Jennet. The community extends its sincere symp- athy. M.r Prosser. Ceylon pastor of- ficiated at the grave. The oasket was covered with lovely tributes of sympathy. TENDERS FOR WOOD. Tenders are asked for supplying 20 cords of hardwood for Flesherton pub- lic .school, maple or beech body wood. Send offers to Fred Stuart. Flesh- erton. It might be worth while if Road Superjntendent Clark. â€" Carried. , persons who are always lookir Grummet â€" Clarkâ€" That all sub-ov- ! the "oldest man or woman erseers of Highwaj's be requested tolwei-e to giv? a little thought attend the next regular meeting at 1 what it means when they fi:- ' 2 p.m. I an individual. Edwards-Morrison â€" That the Clerk i Merely as an object of inte» notify this Council of any officers \ oldest inhabitant deserves r ^ who have failed to take and sub- j comment than the tallest n: sKribe to the statutory declaration stingiest woman or the mo ^ of office, and further, that those who j chievous boy. These are tf.^its: ov fail to comply within the specified i fbaracteristics which brir. : little time shall automatically be roliev- credit to him or to the comm -nity. ed of their ofice and another person' It is fulness of life we wi*-". not appointed in their stead. 1 mere length, fortunate indet The following By-Laws were read whose years cover a long > the required number of times, signed , ''^e* t>ut more fortunate still and sealed. ; who can make these years coi â- >se for ^g" to iueh t the more , the mis- he of he " for s.®©9©-^e$®«@©®®®«©«*^«&®®®®«-^^«i®^^^'«*®*-*^'^'^®^'^®'^ Mr. Farmer:- Are you making all the money you can possibly « make? We want to prove to you that a very small | investment will make a big difference. { TENDERS WANTED. Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Jan. 25th, for 20 cords of green maple and beech wood, 18 inches long, to be delivered to S.S. No. 8. Artemesia. by the fir.<t of March. 1028. â€" GEO. R. BLACKBURN. Sec. -Treas. R.R. 3, Flesherton. No. 1 â€" .Appointing Dou,rald Steph- something in service to his < !low- j ' ens .Assessor. | i^'-en. We do not begrudge t" > old ' j No. 2â€" A. J. Cnaron nnd Alex. Mc- ' '** inhabitant the years ho h;. - ac- j 1 Intyre .Auditors. cumulated. But the individuals who j j No. 3â€" W. C. Kdwanls Member of *<'^'^ <•> «'"l'*t our interest in him ( Board of Htalth. ; <^«"'d more easily get it if we c. -ild : No. 4â€" A-^r. lilting Ai-chie Mclnnes ^^^^ ^''a' they were not unmindful of' S. A. Arno'^ 0. H. Burke and Harry J^e wonls of the poet: | Hannon s 'no! •ttendance officers. "^'^ ''^''^ '" deeds, not years; 1 No. 6â€" Aprointing Commissioners. thoughts, not bivath.o; No. <^ Ar.i;o':iting Sub-Oversecers. ^" feelings, not in figures on a dial." No. 7- .V'J'h-vizingthei borrowing of â€"Exchange. $ 1 200.00 .After '^•' r>!i'!sing of accounts the Atterd the c«mi\-al and hockey Council ad.ii->urned to reassemble at "'^t*"*^ '" ^^« Flesherton rink this Feversliam on SatuHday. flebruaiy P^'day ni«ht. "\"ou will enjoy your- nth at 10 a.m. ^^•^'^«- 9 9 (A fi» m f POULTRY I PANACEA g Guarnteed to make S them healthy I HEAVE I POWDER ^ Also for acute and ® chronic coughs, and § bronchitis, etc. « 9 9 â- â€¢'A 9 9 INSTANT LOUSE KILLER Also kills ticks, etc. ROUP TABLETS Also for diphtheria and all catarahal diseases of fowl WHITE DIARRHOEA TABLETS FOR CHICKS STOCK TONIC For horses, cattle hogs and sheep A Conditioner and Worm expeller. AND Remember Every One is a Dr. Hess Product W J. STEWART & SONS, Flesherton 99999$^$94^99<S}@®®^^®^'^^'®^^^®^^^^^^^^^^^^^®^^^^^^ ft,-. .•>-

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